Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019.
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WOMEN FARMER’S RESPONSIVENESS TO CLIMATE CHANGE ISSUES IN KOGI STATE OF NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Dr. Lawal Mohammad Anka & Dr Sani HamzaThe Study Examines & Assess the level of knowledge, effects and observable facts, techniques to climate change issues among Women Farmers in Lokoja Local Government Area in Kogi State of Nigeria. A total of 180 sample size was selected divided into three wards using simple random Methods. Interview was conducted in the Study Area to obtain Satisfactory results. Data was analyzed using the relevant Staistical tools & Techniques to draw up Conclusions.
Why employees leave the Organization when they are doing reasonably well?[Full-Text ] Leena GeorgeEmployee attrition is the reduction of staff by voluntary or involuntary reasons. These can be through natural means like retirement, or it can be through resignation, termination of contract, when an employee is terminated as a result of disciplinary procedure or when a company decides to make a position redundant. An employee deciding to leave work or resign when one is doing reasonably well can be understood.
The Qualitative analysis the role of local government in planning and implementation of quality education in light of Sindh Government Local ordinance 2013, study of district Umerkot[Full-Text ] Abdul Razzaque BhuttoEducation is a tool without which one cannot succeed in any occupation. Education for all is a global movement led by UNESCO to cater out of school children problem. Pakistan’s constitution article 25-A reveals that state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children. After 18th amendment in the constitution, the provincial assembly of Sindh passed the SLGO-2013 and its article 140 (A) reiterates as each province shall, by law, establish a local government system and devolve political, administrative, and financial responsibility and authority to the elected representatives of the local governments.
ON THE STRUCTURES OF S-SEMIGROUP[Full-Text ] Dogondaji A. M, Liman U. M and Nura S.YIn this paper, we provide a new structure of a locally associative algebraic structures that posses the properties of both left almost semigroup and right almost semigroup. A homomorphism function is defined on the new structure which helped to establish that every -Semigroup is left nuclear or right nuclear square.
Seabed Mapping of a section of Ethiope River in Oghara, Delta State, Nigeria Using Acoustic Techniques[Full-Text ] Sika, Orupabo and Ogaluzo, C. JamesThis study was conducted in Ethiope West Local Government Area of Delta State. The aim of the study is to produce a chart showing the depth variations and possible obstruction on the seabed. The research used acoustic technique. Global positioning System DGPS was used to determine the geospatial position of obstructions on the seabed. The echo sounder was used to determine the depth variations while the side scan sonar in conjunction with the other equipment was used to scan the seabed for obstructions.
Modification of Standard Penetration Test System[Full-Text ] Pooja Vilas SaindaneDetermination of strength of soil is the basic parameter prior to the planning and design of the foundation which is one of the major component of any structure. The Standard Penetration Test is useful for determining the strength of the soil in terms of its bearing Capacity. It also gives the disturbed sample of soil which may be used to examine the soil type and its index properties such as water content, specific gravity, etc.
THE GEO-ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY SURVEY IN JALINGO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF NORTHERN TARABA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Nyagba B.B, Drambi J.S, Ahile J. A, Hiar G. NThe Geo-electrical Resistivity survey in Jalingo Local Government Area in the Northern Taraba State, Nigeria was carried out with the aim to tackle Water Scarcity problem so as to improve portable water supply with the following objectives: to explore Geo electrical resistivity method; vertical electrical sounding (VES) method in particular to analyses geo-electrical parameters to the subsurface layering in terms of apparent resistivity, thicknesses, depths to the aquifer as tool attempting to evaluate ground water potentials in the study area.
Critical Success Factors of Reverse Logistics (RL) in Construction and Pharmaceutical sector in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Engr.Adnan Saeed, Muhammad Adnan In this paper, critical success factors of reverse logistics in Pharmaceutical and construction industries are discussed during the process of returning of expired medicines and multiple items in construction or during demolishing i.e. cement, bricks, paints, wises, pipes etc. Studies are conducted in the areas of planning of reverse logistics (RL) including risk, effects of customer relationship management (CRM), role of information technology (IT), Inventory management process, Re-Engineering for any value addition and disposal of items are observed.
Implementation of Poly propylene glycol (PPG) for decreasing allergic function and given UV protection on human body through Textile process as a block polymer[Full-Text ] Sourav Kumar DasPoly propylene glycol(PPG) usually used mostly in pharmaceuticals industry.In this paper I attempted to put into effect of Poly propylene glycol at textile process.PPG end uses in this article will show as UV light protection and allergic reaction protective. The high energy light rays of UV light are able to cause chemical changes within the DNA molecules, changing their chemical structure and breaking bonds.When this happens, it can lead to skin cancer,high amounts of UV exposure is a leading risk factor for the development of skin cancer.In this experiment i used one bath of process instead of two bath process which save energy and time.
A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding iron deficiency anaemia and its prevention during pregnancy among antenatal mothers in a selected hospital at Hoshangabad district[Full-Text ] Sheelamma MA Anaemia is the most common condition prevalent in most part of the world and a major cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in malaria endemic areas. In pregnancy, anaemia has a significant impact on the health of the fetus as well as of mothers. Womanhood is the period in a female's life after she passes through childhood and adolescence, generally age 18.
Critical Success Factors in Small and Medium Enterprise ERP Implementations[Full-Text ] Justin GoldstonOrganizational leaders have increasingly turned to enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications, also known as decision-support systems, to make their firms’ operational, tactical, and strategic processes more efficient and effective in the changing global marketplace. High failure rates in ERP systems implementations make these projects risky, however.
A detemined way for detection of Brain Tumor Using Morphological operations and PSVM Classifier[Full-Text ] Shruthishree S.H , Dr.Harshvardhan TiwariBrain is highly specialized organ which helps as control center for functions of the body. Tumor is quick uncontrolled growth of cells. MRI imaging plays an important role in brain tumor analysis and diagnosis. Two dimensional MRI images are used to process and identify tumor region. MRI images are generally degraded with different types of noise.
FORCASTING MODEL ON HIV INFECTIONS[Full-Text ] Ilo H.O, Obanla O.James, Hassan F.AThis paper work is on HIV infection forcasting since the increase in the rate of recorded cases of HIV/AIDS in Adolodo-ota Local Government, Ogun State. The Box –Jenkins methods are used to analyse the problem . the statistical software used to analyse it are MINTAB and R Statistical Package. The findings shows that there is an increase in the number of HIV Patients for some period of time but later exhibit a decreasing pattern.
Diversity of Araceae in Mixed Deciduous Forest at Khlong Wang Chao National Park, Thailand[Full-Text ] Oraphan Sungkajanttranon, Somchai Wichiankanyarat, Surachai Pokamanee, Dokrak MarodAraceae species were surveyed and studied in mixed deciduous forest (MDF) by strip plot method, 50 plots, size 10 m x 10 m, along the two nature trails in Khlong Wang Chao National Park, Kamphaeng Petch Province in north-central Thailand from May 2018 to February 2019, along Khlong Wang Chao Waterfall Nature Trail, at 220-290 meters above mean sea level (m amsl), and Khlong Samow Klauy Waterfall Nature Trail at 220-300 m amsl.
Magnitude and Associated Factors of Under Nutrition among Pregnant Women in Malga District, Southern Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Amelo Bolka GujoBackground: Maternal nutrition remained a public health problem and a major cause of maternal and under-five children morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia but literature is scarce in the country. The aim of this study was to determine the magnitude and associated factors of undernutrition among pregnant women attending antenatal care in Malga District, Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia.
Future of Nanotechnology Applications in Science and Engineering: A Review[Full-Text ] Bathula Sai ShanthanThe nano technology served for impressively revise, numerous innovations, even reform, as well as segments of industry: transportation, country security, prescription, natural science, vitality, data innovation, and etc. The present nanotechnology get control over topical headway in science, material science, biotechnology and materials science to make prominently new materials having one of a kind characteristics in light of the fact that this kind of structure is found using the nanometer scale. The present paper outlines the different utilizations of nanotechnology in coming years.
New Product Systems in Construction Chemicals and its Role in B2B Branding of Indian Start Ups[Full-Text ] Milind GokhaleThe paper aims to investigate the driving factors influencing the role of new product branding in B2B market for start-up organizations in construction chemical. Construction chemicals are playing significant role than before to meet the demands of durability, high strength, sustainability and economy and of hi-tech infrastructures that are remodeling new modern structures today. The paper identifies the driving factors from numerous market research studies into new product development’s performance in construction chemical sector.
Assessment of the Fit of Different Versions of Global Geopotential Models Over a Micro-environment Using GPS/Leveling Data[Full-Text ] Abiye Eli, Dagogo M. J. Fubara, and Lawrence HartThis work focuses on the assessment of the fit of different versions of Global Geopotential Models over a Micro-Environment based on comparisons of geoid undulations that are computed from the global geopotential models (GGMs) and the GPS/leveling data using kriging interpolation for the evaluations with a decay distance of 50km to restrict which block is included in the neighborhood analysis results to avoid excessive extrapolation away from the data. Root Mean Square Error statistical tool was employed to test the reliability of the results obtained in this study.
Cementum Regeneration: How Far Have We Come?[Full-Text ] Ayesha SiddiqaGingivitis is a prevalent disease which is characterized by swollen and bleeding gums [5]. If left untreated, it can lead to the destruction of the supporting framework of the tooth called the bone-periodontal ligament-cementum complex or periodontal complex [6]. Inflammation of this complex is called periodontitis which if not halted results in lose or lost teeth [6].
Physicochemical characterization of industrial and artisanal honeys in morocco[Full-Text ] Tlemcani I, Bouchamma E,Bouayad K, Idrissi Z, Errachidi F, Benkhedda Z, Agour A, Haloti S, El Ghadraoui L.This study made it possible to obtain scientific data on the physicochemical characteristics of industrial and artisan honeys from Morocco. Physico-chemical parameters, such as pH, acidity, water content, reducing sugars, polyhenols content, measured revealed the quality of honeys sold in Morocco.
Marine Environmental Control Strategies for Underwater Blasting Works in Sepetiba Bay, Brazil[Full-Text ] Paulo Couceiro, Eraldo FlorencioThe rise of environmental concerns demands effective measures to control and mitigate undesired impacts in infrastructure projects. In the case of hard-rock dredging works, where underwater blasting techniques are needed, the presence of sensitive structures and protected environmental areas are conditional factors for sustainable design of the works.
The Roles of Bank of Agriculture (BOA), Bauchi State in the Provision of Financial Support to Rice Farmers in Bauchi Local Government Area of Bauchi State[Full-Text ] Kingsley Offor, Mustapha Isah & Lawan GarbaA strong and efficient agricultural sector has the potential to enable a country feed its growing population, generate employment, earn foreign exchange and provide raw materials for industries. Aside the problem of poor access to land and modern technology, the major bane of Nigeria agricultural development commonly cited in the literature is low investment or credit facility and other agricultural facilities like pesticides, improved seeds and fertilizers.
Implementation of Lean Six Sigma in the Yarn Manufacturing: a case study[Full-Text ] Tarek M. IbrahimThe purpose of this study is to explore the implementation of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) project in the textile industry as a case study. Meanwhile, the literatures in the field of Lean Six Sigma and its implementation in the manufacturing industry and especially in the Textile industry have been explored.
ON Fuzzy soft Baire spaces[Full-Text ] DIVYAPRIYA.S, E.POONGOTHAI Some new concepts of Baireness in fuzzy soft topological spaces are introduced, and their characterizations and properties are investigated in this work. In continuation of earlier work fuzzy soft nowhere dense set we further investigate several properties and characterizations of fuzzy soft Baire spaces.
INTERACTIONS/DYNAMICS BETWEEN EMPLOYEE WELLBEING AND ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] Olaiya, Temitope. O., Falebita, Oluwabunmi. A.Every organization strives to be successful and remain successful, however, if their employees are not in a good state of health, this may likely prevent the organization from achieving a successful performance. The major objective of this study is to explore how excessive work can affect the wellbeing of the employee and in turn affect the performance of the organization.
Solutions in Integers for the Quadratic Diophantine Equation w^2-6z^2+ 8w-24z-24 = 0[Full-Text ] Manju Somanath, Bindu V.A, Radhika DasThe polynomial solutions of Diophantine equation D: w^2-?6z?^2+8w-24z-24=0 is considered in Z(x). A few recurrence relations and some formulae among the solutions (w_n,z_n) is also discussed in detail.
Computer Vision Based Tumor Detection using MRI Images[Full-Text ] Prof. Mrunalinee Patole, Sonali Ghodake, Vaishali Rakde, Mrunal Salunke, Pooja MalageBrain is one of the most important organs in the human body that controls the actions of all the body parts. Recognition of brain tumor using Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a difficult task because of complexity of size and location variability. Today it affecting many people worldwide, that is caused due to the abnormal growth of cells inside the brain cranium which limits the functioning of the brain.
The role of advertising in small business development and learning and economic development in Kosovo[Full-Text ] PhD Candidate Shpresa MehmetiThe main objective of this paper is to study the impact of the relationship between advertising and SME development and economic development in general. The data of this study are based on the method of primary data collected through the survey method with representatives of some enterprises in Kosovo (mainly in the Pristina region), while these field data were analyzed through SPSS statistical software.