Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019.
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Application of Inter-firm Information Systems in Supply Chain Management[Full-Text ] Md . Hasnain Ahamad, Md.Shariful Islam, Md. Tanvin Hossain OviThe objective of this study was to identify the drivers to use inter-firm information systems (IS) in Supply Chain Management (SCM). For conducting this study, required primary data were collected from 10 business organizations in order to achieve the objectives of this study. It was found that proposed three categories such as transaction processing, supply chain planning and collaboration, and order tracking and delivery coordination represent well the different types of inter-firm IS uses in SCM.
CULTURING AND GROWTH REQUIREMENT OF ASPERGILLUS NIGER[Full-Text ] Habiba Danjuma MohammedAspergillus niger, a common soil borne fungus is industrially important and utilized in the field of biotechnology and food microbiology. It is enormously cultured in large scale due to its positive significance in production of biofuels, chemicals and enzymes such as alpha-amylase, lipases, and proteases in the production of citric acid.
AN INNOVATIVE TECHNIQUE FOR CONTRAST ENHANCEMENT OF IMAGES USING NORMALIZED GAMMA-CORRECTED CONTRAST-LIMITED ADAPTIVE HISTOGRAM EQUALIZATION FOR FACIAL EMOTION RECOGNITION[Full-Text ] NIZVIN R MOHAMED, DR PRIYA S, MRS JAYSREE KFacial Emotion Recognition is an emerging field in research. Emotion recognition system discussed here is based on the movements of muscles beneath the face called action units. But a proper pre-processing is required to attain a high accuracy rate to classify emotions. A well engineered Convolution Neural Network is proposed in this paper which recognises emotions through action units(AUs).
Evaluation of Shale Volume and Effective Porosity from Wire Line Logs in ‘Watty’ Field, Niger Delta, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Thomas A. Harry, Nsidibe I. AkataWell log data from three wells were evaluated for shale volume and effective porosity. Well log data were obtained from gamma ray, neutron, density, resistivity, sonic and caliper logs. This study aimed at using Larionov and Archie equations to evaluate the shale volume and effective porosity using the well log data obtained from three wells. The results of the analysis depict the presence of sand, sand-shale and shale formations.
PROSPECT EVALUATION OF ‘NSID’ FIELD, NIGER DELTA PROVINCE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Nsidibe I. AkataHydrocarbon reservoir beds have been delineated using direct hydrocarbon indicator on seismic sections as well as well logs data to evaluate the prospects in Nsid Field, Onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria. Well log suites from five wells and 3D seismic volume across the study area, were used for this study.
ORGANIC GEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND SOURCE ROCK EVALUATION OF SHALES AROUND GBOKO, MIDDLE BENUE TROUGH, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Nsidibe I. AkataThe Lower Cretaceous Shales in Gboko were sampled in 20 locations and analyzed for their organic content and, evaluated for source rock potential. The results showed that the Total Organic Carbon test (TOC) ranged from 0.5 to 1.2 %, the Soluble Organic Matter (SOM) ranged from 53 to 11,656 ppm, Saturated Hydrocarbon Content (SHC) ranged from 2 to 3043ppm while Carbon Preferences Index (CPI) ranged from 0.9 to 1.2%.
Reservoir Geological Study of Etema Field, SE Niger Delta, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nsidibe I. Akata, Thomas A. HarryThis study was carried out to assess the quality of sand units and hydrocarbon potentials in Etema Field, South-Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria. Data used for the study were principally a suite of wireline logs and seismic data from the field. The study involved wireline logs correlation of the sand units and, seismic interpretation of the Base Qua Iboe Shale unconformable surface and top of the most laterally continuous sand unit in the field.
Sequence Stratigraphy of Emi Field, South-Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nsidibe I. Akata, Thomas A. HarryDetailed seismic facies and well-log characteristics analyses combined with biostratigraphic and lithologic data, seismic reflection profiles and sequence stratigraphic techniques, provided the framework to unravel the sequence stratigraphy of Emi Field, South-Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria.
Automatic Ackermann steering parking using fuzzy logic[Full-Text ] Simbarashe Charekwa, Zhifei Wu, Muhammad Yousaf Iqbal, Usman AliThe simulation of the autonomous self-parking car model is introduced in this paper. The system uses a fuzzy logic controller in monitoring the car into a parking spot. The industrial growth of the world which has led to the increase in the number of automobiles on the streets throughout the world has caused a lot of parking related problems. The slow-paced city planning has increased the problem even more.
THE LAW OF MOTION[Full-Text ] Nrusingh Charan MohapatraA body is at motion, as long as the applied force on it , converts to the centripetal force as well as the centrifugal force .
Glycated hemoglobin health management for the patients with diabetes mellitus type 2[Full-Text ] Elvira Ðozo, Nusret Salkica, Amela Begic, Bosanko Horozic, Belma Tukic, Halil Corovic, Safet HadžimusicIntroduction: Glycated hemoglobin is non-enzymatic compound of the glucose and hemoglbin used for tracking of the diabetes metabolic control. Diabetes increses risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) for 2 to 3 times, stroke 3 to 4 times and peripheral arterial disease for 2 to 4 times.
Existences solution of Nonlinear Functional Integral Equation of Fractional order[Full-Text ] P.M.More, Dr. B.D. KarandeIn this we study Existences solution of Nonlinear Functional integral equation of fractional order Solution in Banach space of real function defined continuous bounded on an unbounded intervals by using Schunder Fixed point theorem.
Deep analysis of Heart-Failure treatment, New Drugs but Old Practice (DAO-HFT)[Full-Text ] Dr.Taram Asghar, Dr.Sana IqbalNew drugs and devices have emerged for the management of heart failure. Fortunately, there is also clear evidence to guide our decision-making. Heart failure: from research to clinical practice", a collection of selected reviews, which comes out also as a book, covers essentially all important aspects of heart failure, including the pathogenesis, clinical features, biomarkers, imaging techniques, medical treatment and surgical treatments, use of pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators, and palliative care.
Hypothetical Exploration on Generative Adversarial Networks[Full-Text ] Kalpana Devi Bai. Mudavathu, Dr.M.V.P. Chandra Sekhara RaoTo train any neural networks and to design a classifer we need huge datasets in the same domain
Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Lagoon Hospitals, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Bamidele Johnson Alegbeleye, Akinoso Olujimi Coker, Jerome OheneBACKGROUND: The first laparoscopic procedures were performed well for over thirty years in Europe. Mostly, these in-clude appendectomy and cholecystectomy. However, in Nigeria and other developing countries, the practice commenced only recently and with encouraging results in many centers. Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) in the low resource setting remains controversial. We audit the procedures; highlight the cost-saving technique, and the practical skills transfer model for laparoscopic appendectomy performed at Lagoon Hospitals in Lagos, Nigeria.
Dual nature in speed and existence of light[Full-Text ] Mohammad SaadAccording James C. Maxwell speed light is constant. Further on this Albert Einstein developed his Special and General theory of relativity, which says the faster we move through space, the slower we move through time. He also gave formula’s on time dilation, length contraction etc.
SEGMENTATION TECHNIQUES IN IMAGE PROCESSING TO DETECT MELANOMA[Full-Text ] Ramya Srikanteswara, Ramachandra A CMelanoma is a type of cancer that is fatal in nature. More than ninety five percent of the affected people can be saved through early detection and treatment. Technological advancements have led to computerized systems aiding in various methods to diagnose cancer.
COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY OF ALUMINIUM AND MILD STEEL BOLTED AND RIVETED JOINTS[Full-Text ] V.C Ikeh, A. K Oyinlola & J.O AkindapoA comparative analysis of load carrying capacity of aluminium and mild steel bolted and riveted joints have been investigated in this work. Sample specimens were produced comprising of riveted lap joints, riveted butt joints, bolted lap joints and bolted butt joints from aluminium alloy and mild steel.
THE INFLUENCE OF EFFECT FLOW RATE AND TOTAL TIME PROVIDES IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF WASTE LIQUID INDUSTRY WASTE[Full-Text ] Nyoman Sri Widari, Agung RasmitoThe industry of making tempe very much produces liquid waste that comes from the process of soaking soybeans, boiling, washing and stripping the skin. Untreated liquid organic waste can have a negative impact on the environment because it is degraded by microorganisms, causing smell bad. To avoid this, the liquid waste before being discharged into the river needs to be treated first.
Assessment of Deep Well Water Quality In Owena Osun Market[Full-Text ] S.O. Oladejo, A.L. Adisa and P.O. AkandeWater isa vital resource for human survival and economic development, sourcesincluderivers, streams, springs, boreholes and deep wells.Geometric population increase and economic growth, increases water demand while the availability remain sunstable both in quantity and quality.These callformonitoring,management and maintenance of the available ones. This study examined well waterquality in Owena Ijesa market using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science.
The Influence of Investment Decisions, Earnings Management and Free Cash Flow on the Financial Performance of Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange[Full-Text ] Dra. Ec. Hartati Kanty Astuti TD, MMManagers as managers of the company know more about internal information and prospects of the company in the future than investors. As a manager, managers are required to disclose information about financial statements that can be used by various parties, including the management of the company itself specifically to measure financial performance. Financial performance is the company's benchmark in making a profit. Company profits are obtained through managers who can run the company effectively and efficiently.
Health Facility Influencing People's Participation in Health Insurance Scheme; a Case of Changunarayan Municipality, Nepal[Full-Text ] Bhagwan Aryal, Shova Gharti, Anup AdhikariHealth insurance (social health security) is a social protection program of the Government of Nepal that aims to enable its citizens to access quality health care services without placing a financial burden on them; however, people in Nepal are still not interested in the health insurance scheme to the expected level. A mixed type study was carried out in Changunarayan municipality of Nepal to identify the factors influencing the participation of the community in the scheme.
Intercultural Training in Language Learning: A Reflective Approach[Full-Text ] Dr Zineb DjoubUsing language efficiently within an EFL context is no more equated with linguistic or grammatical accuracy, but it has to do more with understanding and producing language that is appropriate to communicative situations in accordance with specific sociocultural parameters. Within this concern, developing students’ intercultural skills has become a major educational goal and an issue of inquiry and debate. Indeed, the question that remains to be addressed is how to equip students with the necessary intercultural skills that can help them communicate efficiently via different cross-cultural situations.
DEMOCRACY ELECTION VIOLENCE CONFLICT IN NIGERIA: A CASE STUDY OF THE FOURTH REPUBLIC[Full-Text ] Arch Ahmad Tijjani Usman, Engr Shehu Mohammed SaniNigerian fourth republic has been marred with varying forms of electoral violence and since inception has been a reoccurring phenomenon. Tis research is focused on the causes of electoral violence in Nigeria especially the fourth republic, reason why it persists and how these menace can be curbed from the Nigerian electoral system.
Virulence of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) on Tribolium castaneum (Tenebrionidae: Coleoptera)[Full-Text ] Muslimin Sepe, Itji Diana Daud, Ahdin Gassa, FirdausTribolium castaneum is one of the pests that can cause serious damage and great losses on products in the warehouse. Beauveia bassiana is one of the entomopathogenic fungi that can be used to control T. castaneum. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the type of growth media and the level of concentration on the mortality of T. castaneum. Application tests were carried out with 3 types of media, namely PDA, rice and corn media, while dilution was carried out at 5 media dilution levels, namely 104, 105, 106, 107, and 108 at a dose of 3 mL (5 times spray/repetition).
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF STRUCTURED TEACHING PROGRAMME ON KNOWLEDGE OF III YR B.SC NURSING STUDENTS REGARDING ASSESSMENT OF ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS ANALYSIS AND ITS INTERPRETATION IN SELECTED NURSING COLLEGES AT DAVANGERE[Full-Text ] Mr. Veerabhadra.B Badiger, Mr.Nagaraj M.SunagarIn modern era caring becomes accountability in health care settings need to be well knowledge to provide quality care and satisfy the needs of patient. An arterial blood gas analysis is a blood test that is performed using blood from an artery. Blood gas analysis is often used to identify the specific acid–base disturbance and the degree of compensation that has occurred.
Modelling and Simulation of Photo Voltaic Array[Full-Text ] Tariku Negash DemissieThe purpose of this research paper was modeling and simulation of the photovoltaic system that to show the effect of different temperature and solar irradiance on the PV array by using MAT LAB software. As a result, showed that the simulation analysis on the short circuit current ISC was linearly proportional to the solar radiation over a wide range and when the radiation intensity is low (and thus also the photocurrent, Iph), and the current had its maximum at the short-circuit point, the voltage is zero and thus the power is also zero.
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modeling on Piled-Raft Foundation[Full-Text ] EvelynPiled-raft foundation is a combination of pile foundation and raft foundation. Capacity of piled-raft foundation used both pile capacity and raft capacity. However, in design piled-raft foundation is always assumed that all load is carried by pile. Even though, the raft has a contribution to carried load in reality.
Study of population and breeding habitat of Gypus genus and Neophron percnepterus at Chittorgarh Fort, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India[Full-Text ] Nadim Chishty, Narayan Lal ChoudharyVultures are important scavengers and they provide ecological, economic and aesthetic value. Their presences are recorded around dead animal dumping yards in Village, cities and natural habitat. All vulture species are mainly feed on the small & large size wild and domestic animals, they mainly feed on domestic animals like- cow, buffaloes, goat and sheep. During study period (December 2017 to July 2018) nine nests of long-billed vulture (Gypus indicus) & eight nests of Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnepterus) were observed at Chittorgarh fort and fourteen nest of Neophron percnepterus was observed on trees in surrounding of study area.
Robust polytopic LPV based Adaptive Cruise Control design for Autonomous Vehicle System[Full-Text ] Ahmad Abubakar, Kabiru Ibrahim Dahiru, Sulaiman Haruna Sulaiman, Hamza MustaphaThis paper studies the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) of longitudinal control of autonomous vehicle. The time-varying nonlinear dynamic of the longitudinal cruise control is translated into a Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) system via a Quasi-LPV approximation techniques to form a polytope, taking into consideration vehicle and road uncertainties.
Ecological Design Approaches in Mosque Architecture[Full-Text ] H. Derya ArslanEcological buiding design has been on the agenda for the last two decades with the rapid increase of industrialization and the subsequent environmental pollution. Today, the decrease in energy resources and the orientation towards renewable energy sources have become an important parameter for ecological design. Ecological building design, especially in developed countries, especially schools, housing, museums, etc. as well as quite different types of structures.