Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019.
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ANALYTICAL MODEL FOR ANTI-CORROSIVE COATING FOR SUBSEA SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] Ogunlere Olayinka, Franklin OkoroSimilar to every subsea system, anticorrosive coatings require to be designed for optimum durability and performance since intervention in deep waters is highly economically and technically unviable. A very important part of the design of coating systems is in choosing a material that yields optimum corrosion protection performance. For decades, coating material selection greatly depends on the outcomes of experimental aging investigations
Production Inventory Model with Shortages for Deteriorating Items with Two Uncertain Rates of Deterioration[Full-Text ] M.Maragatham, R.Ananthi, J. JayanthiIn this paper, a continuous production inventory model for deteriorating items with shortages is studied, in which two different rates of deterioration is considered. Production is started with one rate of deterioration; in due course of time as the production increases we have another rate of deterioration.
Tournament Selection by Segmentation[Full-Text ] Egbenimi Beredugo EskcaSeveral attempts to find a suitable approximation to the travelling sales person(TSP) problem have resorted to the use of meta heuristic optimization techniques to obtained a practical solution within an acceptable time frame. The Genetic algorithm(GA) is one of the most frequently used evolutionary algorithms in application of meta heuristics
COUPLED GROUNDWATER SIMULATION-OPTIMIZATION MODELLING OF AGRARIAN SUB-CATCHMENT[Full-Text ] A.O. IbejeThe numerical groundwater flow model, MODFLOW, was used to solve the 3-D groundwater flow equations and the results were input for the optimization of groundwater withdrawal. The groundwater model was applied at Awarra community in Ohaji-Egbema L.G.A. of Imo State.
Review on Modelling Flow Through Porous Type Regenerators[Full-Text ] Anjali Pokkalath, Sanjay U BokadeThe objective of this paper will be to review empirical parameters in modelling Stirling cycle regenerators using modelling tools like ANSYS Fluent. A porous media flow analysis is considered for study. The porous-media model in ANSYS Fluent is an equilibrium model, which assumes that the solid matrix and the fluid are in thermal equilibrium at each spatial location within the porous medium. Input Properties such as porosity, thermal conductivities and heat transfer coefficients of Solid and fluid, inertial coefficients are usually available and can be calculated analytically.
COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING (CLT): ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO MALAYSIAN ESL PRIMARY LEARNERS[Full-Text ] Aina Hafizah Zakaria, Parilah Mohd ShahCommunicative Language Teaching (CLT) is seen to be a potential approach to language teaching as it focuses on developing pupil’s communicative skills in the target language in meaningful contexts especially when the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has been officially introduced in Malaysian primary and secondary education since 2013. However, after six years of learning English through CLT, primary school pupils’ English proficiency level is still below par.
Numerical Study of Embankment Sliding on Soft Soil Using Finite Element Method[Full-Text ] Audosira NoahEmbankments work may face a problem if it stands on relatively soft soil layer. Failure of embankment induced by soft soil layer may result in a sliding of the embankment itself. When a sliding happened, the geotehcnical engineer need to redesign the embankment so the project can keep advancing. In this scientific study, the author will conduct a back analysis using Soft Soil with Creep soil modeling on PLAXIS 2D program to determine the residual parameters on the sliding plane which occur in the field and redesign the embankment with improvement.
IMPACT OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES ON SOME SELECTED PARTS OF OGUN RIVER ABEOKUTA, OGUN STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Adekitan, A . A, Olaonipekun S.O, Adejuwon J. O. and Bankole A. O.The problem of getting quality water is increasing as untreated effluents are discharged into surface water bodies. This study aim at assessing the impact of wastes generated from human activities such as Abattoir site, Sawmill, Car Wash, River banks and dumpsites on Ogun river. The Physical, Chemical and Bacteriological parameters were investigated at the Upstream, Point of discharge and Downstream of the river.
A literature review of judging the role of corporate social responsibility in the society[Full-Text ] Salem Al dawsariPurpose: To identify the role of corporate social responsibility, and the evolution of the academic understanding of the concept as the socially conscious environment, employees and customers place a premium on working for and spending their money with businesses that prioritize corporate social responsibility (CSR).
SUSTAINABILITY OF THE ENVIRONMENT: THE IMPACT OF RECYCLING IN OBIO-AKPOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA IN RIVERS STATE[Full-Text ] ODUNZE WISDOM C.N. Ph.D, NWIKPO, JOY LEGBORSIRecycling is greatly felt on both Local and National scale in Nigeria as a central aspect in sustainability and mainly as pro-environmental consumer behavior. The paper assesses the impact of recycling in obio-Akpor local government area.
A Review on Python for Data Science, Machine Learning and IOT[Full-Text ] P.N.Siva jyothi, Rohita YamagantiPython is an object oriented, scripted and interpreted language for both learning and real world programming. Python is a powerful high-level language created by Guido van Rossum. In this paper, we will provide an introduction to the main Python software tools used for Data science, Machine learning techniques and IOT.
Effect of Culture Media and Hormones Combination on Callus Induction of Annona Squamosa L[Full-Text ] Mamta Choudhary, Komal Sharma & Dr. Khushbu VermaThe use of in vitro culture techniques is growing with the importance of keeping the plasma germs of plants safe and securing valuable products of medical and commercial importance. Annona squamosa L. is an economically important species of the West Indies. In the present study,Callus induction was tested on modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) strains with various growth hormones using a young leaf explant of this species. MS has been found to be better at inducing and maintaining callosities when supplemented with growth hormone equal ratio and high Auxin with low Cytokinin ratio.
CITIZENS’ PERCEPTIONS ON THE ROLE OF SME’S IN LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF MUNICIPALITIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO[Full-Text ] Shpresa MehmetiSmall and medium sized companies are numerically the most important part of Kosovo’s national economy. They have a high impact on the general economic growth and development of the country, living standard, fighting unemployment which is the main burden of the country’s general socio-economic systems for the moment etc. This paper strives to provide insides on the perceptions that the general population has when it comes to the role and importance of SME’s to economic growth and development, at a local, municipal level.
MACHINING CHARACTERISTICS ON SURFACE ROUGHNESS OF (ZRO2) REINFORCDED IN (AL-7075) MMC’S[Full-Text ] CH NITHIN CHAKRAVARTHYMetal composites posses significantly improved properties including high tensile strength, hardness, low density and good wear resistance compared to alloys or any other metals.
Comparison between two Stages Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket and Activated Sludge Configuration for Municipal Sewage Treatment[Full-Text ] Dohdoh A. M.This study compares the performance of a pilot-scale Two Stages Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (TSUASB) to that of Activated Sludge Configuration (ASC) for the treatment of municipal sewage. The two examined systems were operated at high hydraulic loading rates (the Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) was reduced from 4.5 to 2.25 and then to 1.5hr). Both systems were operated in parallel with the same influent characteristics.
OPTIMIZATION OF THERMAL SYSTEM OF NAPHTHA HYDRO-TREATING UNIT USING PINCH TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] Dr Aoandona Kwaghger, Prof Jacob Ibrahim, Engr Senate Emusa, Engr Shehu Mohammed SaniOptimization of thermal system of the Naphtha hydro- treating unit (NHU) of Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company Kaduna, Nigeria was carried out using Pinch Technology. The pinch analysis was done using the Heat Integration Software “HINT”.This methodology (Pinch Analysis) is a process integration technique for minimizing the energy costs of a chemical process by reusing the heat energy in the process streams rather than that from outside utilities.
The factors of human resource management affecting the attachment to the organization of staff at Vinalink Logistics Joint Stock Company[Full-Text ] Phan Quan VietThe topic "The factors of human resource management affecting the attachment to the organization of staff at Vinalink Logistics Joint Stock Company" with the main objective is to find the factors of human resource management and determine the influence of those factors on the attachment to the organization of staff at Vinalink Logistics Joint Stock Company.
Study of Interface Behaviour Between Concrete and Clay Shale and Its Effect on The Load Transfer on Bored Pile Foundation[Full-Text ] Cin Hok The, Paulus P. RahardjoClay Shale is hard soil type that is very sensitive to water so that at the lag times between the drilling and concreting in bored pile, the condition of the soil was construction exsposed to water. Shear strength of clay shale depend on the length of lag time, where the soil of the clay shale can loss its shear strength (a loss of shear strength capacity).
BIOMASS PRODUCTION OF LETTUCE (Lactuca sativa L.) UNDER WATER STRESS[Full-Text ] Carlo M. CabilloThis study was conducted to evaluate and determine the effect of water stress (waterlogged and drought) condition on the biomass of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) under protective structure. Potted lettuce plants were established in 3 weeks from transplanting and immediately subjected to water stress condition within 5 days. Plant height, number of leaves, weight and chlorophyll b were significantly influenced by water stress (waterlogged and drought) condition.
DETECTING AND PREVENTING SQL INJECTION[Full-Text ] Mu’awuya Dalhatu, Aliyu Sani Ahmad, Aliyu Umar, Anas Usman Inuwa and Babando Abdulrashid AliyuMost programmers and system administrators depend on invasion detection and prevention tools and strategies to protect their systems against unauthorised access and other online database threats such as a SQL injection. However, the weaknesses, effectiveness and challenges of those tools, strategies or techniques are not really known.
Wear behavior of Al-6061 alloy processed via cyclic extrusion compression (CEC)[Full-Text ] G. El-Garhy, N. El Mahallawy, M. K.ShoukryA recently developed severe plastic deformation technique, cyclic extrusion–compression (CEC), was applied on Aluminum alloy 6061 to investigate the effect of CEC process on the mechanical properties and wear behavior. The samples were processed by CEC up to 6 cycles with a strain of 0.62 per cycle at room temperature, followed by dry sliding wear test using pin-on-disc machine under different time 5, 10, 15, 25, 35 minutes and constant load and speed 5N and 150 rpm respectively.
Face Formation using Deep Learning Approaches[Full-Text ] Deepanshu MehtaIn the last few years, a type of generative model known as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), has achieved tremendous success mainly in the field of computer vision, image classification, speech and language processing, etc. GANs are the models that are used to produce new samples that have similar data distribution as of the training dataset. In recent years, supervised learning with convolutional networks (CNNs) has seen huge adoption in computer vision applications.
PARTIAL REPLACEMENT OF FINE AGGREGATE BY MARBLE POWDER[Full-Text ] Syed Furquan Ahmed, Asrar ul haq, Mohammed Mohiuddin Ejaz.Concrete is the most widely used construction material in civil engineering industry because of its high structural strength and stability. Concrete is a heterogeneous mix of cement, aggregate (coarse and fine aggregate) with suitable amount of waterIn this thesis here we are using marble powder as a supplement to fine aggregate as marble powder is a by-product of metamorphic rocks industries which is generally dumped near the marble processing industries which lead to environmental problems as it easily contaminates air and water.
ELECTROCHEMICAL DETERMINATION OF CAFFEINE IN LAAGEE COFFEE (ETHIOPIA) WITH ELECTROPOLYMERIZATION OF ALIZARIN ON GLASSY CARBON ELECTRODE[Full-Text ] Olbana Itana, Dunkana Negussa, Chala BoruThe electrochemical behavior of caffeine on polyalizarin modified glassy carbon elecrtrode as working electrode has been studied in this paper. Cyclic Voltammetric technique was exploited for investigation of linear dependence of oxidative peak current on caffeine concentration in the range 20 × 10-6 to 1000 × 10-6mol L-1with determination coefficient (R2) and method detection limit (LoD = 3s/slope) of 0.998 and 3.7 x 10-6M, respectively.
Tourism in Ladakh: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges[Full-Text ] Yangchan DolmaLadakh being a geographically arid, dry, and cold rarified has very limited scope for large scale industriali-zation and scarce potentialities for agricultural development. From the three sectors of the economy, service sector mostly dominated by tourism has major contribution in the economy of Ladakh. This paper aims to study tourism as an Industry and its trends, opportunities and challenges.
A Case Report on a Teenager with Uncontrolled Hypertension[Full-Text ] Amna Rasheed, Shaima Sherazi,Afshan Noreen,Iram KhadimClinical presentation and intervention--A 15 year old girl admitted in Tertiary Care Hospital with fatigue and persistent headache. She reported the history of nasal bleeding, nausea, vomiting and raised blood pressure. Her hemoglobin was 11.2 g/dl, TSH level was 3.5 and level of sodium was 148. Provisional diagnose of uncontrolled hypertension was made and the patient was treated with anti-hypertensive drugs.
THE IMPACT OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNANCE ON SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF CIT-IZENS. THE CASE OF HUYE DISTRICT/RWANDA[Full-Text ] Dr Ben Alexandre MPOZEMBIZISome scholars have argued that the enhanced local self-governance of in any nation is a product of good governance, accountability, transparency and trust, which in turn brings about the improvement in the living standard of the people. The implication of this position is that where good governance is absent, accountability of governmental agencies and development in such a society is likely to be affected negatively.
FINANCIAL CONTROL SYSTEM INNOVATIONS AND PAYROLL FRAUD MANAGEMENT IN DEVELOPING ECONOMY[Full-Text ] Adesola Adebayo AKANDEThis article examined accounting control systems and payroll fraud management in developing economy with a view to establish its acceptability by the work force in the face of tits propensity to minimize institutional frauds and related attendant problems. The Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) and Biometrics system were centrally focused. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed with Simple regression statistic and correlation analysis using version 23 of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
Impact and Flexural Properties of Chemically Treatment Date[Full-Text ] Abo-El Hagag A. Seleem, W. W. Marzok, A. M. HashemIn the current decade, Composite materials reinforced using natural fibers have been used in a lot of industrial applications such as aerospace, automobiles, furniture and construction. Natural fiber composites from the annu-ally renewable natural fibers and biodegradable matrices have been developed in the past decade. Since the re-gion of the pharaohs, the date palm trees are used in many a lot of fields such as ropes, scuttle, the boats…etc.
A Study on Motivational Readiness of University Teachers and Government Administrative Officers to be Physically Active[Full-Text ] Md. Robiul Islam, Md. Zafiroul IslamResearch studies have revealed that people of all ages can improve their health by simply participating in moderate level of physical activity and developing a positive attitude towards the documented benefits into their daily routine. Despite the documented benefits, regular participation in physical activities has been lower than the desired level. In most cases the motivation of change for participating in regular physical activities has been limiting this positive attitude to be developed.
DESIGN STUDY OF AN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION GEAR HAVING PLANETARY GEARS[Full-Text ] Engr Shehu Mohammed SaniThis paper gives a detailed description about the working and the components present in an automatic transmission gear using planetary gears in order to ascertain its operating principle as well as efficiency. The automatic transmission device changes gear ratios automatically, according to the increase or decrease in speed and load of the engine.
An Algorithm for Personal Health Information System for Diabetic and Hypertensive Patients[Full-Text ] E. OGALA, O.R. AKOHScience and technology have come to stay in the society and their contributions to almost all fields of human endeavour cannot be overemphasized. In the world today, so many people; both health workers and non-health workers alike tend to look out for a better way of keeping their records. The only thing that is constant to human race is change and we must embrace it with one heart.
Mineralization Potential Assessment of Stream Sediment Geochemical Data Using R-Mode Factor Analysis in Nigeria[Full-Text ] O. O. Awosusi, A. L. Adisa and J. A. AdekoyaStream sediment geochemical data obtained from seventy stream sediment samples from Rivers Iyinsin and Ofosu were subjected to R-mode factor analysis. The two rivers drain an area underlain by migmatite, granite gneiss, coarse porphyritic biotite and biotite – hornblende granites, fine-grained biotite granite and pegmatite.
ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMERCIAL BANK ASSETS: IN CASE UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Rakhmatov Khasanboy UtkirovichThis article examines the development trends of assets of commercial banks in Uzbekistan. The author analyzed the formation and development of asset performance indicators in commercial banks, identified the main factors influencing the efficiency of commercial banks in the country, and the results of the research.
FEATURES OF STATISTICAL METHODS OF FARMS ANALYSING[Full-Text ] Ahmedova Mavluda ShavkatovnaThe article discusses the methods of statistical research of farms. The aim of the study is to develop recommendations and recommendations for improving the analysis of farm activities in the regions and developing econometric models. Criteria for the organization of selective statistical surveys of farms specialized in the production of farm products were improved based on selective representativeness, weights and averages, sampling errors and confidence intervals.
Ways to Reduce Product Cost by Optimizing the Structure of Fibers in Spinning Enterprises[Full-Text ] Yusupov Saidvali ShukrullaevichThis article describes how to reduce production costs by optimizing the content of the fiber mixture in spinning mills. Also, the composition of the fiber mixture includes a mathematical model for reducing the cost of type 1 fiber, based on methods of reducing the cost of production.
ISSUES OF INCREASING FOOD INDUSTRY COMPETITIVENESS IN UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Ibragimov GanijonThe article discusses the issues of increasing competitiveness and further development of the food industry in Uzbekistan. The author has scientifically proven that in order to increase the competitiveness of the national economy, saturate the domestic market with high-quality consumer goods, and ultimately increase the living standards of the population, deep and consistent structural changes are being made in the economy. In addition, the author describes the current stages of the real sector of the economy, the food industry, the implementation of reforms and the development of its analysis of the main trends.
Alveolar bone loss pattern in obese patients A systematic review[Full-Text ] M. EL BOUHAIRI, M. SIDQUI, C. RIFKIThe purpose of this article (systematic review) was to test the assumption that: is there any difference in alveolar bone loss between individuals with ideal weight range and those who are within overweight / obesity, through which mechanism? An independent reviewer performed a literature search across the Cochrane Library, PubMed/ MEDLINE, and Scopus databases for papers listed in from 2009 until November 2019. Twelve articles were selected for review.
Study on Geotechnical Properties of Red Termite Mound Soil[Full-Text ] H.C.Muddaraju, SunitaStudy on Termite mound soil is the new area of study in Geotechnical Engineering, since the termite mound stands steadily without disturbance even after heavy rainfall, indicating that the termite mound soil has higher shear strength and better geotechnical properties than the regular adjacent soil. Hence, if everything goes as predicted above, just by mixing the regular soil with artificial enzyme that has some properties as that of the termite saliva to enhance its behavior in the geotechnical application as a part of stabilization. In the present study, a series of basic index property tests, Light compaction tests, Direct shear tests, unconfined compression tests are performed over the termite mound soil and adjacent soil for red soil. From results it is found that the termite mound soil possess better geotechnical properties than the adjacent soil.
Concealing Multimedia in DNA as a New Paradigm[Full-Text ] Emad S. OthmanInformation and data has become significant asset in present centaury and the way toward giving security is ad-ditionally significant parameter. Such a significant number of ways are available to give security to the data. Cryptography is additionally one of the most significant segments in PC security. There are different number of cryptography calculation of various number of types are accessible. There are such a significant number of de-fects are available in some current regular and old style cryptography systems. So the attackers effectively break the ciphered message and make numerous problems to the approved people.
Smart Bus Transit System with RFID[Full-Text ] Habimana Desire, Dr Niyigena PapiasE-ticketing system plays a larger role in public transport services and mobile commerce with cashless because it reduces the production and distribution costs compared with paper-based ticketing system, and increase customer convenience that providing new and simple ways to buy bus tickets. This paper proposes a new system based on RFID technology, in which each passenger owns a smartcard fitted with an RFID tag.
Novel Method of Color Histogram Equalization: Binding the Colors with Brightness[Full-Text ] Artyom M. Grigoryan, Sos S. AgaianHistogram equalization (HE) is the simplest and most commonly used nonlinear technique to enhance grayscale images. It stretches the image histogram into a uniform histogram and becomes a more difficult task when dealing with color images, because of the need to take into account the correlation between color components, and also the color perception by humans.
FOREIGN EXPERIENCE IN ORGANIZING OF TAX ADMINISTRATION[Full-Text ] Tashmukhamedova Yayra AtkhamovnaThis article deals with the organizational structure of tax authorities in foreign countries, the number of employees, salaries and IT costs, electronic filing of tax returns and tax returns. At the same time, the experience of foreign countries in improving tax administration was studied.
ISSUES OF IMPROVING PRODUCTION LOCALIZATION SYSTEM IN UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Kholbekova FeruzaThe article explores the problems of implementation and localization of production in the Fergana region. The author analyzes changes in the volume of the authorized capital of natural monopoly enterprises of Fergana region in 2011-2016, total revenue, net profit, dividend payments, profitability of sales and liquidity.