Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019.
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Analysis of the Function of Sharia Principles As Legislative Fundament In the Islamic Economic and Banking System[Full-Text ] Salafuddin NoorThe presence of Islamic Economic System through the contribution and function of Sharia Principles in the space of legislation and postivism of Islamic Banking Law, the religious values contained in the Sharia Principles become the mainstay and the main basis in the implementation of Islamic Law policy into the regulations of formal legislation and positive concerns concerning management activities, arrangements and management control of Sharia Banking in Indonesia.
Forward And Inverse Modelling Of Airborne Gravity Data Of Kaltungo And Guyok , Upper Benue Trough, North Eastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nwobodo, A.N., Ikeri H. I. and Chikeleze, P. CThe airborne gravity data of Kaltungo and Guyok, Upper Benue Trough, Nigeria have been successfully interpreted both qualitatively and quantitatively. Regional anomaly was removed from Bouguer gravity to obtain the residual anomaly using polynomial fitting.
Dry seeds of (Phaseolus lunatus) consumed in the South-East of Côte d’Ivoire can thus contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular risks and obesity[Full-Text ] Tchumou Messou, Yapi Grégoire and Wohi manigaPhaseolus lunatus (L.) seeds are characterized by both high energy density and high nutrient density. They provide fibers, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins B, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and polyphenols. Beyond the strict coverage of nutritional requirements, legume seeds, especially pulses, have undeniable health benefits. Due to their low glycemic index, dry pulses are recommended for the management of type 2 diabetes.
Positive Psychology to Overcome Stress and Improve Mental Health[Full-Text ] Gugulothu Rajeshwar (PHD), Prof. V RamchandramPositive Psychology is essentially the science of what makes us happy and well as opposed to what makes us ill and stressed. It's become an important and growing field of psychological research and practice over the last 10 to 20 years, Stress is just a part of life, and the more we understand it and how we respond to it, the better our chances of neutralizing it. There are many ways to cope with stress, though one thing we don’t typically think of when dealing with a troubling or distressing situation is positive emotions.
Status of Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Malda District, West Bengal, India[Full-Text ] Sourav Majumder, Dr.Ashok Kumar Jha‘Arsenic ‘, this word is always a term of concern to us. Ground water arsenic contamination has been found in different parts of the world. It is always not injurious to us if present in permissible amount. Historically arsenic is reported as a poison. Severe arsenic contamination has been reported from west Bengal.
Remittances Inflows and Economic Growth in Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Sub-region[Full-Text ] Stephen E. Ughulu, Abraham O. AgbonkheseThis study examined the effect of remittances inflows on economic growth in ECOWAS sub-region using the fifteen member-countries for the period 2000 to 2016. The study utilized secondary data which were obtained from the World Bank (World Development Index), 2018. Diagnostic tests were carried out to ascertain the reliability and validity of the data set.
Legal risk control assessment on China-USA bilateral investment[Full-Text ] Mahamat Abdramane Goukounia, Li YuqingaChina is one of the most rapidly growing economies of the world. Therefore, we investigate the legal policies and laws governing China's trade with the USA according to a bilateral agreement. ¬Both countries are enjoying Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) but at the same time facing some legal issues. This study focused on the legal issues faced by Chinese and USA investors. In short, the conducted results explained the strong laws and regulatory policies monitoring FDI in China as well as the Laws in the USA, in order to protect the rights of foreign investors and the new entrants.
Visceral Manipulation as a management option for low back pain: A randomized control trial[Full-Text ] Seemab Mughal, Syed Abid Mehdi Kazmi, Qurat Ul Ain AdnanBackground: The projected study was want to explore immediate effects of visceral manipulation as treatment option to improve low back pain. It was a participant blinded trial which was directed in order to explore the immediate effects of visceral manipulation on low back pain in comparison with traditional therapeutic exercises.Methodology: 30 female patients with low back pain who presented with complain of low back pain for treatment at tertiary care hospital, were randomized into experimental and control group.
USE OF AFRICAN INDIGENOUS EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION TO IMPROVE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION OF EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE[Full-Text ] Dr (Mrs)Anugwo, Margaret NdidiamakaExamination malpractice is a plague that has eaten deep into the rubrics of many African countries’ (and other countries of the world) education system leaving them with a lot of atrocities injurious to the products of the system and nation. This paper was on how the African indigenous Educational Evaluation could be used to improve teachers’ perception of examination malpractice and help them find quick solution to this cankerworm.
The Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection System of Sirte End Reservoir[Full-Text ] Maftah H Alkathafi, Abdalfattah A Khalil, Salah M Elkoum, Mohamed A Elnaili In this work, Mg and Zn anodes were used as a sacrificial anode cathodic protection to protect an inlet, by-pass and draw-down pipelines of Sirte end reservoir. The potential survey readings have demonstrated that there was a low voltage of some protection Mg-anodes that effected by the phenomenon of the reverse current in some ground beds.
A Review of Data Visualization Methods in Python[Full-Text ] USHA MANJARI SIKHARAMData visualization involves presenting data in graphical or pictorial form which makes the information easy to understand. It helps to explain facts and determine courses of action. It will benefit any field of study that requires innovative ways of presenting large, complex information. The advent of computer graphics has shaped modern visualization. This paper presents a Python Data Visualization Libraries.
Architectural building documentation from close range photogrammetry using metric cameras and modern non-metric digital cameras[Full-Text ] Mariem A. Elhalawani, Zaki M. Zeidan, Ashraf A. A. BeshrThe improvement of geodetic methods for surveying historical monuments, buildings and sites is an important contribution of any recording and perceptual monitoring of cultural heritage, to preserve and restore any valuable architectural or other cultural monument, as a support to architectural, archaeological and other art-historical research.
Modeling and Simulation of a Thermosiphon Solar Water Heater in Makurdi using Transient System Simulation[Full-Text ] Prof. Joshua Ibrahim, Dr. Aoandona Kwaghger, Engr. Shehu Mohammed SaniThe modeling and simulation of a thermosyphon solar water heater at Makurdi (7.74oN) Nigeria was conducted for a period of three months (November, 2013- January, 2014). The research was aimed at simulating the performance of a solar water heater by using various parameters for greater efficiency. The solar water heater was developed and its performance was simulated at University of Agriculture Makurdi. The solar radiation on a horizontal surface was measured using a solarimeter. The water mass flow rates were measured using a Flow meter. The relative humidity data were measured using the Hygrometer.
COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTIVENESS AND ECONOMY OF 850µM AND 590µM COCONUT SHELL ACTIVATED CHARCOAL PARTICLES IN WATER TREATMENT[Full-Text ] P. O. Dike, E. U. Igbonagwam and O. G. AkanaThis study investigates the effectiveness of coconut shell activated charcoal in water treatment process using common table salt or sodium chloride (NaCl) as the activation agent and water sample sourced from Otammiri River in Imo state as the test sample while comparing the effectiveness and economy of an 850µm and 590µm particle sizes of activated carbon in the water treatment processes.
Thermo-physical and Mechanical Characterization of Epoxy/MWCNTs’ Nanocomposites[Full-Text ] Ahmad Anwar , Ali Essam, Majed Assem and S.AbdallahIn this study, we add MWCNTs to enhance the properties of the epoxy as a resin matrix for a nanocomposite material. Thermal properties are enhanced by improving the matrix properties. An investigation was performed to find the relation between the thermos-physical properties and the MWCNTs percentage in epoxy matrix. A various weight percentage of MWCNTs was dispersed in epoxy matrix to be examined these were (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0) %.
FINAL SEMESTER REPORT ON APPLICATIONS OF NOBLE CATALYSTS IN ELECTRONIC MACHINES[Full-Text ] UTKRISHT KUMARA catalyst is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction, but is not consumed by the reaction; hence a catalyst can be recovered chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction . A Chemical species that is neither a reactant nor a product, but is an intermediate between the two .
“Crafting Business Strategies” Finding the Missing Pieces...[Full-Text ] Walaa Mal, Hasna Bakhuraybah, Mashael KhayyatIn the history of development economics, strategies have been thought of as a key factor in business improvements. The specific objective of this study was to guide operations in the right direction, a company depends on its members so, we focused on the development of employee's behavior, strategies and its effect on the business growth.In this study, we supported the development process of strategies by theories, inter-views, papers and we conducted a survey about to support other findings.
Air Pollution Monitoring Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)[Full-Text ] Ruchi Bhavsar Air Pollution and its precaution has been a scientific challenge since past few decades. And it still remains an endless global problem. Due to the growing population and increase in settlements in urban areas, the amount of pollutants in air increase day by day. Affecting human’s respiratory and cardiovascular system, they are cause for increased mortality and increased risk for diseases for the population.
Design, Development, FEM analysis of Hybrid 12/14 BSRM with advanced controllers for Saispandan- Indian Total Artificial Heart for Destination Therapy (DT)[Full-Text ] Pradeep Kumar Radhakrishnan, Sujatha Mohanty,Pulivarthi Nageshwar Rao,Sivakrishna Rao G V,Nagesh Kumar,Bisoi A K ,SivaPrasad,Satyanarayana Murthy, Satyanarayana M R S,Ravishankar,Srinivas,Das P K,Valluvan Jeevanandam, Venugopal P12/14 Bearingless switched reluctance motor would be ideal according to our study for the Indian Total Artificial Heart- Saispandhan. Bearingless switched reluctance motor (BSRM) realizes both levitation and rotation by integrating both magnetic levitation and torque windings on the stator of the motor. It has a suspended rotor and decoupled control characteristics between speed and suspension force.
Physical, Socio-Economic, and Impact of Fishpond Aquaculture: The Case of Women’s Cooperative[Full-Text ] Gerald T. MalabarbasAquaculture is one of the driving tools to solve food security and alleviating poverty incidence to Filipino family. Similarly, cooperative plays an important role to meet economic and social needs of people. This study aimed to assess and evaluate the Physical, socio-economic, activities and impact of fishpond women’s cooperative in the municipality of Rosario, Northern Samar.
Exact 2D Thermo-Mechanical Stress Analysis of Exponentially Graded FG Laminate[Full-Text ] Sandeep S. Pendhari, Sharawari P. KulkarniIn this paper, two-dimensional (2D), heat-conduction equation has analytically solved. The aim of this is to determine an exact temperature field along with the thickness of simply supported laminate followed by stress analysis for thermomechanical loadings. Here, a two-point boundary value problem (BVP) has formed without any assumptions along with the thickness of a laminate, which is governed by a set of first-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs).
Surface Hardening Characterization of Camshaft of Original Equipment Manufacture for Automatic Motorcycle 125 cc[Full-Text ] Andre Budhi Hendrawan, Sri Nugroho, Rifky IsmailCamshaft is one of main components in the combustion engine system, which controls the combustion timing process, with respect to the opening and closing of the suction valve. The camshaft receives compressive and friction loads on the cam/lobe surface twisting loads on the central shaft which requires the harder surface and the ductile inner side. This study aims to characterize the surface hardening layer:
Production of Biodiesel From Some Vegetable Oils[Full-Text ] Adebisi Segun Akanmu, Amuda Omotayo Sarafadeen, Imoh Joseph and Aseez Luqmon AdeyemiBiodiesel is becoming prominent among the alternatives to conventional petro-diesel due to economic, environmental and social factors. The quality of biodiesel is influenced by the nature of feedstock and the production processes employed. High amounts of free fatty acids (FFA) in the feedstock are known to be detrimental to the quality of biodiesel. In addition, oils with compounds containing hydroxyl groups possess high viscosity due to hydrogen bonding.
Disaggregated Real Sector Growth and Tax Revenue in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adeigbe, F.F., Akintoye, I. R. and Oyebanji, J.O.The recent dwindling price of crude oil has led to a significant decline in government revenue in Nigeria. Therefore, government is exploring alternative measures to grow revenue. This study examined effect of disaggregated real sector growth, proxy by GDP, on tax revenue in Nigeria.
Review Paper on Data Mining: Applications, Techniques and Algorithms[Full-Text ] Fideline KubwayoData mining is a process of extracting some useful knowledge from a large amount of data. In this paper, we discussed a few of the data mining techniques, algorithms, and applications that are used by some of the organizations which have adapted data mining technology to improve their businesses and found excellent results.
A Case Report on Adult Patient with History of Hepatitis C Virus[Full-Text ] Nida Aftab,Alia Rafique,Roheena Naz,Rizwan KhalidClinical Presentation and Intervention--A twenty five years old, male was visited his family physician with 104F temperature, body pain, vomiting from 3 days. On his second visit, he reported pain in the right hypochondriac region and unresolved vomiting and fever. His haemoglobin was 14.4g/dl, total bilirubin was 1.8mg/dl, and SGPT (ALT) was 112U /I.In his hepatitis C, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and HCV RNA genotype test type 3 was detected. Provisional diagnosis of gastritis and acute hepatitis was madeand treated with antipyretic, antacids and antiviral medication.
ANALYSIS OF URBAN SPRAWL AND ITS EFFECT IN MARARABA, KARU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Joy N. Nnamoko, Acha Sunday and Isaiah SuleCities and towns in developing countries all over the world are experiencing an unplanned and uncontrolled development known as Urban sprawl. Sprawl is often uncoordinated and extends along the fringes of metropolitan areas with incredible speed. This research is aimed at examining urban sprawl in Mararaba between 1998 and 2018.The data used for the study were Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) of 1998, Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) data of 2008 and operational land imager of 2018.
Utilization of Sesbania aculeate for Soil Revitalization[Full-Text ] Monika Negi, Anita Rani and Anupriya SinghThe global concern for sustainability and conservation for ecological balance on planet earth had encouraged human to opt green products. The constructive idea regarding the utilization of renewable sources had prompted researchers to explore agricultural waste, under-utilized materials and byproducts as source of fibre for textile industry for the development of technical textiles. The fibre can be obtained from different parts of plants grown for some specific purposes other than fibre extraction.
A meta-analysis of different from competitive state anxiety between the Vietnamese’s Athletes of Futsal and Cycling team[Full-Text ] Nguyen Hoang Minh Thuan , Ly Vinh TruongThe purpose of this study was to compare between the selected sports (Futsal and Cycling) athlete performance with the help of multidimensional Theory Questionnaire (Competitive State Anxiety questionnaire). The results indicated that there were significant differences with cognitive anxiety and self-confidence of Futsal and Cycling sports athlete’s. The outcome of study might help physical educators and coaches to evaluate and modify their training programs pertaining to the state anxiety of performers.
KNOWLEDGE ON MALARIA AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS FROM NIGERIA LIVING IN DHAKA[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Harun AR-Rashid, Mrs Ummi Rahmat Abubakar, Engr Shehu Mohammed Sani Malaria remains a public health concern in Nigeria and it is endemic in many regions. University students in Nigeria and diaspora are at risk of malaria due to inadequate knowledge and practices of malaria. This study aimed to assess and describe knowledge, attitudes and practices of malaria prevention among university students from Nigeria living in Dhaka city. A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted, using a pretested questionnaire to collect data from 152 university students in Dhaka city.
Students Online Learning Measurement System Based On Estimated Time[Full-Text ] Waleed Shaban, Coskun BayrakIn this age of information and great advancements in every area of knowledge, technology has become a crucial part of everyday human life. One of the most important areas for our future surly is Information and Communication Technology (ICT). However, the current systems are not sufficient enough to measure the knowledge level of the student with accuracy. What we want to demonstrate here is to create a system that can almost perfectly track the activities and the abilities of every student in his/her studying years. In this paper, we attempt to further ahead of the goal of reaching a highly accurate grading system. The proposed system has been designed and implemented using the tools: (MySQL, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, and Bootstrap). The students and staff of the selected institutions participated in the implementation. The results have been obtained and evaluated using student measurement.
Development of t-z and q-z Curves in Axially Loaded Bored Pile using Continuous Measurement of Strains[Full-Text ] Budi P. Setiawan, Paulus P. RahardjoThe bored pile foundation is a very appropriate type of foundation for highrise buildings and urban areas because the installation does not cause noise and vibration that endanger the surrounding buildings, but with its implementation carried out in the ground makes it difficult in monitoring the quality that can affect the bearing capacity.
Bioremediation of Refinery Wastewater by microbial consortium immobilized on agro-based residues[Full-Text ] Iheanacho G. C, Ibiene A. A and Okerentugba P. OEffluent discharge from petrochemical refineries are characterized by the presence of pollutants like phenol, metals, surface active substances, high BOD5, COD and oil and grease. Bacterial immobilization has proven to be an effective way of maintaining a high bacterial biomass on contaminated sites.
Challenges Faced by Lady Health Workers (LHW) in Tehsil Hafizabad, Punjab (Pakistan)[Full-Text ] Muneeba Khanum, Naseem Sarfraz, Waqas Siddique, Dr.Ahmed SaudThis investigation was attempted to discover the difficulties looked by challenges faced by lady health workers in tehsil Hafizabad and investigate the working states of them. A sum of 263 LHWs are working in tehsil Hafizabad. Test size of 40% was chosen haphazardly out of aggregate from all the chose health centers with the reaction pace of 100%. Information was gathered from 105 respondents utilizing a self-managed survey as an instrument of information accumulation.
Review on the Impacts of Biofuels Production on the Environment[Full-Text ] Garba Ibrahim Dakasku, Hassan Ibrahim and Hassan Galadima KurkusheThe global energy sector is currently undergoing transformation from the use of old source of fuel known as fossils fuel to a sustainable fuel known as biofuels. This transformation was as a result of the need to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted into the atmosphere which consequently causes increase in atmospheric temperature prevailed from the combustion of fossils fuel.
Study of Adsorption of Pb (II) and Ni (II) metal ions using low cost and effective biocarbon of herb Tridax procumbens[Full-Text ] PRACHI N. RAUT, SULEKHA R. GOTMAREThe study of easily available and low cost adsorbent of herb Tridax procumbens for the removal of Ni (II) and Pb (II) ions from synthetic wastewater. Heavy metals like Ni and Pb are toxic to aquatic as well as human being when present in high concentration therefore it is necessary to reduce metal concentration.
IMPLEMENTATION OF STUDENTS’ SMARTCARD SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Okunade, T. A., Shomope, A. A., and Aderibigbe, O. S.This paper addresses the possibility of using the Smart Card technology to propose Smart Student’s Data Card System towards sustained controlled academic environment. Although dockets are generated for students at the departmental level, students are faced with difficulties in getting their dockets ready before the commencement of examinations, and the time involved for the Head of Department to append his/her signature on every student’s docket is another time-consuming task.
GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE IN BASALTIC TERRAIN NEAR THE MANMAD AREA MAHARASHTRA, INDIA[Full-Text ] Gadekar Anil and Md. BabarIn the present research different geological structure are identify in the basaltic terrain near the Manmad town and adjoining area in Nashik district, Maharashtra. There are two types of lava flows intruded in this area namely ‘pahoehoe’ and ‘aa’ flows. The geological structure observes in pahoehoe lava flows such as ropy lava, dyke, joints and pipe vesicles. In ‘aa’ lava flow the structures observed are pipe vesicles.
Comparison of Plastic Component for Automotive Filter Using Life Cycle Assessment[Full-Text ] Kelvin Rumende, Hadi Sutanto, Isdaryanto IskandarPlastic has become unseparated material in our life due to its properties have many advantages, but this material caused a bad environmental impact during production process. PT. DJBP as a plastic component manufacturer for automotive filter has a big concern for their production impact to environment.
Traffic Light Design Analysis to Overcome Congestion in Small Cities Using Simple Arduino[Full-Text ] Sunaryo, Adris A Putra, Minson Simatupang, Muh. Thahir AzikinThe purpose of this study is to produce a traffic control plan at the intersection of the highway with a combination of the long queue method with the full speed method at the initial start or Full-start-speed (FSS). The planning research method using the desktop then in the Arduino simulation is very simple as an indicator before being launched into the field. The results of this study produce traffic controllers that are very accurate, easy to do, simple and inexpensive.