Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 12, December 2019.
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CONCEPT OF WEB PROGRAMMING, AN OVERVIEW OF PHP VOL. 1[Full-Text ] E. Ogala , A.O. SylvesterComputer science and its application have come this far and it is standing on a solid ground. But its strength is fully determined by the nature of controls being set in motion by its users. Most often, people tend to say one programming language is better compared to another. Yes; that is not disputed, but the beauty of a programming language is totally defined by the programmer who uses such language
ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING AND PERFORMANCE OF OIL SERVICING FIRMS IN DEVELOPING ECONOMY[Full-Text ] Dr. Adesola Adebayo AKANDEThis paper examined the impact of environmental costs on the profitability and performance of oil servicing firms in Nigeria with a view to access the attendant problems that often result from hosting communities in the Niger Delta Areas. Both primary and secondary data were sourced and analyzed with the use of descriptive statistical analysis.
THE NEXUS OF COMPENSATION-TIED APPRENTICESHIP AND EMPLOYMENT PROSPECTS IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Adesola Adebayo Akande Compensation-tied apprenticeship is a form of apprenticeships whereby young and averagely educated persons seek to understudy a successful businessman or woman in his/her business/vocation in order to learn the business skills and expertise, and then be settled at the end of the agreed period.
The role of the workforce as ‘drivers’ of information technology in a shared service environment: a concept paper[Full-Text ] Isaack Okwaro, Dr Neil McBrideSharing of information technology became crucial in facilitating sharing of other resources by Local Government bodies. There is, however, a need to take into consideration a number of factors in order to ensure that sharing of Information technology (Information Technology Shared Services – ITSS) resources is successful.
ADOMIAN DECOMPOSITION APPROACH TO A SACRM TOILET INFECTION EPIDEMIC MODEL[Full-Text ] Usman, I.G., and Jibril, L.In this paper, we provided a very accurate, non-perturbed, non-linearized and semi-analytic solution to a system of nonlinear first-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) modeling the dynamics of toilet infections in Nigeria. Adomian decomposition method (ADM) is employed to compute an approximate solution of the system of ODEs governing the problem. Graphical results are presented and discussed quantitatively to illustrate the solution.
Noora Health - Teaching those who care the most how to help those who need it the most[Full-Text ] Dr. Arti ThapliyalFollow-up care is a critical aspect of medical treatment’s success. It’s important to manage the disease and improve treatment outcomes by reducing hospital re- admissions due to the negligence of post-treatment care which can often result in fatality.
Comparison of Carbon Stock in Chure, Bhawar and Terai, Nepal[Full-Text ] Sanjay Sah, Sandhya Sharma, Ram Asheshwar MandalThe forests have been playing vital role in carbon sequestration but its rate is varying place to place and time to time. The Teria, Bhavar and Churiya areas have varying nature of vegetation in Nepal but carbon stock assessment was not so far done, here. Thus this study was objectively carried out to estimate the above ground carbon stock, assess the soil carbon and its trend according to soil depth.
Building Adverserial Networks to Augment Image Data Sets[Full-Text ] Kalpana Devi Bai. Mudavathu, Dr.M.V.P.Chandra Sekhar RaoAdversarial Models have been widely used for data generation and classification in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence.
Utilization of Calcined Lateritic Soil as Partial Replacement of Cement on Concrete Strength[Full-Text ] A.T. John, R.G. Damini and I. S. AkosuboUtilization of concrete in almost every civil engineering applications has continued to place a high demand on constituent concrete materials. This work is part of a study investigating the structural characteristics of concrete using calcined lateritic soil as a partial substitute for conventional cement. Con-crete samples cubes were produced using different contents of calcined lateritic soil.
NARROWBAND IoT AND ITS IMPLICATIONS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES[Full-Text ] Okorogu V.N, Obioma P.C, Uzoka Kanebi, Okeke N.CInternet of things (IoT) is asserting itself very rapidly as it gains much global attention due to its several sensor based applications. It utilizes minimal resources to provide wide coverage for services. It has been found to be very useful in providing sensing from basic systems like the digital ecosystem to more complex systems like modern systems of manufacturing, security, healthcare, agriculture, etc.
Stability Analysis of Zoned Earth Dam under Effect of the Most Dangerous Conditions (Case Study: Khassa Chai Dam)[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Saleh I. Khassaf, Ali Muzher MadhloomThe most dangerous conditions of zoned earth dams for the upstream side slope is rapid drawdown condition and for the downstream side slope is the seismic load condition. In this work, Slope stability analysis of the case study (Khassa Chai dam in Iraq) under the most dangerous conditions is investigated.
Review on the Impacts of Biofuels Production on the Environment[Full-Text ] Garba Ibrahim Dakasku, Hassan Ibrahim and Hassan Galadima KurkusheThe global energy sector is currently undergoing transformation from the use of old source of fuel known as fossils fuel to a sustainable fuel known as biofuels. This transformation was as a result of the need to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted into the atmosphere which consequently causes increase in atmospheric temperature prevailed from the combustion of fossils fuel.
Determination of paracetamol in some headache medicines using modifier biosorbent[Full-Text ] Elhossein A. Moawed, Heba O. El Sharawy, Mohamed F. El-ShahatA novel biosorbent was synthesized by esterification of oleic acid with treated citrus sinensis using glacial acetic acid. The lignin citrus sinensis oleic sorbent (LCSOS) was characterized by ultraviolet/visible/infrared spectra, scanning electron microscope, conductivity, iodine/methylene blue number and Boehm titration.
EFFECT OF LAND-USE ON GROUNDWATER QUALITY IN NIGERIA- A CASE STUDY OF ILESA WEST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA IN OSUN STATE[Full-Text ] FADIPE O.O., OLADEPO K.T. JEJE, J.OThis paper assessed the impact of land use on groundwater samples collected in Ilesa West Local Government Area. The impact points within the predominantly residential area are open refuse dump sites, and auto-mechanic workshops. Water samples were collected from residents, and within and around the two impact points for twelve months to cover the two major seasons (dry season and rainy season). The samples were collected from 69 points spreading over the different landuse categories. Parameters analyzed are pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, total dissolved solids, basic anions and cations using standard methods. Analysis of heavy metals (Fe, Pb, As, Cr) was carried out with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and microbiological analysis was conducted using most probable number of counting coliform. The mean pH of water samples at the residential area, dumpsite and mechanic site were 5.61, 6.31 and 4.63 respectively. The maximum concentration of TDS at the residential was 1022mg/L while that at the dumpsite was 733mg/L. Concentration of the heavy metals were higher than the permissible in all the areas and microbial distribution was highest at the dumpsite.There was significant difference among the sources at p< 0.05. The impact points have greatly influenced the characteristics of the water and it is suggested that policy makers should re-evaluate the landuse pattern and continue a monitoring program of the study area.
Understanding the purchase intention characteristics of Gen Y and Gen Z and introspecting the modern demand variables in fashion industry[Full-Text ] Apurva Muralidhar, Dr Anand Shankar Raja MThe intention of this research article is to examine the modern characteristics of demand in the market under the tag modern demand prism. Intention to purchase (need, want & desire) creates demand in the market. The macro demand representation through various platforms provokes the purchase intention. Thus, it is always the demand the parent variable and the purchase intention the child variable.
The correlation between academic achievement, daytime sleepiness and sleep habits among students of the Faculty of health studies in Mostar[Full-Text ] Ivona Ljevak, Daniela Raguž, Dino Ladan, Nikolina Šaravanja, Marko RomicThe objective of the study was to investigate sleep habits of students and examine their correlation with academic achievement. We investigated the relationship between the self-assessment of the level of daytime sleepiness and morningness-eveningness and the correlation of sleep habits with academic success. The study was conducted among 583 undergraduate students at the Faculty of Health Studies of the University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina [B&H]. The level of daytime sleepiness was tested with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, morningness-eveningness was tested with the Morningness–Eveningness Scale and sociodemographic data of participants were obtained.
Reduced Features Intrusion Detection Systems Classification Accuracy Improvement[Full-Text ] OLASEHINDE Olayemi O, Williams Kehinde, Adegoke, B. OIntrusion detection system plays an important role in network security, machine learning algorithms have severally been used to build intrusion detection models, the accuracy of the intrusion detection models (classifiers) does not only depend on the classification algorithm but also on the selected relevant features used to train the machine learning algorithms, the presence of irrelevant and redundant features used to built intrusion detection models are major causes of decreasing detection rate and high false alarm rate.
Brain Tumor Detection Using KNN[Full-Text ] Miss. Priyanka Aiwale,Dr. Saniya AnsariDetection of Brain Tumor is actually a difficult task and the correct analysis of the Tumor structure is also difficult as a result an automatic method for the detection of Tumor is in usage nowadays. Undoubtedly, this saves the time as well as it gives more accurate results as in comparison to manual detection.
Physico-Chemical Alterations of Interstitial Water Quality by Artisanal Refining Operations at K-Dere Coastal Plain, South-Eastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Sibe Lebari, Osuji L.C, Hart A. IThe Physico-Chemical parameters of Interstitial water from the intertidal zone of Bon-Ngyia creek in K-Dere where artisanal refining activities involving constant disposal of both unrefined crude oil and bottom hydrocarbons fractions were investigated. In-situ measurements of some fast changing parameters, such as pH, Temperature, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Dissolved Solids and Turbidity in the water samples collected were immediately carried out with the aid of pH meter,/Conductivity meter/TDS meter/Turbidity meter and /DO meter respectively.
Factors affecting Students Motivation to Learn in School: A Qualitative Study of School Management[Full-Text ] Adhy FirdausThe purpose of educations is to raise the quality of human resources and to build an advanced and reliable new generation. The UK School Minister Nick Gibb addresses the Education Reform Summit 9 July 2015 that Education is the engine of our (people) economy, it is the foundation of culture, and it’s an essential preparation for adult life. Education is also about the practical business of ensuring that young people receive the preparation they need to secure a good job and a fulfilling career and have the resilience and moral character to overcome challenges and succeed (Gibb, 2015).
ANALYSIS OF MARKETING MARGIN AND EFFICIENCY OF BEANS IN IMO STATE[Full-Text ] Nwaigwe, G.C, Lemchi, J.I, Korie, O.CThe study evaluates the marketing system for beans in Imo State, with intention to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the market actors, determine the marketing cost and marketing margins of beans and ascertain the degree of marketing efficiency. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were employed to select twenty (20) wholesalers and forty-two (42) retailers. Descriptive statistics, Marketing margin and Efficiency were used to analyze the data collected.
Finding Design Parameters Of Rice Transplanter For The Agricultural Land Of Nepal[Full-Text ] Kishor Rijal, Ashish Pandey, Bijay Ghimire, Kushum K.C, Dr. Prabij JoshiMost of the Nepalese depend upon rice for their routine meals. Rice is the most common source of food in Nepal. But the production of rice in Nepal is not sufficient to fulfill the demand of people living in Nepal. Based on the average per capita milled rice consumption of 122 kg per year and the total population of 27.6 million, the total demand for rice in Nepal is estimated at 5.04 million tons of paddy in 2012. But the country produced only 4.50 million tons paddy.
Effectiveness of environmental enrichment techniques on spastic diplegia and behavior-al modulation of three cerebral palsy Pakistani children[Full-Text ] Anum Rehman, Hajra Naz and Ammara RafiqueIt is an observational study to monitor the effect of environmental enrichment techniques on spastic diplegia and behavioral modulation of three cerebral palsy Pakistani children. This one-month observational study was con-ducted at Al Umeed Rehabilitation Association and it focused three hyperactive children: one male with mild spastic diplegia, the other male with moderate spastic athetoid and the third female child with mild spastic di-plegia.
THE SPATIAL PATTERN OF ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR IN SHEFFIELD, UK[Full-Text ] Ukpali E. ObonghaThis study underpinned the use of GIS in investigating the spatial pattern of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) in Sheffield with a view to carrying out exploration as to whether there is a significant relationship between the pattern of ASB and population density. Two hypotheses were formulated that: values associated with features are randomly distributed across the study area and there is no significant relationship between population density and Anti-Social Behaviour.
Effect of Rice Straw Ash on Concrete for Using as Nuclear Shields[Full-Text ] Yasser R. ZaghloulBoth radiation shielding and nuclear waste elimination packages are part of the vital activities of the atomic energy authority in all over the world. That is because of their dangerous to the environment especially of human-beings. As well, gamma radiation has high penetrating power and consequently special shields should be built. Furthermore, the rice straw after harvest is one of the important wastes which cause the environmental pollution in Egypt.
Correlation between Farm Type Diversity and Farmer's Household Diet Diversity Score in Taebenu District, Kupang Regency[Full-Text ] Hendrik ErnantjeDiversification of agricultural production has the potential to influence household dietary diversity, but the magnitude of the association tends to vary. Studies that analyze the relationship between agricultural diversification and dietary diversity can use several indicators of food diversity including the House Hold Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS).
IIOT using HMI local control and remote monitoring[Full-Text ] Vinay .M.S, Dr. Mohan .NIn the IIOT the internet used for monitoring the status of the machineries which is installed nearer to that company .Status of the machineries is sent to the company email address as well as send message to the supervisor mobile via the GSM Modem.HMI is connected to the PLC via the RS-485 cable. HMI is interfaced with the raspberry pi via Optocoupler and PLC. HMI sends signal to PLC via RS-485 cable.
THE ROLE OF FLEXIBLE SPACES IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS[Full-Text ] CHINDA, OWHOMKA GRAHAM, ARCHITECT ANTHONY ENWINBuilding adaptation has a limited time perspective suited premises need to change over time in order to keep up with the processes in using a building. In an ideal situation, owners, clients and inhabitants, based on a demand for effortless adaptability, would be able to transform the building when it is needed.
Management of Female Stress Urinary Incontinece[Full-Text ] Harem Ali Kheder, Coskun BAYRAKStress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) or Urinary incontinence is the unexpected loss and leakage of urine. It’s happens when physical and bodily activity or motion, for instance , coughing, sneezing, running or heavy rising which puts stress and pressure on bladder.
Role of Black Hole in the Formation of Our Universe[Full-Text ] Haneesh GonuguntlaThis paper presents the following points: Black Hole is one of the reasons for the beginning of Big Bang. Energy point is formed due to a Black Hole. Big Bang explosion is due to the absorption of huge amounts of energy by a Black Hole. Black Hole played a vital role in the formation of Universe.
Design of Helical Coil Heat Exchanger for a mini powerplant[Full-Text ] Muhammad Usman SikandarHelical Coil Heat Exchanger (HCHE) is a type of heat exchanger which has a shell called annulus and inside it, there is a helical coil. It occupies less space and provides more surface area for effective heat transfer as compared to shell and tube heat exchanger. HCHEs find their use in compact nuclear reactors, e.g., Small Modular Reactors (SMR). With the help of our project work, the industry will become familiar with the benefits of HCHE.
Contestation of Environmental Impact Assessment for Greenfield Airport, Mopa, India through the lens of Livelihood Vulnerability[Full-Text ] Nupur Jain, Aparna WatveThe main aim of the study is to integrate vulnerability concepts in assessment of socio-ecological, cultural and livelihood parameters in the Environmental Impact Assessment done as a feasibility study for large-scale projects. Sustainable livelihood framework was re-interpreted through the study to assess livelihood vulnerabilities by development of an ordinal scale.