Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2018.
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EVALUATION OF STEEL COLUMN-BASE PLATE CONNECTION IN SPECIAL MOMENT-RESISTING FRAMES AND OPTOMIZED BY ABAQUS[Full-Text ] Dr. Luay Mohammed Al-Shather, Statistic Ms. Azhar Mohammed RedahMany steel moment-resisting frame buildings endured failure at their column base connections amid the 1995 Kobe, 1994 Northridge and 1989 Loma Prieta seismic tremors. Framework dependability investigation of an uncovered moment-resisting base plate connection designed for a low-ascent steel extraordinary moment resisting frame is done utilizing a basic unwavering quality examination software. Methods of failure of the column base are characterized utilizing a farthest point state definition based on the AISC Design Guide No. 1-2005. The overwhelming failure methods of the uncovered column base include: yielding of the base plate on the compression side, crushing of concrete, and shear failure because of sliding of the base plate and bearing failure of the shear lugs against the adjacent concrete.
A new combined LS and PSO statistics methods for estimating surface characteristics[Full-Text ] IHAB H NAEIMIn This work, combination of the least-square LS and particle swarm-optimization PSO statistics methods are applied using advanced coordinate measuring machine CMM measurement system, repetitive acquisition of data points were performed along a straight line in a flat slab in different directions. The least-square method gave rise to smaller straightness 7.22 µm with larger error ±0.20 µm as compared with the particle-swarm-optimization PSO method 9.08±0.13 µm. The combined average 8.15±0.11 µm of the results obtained by the two methods thus pertains to the better straightness from the LS method as well as the better accuracy from the PSO method.
A new cooling system for a single cylinder internal combustion engine for maintaining a constant ideal engine temperature[Full-Text ] Varun.S.ShettyA new cooling system for a single cylinder internal combustion engine for maintaining a constant ideal engine temperature is shown. This system consists of a number of separate pipes carrying water passing around the engine cylinder. It consists of a fan that is used for cooling by forced convection. It consists of a number of temperature gauges for measuring the temperature and a heating system for solving the problem of cold starting. By using this system the problems of overheating of the engine, cold starting can be prevented and also the problem of knocking and detonation can be reduced to a certain extent.
A study on Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Security and challenges[Full-Text ] Rebeka Tanij TaniaThe cloud computing exhibits, remarkable potential to provide cost effective, easy to manage, elastic, and powerful resources on the fly, over the Internet. The cloud computing rises the capabilities of the hardware resources by optimal and shared utilization. It reduces cost and complexity of service provider by means of capital and operational cost. The objective of this paper is to introduce a detailed analysis of the cloud computing security issues and challenges focusing on the cloud computing types and the service delivery types. Another aim is to identify security challenges for adopting cloud computing and solutions from real world for the challenge that do not have proper mitigation strategies identified through literature review.
Influence of Strengthening Phases on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of CuAl9Fe4 Alloy[Full-Text ] Anh Tuan Vu, Duong Nam Nguyen, Xuan Duong Pham, Duc Huy Tran, Van Hoang Vuong, Mai Khanh PhamIn this article, the influence of strengthening phases on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CuAl9Fe4 alloy were investigated. The samples were heat treated with different processes to improve the mechanical properties of this alloy. The best mechanical properties (hardness and abrasion resistance values due to the mass reduction after abrasion) of this alloy were obtained with an optimal heat-treatment process (heating up and holding at 8500C in 2h, cooling down in water, re-heating and holding at 350oC in 2h then cooling down in water), thereby, the hardness of this alloy was 93 HRB and the mass reduction after abrasion experiment was 0.12391g. Arcording to this heat-treatment process, the fine microstructure was obtained, the inter-metallic phase and Fe (δ) were appear, therefore, reduces the grain size and increases the wear resistance of this alloy.
EXTENT OF INTEGRATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AMONG VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION LECTURERS IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION[Full-Text ] Nebo, A. N, Onaga, Paul OkwudilichukwuThe study is to determine how far information and communication technology has been integrated into the study of entrepreneurship education among vocational and technical education lecturers. Three specific purposes and three corresponding research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study. A survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study is a total of 66 vocational and technical education lecturers. The instrument has 17 items, four point modified Likert scale. The instrument was validated by three experts one from Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki and two from Enugu State College of Education (Technical) Enugu
The Effect of Intention to Usage to Actual Usage E-Purchasing Application[Full-Text ] Gogo Febrianto, Syarif Hidayatullah, Yusaq Tomo ArdiantoThis study aims to find out: (1) The effect of usability on e-purchasing application usage intentions. (2) Effect of ease of use on the intention to use e-purchasing applications. (3) Effect of confidence in the intention to use e-purchasing applications. (4) Effect of the quality of website design on the intention to use e-purchasing applications. (5). Effect of usability, ease of use, trust, quality of website design on the intention to use e-purchasing applications. (6) Effect of use intention on the use of e-purchasing applications. The research sample was 47 people. Data analysis method uses analysis prerequisite test, simple and multiple linear regression.
A proposed Automated System to Classify Diabetic Foot from Thermography[Full-Text ] Marwa M. Eid, Reem N.Yousef, Mohamed A. MohamedDiabetic foot is a major complication of diabetes mellitus worldwide. Early diagnosis and adequately treated is difficult by traditional methods. Previous studies revealed that thermography is a good monitoring tool for early detection of the diabetic foot. In this paper, a new proposed system will be introduced for the early diagnosis of the diabetic foot using thermal images and distinguishing among its four grades.
Boukary Kassogué doctorant en agroéconomie Institut Supérieur de Formation et de Recherche Appliquée (SFRA) Bamako-Mali.[Full-Text ] Issa SackoLe présent article pose la problématique des subventions agricoles sur la productivité interne et externe de l’agriculture malienne qui produit deux catégories de biens agricoles subventionnés: les exportables et les non échangeables. Il ressort des résultats, premièrement qu’il existe une très forte disparité dans la demande et dans l’offre des deux catégories de produits agricoles subventionnés; deuxièmement que les biens agricoles exportables bénéficient plus d’incitations positives comparativement aux biens non échangeables ; troisièmement que la productivité agricole du Mali serait moins meilleure en l’absence de la subvention agricole.
Safety vs Convenience in Modern Financial System: A Contactless Payments[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Muhammad HassanContactless payments represent cashless payments that do not require physical contact between consumer card, mobile phone and point of sale terminals by the merchant. Contactless payment system is expected to bring the following benefits speed and convenience at POS and provides a greater level of customer protection compared to cash. These payment methods bring about reduction in in cash usage and its associated costs. a micro-chip is embedded in to the cards that hold personal and financial information used to make payment on transactions. The paper put more emphasis on security, risk and abuse of Ethical, Social, Legal and some professional issues.
Iron chelation therapy in Beta Thalassemia[Full-Text ] Meabed ,Mohamed Hussein,MD, Elgarhy,Omar Helmy,MD, Ali ,Asmaa Abdelbadie,MSIron accumulation is an inevitable consequence of chronic blood transfusions and results in serious complications in the absence of chelation treatment to remove excess iron. Desferioxamine reduces morbidity and mortality although the administration schedule of slow , parentral infusions several days each week limits compliance and negatively affects long-term outcome so different strategies have been developed to overcome these problems such as deferiprone or deferasirox alone or dual chelator therapy.
Suitability of Irrigation with Barapukuria coal mine water[Full-Text ] Joydeb Kumer Dutta, Mohammad Ismile MollaIn Bangladesh, coal has been extracted from Barapukuria Coal Mine (BCM) by underground method since 2005. Coal mining authority dewaters the mine continuously by water pump to keep the mine in working condition. Drainage from the mine is treated by primary methods before releasing it into ditch system and local farmers use that treated mine water to irrigate their crops by collecting it from the ditch system. So, the study was undertaken to investigate the suitability of coal mine water as irrigation water.
Outcome Of Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (Acl) Reconstruction Using Quadruple Hamstring Graft 6 Month Post-Operative Follow up[Full-Text ] Dr. HARDIK S PAWARThe unprecedented rate of growth and development in our country have resulted in increase in the sports activities by the individuals. This has led to the increased accidental injuries to the knee joint, a major contributing factor to Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury.Despite the serious nature of the injury, the patients expect relief from minimal surgical intervention resulting in arthroscopic ACL reconstruction.The use of hamstring tendon autograft has been perceived to have less post-operative morbidity enabling earlier return to activities by patients. Hence, the outcome following arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using hamstring graft 6 months after surgery was evaluated in this study.
Application Of K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) Algorithm On Lung Disease Diagnosis Expert System[Full-Text ] Olha Musa, A.Malik I Buna, Marlin Lasena, R. Rizal Isnanto, Suryono SuryonoBackground: In this research diagnose of lung disease by using the K-NN method with some types of lung diseases that attack humans of various types. The lungs are very important organs for humans as part of important organs, it becomes one of the benchmarks for humans said to be physically fit in living their daily lives to do work activities. There are 12 (twelve) types of lung disease i.e. Pneumonia, Legionnaries, Pleural Efusion, Tuberculosis (TB), Pneumothorax, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Lung Disease due to Work Environment Conditions (COPD), Silicosis, Asbestosis, if one of them attacks humans will cause decreased immunity and susceptible to other diseases.
Screening of Plastic Degrading Pseudomonas spp. From Soil[Full-Text ] Govinda Badahit, Anjana Singh, Jeevan Kumar Shrestha, Ramesh Chaudhary, Sandeep RijalThe plastics of various forms such as nylon, polycarbonate, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polytetraflouro ethylene, polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride are being continuously used in our day to day life. Most of the plastic materials are generating as one of the major source of environmental pollution. Therefore, this research was conducted to find the screening of plastic degrading Pseudomonas spp. isolated from the different soil samples at different temperature. From the four sentinel sites Sisdol, Teku, Balkhu and Sanothimi, the soil samples were collected and processed in the Microbiology Laboratory of the Central Department of Microbiology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur for the isolation and identification of the Pseudomonas spp.
Fault Detection on Distribution Line Using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Aadum Joseph Lekie, D. C. Idoniboyeobu, S. L. Braide This research work express how fuzzy logic controller was developed to detect on a single line to ground fault , double line to ground fault, line to line fault and three phase fault are detected on Notore fertilizer plant 11KV distribution. Line and Substations in Onne, Rivers State, Nigeria was used as case study. The proposed fuzzy logic controller takes neutral, phase currents, current in the Red phase(IR), current in the Yellow phase ( IY),current in Blue phase (IB) and current in the Neutral phase( IN) and phase voltages. Voltage in the Red phase (VR), voltage in the Yellow phase (VY) and voltage in the Blue phase ( VB) as inputs. The inputs are assigned three linguistic variables (Low (L) Normal (N) and High (H)) with some degrees in triangular membership function.
Primary Students’ Attitude towards Mathematics in a Selected School of west Guji Zone; Oromia[Full-Text ] Gemechu Adem TukeStudents’ attitude towards mathematics has been a factor that is known to influence students’ achievement in mathematics. The purpose of this study is to find out the students attitude towards mathematics and find out gender difference in attitude towards mathematics in a selected school of West Guji Zone. A total of 300 Primary students were administered with a questionnaire to find out their attitudes towards mathematics. The students answered questions regarding their personal confidence to mathematics and perceived usefulness of mathematics. The results show that the students’ positive attitude towards mathematics is medium and there is no gender difference in their attitudes.
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) Performance of the University of Northern Philippines Graduates[Full-Text ] Glenda Chan-Rabanal, Ma. Teresa Susan L. ManzanoThe study analysed the Licensure Examination for Teachers’ (LET) performance of the 2012 to 2014 teacher education graduates of the University of Northern Philippines (UNP). It looked into the graduates’ profile in terms of the UNP-CAT rating, TAT result, general weighted average, practicum performance, and attendance in review classes. Further, it determined the graduates’ performance along the components of the licensure examination and its relationship to their profile and the differences in the performance of the three groups of graduates. The study utilized the descriptive method of research and data were gathered from students’ records. The data gathered were subjected to the following statistical tools: frequency count, percentage, mean, Simple Correlation Analysis and ANOVA.
Optimisation of Hydraulic Brake Caliper In Scope of All-Terrain Vehicle[Full-Text ] AKSHAY BODAKE, AKSHAY JADE, PARIMAL KALEThe following paper is presented with an objective to design a hydraulic brake caliper for All Terrain Vehicle Racing competitions. The hy-draulic brake caliper system being complex in design the study is exhaustive and the subject matter is covered with adequate images and illustrations for easy and quick understanding. The primary focus being the designing and fabrication of hydraulic brake caliper. The proposed design is modelled in Creo Parametric 2.0 environment and analysis is performed in ANSYS. The outcome of this project is an optimized hydraulic brake caliper being light in weight providing adequate braking torque for efficient braking of the vehicle in hostile racing environment. Hydraulic Disc Braking system is most suitable for such hostile racing conditions.
Physico-Chemical Analysis of Some Soaps Produced from Five Locally Processed Nigerian Oils[Full-Text ] Mohammed, U. F. and Usman, A.This study analysed the physical and chemical properties of five different types of soaps produced from five Nigerian locally processed Oils. In the physical analysis parameters such as the weight loss on curing, moisture content and foamability of the soaps were determined. In the chemical analysis, parameters such as saponification value and free fatty acid values of the soap were determined. The analysis uses standard methods of analysis employed widely. From the results it was discovered that within the variation of the experimental methods values of the parameters tested show close agreements with the values stated in the standard specification. Also, to a larger extent, the values are in close proximity with the results reported in previous literatures. It was therefore concluded that the oils used to produce the various soap samples conforms to the standard quality specification recommended for production of commercial soaps.
Modeling Task Environment as a Second-Order Construct in Information Seeking: A Proposed Conceptual Framework[Full-Text ] Nafisat Toyin Adewale & Norsharyna ShafawiInformation seeking has been identified as a major task performed by professionals as part of their work roles. Since they rely heavily on information for their task performance, it expected of them to seek and use timely and accurate information in order to accomplish their tasks and enhance their productivity. However, a number of factors interact with the information seeking process and this consequently determines the outcome (success or otherwise) of the information seeking. This paper presents a conceptual framework for the environmental factors that influence information seeking of professionals.
IoT (Internet of Things) Based Water Supply Monitoring and Controlling System[Full-Text ] Mg Myo ThwinNowadays water supply departments are facing problem in real time monitoring. Water is the most precious and valuable because it’s a basic need of all the human beings. In this paper, design and preliminary results of an IoT based water supply monitoring system is proposed. The system consists of ultrasonic sensor as a water level sensor and YF-S201 as a flow sensor. Turbidity sensor (MJKDZ) is sense the turbidity of the water. Arduino UNO is used to read the sensor values from all sensors and control the water supply system. Raspberry Pi is used as a mini-computer to upload data using Python programming language to the Adafruit cloud server for monitoring.
Fuzzy Chance Constrained Optimization Approach for an Automotive Industry Model[Full-Text ] Osama Abdel Raouf, Ibrahim M. HezamOptimization is an essential part of any automotive industrial management system. Supply chain management procurement and marketing activities needs a lot of handling due to its the massive number of external and internal resource constraints. The optimization seeks to a compromise points between what will be paid as managerial expenditures and what will be gained as reduction in resource prices.
The bright future of Technopreneurship[Full-Text ] Ali Abdulhassan AbbasOne of the most important developments in the global economy is the interest in the globalization of commercial and economic activities, which in return depends on information technology and the spread of new organizations that have developed advanced skills and continuous innovation and contain research centers that constantly publish new technologies and move to technopreneurship by integrating entrepreneurship with technology in order to keep its global competitive position and build an economic society based on technological knowledge.
Impact of Digital Marketing in Business and Politics[Full-Text ] Jimit Mukesh ShahDigital marketing plays an essential role in business transactions and politics in India. Entrepreneurs have utilized innovative technologies to reach and expand their market segments. Digital marketing has enabled businesses to market and compete against other brands. This is achieved by monitoring their competitions, engaging with their customers and suppliers, developing their brands and saving time and other resources. The use of interactive media has enabled multinational companies like KFC India to connect with more customers to increase their market size and profits.
Marketing Strategy of commercial Vehicle industry- A study on SML Isuzu Ltd[Full-Text ] Sai aarti sharma, Mrs Akanksha AggarwalEarly mans need for mobility to distant lands, in search for sustenance, forms the bedrock for the evolution of the “Global Automobile Industry”. The invention of the wheel – “a Homo Sapiens innovation”, ushered in greater possibilities to transform the mobility style. However, it was the “revolving wheel” (1893) that steered the host of opportunities that evolved to transform mobility. The initial phases of this evolution were quite dramatic. Mass production in the early 1910 changed the whole landscape. Henry Ford gave the world its first steam engine powered carriage, from where there was no looking back. Today the industry has taken strides by leaps and bounds in terms of style, comfort, safety and technology. Apart from improving passenger mobility, there has been progressive improvement in goods mobility as well.
COMPARISON OF STAIN STEEL AND ZIRCO-NIA FOR PAEDIATRIC CROWNS : A REVIEW[Full-Text ] Dema AlgharbiThe aim of this review is to know comparison of pediatric primary crown to enable dentists to make the better based decisions , The ability to understand Advantgesand and Disadvantages and provide primary prefabricated crowns for Patient.
OPTIMAL CONTROL STRATEGY FOR IMPROVED CANCER BIOCHEMOTHERAPY OUTCOME[Full-Text ] Blessing Ogunmadeji and Tunde T. YusufA deterministic mathematical model for cancer cells dynamics in the presence of treatment is considered. The model is a system of coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which describes cancer growth on a cell population level in the presence of a combination of immunotherapy and chemotherapy known as biochemotherapy. The modeled scenario is formulated as an optimal control problem with the goal of obtaining the optimal levels of each of the treatment regimen that must be adopted in order to minimize the number of a cancer cells as well as the therapy toxicity while maximizing the immune system performance.
Usability Evaluation of E-Commerce Websites[Full-Text ] Jaspreet Kaur, Puneet Jai KaurUsability is the most vital factor for successful of any website. It helps the users to figure out whether the website is useful or not. There are various parameters like performance, content etc. that decides the Usability of a website. A website with higher Usability factors adds to the profit in business. In this paper, Usability of e-commerce websites is being analyzed with the help of automated testing tools already available in literature. For Usability analysis three parameters, namely Performance, Accessibility and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) have been selected. The results have shown that no single website is giving best value for the above said parameters, but different websites are giving different Usability according to parameters.
Awareness of Breast Cancer[Full-Text ] Ghanwa Aman Paracha, Ahsan Ali Lakho, Shoaib Muhammad, Mariam Younis ParachaBACKGROUND: OBJECTIVE: To determine “Awareness of Breast cancer among fourth and final year MBBS students.”
Effect on Nano-porosity and Thermal Stability of Polymethyl-methacrylate Polymer Membranes by Titanium Oxide Nanoparticle Dispersion[Full-Text ] Subhash Chandra, YK VijayThe control over nanoporosity in polymers with thermal stability could be achieved by nanoparticle dispersion in the polymer matrix. Titanium oxide (TiO2) nanoparticles dispersed Polymethyl-methacrylate nanocomposite membranes were prepared using solution casting method and these prepared membranes were characterized for nanoporosity using Doppler broadening positron annihilation spectroscopy (DBPAS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Thermo-gravimetric measurements were carried out using simultaneous thermo-gravimetric analyzer (STA); It is found that as nanoparticle weight percentage (wt.%) increases at lower filler concentrations of TiO2-in nanocomposite systems the nanoporosity increases, while at higher filler concentrations nanoporosity decreases, the thermal stability of these composites doesn’t deteriorate by TiO2 nanoparticle loading.
THE PLANETARY ROVERS[Full-Text ] Mr. Rohit Raju NikamFor the investigation of planetary surfaces emphasises their central importance in space exploration. This imposes a completely new set of technologies and methodologies to the design of such spacecraft and planetary rovers are indeed, first and foremost, spacecraft. This introduces vehicle engineering, mechatronics, robotics, artificial intelligence and associated technologies to the spacecraft engineer’s repertoire of skills. A rover (or sometimes planetary rover) is a space exploration vehicle designed to move across the surface of a planet or other celestial body. Some rovers have been designed to transport members of a human spaceflight crew; others have been partially or fully autonomous robots. In this paper we summarize the design, development and types of rovers.
Time Complexity Analysis for Termination Detection Using weighted Protocol[Full-Text ] Shreya Verma, Siddhartha, Sadhvik Reddy, Sini Anna AlexTermination detection in the study of distributed systems is a popular topic for research and a major problem of study. It involves checking if all the nodes have successfully terminated their execution. There are a large number of methods to implement termination detection. In this paper termination detection using weighted protocol is used that is described in Imran Riaz Hasrat, Muhammad Atif, “Formal Specification and Analysis of Termination Detection by Weight-throwing Protocol”,IJACSA Vol. 9, No. 4, 2018. We will apply time complexity technique to find out its measure in the algorithm used in the paper and also determine how to make the time complexity better. Our results show the time complexity of the proposed algorithm along with measures to improvise it in future.
Physicochemical Approach to Ouiouane Lake (Mid-Atlas Morocco)[Full-Text ] Idrissi.Z, Benabid.M, Bouayad.K, Tlemcani.I, Hinchi.I, Rais.C, Benjelloun.M & El ghadraoui.LThe Moroccan Middle Atlas is one of the best-watered areas of the entire kingdom. This feature makes Khénifra region one of the areas with a significant number of wetlands. Among these areas is Ouiouane Lake, which comprises one of the most important lake ecosystems; also it is a tourist site and sport fishing spot par excellence.
EFFECT OF BATTEN PLATES ON STEEL I-BEAMS FLEXURAL STRENGTH[Full-Text ] Ahmed Hassan, Sherif M. Ibrahim, Abdelrahim K. Dessouki This paper investigates the effect of batten plates on the flexural capacity of laterally unsupported simply supported steel I-beams. Lateral torsional buckling (LTB) failure mode always controls the flexural capacity of such beams. A Nonlinear finite element model for the doubly symmetric I-beams stiffened with batten plates is presented. The proposed model accounts for initial geometric imperfections and material non-linearity. Firstly, the finite element model is applied on unstiffened steel I-beams to obtain a reference value of the flexural capacity. Subsequently, a parametric study is performed to illustrate the increase in flexural strength of the same beams that are stiffened with batten plates of various configurations. The parameters in the research includes the location of batten plates along the beam span, the number and the dimensions of the batten plates. Moreover, the study is performed on both double sided and single sided for batten plates. Design charts are presented to predict the increase in flexural capacity of steel I-beams with various batten plates configurations. A simplified design procedure is proposed to predict the flexural strength of beams with batten plates. The research results indicate that batten plates are very efficient in increasing LTB capacity of steel I-beams when it is challenging to add lateral bracing.
Physicochemical quality and sensory analysis of Moroccan honeys[Full-Text ] Tlemcani I, Bouchamma E, Idrissi Chbihi Z, Errachidi F, Chabir R, El Ghadraoui L,Haloti S, Taouda H, Hinchi IThis research shows the correlation between physicochemical quality and sensory analysis of some varieties of Moroccan honeys. We have selected and prepared 6 samples of Moroccan honey variety of different medicinal plants rosemary, eucalyptus, jujube, thyme, polyfloral and spurge physicochemical properties and sensory analysis were evaluated, for total phenolic content by the modified Folin-Ciocalteu method, in addition the color intensity were analysed. The results revealed that dark honey polyfloral had the highest levels of phenolic compounds (474.23 mg EAG /100 g) for (sample 5) the lowest value in bright honey rosemary (28.6 mg EAG / 100g) for (sample 1). Although Polyfloral honey has highest flavonoid values (11.69 mg EQ / 100 g of honey), followed by spurge honey (7.96 mg EQ / 100g of honey). The lowest value has obtained in rosemary honey (0.11 mg EQ / 100g of honey). This study shows that physicochemical quality is on concordance with sensory analysis.