Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 12, December 2018.
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100M & 150M Span Single Ridge Steel PEB Warehouse Made of Wide Flange Rolled Sections[Full-Text ] Dr. A Saha Chaudhuri and S DasBuildings & houses are one of the oldest construction activities of human beings. The construction technology has advanced since the beginning from primitive construction technology to the present concept of modern house buildings. The present construction methodology for buildings calls for the best aesthetic look, high quality & fast construction, cost effective & innovativeness. The manufacturing of structural members is done on customer requirements.
Determinants of Loyalty through customer satisfaction; evidence from Fast Food Industry of Lahore, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Dr. Rizwan Qaiser Danish, Waqas Shakir, Shahan Tariq, Hafiz Fawad Ali,Muhammad Ahsan Khan,Rabia ShahidProduct quality and customer expectations are of immense importance in business as these are major driving forces towards customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction leads to customer loyalty. This research aims to explore how product quality and customer expectation affect customer satisfaction and customer loyalty specifically fast food industry of Lahore, Pakistan. In this study, our focus is on the customer’s satisfaction and through customer satisfaction customer loyalty.
Characteristics Modeling of Optical Properties (Absorption, Reflectance, Transmittance) on Barium Titanate Using ARIMA and VARIMA[Full-Text ] Lili Hariningrum, Muhammad Nur Aidi, I Made Sumertajaya, IrzamanBarium Titanate is one of the materials that can be used as a compiler of capacitors because it has a good dielectric properties. Barium titanate is then formed into a ferroelectric thin layer which will be used in measuring the relative amount of light using the spectrophotometer UV-VIS. The spectrophotometer works by measuring the relative amount of light from the largest wavelength to the smallest wavelength.
Mechanical Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) With various combinations of fibers and ultrafine[Full-Text ] Ph.D. Abdulamir Atalla Almayah, Hussein Sadiq Latief Reactive powder concrete (RPC) represents a promising material in the near future of construction industry because of its preferable properties upon the other kind of concrete. However, no code specifies the mixing requirements nor the mechanical strength of flexural members made from this material. In the present work, an attempt is made to find the best proportions of the components of the RPC such that maximum compression strength is achieved.
Relationship between Water Quality and Public Health[Full-Text ] A.O. Ibeje, H.U. Nwoke and O. IbearugbulemMany people in developing world rely on commercial water boreholes for potable water supply and it is believed to have caused water-borne diseases to the people. This study is focused on identifying the relationship between quality of water borehole and health of residents of the Owerri in Imo state, Nigeria. Ten water samples from randomly selected commercial boreholes are analyzed for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total coliform and E. coli count. The result indicates mean and standard deviation of (1.13, 0.37); (13, 12.2) and (1.2, 1.48) for BOD, total coliform and E. coli count respectively.
A Case report of 9-year-old child with basilar artery occlusion successfully treated with conservative medical management[Full-Text ] Hadeel Almehery, Norah alshahrani, Muhammad SaeedStroke is one of the major causes of childhood morbidity and mortality. Pediatric arterial ischemic stroke (PAIS) has an annual estimated rate as high as 3.3 cases per 100,000 children (with the vertebrobasilar territory involved in up to 36% of cases); however, the incidence of isolated childhood basilar artery occlusion (BAO) and stroke (BAS) is unknown. Adult BAO carries up to a 90% mortality rate, while death or severe neurologic deficits may be seen in 50% of children with BAO/BAS.
Imaging Characteristics of Esophageal Cancer on Multidetector Computed Tomography[Full-Text ] Ngoc Trinh Thi Pham, Trong Binh Le, Phuoc Hung Duong, Trong Khoan LePurpose: The study aimed to describe imaging characteristics of esophageal cancer on multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and to evaluate the agreement in the diagnosis between MDCT and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS).
Integration of Lean method in English Language Teaching and Learning: A New Perspective[Full-Text ] Assoc. Prof. Dr. FilizYalcinTilfarlioglu, Instr: Jivan Kamal AnwerLean method is defined as a method that follows a given sequences of logical steps to make the best of a given value while at the same time putting into consideration the necessity of minimizing waste. It also ensures the flow of the development or usefulness during the retrieval of a learner’s prompt. The concepts of value, flow and retrieval play an important role in the long-term objective of the lean approach which in most cases is perfection. This can be defined as a continuous need for development in the framework of any organization. The application of lean methodology in the tutoring process gives the tutors an ability of doing away with evidences which tend to be beneficial to the students and instead, they are encouraged to put more emphasis on furthering the teaching and comprehension process.
Expressive Arts intervention for Low Self-esteem Management - A Case Study[Full-Text ] Wakqas K. Ally, Dr Armaghan Butt, Yousaf Khan, Iqra Naz, Dr Ghulam Abbas, Zohra Batool, & Dr Zainab H. Bhutto The aim of the present study was to determine effects of expressive arts techniques intervention using ABA for low self-esteem management. Patient was a 28 years male; who is a pilot and undergoing conversion training from smaller aircraft to bigger one - recently divorced. Study was quantitative in nature, wherein; self-esteem level of client was assessed using Self-Esteem Scale (SES) by Rifai (1999) and stress; by applying Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS, 1995) – Urdu Version; pre and post intervention of Expressive Arts techniques.
A decision support simulation study for the elimination of hepatitis C in Egypt[Full-Text ] Osama Abdel Raouf, Nancy El-Hefnawy, Norhan KhallafHepatitis C virus (HCV) is a wide spread disease affecting public health in Egypt. New cases are generated yearly through blood infection; consequently, the prevalence of chronic HCV infection is expected to grow considerably. A new treatment era began after the introduction of direct acting antiviral (DAA) treatment giving hope to all HCV patients to become HCV RNA negative. Ministry of health is establishing a project hoping to eradicate HCV in Egypt. Insufficient statistics about rate of HCV infection and capability of healthcare servers was a planning obstacle. A screening project started in 2017 to provide essential statistical data.
Anticonvulsant Effect of the Hydroalcoholic Extract of Ajwa dates (phoenix dactylifera) in Animal Model[Full-Text ] Hafsa Hashmi, Dr. Muzzafar Abbas, Dr G.A Miana, Dr Fahim AfridiEpilepsy is one of the most common serious life threatening neurological disorder. The current modern antiepileptic drugs are associated with side effects, dependency, sedation, chronic toxicity, and teratogenic effects and in approximately 30% of the patients is ineffective. Ajwa dates are used as many traditional/classical medicines for the treatment of different diseases including convulsions and seizures. Ajwa dates use as an antioxidant, antiinflammatory, hepatoprotective,nephroprotective,hypolipidemic and cardioprotective.The current study evaluates the impact of anticonvulsant effect of Hydroalcoholic extract of ajwa dates in animal model and has anticonvulsant properties similar to commercially available drugs.In this study, anticonvulsant effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Ajwa date fruit were examined by using pentylentetrazole (PTZ) model in mice.
Investigation of different chemical kinetics reaction rates and its relevant modelling for H2-O2 combustion[Full-Text ] Sayed Ebrahim Hashemi, Pratap Jung Rai, Sudeep Parajuli, Arash AbbasiThe chemical reaction rate is considered as an essential requirement for modelling of different combustion phenomena. Several parameters such as temperature, pressure and reaction steps of combustible fuel influence the accuracy of modelling. Investigation of different reaction steps of modelling hydrogen mixture is reckoned in the present work. Accomplished modelling for H2-O2 in the scientific literature has been studied and tried to find the correct value of constants in the Arrhenius form of reaction rate.
An Enhanced stable and scalable routing methodology in Named data networks[Full-Text ] Dr. K. Kranthi kumar, P.DurgaprasadThe named data network is a new technology in routing were its forwarding plane helps us to recover the data on its own when the network failures occur.in this NDN the major issue are when the data is sent from one network to the other the data flow is not stable. By major survey we came to know that routing protocols plays a major role for the stable and scalable data flow. This routing protocols and be classified by forwarding process and also network topologies were the protocols have the data that can be retrieved back whenever the network faults occur. In this paper we proposed that hybrid flow architecture, network topologies and routing protocols are improved to get the stable and scalable routing when the data flow is interrupted.
Outcomes-Based Education(OBE) System:Online Examination Tool[Full-Text ] Rajesh Kumar, Paras lal, Kapil Dev, Tayaba Jawed Samoo, Muhammad Mansoor , Inder KumarThe utilization of online instruments to show courses in different orders has picked up notoriety in the previous decade. assesement is a fundamental movement to accomplish the targets of the course being instructed to enhance the educating and learning process.there are a few instructive scientific categorizations that can be utilized to evaluate the viability of assesemnt in building learning by adjusting the assesment undertakings in accordance with the planned learning results and instructing and learning ctivties. Outlining and evaluating learning results couldbe a testing action for Engineeringeducator.
Security Challenges in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Sarthak Kathuria, Souradeep BanerjeeCloud computing is a rapidly developing internet dependent technology that is becoming increasingly popular day by day due to the vast amount of advantages it brings along with itself. Its main idea is centered on providing highly scalable computing services, storage or application-based services via the internet on demand and on a pay-per-use basis. Security issues such as data theft, data loss is very much prevalent these days. Natural disasters lead to the damage of the cloud data servers leading to permanent loss of important information. Sometimes it also happens that cloud service provider don’t use their own servers for data storage and rent the same for flexibility.
TOPIC: Role of social media marketing in Indian Banking Sector[Full-Text ] Mrs. Pooja Singh, Dr.A.A.AttarwalaSocial media marketing is the new mantra for several Organisations and various brands. Marketers are making the most of many different social media opportunities and beginning to implement new initiatives at a higher rate than ever before. It is among the best possible marketing options available to a brand for connecting with prospective consumers. Social media in marketing helps to win the trust of consumers by connecting with them at a deeper level. One cannot afford to have no presence on the social channels if the competitor is making waves with its products and services on it. The explosion of social media phenomenon and the pace at which it is growing is huge. Global companies have recognized the importance of social media marketing as a potential marketing platform and utilized them with innovations to power their advertising campaign. The banking sector in India is no exception and is making wide use of social media in marketing. This paper discusses the concepts of social media marketing and the role and relevance of social media in marketing of banking services in India.
Text Mining Methods and Techniques for Information Extraction in Web Data - A Review[Full-Text ] Sridhar Mourya, Dr. P.V.S. Srinivas, Dr. M. SeethaThe amount of text generated each day is increasing rapidly. Web text mining is the procedure of mining significance information, knowledge, or patterns from unstructured text from other sources. Discovering patterns in text and document association in documents is a well-recognized difficulty in data mining. The amount of information stored in the world nowadays is increasing day by day. Because it is typically an unstructured format, it cannot be exploited to extract constructive information, so it able to utilize several techniques, such as classification, clustering, and information extraction. Various techniques of text classification have recently been developed to find efficient and effective classification techniques for text classification. Several of them are directed and various of them are not supervised in sorting documents. This review paper focuses on the concept of web text mining methods and techniques utilized in information extraction and describes the actual application of text mining. It also provides a brief description of the benefits and limitations of text mining.
Social Media and Celebrity Endorsement: An analysis of Literature Review[Full-Text ] Samarasinghe H.M.U.S.R.The purpose of this chapter is to provide a thorough review in existent literature in relation to the social media and celebrity endorsement. In view of that, this paper examines key concepts pertaining to social media, celebrity endorsement, Studies based on Source Characteristics, which are Source Expertise, Source Trustworthiness, Source Familiarity, Source Similarity and Source Likability .Each concept discussed in light of what past literature has stated in terms of the definitions, conceptualization, key arguments, antecedents and consequences, to offer a complete depiction of the theme.
Inclusive Senior High School Classroom with Students with Hearing Impairment[Full-Text ] Ma. Fe D. ChavezThe purpose of this phenomenological study is to shed light on the aspects of inclusion which have proved to be essential for further development of education. This generated the experiences of Senior High School English teachers and students with hearing impairment in an inclusive classroom. They shared the challenges and experiences encountered when dealing with inclusion. The study was conducted in two of the schools located in the Northern Negros Divisions. It was participated by three Senior High School teachers and three students with hearing impairment.
A Convolutional Neural Network based Approach for Recognizing Malayalam Handwritten Characters[Full-Text ] Jabir Ali V, Jose T JosephOptical character recognition has leveraged its capabilities to reduce tedious manual work of converting images containing characters to texts for recent decades, recognition of handwritten texts is harder than recognizing printed texts as different handwrittenscript may have different style of writings, slants etc, The Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) has been successfully used to recognize characters in many languages. This paper proposes a CNN architecture for classification of handwritten characters in Malayalam language. . Malayalam is a south Indian language which is used by 33.3 million people in the state of Kerala. This CNN Model has shown a testing accuracy of 97.26% for the classification of 44 handwritten Malayalam characters by using a dataset having seventy three thousand training images and eighteen thousand testing images. In addition, this paper put forward an algorithm to process an image containing handwritten Malayalam characters and output the corresponding Malayalam characters
STRENGHTENING SMALL BUSINESS AMONG MALAY MUSLIMS THROUGH MUAMALAT AND ISLAMIC SYRIAAT IN MALAYSIA[Full-Text ] YAACOB MOHD KHATIB, Dr Muhammad Khairi Mahyuddin, Dr Azlan Jaafar, Dr Nauna sammariManagement of business institutions among the Malays in this country had experienced many years of business turbulence, challenges and transformation. Reports of early business trading activities by the Malay community had begun in earlier history of the Sultanate of Malacca. With the coming of the earlier colonialist of Portuguese to Malacca in 1511 and the consequent Dutch and British in the following century had encouraged more Malay ethnics plunged into local trade.
Maternal Mortality in Kashmir[Full-Text ] Sobia Jan, Muzamil Jan, Nahid Vaida, Shazia BashirLifetime risk of maternal deaths describes the cumulative loss of human life due to maternal death over the female life course. The present study is conducted to study the number of maternity deaths in Kashmir since March 2009 to March 2018, to compare the maternal deaths in rural and urban Kashmir and to analyze the maternal deaths in district hospitals and referrals of Kashmir region. The majority of deaths have been occurred after referrals in hospitals like LD, JLNM, SKIMS, and SMHS etc. The majority of maternal deaths occurred in Baramulla district that is followed by Kupwara, Anantnag, Pulwama Bandipora, Budgam, Shopian, Srinagar, Kulgam, Ganderbal district since March 2009-March 2018. The majority of deaths occurred in rural Kashmir followed by urban area are since March 2009- March 2018. Majority of deaths occurred in year 2009 in Budgam, followed by Srinagar, while as no death occurred in Kulgam.
Arabic Programming Language Evolution-Survey[Full-Text ] Omar Ahmed Al-Motwakel, Malek N. Al-gabri, Ghaleb H. Al-GaphariThe existing system and most of the new technologies are developed with codes written in the structured English format. As a result, programmers, especially the Arabic ones, learn the English language and use its syntax in code instructions, which may limit their programming abilities. Moreover, if the beginner Arabic programmers want to be professional in programming, they have to be professional in the English language too. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to describe the abilities to use Arabic language in developing the instructions of the programming language by reviewing the facile programming language, as well as knowing historical start of using the English language as a programming language. Furthermore, knowing the development of their technologies will emphasize the methods of the translated English instructions into applicable computer instructions by knowing the infrastructure of the compiler mission in order to understand the existed previous work.
Cloudlet-based privacy preserving for securing medical data In Cloud by using homomorpic encryption technics[Full-Text ] Chaitanya kumar, Doddi SrilathaCloud computing is a model that provides physical and logical resources over the Internet. Cloud computing attracts the government, IT organizations, Individual users especially cloud computing is mostly used in Health care organization for storing and sharing the patient’s health care information. Practitioners remotely monitor the patient health information through the wearable devices attach to the patient body. By using particular equipment together with cloudlet knowledge it has became a major agenda to provide better medical availability. The handling series with health information possess information gathering, information loading (storing) and information division, etc. Cloud is predominantly used in health care organizations for storing and sharing the patients’ health information among practitioners and patients.
Status of Women Empowerment in India[Full-Text ] Kamakula N. Murthy“There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wingâ€, the essence of power of women in leading not just their families but also the nation and the world. (Swami Vivekananda) ‘Empowerment’ is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights. Women's empowerment has become a significant aspect in development and economics. It refers to the ability for women to enjoy their right to control and benefit from resources, assets, income and their own time, as well as the ability to manage risk and improve their economic status and well being.
A Review on Content Delivery Networks and Emerging Paradigms[Full-Text ] Folasade Ayankoya, Olubukola Otushile and Blaise OhwoIn telecommunications, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) main objective is to overcome the essential challenges of the Internet. The core principal at the foundation of this technology is the geographical distribution of contents from servers on the network edge closer to the customers, improving the customer’s perceived performance while restricting the costs. “Content delivery via the Web, as an intrinsic part of improving Web performance – maximize bandwidth, improve accessibility, and maintain correctness via content replication - ensuring fast, reliable applications and Web services for the customers.†This paper focuses on CDN, pointing out the components, existing emerging paradigms and review of literatures on the existing strategies for content distribution.
Improved utilisation of Library Services Across India: A sustainability Perspective[Full-Text ] APR SrinivasThe library system in India is more or less neglected. People are turning toward towards faster means of communication and knowledge transfers like internet, telecommunications and mobiles. The paper investigates the possible hidden role of a library in development of a society. It also calculates the cost reduction in newspaper printing and concentrates in increasing the daily readership.
Integrated Model for Selecting the Best-Value Contractor in Construction Projects in Egypt[Full-Text ] Moustafa Shehata, Ayman NassarSelecting the best-value contractor is not always an easy decision to make. Clients tend to choose the lowest bid price which doesn’t always guarantee the accomplishment of the work according to the terms and conditions of the contract, so that the technical proposal of the contractor has to be considered to accurately choose the best one. Contractors who submit a high bid prices shouldn’t be disqualified as they might have a high technical ability which allows them to award the contract, so that this research tried to convert the contractor technical score into price and then subtract this price from the submitted bid price to obtain a final bid price which represents a combination of the technical and financial proposal of the contractor.
Connectedness to school among adolescents: In relation to their mental health[Full-Text ] Shalinta Rai, Dr NamrataAdolescent mental health has been one of the growing concerns worldwide. It is a period of physical, social and psychological transition. This transition period can be an especially vulnerable time for adolescents as it also coincides with the onset of many depressive and anxiety disorders. Research has found that school connectedness is important interrelated factors during transition that can positively promote the development of students. The current study aimed to examine the relationship between school connectedness and mental health of students during middle, secondary and senior secondary grades, and whether this relationship varies across gender. Regression analysis was used to determine the school connectedness as predictor of students’ mental health at each point of time.
Water Sealing Effect of Rice Husk Ash in Con-crete[Full-Text ] B. O Adinna, I.E Umeonyiagu, P.D OnodaguConcrete is a naturally porous material, containing pores and interconnected capillaries. These capillaries admit deleterious liquids and gases into the hardened concrete and reduce the durability of the concrete. In this study the possibility of using rice-husk-ash (RHA) to tackle this problem was investigated by studying the water sealing effect of rice-husk-ash in hardened concrete through a water absorption experiment. A concrete mix proportion of 1:2:4 was used. Rice-husk-ash was added to six separate batches of the concrete mix in varying percentages of 0%, 2%, 4%, 7%, 10% and 12%, respectively, by weight of the cement content. Water-to-binder ratio of 0.53 was use throughout.
THE ENDANGERED ILOKANO TERMS[Full-Text ] Santiago Rabino Reolalas Today, Ilokano ranks third among the major languages in the Philippines based on the number of speakers. It is being used not only in Northern Luzon, particularly in the Ilocos Region, where Ilokano is the lingua franca, but also by the Ilokanos who have migrated to Metro Manila, Visayas, and Mindanao as well as abroad, like in Canada, in the United States of America, in Hawaii, in Italy, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in Dubai and other parts of the world. Even some ethnic communities in the provinces within Northern Luzon is so rich that it embodies the cultural heritage of the Ilokanos, their identity and pride. Today, with the advancement of technology and the impact of the social media and communication, there are a lot of Ilokano terms that have been endangered because the cultures they embody have been degenerated.
Effect Of High Voltage Pulsed Galvanic Stimulation (HVPGS) On Neurogenic Pains-A Simple Randomized Clinical Controlled Trail[Full-Text ] Dr.Gowrishankar Potturi, Anjali Agarwal, Krishna Reddy VajralaObjectives: To investigate the Effect of High voltage Pulsed Galvanic stimulation (HVPGS) on Pain and improving functional abilities confidence in patients with Neurogenic pains.
The use of loyalty cards by supermarkets: a review of literature[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Muhammad HassanCustomer loyalty programmes has grown as a technology that becomes more practical to implement. The scheme has been around since early 1990s when businesses were looking for innovative ways of strengthening their customer relationships. The main aim of this report was to review literature on the use of loyalty cards by supermarkets. IEEE and Google Scholar electronic databases were searched for relevant literature.
Effects of the Bonding Temperature and Annealing towards the Micro-structural of Thermosonic Cu-Al Interface[Full-Text ] T. J. S. Anand, K.Y. Chua, S. Shariza, C.C. Lee, D. Ranjith KumarIn this study, effects of bonding temperature and annealing towards the micro-structural evolution of the IMC at the bonding interface were evaluated. Analyses using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope equipped with Energy Dispersive X-ray facility were performed. It was observed that an increased bonding temperature resulted in a rapid interdiffusion of Cu-Al in as-synthesized sample. A higher bonding temperature resulted in a thicker and more uniform IMC formation at the bonding interface. Grain boundary diffusion was prominent at the bonding temperature of 100°C; while volume diffusion was dominated at 280 and 400°C.
Electrical Characteristics of Au-Al and Cu-Al Intermetallic Compounds in Thermosonic Interconnection Interface[Full-Text ] T Joseph Sahaya Anand, Lee Wen Hau, Chua Kok Yau, Ong Sai Boon, D. Ranjith KumarIn this report, the electrical resistance of the intermetallic compounds (RIMC) at bonding interfaces of gold (Au)- and copper (Cu)-aluminum (Al) in a microchip was studied. Micro-structural and electrical characterizations were performed on the samples prepared with combinations of wire types, bonding temperatures and High Temperature Storage conditions. It was observed that the IMC growth was generally in the parabolic manner which implied the volume diffusion mechanism. The resistance of the interfacial intermetallic compound (IMC), RIMC was related to High Temperature Storage (HTS) duration, t, in the exponential manner due to void formation.
Solving System of Fuzzy Linear Equations in Matrix Form Method[Full-Text ] Sahidul Islam, Md. Saiduzzaman, Md. Shafiqul IslamWith uncertainty on the parameters, a linear system of equations plays an important role in Economics and Finance. In Economics, linear systems of equations with uncertainty on parameters are widely used due to some imprecise data on the relation of a linear system of equations. In this paper, a detailed study of solution technique of system of fuzzy linear equations has been done. Appropriate applications have been also given to illustrate the technique. Before starting the main discussion, we have reviewed basic definitions and results of the fuzzy set theory. Then we have discussed the method to solve the system of fuzzy linear equations. Finally, we have presented some applications of the method for three different types of example.
BUCKLING OF STEEL COLUMNS WITH ECCENTRIC BRACING[Full-Text ] MOHAMED A. ABOKIFA, SHERIF M. IBRAHIM, ABDELRAHIM K. DESSOUKIThis paper investigates the behavior and the reduction in the column axial buckling capacity due to the eccentricity in the vertical bracing connection. Vertical bracing system is usually connected concentrically to web of I-shape steel columns. However, due to some constructional limitations, this system is constructed eccentrically. Many of current specifications such as AISC does not define a specific value for the flexural out-of-plane or torsional buckling factors for such cases. A non-linear finite element analysis is used to simulate the eccentric vertical bracing connection to the column web. A wide range parametric study for such case is presented.