Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2017.
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The effect of Vanadium Micro-alloying and Hot Deformation Control on the Mechanical Properties of Structural Steel [Full-Text ] Eman El-Shenawy, Taher El-Bitar, Almosilhy Mohammed Structural steels are considered as important engineering materials, where, they are introduced in machinery construction especially in connecting rods processed by hot forging. These parts require high strength in combination with good toughness. Better properties could be achieved by making combinations of the different strengthening mechanisms.
A Very Sensitive, Low-Cost, Portable Electronic System for Detecting Acoustic Earth Waves for Classroom Demonstration and Real Measurements[Full-Text ] A Guirguis, A El-Dahshan and A YahiaIn modern times, interactive learning has received great intentions due to its beneficial impacts on the development of technology sense for geophysics, and geology, or even physics undergraduate students. In contrast with the last decades, it was extremely hard to gain these experiences because the lack of resources and limited funds. However, the development of electronics enables us to build inexpensive systems that can provide students with practical knowledge. For example, data acquisition is essential for undergraduates to support them through their further technical careers. In this paper, we are presenting, with a simple approach for constructing, a portable electronic system for measuring acoustic waves or motions using conventional seismic data acquisition technique. This approach can be suitable for detecting earth response inside classrooms, or even laboratories. Hopefully, this work provides instructors with a low-cost data acquisition system to be used in related foundation courses, especially in developing countries.
Effect of Flooding on Livelihood of Communities in Muwo District, Mokwa Local Government Area, Niger State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Bukka, U. A., Muhammad, B. Y. & Yahaya T. I.Flooding in Nigeria has been reported to affect and render people homeless than any other natural disaster. Muwo district is one of the adversely affected districts in Nigeria owing to its geographical location and many other factors. Unfortunately, there is dearth of literature on the effects of flood in the district, therefore this paper was aimed at assessing the effects of flooding on livelihood in the district. 425 questionnaires were administered and analyzed. Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was used to assess the trend of the occurrence of flooding in the past 30 years. Geographic Information systems (GIS) was used to analyze the terrain. The results revealed that among the underlying courses of flooding, 77% of respondents agreed that release of water from Kainji dam was the main cause of flooding in the area, while 23% attributed the flooding to excessive rainfall. As evident from the standard precipitation index, excessive rainfall is not the cause of flooding in the district but the release of water from Kainji dam. The results showed that there was a great loss of agricultural products worth millions of Naira. There was a significant increase of loss with an increase in farm size (R2 = 0.98). The SPI results indicated that years the 1995 and 2007 recorded the highest amount of rainfall which made them very wet years. The year 2008 was moderately wet year. The years 2015 and 1988 were found to be moderately dry and extremely dry respectively. The findings indicated that there were 22 near normal years. Migration was found to be the major coping strategies adopted by the communities. The terrain analysis indicated that 639.92 sq. mi, 880.83sq. mi and 155.37 sq. mi were found to be highly vulnerable, moderately vulnerable and less vulnerable to flooding.
Investigating the Effect of Nano Clay on Concrete-Rebars Bond Strength Modes[Full-Text ] Nehal Hamed, M. S. El-Feky, Mohamed Kohail, El-Sayed A.R. Nasr Normal concrete has low tensile strength, so it was supplied with steel rebars in order to improve the tensile strength of the structural concrete. The presence of bond between rebars and the surrounding concrete leads to transfer the tensile stresses from the concrete to the rebars and vice versa.
Study on fluorescent and non-fluorescent pigments dyeing of different fabrics by both exhaust and padding methods[Full-Text ] Asma Begum, Asif Mohammad AdnanNormally dye-stuffs are used to make colored textile substrates but pigments can also be used and will be able to reduce problems which are faced using dye-stuffs. In this research work, some textile substrates such as cotton, polyester and nylon fabrics were dyed using fluorescent and non-fluorescent pigments and some color fastness properties of that dyed materials were evaluated. First cotton polo pique and plain nylon fabrics were dyed with fluorescent and non-fluorescent pigments in exhaust method.
ANALYSIS OF CYCLIST`S PERCEPTION ON INFRASTRUCTURE AND DECISION TO BIKE[Full-Text ] Mevlan Bixhaku, Marija Malenkovska TodorovaPeople who use the bike for transportation or pleasure face many challenges in the physical environment. Understanding the role of the road infrastructure in decisions to ride may lead to positive infrastructure policy. The objective of this study is to investigate the potential factors that can influence bicycle commuting in the city of Pristina. The study is designed to explore the arrangements of bicycle infrastructure and to provide recommendations to fulfill the needs of cyclists so as to encourage cycling on urban roads. Data analysis results showed that the quality of facilities strongly influences respondents' assessment, followed by perceptions of reliability, convenience, accessibility, and security. On physically separated bicycle paths, bicyclist`s perception of comfort was mainly influenced by road geometry and surrounding physical conditions. In the case of on-street bicycle lanes, bicyclists paid attention to the effective riding space and traffic conditions. The findings of this study can help inform design and planning of these bicycle facilities. Engineers, planners, and public health workers are interested in understanding how the environment may support cyclists, and how increased cycling activity may affect environmental and public health. Therefore in this paper, planners and engineers, will find useful information about strategies for improving the cycling infrastructure.
The Impact of Different Completion Parameters on Well Performance of Gas Unconventional Reservoirs[Full-Text ] Ibrahim S. Mohamed, Hamid M. Khattab, Ahmed A. Gawish and Mazher H. IbrahimUnconventional reservoirs are defined as reservoirs that cannot be produced at economic flow rates or that do not produce economic volumes of oil and gas without assistance from massive stimulation treatments or special recovery process. Shale and tight reservoirs are low quality reservoirs with low permeability. This low permeability can be as low as 100 Nano decries. . Well performance in gas unconventional reservoirs is greatly affected by different completion parameters of the horizontal wells. These completion parameters include number of frac stages, frac face skin, production under different draw down or (ð‘Âð‘– - ð‘Âð‘¤ð‘“) and the effect of production from different drainage areas. In this study, these parameters will be studied and quantified for proper analysis of long-term linear flow periods associated with tight/shale gas production
Enhancement of capacity using search algorithm for MIMO system[Full-Text ] Btissam BOUSTANI, Abdennaceur BAGHDAD, Aicha SAHEL, Abdelhakim BALLOUK, Abdelmajid BADRI.Wireless communications system are in constant evolution, multiple applications are used that require different performances, according to the knowledge of the standard used, the correct frequency band, the regulated power....This information are essential for the functioning of the MIMO system and thus contributes to its improvement.
Sediment characteristics of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp culture systems in Thoothukudi District of Tamil Nadu[Full-Text ] POONKODI, A, P. PADMAVATHY, A. SRINIVASAN, R. JEYA SHAKILA, S. ANAND AND D. MANIMEKALAIThe pond bottom soil and the accumulated sediments are integral parts of ponds. Concentrations of nutrients, organic matter and microorganism density in the pond bottom are several orders of magnitude greater than in the water. Shrimp, as animals that normally live on or near the bottom, are exposed to conditions on the pond bottom. Exposure to toxic materials endangers the wellbeing of the cultured shrimp. Reduced feeding, slower growth, mortality and possibly higher sensitivity to disease.
Bioclimatic Approch for Low Operational Energy in Educational Buildings In Nigeria[Full-Text ] Owolabi Olalekan Simeon and Halil Zafer AlibabaDue to the increase in debates on climate change and sustainability in different regions, sustainable and green building constructions have been on the rise. It is important to note that building design processes must not ignore climate considerations, or else risk the interference of human activities within the building space. This paper aims at assessing bioclimatic approaches in relation to energy performance towards a sustainable environment and green buildings. Bioclimatic design approaches help to increase the comfort experienced within a building in all seasons without automated or mechanical means. These approaches also help to curtail the use of non-renewable energy for cooling, heating, ventilation and lighting. This leads to reduced energy costs. The application of this principle does not imply an increase in the cost of construction or installation of some automated systems. Building designs which are based on bioclimatic approaches are highly sustainable; more ventilated with better indoor air quality, and allow for better visual comfort. The energy efficiency of an existing building and a proposed building will be compared using simulation tools contained in a software – Revit Architecture. This paper suggests design methods using sustainable approaches, which will assist designers and the construction industry as a whole in the application of the concept of bioclimatic design. The advantages of this approach are carefully analyzed.
Gestion des Conflits Fonciers Périurbains en Côte d’Ivoire : Cas des Villages Adjeyaokro et Trainou dans l’Agglomération de Bouake[Full-Text ] FALLE Landry YvesThe village of Trainou and Adjéyaokro belong to the peri-urban area of Bouaké and are generally places of conflict. The development of these periurban areas leads to many difficulties related to land management and conflicts. These conflicts, which are difficult to manage, can be explained by several factors, including the confrontation of the authorities between city and village, the belief in the sacred and the radicalization of the positions of the actors.
Awareness of Osteoarthritis among Saudi population[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz S.AlharthiOsteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that affect joint and cause cartilage lose and thinning. It is a major cause of disability. Methods Ë The study evaluated the awearness of Osteoarthritis among 830 saudi peoples males and females in multiple area in Saudi Arabia. The cross sectional study will be conducted among Saudi by questionnaire adopted from Winzelberg et al (OKAT) then , the data will be analyzed by using spss. Result : The sample has consisted of 55,6% women and 44,4% men. The majority (78,4%) had the university degree. Among the respondents, only 36,2% had a sufficient level of awareness about Osteoarthritis . T-test and Chi-squared test were used to reveal the relationship of demographic factors with awareness about Osteoarthritis . Younger and more educated participants had higher awareness scores. The results of the study showed a statistically significant association between age and educational level and the level of awareness of Osteoarthritis since p<0,05 (respectively p=0,000 and p=0,027) Conclusion : Awareness about osteoarthritis among Saudi is insufficient. To promote bone health, prevent Osteoarthritis and improve the economic implications of Osteoarthritis , educational and awareness programs should be established targeting the whole population especially the elderly.
Late Diagnosis Of Celiac Disease In An Adolescent Girl With Multiple Fractures[Full-Text ] AbdulRahman A. Sari, AbdulRahman A. Hummadi14-year-old female patient was referred to endocrine clinic in Jizan, Saudi Arabia, in January 2015 as a case of osteogenesis imperfecta with history of multiple fracture, started at the age of 8 years after minimal trauma with progressive muscle weakness, patient know on wheel chair. She was diagnosed with celiac disease based upon serologic results and the biopsy findings, a gluten free diet start, and the patient improve dramatically.
Securing Skill Set Of Security Printing Sector[Full-Text ] Parag Dnyandeo Nathe In security printing sector to produce products i.e. bank notes, demand draft, cheques, stamps etc. Offset printing and Intaglio printing are commonly used. Along with printing processes some finishing operations like trimming, embossing, numbering etc. are also included to add special value to product. There different configurations of machines which can be used for different sizes, no. of colors, speed with input paper in form of sheet or roll form. To work on security product, the printing engineering or technician must be competent knowledge of process, operations, raw material handling, finishing, quality checking and controlling in context of security printing sector. It is common practice in Industry to assign interdepartmental works to different technician without detailing of required professional outcomes from product. This process results in unprofessional practices, challenges for execution of targets, compromises on safety aspects of working conditions and economical losses production. To avoid these conditions, in this document we will discuss different competencies and evaluation of individual to achieve them to perform duties in Security Printing Sector.
17 years Old Female Hirschsprung's Disease –a Case report[Full-Text ] Hajer Abdullah. Al-Wagdani , Areej A. Alsufyani , Khaled M. Shaalan , Ahmad S. alharthi Adult Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is an uncommon disorder, since congenital aganglionosis is most often diagnosed in infancy and early childhood and present with intestinal obstruction heralded by failure to pass meconium within the first 24 hours of life .However, this case may be present at age of 17 as a result of misdiagnosis or late presentation. We present a case of a 17-year old female who presented with a history of constipation, abdominal pain and marked abdominal distention that improved eventually with conservative management. These intermittent attacks of partial bowel obstruction were treated conservatively since childhood. Developmental millstone was normal and there is no significant family history of Hirschsprung's disease. Diagnosis was made with full thickness rectal biopsy. The patient had functional colostomy for 3 months. After that she underwent Souave endorectal pull-through and followed with incontinence and diarrhea for the first few days that resolved spontaneously with time
Physico-chemical and sensoric characteristics of yogurt drink- based on coconut sap (csy-drink)[Full-Text ] Erminawati and KarsenoCoconut sap-Yogurt (CSY) drink is a product based on coconut sap and skim-milk processed through lactic acid fermentation using Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophillus at certain time and temperature. This research was aimed to assess the effect of varieties/different coconut-sap and skim-milk concentrations on physico-chemical and sensoric characteristics of coconut sap-Yogurt drink produced and to assess the treatment combinations which produce the best product. The research conducted using RBD with two factors; coconut-sap concentrations (0%, 10%, 30% and 50%) and skim-milk consentrations (5% and 10%); with four replications, therefore obtained 32 experimental units. Variables observed were; viscosity, total-acid, pH, reduction-sugar, total-sugar, Soluble-protein contents and sensoric/organoleptic-test (color, coconut-sap aroma, yogurt aroma, sweet-taste, sour-taste and hedonic. Data obtained was analised using F test and if significant, analysis continued using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% level. Result of the research showed that the best CSY drink preferred by panelist is the CSY drink processed from 50% of coconut sap and 10% skim-milk; with sensoric characteristics; rather-preferred (scale of 2,175), brownish-white in color (scle of 3,413) with taste of rather sweet (scale of 2,4) and rather sour (scale of 2,225), rather strong of yogurt aroma (scale of 2,05) and rather strong of coconut sap aroma (scale of 2,538). The physico-chemical characteristics of the product were as follow; viscosity of 7,375 mPa.s; acidity of 0,219%; pH of 4,975; reducing sugar content of 3,38% wb; total sugar content of 20,056% wb and Soluble protein content of 0,05% wb.
A REVIEW OF CURRENT SITUATION AND PROBLEMS OF WATER RESOURCES IN SHANGHAI[Full-Text ] FRIDAH MWARANIA, LI YONGMEI, ANNE WAMBUI MUMBI, JOSEPH KATHIAI KURAUKA, FADINA K.S. JUSTIN. Water resource is a vital asset that supports survival of both plants and animals and shanghai location that’s east tip of Yangtze River Delta and halfway along China's eastern coastline is said to receive relatively high amount of rainfall therefore recharging both its surface and ground water sources. However due to increased consumption levels this resource has become scarce and Shanghai is one of six cities in the world facing severe water shortages, which poses a threat to the city’s residents, agricultural output, energy production, and economic productivity. Apart from water scarcity some of the water sources are highly polluted from the industrial agricultural and domestic effluents containing contaminants like; chemical oxygen demanding agents, ammonia, oils and total dissolved oxygen making the cost of treating the water to meet the accepted level standard expensive. To solve the various issues that Shanghai is facing today the municipal government should modify the various policies, laws and regulations governing the water sector that are in place. Technology is another aspect that can be used to improve the water situations in shanghai since future projections show that shanghai will be faced with high water scarcity levels. The residents are left spending a lot of money to pay for the water bills since the cost is directly charged to the end consumer that is the customer. Despite the challenges most people have access to clean piped water. The quantity might not be as it was years back, but at least the taps are not dry.
Modeling Depth-Averaged Velocity in Sinuous Meandering Channel using GEP[Full-Text ] L.Mohanty, D.NayakAnalysis of flow in meanderin channel is highly influenced by the geometry of the channel and other flow parameters such as velocity, pressure distribution and flow profiles on different sectional parameters like width ratio, aspect ratio and relative depth.
Improved Performance of Round Robin CPU Scheduling Algorithm Using Non-preemptive SJF[Full-Text ] Md. Rashid Al Asif, Md. Alam Hossain, Md. Abdul Momin, Mehedi Raihan, Md. Zakaria HossainThe performance of multitasking operating system heavily depends on its scheduling algorithms. Round Robin is the most important part of CPU scheduling algorithm in the operating system where time quantum affects the performance. This algorithm is very useful for CPU scheduling that gives equal time quantum to all processes. This paper presents an improvement of RR CPU scheduling algorithm that reduces the average turnaround time, average waiting time and the number of context switches. The RR CPU scheduling algorithm with non-preemptive SJF method is applied for getting better performance. The proposed algorithm works as follows (i) Round Robin CPU scheduling algorithm is applied until all the processes arrive in the request queue, (ii) When all the processes are in the request queue then non-preemptive SJF is applied for remaining process execution. This proposed method increases the performance of RR CPU scheduling algorithm.
STUDY ON SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE USING HYBRID STEEL FIBERS AND GGBS[Full-Text ] Mohammed Mubashir Huzaifa, Prof. Nadeem Pasha, Dr. S.K. Md. AzamIn this paper, an attempt is being made to prepare self compacting concrete (SCC) with GGBS and hybrid steel fibers. The aim of this study is to prepare M40 SCC with GGBS and hybrid steel fiber and compare its strength behavior with conventional concrete. Ordinary cement is done by using IS 10262 2009 and SCC is done by using Modified Nan Su method. For this purpose the concrete is replaced by 10%, 20% and 30% of GGBS with addition of 1%, 1.5% and 2% of hybrid steel fibers respectively. Cubes of size 150x150x150mm are prepared for determining the compressive strength of SCC while cylindrical specimens of 150x300mm are used for split tensile strength determination were as prism of size 100x100x500mm are prepared for determining flexural strength of SCC.
Effects of storage temperature on physicochemical parameters of coconut (Cocos nucifera var. Dwarf of Guinea Equatorial) water[Full-Text ] ADINGRA Kouassi Martial-Didier, BROU Koffi Siméon, CAMARA Fatou, KOUADIO N’guessan Eugène Jean Parfait, TANO KablanThis present work is a comparative study between the physicochemical properties of the coconut water dwarf variety of Guinea Equatorial stored at 28°C and 10°C during two weeks. The physicochemical properties like dry matter, pH, titratable acidity, sugars, proteins and vitamin C were analyzed for comparison. The results showed that at the ambient temperature the values of dry matter, titratable acidity, proteins and vitamin C decrease during the storage time. However, at the cooled temperature (10°C) these values remain practically stable during the two weeks. These data indicated that coconut water storage at the cool temperature of 10°C preserved nutrients during two weeks. This juice could constitute a potential good drink for sportsman.
Retroperitoneal Ganglioneuroblastoma in pediatric patient[Full-Text ] Sarah M AlRashed. Anwar A AlSwailem. Ahood Y AlNougidan. Hessa F AlBassam. Dr.Sinan Jamal.Ganglioneuroblastoma is an uncommon tumour of the sympathetic nervous system that can originate anywhere along it. It mainly occurs in the pediatric age group with an annual incidence of 7.6 per 1,000,000 population in the USA. Ganglioneuroblastoma considered as third most common malignancy in children after leukemia and brain tumor it is also the most common solid extracranial tumor in children according to the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Registry. We report a case of 3 year and five months old girl who was admitted through the OPD for further workup for having a complaint of chronic diarrhea, failure to thrive and working diagnosis of celiac disease. Upon physical examination, she generally looks well, thin and sleeping comfortably. Weight: 12.95 Kg (2nd percentile). Height: 95.6 cm (3rd percentile).
MODERN PAINTING BY ALBANIANS IN THE BALKANS AFTER THE 1990S[Full-Text ] Jeldz Asani ABSTRACT: With the collapse of the communist system and the return of the pluralistic political system in Albania, after 1991, visual arts began their journey without the tutoring of a uniform art tendency, as it was during the past 50 years of socialist realism in this country.
Reservoir Characterization and Reserve Estimation of Shahjadpur-Sundalpur Gas Field Using Wireline Log Data[Full-Text ] Rubaya Tasnin Mim, Istiaque Muhammad Khan, Howlader Ohidul IslamReservoir characterization is a detailed description of a reservoir using all available data. The hydrocarbon storage capacity is characterized by the effective porosity and size of the reservoir, whereas the deliverability is a function of permeability. Porosity and permeability are key parameters that are readily measured on rock samples and from well log analysis. This study shows the determination of reservoir rock properties and volumetric reserve estimation of Shahjadpur-Sundalpur gas field (well-2) using wireline log data. Hydrocarbon bearing zone of a reservoir is detected by Resistivity log, Porosity logs and Lithology logs. Porosity has been determined by using Sonic, Density and Neutron logs. Effective porosity has been calculated from neutron-density combination formulae. Log derived permeability is estimated using Wyllie & Rose equation. Water saturation has been estimated from Archie formulae, Indonesia equation and Simandoux model with the help of resistivity log data. At last reserve is estimated using volumetric
Mood Classification based on the Lyrics of Punjabi Songs[Full-Text ] Harpreet Kaur, Dr. Gurpreet Singh JosanMusic has been an integral part of human beings for emotions, recreation and entertainment as it expresses emotions in a concise and effective manner.People choose to listen to a song or music which best ï¬ts to their mood at an instant point of time, making the need to classify the songs in congruence to their moods more of a demand.The study of mood recognition in the ï¬eld of music has gained a lot of momentum with machine learning and data mining techniques.We have made an effort to build a system for automatic identiï¬cation of mood according to lyrics by considering tf-idf,POS tagging and n-gram features. Mood classification refers to the use of natural language processing and text analysis to identify what the author meant.We have analyzed various data algorithms in order to learn, train and test the model representing the various moods of songs. We have been successful to achieve a satisfactory accuracy of above 60% of individual features and upto 85% in combination of features in identifying the mood by using KNN approach experimented over a list of 264 songs. Our results show that the use of tf*idf values provides a valuable source of information for automatic mood classifications for Punjabi songs based on lyrics only.
FREQUENCY OF LOW BACK PAIN AMONG SCHOOL TEACHERS OF LAHORE, PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Hafsa Zahid, Fariha Khalid, Umair Ahmed, Ashfaq Ahmed, Syed Amir Gillani, Muhammad Kamran HanifLow back pain is a recurrent musculoskeletal complaint in school teachers. It is the pain in the lumbar region at the level of waist and it can also radiate to lower extremities. The pain may aggravate due to movement which may affect daily life activities. The aim of the study was to determine frequency of low back pain in school teachers of Lahore, Pakistan. The current study was an observational study. In this study, thousand school teachers participated. The data was collected using a self-administered Performa from different schools of Lahore, Pakistan including both government and private schools selected randomly. The data analysis was done by using SPSS 16 version. The frequency of low back pain determined was 288 (28.8%) as only 288 teachers reported back pain out of 1000 teachers. There were 98(34%) teachers who were suffering from pain for more than a year while the mean pain intensity was 5.12 which were determined using VAS scale. This study concluded mild frequency of low back pain in school teachers.
GSTAR and GSTAR-X Models to Forecast Inflation in Four Cities in North Sumatera[Full-Text ] Henny Agustina Siagian, Anik Djuraidah, I Made SumertajayaInflation presents the purchasing power of people. One important indicator of economic stability is inflation. Forecasting inflation rate is very important in taking policy for the government, enterprises or other economic actors. North Sumatra is one of the big provinces in Indonesia. In 2016, four cities in North Sumatra: Medan, Siantar, Sibolga and Sidempuan had the highest inflation rate in Indonesia. GSTAR model can forecast inflation in several locations simultaneously by including time and location factors in the model. Modeling the inflation rate in four cities in North Sumatra using GSTAR produced GSTAR (2:1)(1,0,0:1)6. The average values of AIC and RMSEP on GSTAR(2:1)(1,0,0:1)6 were -11.22 and 0.90. In its development, GSTAR model was not just influenced by time and location but there were other influencing variables, called exogenous variables. This model is called GSTAR-X. In this study, the addition of three exogenous variables on GSTAR-X(2:1) (1,0,0:1)6 produced the best model with an average AIC of -89.70 and an average RMSE of 0.57.
Non-Neoplastic Lymph Node Diseases.A 10 year review with the use of Immunohistochemical and special stains[Full-Text ] Adoke Kasimu Umar, Yawale Iliyasu, Mohammed Sani Shehu, Ahmed Audu Mayun, Saad Aliyu Ahmed, Adelusola KayodeFor long, emphasis had been put on neoplastic lymphoid lesions whereas the non-neoplastic, benign lesions had been treated with neglect despite the fact that non-neoplastic nodal lesions are more common than neoplastic ones. The non-neoplastic nodal lesions can be very difficult to differenciate from their neoplastic counterpart in some instances without the use of immunohistochemical and special stains.
Project Management as an instrument to support innovation for country development – Macedonia case study[Full-Text ] Misko DzidrovEast European countries are all in the group of modest innovators by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and they all have slight improvements in the recent years. They all have some government programmes to support innovation and entrepreneurship. Project management was used as an instrument with some features that can help bust new innovation product development and with that to help the economies to become Innovation-driven Economies. Project management with some features helps the innovation development of products, but for some features it is limiting the development. Recommendations have been given for support of activities in Macedonia so that the innovation of new products and services can be stimulated in the upcoming period.
Effect of Tantalum Addition to Zinc-Aluminum alloy5, ZA5, on its Metallurgical Aspects and Mechanical Characteristics[Full-Text ] Adnan I.O. ZaidThe use of Zinc-aluminium alloys in general and Zinc-aluminium 5 alloy have spread in the last three decades in industrial applications, due to their resistances to wear and corrosion. These alloys normally solidify in coarse dendritic structure which affects their surface quality and mechanical behaviour. Therefore, their structure is normally refined by rare earth materials e.g. titanium, titanium+boron or zirconium. In this research the effect of addition of Tantalum to ZA5 at the following percentages: 0.02%, 0.04%, 0.06%, 0.08% and 0.10% on its microstructure, hardness, mechanical behaviour, and fatigue life is investigated. The results of this work revealed, within the experimental range, that the addition of Tantalum as grain refiner at all rates resulted in changing the coarse dendritic structure of ZA5 into fine nodular one which resulted in enhancement of its hardness and flow stress. It was also found that addition of 0.04% Tantalum to ZA5 resulted in enhancement of its flow stress, and the fatigue life at a stress level of 160 MPa. However, addition of Ta at a rate percentage higher than 0.04% and at stress level exceeding 160 MPa resulted in deterioration of its fatigue life.
Survey on Big Data Analytics for Digital World[Full-Text ] MANMEET SINGH Every day quintillion bytes of data is generated,90% of which has been created in the last two years alone. From this it can predict the amount of data that will be generated in future. It is necessary, to introduce some techniques for analyzing such a huge amount data to face the challenges and to deal with limitation of ‘Big data Analysis’. Such Big Data analysis can be used nearly in every aspect of our modern society, including mobile services, retail and consumer services, manufacturing, business intelligence, financial services and robotics. The motive of this paper is to understand how big data is generated and the necessity of analyzing such data. This paper also gives a short glimpse of Big Data analysis implications in the real world and its role in every field along with challenges and advantages. This paper also explores various techniques, algorithms, systems of big data analytics in various sectors of digital world.
Knowledge, Attitude towards vaccination among parents, Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Arwa K. Alharthi , Mohammad E. Mahfouz , Khalid A. Althobaiti, Ahmad S. Alharthi, Abdulrahman A. AlzahraniThe objective of this study was to assess parental knowledge, and attitudes on childhood immunization among Saudi parents. One of the best and most cost effective medical interventions to prevent infectious diseases is vaccination. Although the effect of Immunization on the illness and disability of children has been noticeable worldwide, but still there are some countries did not reach the desired effect.
Modeling Depth Averaged Velocity in Sinuous Meandering Channel Using GEP[Full-Text ] L.Mohanty, D.NayakAnalysis of Flow in Meandering channel is highly influenced by the geometry of the channel and other flow parameters such as velocity, pressure distribution and flow profiles on different sectional parameters like width ratio, aspect ratio and relative depth.
Influence of training on Myocardial Oxygen Consumption (MVO2) and electrical activity of the heart : A Comparative study[Full-Text ] Ms. Priya Nandy, Dr. Anupam BandopadhyayRate Pressure Product (RPP) is a valuable marker of the oxygen requirement in the heart in a given condition. It used to measure the stress put on the cardiac muscle based on the number of times it needs to beat per minute (Heart Rate (HR) and the arterial blood pressure that it is pumping against (Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)). This research was focused on the myocardial oxygen demand and electrical activities of the heart between trained swimmers and table tennis players (both male and female) and to find out the relationship between them. Height, Weight, Body Fat Percentage, Blood Pressure (BP), HR and RPP were estimated using standard method. Automatic 12 leads electrocardiogram machine was used to record electrocardiographic changes of each player. HR is most important parameter in sports science which shows significant differences in both cases but QT Interval(ventricular depolarization and repolarization time) only shows significant differences between female players group.RPP is negative significantly correlated with QT Interval(p<0.05) and positive significantly correlated with HR(p<0.01) and Corrected QT Interval (QTc) (p<0.05).During ventricular systole (depolarization) heart contracts more forcefully and requires energy(supplied by oxygen) but during ventricular diastole (repolarization) heart relaxes, means it is not in stressed condition and it indicates myocardial oxygen demand will be low. In conclusion, longer will be the ventricular repolarization time less will be the myocardial stress or oxygen demand.
Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin to dentin using a Vth Generation Bonding Agent Optibond Solo before and after dentine deproteinization - An In vitro study and SEM analysis[Full-Text ] Dr Shibu Aman, Dr Sheena PThis in vitro study is aimed to evaluate the influence of collagen removal with 5% sodium hypochlorite on the shear bond strength of composite resin to dentin before and after removal of collagen layer following acid conditioning using a Vth generation bonding agent. Twenty recently extracted premolar teeth were selected for the study. The samples were divided into two main groups of ten specimens each according to the dentin surface pre-treatment .The enamel on the occlusal surface of teeth was ground to expose dentine and the surface was made flat. . Each of the prepared 20 teeth were individually embedded in rectangular blocks of self cure acrylic resin. In one group Optibond Solo adhesive(Kerr manufacturing Co) was used to bond the composite specimen after acid conditioning of the dentinal surface . In the other group acid conditioning was followed by Sodium hypochlorite treatment of the dentinal surface using the same adhesive. The test specimens were subjected to Hounsefield tensometer, type W horizontal 2 ton to test the shear bond strength.. The present study concludes that dentin deproteinization treatment with 5% sodium hypochlorite enhanced the shear bond strength of composite resin when used along with a Vth generation bonding agent., Optibond Solo adhesive (Kerr manufacturing Co).
Overview of Eagle’s syndrome, consequences, and treatment[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz Fahad Altowairqi , Saud Mohammed Saud Aleisa , Raad Hameed Altowairqi , Rayan Darwish HabibThe aim of this study was to identify the symptoms and evaluate the causes behind of Eagle’s Syndrome, as well as to review the evidence in treatment options that are available. The searches were conducted through MEDLINE, Google Scholar, and PubMed databases there were no regional restrictions but English lanaguge restriction with human subject for studies published up to October, 2017. Along with a medical background and physical examination, radiological assessment is likewise essential for diagnosis. Patients with Eagle's syndrome typically have a chronic pain. Appropriate diagnosis is needed for treatment ,usually surgical treatment is required. . When a patient is presenting long-term pain of the head and neck region, dentists and physicians should consider Eagle’s syndrome as a possible cause.
Assessing acute kidney injury following hepatectomy: Review[Full-Text ] Saud Mohammed Saud Aleisa , Abdulaziz Fahad Altowairqi , Abdulaziz Saud Fahad Aljuaid , Abdulaziz Saleh Omar Khalid , Abdulrahman Ali Hadaidi , Abdullah Adel Alshaibi , Khalid Dhaifallah Hameed AlthobaitiThe aim of this study was to identify the pre and postoperative risk factors and estimate prognostic reasons of AKI, and highlight methods for preventing these events. on short- and long-term outcomes following hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Comprehensive review of literature was performed using medical electronic databases such as MEDLINE, and EMBASE, articles concerned with acute kidney injury following hepatctomy published up to September, 2017 were recruited. In conclusion postoperative AKI occurs in 12% of patients after liver surgery. Some reasons like low preoperative kidney function, hypertension and blood transfusion can cause AKI. To reduce mortality and AKI cases it is important to carefully make operation plan and diagnose before, also carefully select patients.
Photovoltaic Fed a New Design of Zeta Converter[Full-Text ] Istabraq Almoalem and Nurettin AbutThis paper presents a new design of Zeta Converter fed by photovoltaic module as input power source. The Perturb and Observe (P&O)algorithm is used for photovoltaic systems to achive Maximum Power Point(MPP) .This proposed design of Zeta Converter with two control switches, two diodes, four inductors and four capacitors can be used to benefit much from photovoltaic energy. By using this design the single source can be able to give a voltage to two outputs, one of them controls the first stage(0-kT) of duty cycle and the other operates during the remainig period.
Overview of Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Tinea Imbricata[Full-Text ] Ahmad Alhassan K Mawkili, Abdulrahman Hassan O Makin, Adeebah Jilan E Mahha, Kharifah Mohammad Sherah, Arwa Ahmed A Abutaleb, Wasan Siddiq Y Alsalem, Salma Mohammed Alhassan Ezz Adean, Amnah Ali Abdulqader Elaqi, Ibtihal Hassan Ali Hadi, Rami Ibrahim A AsiriTinea imbricata (TI) or Tokelau is a shallow mycosis brought on by Trichophyton concentricum, an anthropophilic dermatophyte. It is endemic in some islands of the South Pacific (Polynesia), South-East Asia, Central and South America, and Mexico, and is usually seen in individuals residing in primitive and separated conditions.