Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2017.
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Forming of metal ring disc and studying of mechanical properties[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohammad Kahrizi and Dr. Ernest NazaryanIn developing the application, and technological problems of the ax symmetric shape-changing of metals, using the results of solving the problem of determining the stress-strain state of a ring disk and a thick-walled tubes at large plastic de-formations is mentioned. These issues include the definition of finite quadratic form sizes and products, and mechanical properties of the material changes due to deformation at a given value and patterns of changes in the external load. Current methods for analyzing such problems is based on a schematic of the process of forming, in which the problem reduced to giving the equations that characterize the plastic state, convenient for forms of mathematical calculations in order to obtain closed analytical solutions. To do this, consider the problem of statically determinate, so that it becomes possible to determine the stress equations without consideration of the relationship between stress and strain (strain rates).
POTENTIAL OF ORGANIC RESIDUE OF Typha domingensis IN ENHANCING CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY AND MICRONUTRIENTS OF UNIVERSITY FARM, GUBI-BAUCHI, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] U.F. HASSAN, E.O. EKANEM, H.M. ADAMU, N. VONCIR AND H.F. HASSANThe organic residue of Typha domingensis was incubated at varied incubation periods (0, 15, 30 and 45 days) into soil samples obtained from the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University farm, Gubi-Bauchi, Nigeria in order to determine the potential of the organic residue of the invasive Typha domingensis in enhancing cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the extractable micronutrients of the soil samples.
Establishing a stingray proof connection for the exchange of medical files[Full-Text ] Akhil Madamala, H.Parveen SultanaLast year, out of the blue, the medical field experienced more attacks than any other field. It is bound to repeat as per the ID Theft Center. While the medicinal services industry experienced identify fraud in availing health care services; it is still yet to deal with the threat of hackers. Since the technology came late to the medical industry, the threat of identity thieves doesn’t seem to go away any time. the personal medical files are made use of by a wide range of criminals. these medical files bid for higher prices in the black market than the financial information. From the security view, these conditions make accessing medical files through mobile a difficult task.
Knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding antibiotics usage among adults in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Nasser Abdullah Al-humaidiBackground: The development of antibiotic resistance is a threat to human health worldwide. Misuse of antibiotics is a major cause of the development of these antibiotic resistance. Because the community is the end user of antibiotics, it plays an important role in the development of antibiotic resistance. The present study was aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding antibiotics usage among adults in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
EBV in Neck Metastases from Occult Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma In 57 Years old Female: a case report and review[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz alenazi ,Bushra albalawi, Jameel alswahibApproximately 1–9 % of all head and neck squamous cell carcinomas are neck metastases from clinically undetectable primary tumors. (EBV) is proven carcinogenic factors that are associated with cell carcinoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. In the present case study, we demonstrate the utility of EBV detection in the evaluation of patients with metastases to neck nodes from occult primary carcinomas in order to identify case of NPC . In the present study, we reported a case of 57 years old female patient, known case of HTN admired to KSMC for diagnosis of a pre-existent (6months) painless left neck mass increasing in size associated with hoarseness of voice, for which the primary site was not detected after complete head and neck examination and assessment. Patients was evaluated and treated at the Institute of Otolaryngology, king saud medical city , Riyadh, Saudi Arabia , between November 2016 and December 2016. On the basis of clinical medical history, physical examination , immunohistochemical findings, a diagnosis of stage II, Epstein Barr-virus positive, metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma .The primary symptom of unknown primary with NPC is often misdiagnosed, which has been admitted to be suboptimal failure or delay therapy.
Contribution to the design of an information system for the National Tourist Development[Full-Text ] I.EL HAOUTA, A.IDELHAJ, S.BOUREKKADI, A.BABOUNIAThis work represents a general view of the "Augmented Reality" applied to the tourism field for detecting the issuer’s language, based on informatics technical system, that containing concepts, methods, statistical tools, computer science or even neuroscience, therefore, it essentialto start by an "Automatic recognition of the language" which has been used by the tourist (in the case of a multilingual system, thatwill be more interesting than having a simple monolingual system), then try to extract keywords from what the tourist said ("Automatic Speech Recognition"), and finally propose responses to the tourist by report to keywords extracts, by using applications in the field of digital technologies, as well as, design and evaluation techniques for the human-machine interactions.
Inventory Cost Optimization with Normally Distributed Lead Time and Stochastic Demand Considering Fill Rate[Full-Text ] Md. Ashiful Alam, Zahid Hasan, Syed Al Furkan Siam, A. K. M. Tasfiq Abedin, Nasib Al HabibIn this research, inventory stochastic model has been used to find out the optimum re-order point and ordering quantity. It is one of the important ways to find the total inventory cost. A hybrid equation of total inventory cost has been developed where customer demand has been kept deterministic up-to re-order point and after re-order point, it has become probabilistic. Demand has been considered as a random variable after re-order point. Some equations have been derived to find the ordering quantity Q and re-order quantity R. In the traditional EOQ model, holding cost is the main portion of the cost which is considered. But in this hybrid model, a penalty cost is included which has a clear relationship with fill rate. So, some equations have also been derived to link up the total cost with the re-order quantity, ordering quantity and penalty cost in this research. Besides, fill rate has also been measured in terms of those ordering quantity and reorder quantity.
Forecasting of Field Rat Attacks Using Transfer Function Model[Full-Text ] Antoni Ahmat, I Made Sumertajaya, Anik Djuraidah Field rat (Rattus argentiventer) is one of the major plant-disturbing organisms categorized by Directorate General of Food Crops, Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. As an island with a large number of rat species, the agriculture in Sulawesi is susceptible to field rat attacks.
Modeling Simulation and Transfer Matrices Determination for Induction Motor[Full-Text ] Emil Pop, Gabriel IlceaIn this paper a new method for modeling, simulation and the transfer matrices determination for d-q channels of induction motor were developed. Because the induction motor has a nonlinear mathematical model, an original approach based on system theory and a decupled method to avoid the nonlinearities was used. In order to determine the transfer matrices along the inputs (voltages)-state (fluxes)-outputs (currents) channels the Laplace transformation and linear algebra was used. The block diagram, the Simulink model and the simulation results for initial nonlinear motor and with decupled nonlinearities together with the transfer matrices has be compared showing very close results and these validate the method.
Health related Qualitey Of life in type 1 diabetes pediatric patient anr their parents[Full-Text ] Asrar A Jabrah , Fatima A Ahmed , Eman H AlBogami , Ibtisam G Ghashimi , Alyaa M Albishi , Amal M Bally , Basma T Farhan , Maryam S Bajaifar , Prof:Abdulmoein Eid Al-AghaBackground: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is a heterogeneous disorder, which is characterised by destruction of pancreatic beta cells, culminating in absolute insulin deficiency. T1DM accounts for approximately 5–10% of the total cases of diabetes globally. It has been historically, and continues to be, the most common type of diabetes in children and adolescents.
Overview surgical management of Wegener's granulomatosis[Full-Text ] Fahd Hamoud ali Altowairgi, Raad hameed altowairqi, Rayan Darwish Habib, Abdulaziz Fahad Altowairqi, Rayan Mohammed AlofiThis review goes over the use of interventional surgeries to handle manifestations of Wegener's granulomatosis triggered by tissue damage and scarring. These symptoms consist of nasal and paranasal sinus illness, center ear inflammation, nasolacrimal duct obstruction, orbital inflammatory masses, subglottic stenosis, tracheobronchial illness, and end-stage renal illness. A search of literature through databases; MIDLINE, and EMBASE was conducted to identified related articles to our concerned topic (management of Wegener's granulomatosis) that were published up to November 2017.
Review of surgical procedures for wound dehiscence[Full-Text ] Rayan Darwish Habib, Abdulaziz Fahad Altowairqi, Rayan Mohammed Alofi, Fahd Hamoud ali Altowairgi, Raad hameed altowairqiThe aim of this review was to define the outcomes of numerous studies that have identified considerable factors associated with surgical wound dehiscence (SWD) and provide information about management of wound dehiscence, highlighting the surgical debridement. We conducted a comprehensive search for articles published in English up to 2017. Search was performed through following databases; MEDLINE, Current Contents, Web of Science, and PubMed with the terms “wound dehiscence”, “risk factors”, “surgical treatment”.
Reviewing the evidence of surgical management of thyroid nodules[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz Fahad Altowairqi, Rayan Mohammed Alofi, Fahd Hamoud ali Altowairgi, Raad hameed altowairqi, Rayan Darwish HabibSurgery of the thyroid gland has evolved in many ways since its modernization by Theodor Kocher in the late nineteenth century. Along with procedural modifications, the surgical indications for benign and malignant disease have also continued to evolve and have often been a source of controversy. This article describes the indications, diagnosis and surgical management for thyroid nodules. .
An overview of surgical management of pilonidal sinus [Full-Text ] Raad Hameed Altowairqi, Rayan Darwish Habib, Rayan Mohammed Alofi, Fahd Hamoud Ali Altowairgi, Abdulaziz Fahad AltowairqiPilonidal disease is a common and usually minor disease. Although wide excisional surgery has been common practice, there are more simple alternatives. This review focused on the etiology and management of pilonidal disease, concentrating on the surgical treatment of pilonidal sinus. PubMed, Embase, and Google scholar databases were searched up to November, 2017 for published studies with English language and human subjects discussing pilonidal sinus surgery in patients and surgical approaches.
Lower extremity ulcer surgical management; Overview[Full-Text ] Rayan Mohammed Alofi, Rayan Darwish Habib, Abdulaziz Fahad Altowairqi, Raad Hameed Altowairqi, Fahd Hamoud ali AltowairgiLeg ulcers are debilitating and painful, greatly reducing patient's quality of life. We have reviewed the clinical assessment of leg ulcer and the guidelines for diagnosis, highlight the surgical management. A comprehensive search was conducted using several databases and the most important ones are; (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, Medline, and Cochrane databases). All studies discussing the surgical management of lower extremity ulcer, published up to November, 2017 was included. The search Mesh terms used to retrieve relevant articles were as follows: “Lower extremity ulcer, Surgical intervention”. Lower extremity venous and arterial ulcers comprise a complex clinical and social issue.
Overview of surgical procedures for patient with abdominal sepsis[Full-Text ] Hamed Awadh Alharthy, Zafer Khalid Algarni, Muhannad Abdulrahman Alsukhayri, Mohammed, Abdullah G. Alzhrani, Tahani Rajab Alzahrani, Malak Abdullah Asiri, Rawan Mohammed A Altowayan, Abdullah saad AlthobaitiThis review will focus on the treatment of abdominal sepsis with a specific emphasis on surgical treatment. Especially new evidence published in the last few years will be discussed. Medline, and Embase, databases were searched for relevant studies discussing the abdominal sepsis through, October, 2017. Search restriction was applied to only English language published studies with human subjects. Management of abdominal sepsis needs a multidisciplinary approach.
An overview of diverticulitis surgical treatment[Full-Text ] Zafer Khalid Algarni. Hamed Awadh Alharthy, Mohammad Abdullah Alelyani, Rakan Tarek Olfat, Marwan Fahd Sarhan, Faisal Hamad Alotaibi, Sultan Abdullah AlghamdiSurgery of diverticulitis remains a challenging clinical problem despite major advances in the medical therapy of diverticulitis, radiographic procedures, and more aggressive treatment of acute diverticulitis. The aim of this review article is to analyze the types, discuss proper surgery for uncomplicated and complicated diverticulitis, to indicate alternative surgical methods for it. Comprehensive searching strategy through Well-known medical databases (MIDLINE/ PubMed, and Embase) searching articles that published in English language up to December 2017, and discussing the diverticulitis surgical treatment, Mesh Terms used in search method as following; “diverticulitis”, “management”, “surgical intervention”.
Different Surgical Approach of Groin Hernia Repair: A Systematic Review[Full-Text ] Alharthi Saif Abdullah M, Alhamyani Abdulmajeed Hamed M,Al- Kurayzi Majed. Hassan, Alqurashi Ibrahim Abdullah, Althomali Faris Ahmed, Alzahrani Mohammed Khalid, Albaqami Majed Mohammed,Alzaher Abdulaziz Ahmed, Ahmad Faisal AlbishryBackground: The prevalence of hernia is far greater in developing countries like India amounting to a major health care burden.
Overview of complications and roles of family doctor in managing hypertension[Full-Text ] Abdulsalam Rashed Alshehri, Jamaan Hasan Alqahtani, Majed Abdulhakim Alamoudi, Faisal Sultan Alharthi, Majed Mohammad Albogami, Hamed Abu Baker AltobaiqiHypertension is a cause of morbidity and mortality. In this review we will discuss the pathophysiology, effective treatment methods. We highlight the consequences and complication of hypertension as well as role of family doctor in managing hypertension. We performed detailed search through electronic databases; PubMed, and EMBASE, for studies published in English language and human subjects thought instant to 2017. Studies discussing the managing hypertension in primary care by family physicians, were included whether were reviews or control studies. following keywords are used in search process: “hypertension”, “complications”, “family doctors”, “primary care”, “Management”.
Family doctors approach in management of complications of hypertension in primary care[Full-Text ] Abrar Ali Wazqar, Abdulhakam Abadi Falemban, Shroug Abdulmajeed AlGhamdi, Ma’ather Zuhair AlHajaji, Abidah Hasan Mohsen Al-esawi, Maiar Najeeb Hijazi, Ruba Saud Alsharif, Basem Abdulwahab Alkhaibari, Wafaa Mohammed AlAbdali, Rehaam Mohammad WayaniIn this review we aimed to discuss evidence-based approach to the management of hypertension, the primary prevention of hypertension through the adoption and maintenance of healthy lifestyles highlight risk factors as well acute and long-term complications of hypertension. We conducted a comprehensive review through the MEDLINE database by using of PubMed to identify articles discussing “complications of hypertension” and “treatment” in primary care by family doctors, published in English language up to November, 2017.
Neurological assessment by family doctors in primary care setting[Full-Text ] Ayman Mohammad Aboalam, Mohammed Ali AL-Shahry, Ahmad Mfarih Sharahili, Abdulrahman Mohammed Assiri, Abdulrahman Mohammed AqeelIn this review we discuss neurological assessment methods that can be applied by physicians in primary care. We outline certain basic concepts about the nervous system, the appropriate attitude toward neurological problems and patients. We searched following electronic databases (PubMed and EMBASE) to October, 2017. Search strategy targeted relevant studies to our main topic which is Neurological assessment by family doctors in primary care, using Mesh terms through PubMed as following; “Neurological disorders”, “neurological disease”, “family medicine”, “primary care”. Evaluation needs some general ideas about the nerve system and some skills in questioning and assessment, none of which are really difficult.
Hyperthyroidism, current treatment methods; Review[Full-Text ] Dr. Saud Sayyaf Saud AlmuawiIn this review, we discuss physiology and diagnosis methods, highlight current approaches to the management of primary hypothyroidism and explore potential future developments. A comprehensive search was conducted using several databases and the most important ones are; (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, Medline, and Cochrane databases). All studies concerning the Hyperthyroidism, current treatment methods published up to November, 2017 was included.
Surgical assessment of papillary thyroid cancer: Review[Full-Text ] Fahad Mahdi Alsuwat, Fahad Saleh Alsuwat, Abdullah Ali Al-Ali, Ahmad Hamza Omar Khalid, Sultan Sameer Alhunbusi, Hamdan Ahmed Althubyani, Hisham Abdulbasit Abdulsamad Othman, Ahmed Masad Alzaidi, Abdullah Khalid Alsuwat, Maged Awadallah AljouidThis paper gave an overview of the pathological issues related to papillary thyroid carcinoma, including an update on nuclei, the benign conditions that may mimic the cancer and the implications of several subtypes of the tumor and also focused on the surgical approach of papillary thyroid cancer. We conducted computerized search among electronic databases; EMBASE, COCHRANE and MEDLINE for literature available in the databases to November, 2017 using the following search term including variants: “thyroid cancer”, “surgery”, “Management”. Restriction to only English language with human subjects were applied.
Roles of family physicians in diagnosis and management of metabolic syndrome. Review[Full-Text ] Mohammed Hassan Albarakati, Moath hassan albarakati, Wafa saleh alkhuzaie, Rahaf yaseen almutawa, Ismail Mohammed Alshahrani, Hassan Saleh Felemban, Emad Jafar Ayash, Emir Hamoud Almhmadi, Sultan Mohammed AllhaibyThe objectives of this study are to determine the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome among different people and risk factors, highlight the literature based management. MEDLINE (via PubMed), EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library were searched up to November 2017, using search terms (Medical Subject Heading [MeSH]; “metabolic syndrome”, “Primary care”, “family medicine”, “management”, “treatment”. Metabolic syndrome is common and family doctor need to be concerned that they are handling a team of patient with high cardiovascular risks.
Overview of available and effective interventions for myopia control[Full-Text ] Abdullatif Obaid Altowairqi, Naseem Saleem Altowairqi, Abdulrahman Omar Basalim, Ali Yasen Ali AhmedIn this article, we discuss the epidemiology of myopia and genetic background, treatment methods to slow down the progression and a summary of early clinical investigations of drugs for controlling myopia. We conducted the literature search in following electronic database MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, for published studies up to October, 2017. We have included most evidence based articles which were discussing the myopia control interventional. We then manually searched the references of the original studies and reviews to identify any potential studies omitted by our search concerned topic.
Dermatological diseases management in family medicine[Full-Text ] Ramzi Ali H Arishi, Fatimah atiah yahya Khawaji, Muzaynah Abdullah Ali AlAli, Abdulsalam Siddiq Mohammed Arishi, Ali Mohammed Abodash, Ahmad Hussain Mohammed Motanbak, Hassan Nasser Ali Altherwi, Amjad Mohammad A Najmi, Bshaer Ahmed Ali Ahmdeni, Abdullah taher hamoud sumayli, Ibrahim Abdullah J SumiliEffective treatment of infectious skin disease requires timely identification or estimation of the offending pathogen, and selection of a treatment that is effective against the pathogen and is administered via the optimal route and dosing schedule. In this study we aimed to explore management methods of infectious skin disease and background information. We searched PubMed, and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) databases for recent for studies concerning dermatological diseases management in family medicine published up to October, 2017.
Isolation, screening and antagonistic activity of Bacillus pumilus VNS 25 from Mangrove soil collected at Nizampatnam coastal area Andhra Pradesh[Full-Text ] Nagasai Babu V, Ravi Varma A, Ushakiranmayi Mangamuri, K. R. S Sambasiva Rao, Sudhakar PodaMangrove and marine ecosystems are major sources of novel microorganisms which can produce potential bioactive compounds when compared with terrestrial ecosystems. Generally most of the microorganisms in the mangrove region are rich sources of secondary metabolites having strong enzymatic and metabolic activities because these ecosystems are saline and highly rich in organic matter. The present study was aimed to isolate and characterize the bioactive compounds producing bacteria from the soil sediments of Mangrove ecosystem in Nizampatnam coastal area situated in the south coastal area of Andhra Pradesh. Among all isolates 56 were selected and screened for antagonistic activity where 29 has shown poor, 21 has shown moderate and 6 isolates with potential activity. Further the strains with maximum antagonistic activity were purified and characterized by 16S rRNA and SEM analysis. The results confirmed that the purified samples are Bacillus pumilus-VNS 25 and could be useful for the discovery of the novel bioactive metabolites against broad range of Gram positive, Gram negative, fungi and plant pathogens.
A Way For Proposing Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm to Resource Allocation in the Cloud DataCenter[Full-Text ] Samaneh Mokhtar Jozani, Abolfazl Toroghi HaghighatCloud computing is an important technology in order to comprehensive share and access to a series of resources without the need to interfere with developing services providers. The important issue about cloud computing, which is also very much considered today, is the load balancing and resource allocation, which has been considered in this essay.
A SURVEY ON BIG DATA: IN REAL TIME, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES[Full-Text ] Shridevi Erayya HombalBig Data is the most challenging area to consider as it cannot be processed using traditional relational database management system. For some extent we can agree that big data leads to several benefits with the hope that it does not cause any harms meanwhile, it is essential to consider whether its changes are good or bad to society. This paper describes new challenges and opportunities of big data.
Differential Expression of EGFR in Primary Tumor and Lymph Node Deposits of Breast Carcinoma[Full-Text ] Tarek S. Aboushousha, Mostafa S. Zawi, Amr M. AgeezEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a member of the ErbB family of receptors. Its stimulation by endogenous ligands, EGF or transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-α) results in activation of intracellular tyrosine kinase, therefore, cell cycle progression. High levels of EGFR expression are correlated with poor prognosis and resistance to radiation therapy in a variety of cancers. This study was conducted on Tissue samples include 6 excision biopsies from benign cases and 60 modified radical mastectomy biopsies from malignant cases.
Green Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicro-bial Activity of Cu(II) Schiff Base Complex[Full-Text ] S. Sani, M. A. Kurawa, I. T. Siraj and A. M. LawalCondensation of 2-hydroxy-1-napthaldehyde and 1,2-phenylenediamine occurs to afford schiff base and its Cu(II) complex in quantitative yield under organic liquid-assisted mechanochemical condition efficiently in the presence of DMF as a liquid-assistant grinding (LGA) solvent. schiff base and its complex were characterized by IR, powder XRD, Differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and elemental analysis. The analytical data show the composition of the metal complex to be [M(L)], where L is the schiff base ligand. IR results demonstrate the tetradentate binding of the schiff base ligand involving two azomethine nitrogen and two phenolic oxygen atoms. The powder XRD studies indicated that Cu(II) complex is less crystalline then the schiff base. The operational simplicity, environmentally friendly conditions and high yield achieved are major benefits that meet the requirements of green production, including saving energy and high efficiency. Structural assignments are based on spectroscopic data. The synthesized schiff base, and metal complex were screened for antibacterial activity using gram positive (Staphylococcus aurous) and gram negative (Escherichia coli) and antifungal activity using Aspergillum flavus. (gram positive) and Aspergillus niger. (gram negative) as potential antimicrobials and showed moderate activity. For all the organism tested the complex compound show higher activity then the schiff base Thus, complexation or chelation increases antimicrobial activity.
Nanostructure and Mechanical Properties of Severe Plastic Deformed Al 6061 Alloy Processed by Constrained Groove Pressing [Full-Text ] H. S. Siddesha, Shantharaja M, S. Paul VizhianIt is required to increase the life of any component, this can be achieved by using material having high strength or by increasing the strength of the material which are in use. Increasing the strength can be achieved by many processes and one of them is Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) process.
Evaluation of Noise Levels and its Effects on Workers at Indorama Petrochemical Complex, Eleme, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Gbarato, O. L., Abumere, O. E. and Nte, F. UThis study is aimed at evaluating the emitted noise levels from the process plat at the Indorama Petrochemical Company Ltd, Nigeria. Noise levels and Geographical Position measurements were undertaken with the TES 1350 Sound Level Meter and a suitable Geographical Positioning System (GPS). Mapping of the measured noise levels were undertaken using the emitted noise levels and geographical positions of the measurement points.
Characterization with geotechnical testings of the clay sediments of Gbédji-Kotovi in Benin[Full-Text ] Kassa Issifou MOUNOU SAMBIENI, Francois de Paule CODO and Crépin ZEVOUNOUBackground: The clay of Gbédji-Kotovi is a combination of smectites, and of beidélite (Etienne SAGBO, 2015; IHETA and al, 1983), which presents sometimes, heterogeneous (mixtures) and anisotropic (multilayers) states. In Africa, generally, clays are used in the homogen soil constructed core or body ofdykes, or in the construction ofzoned backfill water resistant core or body of dikes or dams and for the masqued backfilled dykes. Thus, it is importantto prove with the geotechnical testings, if the clay of Gbédji-Kotovi can be used for dykes or dams.
Impact of the tropical cyclone AILA along the coast of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mst. Rupale Khatun, Goutam Chandra Gossami, Shamima Akter, Mrinal Chandra Barman, Gour Chandra PaulAILA, a category 1 cyclone, furiously hit south western coastal region of Bangladesh on 25 May 2009, killing 190 people, and left several injured. Even though AILA was a cyclonic storm by definition, but its impact was greater than that of the super cyclone SIDR that hit the coast of Bangladesh. Using information obtained from different sources, this study identified some reasons for the economic cost and sufferings for the coastal people resulting from storm surges. The casualties may be attributed to a number of physical characteristics of the cyclone such as duration of the storm and associated surges, landfall time and site, varied coastal ecology, and coastal embankment. This article recommends improvements to the cyclone warning systems and some measures for at least partial mitigation of storm surges along the coast of Bangladesh.
GPCR MA: An Adaptive Approach Over GPCR For Vehicular Ad-hoc Network[Full-Text ] Naziya Hussain, Dr. Priti Maheshwary, Dr. Piyush Kumar Shukla, Anoop SinghThe term VANET developed regularly synonymous with additional broad term IVC (inter-vehicle communication), while the focus on remains feature of spontaneous networking system, less on infrastructure use such as RSUs and cellular networks. VANET conventions have high experiments because of powerfully trading topologies and symmetric connections from systems. The VANET protocols are “Greedy Perimeter Coordinator Routing”, Greedy Perimeter Coordinator Routing with Movement Awareness (GPCR-MA). And include five QoS parameter performance, namely Average Delay, Average Energy Consumption, Packet Delivery Ratio, Network Overhead and Throughput, which are created and contrast with their QoS parameter execution. Toward the end of the investigation, plan a general examination for these conventions as for their QoS parameter and further comprehend the future extent of this study. Here we have taken diverse sorts of situations for simulating and analyzing the performance results. This paper indicates the comparative study of two main VANET protocols are studied and improved according to their algorithm. GPCR-MA is an improvement for the GPCR protocol that efforts on routing a vehicle affecting in the line of association of the concluding target. Based on the performance propose enhancements to GPCR-MA in order to progress performance.