Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2017.
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Adaptive Encryption Technique to Protect Biometric Template in Biometric Database using a Modified Gaussian Function[Full-Text ] E. N. Ajimah, O. N. Iloanusi, M. C. Eze and S. OlisaFingerprints as a type of biometrics, appear to be the most populous and most acceptable means of individual identification and verification. We leave our fingerprints on virtually anything we lay our fingers on. The chance however, of casually leaving our fingerprints at several location without our knowledge, exposes mankind to much more insecurity.
Application of the constructivist methods of teaching-learning through the use of ICTs in Zambian schools. A case of selected secondary schools in Lusaka[Full-Text ] Eric BahufiteThe government educational policy in Zambia has been supportive of the use of ICT-mediated constructivist methods at all levels of education. However, little is known about the ways these learner-centred methods are applied to benefit the pupils in secondary schools.
Development of a Digital Game-Based Algebraic Learning System[Full-Text ] O. C. AGBONIFO, O. P. ONU Game is fun or entertainment but the application of game in the field of learning has given rise to the use of high mental skill in solving real world problems. Learning is crucial in human life and the approach and strategy to learning is also a function to human acquisition to knowledge. Game theory has been applied in various fields of knowledge and the resultant effect has promoted active engagement in learning and enhanced constructive knowledge approach of learning. Hence, this paper aims at developing a digital game-based algebraic learning system for teaching and learning simultaneous equation in institutions of learning.
BULK ARRIVAL RETRIAL QUEUE WITH NON PERSISTENT CUSTOMERS, ACTIVE BREAKDOWN, DELAYED REPAIR AND ORBITAL SEARCH[Full-Text ] Dr. K. Prakash Rani, Dr. K. Udaya Chandrika, Dr.J.Ebenesar Anna BagyamBulk arrival general service retrial queue is analyzed. Server provides two phase of service: essential and optional. After each service completion, the server searches for customers in the orbit. Customers may balk or renege at particular times. Accidental breakdown of the server is considered. The repair of the failed server starts after a random amount of time known as delay time. After repair the server continues the service of the interrupted customer or waits for the same customer. The necessary and sufficient condition for the system to be stable is presented. By applying supplementary variable technique, the steady state distributions of the server state and the number of customers in the orbit are obtained. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the influence of the parameters on several performance characteristics.
The knowledge of college of sharia student's about coronavirus in Imam Muhammed Bin Saud University in Riyadh 2014[Full-Text ] Majed Ali Mohammed Al AhmariBackground: Saudi Arabia is experiencing an outbreak of Middle Eastern-Coronavirus in the community. The Coronavirus kills about 40% of those infected and has been detected in 22 different countries worldwide.
PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND LEVELS OF HEAVY METALS IN TOPSOILS OF SELECTED URBAN AREAS IN AKURE METROPOLIS, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] A.S. Izomoh, V.O.E. AkpambangThis research aimed at assessing the physicochemical properties and heavy metal concentration in soils of places visited by a large number of persons. Top soils (0-15 cm) of Shasha market, North Gate motor park, Benin motor park and Ilesha motor park were sampled. The pH of the soil samples ranged from 6.95-7.83 and 5.42 - 8.20,the organic matter ranged from 0.78% - 4.70 and 2.21-5.78%,the CEC ranged from 2.65-3.99meq/100 gm and 3.32 - 5.59meq/100 gm, the electrical conductivity of ranged from 155.00-416.33µS/cm and 150.33- 426.66µS/cm,the particle size determined showed %clay ranging from 8.93 - 22.45 and 9.61-17.36,%silt was 7.44-10.09 and 1.83 - 10.18 and %sand was 68.42 -83.63 and 72.46- 85.45 for control and site samples respectively.
Installation and Techno Economic Analysis of 12.5kW Solar Photovoltaic Project[Full-Text ] Onuoha Christopher C., Mohammad Alshoubaki This project presents the installation and techno-economic analysis of a 12.5kW solar photovoltaic project. The design involves evaluation of the entire building total electricity demand/consumption and as well obtaining the required solar radiation this information was used to analyse the various component of the photovoltaic system, On the other hand several calculations were recorded to determine an approximate number of solar panels, inverters that comprise of the solar section of the photovoltaic system. Also, the simple payback period (SPP) and net present value (NPV) were calculated and used to assess the viability of this project. (SPP) simple payback period is 3.8 years, the (NPV) net present value calculated as 8414 JD and the SIR savings-investment ratio was calculated as 1.96. When 1W (PV) equals 2080Wh/year where the total consumption of the building is 25500kWh. Therefore 12.26kW of energy was needed to cover 25500kWh of electricity consumption. Thus, this project is seen to be more economical, environmentally friendly, conducive, and viable considering the abundance of sun radiation and cost effectiveness.
Analysis of Online Free and Paid Courses[Full-Text ] Baljeet Kaur, Ramanjeet KaurOnline course websites must be of high quality in order to help and encourage students gathering knowledge, understand the meaning, interpret problems and solutions, use and apply concepts and methods, analyze and classify material, synthesize structures and patterns, and make judgments about the value of materials and ideas. In this research concentrate on the web-based evaluation framework of online courses and Learning Management System (LMS), Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) based on web-based questionnaires that are directed at different target groups for the course contents and the design of the LMS as well as the website. Online learning is a growing and exciting new way to learn about almost anything. Online learning can continue to open doors and offer learning opportunities for those who are interested.
Proposal of a concept of local logistics units for humanitarian relief operations and identification of criteria to better choose their installation site and their relevance[Full-Text ] Karima Zejli, Abdellah Azmani, Mustapha ErrianiThe various major players of the humanitarian aid (IFCR, ICRC, PAHO), prompt to the decentralization of the logistics of help (rescue) by creating local logistical units in complement to the regional logistical units (RLU), which role is to centralize the humanitarian interventions of scale and their mutualized management. From this perspective, we developed the premises of a new ecosystem proposing an architecture joining several types of local units (Proximity Logistical Unit: PLU, Potentially Useful Site: PUS). These can play an important role in the reactivity of supports and rescue interventions, and be in most of cases sufficient to face a situation of disaster or when the latter is large-scale worked in accordance with an RLU. The implementation of such an ecosystem supposes several considerations of which the wise choice of the geolocalization of a regional logistical unit, its role and its dispositions.
The Origin of universe with respect to known matter energy and dark matter[Full-Text ] Arbaaz Mahmood The actual nature of matter is that matter can neither be created nor be destroyed with relation to Newtonian mechanics, General Relativity and Quantum fluctuation dissipation theorem and relation to dark matter that is dark and actual matter are two sides of a coin. Origin of the universe with respect to eternity models and existence of universe as a closed system. The pre-defined time loop of multi dimensions and its actual nature as a closed system. A critical review of Mass-Energy Equation that the loss of mass is an experimental error and relation between attractive forces and energy that attractive forces are reciprocal of energy.
Thematic Structure and Thematic Progression in Background of the Study Section of Students’ Skripsi[Full-Text ] Rama Dwika HerdiawanAs students of university level, they need to accomplish the final project as a paper which becomes their scientific writing in the last semester. However, they sometimes ignore how important the coherence as well as cohesion in terms of writing are. Regarding the main obstacle faced by the students, the study is aimed to investigate theme-rheme structures or thematic structures proposed by Halliday (1985) as well as thematic progressions proposed by Paltridge (2000). The study is also conducted to explore English writing skill which functions to acquire some accurate information on the students’ problems in writing English supported by Systemic Functional Grammar. The study reveals that there are at least four related problems found in the current study in terms of Theme structures and Thematic progression: the problem of selecting the textual theme, the problem of concordance between theme and rheme, the problem of incomplete rheme, and the problem of empty rheme. Hopefully, the current study would provide valuable contribution to the development of writing proficiency. This study is held not only to provide EFL learners the appropriate solutions toward problems in order to assist them enhance their writing performances, but also provide the strategies to achieve the coherence as well as cohesion in the text.
Gingival and Palatal Cysts of the Newborns between Surgical and Conservative Treatment[Full-Text ] Abdullah Ismail Sawma, Mohammed Abdulrahman Alali, Mostafa Moheb Rizk, Dimo Mustafa Dimo, Ghassan Saleh SalamaSubmucosal cysts of the gingiva show as a fixed soft surfaced node with a blanched appearance 2. This paper aimed to investigate the necessity of surgical and conservative treatment of gingival and palatal cysts of the newborns. A two years prospective study was conducted between 2015 and 2017 at Al- Qurayyat General Hospital Al- Jouf. A total of 3000 newborns were examined. Over a period of two years, a total of 160 newborns with gingival and or palatal cysts were diagnosed during routine examination of the newborns at Al-Qurayyat General Hospital Al-jouf. Patients were followed up for a period of 10 months. The results showed that the total observed cyst 63% of them were broken by themselves after one week. While, 8% broke between the ages of 3-4 months, 10% at the age of 6 months, while 6% of them at the age of 8 months and only 4% required surgical treatment. The study was concluded that the majority of gingival and palatal cysts of the newborns will be resolved by themselves by the age of 8 months. Just reassurance, conservative and regular follow-ups of the newborn is all what is needed. Surgical treatment was needed in minority.
Incidence of Haemonchus contortus Infection In Free Range House Hold Sheep from Liman Katagum and Bununu Villages, Bauchi State Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adamu, S. U., Samaila, A. B. and Garba, H. M A Study was conducted in Liman Katagum and Bununu, two Villages of Bauchi Local Government in Bauchi State to determine the Infection Of Local Sheep with Haemonchus contortus. A total of 368 animals were examined, 184 from each of the two villages, between the Months of January to April t obtain Data for the dry Season nd June to September for Raining season data. Fecal material was collected and subjected to examination in the Laboratory using Floatation techniques. A total 58 animals representing 31.52% were found to be infected in Liman Katagum while 9 representing 4.89% were found to be infected in Bununu. More animals 39 representing 21.16% were found to be infected in Dry season than the wet season where only 15.22% were infected. The prevalences of the parasite was found to be higher in Female with 21.43% than Males with 19.9%. similarly more Adults were found to be habouring the Parasite H. contortus than the young animals. During the Study eggs of other Parasites such as Oesphagostonum spp, Ostertagia spp, Trichostronglylus and Stronglyoides spp were isolated indicating co infection.
Evaluation on the Operational Characteristics of Gerji-Imperial Roundabout: A Case Study in Addis Ababa[Full-Text ] Bewket Aynetaw, Prof. Emer Tucay Quezon, Tarekegn KumelaHighly congested roundabouts are usually considered as the critical points within the urban road network and the evaluation of their performance provides valuable understanding and useful indication about the performance of the city road network system. Roundabouts should be designed to operate at no more than 85 percent of their estimated capacity. Beyond this threshold, delay and queues vary significantly from their mean values. Roundabout approach is dependent on the conflicting circulating flow and the roundabout’s geometric elements. In Addis Ababa, most of the intersections are congested and operate in poor LOS. During peak hours, it is common to see congestion, long queues and delay at junctions. Accordingly, the objective of the study was to evaluate the operational characteristics of the selected roundabout in Addis Ababa. This research focused on the capacity and evaluation of the level of service at Gerji Imperial Roundabout and addressed the most important element of operational characteristics.
Application of Advanced Surveying Techniques in Solving Traffic Problems[Full-Text ] Mahmoud A. Darwish, Maarouf A. Dief Allah, Ayman F. Ragab and Haytham N. ZohnyTransportation networks represent an important issue for all residences and visitors in any city. Therefore, traffic congestion is a major problem that affects greatly the mobility of personals and vehicles. Then, a rapid emergency response should be always available, especially in case of accidents and/or fires to ease the transfer of injured to any medical services. In this context, geographic information systems (GIS) became an essential and effective tool in specifying the shortest path between any two locations within the network.
False Diagnosis And Risk Factors Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome In AL-Medina AL-Monwra[Full-Text ] Hosam salah Aljohani, Mohamed Mosaad, Kenana Adel Owaidah, Sara Yousef Alkeraim,sheref Mohamed EltaherIntroduction: IBS is a one of commonest functional gastrointestinal disorder that causes abdominal pain or discomfort with other symptoms and the exact pathology is not fully understood until now. The prevalence of IBS is ranged between 10-20 % worldwide with both true and false perception. Unfortunately, it has been a commonly encountered disorder at outpatients clinic and has high costs to the patients and healthcare system. However, ROME III criteria are international valid diagnostic tool that uses to diagnosis IBS simply and in an accurate way.
Nano-Colin Material and Its Effective on the Compaction Factor for Sandy Soil[Full-Text ] Mahmoud M. Abu zeid, Abdeen M. El NagarThis study deals with the effect of addition of nano-Colin on some properties of the soil compared Propertiesobtained from tests carried out on samples. characteristics were obtained from tests conducted on normal sandy soil samples with those obtained from tests performed on the same samples after the addition of nano Colin them. Was a standard proctor test record on the sandy soil used samples (replacement) and we got the laboratory maximum dry density value, After that we have implemented a sand cone method for in situ density and compaction of which we got a coefficient before the addition of nano-Cullen and show us that compaction factor ratios ranging from 95.3 to 96.8% of the value of the laboratory maximum dry density.
Interface Design and Development in CRM tool Using PHP and Angular-JS for Consultants[Full-Text ] Afshan Saad, Muhammad Saad, Asia Samreen Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business approach that targets to realize, anticipate and achieve the needs of an organi-zation. My Plug-in (WP-CRM Plug-in for Consultants) is an improved version of WP-CRM which will satisfy customer’s needs and it will reach the Ideal expectations of interactive users.
Effects Of Shading Device On Thermal Comfort Of Residential Building In Northern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Mujtaba Salihu Ishaq, Halil Zafer Alibaba, Thermal Comfort has the powerful ability to create moods and it also affects working conditions of individuals. In order to harness maximum comfort, a conducive environment can be created. The use of shading device is the one of the best means of creating a conducive environment. This research assesses the effect of shading device on thermal comfort in residential building and how effective these sun shading elements are, in reaching a thermally conducive environment.
On a Kinetics of a Multimolecular Chemical Reaction[Full-Text ] Zaza Khechinashvili, Besarion Dochviri, Guram TkemaladzeThe construction of a probabilistic model of a multimolecular chemical reaction of several reagents is reduced to the construction of a probabilistic model of a unimolecular chemical reaction. New explicit expressions are obtained for product trajectories, reaction speed and also for mathematical expectations and dispersions of these values.
MODELING OF EXCESS ZERO COUNT DATA WITH ZERO INFLANTED POISSON REGRESSION[Full-Text ] Dany Suhardiyanto, Muhammad Nur Aidi, Farit M AfendiZero-inflated Poisson regression (ZIP) is used to model count data that has mostly an excess of zero counts (over 50%) and others follow Poisson distribution. The existence of the grouping of zeros (zero state) and Poisson distribution (Poisson state) data causes the parameter estimation process is done by expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. ZIP regression is widely applied in the fields of health, epidemiology and also insurance. Filariasis or more commonly known as elephantiasis is an infectious disease caused by filarial worms and transmitted by various species of mosquitoes.
The Effectiveness of Instructional Strategies in the Teaching of English Language Receptive and Productive Vocabularies in Upper Basic Classes[Full-Text ] Ogbemudia Magdalene Ifeoma, Victor M. AlasaThis study investigated the effectiveness of semantic mapping, root analysis, context clue instructional strategies on the English Language receptive and productive vocabulary achievement of pupils in Akwa Ibom State. The study employed quasi-experimental design, and two research questions were constructed to guide the study with corresponding null hypotheses which were tested at .05 level of significance. There were 158,495 primary four pupils and 188 were used for the study as sample size from the population which were selected through simple random sampling technique. The instrument used for data collection was Pupils’ Vocabulary Achievement Test (PVAT) which consisted of 50 items and sub-divided into two sections (A and B). Twenty-five questions were used to test each of the two aspects of vocabularies which include receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary. This instrument was validated, and had a reliability index of 0.78 obtained using Kuder Richardson-21 (KR21) reliability method. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and Least Significant Differences (LSD) were used to analyse the data. The result indicated that semantic mapping, root analysis, context clue instructional strategies had significant difference on pupils’ English Language receptive and productive vocabulary achievement. Appropriate recommendations were made.
Differentiation of Human Umbilical Cord Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Dopamine Producing Cells[Full-Text ] Hadeer Ahmed; A.F.Abdel-Aziz and Farah El-Chennawi Human umbilical cord tissue namely Wharton's jelly is one of the rich sources of mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs). MSCs are pluripotent cells that can differentiate into different types of cells including neural and dopaminergic cells. Thus MSCs hold great promise for different neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease which result from the impairment and failure in generation of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra of the mesencephalon. This work was aimed to study the efficacy of WJ-MSCs to differentiate into dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons in presence of all trans retinoic acid (ATRA) by determination of dopamine level. Flow cytometery analysis showed that MSCs were positive for CD90 and CD73 and negative for CD45 and CD34. Immunocytochemistry staining showed that the cells treated with ATRA were strongly expressed for MAP-2 and showed less expression for cells treated with neurobasal media only. Results from ELISA indicated that dopamine levels were markedly increased in the ATRA-treated groups.
Glycomacropeptide: an alternative to management of phenylketonuria[Full-Text ] Shafia Tufail, Ayesha Butt, Maria Khalid, Parvez AnwarPhenylketonuria is a metabolic disorder categorized by high level of phenylalanine in blood due to mutations in a gene involved in phenylalanine metabolism. The primary management of disease is lifelong restriction of protein food along with utilizing food comprising of synthetic amino acids. Compliance with synthetic food is poor leading to neurological problems. Glycomacropeptide, 64 amino acid proteins, provide a new standard because it does not contain phenylalanine in its pure form. GMP provides more acceptable and physiological source of protein as compared to synthetic amino acids. GMP is probiotics, reduces harmful gut bacteria, decrease renal load, improves protein utilization and satiety and improves bone strength size and strength. Advances in biotechnology will ultimately lead transition from synthetic amino acids to intact protein for the dietary management of phenylketonuria.
Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of Two Link Robot Arm using PID with Friction Compensator[Full-Text ] Kaung Khant Ko Ko Han, Aung Myo Thant Sin, TheingiThis paper presents a position controller that is used in each joint of two links robot arm. Kinematics and dynamic analysis of two link robot arm are reported by modelling in a vertical movement. A complete derivation of the Newton-Euler method and Lagrange- Euler are studied. Corresponding joint torques computed in each time step are plotted. The robot arm is control for desired trajectory by using PID (proportional, integral and derivative) with friction compensator. PID is applicable in many control problems, but due to its large error in position control system. To solve this problem, the position controller is composed of conventional PID and model-based friction compensation.
Physicochemical studies of N-Acetylcyestine in aqoues ethanol[Full-Text ] Utpal Kumar Gosh and Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abu YusufN-Acetylcysteine (NAC) a sulfhydryl substance is a derivative of amino acid L-cysteine extensively used as medication. NAC is a influential intracellular antioxidant, antitoxin improves immunity. The molecular formula of NAC is C5H9NO3S and molecular mass is 163.195 g/mole. NAC is a powerful scavenger of hypochlorous acid and is capable of reducing hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide. Ethanol–water mixtures are very important systems exhibiting properties that are of great interest in physics, chemistry and biology. The main streams of this study are comprehending interaction between Water+NAC+Ethanol. Density and viscosity of liquids is important physicochemical properties which affect mass and heat transfer of solutions. NAC had been investigated in ternary system over a concentration range of (1-18) % (w/v) at 298.15 to 323.15 K at 5 K intervals.
BEHAVIOUR OF RESISTANT HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS IN OUR RURAL POPULATION[Full-Text ] Sameer Saraf, Rajesh Kumar GautamBackground: Resistant hypertension is a well-recognized clinical challenge yet there are no reported data on its prevalence in India. These patients are subjected to a higher risk of developing hypertensive complications. The objective of our study was to evaluate the prevalence and determinants of resistant hypertension in an Asian cohort of hypertensive patients.
Admittance Controller for Physical Human-Robot Interaction Using One-DOF Assist Device[Full-Text ] Hninn Wai Wai Hlaing, Aung Myo Thant Sin, TheingiThis paper presents the admittance control scheme for improving physical human-robot interaction. For achieving the effective of assistance, and the human operator, in which the detection of the human inference is required, must achieve intuitive cooperation. The proposed controller considered for human intension, (i.e force increasing and force decreasing), depending on the applied force by monitoring the difference of the magnitude of the measured force during each sampling period. Then, virtual damping is adjusted to high value for fine positioning or low value for fast motion. Internal position controller is also adjusted to get the accurate and precise motion. The experiment validated by using a single degree of freedom device. These algorithms are is practically applicable to position-based admittance controller. The experimental data demonstrate that the position-based admittance controller approach outperforms the motion very well and the mechanism design was verified.
A Novel Position Control System for 1-DOF Belt Drive System[Full-Text ] Ngu Wah, Aung Myo Thant Sin, TheingiThis paper introduces the design and position control of a 1-DOF belt drive mechanism. The belt type actuator and DC motor include for the mechanical part of the device. In this system, the human-robot contact position need to constant for increase the accurate positioning. In traditional control methods, accurate and good position tracking are often difficult to control. Proxy- based sliding mode control is selected to control the tracking accuracy of 1-DOF belt drive mechanism, that is based on friction compensation. The experimental results show the high precision position tracking and minimize steady-state error can be received due to the proposed method.
Secure Data Transfer Over the Internet Using Image CryptoSteganography[Full-Text ] Osuolale, A. FestusThe art of hiding information has been on for centuries and improvement and advancement have always accompanied information security to ensure the message gets to the intended recipient without compromise. Over the years, cryptography and steganography are the two major methods for securing, hiding and transmission of messages separately. The methods used information in order to cipher or cover their existence respectively. Cryptography is an art and science of hiding messages to introduce secrecy in data and/or information security while steganography is simply the art of secret writing, Crypto-steganographic method is aimed at amalgamating both the cryptography and steganography methods for a better information security. The primary purpose of this paper is to build up a new method of hiding secret text messages in an image, by combining cryptography and steganography. A new algorithm is proposed and implemented to achieve this. LSB method is used to hide the encrypted message into images while MSE and PSNR are used to acquire the quality of images.
SYNTHESIS, ANALYTICAL AND PHYSICAL DATA OF LIGAND (H6L) AND ITS METAL COMPLEXES Co(II), Fe(II), Cu(II) AND Ni(II)[Full-Text ] Magdy. A. Wassel , Abdou. S. EL-Table, Mahmoud. M. Arafa and Abdullah. A. AlhalibIn this paper we report a systematic study on the synthesis of (H6L) and its metal complexes : Co(II), Fe(II), Cu(II) AND Ni(II) and characterization as IR frequencies of the bands (cm-1) of ligand and its metal complexes, H1-NMR analyses, mass spectra, electron spin resonance (ESR).
Gingival and Palatal Cysts of the Newborns between Surgical and Conservative Treatment[Full-Text ] Abdullah Ismail Sawma, Mohammed Abdulrahman Alali, Mostafa Moheb Rizk, Dimo Mustafa Dimo, Ghassan Saleh SalamaSubmucosal cysts of the gingiva show as a fixed soft surfaced node with a blanched appearance 2. This paper aimed to investigate the necessity of surgical and conservative treatment of gingival and palatal cysts of the newborns. A two years prospective study was conducted between 2015 and 2017 at Al- Qurayyat General Hospital Al- Jouf. A total of 3000 newborns were examined. Over a period of two years, a total of 160 newborns with gingival and or palatal cysts were diagnosed during routine examination of the newborns at Al-Qurayyat General Hospital Al-jouf. Patients were followed up for a period of 10 months. The results showed that the total observed cyst 63% of them were broken by themselves after one week. While, 8% broke between the ages of 3-4 months, 10% at the age of 6 months, while 6% of them at the age of 8 months and only 4% required surgical treatment. The study was concluded that the majority of gingival and palatal cysts of the newborns will be resolved by themselves by the age of 8 months. Just reassurance, conservative and regular follow-ups of the newborn is all what is needed. Surgical treatment was needed in minority.
EVALUATION SOCIO-ECONOMIQUES DE L’IMPACT DES INONDATIONS SUR LES CONDITIONS DE VIE DES MENAGES DANS LA COMMUNE URBAINE DE NIAMEY[Full-Text ] SOUMANA BOUBACAR, IDRISSA SAIDOU MahamadouNiamey has faced for the past three decades a flood recurrence causing serious negative consequences on people and their livelihoods, infrastructure and also on the environment. These adverse consequences caused by floods are important in the capital and vary depending on municipalities. The methodological approach used to evaluate the socio-economic impact of the floods on living conditions of households in the urban commune of Niamey, the approach combines Household Economy (HEA), the stroke method and the altitude. Thus, field results lead us to say that at Niamey two cities are usually victims of floods almost every year.
The study of removal efficiency of As, Cr, and Mn ions by a cation exchange resin modified with hydrated ferric oxide nanoparticles[Full-Text ] Somchintana Puttamat, Sukrit Tantrawong, and Varong PavarajarnThis research focuses on the removal efficiency of three cations: As, Cr, and Mn that are heavy metal transition elements, which recently are the cause of environment problems. At first, the cation exchange resin Kastel® C300L (R-SO3-Na) was modified by hydrated ferric oxide (HFO) nanoparticles, and the hybrid material (HFO-300L) was characterized by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD). The adsorption abilities of HFO-300L resins were found to be more selective to Arsenic, Chromium, and Manganese ions than the parent C300L. Then, column sorption results indicated that the working capacity of HFO-300L was about 10-12 times higher than C300L with respect to the removal of three heavy metals from the simulated water (pH ï¾3.5). Additionally, HFO-300L was particularly more effective in removing traces of As and Cr ions from simulated standard water than C300L. Moreover, the exhausted HFO-300L beads could be effectively regenerated using HCl-NaCl solution (pH ï¾3.0) for repeating usages, without any significant capacity losses.
Potential Application of Rice Husk for Synthesis of Catalyst for Biodiesel Production[Full-Text ] Jibril Goli Buta, Nedumaran BalasubramanianThis study synthesize biodiesel from soybean oil using transesterification over rice husk based Li2SiO3 and Na2SiO3 catalysts. The catalysts were characterized using FTIR, powder-XRD, DTA/TGA, XRF and SEM instruments. At optimum condition of 500oC catalyst calcination, 3w% catalyst concentration, 60oC reaction temperature, 150min reaction time and 12:1 methanol to oil molar ratio; the biodiesel yield of 96.7% was obtained for rice husk derived sodium silicate catalyst, whereas for rice husk derived lithium silicate catalyst, the biodiesel yield of 99.4% was obtained at optimum condition of 4wt% catalyst concentration, reaction temperature of 65oC, reaction time of 180min and methanol to oil ratio of 24:1. The biodiesel products were also characterized by using H-NMR, FTIR and GC-MS and the results confirms the transformation of oil triglyceride to biodiesel methyl ester. The physiochemical properties of biodiesel fuels were also in agreement with international standard.
Chemical and Microbial Analysis of Potable Water in Public Water Supply of Greater Noakhali, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] R. Anjum, A.S. Khan, M.Z. Islam, R. Islam, N.M. BahadurA complete analysis of 32 drinking water samples was carried out to develop a database on the quality of water being consumed in different areas of Noakhali, Lakshmipur, and Feni district. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of water samples were conducted to determine the exact amount of pollutants present in water. Samples were taken from the main water sources where maximum peoples were using them for drinking purpose. The pH of potable water in circulation fell within recommended limits (6.4-7.4) but for Uchkhali shallow water that had pH of 5.88 which suggested a high degree of public health concern. Levels of TDS, salinity, iron, calcium, and magnesium detectable in the circulating drinking water were far above the WHO recommended limits. However, the more potentially dangerous discovery was the level of Coliform contamination in tested samples which far exceeds the WHO standards. This indicates certain sources of water-borne diseases. The results of the present research work showed that drinking water collected from different areas of greater Noakhali district was not found to be suitable for human health due to chemical and microbiological issues. To avoid the consumption of unwholesome biological agents, it is advised to boil water before drinking.
Integrating Leadership Roles within an Advocacy Movement for Social Change: An OD Practice[Full-Text ] Prof. Nyakora, Musa Ondara. , PhD, SHRM, GIOD, IHRM, MKIM, AKISM. Leaders who make up the leadership taxonomy each bring to the movements they serve a special skill set. Visionaries raise our view of the possible. Statespersons elevate the cause in the minds of both the public and decision-makers. Strategists chart our road maps to victory. Communicators deploy the rhetoric to inflame and direct public passion toward the movement’s objectives. Inside Advocates understand how to turn power structures and established rules and procedures to advantage. Movement Builders are generators of optimism and goodwill, with the ability to infect others with dedication to the common good. The happy confluence of each of these leadership roles is the hallmark of a successful movement.
Ultrasonic textile dyeing and dyes decoloration; An environment friendly technique[Full-Text ] Md. Shipan Mia, Md. Raju Ahmed, Nazmun Nahar, Kamola Fayzullayeva, Dr. Quan HengThe ultrasound is one of the green approaches to words green technology. Utilization of ultrasound in textile wet processing provides enormous advantages. The use of ultrasonic in dyeing provides lots of time demanded advantages such energy savings, reduced processing times, environmental improvements, process enhancement, and lower overall processing costs. Beside the above mentioned advantages ultrasound also offers some added advantages i.e. ultrasound alters the fiber structure to increase adsorption and also significant enhancements in diffusion coefficient of the chemical molecules and the dye particles in the aqueous solutions can be found. Only fundamental technological knowhow of the operation is needed for meaningful application of ultrasonic in textile processing. In this work ultrasound and its potential application in textile wet processing specifically in dyeing and in waste water treatment is reviewed.
Rohingya Crisis and The Concerns for Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md Thuhid Noor, Md Shahidul Islam & Saha ForidThis paper aims to analyze the concurrent overview of Rohingya refugees who fled to Bangladesh and the number is increasing day by day. It also gives importance on the concerns for Bangladesh in the context of food security, environment, tourism, national security and so on. Although Bangladesh government along with international organizations and Non-Government Organizations is trying to ensure the quality of living of the Rohingyas, impediments are evident. Furthermore, intensive cooperation and support from allies and the rest of the world can certainly reduce certain burden from Bangladesh Government by providing foods, medications and other necessary goods for the Rohingyas.
A Case Study of Waste Management System of Different Hospitals[Full-Text ] Md. Mahir Asif, Musfira Rahman, Farhana ChowdhuryAlthough understanding the medical waste categories and existing waste management practices is important, this area of study is less focused in Civil and Environmental Science. This research focuses on the present status of the medical waste management practices in the two selected hospitals in Dhaka city which are Sir Salimullah Medical College and Hospital and Sumona Hospital. The daily average waste generation in Sir Salimullah Medical College (3885.5 kg) was found greater than Sumona Hospital (442 kg), in which non-hazardous wastes (79.96% - 73.11%) were greater in amount than hazardous waste (20.04% - 26.89%). The study also shows that existing medical waste management practices is not up to the mark. So, there is a need for improvement of handling and disposal methods of medical waste in all the health care facilities in Bangladesh.
Attribute-Based approach for Flexible Access control in Cloud Computing with Hierarchical Structure[Full-Text ] Shaikh Sadaf Ahmed, Prof. Dipti Patil Cloud storage enables users to remotely store their data and enjoy the on-demand high quality cloud applications without the burden of local hardware and software management. Though the benefits are clear, such a service is also relinquishing users’ physical possession of their outsourced data, which inevitably poses new security risks towards the correctness of the data in cloud. In order to address this new problem and further achieve a secure and dependable cloud storage service, we propose in this paper We develop a new cryptosystem for fine-grained sharing of encrypted data that we call Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (KP-ABE). In our cryptosystem, ciphertexts are labeled with sets of attributes and private keys are associated with access structures that control which cipher texts a user is able to decrypt. Attribute-based encryption (ABE) has been envisioned as a promising cryptographic primitive for realizing secure and flexible access control. HASBE extends the ASBE algorithm with a hierarchical structure to improve scalability and flexibility while at the same time inherits the feature of fine-grained access control of ASBE.
Linking Financial Management Practices To Financial Literacy: Evidence From Turkey[Full-Text ] Selda CoskunerFinancial literacy emphasizes the ability of understanding financial conditions, practices, rules and norms to make informed financial decisions. Advocates heralded the need for increased financial literacy as means to improve financial preparedness and financial decision-making processes since low levels of financial literacy is an international phenomenon in developed and developing countries. Using data from a major state university in Turkey, this study examines the importance of financial literacy on four financial management practices -saving, non-investment borrowing, comparing financial services before buying and following financial trends- in a single model. The regression analysis results showed that all explanatory variables were related to financial literacy except the non-investment borrowing. The findings highlight the importance of financial literacy as an input for financial success and desired financial outcomes. Future research directions and limitations were discussed.
Understanding Publicness Degree of Cairo’s Public Spaces[Full-Text ] Ahmed Abdel-Rasoul, Prof. Sadek Saad, Prof. M. Khairy Amin, Ass. Prof. Eslam NazmyPublic spaces in Cairo witness a significant transition in their articulations since the state imposed its power over their development till the empowerment of the elite class over the same. This paper develops and validates an evaluation sheet, with measurable indicators, used to understand and evaluate the publicness degree of public spaces through discussing two features: accessibility degree and social diversity degree. Expo Square and Festival Square from metropolitan Cairo are investigated to represent public-sector development (state power) and private-sector development (elite power) respectively. Through this investigation, the degree of publicness is discovered via the evaluation sheet to understand how different empowered actors could affect space publicness. The research concludes that in Cairene context, the private-sector produces public spaces with less degree of publicness according to his profit-making plans.