Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2017.
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Mathematical Models for Inertial Forces Acting on a Spinning Sphere[Full-Text ] Ryspek UsubamatovEngineering industries have made wide application of gyroscopic devices that manifest the property of the maintenance within a particular space the axis of a spinning rotor. The main component of the gyroscopic devices is the spinning rotor, which design can be different and represented by the disc, cylinder, sphere, ellipsoid, toroid, and etc. forms. The known publications represent the property of numerous gyroscopic devices by a mathematical model formulated on principle of the change in the angular momentum.
Medical Tourism: A Study of Economic Perspective of Stent Pricing Cap[Full-Text ] Manurut LochavNational Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) in February 2017 fixed a price ceiling for cardiac stents- a device that normalizes blood supply to the heart. It slashed prices up to 85% but the benefit of this price ceiling is yet to leave an indelible imprint on the Indian consumer and market at large. Of all the stents used in angioplasty across India, only 40% are made in India, the rest being imported and sold at a margin of over 300% to 1000%. The reports by NPPA have revealed alarming figures earned by importer, distributors and the hospitals across India. But the burden of these high prices is faced by the consumer as stents are an essential good in cases where they are required. India is catering to not only Indian patients but is also a medical tourism hub. The increased demand and limited supply by foreign companies which led to increased prices has now been combatted by government intervention in the form of price ceiling. The paper aims to shed light on the impacts this price ceiling will have on the medical tourism industry in India. It further evaluates the role of government intervention in managing healthcare cost. The profits on stents are going to decrease but the question is whether the benefit of this price ceiling will reach the patients directly or will there be loopholes that the market players could use for their advantage. This paper thus tries to evaluate the role of government intervention in managing healthcare costs in a country where insurance is merely existing.
STUDENTS' PERCEPTION OF EFFECTS OF SOME TEACHING STRATEGIES ON THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCES IN PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING IN OWERRI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, IMO STATE[Full-Text ] Elekwachi Lilian O., Nzeh Uchechi E., Akubuiro Godspower E.A.This study investigation students' perception of effects of some teaching strategies on their academic performance in principles of accounting in secondary schools in Owerri Municipal local government area of Imo state of Nigeria. Specifically, the study was to examine whether or not students perceived lecture teaching strategy, problem-solving teaching strategy, team teaching strategy and discussion teaching strategy as those affecting their academic performance in principles of accounting.
New Development in Investment Casting Process -A Review[Full-Text ] Ganesh Vidyarthee, Nandita GuptaInvestment Casting is a oldest casting process, used for precision casting and near net shape. It invented in around 3500 BC .This casting process is practiced in india and all over the world for high precision casting. Its product demand is growing in india as well as around the world.The use of simulation and Rapid prototyping (RP) techniques further increases its quality and same time reduce the lead-time and cost in investment casting process.
THE PLACE OF (ICT) SECTOR ON ECONOMIC DIVERSIFICATION AND POVERTY REDUCTION IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Nwankwo, AGU, BERTRAM ONYEBUCHIThe study examined the Place of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector on Economic Diversification and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria. The specific objectives are, to ascertain the vocational opportunities in ICT sector for economic diversification and poverty reduction in Nigeria, determine how ICT sector creates inclusive business model for economic diversification and poverty reduction, to ascertain how to create effective human capital aimed at developing employees in ICT sector for economic diversification and poverty reduction, and to determine how ICT sector will facilitate the building of institutional capacity for economic diversification and poverty reduction. A descriptive survey research method was adopted.
Determinants of Patronage of Healthcare Facilities in Saki West Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr. OLUGBAMILA Omotayo Ben, OLUBORODE Oluwatimilehin Gabriel, FAMUTIMI John Taiwo, ADEBIMPE JimohThe study examined the spatial and patronage pattern of healthcare facilities in Saki West Local Government Area of Oyo State with a view to providing information that would aid effective planning policies in the location and distribution of healthcare facilities. Data for the study were collected from both primary and secondary sources. To collect primary data, multi stage sampling technique was adopted the first stage involved categorization of residential areas in the local government area into political wards as delineated by National Electoral Commission, the second stage was the selection of 55% of the wards.
Factors Contributing to Drug Addiction among Youth of Azad Kashmir[Full-Text ] Sadia Bibi, Noman MushtaqThe present research investigates the relationship between drug addiction and six factors including peer pressure, media, family negligence, depression, curiosity, and physical addiction to drugs. A sample of 500 youth comprising (250) males from Rawalakot AJ&K and (250) males from Muzaffarabad AJ&K. The age range of sample was between 18-30 years.
Disability and employment in Morocco[Full-Text ] Abdelaziz Arssi, PhD Student, Faculty of Education , Rabat , MoroccoThe issue of disability is far from being summarised in Morocco. Like access to schooling, access to work and employment for people with disabilities remains very limited. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the current situation regarding people with disabilities and labour market. We will base our review on data from surveys that were conducted about the issue in Morocco respectively in 2014 on the cost of disability and the second national survey on disability that was led by the ministry of solidarity in 2014, the national general population census in 2014. The article will also try to highlight the challenges facing disabled people at workplaces.
Thermal and Transient Analysis of Heat Pipe Cooling in Drilling Applications[Full-Text ] Ramesh Ganuga Penta, Suresh Ganta, K.Balaji , M.Dorababu The study is performed to analyze the feasibility, of using heat pipe cooling in drilling applications. The effect of different geometrical parameters expected for a heat pipe drill configuration such as depth of the heat pipe within the drill, heat pipe diameter, heat flux input magnitude and length of the heat input zone is considered. In this model, it is assumed that the drill is subjected to a static heat source which verifies the model and feasibility of using heat pipe cooling in drilling operations. The performance of the heat pipe drill model is approximated using a solid cylinder model of pure conduction.
Optimization & Evaluation of Data Center Network[Full-Text ] Syed Ahmed RazaIn recent years, technology is changing very rapidly and IT and Telecom infrastructure is expanding day by day. Especially With the emergence of cloud computing many business enterprises migrate their computing needs onto the cloud which results in enormous increase in the quantity of servers installed and the number of virtual machines running on them hence results in an increase in inter-server data traffic and an increase in bandwidth requirement for data center communication Network (DCCN). On the other hand High bandwidth, low latency and high availability requirements for real-time applications is enforcing Data networks to adopt the new concepts like Software Defined Networking (SDN), different network virtualization techniques and to optimize the network architecture (by modifying network topology & managing traffic flow through different techniques) which can handle & fulfill the future requirements.
Hardness of Rotary Friction Welding for Similar and Dissimilar Metals[Full-Text ] P. Koteswara Rao, N. Surya, V. MohanAim of this paper is to determine the hardness of rotary friction welding for similar and dissimilar materials. Rotary friction welding is one of the important welding method to joined the various rods of materials and alloys etc. the work carried out on modified lathe machine attached with two self chuck, one is in rotational and another one is fixed. The material used to carry out this work 10 & 14 mm in diameter rods of Aluminium, Copper, Brass and Mild Steel. It is observed that the value of hardness at HAZ was lower; the hardness for copper and brass materials were higher compared to the other metals joints.
Demarches et techniques d'valuation et d'amelioration de la performance logistique[Full-Text ] SADDIKI Abderrahman, TOUHAMI Larbi, EL HAFID ALLAH SamiraLogistics, performance, indicators ofperformance, quality, evaluation, improvement.
A Novel Score Based on Galectin-3 and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 Improves the Diagnostic Accuracy of Thyroid Cancer[Full-Text ] Mohamed M. Omran, Hossam Darwish, Yomna Fawzy, Mohamed AF. Hegazy, Camelia A. Abdel MalakThe invasive fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy remains the base investigative tool for thyroid malignancy despite its limitations. This study aimed to evaluate whether serum galectin-3 (Gal-3) or tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) could be used as serum biomarkers for improving thyroid cancer diagnosis. Using ELISA, Gal-3 and TIMP-1 were identified in the sera of 90 Egyptian patients comprised of 39 thyroid cancers, and 51 benign thyroid tumors. Further, multiple regression analyses and ROC curve analyses were applied to create a diagnostic score for thyroid cancer diagnosis. TIMP-1 was reduced significantly in thyroid cancer than in benign tumors (P < 0.001), but Gal-3 was slightly increased in thyroid cancer patients (p=0.391). TIMP-1 produced 0.848 of area under curve (AUC), plus 83% sensitivity and 75% specificity, while Gal-3 yielded 0.664 AUC with 72% sensitivity and 55% specificity for identifying thyroid cancer. The score combining TIMP-1, Gal-3, FNA, and ultrasound (US) was then constructed yielding 0.898 AUC for thyroid cancer detection with 89% sensitivity and 82% specificity. For the first time, combining serum markers of TIMP-1 and Gal-3 with regular methods of FNA and US, provides superior accuracy for thyroid cancer diagnosis and proper management.
Glioblastoma Multiforme with Complex Clinical Manifestations: Case Report and Literature Review[Full-Text ] Ahmed Alsadah, Mohammed Alhuwaykim, Fatimah Bin Amer, Mohammed AlyousefBrain tumors in children account for 20% of all childhood malignancies. Most cases occur in the first decade of life, with the peak age at 5-9 years. The annual incidence is approximately 14 per 100,000 children younger than 15 years in the United States. Astrocytomas are classified according to the world health organization clinicopathologic grades from grave I and II which are considered an indolent low-grade astrocytoma and the more malignant astrocytomas grade III and grade IV. Glioblastoma multiforme (grade IV) is the most malignant form of astrocytoma.
The Effect of Pretreatment on the Properties of Jute Yarn and Dyed Yarn Performance Analysis[Full-Text ] Md. Nazmul Ehsan, Karima Ali, Moinul Hossain Tousif, Shake Md. ZakariaA study on different pretreatment possibilities for jute yarn was done to observe the quality parameter depending on the process. Jute yarn was bio scoured using enzyme followed by scouring and bleaching with H2O2. Conventional combined scouring and bleaching was performed using different concentration of H2O2 and NaOH. Jute yarn is bleached and scoured with enzyme without conventional scouring. All three pretreated samples were dyed with Basic dye and reactive dye for comparison. Color fastness to wash test, absorbency test and single yarn strength test were done for different pretreated samples for assessment. It has been observed that scouring of jute yarn with sodium hydroxide started to show loss of strength compare to enzyme process.
A DEVELOPED CRITERION FOR RATIONALIZING ON-FARM IRRIGATION WATER USES UNDER ARID CONDITIONS[Full-Text ] Yasser E. ARAFAExploitation of irrigation water under arid ecosystem conditions becomes the pedagogical problem; therefore, rationalizing irrigation and with maximizing water use efficiency based on appropriate developed technologies are the most important aspects in the water and agricultural policies. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to: 1) develop out a criterion to identify irrigation system effectiveness by using a dimensionless analysis; and 2) validate the suggested criterion
An Appraisal of the Environmental Adequacy for Classroom/Workshop Instruction in Technical Schools and Colleges in Katsina State-Nigeria[Full-Text ] Bello Birchi AbdullahiThe aims of Technical and vocational education is to produce manpower for social, economic, and industrial development. To achieve these aims, there is the need to create an enabling environment for the effective instructional and learning processes which is to a large extent lacking in our technical schools and colleges at various levels in Nigeria and Katsina state in particular. This paper is part of an ongoing appraisal of the environmental adequacy for effective classroom/workshop instruction in technical schools and colleges in Katsina state and the current state of instruction and learning in technical schools and colleges.
Effect of Adsorption Dose and Contact Time on the Removal of Toxic Elements from Water Using an Agricultural Waste: An alternative to the use of Activated Carbon[Full-Text ] Ochuba C. O and Offor E. NThis study focuses on the use of walnut shell as a low cost adsorbent for removal of toxic elements namely Pd(II), Cd (II) and As(III) ion from water. Batch adsorption method was used to evaluate the effect of adsorbent dose and contact time on adsorption. The result showed an increase in the adsorption of all metal ions with increase in adsorbent dose. On the other hand, a decrease in adsorption for the metal was obtained with increase in initial metal ion concentration. An equilibrium contact time of 20, 40, and 50 min was achieved for AS (III), Cd (II), and Pb (II) ion respectively. The adsorption of metal ions followed the order AS (III) > Cd (II) > Pb (II). The result of this study shows that walnut shell can be used as a cheap adsorbent for removal of Pb (II), Cd (II) and As (III) ions from water.
Adaptive Encryption Technique to Protect Biometric Template in Biometric Database using a Modified Gaussian Function[Full-Text ] E. N. Ajimah, O. N. Iloanusi, M. C. Eze and S. OlisaFingerprints as a type of biometrics, appear to be the most populous and most acceptable means of individual identification and verification. We leave our fingerprints on virtually anything we lay our fingers on. The chance however, of casually leaving our fingerprints at several location without our knowledge, exposes mankind to much more insecurity.
Open Source Software Vs Proprietary Software[Full-Text ] Sakshi Singh, Madhvik Verma, Naveen Kumar NOpen Source software are the most revolutionizing concept that has been put forth in the Information Technology spectrum. This new release has raised quite a lot of brows, similar to when the Internet was launched. For a very long time, there has been a tiff going on between the Proprietary software and the open source software and how the open source software are taking over their ancestors. The technical experts often indulge in conversations as to which of the two software is better and why. People also get confused as to which type of software can be listed as Open source. In this paper we aim to emphasize that the open source development cycle has been there in the market for quite some time and has a huge user base now, thus giving it a strong hold in the software market. It has encouraged the use of new strategically placed actions which has in turn made a huge base for open source software systems. On the other hand, many experts also suggest that this is just momentary and it will pass over a period of time whereas the proprietary software are there to stay. This paper gives the understanding and recommendations for both the kind of software thus giving the user a proper understanding of which software is suitable for their use and thus they can make a better choice for their purpose.
Enhancement of Infrared Image with the Use of Logarithm and Entropy Functions in the Frequency Domain[Full-Text ] Dhananjaya Singh, Dr.(Prof.) Parma Nand, Rani AstyaHomomorphic enhancement could eliminate the Influence of uneven illumination in frequency domain algorithm. It could be made the dynamic range of image to compress and Expanded the gray level image of the interested target and Enhanced image detail; the top-hat and bot-hat can smooth the Outline of the image in spatial domain. According to the background and the target exist on the problem of poor contrast In the infrared image. This paper presents a hybrid algorithm to enhance the image. It is use of the Gauss filter processing to enhance image details in the frequency domain and smooth the contours of the image by the top-hat and bot-hat transforms in spatial domain. Through the hybrid algorithm to enhanced the infrared image. Not only enhanced the infrared image of the details, but the outline of the image has also been smooth. Finally, the enhanced image is better than other algorithm of results.
The valuable role of vitamin D and calcium in prevention of colorectal carcinoma[Full-Text ] Sara. A. AlthaqafiColorectal cancer is a major cause of cancer mortality in the developed country. Diet and nutrition are estimated to interpret 30-50% of the colorectal cancer incidences. A possible protective effect of vitamin D and calcium against colorectal carcinogenesis has been suggested. Many studies reported that individuals with both higher supplemental and dietary intake of vitamin D, calcium or both and high plasma levels of vitamin D, have a significantly reduction in the risk for developing colorectal cancer mortality. However, the administration of supra physiologic concentrations of calcitriol leads to development of hypercalcemia. Another study found that the daily supplementation of vitamin D with calcium for seven years had no effect on the incidence of colorectal cancer among postmenopausal women. Other trial for the prevention of colorectal adenomas found that the daily supplementation with calcium, vitamin D3 or both after removal of colorectal adenomas did not significantly reduce the recurrent risk of colorectal adenomas. Many mechanisms prove the roles of vitamin D and calcium as colorectal anticarcinogens. Also, epidemiological studies and clinical trials of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on CRC risk support this role. However, their optimal forms and appropriate concentrations should be established. The Objectives of this study is To update our knowledge about the role of vitamin D and calcium in prevention of colorectal cancer and its mechanism.
Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system in diagnosing gearbox faults under non-stationary conditions[Full-Text ] Sravan Kumar Khuntia, Amandeep Singh AhujaAn analysis of gearbox vibration signals is almost always the default choice when diagnosing the condition of a gearbox because of the rich information contained in the vibration signals and their ease of measurement. Gearbox vibration signals are mostly non-stationary owing to uncertainties associated with the drive and load mechanisms. The non-stationary nature of gearbox vibration signals is evident from an unequal number of samples between successive tachometer pulses. In the present work, independent angular re-sampling (IAR) technique is employed to convert non-stationary vibration signals in the time domain into quasi-stationary signals in the angular domain.
Evaluation of Airline Service Quality Attributes: The Nigerian Experience[Full-Text ] Ejem, E. A., Dike, D. N., Chukwu, O. E., Igboanusi, C. C., Ezenwa, A. and Erumaka, O.Airlines are suffering from such competition. Service quality is typically defined regarding consumer satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of how satisfaction level among passenger with Arik and Aero Airlines is and how its managers can improve their service quality. To reach to achieve this purpose, we have studied different models of service quality measurement and adopted Gronroos model as a comprehensive model, we developed and adopted it to encompass various aspects of airlines’ services. We inclusively inferred that passengers of Arik and Aero are not satisfied with the perceived services and it warns manager to focus on passengers’ expectations. Tangibles, assurance, responsiveness, reliability, empathy, image and technical quality are seven features of the model, and in all of them, passengers feel dissatisfied. Managers should treat employees, improve visual facilities and coordinate all people, departments, and organizations involved with the airline. Finally, with airline must measure passengers’ satisfaction and service quality seasonally to keep the services corresponded with customers’ opinions.
AXISYMMETRIC ASCENDING FLOW IN GROUNDWATER PRODUCTION WELL OF MONZOUNGOUDO, BENIN[Full-Text ] CODO Francois de Paule, HOUNTONDJI BabilasThis paper aims to study the axisymmetric ascending flow in a groundwater production well from a captive reservoir of Monzoungoudo. In axisymmetric flow ascending, the pressure is a fundamental hydrodynamic parameter which allows to calculate the behavior of the production water resource. The static pressure of the reservoir and therefore the analysis of groundwater pressure variation through the well are determinate parameters. This study proved that the water pressure decreases from the bottom to the head of the well. The pressure difference (discharge) between the reservoir and the wellhead is the sum of the losses of pressure in the reservoir and the pressure drop in the well.
Analysis on the proper utilization of man and machine to improve the efficiency and a proper line balancing of a sewing line: A case study[Full-Text ] Sharmin Akter, Kazi Rezwan HossainThis study is based on proper utilization of man and machine to improve the efficiency and a proper line balancing of a sewing line. In industry sectors, it is important to manufacture the products which have good quality and meet customers’ demand. This action could be conducted under existing resources such as employees, machines and other facilities. However, plant layout improvement, could be one of the tools to response to increase industrial productivity. Plant layout design has become a fundamental basis of today’s industrial plants which can influence parts of work efficiency. To increase the efficiency detailed work and time study were performed along the line. In this paper we showed how an effective layout can be designed and efficiency can be increased by appropriate line balancing using time study technique.
Zika Virus:mode of transmission, Outrageous effects and clinical trials[Full-Text ] Komal Kafait Ullah,Nida Bashir, Marium Shehzadi, Zunaira Aslam & Pervez AnwarZika has become one of the most worldwide spreading dangerous infection over the past decade because of its perpetual spread, initially in Asia-Pacific region, followed by its expeditious entry into the Western world. Zika virus was initially discovered in rhesus monkey in the forest of Uganda. But due to Unique genetic recombination in the genome of Zika virus has made the Zika infection more dangerous than the last one. Zika virus can be transmitted through both vector and non-vector means such as mosquito and sexual transmission. Eighty percent patient with Zika virus showed asymptomatic symptoms on the initial stage of disease onset but later symptoms can become severe.
Competencies Assessment: An Interactive Approach in Adaptive Learning Systems[Full-Text ] Jaber EL BOUHDIDI, Mohamed GHAILANI, Abdelhadi FENNAN, Team-SIGL In this paper, we present a solution based on the competency-based approach to assess the level of proficiency in the skills of learners as part of a training provided by an adaptive hypermedia system. More precisely, it concerns the implementation of an original solution enabling the learner to be in conditions conducive to the personal acquisition of knowledge and their integration in an isomorphic context to that of work in order to transform his acquired knowledge into real skills. In this context, an approach is proposed to evaluate the acquisition of learners 'skills, either by integrating situations adaptable to learners' profiles to motivate them to acquire new knowledge, or by means of an evaluation where no help is given to learners.
Investigation of Tensile, Impact and Moisture Properties of Abaca Natural Polymer Reinforced Composites[Full-Text ] K.G. Prakash, Manjunath K.B, Achutananda K.B, Chandru B.GThe Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composite is growing both in the fields of industrial applications and fundamental research .This paper presents an experimental investi-gation on the mechanical properties for Abaca natural polymer reinforced composites. The raw material used in the present work is long Abaca fiber. The epoxy resin and hardener are mixed according to the weight ratio. The tests were carried out as per ASTM standards. It was observed that the NPMC has got good properties comparative to man made fiber composite material. SEM analysis has been carried to identify the hybridization bonding. The natural fibers present many advantages as compared to synthetic fibers which make them attractive as reinforcement in composite materials.
Optical microscopy of Au nanoparticle arrays fabricated by Nanosphere lithography (NSL) under swift heavy ion beam irradiation[Full-Text ] E. A. Dawi and F.H.P.M. HabrakenA simple, yet effective technique known as nanosphere lithography (NSL) is used to fabricate close-packed hexagonal arrays of Au nanoprisms. Colloidal patterning employs two variants of regular masks formed by self-assembly of respectively 700- to 1400nm diameter silica colloids form a hexagonal close-packed single layer on a Si/SiO2 surface. First, unmod ified silica deposition mask with 700±10 nm colloidal diameter is used to fabricate single layer periodic particle domains of Au nanoprisms by thermal evaporation of Au through the colloidal mask hole. After annealing to 900 °C for an hour, most of the Au nanoprisms are transformed into rounded nanoparticles with 80-100 nm diameter.
Color Perception is Possible only in the Retina[Full-Text ] George MajorInvestigation of the working mechanism of Color Vision raises the following question: where and how do the perception, sensation, the illusion of light arise and where does the image appear? The electric signals generated by electromagnetic radiation are transmitted from the 6 - 8 million cones of the retina in a condensed manner by the 1 million optic nerves to the brain. The information from the retina is transmitted via ON and OFF optic tracts to the LGN and Visual Cortex in the form of exciting and inhibiting (positive and negative) impulses. As a result of optic chiasm the two LGN and Visual Cortex receive two half of the whole picture from both retinas, but they do no give the whole picture seen by the eyes. For the realization the sensation of light, the electric signal has to cause the sense of a ”flash”, the sense of light, the sense of colored light in the ‘reproducing’ neuron. However one neuron is not capable to reproduce the nearly one million shades and brightness, according optical experience. We have to presume that three different neurons give three flashes, blue, green and red, in proportion to the intensity of the radiation, and its joint effect will give the color we see. According to the data in literature and mathematical considerations we can assume that all the necessary information for the whole picture can only be together in the cones.
Characterization with geotechnical testings of the clay sediments of Gbédji-Kotovi in Benin[Full-Text ] Kassa Issifou MOUNOU SAMBIENI, Francois de Paule CODO and Crépin ZEVOUNOUBackground: The clay of Gbédji-Kotovi is a combination of smectites, and of beidélite (Etienne SAGBO, 2015; IHETA and al, 1983), which presents sometimes, heterogeneous (mixtures) and anisotropic (multilayers) states. In Africa, generally, clays are used in the homogen soil constructed core or body ofdykes, or in the construction ofzoned backfill water resistant core or body of dikes or dams and for the masqued backfilled dykes. Thus, it is importantto prove with the geotechnical testings, if the clay of Gbédji-Kotovi can be used for dykes or dams.