Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2017.
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Updated review in diagnosis management of iron deficiency anemia[Full-Text ] Abdullah Hussain J Alqahtani, Abdullah Nasser M Alqahtani, Yazid Ali M Algadhi, Abdulsalam Ibrahim A Althumairy, Abdulelah Hassan A Asiri, Majed Sulaiman A Abumelha, Ahmed Khallufah A Alahmari, Hatem Ahmed A AlbenawyIron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide and an important public health problem especially in developing countries. Our aim is to make an overview of iron deficiency anemia including cause and define it. We outline the diagnosis types and treatment possibilities. Search was performed in PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library, for studies investigating the management of iron-deficiency anemia published in English language until October,2017. IDA is still an essential public health problem in the industrialized world today. Men and also postmenopausal females need to be assessed for GI bleeding and also malabsorption with gastroscopy as well as colonoscopy. A little percentage of patients have OGIB needing CE. Therapy includes both fixing the underlying reason and also timely iron substitute treatment. Oral iron treatment is chosen unless there are concerns with intolerance or absorption. More recent intravenous iron formations are efficacious, risk-free, and also allow fast management of big dosages of iron replacement.
Review of evidence in confirmative diagnosis of appendicitis and complication management[Full-Text ] Suleiman Mohammed A Alburidy, Ahmad Mohammd Althawaby, Ahmed A Awwadh, Sami Aoudah T Alahmari, Abdullah Saad Judaya Aldarani, Ali Mudawi M AlqahtaniAcute appendicitis is one of the most common causes of acute abdominal pain, the most common condition that requires abdominal surgery. Our aim is discussing about diagnosis types, to highlight the complications and the management. We performed a search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, science-direct, and EMBASE, through October, 2017. Appendicitis is one of the most typical intra-abdominal illnesses encountered, the option to which is a fairly basic operation. Nevertheless, the medical diagnosis is usually difficult and also the choice to operate, observe or additional work-up a patient is usually uncertain. While CT is one of the most precise setting of imaging in suspected appendicitis. Ultrasound might assist in the medical diagnosis while reducing the requirement for CT in specific situations. Early medical diagnosis of appendicitis guarantees prompt therapy and also avoids difficulties. Since abdominal pain is an usual providing sign in outpatient care, family doctor serve an essential function in the diagnosis of appendicitis. Obvious cases of appendicitis need immediate referral, while equivocal situations require additional assessment and, often times, surgical assessment.
Complications in a congenital cytomegalovirus infection: Review[Full-Text ] Saad Abdullah Mohammed Mufrrih, Ali Saad Alshahrani, Abdulrahman Jamaan D Abu Habshah, Mansour Ali Mansour AlqahtaniHuman cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a herpes virus considered the most common cause of intrauterine infection. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding the epidemiology, explain the appropriate methods for the diagnosis of congenital CMV infection and also discuss the complications. We conducted a literature review of articles published up to 2017, in following databases; PubMed, and Embase overviewing the complications in a congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a ubiquitous herpes virus spread out by close interpersonal contact via saliva, blood, genital secretions, urine, or breast milk. Maternal transmission to the fetus of a new or reactivated hidden infection could happen at any pregnancy, bring about congenital CMV. Symptomatic neonates generally present multi-organ participation and also particular localizations at the reticuloendothelial and also main nerve system. Reduced birth weight second to intrauterine development retardation (IUGR), microcephaly, ventriculomegaly, intracranial calcification, chorioretinitis, hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, petechiae, thrombocytopenia, pneumonitis and also raised serum transaminase degrees could all happen at birth in symptomatic neonates.
Current review of management of cystic fibrosis in children[Full-Text ] Ahmad Mohammd Althawaby, Suleiman Mohammed A Alburidy, Abdulrahman Saad S Halas, Ahmed Habib M AlNakhli, Ashwaq Eid Alobaidi, Zainab Habib M AlnakhliThis review summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding the causes, explain the appropriate methods for the diagnosis of Cystic fibrosis(CF) and also discuss the treatment. PubMed, Embase, and Google scholar databases were searched up to November, 2017 for published studies with English language and human subjects discussing the management of cystic fibrosis in children in pediatric clinic. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most usual autosomal recessive, life-limiting disease.It is a multisystem illness that end ups from loss of function in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, generally bringing to respiratory tract, gastrointestinal (GI), pancreatic, and reproductive abnormalities. Management of the CF patient's complications requires knowledge of the underlying pathophysiology. The standard everyday care program differs from child to child, yet generally consists of lung treatment (therapies to keep lung function) and also nutritional therapy (a high-calorie, high-fat diet with vitamin supplements).
Overview of specific nutrition intake and metabolic syndrome[Full-Text ] Nesreen Ahmed HassaneenIt is now widely accepted that the treatment of hypertension, obesity and dyslipidemia should be primarily based on weight-loss diets and exercise programs to increase physical activity and to ameliorate progress of the symptoms. In this review we present a summary and assessment of the interventions in the metabolic syndrome and of studies on diet and exercise. We conducted a narrative review over the literature using electronic databases as; MEDLINE, and EMBASE for studies involving data on metabolic syndrome and nutrition affect, published in English language up to September, 2017. MetS is specified by a constellation of interconnected physical, biochemical, clinical, and metabolic elements that straight enhances the danger of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, kind 2 diabetes mellitus, and all-cause mortality. Insulin resistance, natural adiposity, atherogenic dyslipidemia, endothelial dysfunction, genetic susceptibility, elevated blood pressure, hypercoagulable state, and chronic stress are the numerous aspects which comprise the metabolic syndrome. Lifestyle modification stays the first intervention of selection for this population. Modern way of life alteration treatment integrates particular referrals on diet and exercise with behavioural methods. Medicinal treatment ought to be considered for those whose threat aspects are not properly decreased with way of life modifications.
Overview of Early interventional management of stroke in emergency medicine[Full-Text ] Alaa Abdul Kareem AlsaihatiThe aim of this review was to discuss the evidence in early management of stroke in emergency department, and the roles of Emergency physicians in predicting and fast reaction toward cases suspected to be stroke case. We conducted electronic search for articles concerning Stroke management in emergency department, using major biomedical databases (CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE) using comprehensive search strategies for all relevant articles published up to 2017.The management of patients with stroke are complex, and also indications for specific treatments vary among patients There is solid evidence that end results after stroke can be improved which death or special needs from a stroke can be lowered with suitable therapy. This declaration aims to offer guidance to medical professionals for the very early therapy of patients. Emergency doctors could play a significant role in the acute therapy of stroke but have to recognize related to medications utilized in the ED. For AIS patients in the ED, the emphasis is on quick attainment of signs and symptom history, neurological imaging, and also labs to facilitate fast therapy.
Overview of rehabilitation strategies for stroke patients[Full-Text ] Morooj Nabeel Aldebani, Marwah Hamza TakrooniStroke remains a leading cause of long-term disability. Rehabilitation can reduce impairments and disabilities so that persons with serious stroke can return to participation in usual self-care and daily activities as independently as feasible. The aim of this article is to discuss the principles of rehabilitation and outline rehabilitation methods. We conducted a search through electronic databases; PubMed, and EMBASE, for studies published in English language thought instant to 2017. Studies discussing the rehabilitation strategies for stroke patients were included whether were reviews or control studies. The future of stroke rehabilitation continues to be one of promise and also challenge in managing residual disabilities, particularly or testing biological interventions for neural repair in the most profoundly affected individuals.
Etiology and treatment of malocclusion: Overview[Full-Text ] Rodinah M Sharaf, Hani.S.JahaMalocclusion of the teeth is a misalignment problem that can lead to serious oral health complications, since maybe the teeth won't be able to perform vital functions if they're misaligned. The aim of this review is summarize knowledge about etiology and background of this disease and treatments methods. We conducted a search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), through October, 2017. Search strategies used following MeSH terms in searching via these databases: "malocclusion", "abnormality of the teeth", "Management", "Treatment", "Pathogenesis", "Etiology". The therapy choice is mainly based on unscientific or instance reports rather than on scientific proof. Well-designed research studies for that reason appear needed to support scientific decision making. On the basis of this review, it is not advisable to perform occlusal or orthodontic therapy, especially if irreversible and costly, to manage or avoid postural imbalances of vertebrae curvatures. Considering that the effects of malocclusion have not been satisfactorily assessed, the benefits of orthodontic treatment should stay in question.
Reviewing the strategies of hypertension control in patients with diabetes in primary care[Full-Text ] Anfal Marzouq Alanazi, Hajar rida almoqbel, Jafar Radhi Albumijdad, Somaya Ibrahim Alghamdi, Abrar Ali Wazqar, Khalid Abdullah Alshehab, Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed, Arwa Atiah Almalki, Mohammed Lafi Alanazi, Ohoud Salman haya AlenaziIn this review we will discuss the effective pharmacological and nonpharmacological quality-improvement interventions, we will highlight the BP control methods and epidemiology to better to give more information about this condition. PubMed, Embase, and Google scholar databases were searched up to November, 2017 for published studies with English language and human subjects discussing hypertension control in patients with diabetes in primary care. Detecting and managing hypertension in people with diabetes is one of the most effective measures to prevent adverse events, and pharmacotherapy is one of the most effective methods to maintain target BP levels in primary care. Further evidence is needed to support treating patients to BP goals lower than current suggestions.
Overview of immunization strategies in primary care[Full-Text ] Maria Ali Othman Hakami, Somaia Mansour Mohammed Somaili, Noora Ali Othman Hakami, Ali Abdullah Ali Najmi, Arwa Ali Othman Hakami, Mohammed Ahmed KhormiIn this review we are aiming to understand variations in vaccination management in primary care and highlighted a number of interventions that can help improve immunization rates in developed countries. These include reminding parents in children cases and providers of upcoming and overdue immunizations and educating and providing feedback to the vaccination providers. We conducted search using electronic biomedical databases such as; Medline, and Embase, for studies published up to September 2017 with English language concerning the immunization strategies in primary care, Following MeSh terms were used in our search strategy: "immunization", "vaccination", "primary care", "family medicine".
Overview of procedures, and benefits of coronary bypass grafting surgery[Full-Text ] Bassam Ali Othman Hakami, Maria Ali Othman Hakami, Awsam Mohammed Shaoush Hakami, Tariq fahad hussain Hakami, Khaled Ali Ali Hakami, Abdulrahman Yahya Ali JabbariCoronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) remains the most common operation performed by cardiac surgeons today. In this review we will discuss the main aspects of procedure, adverse effects and highlight the benefits of CABG. We conducted a literature search among electronic databases PubMed (National Library of Medicine) using the keywords "Coronary artery bypass" and "Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG)" together with "procedures" and "surgical method" up to November, 2017. The continuous development of coronary surgery is essential for those patients who could not be managed nonsurgical.
Overview of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children, complications, and management[Full-Text ] Nawal Abdullah Awdah Abdullah, Maha Saeed Nasser AlobaidThis review of pulmonary arterial hypertension will highlight the key features of pulmonary hypertension in children and the current understanding of pulmonary arterial hypertension with management methods. We performed a comprehensive search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, and google scholar, through October, 2017. Search strategies used following MeSH terms in searching via these databases: "pulmonary arterial hypertension", "pediatrics", "children", "complications", "management", "treatment". Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a serious dynamic condition with a poor prognosis if not identified and managed early.
Updated evidence review of osteoarthritis management[Full-Text ] Seham Hamad Almoqati, Sulaiman Mohammed Hushlul, Mohammed Abdullah Alzahrani, Waad Hassan Albadrani, Mohammed Saleh Alghamdi, Osama Abdulrahman Alharthi, Mohammed Hussain Al Mansour, Turki Hamed Alghamdi, Mazen Nasser alaiyar, Hamad Ali Al DaghreerThis review will highlight areas of recent developments in our understanding of pain in OA. We discuss potential therapeutic options for OA pain management including nonpharmacological, pharmacological and surgical approaches. We searched electronic databases PubMed, Embase, and google scholar, updated to November, 2017. for all the publications on the osteoarthritis management. The search terms were; "osteoarthritis", "treatment", "management". Osteoarthritis is a significant cause of discomfort and impairment in the basic population. Presently, most patients with osteoarthritis are taken care of in primary care.
Strategies for controlling hypertension in family medicine[Full-Text ] Baraa Mohammed AlimHypertension is common and is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular events such as stroke and ischemic heart disease. That’s why our aim to characterize hypertension management in a family medicine clinic to discuss about diagnosis, hypertension stages and self-management technics. We performed a search using electronic databases; MEDLINE, and EMBASE, through October, 2017. Search strategies used following MeSH terms in searching: "hypertension", "high blood pressure", "family medicine", "primary care", "management".
Risk factors of retinal detachment after cataract surgery: Review[Full-Text ] Aishah Hamoud AlasmariRetinal detachment (RD) is a well-known and serious complication following lens surgery. The primary aim in this specific review was to estimate the cumulative risk of retinal detachment (RD) after routine cataract surgery. Detailed search was conducted throughout the electronic databases; PubMed, and Embase, for relevant studies discussing Risk factors of retinal detachment after cataract surgery. Studies which are published up to October, 2017. Retinal detachment is among the most severe complications following cataract surgery that can occur in the early or late postoperative periods.
Risk factors and therapeutic approach to acute hyponatremia in pediatrics[Full-Text ] Atheer Musaed Aljuhani,Wafaa Abdullah M Alzahrani, Yasir Ghareeb Ibrahim Alrashdan, Sami Ayyadah Ghareeb Alshammari, Nouf Mohammed Ashwi Alshammari, Sohaib Aziz Habhab, Khaled Ayed Alzhrani, Maram Ahmed Aljezani, Tahani Mohammad Alhumaidi AlshammariHyponatremia manifests most commonly with neurologic dysfunction and results more from the rate of change of sodium concentration. This review discusses the recent evidence concerning the pathophysiology, risk factors and treatment techniques. We performed detailed search through electronic databases; PubMed, and EMBASE, for studies published in English language and human subjects thought instant to 2017. Studies discussing the acute hyponatremia in pediatrics, management approaches. Hyponatremia is a severe adverse event that can be avoided with proper IV fluids option and cautious monitoring.
Newborn hypotension, complications, and management strategies[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Abdullah Sumili, Ramzi Ali H Arishi, Rami Mohammed Alfaifi, Yahya Ali A Khubrani, Mustafa Abdullah Alnuman, Amjad Mohammad A Najmi, Mohammad Abdu Sulaiman, Ali Abdullah Ali Najmi, Mohammed Ahmed Wasili, Salim Ahmed AlazmiObjective of this systematic review was to summarize all available high-level evidence to effective treating hypotension methods, to discuss the consequences and define disease to understand it more. We searched electronic databases PubMed, Embase, National Knowledge Infrastructure (NKI), updated to November, 2017. for all the publications on the Newborn hypotension. The search terms were; "hypotension or low blood pressure", "newborn", "children". Hypotension occurs generally in preterm babies on intensive care. The relevance of hypotension lies in the assumed effect of blood pressure variations on cerebral blood flow aside from other organ perfusion.
Procedure and timing for carotid endarterectomy for carotid stenosis: Review[Full-Text ] Haitham Salih O Alsammahy, Bassam Awad M Alzubaidi, Nasser Abdullah N Aldawsari, Sultan Thayer N AlharbiIn this review we discuss carotid endarterectomy, focusing on mainly its timing and procedure technique. We conducted computerized search among electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE, and SciELO for literature available in the databases to October, 2017. Carotid endarterectomy is a surgical procedure used to reduce the risk of stroke by correcting stenosis in the common carotid artery or internal carotid artery. The procedure requires careful diagnosis and preparation. Selection of proper timing is crucially important in order to reduce the postoperative complications and gain a well functioning artery.
Cardiogenic shock in emergency medicine, Assessment approaches[Full-Text ] Tubaygi abdulrahman mohsen s, Amin mohammed Sammour, Saud Abdulaziz Almutairi, Turki Maeid Alanazi, Mohammed Abdulkareem M Abdrab Alamir, Tashary, Hamdy Muhammad M, Ayman Abdullah Ahmed Alhazmi, Mohammad Hadi Abass HakamiIn this review, we briefly describe the features and strategical considerations in cardiogenic shock. We also mention etiology and definition of CS to understand it well and methods to manage it. We performed comprehensive search using biomedical databases; Medline, and Embase, for studies concerned with assessment of cardiogenic shock in emergency medicine published with English language up to, October 2017. Patients with CS are critically ill and can rapidly decompensate. If CS is not recognized and managed, tissue hypoperfusion could rapidly result in organ dysfunction and patient fatality. In addition to a focused history and physical examination, the first evaluation of patients with presumed CS needs to include an ECG, CXR, laboratory research studies, and a point-of-care echocardiogram. The preliminary resuscitation of patients with CS is directed towards restoring cardiac output and tissue perfusion. This is accomplished via the administration of intravenous fluids and a mix of inotropic and vasopressor medications. Mechanical circulatory support is indicated for patients with CS who do not react to pharmacologic treatment. These patients should go through emergent reperfusion therapy with either PCI or CABG.
Family doctor concerns toward insomnia, assessment and management: review[Full-Text ] Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Althobaiti, Mazen Mohammed Althomali, Reham Othman Al Thomali, Abdullah Saad Abdullah Alalyani, Hamzah Mohammed Salem Alzahrani, Nasser Abdulaziz Alharthi, Meshal Subah Alharbi, Buthinah Saleh BinrshoudIn this review we discuss family doctor concerns toward insomnia, focusing on its assessment and management. We conducted computerized search among electronic databases; EMBASE, COCHRANE, PUBMED and MEDLINE for literature available in the databases to September, 2017. Insomnia is a disorder characterized by inability to sleep or a total lack of sleep, prevalence of which ranges from 10 to 15% among the general population with increased rates seen among older ages, female gender, white population and presence of medical or psychiatric illness. Several tests exist for assessment of insomnia. Non-pharmacologic therapies such as stimulus control therapy and relaxation and cognitive therapies have the best effect sizes followed by sleep restriction, paradoxical intention and sleep hygiene education which have modest to less than modest effect sizes. Among pharmacotherapeutic agents, non-benzodiazepine hypnotics are the first line of management followed by benzodiazepines, amitryptiline and antihistaminics.
Overview of management strategies toward Thrombocythemia[Full-Text ] Mayada Amin Aljudaibi, Reem Ali Mohammed Alamoodi, Abrar Ali Mohammed Alamoodi, Samar Mohammed Hasan Al_Hashemi, Bashayer Sadagah Bati, Hashem Abdulwhab Jaml Allil, Ahmad Abdulwhab Jaml AllilThis article discuss pathogenesis, risk factors and summarizes the current status of ET therapy and emphasizes the importance of a risk-adapted treatment strategy in the management of these patients. MEDLINE, AMED, EMBASE, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library were searched in details (for articles published up to November, 2017) for relevant articles in English language were included in the review. Search terms as following "thrombocythemia", "essential thrombocythemia", "treatment", "management", "therapy". Essential thrombocythemia (ET) is a chronic myeloproliferative disorder of unidentified origin characterized by a persistently raised platelet count, a raised number of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow, and an enhanced danger of thromboembolic and hemorrhagic complications. Therapy in patients with essential thrombocytosis (primary thrombocythemia) need to be individualized on the basis of danger aspects for thrombohemorrhagic complications. Lifestyle modifications should be recommended for all patients with reversible risk factors. These consist of diet and exercise to promote weight loss for obese patients and smoking cessation for smokers.
Overview of managing irritable bowel syndrome in primary care[Full-Text ] Ahmed H BukhariWe aimed to focus on reviewing the literature on understanding and views of IBS, including the diagnose and management this challenging problem and discuss the management strategies in primary care. We conducted a detailed search through medical electronic databases’ Medline/PubMed and Embase, searching studies discussing managing irritable bowel syndrome in primary care, published up to October,2017. The main challenges faced by doctors managing people with IBS today are the lack of basic analysis tests and the complex nuanced method needed for successful management. In order to simplify this procedure for day-to-day clinical practice, here we have developed simple visual devices to help navigate the key stages to reaching a favorable diagnosis of IBS and a stepwise method to patient-centred management targeted towards the most bothersome symptoms. The basic tenets of IBS medical diagnosis and management highlighted by this simplified algorithm. Effective management begins with the capability to make a confident positive medical diagnosis of IBS, along with having the ability to explain the underlying reasons in relatable terms for the patient. These steps can help establish a strong patient-physician relationship and instil patient confidence in their treating medical professional.
Rules of terminating resuscitation in prehospital emergency cardiac arrest[Full-Text ] Khalid Hamad Hussein AlSalem, Hussain Ali Salem Al Munyif, Rafi Salem Mabkhoot Al Farhan, Marram Jaber Haider Alhaider, Seham Hamad Mosade Almoqati, Mazyad Rashed Alotaibi, Mansour Saleh AlmansourIn this review, we aimed to establish and validate a TOR rule for physicians and service providers in prehospital emergency. Moreover, we validated the BLS TOR rule and ALS TOR rule. Electronic databases; MEDLINE, EMBASE and The Cochrane Library databases were searched up to January 2017 to identify relevant studies discussing the prehospital emergency cardiac arrest, using following Mesh terms: "cardiac arrest" OR "prehospital emergency" Combined with "Emergency medicine" OR "resuscitation". The survival rate after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is low, particularly amongst patients that have no reaction to advanced cardiac life support provided by paramedical personnel. Numerous retrospective studies have determined patients for whom termination of resuscitative efforts outside the hospital can be taken into consideration after resuscitative efforts by paramedics educated and equipped to provide advanced cardiac life support have failed. The BLS rule determined, with a high uniqueness and high positive predictive value, patients with OHCA that have a highly low likelihood of survival to health center discharge. Although some of these patients were resuscitated in the emergency department and spent several hrs or days in the intensive care unit, only 5 (0.2%) determined by the BLS rule endured to hospital discharge. As an outcome, guidelines exist for the termination of resuscitation in this setting, and most emergency medical services (EMS) systems have protocols to allow the practice.
Water Quality assessments of Dal Lake, Jammu & Kashmir[Full-Text ] Mudasir Nabi Dar, Mir Faisal Manzoor, Vishal Kaushik, Mohit Kumar, Suraj Rawat, Kaiser Manzoor Shah,Dr.Bushra Zaman, Er Amanpreet SinghDue to urbanization, modernization and increase in population growth the problems of sewage disposal and contamination of surface waters in lakes are expanding at high rate. In the last four decades the water quality of Dal Lake has undergone enormous changes and which in turn had make it useless for domestic use and aesthetic view. Extension of land use in lake could increase the use of fertilizers which could cause the problem of eutrophication. The paper is an attempt to present condition of water quality in lake. Water quality can be assessed by different parameters like BOD, pH, nitrate, phosphorus turbidity etc.From the test results and data we observed that the maximum surface of lake water is covered by weeds which is the result of higher concentration of nitrate and phosphorous which directly results into siltation of lake water. Due to the higher values of BOD, COD it results the less amount of dissolved oxygen present in the lake water which causes the direct threat to Lake Ecosystem. Heavy metals such as Pb, Cr, Fe, Hg, etc. are of special concern because they produce water or chronic poisoning in aquatic animals. Harmful algal blooms are becoming increasingly common in freshwater ecosystems globally. Pollution by plastic scrap is an increasing environmental concern in water bodies, which affects open-water, shoreline and environments.
Onions tunic: A flavonol rich competitive inhibitor of key enzyme (Angiotensin-1 converting enzyme) linked hypertension[Full-Text ] Olanrewaju Sam Olayeriju, Afolabi Clement Akinmoladun, Olamide Olajusi Crown, Mary Tolulope Olaleye, Ayodele Oluseyi Kolawole, Akintunde Afolabi AkindahunsiOnion (Allium cepa) is popularly known for its organosulphur and flavonoid contents and its tunic has been demonstrated to possess hypotensive effect. In this study, a flavonol-rich extract of onion tunic (FREOT) was investigated for its antioxidant potential and effect on angiotensin-1 converting enzyme (ACE) in vitro. The extract showed remarkable antioxidant activity when compared with the standard flavonoid compound, quercetin. The ACE inhibitory activity of the extract (IC50: 0.36 ± 0.04 µg/ml) was comparable to that of quercetin (IC50 0.34 ± 0.03 µg/ml) (p > 0.05). Studies on the inhibition pattern revealed that the extract inhibited ACE by competing with the substrate, N-[3-(2- furyl) acryloyl]-L-phenylalanylglycylglycine, for the active site. These results indicate that the FREOT exhibited its hypotensive effects via antioxidant and ACE inhibitory mechanisms.
INDIGENOUS USE OF PATANI (Phaseolus lunatus Linn) LEAVES AMONG ILOCANOS MERCITA QUEYPO- QUEDDENG[Full-Text ] Mercita Queypo-QueddengInvestigation of the indigenous use of patani (phaseolus lunatus linn) leaves among Ilocanos through focus group revealed that patani leaves were used as major material in the preservation of bagoong (fish fermentation) from the local fish called “Ipon”, a goby fry fish the earlier times but discontinued due to lack of awareness and the availability of commercially prepared preservatives and insecticides to prevent larval formation as well as eradicate flies from hovering the produce.
Validating a new instrument for measuring computer competence in Lebanese University (Pedagogy Faculty)[Full-Text ] Issam Moussallem, Bilal Hussein, Hayssam KotobPurpose - The purpose of this study is to validate a new measure, the computer competence questionnaire test (Comp2Test), for assessing computer competence.
Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm Performance Assessment of Grid-Assist Photovoltaic System[Full-Text ] W. Okullo, E.E. van Dyk, F. J. Vorster, M. K. Munji, W. J. AlistounA common challenge for all conventional MPPT algorithms is how to obtain the optimal current and voltage operating points automatically to maximize PV output power under variable atmospheric conditions. This paper discusses the assessment of the performance of a grid-assist PV system with battery storage. A data acquisition (DAQ) system was developed to monitor the MPPT performance of a grid-assist PV system. Charging cycles and the MPPT algorithm effects on the PV array efficiency were investigated. Experimental results show that the perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm operates most efficiently under most of the test conditions. However, the open circuit voltage (OV) algorithm has the best efficiency under cloudy conditions and worst case efficiency during high and stable irradiance conditions. Three charging cycles under investigation showed a noticeable reduction in the efficiency of the grid assist PV system. Voltage sweeps with lengthy perturbation times were found to cause inefficient power conversion.
On nonseparability of Holder-Lipschitz space[Full-Text ] Ameer Abdulmageed AlkhawagahMany spaces that we come across in calculus and geometry are separable. For mathematicians separable spaces have some attractive properties arising from the ability to represent every element of a space as a limit of sequence of elements from a countable set; as any real number can be represented as limit of a sequence of rational numbers. The purpose of this work is to show nonseparability of the space Cn,ðœ†(Ω) - the space of continuous and n-times continuously differentiable functions with Holder-Lipschitz condition imposed on the last ð‘›-th derivative with some 𜆠coefficient.
Awareness and Implementation of the Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2010(RA 9994)[Full-Text ] Marlou R. SavellaThe study determined the Level of Awareness and Implementation of RA 9994, an act to maximize the contribution of senior citizens to nation building. This supports the traditional Filipino culture of taking care of the needs of our elderly.
The Impact of Service Quality towards Customer satisfaction in Private sector Hospitals- A Case Study on the ABC Private Hospital in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] K.V.D.H.S.Kalutharawithana, N.S.Jayawardena Defining and measuring the quality of service has been a major challenge for health care marketers. A comprehensive service quality measurement scale (SERVQUAL) is empirically evaluated for its potential usefulness in a hospital service environment. Active participation by hospital management helped to address practical and user-related aspects of the assessment.
Biological control of mealybug ( Brevennia rehi ) on rice by Metarhizium anisopliae fungus in Iraq[Full-Text ] Ameer S. A. Al-Hedad; Majeed M. Dewan and Hadi mezel AL-rubaeiThe laboratory study on different concentration of Metarhizium anisopliae fungus suspension and dry biomass were carried out to control mealybug on rice. The Nymphs stage and Adult of treated mealybug (B. rehi ) showed that the percentage of mortality with highest concentrations (50%) reached to 82.97 %. While in Nymphs the percentage was 84.97%. However, the results also showed a significant differences between the high and low concentrations of fungal suspension.
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF INTELLIGENT ROBOTIC ARM[Full-Text ] N.RISHI KANTH, Dr. J. Suresh Kumar, Dr.A.SrinathMany robots have been built for manufacturing or for different applications for lifting the heavy loads with accurate displacement, orientation and to perform the same work repeatedly. The idea behind this work is to reduce the utilization of human energy for hazardous applications. This work involves in development of pneumatic controlled pick and place arm. To achieve this goal we intend to incorporate a simple linkage actuation mechanism. An AC motor is used along with spur gears and a threaded shaft arrangement. The gripper can perform the basic function of picking, holding and grasping of objects by means of a DC motor and it forms the mechanism. This work gives details about how to design and assemble the pneumatic pick and place robotic arm and analyze the design for better material properties to bare the maximum load conditions. The gripper can easily accessible for any design of components without slipping.
Investigation of weld strength for different weld condition using design of experiment[Full-Text ] Prof. P.D. Kale, Prof. P.G.ChaudharyFailure mode is a qualitative measure of resistance spot weld (RSW) performance. To ensure reliability of resistance spot welds during vehicle lifetime, process parameters should be adjusted so that the pullout failure mode is guaranteed. In this work, failure mode of resistance spot welds is to be studied under quasi-static tensile test. It is required to search for new weld quality criterion for resistance spot welded steels. An adhesive layer with appropriate thickness and elastic modulus is necessary to obtain reasonable distribution of stresses in the whole lap region of a weld-bonded joint.
Energy and carbon efficiency (CO2 emissions) of different forms of distribution in Vietnam and a comparison with France (Case study: yogurt)[Full-Text ] Dr. LAM Quoc DatAnthropoid Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, when concentrating in the atmosphere, cause climate change and contribute to global warming. Transportation is responsible for an increasing part of these emissions, mainly road transport and within transport; the share of goods (about one third) is increasing. Air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are two major environmental challenges in transportation in big cities all over the world. In recent years, with the rapid urbanization of developing countries, traffic jams, traffic accidents, air pollution and emissions in big cities.
RECONSTRUCTION OF MULTI FRAME REMOTE SENSING IMAGES USING SUPER RESOLUTION[Full-Text ] Mr. R. Krishna Chaitanya, Sneha ChennamsettyIn general, we wish to see every particle clearly in any of the image, but by the by some of the situations like atmosphere, sensors and some other conditions we lose at least some data in our original image. This leads to the unsatisfied images. This will be the main drawback in remote sensing images (satellite images). To eradicate this problem, the process which was introduced was Super Resolution. This is very much helpful for analyzing and to get the detailed information the complete image. The process of Super Resolution is to reconstruct the low resolution (LR) image to high resolution (HR) image. In this paper, we reconstruct the three bands low resolution image to single band high resolution satellite image by using this reconstruction super resolution block diagram.
Modeling and Simulation of a Two-Step SBR Wastewater Treatment Plant[Full-Text ] Mohamed H. Hegazy The most important purpose of wastewater treatment is to reduce pollution of the raw water and reclaim wastewater for reuse. Modeling and optimization of wastewater treatment processes were applied in this study to improve the efficiency of a wastewater treatment model. The model was applied on wastewater characterized by high organic loading and suspended solids concentrations. The approach was applied to optimize a treatment process of a two-step sequencing batch reactors SBR model. Also in this research we investigated the rule of denitrification process via anoxic conditions to remove nitrogenous compounds. Based on the results, it shows that two-step SBR model operates with removal efficiencies higher than 96% for biological oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS) and total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) were established. This modeling analysis applied to define a performance measuring plan based on the most important parameters that can be reliable and applicable for any waste water treatment plant.
Per lustration on Defects in Oil and Gas Tubular Industry[Full-Text ] Dipak K. BanerjeePipelines are used for transportation of Oil and gas across various nations. Some of these pipelines are concealed or overhead. The extent and usage of pipelines depends upon transportation substance. It is evident that material and safety of pipeline are of pertinent nature for erroneous transportation and hazard free environment. The pipeline under discussion on this paper generally as Submerged Arc Welded Pipes which produced by fabrication process .The governing specification for the manufacture of these pipes accentuated by American Petroleum Institute (API) and American Society of Testing and Metallurgy (ASTM).Pipeline the management plays a vital role to estimate the life cycle of embedded structure.
Epoxy-Coated Versus Galvanized Reinforcing Steel on Bridge Decks[Full-Text ] Todorka Paskova, Reza Khamcy, Gokhan GelisenThe purpose of this research is to evaluate and compare the relative merits of the two coating systems for reinforcing bars in concrete. A review is given of the nature and characteristics of both epoxy coated and galvanized steel for use as reinforcement in concrete. Also presented is an overview of the results from recent experimental work on the comparative corrosion behavior of uncoated black steel, epoxy coated steel, and galvanized steel in concrete.
The Effects of a Peer-Assisted Progress Test Preparation Program on The Results of Saudi Medical Students at Maastricht University[Full-Text ] Fawaz Fahad Almuwayshir, & Mohammed Ahmedhani Kilani, Amro Mohammed Ghazi, Yaser Ibrahim Alomar, Ahmed Amin Alsadah, Riyadh Mohammed Alshammari, Yazeed Ibrahim AlomarIntroduction: A peer-assisted program was made to prepare Saudi medical students at Maastricht University for the progress test, which is a test that measures the students’ progress in overall medical knowledge and is performed 4 times a year by all medical students at Maastricht University.
PREVALENCE OF AGE-RELATED CATARACT AND CATARACT SURGERY IN A SAUDI ARABIAN ADULT POPULATION: PRINCE MOHAMMED BIN NASSER HOSPITAL EYE STUDY (JAZAN)[Full-Text ] Sultan Bakri, Mona Kenani, Reem Shajary Abdullah Khawaji, Abdulrahman makin, Azza Mohanna, Marwah Abbas and Tahani MoafaIntroduction: Nowadays, world is suffering from the visual impairment with its primary cause as the age-related cataract. It is more prevalent in China which is most populous country of the world (Brian & Taylor, 2001). But still, it is on the rise in the developed country like Saudi Arabia too.