Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016.
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Talking about HR[Full-Text ] Dr. Chaitanya NIPHADKARTraditionally, the personnel administration department or as we all know, the Human Resources (HR) department was regarded only as a support function. More recently, employers have identified HR as the connecting link between the management and the employees. They have added HR to the organizational decision making as well as strategic thinking process. Few organizations today consider the value of the HR Head not less than their Managing Director and CEO. However, HR roles and responsibilities vary depending on the size of the company. In some organizations, the HR professional will typically work across several disciplines, whilst in others there will be both generalist as well as specialist. Few others, mainly the smaller ones, prefer to outsource the activities of HR work and turn to management consultants for activities like writing their company strategy, Organizational Development (OD) plan, managing staff trainings and so on.
Performance Evaluation with the help of RED Queue in the Buffer Management Mechanism[Full-Text ] Rakesh kumar, Dr.Manisha ManjulWe introduce the buffer management mechanism in the computer network which is important to prevent the loss of packet and delay in the network for efficient and reliable delivery of packet. So the proposed scheme is based on the observation that when congestion control is implemented at the source, most of the loss occurs at the source.
Studies on the Growth, Luminescence, Electrical, Mechanical properties and Surface Topography of Bisthiourea Cadmium Acetate[Full-Text ] V.Rajendran, J.UmaNonlinear optical material Bisthiourea cadmium acetate (BTCA) was grown by slow evaporation solution growth technique. The morphology of the grown crystal was studied to identify the prominent planes of growth. The powder diffraction peaks indicates that the grown crystal is highly crystalline in nature. The photoluminescence studies reveal the crystal show blue emission with the peak at 481nm. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss was measured over the frequency range of 50Hz–5MHz.
Stress Concentration Factor Converts into Stress Intensity Factor using ANSY[Full-Text ] Ankur JoshiAnalysis has been done by using ANSYS APDL software package for different values of aspect ratio in a plate with central-elliptical hole and is subjected to a pressure at the ends. A static load is gradually applied to a mechanical component. It’s been observed that the presence of holes in the body makes it prone to stress concentration and thus the stress near these stress raisers becomes larger than the nominal stress by a certain amount. This stress can be determined by analytical methods or by Finite Element Analysis. FEA divides (discretize) the structure into small but finite, well defined, elastic substructures (elements).
Modeling And Simulation Of Differential Relay For Stator Winding Generator Protection By Using ANFIS Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ribin MOHEMMED , Abdulkadir CAKIRIn this research , a three – phase differential relay (87 G) is designed to protect the stator winding generator by using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system algorithm (ANFIS) . Its operation principle is based on the comparison between of the input current and output current at each phase winding .
ANALYSIS OF NORMALIZED RAINFALL INDEX AND IMPACT VULNERABILITY STATUS OF SORGHUM FARMERS TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN GUSAU STATION, ZAMFARA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Philemon, Albert Chinda, Ibrahim, Saraya and Nnachi, Solomon UdumaThis study statistically analysed both the Normalized Rainfall Index (NRI) and Impact Vulnerability Status (IVS) of climate change on sorghum farming in Zamfara State based on rainfall records for Gusau station from 1971-2010. The results of the various statistical tests showed that the coefficients of Skewness and Kurtosis for the rainfall series for the period were normally distributed at 95% confidence level. The five-year and ten-year running means for annual rainfall series during these periods both showed lengthy dry periods below the long-term mean from 1971-2001 with steady increases above the mean from the early millennium to the end of the period.
Examining the insulating capacity of recyclable materials[Full-Text ] Priyanka Priyadarshini MishraThe earth’s resources are depleting at a faster rate than they are being generated. At the same time the population is growing at a very fast pace. Examining the present situation, it will in the next 40- 50 years when we will be out of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are most important part of our life, as they are utilized in many different fields.... such as the automobiles, industries, heating system in Europe, to generate electricity. In addition, the global warming of the planet is leading to extreme temperatures at majority of the places on Earth. To fight the heat, there are ways but to survive the cold.... there are none.....protecting us with jackets, sweaters, socks will only be effective to a certain extent, after that it is insulation that will help us survive. In order to come up with the perfect insulator, this experiment gives us the opportunity to scrutinize the properties of recycled materials that make up a good insulator. Therefore, this will protect our future generation as well as allow the present generation to preserve the depleting resources. Visiting a few rural areas nearby the city where I lived, I found out one of the major problems for such underdeveloped areas are communication, which has inhibited such regions growth. Because improving the communication is not under my approach, I decided to find out ways to survive conditions with the usage of few resources and maximum productivity. In addition to this, I want to find out a material with a very high insulating capacity that will be able to cook food without the constant use of coal or other fossil fuels. To apply a dual solution, I decided to test the insulating capacity of recycled materials which will be both environment friendly for environment, as well as ensure efficient use of resources. Hence I arrived at the research question How does the insulating capacity vary with the density of the material (with same thickness)? Its effectiveness will allow one to understand how effective each of the material will be in cooking food in the rural areas. Therefore, I am comparing the density of the material with its rate of cooling in order to come to a conclusion which would indicate what kind of recycled materials will be most efficient in insulation.
Common fixed point theorems in digital metric spaces[Full-Text ] Asha Rani, Kumari Jyoti, Asha RaniIn this paper, we introduce commutative, weakly commutative, compatible, weakly compatible maps in the setting of digital metric space and prove some common fixed point results for these mappings. We also give some examples to illustrate our results. Also, an application of the results is proposed for the digital images.
Evidences on Harbingers of Mensuration Methodology in Ancient Egyptian Mathematics and Geometry[Full-Text ] Dr. Ayman WaziryThe Ancient Egyptians created and developed effective methods for land surveying, leveling, and mensuration, and have used mathematics to deal with these methods of mensuration. Mensuration is a branch of mathematical science that is concerned with the measurement of areas and volumes of various geometric figures. Figures such as cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones and spheres have volume and area. In the broadest sense, the mensuration is all about the process and approach of measurement that addresses the development of formulas to measure their areas and volumes
Noise analysis of Maximum a Posteriori Expectation Maximization (MAP-EM) algorithm using Gamma Root Priors (GRPs) for Positron Emission Tomography (PET)[Full-Text ] Farah Adeebah KhokharTo model the propagation of photon noise theoretically through reconstruction algorithms using PET data is important to evaluate the reconstructed image quality as a function of parameters of the algorithm. The linearization used to model theoretically the propagation fame an image and a covariance matrix from one iteration to the other using iterative ML-EM (maximum-likelihood expectation maximization).
Development of an Assistive Robot for the Torque Analysis of Upper Extremity Joints[Full-Text ] Nirmal Thomas, M.R Stalin John, and V.P.R.SivakumarMain objective of this research is to find out the torque characteristics and its relation to critical parameters that are essential to run an exoskeleton.The torque required for the arm movements, joint torques because of gravity and residual forces are the key parameters that one need to consider while designing an exoskeleton for the upper extremity joints.For finding out these parameters, experiments were conductedto measure the forces in the forearm while moving the arm to thevarious position. These force values were converted to torques at the elbow and shoulder, and these values are presented in the paper.
Development of an Assistive Robot for the Torque Analysis of Upper Extremity Joints[Full-Text ] Nirmal Thomas, M.R Stalin John, and V.P.R.SivakumarMain objective of this research is to find out the torque characteristics and its relation to critical parameters that are essential to run an exoskeleton. The torque required for the arm movements, joint torques because of gravity and residual forces are the key parameters that one need to consider while designing an exoskeleton for the upper extremity joints. For finding out these parameters, experiments were conducted to measure the forces in the forearm while moving the arm to the various position.
Topic: Empowering the Half World -A Safe Hygienic Sanitary Napkin[Full-Text ] Ranjit Raj, Sana SalahMenstruation is a phenomenon unique to the females. In total, women spend around six to seven years of their lives menstruating. A key priority for women and girls is to have the necessary knowledge, facilities and cultural environment to manage menstruation hygienically, and with dignity. Yet the importance of menstrual hygiene management is mostly neglected by development practitioners within the WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) sector, and other related sectors such as reproductive health. This paper explores the reasons why menstrual hygiene management is not generally addressed in WASH initiatives, the social and health impacts of this neglect on women and girls.
Approximation of Fixed Points of Multivalued Demicontractive and Multivalued Hemicontractive Mappings in Hilbert Spaces[Full-Text ] B. G. AkuchuWe give control conditions for the approximation of xed points of multi-valued demicontractive and multivalued hemicontractive maps recently introduced in [1]. Many of our conditions are weaker than the conditions used in [1], hence our results im-prove and complement the convergence results in [1] and the references therein.