Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016.
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Response of Moringa oleifera Lam. (Drumstick) plant on inoculation with Frateuria aurentia (Potassium mobilizer) and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizomicrorganisms (PGPR.)[Full-Text ] Tameezuddin Khan Ghori and D.AnusuyaBesides the raw material available remains of fruits and vegetables which can be used as raw material for the composting. Moringa oleifera (Drumstick) belongs to family Moringaceae. It is a nature’s most nutritious vegetable tree with high medicinal value. Despite of this, little has been done on the agronomic requirements for this crop. Twelve treatments arranged in complete randomized block production design. From the results it was found that treatment T2A-(K.m.+P.f.) +V.C.and T2C-(K.m.+P.s.b.)+V. C. shows better result compare to T1C-(K.m.+P.s.b.+T.v.) +V. C. Frateuria aurentia a potassium mobilizer along with PGPR shows better results.
Analysis of Spiral Model in Software Projects for the Software Houses of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad SaleemThe Primary goal of this research was to identify and explore the particular risks at each phase of software development, and it also describes the activities performed during software development processes of preferred model and mitigation plan to minimize the risk factors. In every phase of Software development risk is involved. On the later stages of software development the influence of these risks are shown, sometimes causes of schedule slip, or bad management or sometimes direct effect on the cost of the project. Risk analysis is categorized into two stages. One is qualitative analysis and second is quantitative analysis. A lot of research and study is being conducted in risk analysis, and it is still in development process. The objective of the research is to explore or identify the different risks that are involved in different phases of Developed Model. A risk development model is introduced in this research study. The model to be implemented and for testing purpose of spiral model was used and then a model Risk Covered Spiral Model is introduce (RCSM),in which different steps for different types of risks are proposed that affect the cost, time and performance of software model. This research concluded that The Earlier software development model has some deficiencies like exploring risk was not properly handled in their phases, so the developers and users don’t have suitable outcome from previous Spiral model.
STUDY OF MODERN OPERATING SYSTEMS OFFERING FUNCTIONALITIES FOR MOBILE COLLABORATIVE NETWORK[Full-Text ] Beenish Abid,Namra SheikhToday, people have recognized that the communication data access should not be the ultimate goal of Mobile Phone. Mobile Computing and the ability to support cooperative work on mobile terminals are becoming more significant in the present era. People can access the data, files and other resources, connected to the system, remotely. One can use to the machine in other city virtually. One of the issues which need to be addressed in the above stated scenario is operating system support. Many operating systems are developed that support the mobile collaborative work. They offer many advanced functionalities in protocols, communication properties, data formats and concrete technologies. All these functionalities need sophisticated and supporting hardware to be implemented. In this paper we would highlight the functionalities of the current systems that they offer in the field of the mobile collaborative work. These functionalities are concerned with the issues like bandwidth, data security, system’s safety and speed of data movement.
Silicon Nanocrystals: From Synthesis to Applications[Full-Text ] R. KarmouchThe reduction in size to nanoscale sizes not only allows to improve the performance but also to bestow new properties to materials; this is what justifies the growing interest in this type of materials such as the silicon nanocrystals that are fully compatible with existing technologies we can expect to see an explosion of applications based radically on the silicon nanocrystals in disciplines such as biology, mechanics, electronics… The specificity of nc-Si resides essentially in the influence of their size and their shape. However, the n-Si must have controlled properties, both from the point of view of a single particle or of a set of interacting particles in an amorphous matrix. Thus, it is of great technological and scientific interest to know the physical and chemical properties of Si nanocrystals, different methods of nc-Si production, the methods of their characterization and their applications in microelectronics, optoelectronics and biophotonics.
The use of Nanogenerators to power Cardiac Pacemakers[Full-Text ] S. Iyer & P. JichkarAdvances in medical technology have led to a substantial increase in the number of medical assist devices implanted in the human body. The pacemaker is one such device which aids cardiac functioning. Even as the number of pacemakers implanted each year reaches into millions worldwide, finding an efficient power source for them still remains a challenge. The average life span of a pacemaker battery is seven years. A cardiac patient thus requires several surgeries to replace the battery throughout his lifetime. The search for an alternate power source for pacemakers is hence critical.
Mondor’s disease in the breast: A rare benign breast condition[Full-Text ] Ghalleb M; Triki A; Hadidane M; Jbir ; Belfefkih H ;Sassi S; Mighri M;Touinsi HMondor’s disease is a rare benign disease. The breast localization is rare and characterized by thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins of the chest wall. This condition is rarely reported, which in part, may be due to the lack of awareness of the entity
Fuel Cell,Ultracapacitor and Batteries Hybrid Sources using Sliding Mode Controller for Vehicle Applications[Full-Text ] Shefali Sharad Kasawar, Sanket Hari Nankar, Ashita R. ShandilyaIn this paper, the modeling and the control principles of two DC hybrid source systems have been presented. These systems are composed of a fuel cell source, Ultracapacitor source and with or without batteries on DC link. The state space models are given for both structures. These sources use the fuel cell as mean power source and Ultracapacitors as auxiliary transient power sources.
STUDY OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR PANEL AND ITS PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] M. S. Alam, M. S. Islam, M A Islam, M. HasnainRenewable energy solution has achieved a great demand today to meet the energy crisis prevailing everywhere. Solar energy is rapidly gaining its popularity as an important source of this renewable energy. The photovoltaic (PV) technology is considered a way to generate electricity from sun. In order to obtain the maximum output from this PV cell can be kept orthogonal with the sun position. This paper proposes a model of Performance Study of Photovoltaic Solar Panel and Application to the sustainable way of lighting many villages in Bangladesh is expected to improve the general living standard of the communities. The proposed methodology has been tested for different parameters such as current-voltage (I-V), power-voltage (P-V), power-time (P-T) characteristics of the panel, effect of shadows on the panel and also comparison has been shown for two different position of panel to verify the output power improvement of the movable photovoltaic array compared to the fixed array. It has been realized that the performance of the panel, which studied was fairly good; even though the efficiency seems to be lower than the commercial solar panels. It has been speculated that if precaution can be taken to minimize the power losses due to various factors during the peak hour of sunlight, the performance of the locally studied panel would be better. Further work is going on to improve the performance of the cell. In this research, we have studied some techniques to utilize the full sunlight throughout a day and hence to obtain the maximum efficiency.
A Comparative Study on Marital Adjustment of Middle Class and Lower Class Couples Married within Last Five Years[Full-Text ] Geeshani EkanayakeThis paper attempts to find out how young couples who live in Colombo; the metropolitan city of Sri Lanka adjust in marriage. The study selected couples from both middle class and lower class who got married within the period of 5 years. Marital adjustment is a key element in the institution of marriage. This is an analytical approach to understand the institution of marriage in its inception and how it evolves through adjustment. Nature of marriage & family has changed over the years. Within this dynamical framework, the factors contributing to marital adjustment namely companionship, consensus or agreement, affection or intimacy, satisfaction with the marriage and the partner and lastly sexual behavior have been studied in this paper.
Comparative Study of W-Band DDR IMPATTs Based on Si/Si1-xGex and Si at Different Bias Cur-rent Density[Full-Text ] S.J.Mukhopadhyay, S.Rani, M.MitraIn this paper a comparative study has been made on DDR IMPATT diodes based on heterojunction Si/Si1-xGex and its conventional homojunction Si for different bias current density operating at W-band window frequency. In this case the value of x, the Ge mole fraction, is taken to be 0.1. A double iterative computer method based on drift-diffusion model has been used to study the DC and small signal admittance properties of the device. The simulation studies show that heterojunction Si/Si1-xGex based DDR IMPATTs produce much better performance than its homojunction Si counterpart with regards to DC to RF conversion efficiency.The maximum DC to RF conversion efficiency for Si/Si1-xGex is found to be 16.11% at bias current density of 2.2x108A/m2 whereas for Si based IMPATTs, maximum conversion efficiency of 10.67% is obtained at bias current density of 3.4x108A/m2. The design results presented in this paper will be highly useful to realize experimentally Si/Si1-xGex IMPATTS for W-Band window frequency.
ROLE OF SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT IN ENVIRONMENT[Full-Text ] Dr Rajeev Singh,Er Pradeep Kumar Singh BhaduriaThe paper shows that environment is one of the basic public assets of a human system, and it must be therefore specially protected. According to our present knowledge, the sustainability is necessary for all human systems and it is necessary to invoke the sustainable development principles in all human system assets. Sustainable development is understood as a development that does not erode ecological, social or politic systems on which it depends, but it explicitly approves ecological limitation under the economic activity frame and it has full comprehension for support of human needs. The paper summarizes the conditions for sustainable development, tools, methods and techniques to solve the environmental problems and the tasks of executive governance in the environmental segment.
Estimation and Comparison of Thrust for Self-field MPD Thrusters[Full-Text ] Mohd Ussama AhmerSelf-field Magnetoplasmadynamic Thrusters are special type of thrusters which consists of two metal electrodes separated by an insulator: a central rod-shaped cathode, and a cylindrical anode that surrounds the cathode. A high current electric arc is driven between the anode and cathode so as to ionize a propellant gas to create plasma. A magnetic field is generated by the electric current returning to the power supply through the cathode. This self-induced magnetic field interacts with the electric current flowing from the anode to the cathode (through the plasma) to produce the electromagnetic Lorentz force that pushes the plasma out of the engine, creating thrust. This document presents analytical estimation and comparison of thrust produced by two different propellants i.e. Argon and Nitrogen, in a Self-field Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster. The estimation of thrust was done with the empirical model presented by Choueiri. Thrust estimation was performed for two different gases, Argon and Nitrogen, by varying the input parameters like mass flow rate and current. Thrust produced by the Nitrogen gas as propellant was found to be more than the thrust produced by the Argon at same current levels.
Child Lower Limb Exoskeleton: Sizing and Modeling[Full-Text ] Moustafa A. FOUZ, MohamadKARDOFAKI, Khaled FOUDA,Samer ALFAYAD, Eric DYCHUSThis paper6, presents the sizing methodology of direct drive actuator for a new lower limb exoskeleton to operate effectively. The main objective of the latter exoskeleton is the mobility aid of the paralyzed children in order to move their lower limb again and perform a gait motion. the applied torques on the actuator are calculated by two methods based on the bio-mechanical data from literature and by taking in consideration the quasi-static loads applied in the worst case situation by the wearer. Also, a verification of the results is done using a virtual model on Matlab-Simulink®.
Combating the Menace of Commercial Motorcycle Safety Challenge[Full-Text ] Aluko, Oluwasegun OThis paper provides an overview of a type of para-transit common in many developing cities of the world. It shows why some of these para-transit are usually preferred by patrons and the operators. It also shows how para-transit generally have challenging operation. Looking at commercial motorcycles as a typical para-transit mode, it identifies its problems to include affordability, pollution, congestion, and accident. It goes further to note that accident is particularly notable amidst its challenges and points out how this is reported, especially in Asia and Africa. Generally, many of the literature reviewed does not show a distinction between motorcycles for public and private use in Asia, unlike it is in Africa. They, nevertheless emphasise the seriousness of the problems identified for motorcycle operation, especially those relating to its safety challenge. Three different attitudes are however identified from government and policy makers in response to the safety problem: some places adopt and regulate commercial motorcycle operation; some ignore it, taking its impact as insignificant; others fail in their attempt to adopt and regulate it. The failure is due to the very narrow nature of some of the measures put in place in these places, as they ignore other elements of the operating environment and their characteristics. But the need to regulate this transport is serious due to the scale of the impact of the safety problem. This paper thus suggests a more broad assessment of commercial motorcycle transport in policy designs to enable its safety problem to be tackled.
Synthesis, pH and HSA Binding study of Novel Dinuclear [Gd(III)DO3VA] complex as Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast agent[Full-Text ] The synthesis and relaxivity study of a new gadolinium(III) complex of a cyclen macrocycle having 2-bromoisovaleric acid pendant arm (DO3VA) and its dinuclear complex is reported. The longitudinal relaxivity (r1p) of [Gd2{VA-acamido-pn(DO3VA)2}(H2O)2] is 19.90 mM-1 s-1 which correspond to a “per Gd” relaxivity of 9.95 mM-1 s-1. The “per Gd” r1p value is higher than that of the clinically approved CAs. The r2p value of the dinuclear complex is 21.35 mM-1 s-1 which correspond to a “per Gd” relaxivity of 10.67 mM-1 s-1. The “per Gd” r2p value of the complex is higher than that of the parent complex [Gd(DO3VA)(H2O)2]. The r2p/r1p value of 1.07 for the complex indicates that the complex is a T1-weighted CA. The complex exhibit pH-dependent r1p and r2p value at pH 2.6-10.6 indicating their potential use as pH-responsive contrast agent for MRI. The complex exhibit higher r1p value of 55.69 mM-1 s-1 in the presence of HSA indicating the formation of macromolecular adduct with HSA. The amide linker seems to be an excellent linker for making new CAs for MRA and dendrimeric CAs.
Empirical Study on the TQM implementation in the Apparel Industry of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Syduzzaman, Marzia DulalOrganizations worldwide have been examining ways to improve business practices to gain competitive edge. An increasing number of organizations in developing countries are practicing Total Quality Management (TQM) in order to generate developments in performance and remain competitive. Total Quality Management (TQM) practices are primarily found in larger and multinational organizations, but little has been written on how TQM has been applied in small and medium textile industries of Bangladesh. This research reports the results of a full survey conducted among a sample of the local textile and apparel industries in Bangladesh.
Trace analysis of Gunshot residue on different fabrics using locally manufactured ammunition in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muneeba Butt, Makhdoom Saad GhouriGunshot residue (GSR) is also known as cartridge discharge residue (CDR) or firearms discharge residues are the particles produced during the discharge of a firearm. The demonstration of GSR in firearm injuries is of prime importance in forensic science. It creates an understanding of the nature of injury and the direction of the shot which might be clearly demonstrated in the courtroom. GSR has a main role in criminalistics department. The objective of the present study was to detect the chemical components present in Gunshot residues, the elemental and microanalysis of Gunshot residues by using Scanning Electron Microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The compostion of Gunshot residues was analyzed by using three chemical tests; Modified Griess test, Sodium rhodizonate test and diphenylamine test. The presence of Gunshot residues evaluate on the basis of different color intensities obtained by different chemical procedures. The more/less GSR detected, the more/less color intensity was observed. Modified Griess test and Diphenylamine test give orange and blue color to indicate the presence of nitrities/nitrates whereas sodium rhodizonate test give pink color for the detection of lead residues. Scanning electron microscopy give the exclusive geometrical images of different GSR particles with high magnification power and the peaks of GSR components can also be plotted with the help of EDX. The persistency of GSR residues on different fabrics cannot depend upon on the variable firing distances rather it depends on the texture of the fabrics. As the distance was increased the GSR intensity was decreased, which was observed by this research. This work will help to reconstruct the shooting scene to estimate muzzle-to-target distance up to 7feet.
Evidences on Harbingers of Mensuration Methodology in Ancient Egyptian Mathematics and Geometry[Full-Text ] Dr. Ayman WaziryThe Ancient Egyptians created and developed effective methods for land surveying, leveling, and mensuration, and have used mathematics to deal with these methods of mensuration. Mensuration is a branch of mathematical science that is concerned with the measurement of areas and volumes of various geometric figures. Figures such as cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones and spheres have volume and area. In the broadest sense, the mensuration is all about the process and approach of measurement that addresses the development of formulas to measure their areas and volumes
A Comparative Study and Analysis of three Routing Protocols (AODV,DSDV,DSR) in Mobile Ad hoc Network bearing CBR Traffic[Full-Text ] Md. Khanjahan Ali, Md. AshekRaihan Mahmud, Md. Shariful Islam, KhandakerTakdir AhmedAd hoc Network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the use ofany existing network infrastructure or centralized administration .The highly dynamic nature of mobile ad hoc networks results in frequent changes and unpredictability in network topologies, adding difficulty and complexity to routing among the mobile nodes within the network. There are different routing protocols proposed for MANETs which makes it quite difficult to determine which protocol is suitable for different network conditions as proposed by their Quality ofservice offerings.In this paper, an attempt has been made to compare threerouting protocols on the basis of performance under different environments. The comparison has been done under the UDP payload (CBR traffic). The tools used for the simulation are NS2 which is the main simulator, NAM (Network Animator) and trace-graph which is used for preparing the graphs from the trace files. The results presented in this paper clearly indicate that the different protocols behave differently under different environments.