Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016.
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FAILURE MODES OF RC COLUMNS UNDER LOADING[Full-Text ] G.Dogan, M. H. ArslanFailure of reinforced concrete (RC) columns has been a main cause of collapse of existing RC building frames so far. Similar failure patterns of buildings have been repeatedly observed in the investigation of past earthquake damages. As observed from these events, seven failure types cause completely failed buildings or partially damage the structural members. The names of them flexural failure, shear failure, shear failure of flat-plate construction (punching failure), bond splitting failure, splice failure of longitudinal reinforcement, creep failure and column-beam joint failure. The objectives of this paper are to highlight some of these observations, causes of failure and to find preventing method of these damages. Some analytical calculation is also given in this paper.
ANALYSIS OF ANTI-NOTCH METHOD TO THE REDUCTION OF THE COGGING TORQUE IN PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR[Full-Text ] HERLINA, RUDY SETIABUDY, UNO BINTANG SUDIBYOCogging torque is one of the electromagnetic torque that occurs in the electrical machine, especially an electric machine that uses permanent magnets in the rotor. Cogging torque needs to be minimized so as not to hinder the rotation of the generator and do not lead to premature wear on the engine due to friction. The purpose of this study was to analyze the cogging torque reduction that occurred in permanent magnet synchronous generator 8 pole 12 slot using anti notch. This research was conducted by FEMM 4.2 software, the proposed design is an anti notch triangle and a combination of anti notch. The results obtained are for triangular cogging torque reduction of 76% for and 81% positive peak to negative peak. while the cogging torque reduction to a combination, a decrease of 51% occurred at the peak of the positive and 54% at the peak of negative.
Comparison of monuron and isoproturon photodegradation processes in absence and in the presence of nitrate and nitrite in aqueous solution[Full-Text ] Hadjira Boucheloukh, Wassila Remache, Tahar Sehili, Nadia KouachiThe photodegradation of two phenylurea herbicides monuron 3-(4-chloropylphenyl)-1,1 dimethylurea) and isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1 dimethylurea) in an aqueous solutions containing nitrates (10-3 M) and nitrites (10-3 M), using irradiation at 310 nm and at 365 nm respectively is investigated. In both cases MN (10-4 M) and IP (10-4 M) photodegradation followed pseudo-first order kinetics. The kinetics of monuron and isoproturon are accelerated in the presence of nitrates and nitrites. The major photodecomposition products from IP photolysis are detected through GC–MS, formed mainly through oxidation of the N-terminus group, deisopropylation are observed with isoproturon. Hydroxylation of the phenyl ring is observed with two herbicides.
Study on the Recovery of Some Metals from Spent Desulfurization Catalyst[Full-Text ] Tarek Morsy Mohamed,Gihan Malash, Dina.A.Elgayar, Mohamed Hussein The used catalysts in the processes of refining deactivate regularly with time. When the catalyst activity declines below the acceptable level, it is usually regenerated and reused, but regeneration process is not possible all the time.
A Survye of Blind & Non-Blind Watermarking Techniques[Full-Text ] Shruti Sharma, Asst. Prof. Vivek KumarWatermarking is a term used for the hiding of some secrete information behind the images so that the attacker can’t access the secrete or useful information from it. Since various watermarking techniques are already implemented for the information hiding. Here various blind and non-blind watermarking techniques are implemented and analyzed here and hence on the basis of their various advantages and limitations an efficient technique is implemented in future.
Mathematical Model for Prediction of Sustainability of “Online off-campus Paperless Admissions” System[Full-Text ] Susheel Kumar,Prof. Kuldip SinghFor last two decades Indian Governments are geared up to provide good governance in different spheres of administration by adopting IT as a tool. A number of e-Governance projects are being initiated worldwide, however, success rate of such projects is alarming, studies says it is somewhere between 30-40%. Therefore, need felt for a 'prediction model' of sustainability for projects to save resources from going waste/unutilized out of the un-successful projects. In this regard, the system of "Online Off-campus Paperless Admissions" a initiative by the Government of Haryana, Department of Technical Education since 2006, studied to formulate a mathematical model using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) for prediction of sustainability.
Development and validation of Stability indicating RP-HPLC method for the estimation of Glycopyrrolate and Neostigmine in bulk and tablet dosage form[Full-Text ] Kusuma Jogi, Mandava Venkata Basaveswara Rao and Rudraraju RameshrajuThe aim of the proposed research work was to develop and validate a simple, selective and sensitive method for the analysis of Glycopyrrolate and Neostigmine in bulk and tablet dosage form. In this paper, a simple and reliable HPLC method was developed and validated for the evaluation of Glycopyrrolate and Neostigmine. A Luna C-18 analytical column, 4.6 mm × 250 mm packed with 5 µm particle size containing mixture of Water: Acetonitrile (70:30, v/v) was used. The flow rate was 1.0 mL min−1 and the UV detection was performed at 255 nm. The retention times of Glycopyrrolate and Neostigmine were 2.90min and 4.71min respectively. Linearity range of Glycopyrrolate and Neostigmine were in the range of 0.20 - 3.03 mg mL-1 and 1.0 – 15.02 mg mL-1 respectively. The proposed method was validated for linearity, accuracy, precision, robustness of Glycopyrrolate and Neostigmine. The RSD values for all parameters were found to be less than 2, which indicates the validity of method and results obtained by this method are in fair agreement. Finally this method can be used for better analysis and pharmaceutical formulations Glycopyrrolate and Neostigmine drug.
Image Restoration Using Modified Iterative Tikhonov-Miller algorithim[Full-Text ] Ayad A. Al-Ani, Hala K.AL-kazaliDigital image started to including in various fields like, physics science, computer science, engineering science, chemistry science, biology science and medication science, to get from it some important information. Image restoration field, is one of digital image processing fields cure about image improving the degraded image. Image restoration algorithms trying to "undo" the blurring function and the noise from the degraded image. The research focusses on linear non-blind image restoration. The images has been used, blurred by Gaussian blurring function with different standards deviation values and degraded by additive Gaussian noise with different signal to noise level "SNR". Iterative Tikhonov-Miller filter have been used to restore the degraded images. By using Root mean square error measuring we measure the quality of restored image. we concluded that, better restore for less degradation parameters, with high SNR.
An Impact of good & Service Tax on Indian textile industry[Full-Text ] Tanushree GuptaGoods and Services tax (GST) constitutes the last mile of a long journey of reforms of indirect taxes in India. GST will replace a number of central and state taxes. The important taxes that may be subsumed in GST are cenvat and service tax at the central level and State VAT/sales tax, central sales tax, and entry tax at the state level along with a number of additional or special duties and cesses and surcharges. The final design of the GST and the related constitutional amendment are yet to be finalized. However, the impact of GST on the textile sector will be quite significant. GST will fundamentally change the way the textile sector is presently taxed in India. Taxation of textile sector is presently opaque and non-neutral across its various segments. This study examines the implications of GST for the Indian textile industry. It estimates the revenue neutral rates for the relevant textile segments under the GST and highlights the implications of GST for the growth, employment and export potential of the industry. It also highlights changes required in the subsidy and support policies of the government as and when the GST regime replaces the current regime of indirect taxes.
Geochemical characteristics of the basin-type granitoids in the Atia and its surrounding areas of Kumasi basin of Ghana[Full-Text ] Tandoh Kingsley Kwaah, Morgan Anthony, Seckley Albert Worlanyo, Brako Blestmond AfrifaRepresentative rocks of the metasediment suite granitoids (basin-type granitoids) were selected from the Atia area in the Ashanti part of Ghana for geochemical analyses. The rocks contained quartz, plagioclase, microcline, biotite, muscovite, and garnet as the main mineral phase. The CIPW normative mineral shows that the rocks are syeno-granite, monzogranite, granodiorite and quartz-monzonite. The geochemical classification of the basin type granitoids based on the Fe-Number, the modified alkali-lime index and the aluminium saturation index, defined the rocks as mainly magnesian, alkali, alkali-calcic to calc-alkali and peraluminous respectively. The rocks also show calc-alkaline affinity. The aluminous character by the molar ratio Al/ (Na+ K+ Ca/2) show mainly S-type characteristic of the rocks, which is a characteristic of basin type granitoids.The major element composition of the whole rock revealed that the basin- type granitoids are from metapelitic and or metagreywackes, with little or no metabasaltic to metatonalitic, and calc-alkaline to peraluminous source.
AGE POETRY AS AUTOBIOGRAPHIC ITEMS IN THE LITERATURE OF TURKIC NATIONS[Full-Text ] Elmira Mammadova-KekechAs in all world literature, human life is taken into consideration in the examples of Turkic nations literature. In this context, yashnames (age poetry) are noteworthy as a literary genre dealing with human life from beginning to end. Yashnames are poems that summarize human life. The word “Yash” we encounter in a number of Turkic nations literature means “age”. Foetus, infancy, childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age are the subjects of such poetry. In most yashnames characteristics of human life from one to one hundred years old are expressed. In the poems written on human life in general deal with life cycles only. However, some of the yashnames we have compiled draw attention as poems that summarize the lives of the poets themselves. In this context the yashnames of the poets from Azerbaijan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Karakalpakistan have autobiographical characteristics. In the yashnames of the poets we will deal with in the article in details such as Ashug Bahman Gokcheli, Dollu Mustapha, Hajı Loughman Korkut, Molla Maharram, Mollamurd, Molla Napas, Molla Juma, Ashug Mevlut Ä°hsani, Balli BayraktaroÄŸlu, Ebubakr Kardari Shokanulı, Fehmi Gur, Huseyinoghlu Balı, Talibi Coshkun, Veysel Jehdi, and Yurekli, as well as Ahmed Yassawi some details of their lives are quoted.
Study on the Extraction of Date Palm Seed Oil using Soxhlet Apparatus[Full-Text ] Amna Al-Sumri, Noof Al-Siyabi, Raya Al-Saadi, Samya Al-Rasbi, Ahmed Al-DallalAl-farth date stones were used in this study for extraction of oil. Four particle size ranges were used, namely, 0.212 – 1, 1 - 2.36, 2.36 - 3.35 and 3.35 – 5 mm. Three solvent were used for extraction of date seed using Soxhlet apparatus, namely, methanol, ethanol and acetone. The temperature selected for extraction is 15 oC above the boiling point of each solvent. The effect of particle size, type of solvent and time of extraction on the performance of extraction of date seed oil as measured by wt% yield were studied. In general, it was observed that the best particle size that gives higher percentage of oil yield was the range of 0.212 - 1mm. The relatively higher oil yield was obtained using methanol as solvent with the higher polarity. In general, long period taken for extraction (up to 4 hours) gives better results of oil yield. Only for methanol for size range smaller than 1 mm, the time of contact has no effect on oil yield. As a final choice, methanol can be used successfully for the extraction of date seed oil due to the extraction results obtained, availability and its moderate boiling point.
Improving Efficiency of Cloud Applications in High End Cluster Computing[Full-Text ] Farrukh Ullah Khan , Ahsan Raza SattarThe cluster computing is much utilized as a part of our day by day programming life. Figuring changes from centralized server PCs to customer server foundation and cluster computing covers from framework registering, Banking processing, utility figuring and autonomic figuring into a propelled organization stage. Cluster framework depend on the cloud utilization. Hardware resources have play major role to reduce the delay factor. delay factor reduces when cluster available on less security mechanism or trusted platform.
A review of Bio Mass combustion and Mathematical modelling - State of art[Full-Text ] Ms. Arpita Deodikar, Dr. Arundhati WarkeThis paper is a review of the importance of study of biomass and bio mass fuel. Also listed the steps of converting biomass in bio energy and bio fuel. This paper also gives the mathematical equations of conversions.
FAILURE MODES OF RC COLUMNS UNDER LOADING[Full-Text ] G. DoÄŸan, M. H. ArslanFailure of reinforced concrete (RC) columns has been a main cause of collapse of existing RC building frames so far. Similar failure patterns of buildings have been repeatedly observed in the investigation of past earthquake damages. As observed from these events, seven failure types cause completely failed buildings or partially damage the structural members. The names of them flexural failure, shear failure, shear failure of flat-plate construction (punching failure), bond splitting failure, splice failure of longitudinal reinforcement, creep failure and column-beam joint failure. The objectives of this paper are to highlight some of these observations, causes of failure and to find preventing method of these damages. Some analytical calculation is also given in this paper.
ANALYSIS OF ANTI-NOTCH METHOD TO THE REDUCTION OF THE COGGING TORQUE IN PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR[Full-Text ] HERLINA, RUDY SETIABUDY, UNO BINTANG SUDIBYOCogging torque is one of the electromagnetic torque that occurs in the electrical machine, especially an electric machine that uses permanent magnets in the rotor. Cogging torque needs to be minimized so as not to hinder the rotation of the generator and do not lead to premature wear on the engine due to friction. The purpose of this study was to analyze the cogging torque reduction that occurred in permanent magnet synchronous generator 8 pole 12 slot using anti notch. This research was conducted by FEMM 4.2 software, the proposed design is an anti notch triangle and a combination of anti notch. The results obtained are for triangular cogging torque reduction of 76% for and 81% positive peak to negative peak. while the cogging torque reduction to a combination, a decrease of 51% occurred at the peak of the positive and 54% at the peak of negative.
Unsteady mixed convection boundary layer stagnation point flow and heat transfer in a nanofluid over a stretching sheet[Full-Text ] FauziaRaza, JahanAkhtar, Dr. Shuchi DaveThis paper deals with unsteady mixed convection boundary layer stagnation point flow and heat transfer of nanofluid over a stretching sheet. The physical aspects of the problem are pointed and discussed. The influencing partial differential equations are detracted to non-linear differential equation using symmetry transformation. Circumstantially; the key focus is on heat transfer on copper, Titanium and silver water nanofluids. Most erudite problems are projected by non-linear ordinary or partial differentiation. The numerical outcomes are examined for various parameters, such as Prandtl number, mixed convection parameter, the solid volume fraction of nanoparticles and unsteadiness parameter.
Comparison of monuron and isoproturon photodegradation processes in absence and in the presence of nitrate and nitrite in aqueous solution[Full-Text ] Hadjira Boucheloukh, Wassila Remache, Tahar Sehili, Nadia KouachiThe photodegradation of two phenylurea herbicides monuron 3-(4-chloropylphenyl)-1,1 dimethylurea) and isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1 dimethylurea) in an aqueous solutions containing nitrates (10-3 M) and nitrites (10-3 M), using irradiation at 310 nm and at 365 nm respectively is investigated. In both cases MN (10-4 M) and IP (10-4 M) photodegradation followed pseudo-first order kinetics. The kinetics of monuron and isoproturon are accelerated in the presence of nitrates and nitrites. The major photodecomposition products from IP photolysis are detected through GC–MS, formed mainly through oxidation of the N-terminus group, deisopropylation are observed with isoproturon. Hydroxylation of the phenyl ring is observed with two herbicides.
Lionfish Population Density in Discovery Bay, Jamaica[Full-Text ] Denise A. Chin, Karl A. Aiken, Dayne BuddoLionfishes, Pterois volitans and Pterois miles, were first recorded on the north coast of Jamaica in 2008. They are now found in all Jamaica’s coastal waters including offshore banks such as Pedro and Morant Cays. These native species of the Indian and Pacific Oceans have now established populations along the southeast coast of the United States, the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean and South America. Due to their potential negative impact on fisheries and the marine ecosystem, we sought to investigate their population densities at three sites along the Discovery Bay coastline over 26 months. The lionfish population density decreased at two of the three sites surveyed. At Skeggy Reef (the westward site) and Dairy Bull (the middle site) there was a decline in the population by approximately 26% and 31% respectively. Pear Tree Bottom (eastward site) showed an increase in the lionfish population density of 85% over the same time period. The ratio of female to male lionfish was 1: 1.2 with 60% (n=179) of the female population noted to have spawning capable to actively spawning gonads. This reduction in the population could be attributed to an increase in public education and awareness on lionfish through a national campaign promoting the consumption of lionfish as a control mechansim. Other possible reasons for the decline could be due to migration to deeper waters and behavioural changes to humans. Continued promotion of lionfish consumption is recommended to control this alien invasive fish as well as further research.
Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory activity of Terminalia paniculata bark extract in LPS induced Raw 264.7 Macrophages[Full-Text ] Ganjayi Muni Swamy, Balaji Meriga and Oruganti LokanathaBackground: In traditional and folklore medicine Terminalia paniculata is used to treat cholera, fever, and hypertension. The present study was designed to explore the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant potential of ethanolic extract of T.Paniculatabark (EETP).
Some Fixed Point Theorems And Their Application[Full-Text ] Madhu Shrivastava, Dr.K.Qureshi, Dr.A.D.SinghIn this paper we prove some common fixed point theorem in rational inequality on complete metric spaces. As applications, the existence and uniqueness results of common solution for some functional equations and system of functional equations in Dynamic programming are given.
Cluster Serial Analysis of Data Management System over Enormous Dataset with Map Reduce[Full-Text ] Uma Mahesh Kumar Gandham, Dr P Suresh varmaBig data if used suitably is able to bring huge benefits to the commerce, knowledge and community. Create data repositories range from terabytes to pet bytes in size. This requires performing deep analysis in excess of huge information repositories poses an important confront to existing statistical software and data management systems. Big data analysis needs synthesis of technique for data with those of machine learning. The design and development of the system contain someway evolved separately for transactional and periodical analytical processing. Such a system-level separation has resulted in troubles such as data originality as well as serious data storage space redundancy. With advent of Big Data analysis propose and to meet this challenge, a new algorithm called CSADMS (Cluster Serial Analysis of Data Management System) has been work mechanism on theory implementation above datasheet with map reduce. The proposed algorithm two different phases namely selection of the Selection of optimal map reduce and algorithm implementation of CSADMS. The algorithm has been tested with the Apache Hadoop.
DETECTION OF WIRELESS ROGUE ACCESS POINT ATTACK ON SERVER SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] Thompson A.F, Adebayo O.TRogue Access Points, if undetected, can be an open door to vital and sensitive information on the network. Most hackers have taken advantage of the undetected rogue access points in enterprises to not only get free Internet access, but also to view sensitive information. Most of the current solutions to detect rouge access points are not competent enough as hackers have found their way round the solutions in which most of it are not automated and are dependent on a specific wireless technology. A software applicationwhich can be installed on a server in order to compare the clients IP addresses to the ones that have been preconfigured on it and to also notify the network administrator about the occurrence was developed in this research work.
Nutritional Quality of Various Edible Oils from Indian Oil Extraction Industry[Full-Text ] A. N. Pathak, Sameer PokhrelThe nutritional quality of some vegetable oils and fats was investigated in terms of their fatty acid profile. The oils and fats were analyzed by gas chromatography using flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Palmitic acid constituted the major saturated fatty acid component for all the oils while lauric acid was the main saturated fatty acid component for palm kernel and coconut oils. Palmitic acid was nearly 50% of the total fatty acids present in palm oil. Similarly the percentage of lauric acid in palm kernel and coconut oil was approximately 50% of the total fatty acid content.
Biomimetic nanofiber scaffolds of Silver NanoParticles (SNPs) incorporated PVA matrices as novel drug eluting reservoirs for healthcare applications[Full-Text ] Mageswari Chandhran and Dr. Thangaraju NallamuthuControlled release of drugs from uniform porous membrane matrices attracts great interest as emerging drug reservoirs in the healthcare industries. Here, we report a novel process for the rapid synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles (SNPs) using the aqueous extract of marine macroalgae Padina boergesenii to be a biomimetic drug eluting reservoir for the release of SNPs as well as bioactive drugs of our interest towards the targeted disease. The potentials of the algae extract and its medicinal compounds were found responsible for SNP’s synthesis. The as-synthesized SNPs were mixed with the biopolymer Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) to obtain a uniform sol solution and further fabricated as a nano-fibrous (NF) membrane using the electrospinning technique. The fabricated electrospun NF scaffolds were analyzed with FESEM to find the morphological characters; HRTEM was performed to obtain the microstructure features; and the XRD pattern to investigate the crystalline nature of the NFs. The characteristic peak of Fucoidan (sulfated polysaccharides) and nanoparticles were confirmed by ATR-FTIR analysis. The contact angle measurements of PVA alone and NFs were found to be 35±1o and 37±0.5o with de-ionised water, respectively. The feasibility and potential of PVA nanofibrous scaffold as a drug delivery vehicle for SNPs release was investigated. In initial stage, burst release for NFs was observed as 20 % at 0.5 h and later, the release was slow and sustains to give an end point release at 80.5±1.5%. This sustained release mechanism could help us investigate more on these polymer matrix based metal oxide nano-scaffolds to promise us efficient drug reservoirs in the near future.
Anti-cancerous, Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) embedded into Bombyx mori silk / PVA composite nanofiber mats: structural characterization and In vitro analysis[Full-Text ] Mageswari Chandhran and Dr. Thangaraju NallamuthuNovel materials with promising properties can be used to achieve scaffold-based on bioactivity goals. The first time we reporting newly, Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) were synthesized using brown marine macroalgae Padina boergesenii green route synthesized. GNPs were incorporated into biopolymer of bombyx mori silk fibroin (SF) and poly (vinyl alcohol), then carried out electrospinning after the synthesized nanofibrous scaffolds were characterized morphologically with field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Well-dispersed GNPs in the polymer matrix nanofibers were obtained the technique HRTEM. The amorphous natures of GNPs upon incorporation into SF/ PVA were confirmed by XRD. The characteristic peaks of Fucoidan and nanoparticles were confirmed by ATR-FTIR analysis. SF/PVA nanoparticles loaded NFs were thermally stable up to 441O C as evidenced by TGA. The contact angle measurements of SF/PVA alone and GNPs embedded NFs were found to be 65±1o and 73±0.9o with de-ionised water, respectively. The ultimate aim of the present study is to achieve optimum antibacterial and anticancer activity MCF 7 (breast carcinoma) cell line activity. SF/PVA/GNPs NFs has exhibited good antibacterial activity against test pathogenic bacterial strains and anticancer activity of MCF 7. Thus the scaffolds was biocompatibility, biodegradability and bioactivity of these scaffolds are evaluated. Thus, reinforced silk composite nanofibrous scaffolds has alternative for biomedical applications.
Basic issues in forensic accounting and auditing[Full-Text ] Fasua Henry Kehinde, Igbinomwanhia Lilian Nneka, and Toluwa Omame EvelynThe objective of the study is to examine basic issues in forensic accounting and auditing. Specifically, the paper seeks to differentiate between forensic accounting and auditing. The methodology employed in the study was purely exploratory library based research. This is based on an in-depth review of relevant and current literature on fact in issues.
A Novel Approach for Hiding Information in Text Steganography[Full-Text ] Wid Akeel AwadhIn Information Security (IS), obscuring facts and communications from a 3rd party is the most crucial factor in IT (Information Technology). This can be achieved by hiding the message using a technique called steganography, which hides the presence of messages from the public. Several digital mediums, such as texts, images, audio and video can be used as cover media for digital steganography, while text steganography can also use text files as its cover. However, utilizing text as a target medium is a complex affair, due to the lack of available redundant information in a text file. However, a text file is less resource heavy and is accessible at a low bandwidth. Research is ongoing to enhance the performance metric to allow for large amounts of data to be hidden at lower memory and time consumption. This paper proposes a new text steganography approach to hide secret English text files in a cover of an English text file. To hide secret data bits, the proposed method generated a matrix of location from matching of bits of cover text file with bits of secret text file. The proposed algorithm improves data hiding capacity and time as opposed to other reported text steganography techniques.
An Efficient Overload Relay Control Mechanism based Routing Protocol for Connecting VANET to Internet over IEEE 802.11p[Full-Text ] First D.Abada, Second A.Massaq, Third A.BoulouzThe connection of vehicular ad hoc network (VANETs) to Internet is typically established by roadside units (RSUs). Link stability and number of hops are often used as the primary metrics in the relay selection to find the route between vehicles and these RSUs. In case of high vehicles density, basing only on those features, one vehicle may be selected as relay for multiple vehicles and if the number of relay requests exceeds the service capacity of this vehicle, it might get overloaded, which will increase bottlenecks in the network, and affect the connection throughput of VANETs due to continues dropping packets and frequent MAC retransmissions. In this paper, we extend an existing stability based routing protocol which connects VANETs to the Internet via IEEE 802.11p technology with an efficient overload relay control mechanism, with the objective to distribute uniformly traffic load in the network and make efficient use of network bandwidth. The proposed overload relay control based routing protocol reduces significantly the routing overhead and the collision in the network basing on contention-based-forwarding (CBF) for broadcasting control messages. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol enhances throughput, and decreases the packet loss and overhead.
Application of Multivariate Exploration Analysis of the Vocational High School Accreditation Data in Indonesia[Full-Text ] Rama’eli Lase, Budi Susetyo, Utami SyafitriThe Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in 2015 stated that the educational quality enhancement of Vocational High School (VHS) was carried out by the increasing the percentage of accreditation rankings to minimum of B. Thus, to ensure and control the quality of education, the Government formed an agency called National Accreditation Agency of the School/Madrasah (NAA S/M). In classifying accreditation rank of A, B, C, and NA (not accredited) of vocational program VHS, NAA S/M refers to the National Education Standards (NES). The goals of this research were first, to explore the distribution of school accreditation rankings across province in Indonesia by correspondence analysis. Second, to explore the correlation between accreditation constituent variables, the distribution and characteristic of provinces based on the variables by biplot analysis. Third, to cluster the province based on the accreditation constituent variables by cluster analysis. The results of correspondence analysis showed that the ranking of accreditation was closely related to the provinces so that each province tend to be dominated by the different accreditation rankings. Biplot analysis showed that every province in Indonesia had different characteristicsbased on accreditation constituent variables and divided into three groups. Similar as biplot analysis, the provinces in Indonesia based on the cluster analysis were divided into three groups: provinces with excellent, very good, and good on all accreditation constituent variables. high standard of based on the cluster analysis. All variables used in the cluster analysis had significantly different mean on each cluster so they tend to influence and determine the results of the clusters.
Potentiometric, geometrical structure and molecular docking of some ligands and their metal complexes[Full-Text ] M.A. Diab, A.Z. El-Sonbati, I.M. El-Deen, A.M. MossalamThree organic ligands of 3-allyl-5-((4-derivative phenyl)diazenyl)-2-thioxothiazolidin-4-one (HLn) were synthesized. The ligands (HLn) were characterized showing a good agreement with those yielded from elemental analysis, IR and 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The geometrical molecular structures of the ligands were optimized theoretically by HF method with 3-21G basis set and the quantum chemical parameters were explored by using molecular orbital calculations. Proton–ligand dissociation constants for HLn ligands and their metal stability constants with Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+ in monomeric and polymeric forms were determined potentiometrically. The effect of temperature was discussed in detail showing a significant effect and the corresponding thermodynamic parameters (ΔG, ΔH and ΔS) were obtained. An attempt has been made with molecular docking to investigate and predict the binding between azo compounds with the receptor of prostate cancer 2q7k-Hormone and 3hb5-oxidoreductase receptor of breast cancer to provide a brief insight to the inhibition applicability. Finally, the dissociation process is non-spontaneous, endothermic and entropically unfavorable. The formation of the metal complexes has been found to be spontaneous, endothermic and entropically favorable. The presence of the azo group is an efficient inhibitor for prostate cancer 2q7k-Hormone and 3hb5-oxidoreductase receptor of breast cancer.
Analysis Of 8 Channel WDM Network With EDFA[Full-Text ] Divya RajanOptical fiber communication is preferred nowadays due to its long distance transmission capability and available bandwidth compared to conventional techniques. The scope of this work is to analyze the performance of EDFA in Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) network using Return-to-zero (RZ) and Non-Return-to-zero (NRZ) modulation format. A WDM network forms the backbone of optical communication. EDFA plays a significant role in optical communication for long haul purposes. For several reasons, especially for long haul communication, amplifiers are needed for improving the efficiency of transmitted data through communication medium which is typically optical fiber. The specified optical virtual environment is created in optisystem-7 software. Quality factor (QF), and Bit Error Rate (BER) have been observed to analyze the performance.
Utilization of the Trombe Wall in Hot Climate Regions: Jordan as a Case Study[Full-Text ] Ali M, Othman, Adnan I. O. ZaidThe Trombe wall is an ancient technique which still continues to serve as an effective feature of a passive solar system, In this paper, the previous designs of Trombe walls are presented and discussed and their advantages and limitations for their utilization in hot climate regions are also discussed. Furthermore, the main points to be considered in the design of an efficient and cost effective Trombe wall with special focusing on its utilization in hot countries are presented and discussed. Finally, two new designs of Trombe walls for hot countries like Jordan which is presented as a case study in the paper are presented and discussed. The manufacturing, implementing and testing of these systems are in progress ad the obtained results will be published in due course.
EFFECT OF HEAVY METALS ON CASSAVA TUBERS (Manihot esculenta) AND PUMPKIN LEAVES (Telfairia occidentalis) FROM PRISON FARM IN ELELE, IKWERRE LGA OF RIVERS STATE. NIGERIA[Full-Text ] ENEMUGWEM, RACHEL. I, BARIDAGARA SORDUM CATHERINE, MIIKUE-YOBE TOGENU F., EKEJIUBA CHRISTOPHER, NWILEBA ABEL, ELECHI PRECIOUSThe concentration of five heavy metals in pumpkin leaves (Telfairia occidentalis) and cassava tubers (Manihot esculenta) from Elele prison farm Rivers State was determined. The result showed high level of heavy metal concentration in the order of Cu (6.62 mg/kg) > Cr (4.82 mg/kg) > Pb (4.08 mg/kg) > Cd (1.46 mg/kg) > Hg (<0.001) in pumpkin leaves ((Telfairia occidentalis) when compared with heavy metal concentration detected in the cassava tuber (Manihot esculenta) sample from Elele prison farm Rivers State in the order of Cu (2.77 Mg/kg) > Pb (0.99 Mg/kg ) > Cr (0.77) > Cd (0.18 Mg/kg) > Hg (Ë‚ 0.001Mg/kg). The concentration of heavy metals (Cadmium, Chromium and lead) in pumpkin leaves from Elele prison farm Rivers State were higher than the concentration of heavy metals of cassava tubers from Elele prison farm Rivers State. It was observed that the concentration of lead, chromium and cadmium in the pumpkin leaves and cassava tubers were above WHO/FAO and Codex General standard for contaminants and Toxins in food and feed ( CODEX STAN 193-1995) safe limits .
High Perfomance Plagiarism Detection Using Rabin’s fingerprint and Adaptive N-gram Methodologies[Full-Text ] Karuma Chege, Dr George Okeyo PhD, Dr Richard Rimiru PhDPlagiarism poses a grave danger to the integrity of the higher education process. To address this threat, academic institutions invest in computerized tools that assist in verifying that academic works submitted by students and researchers are their original work. The available tools largely employ a combination of text fingerprinting and n-gram techniques to identify similarity in content between submitted documents and reference indices they maintain. For the fingerprinting requirement, MD5 and SHA-1 were found to be the most widely used schemes. This research explored the use of the Rabin’s fingerprinting scheme as a replacement for MD5 and SHA-1.Rabin’s fingerprint was selected due to its weaker cryptographic profile as compared to MD-5 and SHA-1 which makes it less computationally intensive. The research also sought to determine the size of n-grams that would be most effective for use in n-gram based plagiarism detection tool. Using a prototype application, it was established that the Rabin’s fingerprint outperforms MD-5 and SHA-1 by factors of 2.89 and 2.96 receptively. Results derived from the prototype also indicated the effective n-gram size as 4. Further, the research established that the addition of n-gram rolling added to the overall plagiarism detection effectiveness by a factor of 3.02.
Customization of an Online Course Examination as LMS or Learning Management System[Full-Text ] Jennifer Bagulaya AbogaaOnline course exams is very useful in any academic institution. It is called a facility to generate a test result without manual interface. It is a system which is more secure for admin user records and more reliable to work at any circumstances. LMS or learning management system, is a system that can track and monitor the test takers’ progress. It gives automated grades and attendance records of the student. The aimed of the study were the following: (1) to come-up an unsupervised course exams; (2) to eradicate checking of test paper and paper-pencil based scoring; and (3) to evaluate the customized online test using ISO characteristics. The researcher customized an online course exams as LMS using testmoz. Testmoz test generator, a free software online test maker, features four type of test; multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blank, and multiple response. Testmoz test generator is favorable online exams for those cannot memorize of their email address, and the proctor or admin was provided a report with necessary information of the test taker which would determine the integrity of the taker.