Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016.
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Congestion Control Bidirectional Digital visitor counter[Full-Text ] P.D.S.S.LAKSHMI KUMARI, D.ANUSHA, K.SandeepvarmaThe Congestion control Bidirectional Digital visitor counter is a consistent circuit which is mainly designed to monitor the room appliances as well as count number of people entering in the arena very accurately and also avoids congestions in the different areas of usage . When a person enters into the arena a counter is maintained for presenting the number of people and is updated by one and the appliances in the arena will be turned ON and when a person leaves the arena counter is maintained for presenting the number of people and is decreased by one. The appliances will turned OFF when all the persons in the arena go out. The overall count of people inside the arena will be presented on Liquid crystal display. When a particle passed through the Infrared Receiver's then the Infrared Rays falling on the receivers are obstructed. This obstruction is sensed by the Ardunio Microcontroller. It also can manage fans based on relay provide, If the room reaches the maximum capacity then by using wifi module message is sent to authorities to limit the person entering the room. Thereby congestion is avoided.
Integrating internet of things: A review on the effects on the future of the global community, challenges faced and security, privacy and perspective measures[Full-Text ] AfreenBhumgaraThe use of internet has become one of the modern ways of sharing information, data and documents. The need to deign it in such away that it becomes quicker and reliable therefore becomes the major challenge. Internet of things becomes ideal at this point in time since it provides a connectivity that solves the above problem.IoT technology is affecting the global community and billions and billions of connected devices are secured as the Internet of Everything continues to skyrocket.We have thousands of choices for hardware, operating systems, and chipsets that continue to push the Internet of Things forward. Hardware is becoming more accessible, inexpensive, and easier to use.According to SoftLayer’s Joshua Krammes, building Community around you IoT Brand not only creates awareness but also increases market penetration of the same. Home automation will see an explosion in products over the next few years. The number of connected smart devices is rapidly increasing, with 50 billion devices possible by 2020. According to Peter Friess (2014).50% of the world’s population currently lives in cities and the need to make our future cities more intelligent and connected has never been greater than before.How can these cities be designed to fit the ever changing connectivity need?As networks advance at a high rate, there is the changeover of networks from closed to open enterprise ones. Besides, the utilization of smart devices especially in surging is becoming more popular. Consequently, fears are rising when it comes to data security. On the same note, the increased reliance on the Internet of things technology makes it difficult to not only monitor, but also protect both public and personal information. In most cases, IoT requires organizations to gather and maintain data efficiently. It also requires that organizations monitor the authorization of data usage in a controlled mannerism.
Bayesian Random Parameter Models of Fertilizer Dosingwith Independent Skew-Normally Distributed Random Components[Full-Text ] Mohammad Masjkur, HenkFolmerRandom parameter models have been found to better predict the optimum dose of fertilization than fixed parameter models. However, a major restriction of this class of models is that the random parameter components are normallydistributed. This paper introduces random parameter models of fertilizer dosing withindependent skew-normallydistributedrandom componentsusing Bayesian estimation. We compare the Linear Plateau, Spillman-Mitscherlich, and Quadratic random parameter models with random parameter componentswith different distributions, i.e. the Skew-normal, Skew-t, Skew-slash, and Skew-contaminated normal distributions and also their counterparts, i.e., the normal, Student-t, slash and the contaminated normal distributions,with the errors following symmetric normal independent distributions. The method is applied to a dataset of multi-location trials of potassium fertilization of soybeans. The results show that the Student-t Spillman-Mitscherlich Response Model is the best model for soybean yield prediction.
Liquid - solid extraction of Co2+ ions from aqueous solutions diluted by the sugarcane bagasse[Full-Text ] S. Elanza, H.Taouil, A. Lebkiri, E.H. RifiThe present work concerns the liquid-solid extraction of metal ions Co2+ from aqueous solutions diluted by the sugarcane bagasse (SCB). The kinetic study at T = 25 ° C, and at pH = 5.5 shows that the extraction equilibrium is reached at 35 min. The extraction yield is all the more important as the pH imposed on the solution is high. The maximum binding capacity of Co2+ by SCB is of the order of 2.88 mg/g. Under the operating conditions used, a mass of 0.8 g of the SCB is sufficient to completely purify at 20 ppm of cobalt solution. The study of the regeneration of this material, after deextraction of the metal ions by bringing it into contact with dilute acid solution shows that this material has good mechanical properties and can be regenerated and repeatedly reused in the process of treating the metal solutions.
Region of interest extraction of palm vein image[Full-Text ] Liqaa J. Alwan, Haithem A. ALANIBiometrics authentication is an effective method for automatically recognizing individuals. Palm vein authentication is a means of personal authentication that uses unique palm vein features. Palm print based biometric system is potentially a good choice for biometric applications due to its richness in amount of features. The authentication consists of an enrollment phase and an identification phase. In order to get features in fixed location the image preprocessing must contain an accurate operation for defining region of interest (ROI).
Comparative Study of FAST, MSER, and Harris for Palmprint Verification System[Full-Text ] Satya Bhushan Verma, Saravanan ChandranPalmprint based biometric systems are growing in security systems because of its higher accuracy and its working speed. The FAST, MSER, and HARRIS, are mainly used for image mosaic, pattern recognition, image retrieval, and many other applications in image processing. In this paper, comparative study of FAST, MSER, and HARRIS, for Palmprint verification is carried out. The feature of Palmprint is extracted using three different methods FAST, MSER, and HARRIS, and the Palmprint verification and comparison is performed. The HARRIS detects most number of points than others. The MSER detects lesser points and FAST detects the least number of points in palmprint images. But the FAST takes lesser time for matching and MSER takes more time for matching compared with other two methods.
GEOCHEMISTRY, S-TYPE , CLASSIFICATION AND PETROGRAPHY OF GRANITES FROM IDANRE, ONDO STATE, SOUTH WEST , NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Obasi, Romanus AyoolaThe study of the geochemistry, S-type classification and petrography of Idanre granite was undertaken. Eighteen granite samples were analysed for their major, trace and rare earth elements using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) respectively. The SiO2 contents range between 61.05 and 74.56 Wt % , Al2O3 ( 11.92 - 15.80 Wt %) , K2O (4.87- 6.55 Wt %), Na2O (2.45-3.51%) and (Na2O + K2O) 8.04 -9.31 Wt. %. The alumina saturation index (ASI) defined by molecular ratio Al2O3/Na2O +K2O +CaO is greater than unity (one) in all the rock samples by values ranging from 1.28 to 1.34 wt % implying that the granitic rocks are peraluminous . Low concentrations of CaO (1.05-3.60 ), MgO (0.23-1.77 ), Fe2O3 ( 1.98-6.81), and low ratio of Na2O/K2O are attributes of peraluminous rocks. The minerals contained in Idanre granite are microcline, plagioclase, biotite and mica as well as moderate silica and all these are characteristic features of a peraluminous and S-type granitic rock. Result analysis showed enrichment of high field strength elements; Zr (155.10-772.02ppm), Nb (18.05-45.14),Y(12.14-46.63 ppm) and Th (16.48-82.52ppm), and depletion of high rare earth elements. These traits showed melts that are characteristic features of the upper crustal domain.
Alternative Framework to Calibrate Signal Processing Medical Diagnostic Equipment[Full-Text ] Myangad Tungalag, Liu Baolin, Ambarish PandeySinceMongolia is not a manufacturer of medical equipment, it has to be dependent on import of diagnostic equipment. Though these are highly expensive equipment yet there is no quality and compatibility assurance. For this reason, it is essential for the healthcare industry to develop optimal methods and methodologies, working standards and special requirements that can be used to control the utilization of Organization. From among the medical diagnostic the equipment and its availability for diagnostic analysis. In order to provide normal technical functioning and keep the metrological indicators of the diagnostic equipment within appropriate limits for the purpose of getting the right provisions of the diagnostic accuracy, the technical preparedness of the equipment should be regularly monitored for a certain period before conducting diagnosis. This should be done in accordance with related laws and regulations developed by the International Metrology equipment, authors have chosen Electrocardiogram as a subject of this research work and studied how to resolve the issue of express investigation of the equipment, readiness for the diagnosis.
Larvicidal Activities of N-(2-hydroxyl) Propyl-3- Trimethyl Ammonium Chitosan Chloride (HTCC) and Silver Nanoparticles Against Two Mosquito Species, Aedes and Culex: A Comparative Study[Full-Text ] Vanitha Priya D, Pandima Devi MK, Arumugam P, Sudersan K, Anuradha VThis paper mainly focuses on using biopolymer as a potential larvicide. This work initially starts with extracting chitosan from the shrimp waste by a chemical method and it was characterized further. Chitosan is a natural carbohydrate biopolymer derived by deacetylation (DA) of chitin that is nontoxic, biodegradable, and biocompatible. But usually chitosan will not completely dissolved in water at normal conditions. Therefore, to increase the solubility and reaction rate, quaternized derivative of chitosan, N-(2-hydroxyl) propyl-3-trimethyl ammonium chitosan chloride (HTCC), is obtained and characterized. It highly dissolves in water and has more positive charge (quaternary ammonium groups) compared with chitosan. Next, the larvicidal activity of the obtained HTCC against two mosquito species, Aedes and Culex, is evaluated. Next part of the work continues with synthesizing silver nanoparticles from the plant Euphorbia Antiquorum and characterized by UV Spec, FTIR, and SEM; then the larvicidal activity is examined similar to HTCC and the results obtained are compared with each other; Though both, silver nanoparticles and HTCC, show similar larvicidal activity, this study suggests HTCC as a better larvicidal agent having in mind the drastic effects of silver nanoparticles on aquatic ecosystem; Nanoparticles in aquatic systems are responsible for agglomeration and aggregation, dissolution, redox reactions, and transformation into new solid phases, whereas chitosan and chitosan derivatives are completely degradable, biocompatible, and nontoxic to plants, animals, or human.
Towards Implementation of an Action Plan for Reviving Agroforestry Systems for Achieving Sustainable Development in Yobe State[Full-Text ] Kura, A .MThe presence of environmental problems remains a threat to achieving sustainable development in Yobe state. “Although Agro forestry is increasingly promoted for restoring forest, degraded environment, reducing greenhouse gases, and gaining other co-benefits, its implementation in parts of Nigeria is poorly understood” (Richards et al, 2009). Agroforestry has suffered neglect and its implementation has been low in Yobe state, this may be attributed to lack of its inclusion in policy making and implementation. However environmental improvement through agro forestry has the potential for resolving the enormous environmental and socioeconomic challenges bedeviling the achievement of sustainable development in the state. Therefore the government needs to support agroforestry in the state through organizing annual campaign and integrate articulated research findings and recommendations on land-management systems and agroforestry into policies for implementation in order to achieve sustainable development. To successfully implement an effective agroforestry programme in Yobe state. It is imperative for the government to make agroforestry appealing to farmers and unemployed youth alike through enlightenment programmes on the benefits of practicing agroforestry. Additionally there is need for the government to partner and task stakeholders, ministries, departments and agencies, to designed long term strategies on agroforestry to achieve sustainable development in Yobe state.
Determinants Ofinternet services satisfaction in Erbil - Iraq[Full-Text ] Rizgar Saed Hussein, Cuma AkBAY, Bahzad Taher Salim, Sirwan latifHajiThe term ‘customer satisfaction’ is a basic marketing expressionconstructedin the last three decades. In the past, it was an unpopular and unaccepted concept,asthe aim of companies was to gain new customers rather than retain the existing ones. However, companies realized and understood the significance of customer satisfaction (especially service producing companies) and have adopted it as the highest priority of their operational goals in the present decade.
Comparative Analysis of Mechatronic Designsof aSun-Tracking System for Improved Solar Panel Output and Feasibility[Full-Text ] Haris Habibullah SajwaniThe paper presents a comparative analysis of the common mechatronic designs for a sun-tracking system used for increasing the power output from a solar panel. The limited power yield of conventional solar cells remains one of the prime reasons which questions the feasibility and benefits of consuming solar energy. A solar tracker, following a mechatronic structure, can provide the solution to this limitation; however, the level of complexities and resultant power increase are variable. A sun-tracking system can increase the power yield from a solar panel to up to 74%, but this is not the case with all designs. Some of the solar tracking systems only add 8% - 10% to the final power output, but adds a huge and unreasonable cost to the overall system expense. With multiple design solutions in hand, it is important to weigh and compare the cost, complexity, and efficiency of these solutions to match the system design configurations with the project needs and budget.
A Hyprid Modification Algorithm For Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)[Full-Text ] Prof. Abdul Monem S. Rahma, ZainabJawadHanashAL- AbediSecurity in transmission storage of digital images has its importance in today's image communications. Due to the increasing use of images in industrial process, it is essential to protect the confidential image data from unauthorized access. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a well known block cipher that has several advantages in data encryption.
Comparision between anxiety levels in temporomandibular disorder patients and normal subjects[Full-Text ] Dr.Zahoorahmadbhat a, Prof(Dr.) Altafhussainchalkoo, Dr Annum maqbool, sartajmalikAim the purpose of study was to analyze the role of anxiety and depression in TMDs. Materials and Methods:200 individuals were included in the study who were divided into group 1 with 100 individuals presenting with signs and symptoms of TMD and group 2 with 100 normal individuals as controls. Hospital anxiety depression scale was used to calculate the anxiety scores. Fischer’s t test was used to compare the anxiety scores between the two groups. Statistical Analysis: The results were tabulated and Fischer’s exact test was carried out to analyze the data using IBM SPSS Statistics 19 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
PROPOSED MINING AND PROCESSING METHODS FOR EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF ARTISANAL AND SMALL-SCALE GOLD MINING IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] L. K. Salati,D. Mireku-Gyimah and P. A. EshunThe Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) sector in Nigeria is in a deplorable state characterised by the use of inadequate mining and processing methods and manual tools by the local miners,resulting in dire environmental consequences and huge loss to the national economy. To address thispoor state of ASGM, suitable surface and underground mining methods for the exploitation of different types of gold deposits in Nigeriahave been proposed in this study. Strip, terrace and shallow open pit mining methods are proposed for surface mining. The maximum allowable depth for the shallow open pit is fixed at 15 m, beyond which a gold deposit can be exploited by underground mining method to a depth of 50 m using adit or vertical shaft openings. For complete elimination of mercury use in ASGM, direct smelting and igoli processing methods are proposed. The estimated costs of equipment for the proposed surface mining, underground mining and processing methods are $ 996 222.00, $ 392 912.00 and $ 40 707.00 respectively. Waste management, flood control and reclamation measures are recommended for efficient operation, while manpower and equipment requirements are proposed for optimum performance and utilisation. Reporting templates are developed to guide the operators.
Construction of Family Values in the Post-Soviet Space: Analysis of the Views of Experts on the Family Sphere[Full-Text ] Salima Uzakova, Elmira NaberushkinaThe objective of this paper is the construction analysis of family values. The analysis is mainly based on the comparative grid of Russia-Kazakhstan. The main goal of this study is to understand the social values and the distances of educators and social work experts with respect to interethnic, interfaith, and same-sex family forms. In addition, this paper presents the differences in the subcultures between different countries based on family values and social distances. The paper aims to address some key concerns in the transition of family values from Soviet to post-Soviet time including the extent of embedment of the modern social work with its system of professional values in the logic of Western modernist culture, the impact of fundamentalism on the formation of professional valuable settings, and the values and the social distances of experts of the system of social work towards the abovementioned nontypical family forms. The studies are carried out based on interviewing the social experts in Kazakhstan and Russia and the data are gathered based on the opinions of these experts on the non-conventional forms of families and family values before and after the Soviet Union.
Mechanical Properties of Metallic and Hybrid Polyurethane Foam Sandwich Composites[Full-Text ] M. Atef Gabr, Ramadan El Gamsy,Mohamed HazemAbdelLatifSandwich materials is one of the most commonly used in all applications due to lightness, durability and reliability with proper strength, toughness and rigidity. However, in recent times their use has increased significantly because of their widespread in structural applications which used in building systems. Structural sandwich panels generally used in Egypt comprise polyurethane foam core and high strength flat steel faces bonded together using separate adhesives by RIM technique. Previously, PU Foam core was sandwiched with same thin 2 faces material. In this work, the Metallic-PU and hybrid-PU sandwich composites were prepared by hand lay-up technique. Metallic-PU sandwich composites contained commercial purity Aluminum (Al) or Galvanized steel sheets (G.S) with different thicknesses as upper and lower facesheets with Commercial polyurethane (PU) foam (Ï = 45 Kg/m3) in core with different thicknesses. Hybrid sandwich composites contained Aluminum/LDPE composite sheets (Al-c) or fiberglass/polyester composite sheets as upper facesheet and galvanized steel sheets as lower facesheet with PU foam in core with different thicknesses. These modifications lead to enhancing the mechanical properties of polyurethane sandwich panels with limited increase of sandwich panel weight. the Compression & 3-point bending tests were carried out on different sandwich composites. Specific bending flexural strength was calculated for different sandwich composites and the effect of changing the facesheet material, thicknesses and PU foam core thickness on the mechanical behavior of PU sandwich composites were studied.
VARIATION OF RADIO REFRACTIVITY WITH SEASON: A CASE STUDY OF IKEJA, LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] S.A. Ayegba1, Ale Felix, Mba W. Tochukwu, and Agunanna Henry IRadio refractivity is very important in the design of telecommunication systems as it affects radio communications, aero-space, GSM communication, radio links, etc. It depends on the temperature, pressure, and humidity of air. The aim of this work is to determine the change in season with radio refractivity of Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. The refractivity for both dry (February) and rainy (July) seasons for 2016 have been calculated using the data of temperature, pressure and relative humidity obtained from the achieve of weather online from their website. The result shows that there is a variation between radio refractivity in rainy and dry seasons. The refractivity is higher in rainy season than in dry season, mainly due to higher amount of moisture in the atmosphere (troposphere) in rainy season.
ANALYSIS OF ANTI-NOTCH METHOD TO THE REDUCTION OF THE COGGING TORQUE IN PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR[Full-Text ] HERLINA, RUDY SETIABUDY, UNO BINTANG SUDIBYOCogging torque is one of the electromagnetic torque that occurs in the electrical machine, especially an electric machine that uses permanent magnets in the rotor. Cogging torque needs to be minimized so as not to hinder the rotation of the generator and do not lead to premature wear on the engine due to friction. The purpose of this study was to analyze the cogging torque reduction that occurred in permanent magnet synchronous generator 8 pole 12 slot using anti notch. This research was conducted by FEMM 4.2 software, the proposed design is an anti notch triangle and a combination of anti notch. The results obtained are for triangular cogging torque reduction of 76% for and 81% positive peak to negative peak. while the cogging torque reduction to a combination, a decrease of 51% occurred at the peak of the positive and 54% at the peak of negative.
The seismicity of the Great Lakes zone in the Democratic Republic of Congo and its implications on the local geodynamics[Full-Text ] Ngindu D. Buabua and Ndontoni A. ZanaThis study aims to offer a comprehensive scheme of the seismic activity of the DR Congo area on the basis of data collected by several scientific agencies from 1910 through 2010. The spatial distribution of epicenters, the pattern of tension axes related to major earthquakes, the spreading of epicenters within the Congo craton are discussed.
Algorithm for Preliminary Design Optimization of Modern Fishing Vessels[Full-Text ] Stephen Chidozie Duru The making of a Software for optimization design procedure for fishing vessels parameters depend on adequate flow chart and computer program.
Application of TQFD - A Case study for Performance & Quality Improvement in Engineering Institutions in Chhattisgarh[Full-Text ] Vibhashree C, Dr (Mrs). Shiena ShekharThe paper is based on a methodology that can be used to analyze and improve existing products or to even develop any new products. This methodology has been successfully implemented for process and design improvement in many manufacturing and service sectors. An attempt has been made to implement QFD to design House of Quality (HOQ) for Technical Education System (TES). In this method, customer needs are transformed into technical design characteristics by linking all the stakeholders of TES. By integrating VsOC into technical characteristics better products can be produced according to customer satisfaction.. This provides an insight into the customer preferences and technical requirements. The respondents included faculty/administrators, students, parents and recruiters of engineering institutions.
Atrocities on Doctors and Causes for Rise in Medico-Legal Cases[Full-Text ] Aneesh A. ShahadeFrom being considered living God and messiah of the Society, from being considered a confidante and an intellectual to being threatened, abused and attacked- the life of a doctor has undergone a sea change. In the light of recent events, threat to a doctor’s practice is a looming sword that although omnipresent is being swept under the carpet as a passing trend.
AN OVERVIEW OF A CRANK NICOLSON METHOD TO SOLVE PARABOLIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION[Full-Text ] Neethu Fernandes, Rakhi BhadkamkarIn this paper we have discussed the solving Partial Differential Equation using classical Analytical method as well as the Crank Nicholson method to solve partial differential equation. We compared both the methods and found that decreasing the time step will reduce the error by Crank Nicholson method. The results of the method are obtained by the Scilab programming code.
Evaluation of MTCP over POX Controller[Full-Text ] FAID Souad, Mohamed Moughit, Noureddine IDBOUFKERRecently, networked systems have become more complex, having more server nodes and being scattered around the world across the wide-area network. Additionally, many networked systems are multi-homed, that is, is connected to multiple gateway networks leading into the internet. Prevalent examples including mobile phones that can connect to the internet via the cellular network using 3G or 4G and the local-area network using WIFI.
Alternative Control Strategy Approach of Generator Side Two-level Voltage Source Converter Using Plecs toolbox on Matlab/Simulink[Full-Text ] Molla Biweta, Dr. Mengesha MamoThis paper presents an alternative closed-loop control strategy approach of generator side two-level voltage source converter to regulate the dc link voltage. Both rotor speed of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) side and the DC-link voltage of load side are controlled by a PI controller. Modeling and simulation of the control structure has been carried out using PLECS soft ware on Matlab/Simulink environment. PLECS is a software package for modeling and simulating dynamic systems. It is preferable for high-speed simulations of circuit-oriented electric and electronic systems. The validity and performance of the proposed control scheme has been verified by simulation results and is in agreement with what is expected. The simulation results demonstrate that the controller is capable of maintaining constant dc-link voltage under dynamic and steady-state performance of the system.
Evaluate the Effect of Non linearity in Multi-mode Optical Fiber[Full-Text ] Arnob Islam Khan, Md. Ehasanul Haque, Bobby Barua, Tasnim Mahmood SajidMulti-mode optical fiber is a type of optical fiber mostly used for communication over short distances, such as within a building or on a campus. The equipment used for communications over multi-mode optical fiber is less expensive than that for single-mode optical fiber. Because of its high capacity and reliability, multi-mode optical fiber generally is used for backbone applications in buildings.This paper analyses the effect of fiber nonlinearity and Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) in multi mode optical fiber communication system with direct detection binary WSK receiver. The performance results are evaluated in terms of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Bit Error Rate (BER) by changing system parameters at a bit rate of 10 Gb/s and above. It is noticed that the system performance degrades with power penalty and the maximum amount of power penalty for 32 channels at 10-22 BER is -6.02 dB for channel spacing 80 GHz and the length of the fiber of 5 Km. This paper considers WDM system design that might be used with multimode fibers and gives a general description of the components which could be used to implement the system. The components described are sources, multiplexers, demultiplexers, and detectors. Emphasis is given to the demultiplexer technique which is the major developmental component in the WDM system.
Shear Strength Characteristics of Ballast Subjected to Particle Breakage and Mud Pumping using Parallel Gradation Technique[Full-Text ] L.C.Kurukulasuriya, A.M.Shihana and V.VasanBallasted rail tracks are most commonly used in rail track structure and are designed to provide a stable, safe and economic foundation. Main components of ballasted rail track structure can be grouped as track superstructure and track substructure. The cyclic loading by the train will be distributed from the superstructure to substructure. Sri Lanka currently uses the Indian standard gradation for almost all the tracks. Most of the ballast material used in Sri Lanka is obtained from biotite gneiss rock which is available in abundance. However, ballast is constantly subjected to degradation throughout its service due mainly to ballast breakage and migration of fine particles from the subgrade into the ballast layer, which is known as mud pumping. In this study, the effect of ballast particle breakage and mud pumping on the shear strength characteristics of ballast is investigated. Parallel gradation technique was used to model the sample as it is difficult to handle large size ballast in the conventional direct shear box. Sample was collected from Elugoda quarry (in the Kandy District) from where the ballast material is supplied to upcountry railway construction. Scaled down sample was sieved and test sample was prepared according to Indian standard gradations using the parallel gradation technique and the direct shear test was carried out under three normal pressures of 15 kPa, 30 kPa and 90 kPa. The study revealed that the shear strength of ballast is decreased for lower degrees of fouling due to ballast breakage and mud pumping and starts to increase with increased degree of fouling, but not as much as that of fresh ballast.
Test Anxiety: Exploring Performance, Results and Test Familiarity in Group Situational Tasks used for Personality Assessment in Selection[Full-Text ] Anam Masood and Durlabh Singh KowalTest anxiety is defined as perceived arousal, reported worry, self-denigrating thoughts, tension, and reports of somatic symptoms in exams or similar evaluative situations. There are two dimensions of test anxiety viz. Worry and Emotionality. This paper examined the role of Test Anxiety in selection context. Relations were explored between dimensions of Test Anxiety with respect to Applicant’s Performance (average/below average), Test familiarity (fresher/repeater) and Results (recommended/not recommended) in group testing. It consists of leaderless group situations in which the applicants have freedom to choose their own behavioral roles, lay down their own priorities for action and engage themselves in collective group activity, hence, bringing about changes in their own and other’s behavior. A sample of 109 male subjects (71 fresher and 38 repeater) pooled through purposive sampling had undergone group situational tasks. Test Anxiety Inventory was administered prior to the group situational task. The results of the study reveal that there was a significant difference between Familiarity and Performance (χ2 (1)=5.8, p<0.05); Result and Performance (χ2(1)=41.39, p<0.01). However, no difference was found between Test Familiarity, Result and Performance in relation to dimensions of test anxiety. This finding is consistent with the assessment of behavior made on the basis of overall group effectiveness of the subject in relation to his group. Similar study can be replicated for interview, at the time of facing panel of experts and projective test based settings.
The Study of The Effect of Adding Polyhydroxyphenylene on Lubricating Oils[Full-Text ] S. A. Elgarf and Asmaa A. El Rashedy Nano scale PHQ was prepared via modified El-Garf polymerization method which proved to posses substantial characteristics, if compared with PHQ prepared by other polymerization techniques. The prepared polymer was collected in the form of dark-brown very fine powder.
A New Damage Location Parameter for Beam Structures Based on Mode Shape Slope[Full-Text ] Dimitrina Kindova-PetrovaA new damage parameter, called mode shape slope damage factor (MSSDF), is proposed to predict the damage location in a beam structure. In this paper MSSDF utilized the mode shape data yielded by finite element models of intact and damaged beams. The mode shape slope is evaluated using the first derivative approximation formulas at the leftmost and at the rightmost point. Numerical results show that the proposed damage index successfully predicts damage location in the single and multiple damage cases. The MSSDF is more sensitive to damage when compared with other well-known damage index in the literature.
A view of using Computing Model in Medical Data Analysis[Full-Text ] Ravi S Malashetty, Dr SanjaypandeMany researchers have already taken interest in classification algorithm for finding the better predication rate and reduced error rate. Classification is a process to assign an object into predefined classes by evaluating their membership into class according to attribute values for that objects. For making significant improvement in classification process many researchers have employed different approaches and adopt different learning methods which are better than previous traditional approaches but very few researchers have tried for classification process preceded by clustering approach.
Experimental Study on Behavior of Recron Fibre Reinforced Concrete[Full-Text ] G.Jenitha, K.Alagusankareswari, M.Shenbagavalli, S. Sastha Arumuga PandiThe use of conglomerate cement is becoming open space in these days liability to the tackles made by the professorate in the direction of implementation of resources, which are obtainable in natural plentifully. The novel additions Recron 3s, which is tried in recent times without any scientific study, was found to be sufficient. While, there is much to be done in order to systematize the properties of the said additives. An attempt is made in the present work to investigate of these additives on the compressive strength and Split Tensile Strength of cement concrete. The main purpose of this study to investigate the influence of additives recron 3s (fiber). The strength characteristics of the concrete (M30) were used with varying percentage of additives was worked out giving certain proportions by adding Recron fibre in the percentage of 0%,0.5%,1% to the concrete mix and changes in strength, strength get increases and workability parameters were studied. In the present work, an effort is made to use new additives as the ingredients of concrete and study the effects on M30 grade concrete. The scope of work is limited to find out the behavior of concrete in compression and tension and results were obtained.
Poe’s Tale Some Words with a Mummy: a Satire[Full-Text ] G R K PrasadThe purpose of this paper is to show Poe’s tale “Some Words with a Mummy” as a satire. Edgar Allan Poe was best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre. He was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story, and is generally considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre. He spent several years working for literary journals and periodicals. He became known for his own style of literary criticism. He influenced literature in the United States and around the world as well, particularly in specialised fields such as cosmology and cryptography. Further, he is credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction.
Genetic Algorithm and their applicability in Medical Diagnostic: A Survey[Full-Text ] Ashish Kumar Mourya, Dr Pawan Tyagi, Dr Ashutosh BhatnagarA genetic algorithm (Machine Learning approach) is one of the most important heuristic search techniques from Evolutionary programming languages. This paper is not anticipated to provide an inclusive overview but rather describe some subareas of medical diagnoses techniques like image processing, ECG with genetic algorithms and Artificial neural networks. The survey of this paper leads to the conclusion that the field of medical diagnosis currently uses genetic algorithms and its application increases day by day. The regular improvement of genetic algorithms will definitely help to solve various complex medical diagnoses application and medical image processing tasks in the future. Brain tumor or any other tumor detection is an important and needed challenging area in medical diagnosis field.
A Survey of Recent Approaches on No- Reference Image Quality Assessment with Multiscale Geometric Analysis Transforms[Full-Text ] ISMAIL T. AHMED,Chen Soong Der, BARAA TAREQ HAMMADImage quality assessment (IQA) consider as a challenging fields of digital image processing system. The image quality assessment algorithms are linked to image similarity assessment in which the differences between the degraded and the original images quality are calculated. Despite the great number of developed metrics, there is still a need for image analysis tools that is able to extract the most perceptual relevant characteristics of an image. This paper offers a literature survey of the existing objective IQA algorithms based on multiscale geometric Analysis (MGA), and focus on No- Reference image quality assessment (NR-IQA) methods, in which a reference image will be unavailable for finding the quality of the distorted image. Several NR IQA metrics have been overviewed in this paper, which were compared in terms of the accuracy, and time complexity. The presented survey will to keep up-to-date the researchers in the field of image quality assessment. This survey also provides an outlook for future work using many combinations among MGA Transforms to access to new blind IQA metric, which has efficient quality evaluation and highly correlation with human perception.
Study of a data center and creation of its numerical model[Full-Text ] Sevde Stavreva, Cvete Dimitrieska, Elizabeta Hristovska, Igor AndreevskiModern data centers are huge consumers of energy worldwide which require particular attention as to reducing their energy consumption and improving their energy efficiency. A data center has been examined and necessary measurements were made. For this purpose the characteristics of a data center such as the thermal load of datacom equipment and from other sources were determined, the air flow and air temperature in the data center were measured, as well as other parameters that are required to obtain a full picture of the data center.A numerical model of this data center was created and a software package PHOENICS was used. To simulate of a data center by using analysis the most appropriate size and numerical network model of turbulence were selected. By simulating a numerical model the temperature field, field of pressure and air velocity in the data center and the ability to perform additional tests using the given model were obtained and a more detailed picture of the current state of the data center was gotten. The numerical model of the data center is evaluated by comparing the results from the simulations of the model and the measurements done, as well as by means of energy balance, so that it can be used to optimize the data center.
Monitoring of Irrigation Water Quality from Bounamoussa River(Northeastern Algeria)[Full-Text ] Medjani Fethi,Zaidi Chaneze Amira, Labar Sofiane, Djidel MohamedBounamoussa river basin is situated in the north east of Algeria and has mostly focused its economic development on agricultural activities. The principal objective of this study is to assess in a particular context, the impact of inorganic pollution induced by ammonium (NH4+), nitrates (NO3-), nitrites (NO2-), and dissolved oxygen, on the quality of Bounamoussa river waters. The samples studied to that end are those taken in 2016 from the river waters of the Bounamoussa basin in far north-east Algeria. Results shows that the degree of pollution varies by zone, as well as by month to month with contents often exceeding recommendations made by the World Health Organization (WHO). The protection of water quality and the reduction of the risk contamination are of great importance in the region to a reliable and sustainable development.