Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016.
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The Study Based on Collapsible Soils and Their Collapse Potentials in Semnan Desert Area in Iran[Full-Text ] Siamak BoudaghpourCollapsible-soils are numbered among problematic soils in nature that under similar tension and by increasing the ratio of humidity show very high amount of volume shortage. This volume shortage causes smashes in soil’s structure and finally causes considerable settlements. The existence of these kinds of soils necessitates more and more consideration and examination of Collapsible-soils behaviors and properties. It’s obvious that without considering the Collapsible-soils properties before they are under construction, it can cause irreparable damages. In present research in order to recognition of Collapsible-soils in Semnan deserted province and examination of their collapse potential, 32 points with fine grains soil layers and Aeolian soil have been studied and the relation between the factors in Collapse such as the ratio of humidity and Dry specific weight and so on, with the amount of collapse potential have been studied. In order to evaluate the collapse potential, after the classification of the provided samples of studied points Double consolidated test have been done on undisturbed samples. The results of the tests that have been done, indicate that the samples which belong to 20 points that nearly 85% of them are ML and CL-ML, have got Collapse potential with weak to hard ratio. According to research achievements the majority part of Collapsible soils are located and accumulated in south west of Semnan province.
Creation, Detection,Behavior of Gravitational Waves at the Sun and its Effect on Earth[Full-Text ] Darla Sam Prasad, Darla Bala KishorThe field of alchemy led to the creation of gravitational waves..Till now we only know how gravitational waves are produced, we do not know till date the process of creation of gravitational waves from the field of alchemy, its effect on earth and its behaviour at the sun is is in vague. Here we discuss the preperation of alchemy formulations and its use in detecting and producing the gravitational waves, bending and transformation of gravitational waves at the sun and its capacity in changing the climate on earth.
Li-Fi - Wireless in Field of Data Communication[Full-Text ] M.ChithambarathanuThe brand new member of wireless data transmission family is Li-Fi which uses the concept of flickering light faster than human’s eye capacity for data transmission. As we recognize the speed of light o a lot more than existing wi-fi data transmission. The technique can be used to acquire the speed of fiber optics in wireless communication technique. The Foremost problem is protection because visible (visible light) is more at ease then invisible (radio waves).The usage of light is preferred t because of radio/microwave/ Infrared strategies have reached the restrict same as silicon age is over and we are looking for broader variety i.e. nanotechnology.
A New Multilayer Perceptron Model to Detect Heart Disease Severity[Full-Text ] With the recent outbound spread of chronicle heart diseases across the world, gender and age, the medical practitioners are focusing on preventive measures rather than curing methods. Thus the modern research trends are bound to provide the preventive extension to the medical science. Although the medical practices can generate gigantic amount of relevant data pertaining to the diseases, however the medical science fail to deploy any technique to mine the data for predictive models. Thus the data mining and predictive models are the most suitable way to provide the necessary tools for predictive analysis. Hence this work deploys a multilayer perceptron model for predictive detection of heart disease severity based on various parameters. The deployed multi-layered perception uses the back-propagation for optimal supervised learning. The work also deploys a novel principle attribute analysis to understand the orientation of the attributes affecting the results. The final outcome of this work is to analyse the Heart Disease Severity based on proposed multilayer perceptron model.
Basic Ideas and Concepts about Tissue engineering: A Review[Full-Text ] Dr. Bikramaditya Ghosh, Dr. Imon PalInjuries or diseases of the human body are usually treated by therapeutics or surgery. Even in the past century, the treatment of disorders by the process of transplantation was concidered futuristic. With advancement in bio sciences, we have been able to discover new concepts and have performed procedures like never before. Yet our ultimate goal is to completely repair or regenerate human tissue. This is where the concept of tissue engineering plays a vital role. Tissue engineering is the amalgamation of engineering and life sciences. This field is rapidly developing and has the potential to impact significantly on the system of bio medicine. To be successful in the field of tissue engineering, we need to have clear ideas about the basic principles and concepts of tissue regeneration. This article reviews the background information and provides a basic description about the components necessary for tissue engineering.
Application of Surfactants as Corrosion Inhibitor for Different Metals and Alloys: A Review[Full-Text ] Sheerin Masroor and Mohammad MobinThe inclination of this review is to find the application of surfactants as corrosion inhibitors on different metals and alloys. After an introduction and brief addition of inhibitors types, the article shows the different type of surfactants which are applied to different metals. The principle mechanisms of corrosion inhibition by conventional and novel surfactants are also considered. Literature surveys are added for the last few decades. As seen herein, the most used of surfactant as corrosion inhibitor is for mild steel, much research is to be needed for other metals.
RESEARCH ON MODEL MINIMIZATION OF PRICES LOGISTICS WITH MANAGEMENTLOGISTICS INTEGRATED AND SUPPLY CHAIN FOR THE INDUSTRIAL AREA OF THE PEOPLE[Full-Text ] DR. HENDRI DUNANT HAMIDI MSI.Input-output system of production, is the dependency system input demand production factor of a company, and the dependence of the output to bid on various companies, input-output system in changes in demand and supply of the group of companies gave birth to the theory of supply chain, how to meet the supply needs of factors production in the group of companies at any time, and how to offer production results in a group of upstream and downstream enterprises. Supply chain will be achieved if supported distribution fiisk integrated, logistics system that integrates namely; communications systems, transportation systems, warehousing systems, facilities systems, and system iventory.
Modeling and Control of Parallel Inverters in a Microgrid[Full-Text ] VVS Madhuri, Bharath Reddy L.Nowadays, more and more distributed generation and renewable energy sources are connected to the public grid via power electronics, forming a microgrid. The frequency and voltage in a microgrid should be maintained within the predefined limits thereby enabling proper real and reactive power sharing according to load changes. Inverters are frequently employed as interfaces of distributed power sources to loads. The dynamic response of inverter interfaced DGs, such as PVs, fuel cells and batteries are noninertial and are faster compared to inertial DGs. This mismatch in response rate can create power and frequency fluctuations. Therefore, the control and power management strategies are vital for an islanded microgrid with different types of DGs. The most common method of local load sharing is the droop control. This control strategy based on frequency and voltage droop method avoids critical communications among distributed generation units (DGs). The microgrid is modeled in MATLAB/Simulink environment and the voltage and frequency droop control is applied to the model and performance of the droop control strategy is verified. This paper focuses on modeling and control of parallel inverters operating in various conditions.
Implementation of Rice grain Quality Testing on FPGA using Image Proccessing[Full-Text ] V Krishna Sree, A Priyanka, P Sudhakar RaoThe quality of rice grains is one of the most significant aspects in fulfilling the consumer requirements.The classification of food grains is done based on their external features.Generally visual inspection is done to evaluate the quality parameters of rice grains which is a difficult task in terms of consumption of time,rapidity and finally the accuracy. Hence to overcome these constraints an automated system as to be developed to analize the quality of rice grains.The present work is focused on devoloping a robust algorithm in identifying the samples of rice grains based on their quality parameters like area, perimeter, length, width, aspect ratio, major axis, minor axis, etc.The classification of rice grains was proposed with an image processing algorithm after range filtering to extract the quality features of rice grains with more accuracy. These features are given to the SVM classifier for training purpose which is then used in identifying the samples of rice grains for further classification.
TURBOCHARGER SELECTION AND MATCHING CRITERIA IN A HEAVY DUTY DIESEL ENGINE[Full-Text ] Kareem Emara, Ahmed Emara, El Sayed Abdel RazekA turbocharger is certainly one of the fundamental devices being employed to enhance output power of petrol and/or diesel and is of paramount importance for use in heavy duty diesel engines.This work aims to increase the power of a six- cylinder turbocharged, four stroke, direct injection heavy duty diesel engine via replacing its fitted turbocharger with a properly selected and matched one. The matching criteria and the effect of intercooler presence are studied. A performance prediction model for turbocharged engine is created to investigate the engine-turbocharger matching. To address this, a program code has been upgraded and modified to select the suitable engine turbocharger using FORTRAN PowerStation 5.0 language. The study includes also an experimental part; where three types of turbochargers, (namely HX80, HB3 and HX40) are tested. The P-Ф diagram, the engine performance parameters together with the exhaust and soot emissions are measured and compared for the cases of original and best turbocharger (HX80). The developed computer algorithm appears to provide results that are in good agreement, within acurcey of + 5%, with the measured data; a fact that encourages designers to trustly use it in their selection and matching of a turbocharger to diesel engines.
Trafficking Of Persons and Bonded Labour Overview[Full-Text ] B.V.S. ADITYA SANTOSHThis monograph is written from my perspective, where I support the cause to end sex trafficking and bonded labour in India and applaud the amendments made to the Indian Penal Code and other criminal laws by the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013, which will end legal impunity for most forms of trafficking and sexual violence against all citizens.
Comparison of Technical Efficiency of Dense Wavelength Division Multip-lexing Channels Using Constant and Variable Return to Scale Models[Full-Text ] Abdoulie M. S. Tekanyi, Joseph Stephen Soja, Emmanuel Adewale Adedokun and Samaila peter HammajodaThe Technical Efficiency (TE) of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) channels implemented in the metropolitan area network for the purpose of deploying higher bit rates have been neglected and this pause a great challenges. Recent researches conducted on DWDM concentrated largely on the effectiveness of the DWDM channels and not on its performance efficiency. In this paper, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is employed to determine and compare the TE of DWDM channels by input oriented as-sumption using Constant Return to Scale (CRS) and Variable Return to Scale (VRS) models. The simulation results obtained show that CRS model has better performance at the multiplexer than the VRS model and vice versa when considered at the de-multiplexer.
CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT DURING ECONOMIC CRISIS[Full-Text ] Sumesh Sudheer Babu, Dr. B. SudhakarThere is great possibility of economic recession in globalized world today that may lead to crises and thereby affect construction companies in time gradually. These events may occur suddenly or after a long process. Process-based crises usually send early warning signals, and construction companies that can catch these signals can prepare against the forthcoming crises. One of the most important processes in crisis management is to establish an early warning system. This provides some time to take the required precautions against potential crises. After catching early warning signals, construction companies that can successfully manage crises inform their personnel about approaching crisis to prepare, organize a crisis team before the crisis, and perform an effective struggle during the crisis. Construction companies, which can survive in a crisis, may evaluate opportunities of the crisis and start to make recovery studies after the crisis to turn to their former positions. If a construction company estimates a crisis well and executes crisis management efficiently, they can overcome crises with zero or minimal damage.
Energy Use in Nepalese Cement Industries: Case of Udayapur Cement Industries Limited[Full-Text ] Ashish Shrestha, Anil Ghimire, Ajay Singh, Dinesh Koirala, Kshitiz Khanal, Ramesh Kumar MaskeyInfrastructure development and rapid urbanization all over the world make cement industries one of the fastest growing industries. Cement industries are energy intensive, and they contribute significantly to national employment and gross domestic production. In Nepal, 77 cement industries are registered so far, making cement one of the most important sectors for Nepalese economy. This work reviews the history, current technological status, energy consumption pattern, environmental impacts, and economic impacts of cement industries in Nepal and compares the energy consumption in Nepalese cement industries with the rest of the world. Udayapur Cement Industries Limited (UCIL), a government owned cement plant with a design capacity of 800 tpd is taken as a case study. UCIL’s data of energy consumption, production, and maintenance practices are studied and compared with national standards and foreign countries standards. The average specific energy consumption of Nepalese cement industries is higher than that of most other countries and utilization factor is very low. Similarly, specific energy consumption of UCIL is 2 – 3 times higher than national standard, because of poor maintenance management, lack of monitoring and evaluation, and absence of energy management system. Capacity utilization factor of UCIL is 36.3 % in average. To improve the capacity utilization factor and reduce specific energy consumption, energy efficient technologies should be adopted, automation technology should be upgraded, proper maintenance should be practiced, and regular monitoring and evaluation should be performed.
Enhancement of Precise Point Positioning Using GPS Single Frequency Data[Full-Text ] Ibrahim F. Shaker, Tamer F. Fath-Allah, Mohamed M. El-habiby, Ahmed E. Ragheb and Alaa Al-Din I. AwadGlobal Positioning System (GPS) is one of the most essential tools in many engineering applications, and is rapidly replacing traditional surveying techniques. It is very important to get the position using GPS with high possible accuracy whileconsidering cost, effort and time. Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is a technique that depends on data of a single receiver and GNSS preciseproducts to decrease different types of errors to improve the positional accuracy and to overcome the limitations of relative techniques. This has been used recently as a suitable technique for many applications having the excellence of obtaining precise location using only a single receiver. On the other side, the technique needs scientific software or online services to reach the prospective precision. PPP precision depends on different parameters such as session length, mask angle, used frequencies …etc.
Online Survey Portal for Collection of Data for Accreditation: A Case Study from an Engineering College in South India[Full-Text ] Sharath Chandra N., N. V. Raghavendra, Swaroop V BharadwajEmployer survey and alumni survey are the two major assessment tools used by higher education institutions worldwide to assess the attainment of programme educational objectives (PEOs) and programme outcomes (POs). The traditional methods hitherto adopted to collect data, such as posting of questionnaires or responses through emails, have proved to be inefficient and time consuming. The proposed methodology, which hosts the survey on a web portal, provides better convenience for the respondent in terms of choosing the device for sending the response. This paper demonstrates that a web based survey portal could be trustworthy and user friendly, resulting in better response compared to traditional methods.
Observation of the Universe through questions[Full-Text ] Slavko SedicDue to its thick atmosphere, Titan is constantly an object of interest. Details about its origin, composition, the reasons for such a thick atmosphere to exist, why is it – like Earth – primarily (98%) composed of nitrogen, is it suitable for life, what would the possible life forms look like, etc., are sought to be found by all possible means.
Comparison of Obtained Geometric Accuracy of a DGPS and Drone Acquired Stereo image[Full-Text ] Olaleye J.B., Suru W.P., Odeyemi F.G., Alabi A.O.This work deals with comparing the geometric accuracy of a DGPS and that of a drone acquired stereo image system from Trimble UX-5 Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) using the methods of metrology. Measurement of image coordinates for control, check and detail points were done on the stereo image using AutoCAD and the ground coordinates of the points were obtained using Promark 3 Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) equipment.
A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF HEART DISEASE PREDICTION USING DATA MINING TECHNIQUES[Full-Text ] C.SOWMIYA, Dr.P. SUMITHRAHeart disease is the number one problem of the world. Heart disease more than people deaths occur during the first heart attack .But not only for heart attack have some problems attacked for breast cancer, lung cancer, ventricle. Valve, etc… a common heart disease is nothing .but a cardiovascular disease or a coronary heart disease is a very dangers disease.most people attack for heart disease from the world. Coronary heart disease blood vessels around it. This disease causes disability as damage to brain so resulting in death. Data mining techniques are used is due to extract value from very large.In this paper focus on classification techniques was evaluated of prediction of heart disease. Using medical profiles such as age, sex, blood pressure, chest pain type, fasting blood sugar. It can predict like of patients getting heart disease.
Design of Robotic Architecture With Brain Mapped Wheelchair for Intelligent System Control: A State of Art [Full-Text ] Sagar Deshpande, Madhu Sudan M P, Vinay Koushik, Sharath PathangeIndependent mobility is core to being able to per-form activities of daily living by oneself. However, powered wheelchairs are not an option for a large number of people who are unable to use conventional interfaces, due to severe motor–disabilities. For some of these people, non–invasive brain– computer interfaces (BCIs) offer a promising solution to this interaction problem and in this article we present a shared control architecture that couples the intelligence and desires of the user with the precision of a powered wheelchair. We show how four healthy subjects are able to master control of the wheelchair using an asynchronous motor–imagery based BCI protocol and how this results in a higher overall task performance, compared with alternative synchronous P300–based approaches.
APPLICATIONS OF REMOTE SENSING IN LITHOLOGICAL MAPPING OF EAST ESH EL MALAHA AREA, SOUTHWEST GULF OF SUEZ - EGYPT[Full-Text ] Adel M. Seleim, Mohamed S. HammedThe East Esh El Malaha area at the southwestern margin of the Gulf of Suez comprises a variety of Precambrian basement rocks of Gebel El Zeit and Esh El Malaha rotated rift blocks, (including Metavolcanics, Older Granites, Dokhan volcanics, Hammamat sediments and Younger Granites) in addition to the sedimentary cover of Paleozoic-Quaternary sediments at their hogbacks.
Optimal Placement of Capacitor by Using PSO With Considering Harmonics in Distribution Systems[Full-Text ] T.S.R.Prasanti, I.Murali Krishna, B.LovarajuThis paper presents a new approach in order to determine the optimal placement of capacitor in radial distribution system. The capacitor placement is done by considering parameters like Loss sensitivity factor and better Voltage profile. The power loss is significantly high in distribution systems because of lower voltages and higher currents. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is used for determination of the location system capacitor placement. In the proposed algorithm depending upon loss sensitivity factor, number of iteration required for deriving better volage profile is possible to reduce.For, 25-bus three phase unbalanced and balanced system is considered for capacitive compensation. Three phase load flow solution is obtained by using topology based load flow program in MATLAB environment and time required, accuracy has been found satisfying.
EFFECT OF HOT ROLLING ON RECRYSTALLISATION BEHAVIOUR OF FERRITIC STAINLESS STEEL TYPE 409[Full-Text ] R. Benchouieb, D. Berdjane, S. Achouri, O.Ghelloudj, F. LemboubThe behavior of the static recrystallization of this ferritic stainless steel type 409 which contains precipitates was examined using hot rolling test of a single pass. Hot rolling tests were carried out at temperature of 870°C from a thickness of 15mm to 8,4mm and 4,7mm thickness at a controled strain rate of 3.3s-1. The recrystallized volume increases with the increase of the reduction and the holding time after hot rolling. Nucleation of recrystallising grains appears to be associated with triple points and grain boundaries. This material displays a slower rate of recrystallisation and this is attributed to the presence of titanium.
Genetic Diversity in three Nigerian Indigenous Goats (Capra Hircus) using Thyroid Hormone Responsive Spot 14 Alpha Gene (THRSPα)[Full-Text ] Ajayi, F.O, B. O. Agaviezor and G. VilawaThis study was carried out to determine the genetic diversity that exists between three indigenous goat breeds in Nigeria. Thyroid Hormone Responsive Spot 14 Alpha Gene (THRSPα) was used to determine the diversity that existed. A total of 83 goats were sampled. Four (4) ml blood sample were collected from each goat into a 5ml Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic (EDTA) bottles and were stored at -4°C for DNA extraction. The genetic distance between Sahel vs. Red Sokoto was 0.0131; Sahel vs. WAD Goat is 0.0146 while that of Red Sokoto vs. WAD Goat is 0.0561. The genetic identity between Sahel vs. Red Sokoto was 0.987, Sahel vs. WAD is 0.9855 while Red Sokoto vs. WAD Goat is 0.9454. The Hardy-Weinberg's Equilibrium, the number of genotype observed and expected for genotype AA was 9 and 11.4083, 9 and 8.4706 and 2 and 4.7647 for Sahel, Red Sokoto and WAD Goat respectively. The genotype AB had an observed and expected genotype of 19 and 14.1833, 6 and 7.0588 and 14 and 8.4706 for Sahel, Red Sokoto and WAD Goat each. Whole for genotype BB, the values were 2 and 4.4083, 2 and 1.4706 and 1and 3.7646 for Sahel, Red Sokoto and. WAD Goat respectively. The Exact Probability across breed was 0.1219 for Sahel, 0.5729 for Red Sokoto and 0.0173 for WAD Goat. In conclusion, the result shows a higher identity rather than diversity which is an indication that there could be a MIXED breeding among these breeds. This result however gives a clearer understanding of the genetic constituent of these breeds that will help in formulating better policies for conservation and improvement of these breeds.
BIOSYNTHESIS OF ETHYL ALCOHOL BY SUBMEGED FERMENTATION IN PRESENCE OF 8-Acetyl-7-hydroxycoumarin[Full-Text ] Dr.Md. Ghulam Rabbani, Yasir SajjadCoumarin though known for therapeutic activity also indicated their activity as stimulator for fermentation. 8-Acetyl-7-hydroxycoumarin when subjected to alcoholic fermentation by SmF technique yielded very promising results. AHC enhanced the yield to an extent of 4.255319148% in comparison to the control fermentor flasks (7.05 mL/100 mL). During experiments, 24% molasses solution was subjected to incubation for 50 hours at 300 K with pH adjusted to 5.1.
STRUCTURE, COMPOSITION AND SPATIO TEMPORAL ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS OF CORK-OAK FOREST IN BAB AZHAR (MOROCCO)[Full-Text ] Fatima Zahra BELLAGHMOUCH, Khalid DERRAZ, Taoufik AMINI and ElhassanELHARCHLIMost of the Moroccan decline is in a State of degradation and their natural regeneration by ways of planting became more and more difficult. The objective of this study is to describe the State of affairs and assess the spatio-temporal dynamics of the Oaks of Bab Azhar in order to develop effective interventionsThe aspects concern the types of settlement mapping using aerial photographs interpretation, which is supplemented by data collected on the ground, mapping, and analysis of the evolution of the stands during the past 26 years.The results show that Bab Azhar forest presents a significant floristic wealth (32 types of settlement) with a dominance of the Cork oak and green oak occupying almost three quarters of the total area of the forest.The study of the dynamics of stands to estimate important change (30.1%) that the forest has experienced between 1982 and 2008 with the regression of the formations to Oak Cork on an area of 87.1 ha is 0.96% of its area in 1982 and the dedensification of these formations over an area of 2638.9 ha is 32% of the total area of the Oaks.The counting of the data and the addition of the information collected on the ground helped to highlight that the main factor of degradation is the anthropic action.
Comparison of Mechanical and Bioprosthetic Valves in terms of Perioperative Complications in Redo-Valve Surgeries[Full-Text ] Saqib AnwarMechanical and Bioprosthetic valves were compared in terms of longer ICU stay, mortality, sternal wound infection, incidence / need for blood transfusions and perioperative haemorrhage in redo-surgeries. It was retrospective analysis of prosectively conducted study from March 2001-Feb2010. Total Patiens( N=25) were reoperated for valvular thrombosis(35%) and dehiscence(30%), endocarditis(25.7%) and structural degeneration(19.4%) during this period with previously replaced mechanical(n1=8) and tissue valves(n2=17). Statistcal analysis was conducted with SPSS 16.0.
Characterization of the TazekkaNational Park forests and their assessment dynamics between 1982 and 2008[Full-Text ] Taoufik AMINI, Fatima Zahra BELLAGHMOUCH, Elhassan ELHARCHLI Khalid DERRAZIn order to have a clear idea on what would be the future state of a forest, it is necessary to know precisely its past and its present. Our work has been on the study and mapping of forest stands and their evolution in the Park National de Tazekka (PNTZ), located in the Middle Atlas Oriental, on an area of 13 737 ha. For the characterization of forest stands, we worked to map forest stand types, based on the interpretation of aerial photographs, supplemented by checks on the ground. This company has enabled us to identify 26 types of stands including the holm oak (Quercusrotundifolia), and the oak Cork (Quercussuber) the core. Cedar (Cedrusatlantica) and oak (Quercuscanariensis) zeen make up a relatively small number.The study of the evolution of the cover between 1982 and 2008 showed a gradual change in the cedar forest on an area of 63, 12ha. However the training at base of Quercusrotundifolia, Quercussuber, Quercuscanariensis, and Quercuscoccifera regressed 390,42 HA; 186,88ha; 142,59ha; 36, 58ha, respectively.
A comparative study of Examination Phobia among Boys and Girls in Rural and Urban area of H. Sc. School[Full-Text ] JYOTI THAKURExamination phobia is one of the most common psychological disorders in school-aged children and adolescents worldwide .It is associated with substantial negative effects on children’s social, emotional and academic success. Specific effects include poor social and coping skills, often leading to avoidance of social interactions ,loneliness, low self-esteem, perceptions of social rejection, and difficulty forming friendships . Importantly, school avoidance, decreased problem-solving abilities, and lower academic achievement have also been noted as consequences.
An overview of the intellectual capital of the organization[Full-Text ] Hojjat taheri goudarzi, Mahdi javanmardAlthough the literature highlights the contribution of different marketing assets to firm performance, it is still far from reaching a consolidated and exhaustive position on this topic. In that respect, this paper proposes an analysis of the intellectual capital within new business ventures. In this sense, intellectual capital (IC), or knowledge assets, as the fourth factor of production, is replacing the other ones job, land and capital. Businesses with ethical values at the core reinforce ethical conducts and successfully build trust with their various stakeholders, leading to the formation of an ethical and trustworthy corporate culture and a positive corporate environment. Thus, in this reasoning, an ethical approach to business can encourage open communication, problems solving, knowledge sharing and creativity among employees to increase organisational capital; enhance interactions and relationships with suppliers, customers and other stakeholders to increase social capital; attract and retain good talent to increase human capital. The results indicate that firms with higher business ethics have increased intellectual capital.
Factors of Access to Care Within 72 hours after Sexual abuse[Full-Text ] Guerschom Mugisho, Raha MaroyiThe figures of the Panzi Hospital indicate that less than 17% of survivors arrived at the hospital within 72 hours after rape; and yet, survivors who arrive at the hospital before 72 hours receive a special medical support to prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases, pregnancy, HIV transmission and tetanus. The objective of this study is to determine the factors causing most survivors come to care after 72 hours of the rape. This work is an explanatory study conducted at the Panzi Hospital, carried out on 543 survivors of sexual violence,in 2014.
Assessment of Hg, Pb, Cd, and As in Lip Gloss Samples purchase in an open market in Enugu State. Nigeria[Full-Text ] Esemedafe, U. Josephine; and Akpoghelie, Jacob OgagaogheneLip gloss (shiny lip cosmetic: a cosmetic used on the lips to make them look shiny) are a possible source of heavy metal exposure to human. Ten lip gloss sample commonly consumed in Nigeria were purchased from an open market in Enugu North local government area of Enugu State. The samples were analyzed for heavy metals content such as Mercury (Hg), Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb) and Cadmium (Cd). The Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometric method was used for the determination of mercury, the FIAS - AAS (Hydride Generation System) at the specified conditions for arsenic. Lead and Cadmium were determined using the flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS).
Class based Synthetic Minority Sampling Technique In Imbalanced Data Classification of Fraud Detection[Full-Text ] A.Anuradha and Dr. G.P.Saradhi VarmaThe present paper proposes an intellectual pioneering fraud detection method, build upon existing fraud detection explore and Minority Report, to deal with the data mining problem of skewed data distributions. Fraud detection system experience an inherent problem of Imbalance Class allocation which requirements to be address as conventional classification algorithms fails on this situation, Class imbalance problem turn out to be greatest issue in data mining. Imbalance problem happen where one of the two classes have more sample than other classes. The most of algorithm are more focus on categorization of major sample while ignore or misclassifying minority sample. The minority samples are those that rarely happen but very important. So to overcome existing methodology drawback need to plan a new algorithm which is categorize in different method of imbalance data set which is separated into three main categories, the adaptive class algorithmic approach, imbalanced data preprocessing and post processing approach and feature selection approach all combine is called CBSMST- Class Based Synthetic Minority Sampling Technique.
Region Detection in Natural Images using Random Walker Segmentation & Improved SVM[Full-Text ] Priyanka Sharma, Asst. Prof. Keshav TiwariHere in this paper a new and efficient technique for the Detection of Region in Natural Images is Proposed. The Methodology adopted here is based on the Concept of Extracting features from the image and Segmenting Region using Random Walker Segmentation. The planned procedure implemented here is efficient in terms of Recognition and Classification as well as Portion of Region Detected. Various Experimental results are performed on the methodology to test the performance in terms of Precision and Recall.
A Review on Various Techniques of Features Extraction[Full-Text ] Rupal Shroti, Prof Aishwarya MishraDue to tremendous growth in the number and sizes of digital images is making necessary for transmission and storage. So a fundamental problem in computer vision is object recognition: given an image composed of a grid of raw pixel values, one needs to design a computer system that identifies the objects present in this image. Motion in images carries important information about the external world and changes of its structure. The existing technique implemented for the extraction of Features from Gray as well as Color images.