Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2016.
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Synthesis and characterization of Pure and Indium doped sno2 nanostructures by sol-gel methods[Full-Text ] Satyanarayana Thodeti, M.V.Ramana Reddy, J.Siva KumarWe report simple methods to synthesize Pure Tin oxide nanostructures and Indium doped Tin oxide Nanostructures without using catalysis with less complicity. Nanosized SnO2 particles have been synthesized by a simple sol-gel method. The obtained tin oxide powder has been characterized using X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscope, and DC conductivity studied. The result shows that there is the formation rutile type (tetragonal) structure in nanometric range. This was done by adding SnCl4.2H2O in Ethanol and adding of HCl and NH4OH at appropriate ratio and formed nano powder is annealed for 300oC for 2h. We also synthesized the In/SnO2 Nanostructures by Sol-Gel method by adding 0.11 atomic % and 0.24 atomic% of Indium to SnO2. The obtained powder is annealed at 300oC for 2h. In (NO3)3 is added to SnCl4.2H2O to get indium doped tin oxide nanostructures. These nanocomposites are characterized by XRD, SEM, EDX and DC Conductivity was studied in the temperature range 25°C to 150°C and it was observed that conductivity of SnO2 is increased by adding Indium dopant.
Performance Study of Space Time Trellis Code with Multiple bit Feedback[Full-Text ] Pijus Chandro Roy, Ashiqur Rahman, Najnin Sultana, Sirajum MuniraIn this paper, 1-bit, 2-bit and 3-bit feedback performances of Space Time Trellis Code in Rayleigh channel are studied. The open loop performance shows better result whereas due to complexity of trellis the performance degrades with feedback. But still with increasing the number of bits, the error rate performance improves again. In case of error rates, 3- bit feedback system has the lowest value. 2-bit feedback system needs lowest time for simulation and 1-bit feedback offers highest channel capacity.
THE ROLE OF ENERGY IN THE JAPAN ECONOMY[Full-Text ] Abdul Rashid AbbanThe purpose of this research is to investigate how energy resources affect Gross Domestic Product or economic growth of Japan, using data over a period from 2000 to 2014. The Cobb-Douglas production function was used for two models using macroeconomic indicators. These indicators are GDP, energy production, capital, net energy import and energy consumption. GDP is the dependent variable and energy production and capital are the independent variables in the first model. GDP again is the response variable and net energy import and energy consumption are the predictor variables for the second model. A regression analysis was run on both models to know the relationship between all the variables. The empirical results showed a positive relationship between GDP and energy production, capital and net energy import. However, the results showed a negative correlation between GDP and energy consumption. The result also showed Japan highly reliability on overseas countries for its energy supply and this dependency even increased after the Fukushima accident in March, 2013.
Multi-Target. Detection in Cutter-Edge environments using modified GO-CFAR[Full-Text ] Mustafa Subhi KamalAutomatic target detection radar requires adaptive threshold achieved by Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) circuit in order to control the false alarm caused by variations in clutter background.
A Study of Frustration Tolerance of Marital Adjustment of Dual Career Couples with Special Reference to Higher Secondary Teachers of Chhattisgarh[Full-Text ] Shaista Ansari, Dr. B. HasanThe purpose of the present study is to examine marital adjustment of the female teachers of dual career couples as a function of frustration tolerance. The present study is basically correlation with nature. The data was collected from 35-40 years of 320 married female teachers from Chhattisgarh. The samples completed self-report measures of the following variables: Marital Adjustment (Kumar and Rohatgi, 1985), frustration tolerance (Ray, 1988). One Way ANOVA was used for data analysis. Finding of the study indicates that the frustration tolerance is able to generate significant variance upon the marital adjustment of the female partners of dual career couples.
EFFECT OF TOOL PIN PROFILE ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND MICROSTRUCTURE ON AA6061 AND IS319 BRASS[Full-Text ] G. Sunny Kumar, Dr. P. Prasanna, & G. Ananda RaoCopper and its alloys have special properties such as high electrical and thermal conductivities, good combination of strength and ductility, and excellent resistance to corrosion. AA6061 Aluminium Alloy has good mechanical properties and exhibits good weld ability. In fusion welding process high temperature is generated this leads to melting of zinc which is unnecessary leads to difficulty. This make use of non-consumable tool to generate frictional heat in the abutting surfaces. The welding parameters such as tool rotational speed, welding speed, axial force, etc., and tool pin profile play a major role in deciding the joint properties.
An Experimental Investigation on the Mechanical Behavior of CP Titanium Grade 2 in Charpy Impact Testing[Full-Text ] L.S Koveile, Rahul DavisTitanium is generally known for its high strength and light weight. Due to this fact, Charpy Impact tests are conducted to determine its impact toughness. Charpy Impact Test is a basic high-strain rate test which are used to find the amount of energy absorbed by a material during fracture, the energy absorbed by the material acts as a tool to study temperature-dependent ductile-brittle transition. In this present research work, the material specimen for the Charpy Impact testing was surface treated under ASC (Annealing → Stress Reliving → Cryogenic Treatment), CAS (Cryogenic Treatment → Annealing → Stress Reliving) and ACS (Annealing → Cryogenic Treatment → Stress Reliving) parameters.CharpyImpact Testing was done with various input control variables and its effect on CP Titanium Grade-2 was investigated. Minitab 17 software was used to calculate the statistical analysis and obtain combination of the optimum level of parameters of maximum impact.
Does Regulation Positively Impact Investment and Output in Infrastructure? Empirical analysis of OECD countries and Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Goran SumkoskiThe research confirms the positive impact of regulation on investment and delivery of services the infrastructure for developed OECD countries and finds that this claim is equally valid in a case of a developing country such as Bangladesh. The results support the notion that introducing market forces and competition into the infrastructure sectors such as energy, transport and telecommunications are conducive to increased investment and output of corresponding infrastructure sectors. The empirical research is conducted using specially reconstructed sets o infrastructure regulatory indicators for energy, transport and telecommunications for Bangladesh for the same period of 1975 – 2013 to exactly mirror the existing OECD infrastructure indicators datasets.
DESIGNING OF FISCAL REGIME FOR OIL AND GAS SECTOR IN UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] SherzodJalilovToday a comprehensive range of fiscal tools existing to policymakers to design a fiscal regime for the oil and gas sector that will attract investment at the same time provide a reasonable share of economic interest for the country. Some countries rely on production-based levies to ensure a steady stream of revenue to the state budget, while others put greater emphasis on profit-based levies to minimize distortions. The conducted study uses documental analysis methods and shows that most countries have mixed (profit-based and production-based) levies. Fiscal terms declared by a country reflect the negotiating strength and experience of the country, potential reserves, and the track record of previous projects. Potential fiscal income may be lowered to compensate for specific high costs of extracting oil, commercial or political risk premia the study is revealed.
Comparative Study on Durability of Self-Compacting Concrete with Marble Waste by Using RCPT Method[Full-Text ] C. VAIDEVI,Dr. T. FELIX KALASelf-compacting concrete (SCC) possesses enhanced qualities and working conditions due to the elimination of compaction. SCC generally has higher powder content and thus it is necessary to replace some of the cement by additions to achieve an economical and durable concrete. The durability of concrete is another important factor in a structure, so Rapid Chloride Penetration Test (RCPT) as per ASTM C 1202 was conducted to find the durability of self-compacting concrete. The paper deals with the comparative durability study with the replacement of 10 % of cement with and without the marble waste in SCC.
Classifying Students 2nd Level at National Crypto Institute with Vertex Discriminant Analysis and Kernel Discriminant Analysis[Full-Text ] Yeni Farida, Muhammad Nur Aidi, I Made SumertajayaDiscriminant analysis is a multivariate technique to classify the observations into the known groups and one or more new observations are classified into one of the known groups based on the discriminant function. Classical discriminant analysis, also known as Fisher discriminant analysis, assumes that the data from each group have homogeneous variance-covariance matrices. If the data does not meet the assumption, we can use Vertex Discriminant Analysis (VDA) or Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) to perform discriminant analysis. In this paper, we compare the performance of both methods in classifying "data". In classifying students based “Grade Point Achievent (GPA)”, the data that we was use are final scores of subject in first semester and scores of psikotest. With the training data about 70%, the results show that 71.7% of the data was correctly classified using VDA and 37.7% of the data was correctly classified using KDA. For testing data, VDA have 43.5% data was correctly and KDA have 52.2% data was correctly, so VDA is better than KDA for validations and KDA is better than VDA for predictions in this case.
Compression Efficiency improvement of HEVC Encoder by Introduction of First Pass Encoding[Full-Text ] Shree Ganesha Sharma M S, Rohini Nagapadma, Prashanth NSHigh Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC/H.265) is the next generation video compression standard, the successor of Advanced Video Coding (AVC/H.264). HEVC is expected to improve the compression efficiency by 50% compared to its predecessor. The introduction of a first pass encoder results in dual pass encoder with the pre-encoder feeding the information about the video frame to the second pass. This article discusses an implementation of a pre-encoder module, which analyses the given video, performs motion estimation on a sub-sampled image and provides information about the video frame to the actual encoder. Approximate motion estimation information will help the actual encoder to perform accurate motion estimation, which improves the overall coding efficiency.
Zero Crossing Rate Of The Voice And Unvoiced Speech Signal Of Assamese Words[Full-Text ] Bitopi Sharma, Prof. P.H. TalukdarVoice activity detecting schemes try to distinguish between speech and noise from an input signal by using some operation such as heuristics methods. Zero-crossing rate, periodicity measures, total energy, low frequency energy, energy in different bands are some of the heuristic methods applied in voice activity detection schemes. In this paper, we used the zero-crossing rate Voice Activity Detecting scheme to identify the voiced and unvoiced sounds for the input speech signal in Assamese Language.
Modelling, Simulation and Validation of a Top/Central-Fed Air-Intake System for a FSAE Restricted 600cc Four-Stroke Engine[Full-Text ] Fawwaaz HoseinThis paper sets out to investigate what are the ideal geometric parameters and ergo design of an air intake, specifically for a restricted, 600cc Four-Stroke Engine. 1D engine modelling using Ricardo WAVE is used to determine the plenum volume, runner length and diameter and injector positioning, producing the best engine performance at a primary RPM range of 7000 to 9000.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: PROSPECTS IN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK (ANN)[Full-Text ] SHIVANI JOSHIArtificial Intelligence (AI) means the intelligence exhibited by a machine. It is the area of computer science which emphasizes on the creation of machines which work and act like human brains. Artificial Intelligence is a prevailing field as it has contributed to a great extent in manufacturing and service sectors. Expert Systems are those machines which emulates the decision making ability of the human brain. Artificial Intelligence has proved to be functional in fields like gaming, speech recognition, computer vision, medicine, business, aviation, etc. The areas working on Artificial Intelligence have now been working with better performance and efficiency. Another research field in Artificial Intelligence is the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), which is idealized from the human nervous system.Artificial Intelligence is becoming a popular field in computer science as it has upgraded the human life in many areas. Researches have been done emphasizing upon the basics of Artificial Intelligence, its major contribution in Artificial Neural Network and Medicine.
Natural Radioactivity Emitted from Granite and Marble Samples Collected from Sinai Area Egypt and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk[Full-Text ] S.FaresDue to the widespread use of granite and marble as building and ornamental materials, marble and granite samples from Sinai Location in Egypt, 10 samples granite and 10 samples marble were collected from different places. Combining spectral analysis of gamma rays and the nuclear track detector technique to determine radon and uranium concentrations recommended. It was identified natural radioactivity levels in the samples of marble and granite. High-resolution γ-ray spectrometry and track detectors (CR–39) were used to demonstrate the radiological health hazards, terrestrial absorbed dose rate (DR), and annual effective dose. Concerning the radiological risk, the radium equivalent activity (Raeq) external/internal hazard index (Hex and Hin), activity utilization indices (Iγ, Iα) caused by gamma emitting natural radionuclide and excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) are determined from the obtained values of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K.
Investigation on Performance of CI engine Fuelled with Hydrogen Peroxide as an additive[Full-Text ] Laxman P. Khose, Samadhan D. BhosaleDue to market demand aimed at increasing the efficiency and engine performance the existing ignition systems are rapidly approaching their limits. To avoid this , engineers are in search of new technologies. In the present study , an experiment was conducted on four stroke multicylinder engine , water cooled CI engine . In the first case , the engine was operated with pure diesel and in second case the engine was operated with diesel and some amount of ( 4- 12 %) H2O2 as an additive.In the experiment injection timing was changed which is the most important parameter in the study. Result showed that , efficiency of the engine increased by adding the hydrogen peroxide in the diesel and exhaust gas temperature is found to decreased reasonably.
A Basic Study On Nano-Li2nio2 Highly Porous Spheres For Lithium Ion Battery Applications[Full-Text ] M ANILKUMAR, V.RAJANESH, K. PRABHU, Dr.CS.SUNANDANANano-Li2NiO2 porous microsphere were synthesized by hydrothermal and subsequent calcinations methods using Li2SO4.H2O and Ni (NO3).6H2O as raw materials. The reasonable property could be attributed to the unique porous nanostructure with large volume for fast transportation of Li ions in hollow porous Li2NiO2 spheres is beneficial to the high reversible capacity.
The Impact of Promotional Tools Used by Hypermarkets in Pune City to Influence the Consumer Buying Behavior[Full-Text ] Firoz Khan, Dr. Nitin GhorpodeHypermarket retail formats have been a standout amongst the most fast developing retail formations in the Indian retail sector for the most recent decade. Be that as it may, buyers have turned out to be more traditionalist because of the delicate macroeconomic atmosphere and keep on placing significance on advancements with regards to their purchase behaviour. For retailers, this conduct has implied extreme rivalry for a diminishing offer of wallet and has meant an enduring increment in limited time period. Advancements can effectively drive wanted practices and meet differing destinations for every objective client portion. Through this review, an exertion has been made to discover the different sales promotional tools, for example, Coupons, Free sample, Free gift, Lucky draw, Special Discount, Refund & Premium offers, Seasonal Discount, Price discount, Demonstration of the product (display), Buy one get one free, Product replacement and warranty, Gift with Purchase and consumers buying behavior, sweepstakes and games that are being used by various Hypermarkets in Pune City to impact the customers buying behaviour. This study is based on review of theliterature, conceptual framework, collection and analysis of primary data and hypothesis which open the door for future researchers to expand more in this field.
Simultaneous Logic Operation Using Optical Shadow Casting Technique for 3D Scheme[Full-Text ] NomanSiddique,NabihaNasirand Jamal UddinThis paper represents the fastest operations in parallel processing of logical units, free space interconnection using the non-polarized characteristics of light. Different new algorithms are exploited in the design of optical computing modules using encoded optical shadow casting (OSC) scheme. In advanced VLSI system 3D IC is one of the hosts of 3D integration schemes that use the z direction to gain the higher electrical performance. In order to achieve more functionality within a compact space, 3D IC is structured by bracing silicon wafers and interconnects them vertically using through-silicon via (TSV) technique, as such they can behave like a system on chip (SOC). As this is a new technology, people will face new hardship or obstacles including cost, yield, heat, design complexity and interconnects however lack of standards. Interconnection problem is relatively dreadful in this 3D IC system whereas we can possess a free space interconnection 3D system, the generalized OSC design algorithm which realizes a functional truth table is used to design parallel logic gates. In this paper we evolve a new design scheme for parallel processing of logical units that shallows less power, less area and massive improvement in parallel interconnection. This design of parallel OSC demonstrates a completely novel computing system as it is capable of triggering to compute parallel logical operation of the two bit binary variables. The design algorithm for identity the source patterns, input encoding pattern and output decoder with possible parallel implementation are also presented. This design efficiency improves up to 77.78% compared to the conventional designalgorithms.
Optimization of Concentration Fluctuations in Zn-X (X≡In and Cd)Binary Liquid Alloys at different Temperatures[Full-Text ] G. K. Shrestha, B. K. Singh, I. S. Jha, B.P. Singh, D. AdhikariA theoretical formalism, obtained by considering the coupled effect of size ratio and energetic contribution, has been used to explain the thermodynamic properties of binary liquid alloys Zn-In at temperature 700K, and of binary liquid alloys Zn-Cd at temperature 800K. For this purpose, the best fit value of order energy parameter (W) has been estimated over the entire range of concentration in Zn-In as well as Zn-Cd liquid alloys at the mentioned temperatures. These values of W at different temperatures have been used for the optimization procedure in order to determine the corresponding values of excess free energy of mixing, partial excess free energy of mixing and activity of all the components involved in binary liquid alloys Zn-In and Zn-Cd at different temperatures which are then used to predict the concentration fluctuations in long wavelength limit (Scc(0)) at different temperatures in both alloys.
ESDAS: Explorative Spatial Data Analysis Scale to predict spatial structure of landscape[Full-Text ] M.Gangappa, Dr.C.Kiran Mai, Dr.P.SammulalCartographic scale definition of the hydrographic features is critical to display the geospatial data as computer aided maps. Discovering the landscape type that provides geographic context is significant to define cartographic scale. Extensive coverage of the spatial gradients are generally used to distinguish the landscape type. The variation or change over from one type to other type landscape are with limited outliers and not instantaneous. Hence the classification of the landscape types is challenging. An exploratory spatial data analysis scale to learn and predict the landscape types in spatial data is described. This research defined a meta-heuristic scale to perform deep learning that extracts patterns from labeled spatial data of landscape types and further classifies the given unlabeled spatial data in to divergent landscape types. Cross validation and misclassification rate analysis are used to evaluate the proposed model. The paper explored the proposed explorative scale and its impact on the selection of landscape regions. The experiments evinced the scalability and robustness of the proposed explorative scale sensibility to recognize landscape diversity.
Comparative Use of Cement and Katsi to Stabilize Laterite as a Liner in Containment Facility[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman Haruna, Suleiman Abdulrahman, Idi Mamman AdamuSolid waste management has recently dominated the environmental scene in developing countries, everyday nearly three thousand tons of solid waste is generated in each state thereby causing environmental degradation. This research investigates the use of cement, and Katsi admixture to stabilize laterite used as a liner in containment facility. A trial pit of 1m3 at a waste disposal site was dug and soil sample were collected. The natural soil was subjected to test in accordance with BS 1377(1990). The sample was prepared by adding either cement or Katsi to the collected soil, at varying percentage. The geotechnical properties of unstabilized soil sample shows that the soil has a low to medium plasticity; its specific gravity of 2.44 indicates that the soil needs improvement for it to meet the range of value stipulated for clay minerals. Also the unconfined compressive strength UCS of the soil was observed to be 286.0 KN/m2, and coefficient of permeability K was found as 1.39 x 10-5 cm/s. Katsi was observed to have improved the Atterberg’s Limit of the soil as the percentage of Katsi is increased explaining cationic exchange between the Katsi and laterite. And 7.5% Katsi content is recommended as convenient for laterite –Katsi mixture within the content of this study. This is because at 7.5% Katsi content the LL remained the same and the PI was at peak, implying that the greater the dry strength and toughness at plastic limit; the permeability, the rate of volume change and compressibility will remain the same.
The Threats of Automation and the Place of Humans in the Workforce of the Future[Full-Text ] Eneh Joy N, Orah Harris O, Ezema Longinus SThe world is rapidly experiencing disruptive changes to conventional business models and traditional job families as a result of automation, Artificial intelligence, robots and advancement in technological knowhow. Many of these major drivers of transformation in the workplaces and industries globally are expected to have huge implications for job creation, job displacement and widening skill gaps in the job market. There is a need for businesses, governments and individuals to prepare for future skills requirements and job content in order to fully seize the opportunities presented by these trends. We examine how much the available jobs are prone to take-over by computerisation and automation. We begin with a detailed look at current literatures on the subject matter. We examine the current and future impacts of the automation and computerization trends on job availability and human survival in the near future. We look at the jobs most at risk, the economic effects of automation and how humans can still be relevant in an era where most of the jobs will be done by machines.
Efficient Brain Tumor Detection Using Image Processing Techniques[Full-Text ] Khurram Shahzad, Imran Siddique, Obed Ullah MemonThe paper covers designing of an algorithm that describes the efficient framework for the extraction of brain tumor from the MR images. The first phase of the Algorithm is Gaussian and Median Filters implemented to enhance the image quality. A couple of morphological operations are applied to calculate the morphological gradient. The filtered image and the morphological gradient image are added to enhance the intensity of the image to make it suitable for further operations. After the enhancement process, the threshold value is calculated using the mean and standard deviation of the image. This threshold value is used to binarize the image followed by the morphological operations. After this tumor area is made visible while rest of the image is darkened to differentiate between the affected and the unaffected area of the brain.
Sustainable Urban Landscape Practices: A New Concept to Reduce Ecological Degradation[Full-Text ] Prof. Manjari RaiUrbanization is an inevitable process of development of human society and an outcome of economic development and scientific and technological progress. While urbanization process in promoting the development of human civilization, also no doubt, urban landscape has been a corresponding impact. Urban environment has suffered unprecedented damage majorly due to the increase in urban population density and heavy migration rate, traffic congestion and environmental pollution. All this have however led to a major ecological degradation and imbalance. As lands are used for the rapid and unplanned urbanization, the green lands are diminished and severe pollution is created by waste products. Plastic, the most alarming waste at landfill sites, is yet uncontrolled. Therefore, initiatives must be taken to reduce plastic mediated pollution and increase green application. However, increasing green land is not possible due to the landfill by urban structures.
A review of exergectic studies on solar collectors and solar cooling technologies for building applications[Full-Text ] M. Abid, A. Hepbasli, Khalid Saeed, Haider Ali, Basharia Yousef, Sikandar Khan, Kamran HameedThe development of air-conditioning systems that run on renewable energy sources will save electrical energy, which is mainly produced by the burning of fossil fuels. These systems will significantly reduce carbon emissions, and as a result environmental pollution and global warming effects of indoor climate control will be reduced. Among the various renewable energy sources, solar energy has proven to be the best option for air-conditioning because the maximum load on an air-conditioning system for cooling coincides with the period of greatest solar radiation input from the sun. Utilization of energy resources is related to sustainable development.
Enhancement of SDR through FBMC Communication[Full-Text ] N THINAKARAN, Dr D KumarAs the fourth generation telecommunication is entering next generation, all the Radio communications are becoming software oriented. Software Defined Radio (SDR) is initially addressed followed by the technology of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). OFDM which is in the verge of replacement, is analysed and an alternate communication technology namely Filter Bank Multicarrier Communication (FBMC) is suggested. The technology and types of FBMC are discussed. OFDM and FBMC are compared. In this paper simple FBMC is implemented and the results are given.
Safety of Celecoxib versus standard non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs with respect to renal function in type 2 diabetes[Full-Text ] Isam Noori Al-KirwiThe most common therapy utilized to control musculoskeletal system pain in diabetics are nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs ) which permit their action by inhibiting cyclooxygenase enzyme (COX).The aim of study: To study the effect of relatively selective Cox2 inhibitor (diclofenac) and highly selective Cox2 inhibitor (celecoxib) on renal function in hyper and normolipidemic type 2 diabetics. Patients and method:Thirty-four subjects were involved in this study, (11 males, 23 females) of them are type 2 diabetes having musculoskeletal pain (with an age range of 40-55) and a Control group of 16 (male=7, female=9) apparently healthy subjects (with an age range of 40-57 years). The diabetic patients were classified according to their serum lipid profile into 2 groups
Design and Evaluation of Integrated National Database in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Modu, M. M, Goje, L, Gwani, A. A, Usman, H. I, Shettima, M, Abba, I, Danmadami. A. M, Nadira, S. S.Several organizations in Nigeria create their databases independently, which is costly, and sometime the citizens found it uncomfortable, having no guarantee that their information will be protected by a robust data protection law. Coercing them to be giving false information. This research work gives birth to the idea of “integrated national database” a relational database management system technique to address the absence of a comprehensive set of citizen’s data. An application was developed in this research work, a prototype serving as a central data repository that will interconnect the citizens, public and private organizations. The system will allow individual to register conveniently and then a unique reference will be given to every citizens, which will be tied with the database for easier retrieval of individual information in the database. Only authorised agencies can access the stored information, and organizations can access only information prescribe to it by the system super administrator. The developed prototype is tested using Blackbox technique to determine the effectiveness of the system which prove positive and survey has been conducted to explore the citizen’s compliance and perception of the entire civic registration in Nigeria and another to assess technical view of the system.