Volume 6, Issue 12, December 2015 Edition
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Analysis of Locally Fabricated Parabolic Trough Solar Concentrator System at Obafeni Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria Region for Thermal Energy Applications[Full-Text ] Erinosho K. D., Anozie A. N., Odejobi O. J., Braimah M. N. and Ogunmola E. D.Performance evaluation of a Parabolic Trough Solar Collector (PTSC) efficiently utilized for water heating in a natural climate condition was investigated in the present work. The fabrication and design of (PTSC) were done with a combination of reflector surface, reflector support, absorber pipe and wooden stand. The absorber pipe painted black while the trough manually operated. The flow of water in the system follows the recycling process repeated during data acquisition between 10.30 to 16.00 h. The collector design parameters are; focal distance of 0.115 m, width of 0.56 m, 2.44 m length of the collector and collector depth of 0.110 m. The parametric study of the PTSC was investigated based on the effect of variation of mass flow rate of water by using equation m=v/t, solar intensity was measured using general solar power meter DBTU1300 and water inlet and outlet temperature by using a thermometer. The temperature of water in the storage tank increased from 30 °C at 10.30 h to 65 °C at 16.00 h. The total heat gain by the coated metallic receiver found to be 772.8 W and the most heat losses occur through storage tank. The average thermal efficiency of the collector is approximately 30%. The total radiation during the collection ranges between 561 and 721 W/m2. The results of the performance of collector showed that the maximum outlet water temperature attained was 72 oC that is acceptable for pasteurization of water. This show that fabricated PTSC is suitable for hot water processing. The useful heat gain and the collector efficiency found to follow the variation of incident beam radiation, which is strongly influenced by the incident beam radiation. The value of each parameter observed is higher around noon, when the incident beam radiation is at maximum.
Effect of Wood Ash Waste from Black Soap-making on Heavy Metals in Leaf Amaranth, Cowpea and Maize[Full-Text ] O.J. Ayodele, O. S. ShittuThe production of lye needed for black soap-making leaves large quantities of leached wood ash as waste. This waste has piled up on 0.4 ha land during a 50-year period of operation at a facility in Ikere-Ekiti, Nigeria. The impact of this long-term ash deposit on heavy metal content was measured at 0, 15, 30, 60, 75, 105 and 150 m from the waste pile and compared to a control sample. Four-week top-growths of maize, cowpea and leaf amaranth in the soil samples were harvested, oven-dried and analyzed for heavy metals. Fe was the most abundant metal in the soils. Pb, Ni, Co and Cu were highest at 0 m and decreased with distance from the ash waste pile but all metals showed accumulation at the valley bottom (150 m). Enrichment Factor was highest for Cu, Ni and Pb at 0 m and decreased with distance. The Contamination Factor was highest for Co, Cu, Ni and Pb at 0 m and decreased farther from the ash waste pile while the Pollution Load Index exceeded 1.0 at 0 m only. Cowpea shoot Ni and Pb contents increased with distance from the ash waste pile; leaf amaranth Co, Cu and Pb content decreased and Ni increased from 0 to 30 m while maize Co and Cu content increased. Transfer Factors were high for Co at all distances, low for Cu, Ni and Pb at 0 m and high with distance in leaf amaranth; high for Co at all distances, low for Pb at 75 and 150 m in maize; and high for Cu at 15 m and Pb at 0 m in cowpea.
A Method for Detecting Transient Respiratory Disturbances Using Quadratic Transformations[Full-Text ] Azeemsha Thacham Poyil, Hedi KhammariThe paper suggests an improved method for diagnosing of transient respiratory disturbances by analyzing the respiratory signals using quadratic time-frequency transformation techniques. Wigner Ville Distribution (WVD) is a good method for analyzing non-stationary signals since it gives a good time-frequency resolution compared to many other time-frequency representations. The time marginal of Wigner Ville Distribution can be used for detecting the presence of transient and non-stationary signals. In this work, a cross-term reduced WVD was used for detecting abnormal respiratory disturbances. An adaptive-kernel based ambiguity domain filtering was used to remove the cross-terms in Wigner Ville Distribution. Transient detection algorithms were implemented using cross-term reduced Wigner Ville Distribution and the results were compared with that of Short Time Fourier Transform based methods. The respiratory signals are collected from 5 different test subjects using National Instruments data acquisition devices. The collected signals were then passed through the detection algorithms for testing the performance of the methods. The results from the experiments suggest that the improved Wigner Ville Distribution could be used to detect the transient respiratory disturbances in a better way as compared to the algorithms using STFT, and this can be used in diagnosis of respiratory disturbances.
Review Article: Nickel Aluminium Ferrites[Full-Text ] H. S. Singh, Neha Sangwa and Richa ChauhanFerrites are technologically useful materials due to their unique electric, dielectric and magnetic properties. Nickel ferrites and substituted nickel ferrites are one of the most attractive classes of materials for researchers. Present paper covers the characterization results of Nickel-Aluminium ferrites using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), MÓ§ssbauer spectroscopy and LCR-meter. The preparation of Nickel Aluminium ferrites using many available methods of preparation and comparison of results of such studies is need of the present day. This data helps in providing interesting and useful study for application of Nickel Aluminium ferrites.
A Review on Various Scheduling Algorithms [Full-Text ] Saraswathi Seemakuthi, Venkat Alekhya.Siriki, Dr. E.Laxmi LydiaThis research paper describes about scheduling, scheduler, classification of scheduling, main purpose of scheduling and various scheduling algorithms such as first come first serve scheduling algorithm, shortest-job-first scheduling algorithm, priority scheduling algorithm, round robin scheduling algorithm, multilevel-queue scheduling algorithm, multilevel feedback queue scheduling algorithms. This research paper describes how these algorithms are implemented, with the parameters such as average waiting time and average turnaround time, Gantt chart and how average waiting time and average turnaround time are calculated, merits and demerits of the scheduling algorithms.
Vein Detection System using Infrared Light[Full-Text ] Mayur Wadhwani, Abhinandan Deepak Sharma, Aditi Pillai, Nikita Pisal, Dr. Mita BhowmickThe process of obtaining intravenous (IV) access, Venipuncture, is an everyday invasive procedure in medical settings and there are more than one billion venipuncture related procedures like blood draws, peripheral catheter insertions, intraven-ous therapies, etc. performed per year [3]. Excessive venipunctures are both time and resource consuming events causing anxie-ty, pain and distress in patients, or can lead to severe harmful injuries [8]. The major problem faced by the doctors today is diffi-culty in accessing veins for intra-venous drug delivery & other medical situations [3]. There is a need to develop vein detection devices which can clearly show veins. This project deals with the design development of non-invasive subcutaneous vein detec-tion system and is implemented based on near infrared imaging and interfaced to a laptop to make it portable. A customized CCD camera is used for capturing the vein images and Computer Software modules (MATLAB & LabVIEW) is used for the processing [3].
Stability Impact of Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Plant on the Distribution Network[Full-Text ] Titus O. Ajewole, Olufisayo S. Babalola, Michael O. OmoiguiThis paper investigates the impact of grid-tied photovoltaic plant on the stability level of the host distribution network. Using simulation model of a grid -connected photovoltaic power system, the response of the distribution sub-system to a test fault experimented on the plant was examined. The behavoural waveforms obtained at three locations across the system reveal the resulting current variations and voltage colapse margins on the network. Subsequent to the removal of the fault however, normal operation was regained by the network, with all the line variables smoothly settled at their initial pre-fault values.
EFFECTS OF ENZYME SUPPLEMENTATION ON DIFFERENT LEVELS OF SUNFLOWER MEAL AND FIBRE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF BROILERS[Full-Text ] S. Raza, M. Ashraf, T.N. Pasha, F. Latif, H. Mubeen, N. Hussain and S. FarooqiAn experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of multi enzyme. For this purpose, eight isonitrogenous starter and finisher rations were formulated. Eight isonitrogenous chick rations were prepared using levels of SFM 0, 5, 10 and 15% and 4, 5, 6 and 7 FL respectively without enzyme supplementation designated as A, B, C and D and with NIBGE enzyme (one litre enzyme per hundred kg feed) supplementation designated as E, F, G and H (containing 0, 5, 10 and 15% and SFM and 4, 5, 6 and 7% FL respectively). Three hundred and twenty-day-old broiler chicks were randomly divided into 32 experimental units (replicates) of 10 chicks each. Standard environmental conditions were maintained to rear the birds. There was non-significant difference among rations in respect of feed consumption, highly significant difference in respect of weight gain and significant difference in respect of feed conversion ratio. There was non-significant difference in respect of feed consumption, highly significant difference in respect of weight gain and highly significant difference in respect of FCR among rations and there was highly significant difference in respect of dressing percentage. The results suggest that enzyme had reduced the fibre contents of SFM and had increased the bioavailability of ME from treated SFM. It was reflected in terms of better weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio and dressing percentage.
Detecting Warm Affected Internal Systems Through Back-door Messages[Full-Text ] B. Sivaiah, S. Lavanya, N. Murali Krishna, Prasad ChallaHardware equipments which are also known as external devices are becoming more complicated because they are acting as mediator between threats and our Pc’s. Different types of security attacks are cause of these external devices only. These external devices are also referred as compromised machines. Some main attacks they are causing is malware spreading and spamming, using identity and also DDoS. Attackers are capable of getting key economic incentive with the help of spamming. This leads to get huge compromised machines count. Here we are intended to detect the number of compromised machines that are becoming initiative to spamming operations in a network. Such operation is also known as spam zombies. Here we introduced a detection system to find out spam zombie operations known as SPOT. These SPOT continuously used to keep eye on data transactions that the messages which are transmitting outside of a network. Based upon Sequential Probability Ratio Test SPOT was developed. It is an effective statistical tool. The operations of this tool are to find out positive and as well as false negative error rates in a network. Based upon our researches and test study cases proven that SPOT is a perfect and extraordinary in detecting compromised machines which are intended to do zombie operations in a network automatically. Moreover, SPOT is capable of detecting 95% of compromised machines out of 100. That means accurately it can detect almost every spamming activity compromised machines. When compared to various spam zombie detection algorithms SPOT performance is unique. Because rest of them are based upon number and percentage of messages which are spammed. But SPOT uses a statistical too to detect zombie operations. So out of various spam detecting algorithms SPOT has a unique nature that keeps it out standing in detecting spam zombies. Working and operations wont effect network’s efficiency or any security breaches like identity.
CORRELATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN FDI AND GDP IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA[Full-Text ] Elsana AqifiThe entry of FDI in the country brings with it a number of effects on the host countries, starting from the local workforce through increased employment opportunities, higher wages by foreign companies; the effect of the transfer of resources, where foreign firms can contribute by providing capital, technology and management; effects on trade and balance of payments, where the balance of payments benefits from any capital inflow and FDI increases competition in the country forcing domestic companies to bring better quality products and services as well as technology and more efficient administration.
Investigation and Improving of Call Admission Control and Load Estimation in WCDMA system[Full-Text ] Md. Khairul Islam, Dr. M. Mahbubur Rahman, M. Amzad Hossain, Dr. Tapan Kumar Godder, Md. Sipon MiahWideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) is interference limited multiple access technique. It is widely used in the 3rd generation mobile networks like UMTS. When a new call arrives in the system to get admission, it checks whether the call is admitted or not based on some parameters like signal to interference ratio (SIR), transmission power of the Radio Access Network (RAN) and the air interface load .The maximum capacity of Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) depends on the current interference in the system. Admitting new call and user movement increase the interference level. However, high interference causes the system degradation of quality of service (QoS). Therefore robust call admission control and load estimation is needed. In this paper, we have investigated the wideband interference based call admission control that is much better to block the access of a user to the network than having to drop already active users. Such decisions are made by the admission control routine. Simulation results show that new user is admitted into the system if the total interference is less than threshold noise otherwise the user is rejected. Also throughput rate is increased within threshold limit of noise rise with power decreased and improving the blocking probability and dropping probability. Adaptive call admission control is combination of WPB and TB CAC that provides lower probability of call blocking and call dropping than WPB and TB CAC. Therefore ACAC is the best CAC algorithm that provides most efficient and best quality of services.
Determination of Rainwater Quality from Different Roof Materials Common in the Makurdi Area[Full-Text ] Iyidiobu, B.N. and Omale, P.A.In recent times, it has been reported that there is a clear correlation between the incidence of water borne diseases and the consumption of harvested rooftop rainwater. While farming practices and other factors may be adding to this problem, it will be helpful to alleviate the contribution of rooftop harvested rainwater. But an understanding of the initial level and nature of contamination of a quantity of rooftop rainwater is crucial to its satisfactory treatment. Since this initial information which varies from place to place, is not locally available for the Makurdi area, this work has provided that. Secondly, it is a surprise that the treatment of rainwater related health problems has been confounded by indigenously popular assumptions that additional treatment may not be required as long as a simple rainwater harvesting system is employed in making collections from new roofs. To address these two problems, experiments were done to examine rainwater harvested from nine rooftop types in three general locations: North-bank, Low-level and Logo 1 area. (each comprising sub locations). The results of this study showed that only rainwater harvested from two specific types of rooftops can be safely consumed without treatment. Doing same with other types of rooftops entailed varying levels of risks.
A Load Flow Study in European Super Grid Using High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC), High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS)[Full-Text ] Muhammad Adnan, Adeel Israr, Adnan Khan, Muhammad IrfanThe effective solution for the bulk power transmission to a larger distance is only possible with the utilization of the three technologies. Firstly, High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) which gives us fewer losses in order to cover larger distances. Secondly High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Voltage Source Convertor (VSC) which converts the AC Power into DC power and which provide better active and reactive power compensations during transmission of an electrical power to a large distance. Third one is the FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission system) which is actually the combination of series and shunt convertors and can provide better voltage and power stability, and allow the electrical power to be transmitted to a larger distance with fewer losses as compared to simple AC transmission lines. The main idea behind this research is the Load Flow model implementation of the future European super grid technology, using High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC), High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) using voltage source convertors (VSC), and FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission system), and then compare these models with one another in order to prove different facts which will lead us to the conclusion than instead of using Ultra-High Voltage AC we can used Ultra-High Voltage DC as an effective solution for bulk power transmission (Active Power) especially of Renewable energy for Covering larger distances. This Research work also Summarizes an overall picture of the European Super Grid Technology which will be completely implemented in a Practical way in 2050 and which will used these above technologies in order to provide a secure and sustainable Electrical Energy to different European Countries.
Heterogeneous interface MN support in NS2[Full-Text ] S.O. Falaki, O.S. Adewale, B.K. Alese and O.T. JinaduEmerging wireless technologies incorporate different access networks. Bluetooth, Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), Universal Mobile Telecommu-nication System (UMTS) and Worldwide Interoperability for Multiple Access (WiMAX) technologies form heterogeneous network characterized with high resource demand and rapidly changing traffic patterns. Limited co-existence of all mobile users is attributed to poor adaptation of infrastructure and increasing demand of applications/services. More problem of deteriorating service is offered in switching between different access technologies and/or between multiple operators. Subsequently, mobile users experience service disruptions, which make carriage of two or more devices expedient for continuous service to be enjoyed while leaving ‘home’ network area. Though, some projects have implemented multiple Wi-Fi interfaces, the mobile node only provides for single Wi-Fi or dual WLAN interfaces, which does not allow researchers simulate flexible scenario as users cannot implement switching to other interfaces. To access diverse networks therefore, mobile users needs to be equipped with multi-media enabled wireless device to use real-time application anytime anywhere on diverse network. This paper presents an implementation of multiple channels, multi-interface mobile node in NS2 using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, UMTS and WiMAX technologies to overcome highlighted limitations. The model provides seamless roaming capability for users across different networks to offer qualitative and continuous service while moving.
PI Controller for Active Twin-Accumulator Suspension with Optimized Parameters Based On a Quarter Model[Full-Text ] Mohamed A. Hassan, Ali M. Abd-El-Tawwab, k. A. Abd El-gwwad and M. M. M. SalemThis paper is primarily studying the behaver of the twin-accumulator suspension over the conventional passive system focusing on ride quality behavior and road holding. Therefore, a dynamic modeling of passive and twin-accumulator suspension for quarter model is constructed. MATLAB Simulink environment is used to develop the suspension models. The simulation is applied with two different road disturbances, namely, step input and random input to disturb the suspension system. The optimum solution is obtained numerically by utilizing a multi-objective evolutionary strategy algorithm and employing a cost function that seeks to minimize the RMS value of the body acceleration, the suspension displacement as well as the dynamic tyre load. Moreover, in this work, an active suspension system with PI controller is presented in order to improve the suspension performance criteria. The simulation results of passive, optimized twin accumulator suspension and active suspension consist of body displacement, wheel deflection, vehicle body acceleration, suspension travel and dynamic tire load are compared and analyzed. Results show that the twin-accumulator suspension system gives worthwhile improvements in ride behavior compared with the passive suspension. Finally, it can be observed that the performance of body displacement and wheel displacement can be improved by using the proposed PI controller.
Controlling Rutting Performance of Hot Mix Asphalt[Full-Text ] Mohamed S Ouf, Abdelbaset A AbdolsamedThe Bailey Method provides a set of tools for the design and the evaluation of aggregate packing and voids of asphalt concrete grading while maintaining appropriate mixture workability and durability. The objectives of this research was using “Bailey Method” to evaluate using of Marshall stability, flow, and stiffness index to predict rutting, and to investigate the Bailey ratios for all different blends for prediction of rutting. Two types of aggregate blends were prepared. Different aggregate gradations were used in this research included coarse, open and dense gradations then rutting performance was evaluated. The results proved that Bailey method is a useful tool in evaluating aggregate blends. Mixes with coarser gradation produced more resistance to rutting than dense or open gradation mixtures. Controlling aggregate ratios gradations could control anticipated mix properties and predict permanent performance of HMA.
Determinants and Causes of Low Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Nageen MasoofThis paper analyzes the determinants and causes of low foreign direct investment in Pakistan and examines why Pakistan have been relatively unsuccessful in attracting FDI. The time series data from the period 1990-2014 is used. Regression model is run to check the significance of the data and relationship between dependent and independent variables. GDP, Gross Capital Formation (GCF), Inflation rate, Indirect taxes are taken as independent variable and FDI as dependent variable. The study reveals that Pakistan has small GDP and it is not growing at a higher rate, inflation is high and taxes are increases day by day which are the main causes of low FDI in Pakistan.
A salient method to prevent Nosocomial infection causing pathogens: Bacillus from Mesophilic soil[Full-Text ] Abhishek Sharma, Ekta MenghaniThe focus of this study was the in vitro antimicrobial activities of Bacillus, bacteria commonly found in the soil and not a very well known for producing antibiotics. Bacillus isolated from mesophillic soil of rajasthan were evaluated for their inhibitory activities on three microorganisms which posses many antibiotic resistances potential are E. coli, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. Three isolates exhibited antibiotic activity against at least one of the test organisms were characterized by conventional as well as advanced methods. Results indicated that one isolates was highly active against E. coli strains. Another isolate showed antibiotic activity against S. aureus strains including methicillin resistant Staphylocoocus aureus (MRSA) and is having biological activity against P. aeruginosa. Another isolates was highly active with an inhibition zone more than 16 mm in diameter. Compounds responsible for biological actiivity are formed by these isolates were confirmed by contact TLC microbial autobiography method and check by drug library of compounds. The bacterial isolates having antimicrobial activity were sent to Vision Ecologica Pvt Ltd, 8D Raisoni Industrial Park, Village Maan, Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Phase II, Pune with ID code for identification based on 16S rRNA and was processed, and the report for the same was provided confirming the isolates were of bacillus. Identification report was generated using EZâ€Taxon Database and the confidence in identification is limited by both the availability and the extent of homology shown by the ~700 bp sequence of our sample with its closest neighbor in the database. For details and sequence fasta, please see the results and discussion part.
Performance Analysis of Supercharging a Single Cylinder SI Engine[Full-Text ] Pasala Venkata Satish, Samanthula Naveen, Hepsiba Seeli, Sri Harsha Dorapudi The recent developments in motorcycle engines a huge power gives an element of fun for riding and hence the demand for the faster bikes increased but in order to make it available for an economical price is the challenge so installing a supercharger is the best suggestion.
Specle Noise Reduction For Fused Juxtaposing Sar By Adopting Log Ratio Operator[Full-Text ] Anniesh JIn this world of rapid improvement in technology, we require an unsupervised method of global importance which would help us in continuous monitor of the available resources. So that we can use it more wisely to monitor the location of the resources over the time. In this paper we provide an contemporary approach to supervise the feasible resources using unsupervised detection in changes of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Which is based on an image fusion method which includes novel fuzzy clustering mean, fuzzy local information clustering mean, reformulated fuzzy local information clustering mean, Markov random field algorithms. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images which is usually high in speckle noise. So Speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion filter is used to minimize effect of speckle noise. Image fusion method is used to generate a changed and unchanged region of SAR images using reciprocal information from a mean-ratio image and a log-ratio image.
Adverse Effect of Rainfall on the Efficacy of some Fungicides Used to Control Chocolate Spot of Faba Bean (Vicia faba)[Full-Text ] Moustafa , M.S.H , Halah, A.M. El – Dakar and A.A.IsmailFungicides are subject to adverse effect of different environmental factors especially wash up by rainfall, which on one side decreases the efficacy of the applied fungicide and in turn the need to repeat the fungicide application which increases the production costs , and on other side the washed fungicides get into soil, in water streams and pollute the environment. Four fungicides (Amistar Top, Topsin-M70, Rovral and Tridex) represent four different fungicides groups were tested on faba bean, to represent the winter crops in Egypt and to control chocolate spot disease under field conditions. The four fungicides were applied four times at the recommended dose, after the second fungicides application, the plots were exposed to different artificial rainfall amounts (2.5, 5.0, 7.5 or 10.0 mm) after different periods of the fungicide application (6, 12, 24, or 48 hr.). All the tested fungicides resulted in significant decrease of chocolate spot disease severity with different degrees. Amistar Top was the most effective one followed by Topsisin-M70 then Rovral and Tridex was the lowest effective one. All the tested fungicides showed decreased fungicide efficacy as a result of exposure of the plants to rainfall; this fungicide efficacy reduction was correlated negatively with the time between the fungicide application and the rainfall; and positively with the rainfall amount. Amistar Top and Topsin-M70 were the least rainfall affected, followed by Rovral, and Tridex was worst affected one. Statistically, the effect of the time on the efficacy of the fungicides Amistar Top, Topsin-M70, Rovral, and Tridex was in descending order, when this factor reacts in interaction with the other factor, while the effect of rainfall amount was nearly the same; similar trend was noticed too, in case of the effect of time alone, without any interaction with the other factor, but the effect of the amount of rainfall alone without any interaction with the other factor was in ascending order; which indicates that, systemic fungicides efficacy is rainfall time and amount dependent, while non-systemic fungicides are more likely to be rainfall amount dependent as time dependent. Four prediction equations were generated for the four tested fungicides to predict the loss of fungicide efficacy as a result of exposure of the fields to certain amount of rainfall after certain time of the fungicide application.
A Literature Survey on Web-Based Traffic Sentiment Analysis: Methods and Applications[Full-Text ] Anju Murali J, Varghese S ChooralilIn the advancement of modern intelligent transportation system (ITS), the need of public opinions is very important. For processing traffic information from websites, we propose Traffic Sentiment Analysis (TSA). TSA is a subfield of Sentiment Analysis which gives focus to the issues of the traffic. Here in this paper, we use rule-based approach rather than learning-based approach. TSA plays an important role in sensing, computing and supporting the decision making in ITS. Rule-based approach is used for dealing with real problems, presented an architectural design, constructed related bases, demonstrated the process. It is the first attempt to apply sentiment analysis on the area of traffic. The functions of TSA system are Investigation, Evaluation and Prediction.
AEROBIOLOGICAL STUDY OF SHAHEED BENAZIR BUTTO TEACHING HOSPITAL ABBOTTABAD[Full-Text ] Adil Hassan, Ahmad ud Din, Ijaz Khan, Izhar Ali, Tahir Ali khan, Muhammad Naveed, Junaid Ali shah, Zaheer Ur Din, Abdul Majeed Khan, Beenish Naz.An aerobiological study of Shaheed Benazir Butto (SBB) teaching hospital was conducted during March, 2013. Nutrient agar was used to trap viable bacterial spores from air by using open plate gravitational method. These plates were incubated and mature colonies were then identified by biochemical analytical methods. Out of seven bacterial cultures 4 Gram positive and only 3 strains were found Gram negative. However, the bacterial strains were found comparatively valuable in six unit’s i.e. medical wards, emergency ward, post-surgical wards intensive care unit (ICU) and emergency doctor room. The total counts for bacterial strains were noted. A comparison between indoor and outdoor was also noted. A variation was found in both bacterial shapes. Relatively bacterial strains were dominant in indoor as compared to outdoor samples. It was found that the total bacterial strains in emergency ward were highest in all the tested samples. The present investigation clearly indicated that bacterial population outside was more as compared to inside samples. Except emergency ward in which the inside population was noted high.