Volume 6, Issue 12, December 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 12, December 2015 is in-process.
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Producing of Warm Mix Asphalt Using Sasobit[Full-Text ] Mohamed. S. Ouf, Abdelzaher E. A. Mostafa, Amro ElOufieOrganic additive (Sasobit) is used in order to produce WMA due to its Environmental, economic and paving operations benefits. Adding both Sasobit with cement dust filler (S.C.D.F) and Sasobit with limestone filler (S.L.S.F) to WMA mixture enhanced mix properties. Maximum stability was achieved by adding 20% of (S.C.D.F) which increased stability from 1020 to 2070 Ib and then decreased, while adding 2.5 % of (S.L.S.F) increased stability from 1830 to 2050 Ib and then decreased. The Flow decreased with the increase of (S.C.D.F) and (S.L.S.F) percentages. The total cost of 1 ton of WMA was found 474.55 and 271.94 (L.E/ton) for (20%S.C.D.F) and (2.5%S.L.S.F) respectively, but using (0.5%S.L.S.F) cost 249.68 (L.E/ton) which is almost the same cost of HMA. The percentages in reduction in Carbon dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) were 14.10, 31.71 and 5.48% respectively at the optimum S.C.D.F, while the reduction percentages were 14.94, 32.91 and 9.86% respectively at the optimum S.L.S.F.
Cloning of dicot gene promoter in expression vector[Full-Text ] S. Raza, S. farooqi and H. MubeenGenetic engineering involves direct genetic modification of organisms using recombinant DNA technology. The expression of transgenes is regulated by the promoter attached upstream to the gene. The transformation of plants is very important to impart desirable traits. A variety of promoters is necessary at all levels of genetic engineering in plants to regulate gene expression. The plant promoters fall into various categories including constitutive, tissue specific, inducible and differentially regulated. The study was focused on identification and cloning of sucrose synthase gene promoter in modified expression vector pGR1 derived from (pJIT166). The cloned promoters can further be studied for transgene analysis and GUS studies.
Log-mining using machine learning algorithms And Visualization[Full-Text ] Mari Kirthima, Praveen Karkada and Gopinath RamannaData is considered to be an asset to any organization, the world has now become more data centric as terabytes of data gets generated every day and moreover the data is highly unstructured and contains all the information, but all of that data is not important for us mining required information from the whole lot is called data mining; similarly some product based companies manufacture handheld devices which runs on different operating system, any application running on the device puts up messages for every event that occurs in the device and those messages are called logs, the log contains all the information such as timestamp, host, type of application, messages etc., mining the required stuff from those logs would help different teams in analyzing and rectifying the problem so that quality of service can be improved, In this paper we propose log mining using the machine learning techniques to perform predictive analysis, correlation analysis, trend analysis on the data set so that a conclusion can be drawn out of the unstructured, voluminous data; But to understand the analytics needs some domain expertise, whereas the summary has to be reported to top level management hence we propose a visualization tool which gives a visual interface to report the summary.
Public Transport .Monitoring and Recommendations Based On GPS Data[Full-Text ] Mari Kirthima, Shruthi.J &Praveen KarkadaTransportation has become part of our day-day life; since life originated on earth animals move from one place to other in search of food and shelter, the modern day scenario is such wherein we have different modes of transportation like buses, taxis, trains and planes etc., But monitoring and recommending vehicles is still a challenge. We propose a monitoring and recommendation based on GPS data-set. In metropolitan cities like bengaluru there are more than 5000 buses, it is difficult for a person to find the bus to his desired destination. Because he is unaware of the bus status this can be solved by intimating him about the status with the help of GPS; recommending the bus means informing the passenger about arrival and departure using an algorithm and also informing passengers on board about the location with help of existing bus voice system, in this paper we propose recommendations based on GPS data, handling such big data set is a problem; so we use map-reduce techniques to solve this problem.
Detecting the correct design pattern for enhanced maintainability - MPT[Full-Text ] Ashutosh kumar SrivastavaThe effect of design patterns on the software maintainability is governed by different factors such as pattern size, prior expertise of the developer with pattern and the most important quality attributes that must achieved by pattern , and before all of these is fitting the pattern to a certain design problem . In the authors have created a decision support tool that helps the developer to choose between three of GoF design patterns and equivalent alternative design solutions, it calculates metrics scores of each solution based on the system size, then it presents where a design solution is getting better than another with respect to several quality attributes.
Cooperative Communication with Uplink Power Control and Cognitive Radio using TV Whitespace Network in Cellular Networks[Full-Text ] Geeta Tripathi, Parul Gupta, Shruti BansalIn a multi user environment, a number of users share the same radio resources. A consequence of the limited availability of radio channels in the network is that the same channel has to be assigned to many users. Thus a signal intended for a certain user will reach other users and introduce interference to their connection, and degrade the quality. Uplink power control is a key radio resource management function. It is typically used to maximize the power of the desired received signals while limiting the generated inter-cell interference. This paper explores a decentralized uplink control algorithm for the users who experience a low signal and call drops stuck in a traffic condition especially in a jam taking into consideration the huge load future cellular networks will encounter. The paper further analyses and explores ways for enhancement and the capability of cellular networks to accommodate the increasing number of networked devices, as we need a rapidly expanding network with optimum utilization of resources. Cognitive radio network is the latest attempt towards achieving this goal. The paper will also explore different techniques to exploit underutilized TV whitespace spectrum for better Quality of Services (QoS) and serving increased number of people especially when a user in a highly congested traffic area moves to a high way area and experiences low signals especially considering the Indian road conditions
The analysis of elution process of high concentrated emulsions from porous media[Full-Text ] Piotr Pacholski, Jerzy SękEmulsion flow through porous media is phenomena that is crucial for many processes that occur in chemical technology business. Example can be Enhanced Oil Recovery techniques, soil remediation and treatment of oily wastewater. The flow through porous media is not easy to describe, because of rheological properties of oil-in-water emulsions and because of phenomenon's that can occur. As an example during two phase flow: oil and water through porous media it is possible to observe the interception of oil to porous structure as well as filtration of oil in pores. In this study, we tried to examine the influence of oil-in-water emulsion concentration on process of its elution from porous media.
Evaluation of certain microbial pesticides and cy-permethrin against Helicoverpa armigera (Hub-ner) infesting tomato of Manipur valley[Full-Text ] M. Suresh Singh, K.I. Singh and B.K. BaruahField experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of certain microbial insecticides against Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) in tomato variety, Manikhumnu under the agro-climatic condition of Manipur valley. The results revealed that there were significant reduction of the pest in all insecticidal treatments. Among microbial insecticides tested, Spinosad 2.5 SC @1000ml ha-1 and Somstar-HA @500 ml ha-1 proved most effective in reducing the fruit damage due to Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and enhancing productivity in tomato. Both these microbial insecticides stood only next to cypermethrin @1000ml ha-1, which gave the best result with respect to relative efficacy. Bouncer @1000 gm ha-1 and Soldier @1000gm ha-1 proved to be the least effective. Maximum fruit yield (25.03 t/ha) was harvested from the plots treated with Spinosad but, did not differ significantly with that of Somstar-HA (24.83 t/ha) treated plots. The minimum mean fruit yield (20.99 t/ha) was harvested from plots treated with Soldier as against 19.91 t/ha in untreated control. The mean extent of avoidable yield loss was worked out to be 22.59 per cent in the untreated control plots, which reduced to 2.68 to 18.39 per cent in the plots of microbial insecticidal treatments other than cypermethrin in which the avoidable loss has been taken as zero per cent.
MODELLING TREE VOLUME IN TROPICAL RAINFOREST OF AFI RIVER FOREST RESERVE IN CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Aigbe H.I and Ekpa N.EIn this study, volume equations were developed for Afi River Forest Reserve in Cross River State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used for the study. The sampling entailed primary, secondary and tertiary sampling units. A total of 611 trees were measured in 10 tertiary sample plots (40m x 50m). Tree identification and detailed growing stock of outside bark diameters at breast height (dbh), base; middle and top, merchantable height and total height were measured for tree species with dbh ≥ 10 cm within the tertiary sampling units. Individual tree basal area and volumes were computed using basal area and Newton’s formulae respectively and extrapolated to per-hectare estimates. The results show that an average number of trees per hectare was 323 (68 species) and the diameter at breast height ranged from 11.10cm to 180.00cm. Volume equations for individual species, all species combined and species group were developed for the forest reserve. Species specific volume equations were developed for tree species with n ≥ 3 to obtain coefficients that serve as basis for grouping the species.
Study of Spawning response of Pleurotus sajor-caju in two different substrates (wheat and rice)[Full-Text ] Maibam Kheroda Devi, Banaraj Haobam, Thangjam Inaocha Devi, Wahengbam Nimai Singh, Wahengbam Robindro SinghThe Pleurotus sajor-caju is chosen as the sample for the study because of its availability throughout the year in Manipur and also the people of the state owing to its good taste and nutrition mostly consume them. In wheat, spawn begins to appear after 15-16 days whereas the spawn started to appear after 18-19 days when rice was used as a substrate. Wheat seems to produce more spawn in a shorter period of time than rice. Therefore wheat seems to be the more appropriate substrate for the commercial production of spawn. However because of high contamination rate and difficulty in the preparation of substrate in case of wheat, rice can be considered as a better option. Also in the context of Manipur rice being the staple diet is available in abundance and at low price throughout the year. Therefore rice will be the better option as far as commercial production of spawn is concerned .We can conclude that Pleurotus spawn can be easily produced using rice as a substrate and allow farmers for the mushroom cultivation throughout the year thus helping in food availability.
Breast Cancer Recognition using Association Rules and Optimized Support Vector Machine[Full-Text ] Sharafeddin Toumajpour, Abolfazl EbrahimiBreast cancer is an occurrence of malignant neoplasm within human female breast tissue. Breast cancer is the most prominent known killer of women between the ages of 35 and 54 and males are also sometimes diagnosed with breast cancer. Effective diagnosis of breast cancer remains a major challenge and early diagnosis is extremely important in helping prevent the most serious manifestations of the disease. In this paper a hybrid system is proposed to early and accurate breast cancer detection. The proposed system is based on association rules (AR) and support vector machine (SVM). In the proposed method, AR is used for reducing the dimension of breast cancer database and SVM is used for intelligent classification. This has been confirmed Gaussian radial basis function (GRBF) has better performance among other kernel functions. In SVM with GRBF kernel function, the kernel width has very important roles for its accuracy. For this purpose, we used particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to find the optimal value of kernel width. To evaluate the performance of proposed hybrid system (AR+SVM+PSO), we used Wisconsin breast cancer database (WBCD). The simulation results show that the proposed system has excellent performance in breast cancer detection.
ECG Data Classification Using Clustering Algo-rithm and MLP Neural Network[Full-Text ] Sharafeddin Toumajpour, Bahram Mohamad MaghsoudiElectrocardiogram (ECG) which reveals the rhythm and function of the heart is an important non-invasive clinical tool for cardiologists to diagnose various heart diseases. The objective of this paper is to diagnose ECG arrhythmia classification based on the extracted features. Feature extraction and selection are critical to the quality of classifiers founded through data mining methods. To extract useful information and diagnose the ECG arrhythmia, a hybrid of clustering algorithm and multi layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network is developed. In clustering section, we used hybrid evolutionary optimization algorithm based on combining modify imperialist competitive algorithm (MICA) and K-means (K), which is called K-MICA. In the clustering section, the input data is first clustered by a K-MICA. Then the Euclidean distance of each ECG signal is computed from the determined clusters. These Euclidean distances of ECG signals are used as input of MLP neural network. In the test stage, 10-fold cross validation method has been applied to the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database for evaluating the capability of the proposed method. The simulation results show that the proposed method has high recognition accuracy.
Digital Image Watermarking: A Study on Techniques & Issues[Full-Text ] Jobin AbrahamDigital data can be easily copied and modified to create duplicate copies. These modified images are then redistributed through the Internet. As these illegal activities are becoming more and more common, mechanisms to protect digital resources are in high demand. Watermarking is an effective method for restricting abuses of published digital contents and to protect ownership rights of the owner. However, while watermarking, special care should be taken not to affect the visual quality of the host image. At the same time it must be reasonably robust and able to withstand illegal watermark removal attempts. This paper presents a study on watermarking techniques and associated issues.
An efficient caching technique for wireless sensor network based on Clustering and data aggregation[Full-Text ] Mohammed A. Mohammed, Ahmed I. Saleh, Mohammed F. Al RahmawyWireless sensor networks(WSNs) are used nowadays on a large scale for the low cost and efficiency in building many applications. These networks have limited resources i.e limited memory, battery power (energy) and insufficient bandwidth these limitations make these networks suffer from many problems e.g non data availability and accessibility, long latency and frequent network failure. Several techniques exit to overcome these problems and to increase the efficiency. One of these techniques is the cooperative caching for sensed data; this is a significant process to store the frequently accessed data items in the WSNs. This paper Suggests a novel technique for caching data in wireless network called Caching Group Scheme (CGS) that is based on cooperative caching to cache data. The simulation results show that this new technique is more efficient than other existing techniques in terms of byte hit ratio, time to query response (latency) and energy consumption .
RATE OF GENETIC IMPROVEMENT IN BODY WEIGHT COMPONENT AND REALIZED HERITABILITY OF MINERAL COMPOSITION OF BREAST MEAT IN JAPANESE QUAIL (Cotunix coturnix japonica)[Full-Text ] J. KAYE, G.N. AKPA, I.A. ADEYINKA, B.I. NWAGUA study was conducted to determine genetic improvement in carcass traits, body weight, shank length and realized h2 of mineral composition in meat portion of Japanese quail in Northern zone of Nigeria. Seven hundred and eighty four (830) chicks of 14 days of age were used and Data obtained were subjected to analyses of variance and realized heritability calculated as appropriate from the following: to determine live body weight, carcass traits in generations and sex, body weight gain and increase in shank length, live body length, carcass traits, weight gain, realized h2 of body weight, carcass weight, carcass weight part, shank length, and minerals composition in breast meat of Japanese quail. The result shows that the live body weight and carcass trait significantly affects the generations and sex of birds. Live body weight and carcass traits in first generation are lower than base and second generation. The body weight gain and shank length increases at day 35, 42, 49 and 56 in sex of Japanese quail. The realized h2 of body weight and percentage carcass weight and parts of the traits in Japanese quail shows high h2 (0.40-0.83) and moderate h2 (0.20-0.40). The h2 for body weight and shank length for the traits are high (0.40-0.99) and moderate (0.20-0.40). The realized h2 of minerals composition in breast meat of the Japanese quail also shows high h2 (0.46-0.83) in most of the traits and moderate h2 in calcium (0.20) for male and low h2 also in phosphorus for males (0.17) and combined sex (0.13). The moderate to high realized h2 observation indicates that response to selection for high body weight affects the traits therefore response could be rapid while low h2 implies that response to selection could be slow therefore response to selection is slow.
A Survey on the Availability of TV White Spaces in Eastern Nigeria (FUT Owerri, As Case Study)[Full-Text ] E. E. Atimati, L. S. Ezema, G. N. Ezeh, U. C. Iwuchukwu, C. K. AguborEffective utilization of future wireless communication systems such as the TV White spaces depend largely on the availability of free unused spectrum within the 470 – 860MHz UHF band. The paper, analyses the effectiveness of TV White space for last mile delivery of broadband based on spectral availability. The survey was carried out on a spectral range of 470 – 870MHz within the study area, using a RF spectrum analyser and the readings were presented using graph plots through the aid of Touchstone PC spectrum analyser. Fixed measurement was adopted and two (2) sites were chosen to take measurement. The results revealed that, 64% of the 50 channels surveyed were dormant. The degree of occupancy was found to be very low, thus providing for unused spectra spaces within the UHF frequency band which can be used to provide broadband services in sparsely populated rural areas; where data rate could be compromised for range at zero or low cost for acquiring operating spectral license.
Active Power Management Using Embedded Systems Technology: A Case Study of Power Automation System of Orpheus Communications[Full-Text ] Ayoade AdetunjiThis work is focused on monitoring and management of industrial or household electrical power facility through automation using Enhanced RISC microcontrollers and electronic sensors hereby reducing power expenditure and increasing energy efficiency.
Replacement Of Mercury With Gallium Alloy In Dental Fills[Full-Text ] Dr. Haydar H. J. Jamal Al-Deen, Sura Ali ShaheeThe purpose of this research is to study The replacement of mercury with gallium in dental fills and study of mechanical properties (compression strength, creep, dimensional change, and hardness) and corrosion resistance of dental fills through the use of three types of gallium alloys, which is (Ga- In, Ga- Sn, Ga- In -Sn) and mixed with standard alloy powder (Ardent) and formation of gallium fills. The specimens prepared and tested according to ADA specification No. 1 and kept at 37±1 Cº. The new alloy has been casted composed of (Ag, Cu, Sn, Zn) for the purpose of improving the properties and especially the dimensional change property where using of liquid (Ga - Sn) because has the best result of the change in dimensions compared with other liquids. All mechanical properties of dental fills were satisfactory as compared to dental amalgam except dimensional change property which was much higher than the allowable limit, The corrosion potential shifting to positive direction, corrosion rate less than amalgam, and the passivation state seem in gallium alloy and did not appear in the amalgam.
A Survey on Lung Nodule Detection in CT-Images[Full-Text ] Minu George, Gopika S Early detection of lung cancer nodules can helps the doctors to treat patients and keep them alive. One of the effective methods to detect the lung cancer is using Computed Tomography (CT) images.
Integrated Cellular and Ad Hoc Relaying Systems: Analysis of Call Blocking Probability & Performance[Full-Text ] Nazmul Hossain, Md. Alam HossainiCAR is a modern wireless technology. It is based on dividing the network area into some cells (areas) and integrating the cells. In iCAR, Ad-hoc networks are dynamically distributed and self-organized cellular systems. It allows internetwork communication between the topologies without infrastructure. The main purpose of iCAR is to present new architectures to address congestion in cellular systems due to unbalanced traffic. It can effectively increase system’s capacity and also can add interoperability between different networks. Here, we try to analyze whether the increasing traffic loads between the internetworking cells and limited capacity of the systems can be effectively balanced by the new architectures or not. We also interrogate how limited number of ARS stations is used for balancing congestion. We also evaluate the performance of iCAR in terms of ARS coverage.
Design, Fabrication and Analysis of Stacked Microstrip Yagi Antenna for Wi-Fi Applications[Full-Text ] Nancy, Ekambir SidhuThis paper presents design and performance analysis of the stacked microstrip Yagi antenna.The proposed antenna design employs four substrates of FR4 material, each having a thickness of 1.62 mm and dielectric constant ( ) of 4.4. In proposed antenna design, aperture coupled feeding has been used to feed power to the antenna. In the proposed antenna design, the ground, feedline, parasitic and driven elements have been stacked together to form a stacked microstrip Yagi antenna. The design and simulation of antenna has been carried out using CST microwave studio (2014) software. The proposed Yagi antenna design has been analyzed in terms of resonant frequency. Return loss (S11), VSWR, gain and percentage bandwidth. It has been observed that the stacked Yagi antenna is resonant at 5.2 GHz with an impedance bandwidth of 836 MHz covering the frequency range of 5 GHz- 5.84 GHz. The return loss (S11) magnitude of -41 dB at resonant frequency of 5.2 GHz has been observed and the antenna has a gain of 10.04 dB. The antenna has directivity of 9.95 dBi and percentage bandwidth of 8.4 percent. The fabrication process of simulated antenna has been carried out. Finally, the fabricated antenna has been successfully tested for return loss (S11) using network analyzer ES5071C-ENA. Both the simulation and experimental results are compared and examined. It has been observed that the proposed antenna can be used for Wi-Fi applications.
A Survey on Security and Through-Put Relay in Mobile Mesh Networks[Full-Text ] Srinivasan.J,Dr.Audithan.SNetworks composed of mobile nodes inherently suffer from intermittent connections and high delays. Performance can be improved by adding supporting infrastructure, including base stations, meshes, and relays, but the cost-performance trade-offs of different designs is poorly understood. To examine these trade-offs, we have deployed a large-scale vehicular network. Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are ideal for situations where a fixed infrastructure is unavailable or infeasible. Today’s MANETs, however, may suffer from network partitioning. This limitation makes MANETs unsuitable for applications such as crisis management and battlefield communications..A Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is a dynamically arrangement of wireless Mobile nodes, communicate directly or using intermediate nodes without any predefined infrastructures. In the absence of any predefined infrastructures in networks become vulnerable to number of attacks and high level security becomes a major issue. In this survey paper, we first discuss about the introduction to Mobile Ad hoc network. The second section discusses the weaknesses or vulnerabilities in Mobile Ad hoc network. The third section discusses the types of attack in Mobile Ad hoc network. The fourth section discusses about a new class of ad-hoc network called Autonomous Mobile Mesh Network (AMMNET) for Through-put Relay. Finally the last section discusses about the simulation results of AMMNET proves robust against network partitioning and capable of providing high relay throughput for the mobile clients.
Effect of control valve plug shape on the fluid flow characteristics using computational fluid dynamics[Full-Text ] Dr.Hassan Elgamal, Dr.Akram Zeid and Eng.Yasser Abdel MohsenThe flow passing through control valve may cause vibrations. This flow induced according to geometric and flow condition. The exciting force acting on the plug changes according to the plug geometry. To reduce this kind of vibration the optimum geometrical shape must be chosen for minimum hydrodynamic force. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the best plug geometry generating a minimum exciting force for the incompressible flow passing through a selected control valve by solving Navier-stokes equations. The present analysis is performed by applying the commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, FLUENT, to obtain a solution for the three dimensional turbulent flow passing through a control valve having different plug geometries.
Retransmission Scheme for Voice , Data and Video using Voice Cell Jitter and Delay in ATM Networks[Full-Text ] P. Rajan, Dr.Arul Lawrence SelvakumarMultimedia is characterized by busty traffic and of fen stringent real time constraint multimedia traffic requires quality of service guarantees. This gives rise to traffic management issues in order to obtain high network utilization and qos guarantee to the multimedia stream. The aim of this article is to prevent an overview of the traffic management issues and their possible solutions for retransmission of multimedia over asynchronous transfer mode networks.
Active Power Management Using Embedded Systems Technology: A Case Study of Power Automation System of Orpheus Communications[Full-Text ] Ayoade Adetunji This work is focused on monitoring and management of industrial or household electrical power facility through automation using Enhanced RISC microcontrollers and electronic sensors hereby reducing power expenditure and increasing energy efficiency.
A Review Paper on FEA Application for Sheet Metal forming analysis[Full-Text ] Mr. Marlapalle Bapurao G, Prof. Dr. Rahulkumar S. HingoleFinite element method (FEM) is used for simulating complex intricate shapes of industrial sheet forming operation. Effective physical parameters, as well as numerical solution, influence parameters of this phenomenon and its numerical prediction of results. In this review, the applications of FEM for analyzing various parameters such as blank Thickness, blank holding force, Material, coefficient of Friction on specimens of materials are discussed.The numerical results are found from literature survey to be in good agreement withthe experimental results and accurate thinning distributionshad been predict.The importance of sheet metal working process in modern technology is due to the ease with whichmetal may be formed into useful shapes by plastic stage deformation process in which the volume and mass ofmetal are conserved and metal is only displaced from one position to another.
OPTIMIZED TIO2-CATALYSED UV OXIDATIVE DECOMPOSITION OF REACTIVE BLUE 13 IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION USING BOX BEHNKEN DESIGN[Full-Text ] DAUDA BENJAMIN, BARDE ABRAHAMA photo catalytic degradation of the dye is C.I. reactive black 5 (a mono azo organic colorant) was performed in aqueous solution using TiO2 as photocatalyst under UV irradiation in a laboratory scale photoreactor;. A suitable surface response experimental design, Box Behnken design, which allows adjustment of factors level to obtain an optimal response, hence, optimize process parameters in experimental analysis, was used for the optimization of colour removal. UV-Visible spectrophotometer was used to assess the absorbance of the sample solutions before and after the photocatalytic decomposition. The results for the optimization revealed that the best conditions for decolorization is as follows: initial dye concentration 12.04 mg/L, catalyst loading 1.68 g/L, pH of 3.10 and irradiation time of 85.57 min. Under these optimal conditions, the corresponding response value predicted for dye decolorizatiom was 99.06% , which was confirmed by validation experiments. Therefore, UV/TiO2 photocatalytic degradation of reactive mono dyes in aqueous solutions using Box Beckhen design has been proven to be a very viable technique for the treatment of organic colorants (specifically, reactive mono azo dyes) in aqua media since it is multivariate in approach and so allows adjustment of factor level to obtain an optimal response in experimental analysis.
Optimization of coagulation-flocculation process for colour removal from synthetic dye wastewater using natural organic polymers: Response surface methodology applied[Full-Text ] Obiora-Okafo I.A, Onukwuli O.DIn this study, performance of natural polymer coagulants; Vigna unguiculata coagulant (VUC), Telfairia occidentalis coagulant (TOC), Brachystegia eurycoma coagulant (BEC), Vigna subterranean coagulant (VSC) and Moringa oleifera coagulant (MOC) for colour removal from crystal Ponceau 6R dye were investigated. For this purpose, response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize four variables of the coagulation-flocculation process including pH, coagulant dosage, dye concentration and time. The results demonstrated that the decrease of pH was highly beneficial for enhancing colour removal and no re-stabilization occurred even at the maximum coagulant dosages used. It seems as the functional groups of the acid dyes are anionic, hydrolyses products of the organic biopolymer can neutralize the negative charges on dye molecules followed by polymer adsorption. Charge neutralization, sweep flocculation and polymer adsorption played a predominant role in the coagulation-flocculation process due to optimum pH and dosing values. The maximum colour removal efficiency obtained from the optimization analysis was 97.73%, 99.05%, 98.09%, 99.09% and 99.05%, for VUC, TOC, BEC, VSC and MOC, respectively. Optimal condition of pH 2, coagulant dosage 1000mg/l, dye concentration 20mg/l and time 420min was obtained from the compromise of the desirable responses. The verification experiments demonstrated a good agreement between experimental data and model values. The overlay contour plots show that multiple response optimization tool could be used to establish an optimum condition for multiple (five) responses. The response surface methodological approach was appropriate for optimizing the coagulation-flocculation process while minimizing the number of required experiments. Coagulants studied should be considered as an appropriate alternative for conventional coagulants that are widely used in dye wastewater treatment plants.
Noise Estimation and Reduction to improve Image Quality in Singly Image[Full-Text ] Tarun Pare, Aditya Sinha, Lokesh Malviya, Dr Satya Ranjan PatraNoise is major issue observed during the image processing in image processing applications. These noise levels have to be predicted and after estimation get it reduced to certain maximum declined level. We can’t be completely structure noise free image but we can improve the quality of image by estimating those noise. The proposed approach is an innovative way to estimate and remove the noise which found through observation during the processing of image. Principal component analysis (PCA) approach is followed to remove the noise by estimating it, this can be done by following one of the statistical technique which is frequently used in signal processing for data dimension reduction or for the data correlation. In principal component analysis image blocks were rearranged into vector and compute the covariance matrix of this vector. Then by selecting the covariance matrix eigen values which corresponds only to noise. With the help the average of the eigen values we can be able to estimate the noise present in the image , for estimation of noise in image we just take a partial region of the image so that it will be convenient for us to reduce it by using the denoise function .
Working Environment and Productivity[Full-Text ] Talal AlbaqamiIn this article, the discussion is on how to make such a healthy workplace to get maximum positive results. Around three years of research was served on bridging the connections between working environment and productivity. Having main focus on working environment and productivity, this article showing the strong and significant keys on the same. Data was collected from both the parties i.e. the employer and the employees, in sequence to analyze the gaps between the thoughts and the causes behind them.
Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols (AODV, DSR, OLSR and DYMO) in MANET Considering Mobility Factor[Full-Text ] Md. Niaz Imtiaz, Md. Mohidul Hasan, Md. Imran Ali , 4 Md. Mostak ShaikhA Mobile Ad hoc NETwork is a kind of wireless ad-hoc network, and is a self configuring network of mobile routers connected by wireless links. MANET is a wireless network without any infrastructure. Therefore routing discovery and maintenance are critical issues in these networks. The main goal of such an ad hoc network routing protocol is to establish correct and efficient route between a pair of mobile nodes. In this paper, an attempt has been made to compare four well known routing protocols (AODV, DSR, OLSR and DYMO) by using performance metrics like throughput, packet delivery ratio (PDR) ,average end to end delay ,mean jitter and packet loss ratio considering mobility factor . A comparative analysis of how mobility of nodes affects the performance of protocols is given in this paper. From the analysis we have drawn a conclusion, which protocol works well in stable condition and which protocol works well when the nodes are highly mobile.
CFD Simulation and Validation on Rural Residential Buildings with Mud blocks for Sustainable Development[Full-Text ] M.Nadarajan, Dr.V.KirubakaranEnergy performance of social housing plays an important role in sustainable development of the built environment. Nowadays building energy simulation, a calculation method of energy consumption for heating and cooling of buildings, is being adapted to the design of sustainable low energy buildings. Sustainable building design consists of methods to develop the built environment while meeting the purpose of sustainable development. Many sustainable building materials that are both environmental friendly and also elegant are available. Mud brick and poured earth construction techniques are few options. Earth has always been the most widely used material for building in India and is a part of its culture. We performed CFD simulation on a model house constructed with mud blocks, which was naturally ventilated. The thermal behaviour of building walls constructed with mud block has been analysed using Thermal Imager. It is suggested that the mud block is a sustainable building material and they prevent maximum heat transfer into the walls and keep the house self cooling.
Manufacturing of AA2024 Composite reinforced with alumina nanoparticles using Semisolid Casting[Full-Text ] Wael Hoziefa, Amir A. Mahdy, M.M.Z. Ahmed, I. El-Mahallawi, A. AtlamIn this study Al2024/ Al2O3 nanocomposite was manufactured by rheocasting technique in semisolid state. Al 2024 was used as a matrix alloy and 50 nm Al2O3 particles were used as reinforcement. To evualte microstructural evolution of manufactured nanocomposite, AA 2024 alloy was cast in same manner. The microstructures were examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy to evaluate the effect of alumina nanoparticles on microstructure. Microhardness revealed that the semi-solid state processing does not allow obtaining an even dispersion of nanoparticles within the matrix. Casting defects associated with low particle wettability (porosities and particle agglomeration), leading to an enhanced exploitation of nanoparticles strengthening effect.
Parallelization approaches for the simulation of large-scale multibody systems[Full-Text ] M. Klöppel, M. Flehmig, A. Naumann, M. Walther, V. Waurich, J. WenschVirtual prototyping plays an important role in the engineering disciplines. The possibility to model and simulate prototypes on a computer instead of building real-world ones saves time and money. Nowadays, engineers can rely on special tools like object-oriented modeling languages, e.g., Modelica, to describe their models. These models can be automatically processed and simulated using standard Differential Algebraic Equation (DAE) solvers. The advantage of this approach is that the practitioners can concentrate themselves on modeling, whereas the numerical intricacies of the simulation are handled by the software. The disadvantage is that such simulations are usually slower than implementations which are parallelized and optimized by hand. In this contribution, we concentrate on the widely used simulation software OpenModelica, which is open source and thus appropriate to evaluate several parallelization approaches.The implemented methods are demonstrated on engineering examples.
Dimensional Comparison of Parallel-Hole type Collimator[Full-Text ] Nikhat Shaikh, Jyoti Warrier, Sadhana BhattacharyaNuclear medicine involves the application of radioactive substances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The radiopharmaceutical is administered to the patient and then camera is rotated around the whole body for capturing radiations. The detection of high energy rays such as x-rays or gamma, we need highly precise & efficient detectors so that maximum information can be obtained by either using in vitro radioactive source (as in X-rays) or by in vivo radioactive source (such as in PET, SPCET). There are many studies done for improving the sensitivity and resolution of gamma camera. In this paper, parameters of parallel-hole type collimator (used in gamma camera) are evaluated. The resolution and sensitivity variations are calculated with respect to the dimensional properties of collimator is described. The purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of circular, hexagonal & square holes parallel-type collimators based on various dimensional properties.