Volume 6, Issue 12, December 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 12, December 2015 is in-process.
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Influence of annealing on structural and Micro- Hardness of nanocrystalline TiO2 Thin Films[Full-Text ] F. Abd El-Salam, M. M. Mostafa, M.M. El-Nahass, R.H.Nada, E.F. M. El Zaidia, H.S. MohamedIn the present study, TiO2 powder was used as the starting material to prepare thin films by conventional thermal evaporation using high vacuum coating unit type (Edwards E 306A). The surface topography and nanoparticles shape of TiO2 thin films as deposited and annealed at the temperatures 473, 673 and 873K were studied using the scanning electron microscope. The films showed good uniformity, crack free surface and nanoparticles with small ellipsoidal shape dispersing with high separations. The indentation experiments were carried out by using micro hardness tester showed the absence of monotonic behaviour and irregular thermally induced oscillations in the curves of the film hardness, HVf versus the annealing temperature. This behavior may be due to the combined effects of the applied factors; the temperature, the load and the dwell time, on the obtained HVf. Also the indentation size effect index (ISE), m, was calculated as 1.6 for the TiO2 films indicating that the hardnesss depends on indentation size.
Applications of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem to the Heat Conduction Equation using Fourier Integrals[Full-Text ] Sharmin Akter, Umme RumanOld Fashioned definitions of mathematics, as a science of numbers and magnitude are no longer valid. Now-a-days it has many applications in many branches for solving physical problem including geometrical configuration. Partial differential equation plays an important role in mathematics. The aim of this paper is to present various types of partial differential equations with applications. Some partial differential equations almost entirely to a kind of boundary value problems which enters modern applied mathematics at every term have been included and solved by using Fourier transform. Laplace transform and separation of variables method. I have explained the physical problems on the conduction of heat and solved by different methods. Fourier series and its applications in Boundary value problem have also been discussed
Mapping Land Use and Land Cover in parts of the Niger Delta for Effective Planning and Administration[Full-Text ] Ubong Paulinus Udoka, Alex Iheanyichukwu Opara, Godwin Ifedilichukwu Nwankwor, Osadolor Obiahon EbhuomThis research paper presents an analysis of land cover/land use characteristics within some coastal states in the Niger Delta as a basis for critical long term regional land use planning. The objective of the study is to help administrators in identifying high priority development and conservation zones including areas of production potentials for cropping pattern and specific areas necessary for land use optimization. The land use/ land cover mapping of the study area revealed a cluster of urban settlements at the center of each of the three states. A cluster settlement is an indicator of organized human habitation within which socio-economic activities (transportation systems, communication, administrative system and education) and other developmental activities revolve around. This study identified 13 significant cluster settlements with 6 of the clusters occurring within Akwa Ibom State, 4 in Rivers State and 3 in Bayelsa state. These clusters are settlement areas of dense habitation ranging from 63.5 Sq. Km to 581 Sq. Km with the largest occurring in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The Land use analysis within the study area shows a high pressure on forest resources over other land resources (such as farm and grass land). Among the three states covered wthin this study, Rivers State has the highest forest resources, while Bayelsa State has the highest water resources.
Exploring the Spirituality – Texts and contexts in Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day[Full-Text ] P.K.Selvaraj and Dr.V.N.ManjulaMiranda Day receives the name “Mama Day” not because she has many children of her personal, she has none---but because as midwife, she has formed or birthed, most of residents of Willow Springs. She has served as mother not only to her own blood relations but to various people of the island, she is recognized as the most powerful conjurist on the island. Mama Day is a modern love story, a timeless generational history, an amazing tale of the supernatural power of African-American traditions. It is a novel that passes through the worlds of the black and white. The first one is the southern barrier in the island of Willow Springs, a place which is not exempted from the racial laws of men. As God has created the earth in six days so has Naylor took longer to create her personal universe in Mama Day. The other world, New York City is multi-racial, multi linguist governed by stern and apparently heartless codes of love. Naylor gives each of world its personal storyline and storyteller and then brings them together. She also explores and examines several reconciliations between the blacks rustic past and their urban present, between allegory and the past, between individuals and communities, sense and trust and at last the living and the dead. On the other side, Miranda recalls the history of her father and great grandfather, Boscombe, who was a Norwagian and got married to Sapphira, an African-born and then forthcoming generation which has also witnessed the claws of slavery. Willow Springs is an imaginary place, where the blacks’ monarch rules in their own way and refuse to follow the rule and regulations of whites.
Scanning Electron Microscopy Study for Fracture Surface of Epoxy/Al2O3 Nanocomposites[Full-Text ] Faez M. Hassan, Hassan Hadi DarwoyshThe effect of Al2O3 nanoparticles 50 nm on some mechanical properties of epoxy resin was investigated (Young’s modulus and Flexural strength). Moreover, this study shows the effect of using scanning electron microscopy on fracture surface. The nanocomposites were prepared by using three processing steps with different fraction volume of nanoparticles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 %). Flexural strength and Young’s modulus of nanocomposites were increased at low fraction volume (Max. enhancement at 3%). However, at higher fraction volume, both Young’s modulus and Flexural strength were decreased with increasing of ductility, and the mechanical properties were enhanced more than that of neat epoxy resin. Fracture surface topography shows rougher and lesser uniform surface compared with that neat epoxy resin, more than one crack propagation directions as well as river lines are lesser in length and crowded compared with neat epoxy resin. The current study shows that Al2O3 nanoparticles agglomerations are very obvious in the fracture surface.
CO2 Study and dependancy of Ventilation Rate on CO2 Concentration-A Survey[Full-Text ] Ms. Rupam S. Rote, Prof. Ms. Rupali. R JagtapThis paper summarize the role of CO2 in ventilation systems. A survey also helped to study the current state of the art in Co2-based ventilation control with brief discussion of technology used, its reliability and how it is best used for energy saving. The control of outdoor air intake rates in mechanically ventilated buildings based on indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, called CO2 demand controlled ventilation (DCV). This paper gives the overall view of actual energy saving potential, ventilation system features, building occupancy, how indoor air quality impacts to implement CO2 DCV. The report presents the art of review of CO2 technology and applications with its literature review. In addition specifications while using CO2 sensor are examined.
Survey of Security Threats and Counter Measures in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks[Full-Text ] Sunil Kumar Jangir, Naveen HemrajaniMobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are pervasive, self-configuring, infrastructure-free, and ubiquitous devoid of any centralized authority. Mobile ad hoc networks have proved their efficiency in the deployment for different fields, but they are highly vulnerable to security attacks which is particularly challenging in wireless networks. The existing research that has been carried out provides authentication, confidentiality, availability, and secure routing in ad hoc networks. This paper is an attempt to review the prevailing mobile ad hoc network security threats and the existing solutions.
Experimental Investigation into the Effects of Construction Errors in Reinforced Concrete Beams[Full-Text ] Afunanya, J.E, Williams, F.N and Tok, T.YThis research investigated through experimental procedure the effects of construction errors in flexural and shear reinforcement of reinforced concrete (RC) beams. This was achieved by casting and testing fifteen RC beam specimens (1000 × 120 × 150mm) under the four point bending test in Heavy Structures Laboratory at Swansea University UK. The test variable is the arrangement of tensile steel reinforcements and transverse shear links. Beam specimens were categorized into two series according to their designed modes of failure i.e. flexural and shear. Flexural specimens were significantly reinforced in shear, to ensure flexural failure whist shear specimens were significantly reinforced in flexure to ensure shear failure. For each specimen series, three cast beam specimens served as the control whilst nine others (three for each construction error investigated) were cast with a construction error in either tensile steel reinforcement or transverse shear links. Analysis and discussion of results is based on the failure modes, ultimate loads sustained and load-deflection behaviour of beam specimens. Test results indicate that a reduction in the effective depth of specimens in the flexural series led to an 8.14% and 28.6% decrease in strength and ductility of beam specimens. For the shear series; the removal of a transverse shear link and the inclination of transverse shear links at 60° resulted in 14.1% and 10.6% decrease in strength and 12.8% and 20.9% decrease in ductility respectively.
Resource Allocation and Server Consolidation Algorithms for Green Computing[Full-Text ] Mostafa Sami, M. Haggag, Dina SalemIn cloud computing data centers, the only interest was high performance without paying much attention to energy consumption that is growing rapidly. Many huge problems come up from this high energy consumption. Turning green is a new concept for data centers, to solve these problems. Green computing means using resources efficiently and eco-friendly. This research paper proposes a scalable system that helps data centers use energy in an efficient way, by combining a resource allocation algorithm and a server consolidation one, their goal is to minimize the number of physical machines used to execute all required tasks.
Noise Reduction Techniques and Algorithms For Speech Signal Processing[Full-Text ] M.A.Josephine Sathya , Dr.S.P.VictorAcoustic problems in the environment have gained attention due to the tremendous growth of technology Exposure to high decibels of sound proves damaging to humans from both a physical and a psychological aspect. The problem of controlling the noise level in the environment has been the focus of a tremendous amount of research over the years. This paper describes a study of techniques for noise reduction which can be applied at the input to standard receivers trained on noise-free speech. In this review, we have classified the existing noise cancellation schemes and algorithms
An Improved Speed and Torque Performance of ANFIS based Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive[Full-Text ] Ms.A.Durga Bhavani, Mrs. G. Durga Devi, Dr.K.SatyanarayanaUnlike vector control of induction motor direct Torque Control (DTC) has several advantages. This paper presents intelligent control scheme with ANFIS controller (adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system) to adjust the speed of the direct torque control of induction motor drive. The performance of conventional DTC in Induction Motor drives consisting of PI controller suffers from complicated tuning and Overshoot problems. This control scheme uses the speed error calculated from reference speed and estimated speed which generates the estimated Torque and compared with the actual Torque. Simulation studies have been carried out for different operating conditions of the drive system; the results have been presented and compared with those of the conventional method. From the simulation results it can be observed that when there is a step change in the load torque, the momentary decrease in speed with the proposed method is less. Finally the proposed method will provide less THD in steady state current ripple when compared to the conventional DTC algorithm.
Structural, optical and magnetic properties of Ni-aluminates with Co substitution[Full-Text ] M.E. Gouda, W.A.A. BayoumyNickel – Cobalt aluminates nanoparticles (NPs) in the range of 3-27 nm were synthesized by a sol-gel auto combustion method using citric acid as fuel. The as-synthesized (NPs) have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET) surface area analysis, vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), UV–Vis spectroscopy and CIE-L*a*b* color measurement. Formation of spinel phase was identified by XRD. Cationic distributions for the present investigated system were estimated. The colorimetric data pointed out to the formation of blue pigments. These (NPs) exhibit a superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature with no coercivity and remanence.
The Effect of the Novel Anti-Collusion Fingerprinting Scheme on the Knowledge from Numeric Databases[Full-Text ] Arti Mohanpurkar, Madhuri JoshiThe effect of applying the novel anti-collusion fingerprinting scheme on the knowledge obtained from numeric databases is elaborated in this paper. Here, how the classification statistics are affected after fingerprinting numeric datasets is depicted. Several different classifiers are used for the purpose. This technique is primary key independent and resilient to additive attack. It is found to be highly secured against collusion attack due to the special insertion technique and the secret key used during fingerprinting.
First-principles Study of the Structural, Electron-ic, Optical and Thermodynamic Properties of Bi-nary Compound (AlB2)[Full-Text ] Shabnaz Afrin, Shalauddin, M. K. HossainIn the present study, first-principles Density Functional Theory (DFT) with Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) is exploited to investigate different properties of AlB2 by using ultra-soft Pseudopotential technique. The study involves the calculations of the structural, mechanical, electronic, optical and thermodynamical properties of AlB2. All these properties are studied at ambient condition and at various temperatures and pressures. It is found that the volume decreases with increasing pressure. Our calculated elastic constants agree with the previous theoretical data expect for C12. and AlB2 is found to be brittle. Calculated electronic band structures are doubly degenerate along Γ-A direction. The total DOS curves of this compound shares similar free-electron-like metallic features. The B 2p states dominate the conductivity of AlB2. The reflectivity spectrum shows that the material is a good reflector within the energy range, 8.15-20.65 eV and the materials should have no band gap. The static refractive index of AlB2 is found to have the values ~ 6.76. Debye temperature increase with pressure. The temperature dependence of α is very weak at higher temperatures and higher pressures.
Context based word prediction for Mobile devices with T9 keypads[Full-Text ] Apoorva SaxenaThe use of digital mobile phones has led to a tremendous increase in communication using messaging. On a phone T9 keypad, multiple words are mapped to same numeric code due to multiple posssilbe combinationsof different alphabets associated with the particular numeric code . The article proposes a Context Based Word Prediction system for SMS messaging in which context of the word based on prior words is used to predict the most appropriate word for a given code.
Preparation and characterization of ( PVP +NaCl) based polymer electrolytes for electrochemical cell applications[Full-Text ] V.Raja, C.V.Subba Rao, V.V.R.Narasimha RaoPolymer electrolyte films based on polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) complexed with sodium chloride (NaCl) were prepared by solution casting technique. The complexation of NaCl salt with the polymer was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) studies. The conductivity and dielectric measurements were carried out on these films in the frequency range 100Hz to 1MHz and temperature range 303K to 360 K. The complex impedance spectroscopy results reveal that the high-frequency semicircle is due to the bulk effect of the material. The conductivity was found to increase with the increase of salt concentration. The temperature dependence of ionic conductivity of these electrolytes exhibited Arrhenius behavior. The value of activation energy decreases with increasing salt concentration. Transference numbers were carried out using Wagner’s polarization technique. The charge transport in this electrolyte system is predominantly due to ions. Electrochemical cells were fabricated with the configuration Na / (PVP+ NaCl) / (I2+C+electrolyte) and various parameters of the cells including open circuit voltage (OCV), short circuit current (SCC), power density etc., were evaluated. The performance of the electrochemical cells in the present investigations compares favorably with the parameters of earlier workers on different electrolyte systems, which clearly indicates the applicability of the present electrolyte systems as potential candidates for solid state electrochemical cells.
Edge-Enhancement in Intra Prediction Algorithm for H.264[Full-Text ] Maha Sharkas, Mohamed E. Khedr, Abdusalam Z. AdhamIn an H.264 Advanced Video Coding system, an intra-prediction tool that uses neighbor picture elements within the current picture has been adopted for enhancing compression efficiency. In this paper, a new efficient H.264 intra prediction scheme is proposed. The new prediction scheme is called Modified Prediction Matrix Mode (MPMM). The main idea behind the proposed prediction algorithm is to differentiate between the best suitable intra predictions pixels, {vertical - horizontal}. The performance of our proposed modification is evaluated using Mat Lab code. The results show that our MPMM enhances the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) in addition to giving a clue for the object's edge pattern.
Inelastic longitudinal electron scattering C2 form factors in 60Ni[Full-Text ] Firas Z. Majeed and Fadhel M. HmoodInelastic longitudinal C2 form factors in 60Ni nucleus have been studied using the nuclear shell model that carried out in terms of configuration mixing with limiting number of orbits in the model-space (restricted model space) (2p3/2, 2p1/2,1f5/2)n and including the effects of the discarded space (core orbits + higher orbits) outside the model-space, which is called core-polarization effects, through a microscopic theory as first-order perturbation theory that considers particle-hole excitations from the core orbits and via the model-space orbits into the higher orbits with 2â„𜔠excitations. The shell-model wave functions obtained with the configuration, with a number of active neutrons outside the inert core 56Ni. The effective interaction F5PVH potential is used to generate the model space wave function. The simple harmonic oscillator (HO) potential is used to generate the single particle wave functions. Two realistic interactions had been adopted as a residual interactions to couple the particle-hole pair represented by the two body Michigan sum of three range Yukawa potential (M3Y-P2) and Gogny. The obtained theoretical results had been compared with available experimental data.
Synthesis of Silicone oil and Application on Knit and Woven Cotton Dyed Fabrics[Full-Text ] Md. Moyinul Islam, Jiang HuiyuSilicone oil have wide spread applications in textile dyeing and finishing. In this paper four different samples of Silicone oil softeners were synthesized on the basis of a new recipe with different chemical ratio and each of them used on dyed and white cotton fabrics of knit and woven. Several tests have been done on Silicone oil like ionic surfactant test, solid content test, stability test etc. Although, several tests were done on the Silicone oil treated dyed and white knit and woven fabrics. From the test result of fastness test, color strength test, tensile strength test, Whiteness test etc. it has come out that it increases the fabric softness, flexibility, absorbency, increase abrasion resistance, crease recovery, gives excellent fastness properties etc. It can endow the textiles with soft, fluffy style. Proper stability and durability can reduce the problem of the roller sticky, floating oil. It is colorless and transparent thick liquid and easy to dilute. It has the excellent affinity to all kinds of fabrics including cotton knit fabrics, woven cotton fabrics, jute etc. The overall results come out with great prospect for silicone oil “Sample C” in textile finishing.
Soret effect on unsteady free convection flow of a dusty viscous fluid between two infinite flat parallel plates filled by a porous medium with inclined magnetic field[Full-Text ] R.Panneerselvi, P.MoheswariIn this paper, unsteady laminar free convective flow of a dusty viscous fluid through porous medium of non-conducting walls in the presence of inclined magnetic field with volume fraction and heat source is considered. Governing equations are solved by perturbation technique and the results are obtained for fluid and particle velocity, temperature of the dusty fluid at the inclined magnetic field and concentration with various parameters such as t (time), M (Magnetic parameter), Pr (Prandtl number), Gr (Grashof number), S (Heat source parameter), Θ (Inclined magnetic field angle), ε3 (Porous parameter), (Volume fraction of dusty particles), p (Pressure gradient). From these it is observed that increase in inclined magnetic field angle causes the decrease of velocity in the fluid and fluid temperature increases by increase in heat source parameter.
MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF DIARRHEA IN THE PRESENCE OF VACCINE[Full-Text ] S.O. Adewale, I.A.Olopade, S.O. Ajao and G.A. AdeniranWe present four (4) compartmental mathematical models (S, V E, I) to study the effect of vaccine and treatment in the dynamical spread of diarrhea in the community. The mathematical analysis shows that the disease free and the endemic equilibrium point of the model exist. The model has disease free equilibrium point which is locally asymptotically stable (LAS) whenever the basic reproduction number is less than unity. i.e. and unstable when . The basic reproduction number which is the average number of new infected individuals generated by a single infectious individual in the population of susceptible, is a very important tool that helps in determining whether the disease persist and become endemic or dies out in the society.
Incorporation of Waste Glass Powder as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Cement Concrete[Full-Text ] Dr. M.Vijaya Sekhar Reddy, P.Sumalatha, M.Madhuri and K.AshalathaConcrete industry is one of the largest consumers of natural resources due to which sustainability of concrete industry is under threat. The environmental and economic concern is the biggest challenge concrete industry is facing. In this paper, the issues of environmental and economic concern are addressed by the use of waste glass as partial replacement of fine aggregates in concrete. Fine aggregates were replaced by waste glass powder (GP) as 10%, 20%, and 30% by weight for M20mix. The concrete specimens were tested for compressive strength at seven and 28 days of age and the results obtained were compared with those of normal concrete. Waste glass when grounded to a very fine powder shows some pozzolanic properties as it contains high SiO2 and therefore to some extent it replaces the cement and contributes for strength development. The results concluded the permissibility of using waste glass powder as partial replacement of fine aggregates up to 30% by weight for particle size of range 0-1.18mm. Glass is widely used in our lives through manufactured products such as sheet glass, bottles, glassware, and vacuum tubing. Glass is an ideal material for recycling. The use of recycled glass helps in energy saving. The increasing awareness of glass recycling speeds up inspections on the use of waste glass with different forms in various fields. One of its significant contributions is to the construction field where the waste glass was reused for concrete production. The application of glass in architectural concrete still needs improvement.. The study indicated that waste glass can effectively be used as fine aggregate replacement (up to 20%) without substantial change in strength.
Design of a SESLogo Program for Mobile Robot Control[Full-Text ] Nwankwo E. Linus, Okolie C. Sampson, Martins J. Gani, and Echegini S. NgoziThis paper presents a step by step procedure for writing a control program for SES mobile robots. Detailed explanation of APPLIC 37, a microcontroller usually referred to as heart of the robot which receives data or programs, process it and send it to the robot for execution were given. Also the programming software (SESLOGO) which enables the operation of the APPLIC-37 interface and the robot directly is discussed.
A STUDY ON THE CURRENT STATUS AND THE CHALLENGES AHEAD FOR PULSES CULTIVATION IN MAHARASHTRA (INDIA)[Full-Text ] Malvika SinghMaharashtra State is the second largest producer of pulses with 3.5 million hectare area under its cultivation. There is a huge yield gap across pulse growing districts in Maharashtra – Akola, Parbhani, Latur, Nanded and Amravati. Certain dis-tricts including Akola and Jalgaon are the major processing and trading hubs. Currently, funds have been allocated for pulse projects under NFSM and State Government projects. Seed production is by the Government bodies. Farmers receive extension of subsidies under Central and State schemes, and are offered minimum support price(MSP). But as there is always a shortage of good quality hybrid seeds, farmers see pulses as a risky crop and hence large areas are not devoted to growing pulses. Extension of subsidies to farmers does not guarantee productivity, which has lead to a situation of anxiety and depression leading to increased number of suicides in the state.
The Impact and Challenges of M- Commerce Adoption on Vijayapur city in Karnataka state INDIA (using online Grocery stores app)[Full-Text ] Dr. Vinayak Grampurohit, Mr PRAVEEN P. BADAMIThis study investigates the impact and challenges of the adoption of M-Commerence by Vijapur city in the Karnataka State. A sample size of 50 Local Kirana Store(Grocery), 25 Customers(male) and 25 Customers(female) aged between 20 to 45 were selected in each Street(area) using stratified sampling techniques with the aid of well-structured questionnaires. Googleforms was used to capture the data while frequency and percentage distributions were used to analyze it. In all, 1, 000 copies of the questionnaire were administered to the ten (10) Street area in the different part of Vijayapur city while 890 copies were returned which represents a respondent rate of 89.1%. The result of the findings revealed that the adoption of M- Commerce has a significant impact on cost effectiveness, enhanced availability, low environmental impact, reduced IT complexities, mobility, scalability, increased operability and reduced investment in physical asset However, the major challenges confronting the adoption of M-commerce are data insecurity of Mobile Payments, lack of awareness of online transaction, lack of development of local m-commerce localization apps,even lots of customers spending money on transactions that are somehow related to their mobile devices. This paper concludes by recommending strategies to manage the identified challenges in the study area.
Administration of Data and Big Data[Full-Text ] Sami AlosaimiThis paper explains the data and big data. Also, it talks about the difference between all of them and descries all the data processes.
Modified IDS-AODV for prevention of black hole attacks in MANIT[Full-Text ] Ajesha Patel, Anurag JainMobile ad hoc network is a self-configuring and decentralizing network which is proficient to structure network dynamically. Due to its dynamic behavior and lack of central authority security becomes the challenging task for this network. In this most of the nodes can get compromised from various types of threats such as worm hole, black hole and denial of service. Black hole attack is a serious threat which inject false route over the network by broadcasting itself as a shortest route. In this work, we use the light-weight versions of symmetric encryption protocols PRESENT and HIGHT because the goal is to provide better security by minimizing the number of computations used for encryption so as to reduce the energy consumption. The simulation of our proposed mechanism is performed in NS-2.34 network simulator and the analysis of proposed mechanism is done using performance measuring metrics like PDR, Throughput, Routing load and End-to End delay. The experimental results of our work outperforms than the other ones.
Use of Blast Furance Slag as a Filler Material in Rural Road Construction[Full-Text ] Namrata Verma, Neha Singh, Himanshu Kumar Malviya, Saurabh JainThese Accumulation of unmanaged industrial solid waste especially in developing countries has resulted in increased environmental concern. Recycling of such wastes as a sustainable construction material appears to be viable solution not only to pollution problem but also an economical option to design of rural road. The present investigation was carried out to propose the use of Blast furnace slag as a filler material in rural road construction. BFS is a by-product generated during manufacturing of pig iron and steel. Waste processed BFS were used in filling material by dry process to get modified mix in different compositions that were added to the raw material at different levels to develop waste create BFS from this study we came to know that the blast furnace slag an industrial solid waste is very useful material use as filling material in rural road construction.
Determination of lipase production and partial purification from local bacterial and micro algal isolates[Full-Text ] Dr. Amna M. Ali, Dr. Neihaya H. Zaki and Dr. Geddaa Al-rubaieLipase is enzyme capable of catalyzing and synthesis of esters formed from glycerol and long-chain fatty acids. Many types of microorganisms produce lipase, bacterial and algae lipases are important enzymes applications in various industries. Six bacterial and six algae species were collected from soil and research laboratories in Biology department/ Al- Mustansiriyah University, bacterial isolates identified as (Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas alcaligenes, Aeromonas veronii, Aeromonas hydrophila, Serratia marcescens and Staphylococcus aureus) and algae species as; (Chroococcus minor, Oscillatoria tunuis, Anabeana sp., Chlorella vulgaris, Nostoc sp.,and Chlorella ellipsodea). All bacterial and algae species were screened the ability for lipase production using plate assay and participation method for partial purification. Results showed a significant production of lipase for most of bacterial species, while very little to no inactivation effect for Aromonas hydrophlia, also there were an obvious production of ps alcaligenes and S. marcescens using plate assay method. A significant production for most of algae speices for lipase enzyme while very little to no inactivation effect for Chroococcus minor. Protein participation by using ammonium sulphate applied to purify the enzyme in 75% saturation. Results demonstrated that S. marcescens bacteria and Chlorella ellipsoidea algae were best isolates for extracellular lipase production, and that crud enzyme has less activity than purified enzyme. Isolation and identify the Lipase enzyme production form different local bacterial and algae isolates species has a great effect on involve this enzyme in the scientific application, because of friendly for environment, non-toxic and no harmful residues.
Brain Tumor Detection Using Shape features and Machine Learning Algorithms[Full-Text ] Dena Nadir George, Hashem B. Jehlol, Anwer Subhi Abdulhussein OleiwiOne of the common methods used to detect tumor in the brain is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). It gives important information used in the process of scanning the internal structure of the human body in detail. The MR Images classification is not easy task because of the variation and complexity of brain tumors. In the proposed technique, the detecting a brain tumor in the MR Images includes a number of steps are sigma filtering, adaptive threshold and detection region. Numbers of shape features are considered consists Major Axis Length, Euler Number, Minor Axis Length, Solidity, Area and Circularity to extract features for MR Images. The proposed method uses two classifiers depend on supervised techniques; the first classifier was C4.5 decision tree algorithm and the second classifier Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) algorithm. The classifiers are used for the purpose of classification the brain case to the normal or abnormal; the abnormal brain is classified into one type of benign tumor and five type of malignant tumor. Maximum precision of about 95% is achieved by considering 174 samples of brain MR Images and using MLP algorithm.
Misalignment Considerations in Laser Diode to Single Mode Circular Core Dispersion-shifted/Dispersion-flattened Fiber Coupling via Hyperbolic Microlens on the Fiber Tip[Full-Text ] Bishuddhananda Das, Tapas Ranjan Middya and Sankar GangopadhyayWe report the theoretical investigation of the coupling efficiency in presence of possible transverse and angular mismatches in case of laser diode to single-mode circular core dispersion-shifted/dispersion-flattened fiber coupling via hyperbolic microlens on the fiber tip. The study comprises first theoretical investigations of coupling optics involving the said type of coupler in presence of such mismatches. Employing ABCD matrix formalism for refraction of paraxial rays by a hyperbolic microlens on the fiber tip, we formulate analytical expressions for the coupling efficiencies in presence of the said two misalignments. Further, the lens transmitted spot size of the source should be equal to the spot size of the fiber in case of maximum coupling. In this connection, we use Petermann II spot size of the fiber in order to take care of non-Gaussian nature of field of such fibers and to make the prediction of the launch optics more realistic thereby. The investigations are made for two different wavelengths namely 1.3 μm and 1.5 μm in case of some typical dispersion managed optical fibers. Although, our simple method predicts the concerned coupling optics excellently, the evaluation of the concerned efficiencies and associated losses will involve little computations. The results present the relevant coupling efficiencies along with the tolerance with respect to the said kinds of mismatches and as such it will benefit the designers and packagers who are working in the field of optical technology.
Braced tube Structural System: A Review[Full-Text ] Hardik J. Patel, Prof. A. R. Darji, PROF. (DR.). K. B. PARIKHThe advanced construction technologies, evolution of efficient structural system, necessity of vertical growth because of scarcity of urban land and rapidly increasing population caused the development of the high rise buildings all over the world. Lateral loads i.e. earthquake loads and wind loads requires special attention in design of high rise buildings along with gravitational loading. Lateral loads can be taken care by interior structural system or exterior structural system. Generally shear wall core, braced frame and their combination with other frames are interior structural systems where lateral load is borne by centrally located structural elements. While framed tube, braced tube structural system bear lateral loads by the elements provided on periphery of the buildings. It is very much important that the selected structural system must be optimized and should utilize structural elements effectively while satisfying design requirements.
Congestion Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Network using modified acknowledgement with secure channel[Full-Text ] Khushboo Sharma, Anurag JainThe mobile ad hoc network is self-configuring and dynamic in nature. Due to its dynamic topology node can join or leave any time and each node behaves as router or host which can deliver the packets from source to destination. Due to the heavy traffic load over network congestion occur. To avoid the congestion on network various congestion control mechanism has been developed but in this we use modified-ACK based scheme for node authentication in AODV protocol. The simulation of our proposed work is done on network simulator NS-2.34 and comparative analysis of our proposed methodology is done using performance metrics such as packet delivery ratio, throughput, end-end delay average jitter and routing load.
The Causes of Complexity in Inventory Management[Full-Text ] Abdullah N. Bin SalmahIn this paper, I will discuss the causes of complexity in inventory management and what issues the retailers face when they mange their inventories.
Studying the thermal performance of a Geothermal heat exchanger placed underground the Kirkuk city[Full-Text ] Amir Kh. AliThe project is concerning about studying and experiencing the rate of underground temperature degree variation round the year for Kirkuk city , by burying a plastic heat exchanger in depth about two meters and installing thermometers on different levels of the specific depth in order to read the temperature of each level of the ground ,then allowing a specific quantity of water to flow from an outer source into the heat exchanger while reading the temperature of the water at the inlet and outlet and the heat transfer between the water and the underground soil.