Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition
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Face Recognition and Biometric-(Fingerprint Detection)[Full-Text ] Miss Snehal B. JagtapIn this work, the host-cpu performs auxiliary operations for face detection and fingerprint recognition algorithms OpenCV library is used for initial processing of the image and trained cascaded Haar-classifier. Viola-Jones algorithm is used to detect the frontal faces of the stored images. The process is carried out in different steps using Viola-Jones. SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm is used to detect whether two fingerprints are matched or not. The images are stored in the database. The keypoints are extracted and then these keypoints are matched within the given threshold. The experiments are carried out to validate the results and scalability in terms of image size is shown
Analysis And Design Fastest Adder Using Transmission Gate Logic[Full-Text ] Prerana ShrivastavaThe conventional carry look ahead adder (CLA) Require larger gate count as compare to the parallel adder, but it is a common viewpoint that area can be traded off in order to achieve speed. In our work the use of transmission gate reduces the number of transistors which overcomes the area trade of. The objective of our thesis is to design a high-speed adder, along with lower-power and smaller area as a prime consideration. A Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Transmission Gate (TG)-based carry lookahead adder 4-bit block has been designed. This 4-bit block is designed to be connected to other 4-bit blocks to form higher bit adders.
Extended trial equation method for nonlinear partial differential equations[Full-Text ] Khaled A. Gepreel and Taher A. NofalThe main objective of this paper is to use the extended trial equation method to construct a series of some new analytic exact solutions for some nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical physics. We will construct the exact solutions in many different functions such as hyperbolic function solutions, trigonometric function solutions, Jacobi elliptic functions solutions and rational functional solutions for the nonlinear partial differential equations when the balance number is real number via the Zhiber Shabat nonlinear differential equations. The balance number of this method is not constant as we shown in other methods but its changed by changing the trial equation derivative definition. This methods allowed us to construct many new type of exact solutions. We are shown by using the Maple software package that all obtained solutions are satisfied the original partial differential equations. The performance of this method is reliable, effective and powerful for solving more complicated nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical physics.
THE MANAGEMENT AND ENERGY AUDIT OF SUNGLASS INDUSTRY LIMITED KADUNA, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] ABDUL-AKABA TIJANI, AUWAL MUHAMMED, KANTIOK OBADIAHThis research was aimed at analyzing energy utilization in sunglass industry furnace .Data was collected from various units that constitute the furnace operation. Useful results were obtained from the analysis of the data collected. The results revealed that total energy produced was 52.642MW, energy consumed was 22.4MW.This indicated a loss of 30.242MW and furnace efficiency of 42.56%.The number of factors: flue gas losses, moisture present in fuel and evaporation of water due to presence of hydrogen. solutions were suggested which included further pre-heating of combustion air, pre-heating of raw material and reduction of overall heat transfer coefficient
The impact of Education on Poverty Reduction in South Asia[Full-Text ] Emad MubarakPoverty in the world of today has had negative consequences on people's life. In any society that has a high percentage of poor citizens, we see different diseases associated with it due to several reasons such as lack of education. Education is the gate for bright future, and it can change the way that people think about their life, and how they do things efficiently. Education can increase the people awareness about different aspect in their daily life; it teaches them different methods to stay healthy and stay away from diseases that could happen as a result of lack of knowledge. Education can help in reducing the number of poor people in any society. It will give them the opportunity to gain new knowledge and develop their skills in different fields.
MANET's great challenges in the general field of networking[Full-Text ] Kailash Pareek, D. PanwarA mobile ad hoc network is a continuously self-configuring, infrastructure-less network of mobile devices connected without wires. A wireless Adhoc network is a collection of mobile nodes with no pre-established Infrastructure. Laptop computers and personal digital assistants that communicate directly with each other are some examples of nodes in an Adhoc network. Each of the nodes has a wireless interface and communicates with others over either radio or infrared channels.
The Accidental Geo-Engineering of the Intertropical Convergence Zone[Full-Text ] There have been many studies which examine the effects of sea surface temperature (SST) upon the Sub Saharan climate, but few that demonstrate how events on the Sub Saharan continent may affect SST. The Atlantic Equatorial Mode (AEM) is a region of the Atlantic which exhibits a warming trend consistent with an increase in applied solar energy. The probable cause of this is by a reduction in the Intertropical Convergence Zone's (ITCZ) cloud mass above, which previously had been absorbing, scattering and reflecting away incoming solar energy. As the ITCZ's general cloud mass and African Easterly Waves (AEW) drift, form and re-form westward from Sub Saharan Africa (SSA), they would dissipate and rain-out as they cross the Equatorial Atlantic. Thus a net reduction in this cloud mass would produce a corresponding increase in sea surface insolation thus temperature, in a pattern which would have followed the characteristics of the previous cloud mass. Scrutiny of historic SST data as well as precipitation and river flow in SSA suggest that there exists a sequence of previously unrecognised climatic events originating in the Eastern Mediterranean, which are partly responsible for altering the ITCZ precipitation and cloud mass, causing both the Sub Saharan droughts and the AEM increased SST. That variability in the evapotransportation from the Eastern Mediterranean and Nile Delta southward late summer is causing a general degradation within the ITCZ. Human efforts to control the annual Nile flood since 1902, by the introduction of a dam complex at Aswan on the River Nile is the principle means that has caused this change to the East Mediterranean evapotransportation factor. That a failure to recognise the existence of this event may partly explain the inaccurate conclusions of so many climate models.
Deriving and Calculation of Values of Optimum Balance for Spherical Aberration from Five- -Order for Array of Obscured Circular Synthetic Apertures[Full-Text ] Ban Hussein Ali Al-RueshdyIn this research we derived the equation of optimum balance for spherical aberration from five order for array of obscured circular synthetic apertures, also to calculating the value of optimum balance for set from obscured circular synthetic apertures (N=1,2,6,8), the obscuration ratio (e=0,0.25,0.5,0.75),by using Math LAB program, and derivative the equation of point spread function (PSF) for this case, by substituting the value of optimum balance in equation point spread function for spherical aberration from five order by using MathCAD program, the results show an increasing the values of spherical aberration coefficients from five order with increasing the apertures number, addition to increase the point spread function with increasing the obscuration ratio.
An efficient synthesis of new fused 1,2,4-triazines as potential antimicrobial and anticancer agents[Full-Text ] Ibrahim M. El-Deen, Jehan A. Hasanen and Ahmed M. HefnyThe objective of this work is synthesis of some fused 1,2,4-triazine derivatives and study the fields of applications for the synthesized compounds (their antimicrobial and anticancer activities). Methods; new series of fused 1,2,4-triazine derivatives (4, 5 and 7) were prepared via the cyclization of 5-substituted-3-phenyl-2-(amino)thiocarbonyl-1,2,4-triazine -6- one (3) with acetic anhydride, phenacyl bromide and ethyl choloroacetate under reflux. Condensation of 7 with aromatic aldehydes yielded the corresponding arylidene derivatives (10a,b). Acetylation of compounds 5, 7 and 10a,b with acetic anhydride afforded the formation of N-acetyl derivatives (6, 8 and 11a,b) 1,5-diphenyl-3-acetyl-4-thioxo-7-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzylidene)-triazino[2,1-a]-1,2,4-triazine-8-one(6),3-acetyl-4-thioxo-5-phenyl-7-(3,4,5-trimethoxy benzylidene) -triazino[2,1-a]-1,2,4-triazine-1,8-dione (8) and 2,7-di(arylidene)-4-thioxo-5-phenyl-7-(3,4,5-trimethoxy benzylidene)-triazino [2,1-a]-1,2,4-triazine-1,8-dione (11a,b), respectively. Acetylation of 7 with acetic anhydride in the presence of fused sodium acetate gives diacetyl derivative 9. The structures of the prepared compounds were confirmed by IR, ¹H-NMR, ¹³C-NMR, MS and elemental analysis. Key findings; Some compounds selected as potential agents hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) were then evaluated in vitro for their biological activity on HCC-derived cell lines (the compounds show a promising inhibitory growth efficacy with compared standard anticancer drugs).In conclusion, some fused 1,2,4-triazine derivatives might be potentially useful in the field of cancer treatment, finally compounds 3, 7, 9, and 11a,b can be suggested as potent candidates for liver cancer treatment
Analytic solutions for nonlinear partial fractional differential equations[Full-Text ] Taher A. Nofal, Khaled A. Gepreel and M. H. FaragIn this article, we improved the Fan algebraic direct method to construct the Jacobi elliptic solutions for nonlinear partial fractional partial differential equations based on the Jumarie's fractional derivatives. We use the improved direct proposed method to find the Jacobi elliptic solutions for some nonlinear fractional differential equation in mathematical physics namely the space–time fractional Hirota Satsuma KdV equations This method is powerful and effective for finding the Jacobi elliptic solutions to the nonlinear partial fractional differential equations. Jacobi elliptic solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equations degenerate the hyperbolic solutions and trigonometric solutions when the modulus and respectively. This method can be applied to many other nonlinear fractional partial differential equations in mathematical physics.
Context-Aware Course Reminder: An Application of Context Management Strategy in Mobile Networks[Full-Text ] Edem. Williams, Giadom VigaleMobile Technology is increasingly being used today in every circle of human endeavor ranging from personal to corporate environment. Little can be achieved in this modern day without the use of a mobile phone. These mobile phones are very important sources of context information as they generate data that can be used to deplete the situation of an entity. They generate information on locations, identities of nearby people objects, and changes to those objects. In this paper, a context aware course reminder was developed using some advance context management strategies already proposed. This application shall among others seek to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of context management strategies in managing context information.
INFLUENCE OF SUPERPLASTISIZER ON FLOW AND STRENGTH CHARACTERISTICS OF CONCRETE[Full-Text ] Sishminder Pal SinghAs civil engineer's maintaining our duty to discover method of making concrete at lowest water cement ratio while maintain a required workability. It is now possible with the advent of super plasticizers. Today new applications of admixture have been brought into the market for production of high strength and flowing concretes. These super plasticizers were also suitable for use with other cement material like FLY ASH and PPC. The effects of super plasticizer on fresh and hardened concrete were investigated. The experiment program included test on workability, slump loss and compressive strength. In this experimental works we are comparing the properties of super plasticizer based concrete with that of without super plasticizer added concrete. Super plasticizer permitted a significant water reduction while maintain the same workability.
Modeling of the Effect of Moulding Variable Parameters on some Properties of Clay- Bonded Sand[Full-Text ] Aondona Paul Ihom and Aniekan OffiongModeling of the effect of moulding variable parameters on some properties of clay-bonded sand has been carried out. The data used for the work was generated at the National Metallurgical Development Centre, Jos sand testing laboratory. The data was used for modeling the effect of moulding variables on the green shear strength and bulk density of clay-bonded sand. Individual regression equations were developed, multiple regression equations were developed alongside with their coefficient of correlation and coefficient of determination and multiple determinations. These were sufficient for the explanation of the effect of moulding variable parameters on the two properties of the clay-bonded sand. The green shear strength had a multiple coefficient of determination of 0.5 and bulk density had a multiple coefficient of determination of 0.47.
Evaluation and Analysis of Human Folate levels in Pakistani diabetic Population[Full-Text ] Dr. Samreen RiazIn the modern scientific and research era, one of the most rapidly growing areas in biomedical research is treatment of diseases, particularly using advances technologies. The drug discovery and treatment is known to be a valuable field of study and has become one of the most attractive sub-disciplines in clinical medicine for human diseases. In the present research work, the levels of folate specific to human diabetes mellitus in the Pakistani population using advance technology have been identified and characterized. Diabetic patients and same age and sex-matched normal healthy controls were recruited from the Diabetic Clinic, Health Centre, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan were recruited and analysed. Total serum folate levels were estimated and analyzed initially by different standard referred assays protocols at Shaikh Zayed Hospital FPGMI and Shoukat Khanum Cancer Research Hospital Laboratories . All the samples belonging to the control and diabetic groups were then analyzed by standard referred protocol in advance instruments and estimated the levels of Folate which are found to be vary. The discovery of these levels might thus provide a method for early detection of risk for this disease.Variation in the levels of these levels have been reported in other pathological sates. Assessment of the levels of these levels will be helpful in not only early diagnosis but also in prognosis of diabetes mellitus.
IDENTIFICATION OF TERPENOIDS FROM KHAYA SENEGALENSIS[Full-Text ] Kankia, H. I., Zainab, S.A certain bioactive compounds terpenoids was isolated from ethanol extract of the bark of Khaya senegalensis using NMR The isolation yielded three new tetranortriterpenoids of the mexicanolide type. These compounds were identified as 2-hydroxymexicanolide, 6-deoxydestigloylswietenine and 2, 6-dihydroxy-3-mexicanolide.
Experimental investigation on the combustion and exhaust emission characteristics of biogas–biodiesel dual-fuel combustion in a CI engine[Full-Text ] Seung Hyun Yoon, Chang Sik LeeAn experimental investigation was performed to study the influence of dual-fuel combustion characteristics on the exhaust emissions and combustion performance in a diesel engine fueled with biogas–biodiesel dualfuel. In this work, the combustion pressure and the rate of heat release were evaluated under various conditions in order to analyze the combustion and emission characteristics for single-fuel (diesel and biodiesel) and dual-fuel (biogas–diesel and biogas–biodiesel) combustion modes in a diesel engine. In addition, to compare the engine performances and exhaust emission characteristics with combustion mode, fuel consumption, exhaust gas temperature, efficiency, and exhaust emissions were also investigated under various test conditions. For the dual-fuel system, the intake system of the test engine was modified to convert into biogas and biodiesel of a dual-fueled combustion engine. Biogas was injected during the intake process by two electronically controlled gas injectors, which were installed in the intake pipe.
A Student Enterpreneur : Quality Parameters Revisited[Full-Text ] Sowymya K S, Swetha KEntrepreneurship holds the major share in economic status of any developing country. Innovation gives life to engineering education. Engineering education is the right place where entrepreneurship can be motivated with innovation embedded in it. Here in this paper attributes and qualities for successful entrepreneur needed by an engineering student, training and opportunities associated with innovation in engineering discipline is discussed.
Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering (Result Paper)[Full-Text ] Nilesh P.Patil, Dr.Santosh S.Lomte, Prof.Rajesh.A.AutiThe World Wide Web is an interlinked collection of billions of documents formatted using HTML. The amount of web based information available has increased dramatically. How to gather useful information from the web has become a challenging issue for users. Therefore, the new technology is to be introduced that that will be helpful for the web information gathering Ontology as model for knowledge description and formalization is used to represent user profile in personalized web information gathering. Ontology is the model for knowledge description and formalization. However the information of user profiles represents patterns either global or local knowledge base information, according to our analysis many models represents global knowledge. In this paper ontology system is used to recognize and reasoning over user profiles, world knowledge base and user instance repositories. This work also compares the analysis of existing system and ontology with other research areas are more efficient to represent.
Effect Of Injection Timing On Performance Parameters Of Direct Injection Diesel Engine With Ceramic Coated Cylinder Head[Full-Text ] N. Janardhan, M.V.S. Murali Krishna, Ch. Kesava Reddy and N.Durga PrasadExperiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of diesel engine with low heat rejection (LHR-1) combustion chamber consisting of conventional piston, conventional liner and ceramic coated cylinder head with neat diesel with varied injection timing. Performance parameters [brake thermal efficiency, exhaust gas temperature, coolant load, volumetric efficiency and sound levels ] were determined at various values of brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) of the engine with LHR-1 combustion chamber and compared with neat diesel operation on conventional engine (CE) at similar operating conditions. The optimum injection timing was found to be 31°bTDC (before top dead centre) with conventional engine, while it was 30°bTDC for engine with LHR-1combustion chamber with diesel operation. Engine with LHR-1 combustion chamber with neat diesel operation showed comparable performance at manufacturer's recommended injection timing of 27°bTDC, and the performance improved marginally with advanced injection timing of 30°bTDC in comparison with CE at 27°bTDC.
HIV-2 Reverse Transcriptase using Chemical Similarity process of reducing viral attack and increasing CD4 counts in HIV-infected patients[Full-Text ] Jerwin prabu.A, Jenifer.S, Abbirami.SThe aim of this study is to examine the Chemical processes focused to reduce viral attack and increasing CD4 counts, HIV viral load after initiation of combination antiretroviral treatment. However by purchasing and assaying of selected top-scoring compounds from the library active anti-HIV agents are created. Subsequent synthesis and assaying of S10087 analogs proposed by further computational analysis yielded anti- HIV agents. Thus, with the aid of computational tools, it was possible to evolve a false positive into a true active. Antiretroviral treatment-naive, chronically HIV-infected persons (n = 1376 and n = 1605 for each of the 2 cohorts) are untreated. During the observation period (5 months), at least 1 HIV RNA level and 2 CD4 cell counts may be stable. Approximately 35% were nonwhite, and 45% had risk factors. Currently, the data would generally support initiation of HAART in patients with CD4 cell counts more than 350 cells/µl. However, from the strong potential for confounding in observational studies and the lack of adjustment for lead-time bias in many analyses, it is not possible to rule out possible long-term detrimental effects of earlier use of HAART. In chemical process we can use these chemicals and it is possible to reduce the critical bond in HIV virus and increase the amount of CD 4 counts.
The Scio-Economic Determinants of the Education of Female Child and its Nexus with the Parent Expectations about their Future Career.[Full-Text ] Mariam Abbas Soharwardi, Dr. Abdul Sattar Khan, Maiwand Khan SheraniThe present study explore the Scio-Economic determinants of the education of female child and its nexus with the parent expectations about their future career by the using of the seven variables. The controlled variable is education and exogenous variable is Age of mother, Income of household, Family setup, Household invests, Attitude of the family, Expectation about her future spouse job. The primary source of data is used for the study and analysis done through Ordinary Least Squire (OLS) model. The results indicate that education of female child is positively related with age of mother, income of household, family setup, household invest, attitude of family, expectation about future spouse job. It also concludes that most families are against for girl's education for labor force participation and they prefer female education for their marriage purpose.
Determinants of Household Savings: A Case Study of Yazman-Pakistan[Full-Text ] Mariam Abbas Soharwardi, Dr. Abdul Sattar Khan, Maiwand Khan SheraniThe present study intended to prober the impact of household savings behavior of Pakistan and based on primary data which collected from the both the rural and as well as urban areas of Yazman a city in District Bahawalpur. The total household saving is the Controlled variable, and the Income of household head, Children education expenditures, Income source, Land size in acres, total Unmarried, the total Family size are the Explanatory variables The estimation of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) indicates that there are four variables showing the significant results and suggested that households are less likely to save due to Children's educational expenditures, Family size, value of house and liabilities to be pay. The Income of head, Income sources, and the Land size in acres which have positive impact on total household savings.
Cipher-text Security from Cipher text Policy Attribute Based Encryption in cloud computing[Full-Text ] Udaya Priya Darsini., Mrs.S.Geofrin Shirly, Dr.S.NeduncheliyanThe hot technology of current trend to store bulk information in a virtual memory is cloud computing. Using this technology the data owner secures the information in cloud server. To security concern, so many cryptographic techniques are available. But most of these techniques failed to deliver security against the information stored in cloud server. To obtain data confidentiality, scalability, flexibility, and fine grained access control in stored information, the cipher text policy attribute based encryption (CP-ABE) is compared with key policy attribute based encryption (KP-ABE) and is also proved. CP-ABE is performed efficient security provider against KP-ABE.
Zero Turn Four Wheel Steering System[Full-Text ] Er. Amitesh Kumar, Dr.Dinesh.N.KambleConventional steering mechanism involves either the use of Ackerman or Davis steering systems. The disadvantage associated with these systems is the minimum turning radius that is possible for the steering action. This difficulty that is associated with the conventional methods of steering is eliminated by employing a four wheel steering system. In this system, the wheels connected to the front axles are turned opposite to each other, and so are the wheels connected to the rear axle. The wheels on the on left half vehicle rotate in one direction and the ones on the right half of the vehicle rotate in the opposite direction. This arrangement of the wheels enables the vehicle to turn 360 degrees, without moving from the spot, i.e. the vehicle has zero turning radius. This helps in maneuvering the vehicle in tight spaces such as parking lots and within small compounds.
Experimental investigation on emissions of direct injection diesel engine operating on dual fuel mode with Polanga based biodiesel and Ethanol[Full-Text ] Kumar Deepak, Garg Rajnish, Tripathi R. K.In this research work ethyl alcohol is injected in combination with biodiesel fuel into the engine to decrease pollutants including smoke and NOx. Present research aimed at hardware development for introduction of ethanol in a direct injection diesel engine along with other fuel and to investigate emission characteristics. It talks on infrastructure, economics, and engine emissions etc. The use of biodiesel and ethanol in conventional direct injection diesel engines result in substantial decrease in NOx emission, carbon monoxide emission, carbon dioxide and particulate.
Study of Tools, Techniques and Factors used in Lean Six Sigma[Full-Text ] Abdulrakeeb A. Ghaleb, Mahmoud A. El-Sharief, Mohamed. G. El-SebaieMany companies look for ways to improve their production and management processes in order to remain competitive in the market. This calls for ways to reduce production cost, enhance productivity and improve product quality. Therefore, companies must utilize the available resources efficiently in order to cater their customers with high quality products at low prices.Lean Manufacturing focuses on elimination of waste and thus increases overall speed of the processes or services; its use increased after the 1973’s energy crisis in Japan. While, in 1980s appeared six sigma in USA, which focuses on quality and thus reduce variation in process and improve the efficiency of process. Recently, Lean six sigma is a business improvement methodology, which combines tools and techniques from both lean manufacturing and six sigma, the result, is better quality, optimized process and increase efficiency.This study shows that the developing countries and the most advanced are given more importance to lean six sigma than other least developed countries. The most factors that used in lean six sigma are time, cost and defects, but some of research merged among more than a factor from these factors.The tools and techniques most used for lean Six Sigma in the industry sector are the value stream mapping, cause and effect diagram and process flow diagram. The tools and techniques most used in the health sector is the cause and effect diagram technique, while the value stream mapping, process flow diagram and cause and effect diagram are the tools and techniques most used in the service sector.
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