Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition
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Transformation of seismic discontinuous waves by hyperboloid interfaces in anisotropic elastic media[Full-Text ] Nabil W. Musa, V. I. Gulyayev, G. M. Ivanchenko, Yu. A. Zaets, Hasan AldabasIn this paper, interaction of discontinuous waves with hyperboloid heterogeneities in anisotropic elastic media is investigated. It is shown that the interactions are accompanied by formation of reflected and refracted quasi-longitudinal and quasi-shear discontinuous waves which can be focused or scattered by elastic "mirrors" and "lenses" depending on their geometric outlines and acoustical properties. The set up problem solutions can be used for discovering the most and least seismically hazardous zones in the earth crust and for interpretation of geophysical data about geological rock structures.
Soil Sub- grade Improvement Using Human Hair Fiber[Full-Text ] Wajid Ali Butt, Karan Gupta, Hamidullah Naik, Showkat Maqbool BhatAccumulation of solid waste requires a large area for its disposal. Human hair fiber (HHF) a non- degradable matter is creating an environmental problem so its use in soil improvement can minimize the problem. Also human hair fiber available in abundance at a very low cost. The main purpose of this research is to understand and investigate the variations in the strength of the cohesive soils using human hair fibers (natural fiber) as a soil reinforcing material. The study also includes the determination of the optimum reinforcement in terms of fiber content and length. The HHF randomly mixed in clayey soil samples were tested for its engineering property (Strength) by performing CBR tests on a number of samples by using the different percentage of fibers and comparing the results with the non-reinforced soil. Fibers of different length and equivalent diameter were used with an aspect ratio ranged from 295 to 500. The test result reveals that the strength significantly improves with the inclusion of HHF and also prevents the sample from cracking. Moreover an environmental concern is also included by utilization of waste human hair fiber materials and they can be made useful for improving the soil characteristics and to solve the problems related to the disposal of waste human hair fibers material.
Performance Analysis of Watermarking using Kronecker Product of Orthogonal Transforms and Wavelet Transforms[Full-Text ] Dr. H. B. Kekre, Dr. Tanuja Sarode, Shachi NatuThis paper proposes a digital image watermarking of still images using self-kronecker product of orthogonal transforms and Singular Value Decomposition. Singular Value Decomposition is used due to its high stability and high image energy compaction in few numbers of singular values. Kronecker product of two transforms helps us to focus on only global features and not the local features of an image. In proposed method, both these transforms are kept same to generate the transform matrix. 256x256 transform matrix is generated using kronecker product of two 16x16 matrices. Sinusoidal transforms DCT, DST, Real Fourier Transform, Sinecosine transform and non-sinusoidal transforms Walsh, Haar, Discrete Kekre Transform (DKT) and Slant transform are explored to generate transform matrix using self kronecker product. Using self kronecker product improves the performance against compression attack by 27-83%, against noise addition attack, 25% to 100 % and for resizing attack self kronecker product improves the robustness over self-wavelet transforms by 34-100%. For histogram equalization performance improvement from 5 to 34% is observed.
Sulphur hexa fluoride (SF6) extra high voltage circuit breakers and its technical considerations to improve its quality and design. [Full-Text ] G MAHABEI, Mr.C.B.V.SUBBARAYUDUThe Interruption of electric power circuits has always been an essential function, especially in cases of overloads or short circuits when immediate interruption of the current flow becomes necessary as a protective measure. In earliest times, circuits could only be broken only by separation of contacts in air followed by drawing the resulting arc out to such a length that it could no longer be maintained. As the voltage and current capacity of power systems grew, however this means of interuption soon became inadequate and special devices called circuit breakers.So basically a mordern circuit breaker can be defined as an electromechanical device capable of making ,breaking and carrying currents under both normal and abnormal conditions.
CRYPTOGRAPHY[Full-Text ] B.karthicsoniaCryptography operates by a sender scrambling or encrypting the original message or plaintext in a systematic way that obscures its meaning. The encrypted message or crypto text is transmitted, and the receiver recovers the message by unscrambling or decrypting the transmission.
EFFICIENT CLOUD SEEDING ON CLOUD STORAGE USING VIRTUALIZATION[Full-Text ] E.Ravi kondal, K.Nikitha, B.Mounika, B.K.N.PriyankaIn cloud computing files distribution and storage are handled by the cloud providers or physical storage devices provided by the third parties. The data which stored in the cloud is object based, we propose the index based cloud seeding (IBCS) on storage devices using Virtualization, and also balancing the workload on the server. To manage and optimize the client-server transmission status of the cloud seeding for optimal performance and offer suitable resources.
SINGLE PHASE AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESIGN FOR SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR[Full-Text ] Matthew E. Oboh and Jafaru BraimahThe Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) is widely used in industrial application to obtain the stability and good of different electrical apparatus. In order to get output of the alternator, the field excitation is controlled by the AVR. The AVR maintains the constant voltage up to certain of the load current which is independent of the generator speed and load. In this paper, the excitation control for the generator is designed by using silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) in order to improve the overall effectiveness of the synchronous generator. The control strategy is aimed to and delivers power to the interconnected system economically and reliably while managing the voltage and field current within set limitations. This includes a more accurate measurement of voltage and current, as well as improving the response time and system stability.
A Review on Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Slots for C Band Applications[Full-Text ] Nidhi M. Thaker, Vivek RamamoorthyOver the past one decade, there is a rapid growth in development of various applications involving wireless communication. The performance of all such wireless systems depends on the design and proper functioning of the antenna. Microstrip antenna are preferred for majority of their applications This is because of the inherent advantages such as size miniaturization, power consumption, simplicity, compatibility with printed-circuit technology, low profile, light weight, lower return loss, good radiation properties , small size, planar structure and ease of fabrication. C band are used in satellite communication, WiMAX, WLAN, Wi-Fi applications. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the research work done in the recent past by various authors on the design and optimization of the circular microstrip patch antenna with different slots operating in C band.
Multiple Tower Cumulative Radiation Impact on Pigments in Achyranthus aspera[Full-Text ] Geeta, Puja Kumari SinghThe objective of this paper is to evaluate the effect of electromagnetic radiation from cell tower on the pigment contents in naturally growing plants of Achyranthus aspera which is an important medicinal herb found as a weed throughout India. The present paper gives an updated information of chlorophyll contents in the leaves of Achyranthus aspera continuously exposed by low intensity of electromagnetic radiation . The photosynthetic pigments were observed to get definitely affected by electromagnetic radiation, reducing the pigments at the closer periphery of tower mast while getting towards normalcy at distances farther away. Thus it creates imbalances on the ecosystem processes and environmental health.
IMPACT OF HYPERTENSION AND LIPIDS IN THE PROGRESSION OF CHRONIC RENAL DISEASE[Full-Text ] Dr. Med. Driton Selmani, Doc. Dr. Lutfi Zylbeari, Mr. Dr. Zamira Bedzeti, Mr.Dr. Gazmend ZylbeariArterial Hypertension (AH) and lipid abnormalities are among the most important causes that accelerate the progression of chronic renal disease (CRD) and the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The etiology of arterial hypertension is a multifactorial (near 20-25% of cases with AH the etiology is known, while other cases are due to many other disorders: hormonal, renal, cardiac, infectious, congenital diseases or inherited, different uropstruksionet, RVU etc. Lipid metabolism disorders in patients with CRD are described the first time in 1827 by Dr. Bright, especially in patients with nephrotic syndrome (1). It is known that patients with CRD present the clinical picture of the earlier representation atherosclerosis (Early atheroscle-rosis) and serious cardiovascular, cerebrovascular complications more frequent and with greater numbers in younger population compared to healthy population. Arterial Hypertension is a independent riskfactor for the rapid pace of CRD with high consequences to cardiovascular disease and high mortality increase (2,3,4). Purpose of the Paper :The purpose of this paper is to verify and document the impact of AH and abnormalities of lipids in preventing and inhibiting the pace of progress of CRD and manifestations of AH against cardiovascular diseases (CVD) The paper also aimed to detect the positive effects and impact of ACE inhibitors in preventing the evolution of the progression of CRD and treatment of arterial hypertension (AH) treated in the Department of Internal Diseases at the Clinical Hospital of Tetova and in the Special Hospital for Nephrology and Hemodialysis ,, Vita Medical Group "of Tetova. The prevalence of CKD in fact is defi-ned by the degree of renal injury randomized according to values of glomerular filtration rate (GFR, Glomerular Filtration Rate) according Coccroft & Gault formula. Patients in stage 1 (GFR of =90ml / min / 1.73m 2 and 2 and 60-89 ml / min / 1.73m 2 of Chronic Kidney Dise-ase (CKD) should show minor damage to the kidney (eg, 1 actor 1 nsive), and , Respectively stage 3, 4, and 5 correspond to the GFR of 30-59, 15-29, and <15 ml / minute, respectively, regardless of any event and show the other symptoms of kidney damage (5)
READABILITY OF APPROVED BASIC SCIENCE TEXTBOOKS IN USE IN EBONYI STATE JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS[Full-Text ] Chinyere Agatha OmebeThis study was an evaluation study aimed at evaluating the readability of basic science textbook in use in Ebonyi state junior secondary school. The study two research questions guided the study. The sample comprised twelve basic science textbooks, eighteen secondary schools and fifty four teachers. One instrument was used basic science textbooks readability test (BSTRT). This is a close technique for determining the readability of basic science textbooks. It was validated by three experts in educational measurement and evaluation from Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. The BSTRT was assessed for readability using test re-test procedure. The mean readability scores of the students of each class level together with the standard deviation were calculated and interpreted based on guide line provided by Bormuth (1998) and Harrrison (1980) as shown below. Below 40% is not readable, 40-45% is readable and above 45% is very readable. mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. The finding revealed that nine out of (12) twelve basic science textbooks were readable and there is a slight variation in their reading ability across class levels. The study finally concluded that nine textbooks out of twelve (12) are readable and there is a little variation in their reading ability across class levels. It was recommended among others that basic science textbooks used for teaching students need to be periodically revised with the view to make them readable and enrich them in terms of readability.
Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Hardness Value Change with Diametric Distance of Heat Treated Steel[Full-Text ] Aondona Paul Ihom, Aniekan OffiongThe work ‘Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Hardness Value Change with Diametric Distance of Heat Treated Steel’ has been carefully undertaken using data generated empirically at the University of Jos, Makurdi Campus, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering heat treatment laboratory. A large data was generated through the carburization of carburizing steel using 80 wt% charcoal/ 20 wt. % cowbone. The operation was carried out at 900OC for 6 hrs using electric furnace. The quenching was done in water and tempering was done at 150OC. The data was subjected to statistical analysis and it was discovered that there was strong relationship between the hardness and the distance below the surface of the carburized steel. This was reflected in the coefficient of determination (r2) which was +0.98. A mathematical model was developed for the prediction of hardness at any point below the surface of the heat treated steel and the accuracy of the model was determined using various parameters like standard error, confidence limits and significance tests.
FEA of electromagnetic forming using a new coupling algorithm: effects of strain hardening properties and anisotropy[Full-Text ] Ali M. Abdelhafeez, M.M. Nemat-Alla, M.G. El-SebaieElectromagnetic forming is a sheet metal forming technique which utilizes magnetic fields to drive the workpiece deformation at high speed. Modeling of such dynamic deformation is considered as a multi-physics simulation which involves electromagnetic model and mechanical model and a coupling algorithm.
Micro hydropower turbines designs: A Review.[Full-Text ] Urmila Zope, Prof.Dr. P.S.PingleTo provide electricity in off grid areas of the country, Pico-hydro power plants are very good option. Harnessing of energy from falling water,is theHydro power,such as water falling through steep mountain as a waterfall. The flowing water energy is converted into useful mechanical power by means of a water turbine. By using an alternator or a generator.the mechanical power from the turbine can be converted into electricit. Hydro power plant scheme are classified aspico, micro, mini & small having power generation capacity of less 5KW, 100kW, 1000KW, and 6000KW respectively. To supply power to a small group of users or communities,Pico hydro power plants may be used, where general electricity supply grid is not reachable. Generation of electricity through small natural water resources like waterfall or stream flow, can be used for small purposes at low cost. Actually this work utilizing natural water resource for such purpose started from 1853. This paper discusses review of work performed on generation of hydroelectric power by using various water turbine including already existing and also newly designed turbine. This paper is a comprehensive review of different types of water turbines developed by different researchers as per need.
Comparative Study of Nanotechnology based Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Approach[Full-Text ] Girish Patil, Shashikant S. Patil, Sachin Sonawane, Amar Khalore, Pushpanjali M. ChouragadeCancer is caused by damage of genes which control the growth and division of cells. Diagnosis is possible by confirming the growth of the cells and treated by rectifying the damaging mechanism of the genes or by stopping the blood supply to the affected cells or by destroying it. Conventional diagnosis methods of the cancer are based on observation of the physical changes in the organ by X-rays and/or CT Scans and are confirmed by biopsy through cell culture. However, the inadequacy of such methods is that these are less sensitivity and the detection is possible only after considerable growth of the cancerous cells. The traditional treatment schemes of cancer are surgery, chemo therapy and radiation therapy having their own limitations. The Nanotechnology based methods emerging as an alternative for cancer diagnosis as well as treatment. Nano Particles (NP) being of a few of nano meters size and the cells being of the size of few microns, NP can penetrate the cells and can interact with the DNA molecules and resulting in improved probability of diagnosis of cancerous cell before its substantial growth. In the nanotechnology based treatment methods, certain NP can be engineered to absorb preferentially certain wave length of radiation and they are controlled to enter in the cancerous cells and burn them under the ambience of radiation. Nanotechnology can be used to create therapeutic agents that target specific cells and deliver toxin to kill them. The NP can easily circulate through the body, detect molecular changes caused by cancer, assist the imaging techniques, release a therapeutic agent and then monitor the effectiveness of the intervention. In this paper, such probabilistic methodologies for diagnosis and treatments based on nanotechnology are discussed. In addition the present status, application and toxic effects of NP and their regulatory aspects are also presented.
Proposal Security Solutions to Protect Automation System from Denial of Service in Airports[Full-Text ] Farag M. Afify, Mohamed B. Badawy and Maha S TolbaIn a denial of service (DoS), attackers may do attacks from a single device or from multiple devices that they control. Denial of service problem has great impact on all devices in Automation System (AS) in airports. A lot of techniques have been developed that can protect systems from DoS attack. This paper presents some proposal solutions to solve this problem in order to decrease the risk factor Using connecting the network with two routers. The first router is the basic and the other one is reserve. Then, dividing the devices in airports into normal and VIP devices, connecting VIP devices with two networks to prevent attackers from harm AS and the optimal solution mixing between the previous solutions, Trusted Authentication Device (TAD) and Trust Point (TP). AS will be more robust against a lot of kinds DoS attacks.
Mineral Detection and Mapping Using Band Ratioing and Crosta Technique in Bwari Area Council, Abuja Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Sadiya T. B., Ibrahim O., Asma T. F., Mamfe V., Nsofor C.J., Oyewmi A. S., Shar J.T., Sanusi M., Ozigis M.S.Landsat 7ETM+ of Bwari local government area of Abuja federal Capital Territory located in the middle belt of Nigeria was used to detect and map locations of hydrothermal alterations. Image processing methods used includes image rectification, spatial and spectral enhancement, band ratio, false colour composition (FCC) and Crosta technique. Band ratios 3/1 and (4/5 – 4/3) suggested the presence of ferric iron minerals and hydroxyl minerals respectively. Clay mineralization was detected using band ratio 5/7. While false colour composite of bands 7:4:2 was employed to delineate potential locations of hydrothermal alterations.
Multi-document English Text Summarization using Latent Semantic Analysis[Full-Text ] Soniya Patil, Ashish T. BholeIn today's busy schedule, everybody expects to get the information in short but meaningful manner. Huge long documents consume more time to read. For this, we need summarization of document. Work has been done on Single-document but need of multiple document summarization is encouraging. Existing methods such as cluster approach, graph-based approach and fuzzy-based approach for multiple document summaries are improving. The statistical approach based on algebraic method is still topic of research. It demands for improvement in the approach by considering the limitations of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). Firstly, it reads only input text and does not consider world knowledge, for example women and lady it does not consider synonyms. Secondly, it does not consider word order, for example I will deliver to you tomorrow, deliver I will to you or tomorrow I will deliver to you. These different clauses may wrongly convey same meaning in different parts of document. Experimental results have overcomed the limitation and prove LSA with tf-idf method better in performance than KNN with tf-idf.
An Art of Location Privacy on Social Media[Full-Text ] M. I. Pramanik, M. A. F. M. Rashidul Hasan, B. K. Karmaker, Tosaddek AlomNow a days location based services are very much popular application in social media through mobile devices such as smartphones, PDAs, and like so. But at the same time location privacy is a major concern for social media user and so protecting personal location information is a new challenge for the social media service provider. Addressing this challenge requires a mechanism that lets users automate control of their location information, services and security. In this paper, we argue that service provider should adapt an approach where location of user will be encrypted at first and then cipher data will be stored and processed for services. In this paper dynamic pseudonyms are used by the clients to protect source location privacy from each other and also proposed an algorithm for the service provider to do that job. Our system can be implemented with the existing network infrastructure easily with little computation and power cost. This approach significantly improves user location privacy, not only this but also it is flexible enough to support a wide variety of location-based applications used today. We confident that the proposed approach provides an applied alternative design for location based services and securities in social media.
Bawabat Makkah and Its implications in Improving the Urban Environment for the City of Makkah[Full-Text ] Dr. Ayedh F. Al QahtaniThis research study is a discussion of the idea of building a new town in the form of satellite town around the city of Makkah, as an alternative to the continuous suburban growth of the city over ever wider areas. The subject has become of great practical importance, and is beginning to engage the attention of town-planners, the municipal and the province authorities throughout the western region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A large part of the study is occupied by an account of the implications of Bawabat Makkah (Makkah Gateway), the satellite town that is now in the process of being built in the western region of Makkah. There are actually four satellite cities within Makkah. They are the North Makkah-Medinah road, Sharaia road, Al Hada road and the West Makkah-Jeddah road. The center of the new town will be designed in detail to provide facilities of city standards. Not only will there be provision for shopping, entertainment and office accommodation, but these facilities will be set apart from heavy traffic and provided with ample parking space. It is expected that government offices, school, hospital and cultural institutions will be on the scale provided in a provincial city like Makkah, and that the new town will be a true center of a vigorous district with an ultimate population of over thousands. This research examines the emerging trends in urban patterns in the City of Makkah with main emphasis on the role of Bawabat Makkah (Makkah Gateway) as a satellite city in the patterns of growth of the City of Makkah and the huge crowd faced by the city within the Holy place. First, outlining the historical background of the city and then examining different patterns of the population and the change that occurred within the last few decades and the future projection that goes to 2020 and beyond. As the data on patterns of change of population suggests that there has indeed been a considerable tendency towards a satellite city in Makkah region, the research study involves a comprehensive review of secondary source material to establish the theoretical framework for the research. It also explains the social pattern of the City of Makkah by social area analysis using variables, which are drawn from social aspects of the city. The model used in the research study depends not only on statistical analysis but also on interpretation of local conditions. A concluding section draws out the most important implications suggested by the research study.
THE NUTRITIONAL AND ANTI - NUTRITIONAL VALUES OF TWO CULINARY HERBS – UZIZA LEAF (PIPER GUINEENSE) AND SCENT LEAF (OCIMUM GRATISSIUM) POPULARLY USED IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Nwankwo, Chibuzo. S., Ebenezer, Ike. A., Ikpeama, Ahamefula. I., Asuzu, Francess. O. Uziza (piper guineense) and scent (ocimum gratissium) leaves were tested for proximate, vitamin and phytochemical compositions. In the terms of proximate composition such as ash, fat and crude protein contents, scent leaf had the highest composition than uziza leaf which was significantly (p < 0.05) different from each other. Uziza (258.67 mg/100g and 35.56 mg/100g) leaf also had the highest vitamin C and vitamin E contents than scent (207.65 mg/100g and 34.76 mg/100g) respectively which was significantly (p < 0.05) different from each other. Scent leaf had the highest phytochemical contents such as in saponin, phenol, alkaloid, flavonoid and B - carotene than uziza leaf which was significantly (p < 0.05) different from each other. The leafy vegetables evaluated contained varying amount of the proximate, vitamins and phytochemicals hence the regular use of scent and uziza leaves in our daily diet should be recommended. This could enable derivation of full dose of the required proximate, vitamins and phytochemical compositions and then better therapeutic effects could be also obtained.
Survey on Ontology Based Semantic Web Usage Mining for Enhanced Recommendation Model[Full-Text ] Mrs. R.Rooba, Dr .V.Valli MayilWeb Usage Mining is the process of extracting useful knowledge such as browsing pattern from weblog. The predicted behavioural pattern from the weblog is used to construct personalized recommendation system for website engineers. Integration of semantic information into web usage miningphases will support intelligent process in the web so as to prune the search space.Ontology plays a pivotal role in integrating semantic information into web usage mining. The deployment of ontology captures the domain of interest which deals machine understandable data on the current human-readable web. This paper discusses various methodologies to create domain ontologies and semantic enhanced web usage mining techniques which add semantic information into weblog data. The paper also discusses the framework of Enhanced Recommendation Model for Semantic Web Usage Mining which includes semantic metadata of web pages.
A Novel Method of Using Direct Torque Control in Bipolar Stepper Motor[Full-Text ] Mr. Ajith Asok , Prof. Dominic MathewStepper motors are widely used in motion control application, they offer highly precise motion and could be controlled directly with digital pulses and required lesser computation, driver circuitry. The stepper motors are used to offer stepped motion and hence the efficiency is considerably low. As technology advanced the complexities and cost involved in the drivers and computational difficulties were reduced through the developments in power electronics and digital signal processing. Hence in most applications the stepper motors are being replaced by Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) and Brushless DC motor (BLDC).
Electrical Behavior of (y)Cd1-xNixFe2O4+(1-y) BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 Composites[Full-Text ] G. N. Chavan, P. B. Belavi, L.R. Naik, B. K. Bammannavar, K. P. RameshThe particulate composites of Cadmium Nickel ferrite (CNFO) and Barium-Zironate-Titanate (BZT) ferroelectric were prepared by conventional solid state reaction technique. The presence of both phases in the composite were confirmed from XRD Analysis. The purity and stoichiometry of constituent phases of the composition were confirmed from Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) technique. The variation of dielectric constant (e') and loss tangent in the frequency ranging from 40Hz up to 10MHz at room temperature and as a function of temperature (ranging from 30oC up to 650oC) at four different fixed frequencies (1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz, 1MHz) were studied. Some irregular behavior of dielectric properties in the ME composites due to magnetoelectric interaction between ferromagnetic and piezoelectric phases were observed. The plot of dielectric constant with temperature shows a peak at the transition temperature. The AC conduction in the composites is due to hopping of charges between localized states. The DC resistivity of the ME composites were studied as a function of temperature, ranging from room temperature up to 800oC.
Position Tracking and Path Guidance for Alzheimer’s Patient by Using Shoes[Full-Text ] Miss. Smita S. Auti, Prof. Nagnath B. HulleThe system is a research area in the wireless communications. This system represents the necessity as a safety monitor for Alzheimer’s patients. Alzheimer’s patient is a person having dementia means the difficulties about memory with the concepts of place & time. Global Positioning System (GPS) Footwear System is a revolutionary, patented technology, designed to help individuals who may have a tendency to wander or who are not totally independent and possibly at risk of becoming disoriented and lost. Their tendency to wander may be the result of Alzheimer’s, aphasia, dementia, autism or any cognitive disability where a person is at risk. For the Parent or Caregivers, these innovative shoes feature the latest 2-way GPS tracking technology that allows you to quickly track and locate the wearer of the shoe Navistar GPS Shoes at any hour of the day using the interactive tracking website service. The advantage of the system is that, we store the wav file in any language and play it back.
Proto Modeling of Liquid Level Controller.[Full-Text ] Dr. MOHITE-PATIL T. B., MOHITE-PATIL T.T., Patil Smita A.In this article, a simple liquid level control system design approach has been discussed. The system makes use of three electrode arrangement to introduce hysteresis in the control which is necessary to protect the motor. The circuit makes use of IC NE555 as a RS flip-flop which controls switching of motor. The system has been thoroughly tested and works fine for different liquid levels. The MATLAB simulation has also been used as a virtual design approach and the results have been proved by the simulation.
Management of municipal solid waste generated in eight cities of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Sabiha- Javied, Faisal Hanan, Saira Munawar, Muhammad Qasim, Malik Muhammad Anees, Muhammad Usman Ghani, , Amir Azad, Moeen Khalid, Inam Ullah, Awais AnsarThe management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is a major problem in developing countries. Pakistan is also facing the problem of MSW management. The MSW consists of the wastes generated daily by the residential, commercial, and institutional sources. The insufficient collection and improper disposal of MSW can pollute land, air and water and may pose threat to human health and environment.. The management of MSW in eight cities of Pakistan was studied. The characterization of MSW of these cities has been discussed. Furthermore, existing pattern of collection, handling, transportation, treatment and disposal of MSW was evaluated for these cities. . The study was finally concluded with fruitful suggestions that will beneficial to encourage researcher and competitive authority to work toward further betterment and contribute to make Pakistan clean.
High Speed, Low Power ALU Design using Reversible Logic Gates based onVedic Mathematics[Full-Text ] MISS. SHRUTI D. KALE, PROF. GAURI N. ZADEIn today’s era nanocomputing attracts more interest due to ability of processors to perform complex and challenging processes with higher speeds. Processors speed depends greatly on multiplier, due to this regard multiplier unit employ Vedic mathematics sutras in computation algorithms which will reduce the complexity, execution time, area etc. In proposed design there are two techniques for multiplication they are Urdhva triyakbhyam sutra and Nikhilam sutra. As Urdhva triyakbhyam sutra performs faster for small inputs and Nikhilam sutra for larger inputs. Here a control circuit which by itself selects the appropriate multiplication sutra based on inputs. Also reversible logic acquires extent attention due to their ability to reduce the power dissipation which is the main motto behind low power circuit designs.