Volume 5, Issue 12, December 2014 Edition
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A Network Chatting and Sending Data[Full-Text ] Muhand A.Mutaab, Nahla Abdul Jalil, and Jameelah H.SuadTeleconferencing or Chatting, is a method of using technology to bring people and ideas “together” despite of the geographical barriers. The technology has been available for years but the acceptance it was quit recent. The main propose of our approach is to design a chat between two PCs or many depend on the application of this chat system. It is made up of two applications the client application, which runs on the user’s Pc and server application, which runs on any Pc on the network. To start chatting client should get connected to server where they can practice two kinds of chatting, public one (message is broadcasted to all connected users) and private one (between any two users only) and during the last one security measures were taken.
Resurrection and being of a Haat: case study of rural markets of the eastern plateau region[Full-Text ] Aditi Sarkar, Pabitra Banik, Rana DattaguptaHaats/bazaars since ages have been essential place for exchange of commodities where farmers and local people have congregated to conduct trade since times immemorial, exchange ideas, engage in social, cultural, religious as well as political activities. They are not only commercial venues but have been significant hubs of festivity and cultural exchanges.
The growth and yield response of Pui (Basella alba) at different lavels of Nickel under various moisture conditions[Full-Text ] Md. Samsuzzaman Sarker, Nafisa Sher, S.F. Elahi, S.M.A. FaizA pot experiment was conducted at the Dept. of Soil, Water and Environment, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh to examine the effects of Ni on growth and yield of Pui (Basella alba) under 40%, 70% and 100% field capacity (F.C.) moisture content of soil. The soil collected from Bhaluka, Mymensingh (Chandra series), had the following general characteristics; pH 6.0, Electrical Conductivity (E.C.) 134µS cm-1, organic matter 2.20%, organic carbon 1.27%, total N, P, K 0.024%, 0.07% and 0.05% respectively. The total Ni concentration was 20 ppm and the texture was silty loam. Three Ni levels were maintained by treating the experimental soils with 0, 50 and 100 mg Ni/kg soil. Roots and shoots of pui were collected after 45 days of sowing. A significant impact of nickel was observed on growth and yield of pui at various moisture content of soil. The concentration of nickel increased with increasing nickel treatment in pui roots and shoots.The length of roots and shoots, the fresh and dry matter production decreased with increasing nickel levels for pui. The results showed that nickel influenced the growth and yield of pui at various moisture conditions.
Development of hair-save unhairing method using organic thio compounds in pre-tanning stages of leather production.[Full-Text ] Ariful Hai Quadery, Md. Tushar Uddin, Md. Abul Kashem Azad, Murshid Jaman Chowdhury, Amal Kanti Deb, Md. Nazmul HassanThe function of liming and unhairing is to remove hair, interfibrillary components, fatty matters and epidermis and to open up fiber structure. The process of unhairing depends upon the phenomenon of destroying or loosening and removal of hair by chemical and mechanical means. The keratinous material (hair, hair root, epidermis etc.) are eliminated from the pelts conventionally with the mixture of sulphides (Na2S, NaHS) and lime which contribute to the high Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) etc. in the tannery effluent. The study showed that significant amount of reduction in pollution concerning parameters like COD, BOD, suspended solids, Nitrogen and Sulphide in tannery waste water due to use of thio compound as unhairing agent. This reduction is explained by the fact that thio compound is non toxic. The intact hair is also collected as new raw material for fertilizer rather than being discharged with the effluent. The strength and organoleptic properties, chromium content and SEM analysis of the leather processed using thio compound, indicates that the quality of leather is also considerably improved.
Availability and Reliability Analysis for the k-out-of-n:G system with Three Failures using Markov Model[Full-Text ] M. A. El-Damcese, N. H. El-SodanyThis paper presents Markov models for analyzing the reliability and availability for the k-out-of-n:G repairable system with three failures [partial failure, complete failure under repair, complete failure under maintenance]. In this study, we assumed that the working time and the repair time of each component are both arbitrary distributed (e.g., exponentially, Weibull distributed). The Markov method is used to develop generalized expressions for system state probabilities, system availability and system reliability. Numerical results have been facilitated with the help of Runge-Kutta 4th order method to illustrate the performance of the model by the aid of Maple program.
Influence Of Free Convective Heat Transfer On MHD Flow Past A Moving Vertical Plate In The Presence Of Radiation[Full-Text ] K.K.Tiwari, Aarti TiwariIn this chapter, the effects of radiation have been discussed on unsteady MHD free convection heat and mass transfer flow on a viscous, incompressible, electrically conducting fluid past a vertical permeable moving plate with radiation. The non-linear partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using finite element method. Graphical results for velocity, temperature and concentration profiles have been obtained, to show the effects of different parameters entering in the problem. Such flow problems are important in many processes, in which there is combined heat and mass transfer with radiation. It has been observed that the velocity increase with the increase in the radiation parameter and there is a increase in temperature with the increase in the value of radiation parameter
A Survey on Risk-Based or Design-Based Test Cases Prioritization[Full-Text ] Sidra Laeeq, Rushda ShahidSoftware testing is an essential part of software engineering. During the software development life cycle, testing is highly required to assure the quality of the software process and product. The software development industry spends more than half of its budget on maintenance interrelated activities. Software testing offers a means to decrease errors, cut maintenance and overall software costs. These thesis discuses a new approach to software testing that enhances testing process using a mix approaches of exploratory testing and risk-based testing. Early in the history of software development, testing was confined to testing the ended code, but testing is further of a quality control mechanism. If software cannot be tested prudently, it must be tested selectively. A risk-based testing approach provides proactive opportunities to reduce the levels of product risk, opening in the initial phases of a project. The other is design-based test cases, where the focus is on ensuring that the software is capable of completing the core operations it was intended to do. These results can then be charity to improve testing organizations and to identify better practices for test case selection
A detailed analysis of distributed load balancing algorithm[Full-Text ] Akbarali Kharodia, Rutvik Mehta, Miren Karamta, Dr.M.B.PotdarCloud computing provides information technology resources and services on demand using the internet. It different types of services like IAAS (infrastructure as a service), PAAS (platform as a service) and SAAS(software as a service). Scenario of cloud computing refers to the two entities mainly cloud service provider and cloud service user. Cloud service provider provides the cloud resources and services to the cloud service user. Cloud service provider must have to use its resources efficiently to gain profit, but challenging task for them is maximum optimization of cloud resources. There are many other issues in cloud computing environment but central is an efficient load balancing scheme. Some effective distributed solution is required for assignment of jobs to a specific server. This paper describes some possible distributed solution for load balancing like Honeybee foraging, active clustering, biased random sampling, compare and balance and dynamic compare and balance.
Energy and Exergy Analysis of Supercritical Rankine Cycle[Full-Text ] Mohammad Nawaz Khan, M.M.Hasan, Mohd. AtifThe present paper explains the exergy and energy analysis of supercritical Rankine Cycle. The plant consists of one boiler feed pump, one supercritical boiler, one steam turbine and a condenser. The energy and exergy analysis has been carriedfrom which energy efficiency, exergy efficiency and the irreversibility results obtained from the simulation has been calculated and plotted on the graph. The supercritical pressure is varied from 20MPa to 50MPa in a step of 5 MPa and the temperature has been changed from 550 to 800°C. The parametric study reveals the effect of these parameters on cycle energy and exergy efficiency. The analysis shows that cycle energy and exergy efficiency increases with increase in turbine inlet temperature and pressure and while calculating the fractional exergy losses and irreversibility it is found that maximum irreversibility occur in boiler followed by the turbine then in condenser and in the pump.
Remotely Controlled Spy Robot Using Communication Protocols – A Survey[Full-Text ] Radhika N. Shringarpure, Niti P. Gupta, Viraj Choksi, Dr Madhukar PotdarNumbers of terrorist attacks, crimes or natural calamities are occurring in our country. In such unpredictable conditions many people lose their lives, wealth and property. We cannot forget 9/11 terrorist attack in which 101 people including nine foreigners and 14 policemen lost their lives while about 300 people got injured. In such situations human beings are endan-gered of lives hence the idea is to make a robot to tackle these worst conditions. The aim is to make a spy robot which can go around in such conditions and provide information to the rescue team. This entire work will be done on ARM processor with Linux operating system ported on it.
Decision Support Models for Iris Nevus Diagnosis Considering Potential Malignancy[Full-Text ] Oyebade K. Oyedotun, Ebenezer O. Olaniyi, Abdulkader Helwan, Adnan KhashmanIris nevus is a pigmented growth in the eye, typically found in front of the eye, on the iris or around the pupil. Nevi in themselves are usually benign and harmless but the danger lies in it close developmental association with Iris Melanoma which is malignant and severe secondary glaucoma that require prompt medical attention. The bulk of the problem in combating Iris Melanoma and secondary glaucoma lie in late or undiagnosed Iris Nevi. Furthermore, the somewhat large variances in iris presentation of people considering how race and environmental factor determines the colour of the iris, pupil, and especially close regions surrounding the pupil may make nevi diagnosis difficult. The diagnosis of Iris Nevus is usually achieved by taking images of the eye by a medical expert for examination and then invariably archived as medical history may be used to monitor development of malignancy. Early diagnosis of Iris Nevi and hence medical monitoring reduces the risk of complications that may arise due to malignancy. This paper presents artificial neural network and support vector machine models as decision support in classifying processed medical images of the iris which can significantly raise the confidence of medical diagnosis.
Structural and Optical properties of Cerium oxide thin films prepared by Spray Pyrolysis technique[Full-Text ] D.Govindarajan and C.K.NithyaCeO2 thin films with different molar concentrations are prepared on glass substrate at 350°C using hepta hydrate cerium chloride (CeCl3.7H2O) as precursor solution. The structural and optical properties of these films are studied by XRD, UV- Vis spectroscopy and SEM techniques. XRD analysis revealed that the films are well crystallized in nature having cubic fluorite structure with a grain orientation along (111) plane. Molar concentrations affect the crystallinity and structural parameters like crystallite size, dislocation density and lattice constant. An average transmittance exceeding 70% is reached for the film with thickness of 112 nm. SEM micrograph shows that the particles are in spherical shape.
Satellite Image Feature Extraction - using Panchromatic Sharpening[Full-Text ] Deepa D. Divate, Prof. Dr. K.V. Kulhalli, Smita S. PatilSatellite data has been successfully used for various applications. Satellite images of different spatial resolutions are commercially available. But most times available satellite images are in compressed form, also of very small size and low resolution. This makes quite difficult to read useful data from an images for particular application. To overcome this difficulty we can preprocess that image to obtain panchromatic image, by using PAN-sharpening method. This Sharpened image can be used in various application such as vegetation detection, water bodies detection, highways detection etc. and to extract important features from image data such as area calculation. This will make a description, implementation or understanding of the scene more informative and user friendly by machine.
NEURAL NETWORK RECOGNITION SYSTEM FOR IGBO VOWELS[Full-Text ] Ebenezer Obaloluwa Olaniyi, Oyebade Kayode Oyedotun, Khashman AdnanHandwritten recognition is one of the problems facing researchers in the field of computer vision that many researchers are still finding it difficult to provide solution. Several researches have been carried out on English Language and Asian Character recognition with little work done on the African language character recognition. In this paper, we consider Igbo vowels character recognition; we employed several people to write Igbo vowels character with their handwritten. These characters differ in their shapes, size, and orientation. These characters are then resampled by rotating each one of them, this make the system to be more intelligent. In this work, the process of recognizing the Igbo vowel character was divided into two stages. In the first stage, preprocessing of the characters was carried out by converting the characters into binary using the threshold value obtained from the Otsu’s method. After that noise was removed by filtering. In the second stage, the feature extraction was carried out to bring out the important features of the image. These were further resized and reshaped to be fed into the neural network. The multilayer feedforward neural network was created and trained using backpropagation algorithms. After the training has been carried out, the network was simulated. The result obtained from the simulation gave a recognition rate of 90.2%.
Status of Tree Volume Calculation and Development of Allometric Equations in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Syed Moazzam NizamiThis paper reviews and analyse the biomass and volume allometric models that have been developed for various tree species in forest ecosystem types in Pakistan. The mathematical form of the allometric model, the associated statistical parameters, as well as information about the size (tree diameter and height) and the number of the sample trees used to develop models was collected from various sources published in scientific (both international and national) journals, student thesis and conference presentations. The total number of allometric models that have been reviewed in this paper are 18 consisting of 16 models for estimating biomass of tree components and 2 models for calculating stem volume. The spatial distribution analysis showed that these models have been prepared for dominant species of sub-tropical and coniferous sub-alpine forest ecosystems of Pakistan. These species include Acacia modesta (Phulai), Olea ferruginea (Kahu), Pinus roxburghii (Chir) and Betula uitlis (Birch). In biomass models, both above and below ground biomass have been considered. Besides information on model distribution, data coverage, this paper analyses the gaps and proposed strategies to fill the gaps. The collected information on the models provides a basic tool for estimation of forest biomass based on its ecosystem type. This information also provides input to support the national carbon accounting system and estimation of carbon stock changes from greenhouse gas emission reduction and carbon stock enhancement in the land use sector.
QoS Aware Scheduling Based Routing Protocol (QoS-SBRP) for Heterogeneous Mobile Ad hoc Networks[Full-Text ] M.Mohanraj, M.PunithavalliEnsuring QoS is the major research dimension in the area of MANET by which reliable transmission of data is ensured. This research fo-cuses in proposing a routing mechanism which ensures QoS through packet scheduling. The proposed routing scheme has contributions three fold. At first, a QoS-aware neighbor node selection mechanism is incorporated in order to meet the transmission delay requirement among the mobile nodes. Next, a distributed packet scheduling mechanism for reducing the transmission delay of packets is presented. Finally in order to reduce transmission time, packet resizing mechanism is proposed that adjusts the segment size of the packet in adaptive manner. The proposed routing scheme has been tested on NS-2 using the performance metrics such as throughput, packet delivery ratio, overhead, packets drop and delay. The simulation has been carried out based on pausetime and mobility speed. Mobility speed is evaluated using NS-2 in order to ensure the protocol’s performance on heterogeneous ad hoc networks. Simulation results prove that the proposed mechanism attains better QoS in terms of throughput, packet delivery ratio, overhead, packets drop and delay based on both pausetime and mobility speed.
Modeling and Statistical Analysis of a Soap Production Mix in Bejoy Manufacturing Industry, Anambra State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Okolie Chukwulozie Paul, Iwenofu Chinwe Onyedika,Sinebe Jude Ebieladoh and Enyi Chukwudi LouisThe research work is based on the statistical analysis of the processing data. The essence is to analyze the data statistically and to generate a design model for the production mix of soap manufacturing products in Bejoy manufacturing company Nkpologwu, Aguata Local Government Area, Anambra state, Nigeria. The statistical analysis shows the statistical analysis and the correlation of the data. T test, Partial correlation and bivariate correlation were used to understand what the data portrays. The design model developed was used to model the data production yield and the correlation of the variables show that the R2 is 98.7%. However, the results confirm that the data is fit for further analysis and modeling. This was proved by the correlation and the R-squared.
Data Security Algorithm Using Two-Way Encryption And Hiding In Multimedia Files[Full-Text ] Hamsa A. AbdullahIn the current trends of the world, the technologies have developed so much that most of the individuals prefer using the internet as the primary medium to transfer data from one end to another. There are many possible ways to transfer information using the internet: via emails, chats, etc. The data transmission is made very simple, speed and accurate using the internet. However, one of the main problems with transmitting data over the internet is the security threat it poses i.e. the personal or confidential information can be stolen or hacked in many ways. Therefore it is very important to take data security into consideration, as it is one of the most important factors that need attention during the process of data transmission. Data security basically means protection of data and providing high security to prevent data modification from unauthorized users or hackers. Data security has gained more attention in the recent period of time due to the massive increase in data transfer rate over the internet.
Use of the Falling-head Method to Assess Permeability of Fly Ash Based Roof Tiles with Waste Polythene Fibre[Full-Text ] M. N. Akhtar, M. A. Khan, J.N AkhtarThe falling-head method determined by using a permeameter cell is commonly used to study permeability (k) of soils and facility of fluids to travel through a solid skeleton. In present study, freshly mixed Flyash (F.A) based cementitious materials were studied. The Flyash of C category was used with different materials as a replacement of clay for making Flyash based roof tiles. Treated Flyash stone dust roof tiles (TFASDRT) were studied at varying percentages of Cement (C), Coarse sand (C.S) and Stone dust (S.D), with constant percentage of Waste Polythene Fibre (W.P.F). A research program was undertaken to evaluate the suitability of such test for assessing permeability of Flyash based freshly mixed mortars. The first combination of materials are at 70%, 60% & 50% of Treated Flyash (T.F.A) with the variation of Coarse Sand and Stone dust at 10% Cement and 1% Waste Polythene Fibre, the second combination at 50% T.F.A with the variation of Coarse Sand and Stone Dust at 15% Cement and the third and final combinations with 20% Cement were studied. It has been observed that the permeability of mortars was decreasing while increasing the cement content. Mixtures exhibiting lower levels of permeability were found to develop better statics stability including lower aggregate segregation and bleeding, together with improved hardened properties such as bonding to embedded reinforcement and develop compressive strength which is essential to make fly ash based roof tiles for the same proportion.
DDoS SYN Flooding; Mitigation and Prevention[Full-Text ] Jamaluddin. M, Touqir Anwar. M, K. Saira, M.Y. Wanithe purpose of both Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service attack is to make the network resources unavailable to the users. A typical DDoS attack is an attempt to disrupt the access of a legitimate user. SYN flooding is one of the most basic DDoS attacks. In a typical SYN flooding attack, an attacker floods the network with SYN packets. The attackers exploit the vulnerabilities of a large number of computers and set up their own army called Botnets. Once the attackers manage to set up a widespread Botnet, they can easily initiate the attack in coordinated fashion. DDoS attacks are statistically considered to be one of the leading threats to the internet. A common way to launch a DDoS attack is to send malicious traffic on the victim’s computer. There are various different techniques in practice to defend against the DDoS attacks but the fact remains that these attacks still remain one of the most elusive security attacks. The main reason being that the attacking machines are very large in number and use many different tactics. Intrusion detection systems are aimed at identifying and anticipating the DDoS attacks in advance. However, in order to develop such an effective and comprehensive solution, a thorough understanding of the mechanism is needed.
Development of Automobile Battery and Charging System Maintenance Training Manual for Technical College Students[Full-Text ] Ogbuanya, T. C. (Ph.D), Idris, A. M. (Ph.D)The purpose of this study is to develop automobile battery and charging system maintenance training manual for technical college students. Research and Development (R and D) design was adopted for the study. The population of the study is 348, comprising of 76 auto-mechanics teachers, 36 automobile supervisors and 237 students from all the technical colleges in North-Western States of Nigeria. There was no sample for the study; however, purposive sample was used for the students used for trial testing. Seven specific purposes, six research questions and a null hypothesis guided the study. The instruments for data collection are; Auto-Electricity Training Manual Questionnaire (ATMQ), Auto-Electricity Psychomotor Test (APT) and Auto-Electricity Rating Scale (ARS). The ATMQ, APT and ARS were subjected to face validation by five experts from the University, Technical Colleges and the Automobile Industry. The ATMQ was trial tested on students of Government Technical College Minna and Automobile Supervisors in automobile companies in Minna to establish its reliability. Cronbach Alpha was used to establish the reliability of ATMQ, sections B, C, D, E and F yielded coefficient of 0.72, 0.81, 0.76, 0.78 and 0.73 respectively. Kendall’s coefficient of concordance was used to establish the internal consistency of APT and yielded coefficient of 0.75. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, while ANCOVA was used to test the hypothesis which yielded a coefficient of 0.044 at 0.05 level of significance. The study developed training manual for automobile battery and charging system with pictorial illustrations for technical colleges. The use of automobile battery and charging system of training manual is therefore recommended for practical skills training in technical colleges, so as to achieve their objectives.
Design, modeling and tuning of modified PID controller for autopilot in MAVs[Full-Text ] Abrar Ul Haq, Sreerama Reddy G. M., Cyril Prasanna Raj P.The dangers of poor pilot performance as well as time and place conditions, low altitude and climate, damage critical aircraft control system. The use of Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle or (UAV) in sensitive and important Operation is required and there is a need for autopilot that can tune the MAV in different environment conditions. Furthermore, designing the controller system is one of the main discussed Dynamic issues in Flying Objects. In this paper an attempted is made to determine the optimal coefficients of PID controller that can reject disturbances and still operate the MAV in stable positions. Basic PID controller is designed and is adopted to control the MAV, a modified techniques incorporating ISA-PID is designed to reject disturbances. The PID parameters are determined to be reduce the rise time less than 3 seconds, settling time to be less than 8 seconds and overshoot to be less than 5%. The developed model is suitable for PID controller in autopilot.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)[Full-Text ] Mehak JoshiIn this term paper, the emphasis is given on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and infertility problem due to it. PCOS is one of the common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age. In this condition, what basically happens is the ovaries contain multiple cysts or follicles that develop but do not grow to maturity or produce eggs that are capable of being fertilized. Due to this problem of lack of ovulation, women with PCOS problem also suffer from major problem of infertility. In present scenario, researchers have yet not found the exact cause of PCOS but recent studies and present researches that are going on have come out with some causes like hormonal imbalance, resistance to insulin, genetic factors etc. Due to imbalance in hormones, women have irregular menstrual periods. The two hormones namely, estrogen and progesterone, responsible for woman’s ovaries to release eggs, are at lower level than normal level and then they lack follicle maturation. The result of it is that there is a filled cyst in the ovaries in which follicle mature to enlarge, forming cysts and hence polycystic ovary. Several physical symptoms appear in woman suffering from PCOS like irregular periods, hirutism etc. During the process of diagnosis, the patient is asked about his medical history and doctor will perform some basic tests like pelvic exam, ultrasound, blood test, and screening laboratory tests etc. Till present, there is no perfect cure for treatment of PCOS. But to reduce the symptoms and the problem of infertility associated with it, researchers have come up with certain treatments. Metformin therapy is advised by doctors to stimulate continuation of normal, ovulatory menstrual cycles. LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) analogs and Clomiphene citrate are the medicines which will help in getting pregnant and help the ovaries to grow follicles and release eggs.
Traceability versus Privacy: A Flow Model Perspective[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman R. AlazmiTraceability of objects or persons is the ability to track a certain target, its movements, its actions, and be able to locate it during the surveillance period. By definition, traceability contradicts that of Privacy. Privacy of objects or persons insures the confidentiality and discreetness of the targets’ whereabouts, their actions, and current locations. With the inception of Ubiquitous Computing UC technologies, such as Location Based Services LBSs, tracking and monitoring in Mobile Ad hoc Networks MANETs and Vehicle Ad hoc Networks VANETs, and/or Biometric Identification, both traceability and privacy could be either maintained or violated, because objects and persons can be tracked and or protected using UC applications. As the objectives of both terms Traceability and Privacy collide in UC applications, a rise in the need of providing a model to verify that each term’s goals do not contradict one another by drawing lines and/or providing channels or solutions to insure equilibrium on both sides of the equation.
Performance Analyses of Fatty Acids in Reactive Distillation Process for Biodiesel Production[Full-Text ] Abdulwahab GIWA, Alhassan BELLO, Saidat Olanipekun GIWADifferent materials are used for biodiesel production via esterification or transesterification processes. In esterification reaction, an organic acid is reacted with an alcohol to produce an ester (biodiesel) and water (by-product). It then implies that the fatty acid used determines the type and the purity of the biodiesel obtained. As such, the performances of the fatty acids available and used for biodiesel production are not, of course, likely to be the same. So, it is good to have some knowledge about the performances of the fatty acids available for biodiesel production so as to know the type of a fatty acid to choose for the production of a particular biodiesel product at any time. Therefore, this work has been carried out to investigate the performances of some fatty acids used for the production of biodiesel using reactive distillation column. The fatty acids considered were oleic acid, which was discovered, according to Kusmiyati and Sugiharto (2010), to give biodiesel that had the quality required to be a diesel substitute, and some other ones (stearic acid, linoleic acid and palmitic acid) found to be present in jatropha oil. Methanol was used as the alcohol of the reaction. The study was carried out with the aid of Aspen HYSYS that was used to develop the model of the reactive distillation column in which both the reaction for biodiesel production and the separation of the unreacted materials and by-products were simultaneously carried out. The results obtained from the study revealed that, among the fatty acids investigated, the one with the highest performance was palmitic acid because it was able to give the biodiesel with the highest mole fraction of 0.8358.
Quality Focus of Software Layered Technology using Analytic Hierarchy Process : A Case Study[Full-Text ] Jogannagari Malla Reddy, Dr. S.V.A.V. PrasadThe software engineering is layered technology. The software layered technology consists of process, methods and tools layers to develop the software products. The objective of any software engineering approach is committed towards quality factor. The quality metrics is a key factor in reduction of the gap between academics and practitioners. The various approaches (e.g. Software Factory, CMM, Bootstrap, GQM) have been advocated for the systematic design and introduction of software metrics for improving the process and capability in an organization. The software product quality significance is based on its layers implementation. This evaluation may be difficult to find, which depends on multiple criteria’s. The Analytic Hierarchy Process seems to provide an effective approach for properly quantifying the pertinent data. Even though, there are many critical issues that a decision maker needs to be aware. This case study examines some of the practical and computational issues involved when the AHP method used in real time environment to find out the quality significance.
Adaptive Gaussian MixtureBackground and Shadow Model[Full-Text ] Hussain Saajid, Huang Dong Jun, Naadiya Khuda BuxInmany video surveillance systems, we usuallycreatethe background imagesand compare the input images with the background images, then capture the foreground objects. The main considerable topic for this study is a dynamic environment.The environment with the same location may show the different luminance and different background for the color display, however, the light towards environment will also change over time.To buildthe background of a dynamic scene,weemploy Adaptive Gaussian Mixture to achieve the requirements of robustness and security.We usually adapts (Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model), for multiple Gaussian functions to describe the various background values which occur repeatedly so that we can adapt to the changes of the light by the adjustment of function parameter values. However, the conventional background modelsdid not regard the shadow as a part of backgrounds, so that the shadow was often captured as a foreground object, which caused an error on applications. The main purpose of this study is to build an adaptablemodel which combines background with shadow. So in a dynamic environment, we can capture the images without shadows from the foreground objects by using this model. Finally, experimental results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed method.
A High Speed Wallace Tree Multiplier for Fast Arithematic[Full-Text ] Nallaparaju Venkata KalyanA Wallace tree multiplier using modified booth algorithm is proposed in this paper. It is an improved version of tree based Wallace tree multiplier architecture. This paper aims at additional reduction of latency and power consumption of the Wallace tree multiplier. This is accomplished by the use of booth algorithm, 5:2, 4:2, and 3:2 compressor adders. An efficient VerilogHDL code has been written, successfully simulated and synthesized for Xilinx FPGA vertex-6 low power (Xc6vlx75tl-1Lff484) device, using Xilinx 12.2 ISE and XST. The result shows that the proposed architecture is around 67% faster than the existing Wallace-tree multiplier.