Volume 12, Issue 8, August 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 8, August 2021
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Stability measurements and Yield responses of Maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids across two environments using AMMI Model[Full-Text ] Shaba S.Z, Gana A.S, Falusi O.A and Ishaq N.MGrain yield of 15 maize genotypes were tested in a randomized complete block design replicated three times under water stress condition across two environments. This was to assess the genotype × environment interactions (GE) for grain yield and other agronomic traits using additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model (AMMI) and different stability models. Combined analysis of variance across the two locations revealed that genotypes were significant among all traits.
CFD ANALYSIS ON GRID FINS TO ENHANCE SAFE BOOSTER RELANDING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] S. PREETHI, Mr. R. KOUSIK KUMAARIn the Boosters Relanding System, the grid fins are used to slow down the boosters safely. The grid fins structure plays a major role to reduce the velocity of rocket boosters. During the boosters relanding the grid fins creating turbulence when air passing through that. Because of this effect, the reduction of velocity will happen. In this project, the grid fins structure going to change to create more turbulence to reduce the velocity of the boosters during relanding. This structure to be analyzed by ANSYS 2021 R1 (Fluent) software to choose a suitable structure for the effective landing purpose.
Management of Individualized Therapy Options for Chronic Diseases via NLP through Clinical Document Analysis (CDA)[Full-Text ] Bright KyeremehImproved therapies which supplement well beyond scientific proof treatments are needed due to the rising popularity of chronic diseases even amongst the worldwide people. A possible treatment is the secondary utilization of EHRs (electronic health records), wherein patient information is reviewed in order to carry out medical as well as translational research. Approaches related to Machine learning for analyzing EHRs are leading in a deeper understanding of patient medical histories as well as chronic disease risk predictions, enabling what was once an ability to obtain completely undiscovered treatment options.
Design of Pattern Analyzer for Fault Detection in Running Machines[Full-Text ] Haroon Akhtar, Shakeel Ahmad, Sarmad Ishfaq, Asad KhanMachines after failure stop production and then need maintenance. In this situation, industries pay not only in the form of maintenance but also in low and poor production. There is a need to design intelligent machines that can detect faults in the running machines before the faults occur. Thus, a low cost fault detector has been designed based on a unique frequency spectrum obtained from specific fault vibrations which actually detect faults in the running machines.
PH And Microbial Content of Soil; and Status of Reduced Glutathione (GSH) and Phosphatases of Soil Earthworm (Apporectodea Longa) From Glyphosate Impacted Field[Full-Text ] IYENI, I AND OBI, F.OGlyphosate isa widely used herbicide for the control of annual and perennial weeds all over the world. In this study, the possible effect of glyphosate on pH of soil and microbial content, as well as reduced glutathione and phosphatase status of soil earthworm (Aporrectodea longa) from glyphosate impacted field were investigated.
Distribution of anthracnose disease in orchards in the mango production area in northern regions of Côte d'Ivoire[Full-Text ] BROU Kouassi Guy, DOUMBIA Mohamed, Doga Dabé, ORO Zokou Franck, KOUAME Brou N’guéssan Akuèlou, KOUASSI Koffi II Nazaire, et DOGBO Denezon OdetteAnthracnose disease is one of the main major biotic constraints to the marketing of mango in Côte d'Ivoire. The objective of this work is to report on the distribution of mango anthracnose disease in the mango production basin in northern Côte d'Ivoire. This study focused on 740 mango trees spread over 20 orchards, consisting mainly of the Kent variety. These orchards are located in three (3) study locations, namely the Bagoué, Tchologo and Poro regions. The study consisted of evaluating the incidence and severity of anthracnose in leaf, fruit and branch organs of 740 mango trees in 20 orchards in the three study regions.
Acceleration due to Gravity variation with depth within the Earth[Full-Text ] Anil Kumar GuptaAcceleration due to gravity of the earth depends on the mass and distance of object from the centre of mass of the Earth. In fact acceleration due to gravity varies with density and distance from centre. Since our earth is non-uniform and the vertical mass distribution within the earth is heterogeneous, with increasing depth, density of the earth increases, although the distance of a particular point from centre decreases. But somewhere increasing density is more effective than the distance, so it increases somewhere, so that acceleration due to gravity firstly increases up to certain distance and then decreases, again increases and finally from core mantle boundary it decreases and become tending to zero at the centre of the earth.
Corrosion Effect on Bond Strength of Reinforced Concrete Structures Due to Surface Modification[Full-Text ] Gabriel Okonkwo Nnaji, Amechi Wilson Nnaji, Charles KennedyThe research work represented high-salt marine media and the possible use of terminalia tomentosa exudate/resin as a barrier to delay the risk of contributing to the reinforced concrete structure exposed or built within this dynamic coastal region with high salinity. The test results obtained from 36 concrete samples as described in the test procedures, 12 controlled concrete samples were placed in freshwater filling for 360 days, and the second sects of 12 non-coated and 12 coated reinforcing steel with exudates/resin samples were all immersed in a 5% solution containing sodium chloride (NaCl) for 360 days and carefully tested for their effectiveness, with a space of three months to test for 90 days, 180 days, 270 days, and 360 days.
EFFECT OF INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES ON STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN SECONDARY SCHOOL BIOLOGY[Full-Text ] Dr. Joy Nateinyin AkporehweInnovative strategies are instructional procedures that have been adjudged to improve student's learning outcomes. The impact of innovative strategies was explored in this study- the 5E learning cycle and lecture method of teaching on students’ achievement on the concept classification of plants (annuals, biennials, and perennials). The study used a pretest-posttest control group design. The sample consisted of 240 senior secondary two (SS2) pupils selected from a population of 4816 students in Bayelsa State's Yenagoa Local Government Area.
Conjecture Pattern Loop and the initial Number of the Loop and its type[Full-Text ] Arpit PaulAny conjecture pattern initialises with any non-negative integer lastly terminate with a loop whenever applying the ruleïƒ [when the no. is odd apply (odd*K+1) where K is positive odd integers. and when the no. is even apply (even/2)] and if this will continue with the concern rules, at last the pattern will terminate with a loop. In which the first no. of the loop can be formulate as (K+1) and it is always even in nature.
Monetary Policy[Full-Text ] Bhavya BansalThis paper talks about the design and conduct of monetary policy and also how it’s used as a tool to stabilise the economy over the business cycle, why the outcome of monetary policy actions is subject to a high degree of uncertainty. Will look at the macroeconomic policy from the point of view of Keynes and monetarists. Explain the theoretical foundation of inflation targeting policies and then it talks about the inflation targeting regime from the perspective of the U.S. and India.
Solar Energy and Solar Cells[Full-Text ] Ekamveer Singh GhumanSolar energy is the ultimate energy source for humans, as its characteristics are very appealing like being the renewable source and the most important is the cleanest of all sources of energy. These are not only reasons attributing to its advantages, but also the biggest available power source on earth. In the present situation, its cost is also decreasing rapidly. So
Business Dimension of Solar Energy in Pakistan and Economic Development[Full-Text ] Dr. Sara Batool Naqvi Business advancement of solar energy matters to insinuate its viability so as to reduce energy shortage and bring economic development. This research evaluates business dimension of solar energy in Pakistan. Structured interview guidelines were made to access the perspectives of businessmen regarding obtainability status and demand of solar energy in the market. The study derives 80% results of business viability of solar energy. This study is advantageous to have better understanding related to the existing market tendencies of solar energy in Pakistan and establish a link between energy independency and business dimension of solar energy for economic development in the country.
Intra-Organizational Outsourcing and Employment Contracts in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry[Full-Text ] Biriowu, C.S. Ph.D., Obibhunun, Lucky Ph.D.As sweeping global forces continued to reshape the workforce, the workplace has caught the attention of organizations to apply the concept of employment flexibility as a strategy in the structuring and design of work. Flexible work schedule allows employers to internally outsource (intra-organizational outsourcing) jobs through the adoption of shared services that are made to serve all the constituent parts of the organization. This study investigated the effect of intra-organizational outsourcing of jobs on employment contracts in Nigeria. This study adopted a cross sectional design, structured questionnaire and personal interview. Validity and reliability (0.842 and above) tests were assured. Responses were obtained from Managers of four statistically selected Oil and Gas companies in the study area. The study population is 157, and sample size of 113. Purposive, simple random, systematic and stratified sampling techniques were variously employed to select the respondents. After data cleaning, 93 copies of questionnaire were found fit for use in the analysis. 3 hypotheses were posited and tested. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation technique was used, at 0.01 level of significance, with the aid of SPSS Our findings revealed that there is a positive, strong and significant relationship between all the dimension intra-outsourcing and measures of employment relations in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. The study specifically revealed that the dimension intra-organizational correlate positively and significantly with the measures of employment Relations in the area of study. The study arrives at the fact that, the effective conduciveness of employment relations in the Nigeria oil and gas industry is premised on effective implementation of intra-outsourcing strategy or policy. Based on this, relevant recommendations that will ensure effective outsourcing and achievement of effective employment relations and sustainability in the study area were canvassed and advanced.
John Rawls and His Contribution to The Theory of Deliberative Democracy[Full-Text ] Aleksandar Jovanoski Ph. D. Kire Sharlamanov Ph.DThe paper presents John Rawls positions on social justice and political liberalism, namely thus two theoretical standpoints later served to develop one of the currents in the theorizing of deliberative democracy. Adhering to the definition of public reason and procedures for building consensus on the public good, Rawls in his early and later works developed a concept of political decision-making that takes into account the optimality of the solutions offered and the full legitimacy of the policy-making process.
Conceptual Engine Sizing for a Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using Statistical Methods[Full-Text ] Ahmed Shinkafi, Mohammed Ameer, Adeniran Ademuwagun, Cletus Udeagulu, Shariff Lawal and Paul JemitolaEvery aircraft requires a primary source of power to takeoff and fly safely in the air. This power comes from an onboard power plant which could be in the form of an electric motor, a gasoline engine, or a solar system among others. Basically, the type and size of the engine is determined by the size and type of the aircraft. Aircraft engines are characterized by high inertia and heavy gyroscopic effect which affect aircraft control and the overall flight performance.
SULPHATE INDUCED STRENGTH LOSS INDEX AND CALCINATION EFFECT ON PERIWINKLE SHELL ASH POZZOLANA CONCRETE[Full-Text ] H.D. Mac-Eteli, S.T. Orumu and E. EbioweiDue to high CO2 emission, production cost, and energy demand associated with the production of cement amidst its high demand, research on cement alternatives has so far centered on the partial replacement of cement with various materials classified as supplementary cementitious materials (SCM). The favorable prospects of employing SCM’s in concrete has since enabled its widespread adoption in many parts of the world notably due to its introduction improving the properties of concrete. However, the use of SCM’s does not come without its own concerns.
Selected Encryption Techniques for Cloud Security: A Review[Full-Text ] Olomi Isaiah Aladesote, Olanrewaju Victor Johnson, Mutiu GaniyuThe only way to have secure information in the cloud is to use cryptographic techniques to counter the activities of professional hackers. This paper presents a comparative survey of selected encryption techniques used to secure cloud computing data resources. The results of existing works on the selected techniques were collated and used for the basis of the analysis. Based on the following metrics: memory usage, encryption and decryption time, throughput, security, turnability, entropy, avalanche and power consumption, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Blowfish were found to a competitive advantage over other cryptographic methods for securing a cloud computing infrastructure.
Embedding Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Futuristic Digital Learning Environment[Full-Text ] Mr. Ch Nouman Hussain, Ms. Musarrat JamshaidWith the advancement of technology and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution just round the corner, people social lives have changed so are the ways in which people interact with others using smart devices and also the way they do learning. The situation has become more critical with COVID pandemic spreading around the world forcing people to conduct most of their activities on-line. In these changing times, people are shifting towards digital or ubiquitous learning environments where human interactions are becoming very mush rare. Embedding Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Futuristic Digital Learning design makes use of computers, mobile devices, wireless networks along with intelligence based AI applications in our day-to-day life. These communication and networked infrastructures provides a mechanism to exchange knowledge and learn from distant places while on the move at anytime and anywhere intelligently. This has entirely changed the way people are now learning and sharing knowledge.
Upgrading Quality of Human Behavior through Positive Vibes Induction in Urban Spaces - (The Case Study of Al-Korba square and City Square, Cairo, Egypt)[Full-Text ] Dr/ Maha Baher Ibrahim FouadSpace has no meaning in itself. It gains meaning and value when it is inhabited by human beings and serves as a place for their activities. These spaces should work for the well-being of its inhabitants. A city requires designed spaces to cover the public activities of the people; these activities are allocated in a manner that elevates the happy temperament for its users. Life stresses affect public health tremendously. The aim of this thesis is defining specific factors and elements to be considered through urban public spaces design to promote better public health. Population health should target both physical and mental well-being, to alleviate mental and psychological illness. A good urban designed space puts the targeted population welfare as a priority. Many urban designers face challenges in their designing concept, when considering public health issues.
EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CURING METHODS ON THE PROPERTIES OF NORMAL STRENGTH CONCRETE[Full-Text ] Naveed Ali, Dr. Muhammad Jaffar, Zaryeb Ahmed This paper is directed to evaluate effectiveness of different curing methods on the strength properties of concrete. The design mix of M30 according to ACI code was used. The compressive strength conducted in compression testing machine and flexural strength conducted in Universal Testing Machine.
Microstructural Characterization of Low carbon steel (AISI 1008) used in oil and gas pipeline[Full-Text ] Shakeel Ahmad, Haroon Akhtar, Sarmad Ishfaq, Asad AliResult associated with microstructural and strength analyses of the material collected from the oil field are presented. The effects of varying microstructure and hardness by heat treatment process were presented. The microstructural characterization and surface analysis were carried out by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and Rockwell for hardness analysis.
Bond Strength Degradation of Reinforced Concrete Structures from Corrosion-Induced Acceleration[Full-Text ] Gbinu Samuel Kabari, Achieme Lewis Oba, Charles KennedyThe research work assesses the degradation of reinforcing steel of non-coated and exudate coated samples embedded in concrete structure and exposed to harsh environment of high salinity. The experimental tests were performed on 36 concrete cubes with the first sets of 12 controlled concrete samples placed in freshwater for 360 days, and the second sets of 24 cubes subdivide into 2 with 12 non-coated samples and 12 exudate/resin coated samples as described in the test procedures with a single reinforcing embedment and immersed in 5% sodium chloride (NaCl) aqueous solution for 360 days and accessed their performance and effectiveness with a routine for three months in 90 days, 180 days, 270 days and 360 days intervals. Comparatively, the maximum computed differential values for failure bond load of controlled sample is 89.247% against values of corroded -46.253% and coated 98.1184%.
An Evaluation of the Fish of Gurara Reservoir, Kaduna State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Nuhu D. Ago, Joshua A. Abiodun, Godfrey O. Nwabeze and Haruna KabiruThis study examined the artisanal fish production of Gurara Reservoir, Kaduna State, Nigeria in the year June 2014 – May 2015. A fishers’ catch assessment survey was undertaken. This included capturing data on fish sales by fishers as soon as they landed with their catch, identification of fish by family and species, counting and weighing the various fish families. A fisheries frame survey of the reservoir was also undertaken for the time span.
RIVATIZATION PROS &CONS IN EGYPT[Full-Text ] Mohamed shendy hemida IbrahimPrivatization is a transfer of ownership from the public sector to the private sector. Privatization has started in Egypt since the early nineties. Egypt has adopted several different ways to implement the privatization program, and each method has distinguishing feature from others. With the implementation of privatization in Egypt, many pros and cons have emerged. The researcher presented in this paper to clarify how to take advantage of the positives and vanish the negatives.
The Effect of Work Environment and Communication on Work Motivation and Performance at Secretariat of The DPRD Konawe Regency[Full-Text ] Mahir, Samdin, Mahmudin A. Sabilalo, FauzihThis study aims to determine and analyze the effect of work environment and communication on employee motivation and performance at the Konawe Regency DPRD Secretariat Office. This research was carried out at the Konawe Regency DPRD Secretariat Office. This study took a total sampling, namely taking the entire population to be used as a sample (except the Secretary of the Board and Head of Section), as many as 48 people. This research uses Path Analysis or Path Analysis using SmartPLS 3.0 software.
Comparison of Classical and Sentinel 2A Satellite-derived Bathymetry of a section of Nun River in Bayelsa State[Full-Text ] Gerald Ikenna Ugwu, Lawrence Hart, KuroTamuno Peace JacksonThe increasing activities of oil and gas sector with associated marine engineering operation in the region, requires a timeous and updated riverbed configuration necessary for scientific analysis and design purposes to match rapid changes on the riverbed topography due to change in river conditions such as storm surges, sea level rise, sediment transport, erosion and accretion. This condition of the riverbed impact on navigation, fishing and allied marine activities. Vessel-based acoustic bathymetric survey, which has been the major method applied in bathymetric survey in the region is constrained by its high operating cost, insecurity and inability to map shallow waters at large scale, with high accuracy. Remote sensing methods offer more flexible and cost-effective means of mapping bathymetry over broad areas.
UNIQUE INSTRUMENTATION SYSTEM EARTHQUAKE PREDECTION[Full-Text ] Dr. Dinesh V KalaVariations in the physical parameters of nature such as temperature, pressure, relative humidity, E-flux of ionosphere, earth’s magnetic field, gravitational field etc. either natural or man-made has led to natural calamities. An extensive study based on these parameters is now possible in a very simplified way using the interfacing technique. The research work presented here is based on such an electronic instrumentation developed for precise detection of physical parameters and to send an alarm in the form of audio/visual forms when the parameters exceed critical thresholds. Microcontroller based instrumentation is a cost effective hardware-cum-software frame work for monitoring the output of the eight sensors.
Solar Based DC Power Supplies for Rural Area[Full-Text ] Dr. Dinesh V KalaImagine the electrical and electronic experiments to be done in the area where there is no electricity. A good electronics lab is to be set in remote area where there is frequent shut down of electricity or a sensor with appropriate signal conditioning circuit is to be set at a place where there is no electricity etc. Our aim is, why not to operate the instruments and devices in the laboratory by direct DC from solar panel. We experimented and found that it is possible, the answer is solar based power supplies.
AN ASSESSMENT OF GRANITE QUARRYING IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT IN EDO NORTH NIGERIA: USING GIS APPROACH[Full-Text ] Okolie K.C, Prof, Mbamali. I & Elamah DGranite quarrying for many years has served as an important source of construction materials supply, employment and revenue especially in developing countries like Nigeria which are endowed with it abundant deposit. The various impact produced by quarrying operations varies in both magnitude and location and has cause significant impact on the environment in the various host communities. Therefore, this study explores and assesses granite quarrying and its impacts on communities within which granite quarrying activities takes place.
FAILURE INVESTIGATION OF STEAM BOILER TUBE IN PETROLEUM REFINERY[Full-Text ] Gabriel ESSIEN, Jonathan UKPAI, Paul T. ELIJAHFailure investigation was carried out on steam boiler tubes through visual inspection, chemical analysis, and metallurgical analysis. Failure was in the form of thin/micro cracks along the length of the tubes which were located at the girth welding joint of tubes. Experimental results revealed that the cracking was from inward to outward of the tube thickness. Discontinuities/cavities were observed in the welded region which might have occurred due to lack of fusion of base metal and the weld metal.
An investigation of Kepler’s first law of planetary motion[Full-Text ] In this investigation, my aim is to find a link between the eccentricity of the planets and their orbital shapes, which is based on the three laws created by Johannes Kepler in the 17th century.
Techno-economic analysis of a grid-connected solar PV for a University Departmental Building in Enugu, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Chidiebere Diyoke, Kenneth C. Ugwu, Anthony C. NnajiElectricity access duration and reliability in Nigeria is poor. This makes the various departments in the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) campus resort to the use of petrol generators to supplement facility loads. Noise, environmental pollution and energy sustainability are the main worries. To abate these concerns, the Nigerian government is encouraging the maximum deployment of renewable energy resources for power generation. Solar resources are available at moderate levels in Enugu and can be tapped to supply the ESUT campus with its supplementary energy requirements.