Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020
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Tackling Time and Cost Overrun in Infrastructure Projects: A case study of selected projects in Lagos and Environs[Full-Text ] USMAN, Philemon GidanmanaThe construction industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Nigeria and it contributes a lot to the country's economy. But majority of construction projects are hampered by the twin effects of time and cost overruns. The success of a construction project depends on many factors with time and cost factors being the most crucial, because project success largely depends on its timely completion and within specified budget. If time and cost are properly managed on a construction project, it will achieve its objectives and success.
WEB PAGE RECOMMENDATION WITH KEYWORD BASED ON HIERARCHICAL MODEL USING ASSOCIATION LINK NETWORK (ALN)[Full-Text ] Ms. Sonali Lingayat, Mr. Hirendra HazareTo establish an associated relation among various resources, an association link network is designed by extending the hyperlink network to an association-rich network. The resources are available on the Web in the form of loosely connected network of no semantics which get organized by association link network to provide web intelligent services such as web browsing, web knowledge discovery, publishing etc.
Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Stock Market[Full-Text ] Pratik Gupta, Pratham Chandgothia, Pranav Srinivasan, Priyal Mehta, Rahil GosaliaThis project aims to inform about the impact of Covid-19 on Indian economy. It aims on providing the impact of the Covid-19 on four different sectors i.e. Information Technology (IT), Banking, Realty and Pharmaceutical. We have used regression and event study method for hypothesis testing to find out the influence of an event (Covid-19) on the change in stock prices of the company and reaction to information disclosure.
DEVELOPMENT OF A FINGERPRINT CAPTURE DEVICE FOR ATTENDANCE RECORDING USING ARDUINO PLATFORM AND FINGERPRINT MODULE[Full-Text ] ONYEYILI TOCHUKWU INNOCENT, EZEAGWU OGWUGWUAM CHRISTOPHER, AGUBATA NNENNA FELCIA, OFFIAH INNOCENT SABBYRTH.This project document presents the design and construction of a fingerprint based student attendance and examination authentication system. This is about the use of fingerprint to verify student attendance. In this system, a desktop-based attendance management system and a fingerprint hardware device would be constructed to verify student attendance in all classes; the attendance report will also be used to authenticate qualified students during examination; reports can be generated occasionally if need be.
Analysis of Diseased Leaf Images using Digital Image Processing Techniques and SVM Classifier and Disease Severity Measurements using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Alakananda MukherjeePotato constitutes one of the most widely grown crops in India. Productivity of potato decreases due to infections caused by various types of diseases on its fruit and leaf. Diseases are a major factor limiting crop production and they are often difficult to control. So, early detec-tion of the plant diseases is critical to avoid losses in the yield and quality of the agricultural products. Studies of plant diseases have been widely researched to detect abnormality in plant growth using visually observable patterns on the plant. Plant monitoring and disease de-tection is needed to ensure sustainability in agriculture
University-Industry Linkage practice in Ethiopia: A Study on Debre Markos Institute of Technology, Debre Markos University[Full-Text ] Abebe Demissew GashahunIt is recognized that the importance of linkage of higher education institutions with various industries for a given country sustainable development. However, in one or another way the linkage between institutes/universities and industries seems to be very weak particularly in developing countries. This study aimed to assess major areas and challenges of UIL and measures to be taken for sustainable linkages in Ethiopia: the case of Debre Markos Institute of Technology.
Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Cassava Tubers[Full-Text ] Jinyemiema, Tamuno KThis paper investigates the mechanical properties of cassava tubers. Cassava were collected from Uselu market in Benin City, Edo state, Nigeria for the purposes of this experiment. The mechanical properties of cassava tubers such as coefficient of dynamic and static friction, compressive strength and crushing strength were investigated.