Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020
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Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among Municipal Solid Waste Management Workers and Scavengers in FCT., Abuja, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Okoi E. Effiom and Jacinta O. AkachukwuPoor Waste Management has been a major occupational health risk and source of accident to both Waste Workers and scavengers. It has also impacted negatively on the aesthetics of our environment, and thus constitute a global public health problem, beside becoming pathways for Hepatitis B virus infection. This study investigated the prevalence of HBV infection in WMWs and scavengers in Abuja. Data were collected from 115 SWMWs and scavengers using laboratory screening for HBV and questionnaire instrument for information on knowledge and predisposing risk factors.
Present and Future of All-Electric Ships in Navy Ships Based on Renewable Energy[Full-Text ] Mohab Gaber, S.H. El-banna, Mahmoud Eldabah, M.S. HamadTen years ago the Naval shipbuilders went toward “ALL – Electric Ships” AESs technique. That enabling all ship’s electric loads to supply from the same power source. Old techniques in electric ships separated the propulsion power system from the ship’s service loads. Naval ships consider as an island micro-grid power system powered from the generation system and required high-density power for several types of loads. The high electric power demand, increasing the fossil fuel cost and the constraints from the international marine organizations to reduce the ship’s emissions lead to looking for another clean and sustainable sources for the ship power to meet the growth in power demands.
Structure for identify of materials for sustainable construction in developed countries[Full-Text ] Youssef Kassem, Hüseyin Gokcekus, and Salah MohammedIn this paper, a structure is offered to relief in the identification and arranging of investigation developments related to the development of materials for sustainable construction. The structure is based on a holistic ranking of materials’ technical, economic, and environmental performance as well as the future availability of their respective raw material constituents.
Synthesis and characterization of Graphene oxide doped V2O5 Nanocomposite for enhanced photocatalytic activity under sunlight irradiation[Full-Text ] ELMI EILAS, V.MANIKANDAN, P.REVATHI, K.KRISHNASAMThe present manuscript aimed to fabricate the graphene wrapped nanocomposites using the homogeneous and facile approach. V2O5 nano-particles and GO/V2O5 nanocomposites were synthesized using hydrothermal method and characterized by UV, FT-IR, XRD, and SEM techniques. Among the photocatalytic degradation of V2O5 and GO/V2O5, the composite exhibited good photocatalytic activity as compared to V2O5.
Challenges for Applying Clustering Data Streaming Algorithms on Big Data[Full-Text ] Helal A. Suleiman, Manal A. Abdel-Fattah, Osama E. EmamData stream mining has become a research area of some interest in recent years. The key challenge in data stream mining is extracting valuable knowledge in real time from a large-scale data set. Clustering is an efficient tool to overcome this problem. Most algorithms have been proposed to detect outliers, noises and overlapping among clusters is another major challenge for the existing stream clustering methods, which significantly affects the clustering performance so. This paper presents a brief discussion about clustering data streaming algorithms that applied on big data platforms and some future work in this area.
The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Retention in Telecom Subcontractors[Full-Text ] Waleed Malik, Dr. Shahzada Alamgir Khan, Dr. Kashif AzeemThis study examines the human resource management practices that encourage employee retention in telecom subcontractors. In today’s highly volatile global market, retentaing highly skilled employees has become a daunting challenge for many organizations. High performing individuals are the instrumental for survivability and success of any organization. Effective HRM practices can minimize employee turnover and enhances their retention within the organization.
BRITISH SOUTHERN CAMEROONS (AMBAZONIA): A SIMILITUDE OF ERITREA, PANACEA FROM THE BALKANS[Full-Text ] Fichanfie DJ Nkwain NgamfonArrangements for the people of former British Southern Cameroons to gain independence by joining their brothers of independent French Cameroun has been a subject of contention for several decades now, with the recent strike of teachers and lawyers having an overwhelming public support in 2016 which has culminated in the demand for unconditional self-determination and civil war. This article seeks to find out reasons why the British Southern Cameroons seek to separate from Cameroun and how the government has responded to such quest. To proffer recommendations, it tries to compare the case of Southern Cameroons with Eritrea which fought against Ethiopian subjugation.
A Study on The Effect of Mable Production in Myanmar[Full-Text ] Nyi Nyi Myo ThantMarble production is one of the commercial activities in the world and symbol of national cultural heritage because some masterpiece of marble carving sculpture and an inscribed marble slabs show evidently their dignity in an ancient period to current time. Demand for marble production products has risen year by year in the world. Therefore, it is necessary to know the effects of marble productions upon the associated peoples, such as marble worker/producer households, environment and government.
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antifungal Potential of Some New Derivatives of benzylidene and azetidinones[Full-Text ] Dr.Jagmohan Singh NegiSchiff bases and azetidinones form an important structural class possessing wide spectrum of biological activities that include antibacterial and antifungal activity. A large number of fungicides are formulated as wettable powders; this is the form most commonly used for spray mixes.Nodern wettable powerders are easily wetted and disperse well in water . They simply inhibit fungus growth temporarily.If the fungus is freed from such substance, it would revive.
Analysis of some Physical and Chemical Parameters of Domestic Water (Borehole) in Kano Metropolis using Argentometric and Spectrophotometric Techniques[Full-Text ] Nura Tasiu, Datti Yau, Dikko Muhammad Aliyu, Imrana Bello, Suraj Ali, Mudassir Yahya Ibrahim, Usman Dauda DallamiThe research used the standard argentometric and spectrophotometric techniques to investigate the qualities of domestic water for public consumption. A detailed physical and chemical analysis of water (borehole) samples collected from different parts of Kano metropolis was carried out. Some physical parameters such as pH, electri-cal conductivity and turbidity, as well as the concentrations of Ca, Cu, Cl-, Pb, Mg, NO3- and Zn were analyzed.
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Characterization of W. lateritia Leaves Decoction[Full-Text ] Uchechukwu Okorie, Solomon Ogwulumba, Otuchristian Glory, Onyebuchi Orinya, Sopuruchukwu Aniechi and Njoku, ObiomaCharacterization of plants to unravel the bioactive components is a necessary step towards the building of knowledge on the natural endowment of every plant which will help for its proper utilization/ application. In this study, the gas chromatography –mass spectrometry (gc-ms) characterization of Whitfieldia lateritia leaves decoction was carried out. The leaves were harvested fresh and subjected to decoction extraction technique.
Fabrication and Characterization of false banana fiber reinforced gypsum composite[Full-Text ] Ashenafi Abuye, Habtamu MollaThe increase in environmental awareness, pollution and lack of resources has resulted in great research interest of materials that are friendly to our health and environment. Composite materials can be used for a variety of applications. For instance, polymeric composites have high strength and stiffness, light weight, low cost, low density, high toughness, and high corrosion resistance.
ISOLATION OF SIDEROPHORE PRODUCING BACTERIA FROM SEAWEED[Full-Text ] Hema.S and Poongothai.M Seaweed is a term applied to multicellular, marine algae which are large enough to be seen by the naked eyes. Some seaweeds are grown up to 60 meters in length, it includes member of the red, brown and green algae. They belong to the kingdom protista that is they are not plants. Some species of seaweeds are used for nutritional, bio-medicinal and also for bio-remediation process. So these seaweeds are used as food, fodder, bio-fertilizers and for bio-fuel production.
Assessing the Susceptibility for installing Radars in Indian Scenario[Full-Text ] Saptarshi Sarkar, Chayan DeyThis paperwork is indented to the research findings with respect to factors that affect directly and indirectly the efficiency of a radar operation in perspective of Indian geographical and meteorological scenario. Visual search habits are discussed and the integrations of such habits for the analysis of radar characteristics have been pointed out. Reference is needed to some of the design factors with respect to weather and atmospheric conditions; which determines the geographical accuracy with which target range and bearing are presented. A brief account of radar performance has been analyzed with respect to the Indian atmospheric and geographical conditions with respect to atmospheric ducts.
The Assessment of Motor Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Activities in Different Level Garages in East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Ermias Shibabaw MekonnenMaintenance had been defined as an activity applicable to all systems, natural and artificial, to cause such systems to remain unaltered or unimpaired. It is the repair activity carried out on vehicles or other machineries to keep them unaltered, and if altered, to restore them to their original state. This work assesses all vehicle repair and maintenance activities in different level garages in East Gojam zone.
The History of Lean Manufacturing by the view of Toyota-Ford[Full-Text ] Pranav Y. DaveManufacturing sectors and companies worldwide are successfully implementing lean principles within their processes. Nowadays, lean has become an indispensable part of global players. Recently, lean manufacturing have moved passed the automotive industry and conquered almost all suitable industries worldwide. Insurance companies, hospitals, even governmental organizations continuously improve their processes using lean principles. Nevertheless, there was a time when the implementation of lean principles within companies and their processes was not a necessary and/or competitive advantage.
Automobile Bumper Beam Analysis to Improve Energy Absorption[Full-Text ] Habtamu Molla, Ashenafi AbuyeAutomotive Bumper is one of the main parts which is used as protection for passengers from front and rear collision. Bumpers beam play an important role in preventing the impact load from being transferred to the automobile and passengers. So it becomes an important part of a vehicle as a safety and performance point of view. The basic use of bumper is to absorb energy in case of a collision.
Revisiting the Flood Mitigation Measures Based on Lesson Learnt From the Recent Flood Damages of Iranaimadu Irrigation Scheme - Case Study[Full-Text ] Bopikaran.P, Sivasithamparam.S, Sivakumar.S.SFloods represent one of the main natural disasters, affecting many states over a year, environment and natural resources, and leading to large economic losses, social and health problems. Monsoon floods or natural disaster occur seasonally. Sri Lanka has adopted for monsoon climate with wet, intermediate, dry zone climate changes with a mean annual rainfall of 800-1200 mm. The recent flood caused in the Northern Province is one of the worst disasters.
INVESTIGATION OF THERMOPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WATER IN CLAY POT[Full-Text ] Jinyemiema, Tamuno k; Ledogo, Leera T; Esukuile, Awajiokinu. J.; and Amie-Ogan, Tekena GIt has been observed for generations that water kept in clay pots remains cool and clear, a situation that requires investigation. Hence, this paper seeks to investigate the factors that contributes to cooling of water in a clay pot, rate of cooling, evaporation rate and enthalpy drop with time. Three clay pots filled with water were used for the investigation.
Effect of Computer-Based Instruction on Students’ Achievement and Retention of High and Low Achieving Auto-Mechanics Technology in Technical Colleges[Full-Text ] Prof. A. N. Eze, Prof. J. I. Ezenwafor and Sylvester Chukwutem OnwusaThe poor academic achievement of students in technical colleges in Nigeria has been a major concern to researchers. It is believed that the use of effective instructional method in technical colleges will enhance students’ achievement. This demands that teachers in technical colleges would adopt instructional methods that would improve the students’ achievement in auto-mechanics in technical colleges. The study therefore, investigated the effect of computer-based instruction on students’ cognitive achievement and retention of high and low achieving in auto-mechanics technology in technical colleges.
A Cross Sectional Descriptive Study To Assess The Knowledge And Practice Of Pregnant Women Related TO Anaemia And Its Risk Factors In Tertiary Care Hospital, Faisalabad[Full-Text ] Alia Rafique, Nida Aftab, Roheena Naz , Rizwan KhalidBackground-- A pregnant women is called anaemic by World Health Organization (WHO) when haemoglobin level less than 11g/dl and divided into three level of severity, mild anaemia (Hb level: 9 – 10.9g/dl), moderate anaemia (Hb level: 7 – 8.9g/dl) and extreme anaemia (Hb level: 7 – 4.5g/dl). Worldwide prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women is 41.8% and about half women suffer with iron deficiency anaemia. In a study of Pakistan, prevalence of anaemia in third trimester was 89.3%, in second trimester was 8% and in first trimester was 27%.
Effects of Transition of Early Childhood Education on Lower Primary schooling in Uganda-Mayuge district Imanyiro subcounty[Full-Text ] Abdul Mlaik MuwangaThe study was conducted in Mayuge District and the purpose of this study is to establish the “Effects of Transition of Early Childhood Development on Lower Primary Schooling in Mayuge District”. The research design to adopted was a cross-sectional survey design. 70 respondents were sampled to take part in the study and data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides and later analyzed quantitatively and descriptively.
SENSOR DATA ACQUISITION AND DE-NOISING USING FPGA[Full-Text ] Harikrishnan.K, Vishwas.H.N, Vineetha Jain K.V, Dr.Ramesh ChinthalaAs the electronics industry and user needs are developing rapidly, the design of embedded systems should match their standards. Every equipment we encounter with our day-to-day life is getting automated, the world is getting smarter day by day. As the usage of sensors is increasing, the processor should be capable of handling an enormous amount of data. Our work will focus on designing and implementing an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) based DAQ (Data Acquisition) system. Sensors and FPGA both are independent research areas, their combination is an emerging research area.
Ranking the challenges of metal and wood work micro and small manufacturing enterprises in Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Birhanu Balewgizie AgmasMicro and small manufacturing enterprises (MSME’S) have very important and effective role in developing countries. Micro and small enterprises have a great role in job creation and economic development. The main purpose of this research is assessing the challenges of micro and small metal and wood work enterprises and ranking the challenges based on their effect for their development. The main instrument of the data collection was questionnaire and interviews for micro and small metal and wood work manufacturing owners.
Assessing Architects’ Knowledge of Passive Cooling Design Strategies in Selected Office Buildings and Firms in Kuwait[Full-Text ] Meshari Amekaimi , Aysha AlmutawaNowadays, Building are responsible for consuming over 32% of the world’s energy consumption. This has led in conducting various strat-egies and prototypes for ensuring that buildings can optimally function with a reduced level of energy consumption rate.
Stratege in operating and managing an amusement park, the experience of cross river state[Full-Text ] Ajoma simon okwoche, inyabri samuel A. Tawo A. oyong, Onah GabrielTheme parks represent a relatively new concept of tourist’s attraction and strives to create a fantasy atmosphere of another place and time. Many designer and product development specialist concentrate on one dominant theme with possible sub-themes. He also mentioned that visual and vocal statements primarily communicate the theme as well as in vogue other sensory organs like seeing and touching.
IMPACT OF CLIMATIC CHANGE ON LIVELIHOOD OF RURAL DWELLERS IN KWARA STATE[Full-Text ] Gana, N.N., Haruna, I.S., Ibrahim, M. D. and Igbokwe, G. OEight local government areas in Kwara State senatorial district being the areas that are prone to the effects of climate change were purposively selected. Proportionate sampling was employed to select the villages. A total of two thousand (2000) copies of the questionnaires were administered and one thousand four hundred and ninety-three returned.
FARMERS' SOCIOECONOMICS CHARACTERISTICS AND AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION OF MADAYA TOWNSHIP, AND PRELIMINARY SURVEY REPORT ON FARMERS' RELUCTANCE OR INADEQUACY[Full-Text ] Nyi Nyi Myo ThantThe Republic of the Union of Myanmar is one of Asia's leading agricultural countries. By the 1930s, Myanmar was one of the world's top rice exporters. According to the 2014 census, a significant proportion of the population lives in primary sector (agriculture, forestry and fisheries). Most of them are farmers who work in rice farming. Similarly, Madaya Township in this report also shows that (53.9%) of the total population live in primary sector, according to the 2014 Census. They work in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. In this study, 80 farmers were surveyed from 6 agricultural villages in Madara Township with a research questionnaire. This information was obtained in September, 2019. Secondary Data 9-Year Data Tables, Graphs and Maps drawn.
Urban land management practices and challenges: the case of Injibara town, Northwest Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Dereje Tessema Adigeh, Belew Dagnew The purpose of the study was to assess the practices and challenges of urban land management in Injibara Town. In order to achieve the intended objectives of the research, both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used. Primary data were collected through questionnaires, semi-structured interview, FGD and participant field observation, whereas secondary data were collected from books, journals, official documents, websites, and other related literatures.
Opportunities and Impediments of Carbon Sequestration Projects: A Feasibility Study from Humbo, Southern Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Barana Babiso BadessoForest resources now a day have attracted widespread interest of global communities to enhance carbon storage. Community Assisted Natu-ral Regeneration (CANR) is a simple, low-cost forest restoration method that can effectively convert deforested lands to more productive forests. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate opportunities and impediments of carbon sequestration project in Humbo CANR project. The necessary data for the research was collected by using questionnaire, focus group discussions and key informants interviews. A sam-ple of 120 was selected randomly from residents participating in CANR.
Sustainable solid waste management in urban areas of Pakistan: A system dynamics based approach[Full-Text ] Fatima Kauser, Shoaib MuhammadPakistan, like other developing countries, faces serious environmental problems, especially those related to Solid Waste Management. Waste management systems involve interconnections among physical infrastructure, financial, and socio-political factors. Several interacting feedback loops are formed due to these interconnections and make the management of solid waste a complex and dynamic problem.
Acoustic Release using fusible link[Full-Text ] Tripti Chanda, Aishwarya Bapat, Apurva Amritkar, Heeral Kabra, G.V. Ramanrao, Vivek Saxena, Sagar Vanarase Finding that there was a gap in the market for an acoustic release that was fast-acting, protected from the bio marine elements and not dependent on the salinity of the water, a device with a replaceable fusible link to remotely decouple coupled objects by applying the appropriate electrical resistance was devised. It is a new method to melt or fuse a metal link almost instantaneously by supplying electrical charge which is high powered that would release a secondary link which would be held in place a lever mechanism instrumental in decoupling coupled objects.
Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Data using Data Mining Techniques for Geological Mapping[Full-Text ] Muhammad Fawad Akbar Khan,Laiq Hasan Conventional means of mineral exploration requires physical access to the region of interest which is a labor-intensive process with many associated challenges. Furthermore, it results in geological maps with nominal precision and is limited by many factors. Remote sensing has emerged as a prominent tool for environment mapping and land cover and land use mapping but its applications in geological mapping are comparatively limited. However, due to the availability of non-commercial satellite data sources and cloud processing services its applications are emerging in mineral exploration and geological mapping community.
SERVICE QUALITY AND CLIENTS SATISFACTION OF QUANTITY SURVEYING FIRMS IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Kabiru Shehu, Bashir Husaini Yahaya, Ahmad Muhammad Kamaruddeen Organizations provides stability in the society through products and services provision that significantly contributes to social, political and economic development, Identification of factors that influence performance in organization is one of the vital step in achieving corporate success, performance measure capable of aiding managers in evaluation and implementation of realistic strategies for future improvement where appropriate.
Electric Power Outage Cost to Electricity Distribution Companies in Nigeria[Full-Text ] E. A. Omoroghomwan, S.O. Igbinovia, F. O. OdiaseOver the years, customers and distribution companies have suffered psychological and social-economic losses due to power outages. These have led to a reduction in living standards, an increase in production cost, and stagnated national economic growth. However, little study exists to show the impact of power outages on the distribution companies.
Equilibrium and Kinetics studies for Removal of Heavy Metals from simulated Wastewater using Chitosan/Activated carbon composite[Full-Text ] Ahmed Saad Ali, Ali Mustafa A. Hassan, Mohammed Hamdi NourRemoval of lead, copper, and cadmium from aqueous solution with chitosan/activated carbon (CH/AC) composite was studied under batch equilibrium technique setup. The composite was prepared by blending chitosan gel with activated carbon by ratio of (3:1). The physical and chemical characters of the composite was studied by several analyses; (bulk density, BET surface area, pHpzc, SEM, and EDX).
ASSIMILATION OF ECMS IN ETHIOPIAN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS[Full-Text ] Haleluya Kiflu Higher Education Institutions (HEI) produce vast amount of digital data on their day to day tasks. The large volume of content in organizations today necessitates the beginning of Content Management Systems (CMS). CMS helps in facilitating the creation, retrieval and editing of information/knowledge either raw, semi or fully-processed contents. ECMS have essential features towards integrating these processes to the whole institutions.