Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020
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Determination of Lethal Concentration (LC50) Values of Spent Automobile Engine Oil on Clarias gariepinus (African Catfish)[Full-Text ] Odey Emmanuel Ogar, Nwakanma Chioma and Hanson Hanson EffiongIn this study, the mortality and lethal concentration (LC50) values of spent automobile engine oil on Clarias gariepinus (African catfish) were investigated. The experimental design followed Completely Randomized Design comprising 5 levels of treatment in three (3) replicates. The setup constituted a total of 150 fish samples with 30 fish in each group. The treatment, spent engine oil was introduced into the aquaria at 5 ml, 10 ml, 15 ml, 20 ml concentrations and 0 ml as the control.
Optimization of Ketene Production Using Computer Simulated Experimental Design [Full-Text ] Abiye Aseminaso and Christopher Tubuyai IriakumaThe Box-Behnken Design was applied with Response Surface Methodology to investigate the influence of four process variables (Temperature, reaction volume, pressure and Acetone flow rate) on the production of Ketene. The percentage conversion of Acetone was used to measure the response of the influence of the variables on the production of Ketene. The results were analyzed with ANOVA and a second order polynomial was used to predict the effect of the process variables on the percentage Acetone conversion. Results show that temperature has the highest effect on the pyrolysis process. The percentage conversion of Acetone was shown to have a direct relationship with temperature, pressure and reactor volume and an inverse relationship with flowrate. Multi-objective optimization study showed that the optimum condition for acetone conversion was a temperature of 992.2oC, a pressure of 46.2 bar, a flowrate of 21kg/h and a reactor volume of 9.98m3 with a desirability of 1.
Impact of Public Procurement Act on Construction Project Execution in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions, (A Case Study of Federal Institutions in the South East)[Full-Text ] Moneke Uchenna UgochiThe concept of Public- Procurement Act ant its impact on construction project execution in Nigeria Tertiary institutions. Three specific objectives: to analyze the impact of procurement planning on the performance of construction projects in the Southeast; to analyze the impact of the tendering system on the performance of construction projects in tertiary institutions in the Southeast; and to assess constraints/challenges against the attainment of the desired impact of the Public Procurement Act on projects execution in Federal Tertiary Institutions, in the Southeast were set.
Development of a Remote Timing and Monitoring System for GSM Base Station Generators[Full-Text ] Dauda A. Shaibu, Joseph M. Mom, David O. AgboGlobal System for Mobile Communication (GSM) base stations encounters several challenges when trying to provide power to run their equipment. Generators are used as backup power supply in some stations while other stations rely completely on these generators to run the station. The system in the base station requires proper generators synchronization. GSM operators usually find it difficult to time and monitor the state of power supply at the base stations in remote locations, leading to poor quality of services for subscribers if there are any power related issues.
The Impact of Students’ Population on Rental Val-ues of Residential Properties: Wa Polytechnic in Perspective[Full-Text ] Ablordeppey Elikem Ephraim, Akortsu Wisdom, Akortsu Wise, Christian Ahuma-SmithStudents’ housing form part of the facilities that students take into consideration before making a choice of the school they intend enrolling in, among other considerations. Studies have shown that in most parts of the world, urban rents are determined by various factors. These factors include loca-tion, level of facilities and services, neighbourhood characteristics, space, etc.
Flood Risk Assessment: A case study of Kosi River in Bihar[Full-Text ] Priya Tiwari, Priyanka RaniAsian countries are most frequently affected by high intensity floods, in particular by river floods; Although the number of lives lost has decreased in terms of economic losses, its impact on the population, agriculture and infrastructure has increased significantly. Evaluating flood risk zoning and flood vulnerability of the landscape are key aspects of flood risk management. Landsat 8 OLI and Aster DEM data were used to assess landscape vulnerability to flood inundation and flood risk of Kosi River in Supaul district.
Formation Control of Swarm Quadrotors[Full-Text ] Amir Noabahar Sadeghi NamThis paper presents design of control systems for a group of quadrotors performing formation flight. The system has been presented into two interconnected subsystems. The first one representing the under-actuated subsystem gives the dynamic relation of the altitude and attitude. The second fully-actuated subsystem gives the dynamics of the horizontal position. To design motion control system, PID controller, active disturbance rejection (ADRC) controller and back stepping control architecture are designed and presented. Extended state observer (ESO) technique has been studied in order to eliminate the disturbances.
WLC for the Maintenance Options on the Oil Recovery System – A Comparative Analysis at FSØ Plant[Full-Text ] Udeh Emeka L, Dr. Jonathan Scott, Udeh Tochukwu L The prime goal of maintenance tasks is to protect items functions. These tasks come at high costs. Evaluating and comparing different maintenance tasks is strategic in making smart decisions to select the best competitive solutions that will bring the needed economic benefits to the plant. To achieve these objectives, a WLC model is vital as it predicts how the economic life of an asset can impact maintenance performance and future cash flows.
Tackle IoT security challenges - risks and measures to prevent hazards[Full-Text ] Hristo D. Panayotov PhDThis article discusses trends in IoT development and the problems associated with ensuring their functionality in an environment of increasing cyber threats to such systems. Their wide use in industry, services and other areas, incl. administration, increases the risks of unauthorized access to the resources of various local and corporate networks, as well as desktops, web servers, databases, etc.
A STUDY ON QUALITY OF WORK LIFE OF EMPLOYEES IN THE REAL-ESTATE SECTOR[Full-Text ] B.SHARANYA,G.ARUNAQuality Work Life started after the first paper presentation by Davis in 1972 at Arden House, US and there was a greater pressure on Quality of Work Life studies as organizations increasingly adopting the philosophy of making the man happy at work for enhance their motivation and will to work. Technological change affects everyone. It changes our daily lives at every level: social, economic, and political. Until now, the real estate industry’s reaction to these fundamental changes has been muted, even though real estate’s accessibility to digital disruption is as profound as any other industry.
Determinants of Share Price: An Empirical Study of Pakistani Banking Sector[Full-Text ] Financial sector is one of the most significant and great contributor to the economy of every country. The development of financial sector has a direct impact on the economic development. A number of studies subsequently used different conceptual and methodological approaches to model equity return of financial services firms. The objectives of this study are primarily having an idea about the factors affecting the equity prices of studied banks.
Deep Learning Based Multiple Object Tracking for Facial Images Using Hybrid Neuro Fuzzy Network[Full-Text ] Mr. Chethan Chandra Sbasavaraddi, Dr. Subhas Singh PariharIn the present study we present a deep learning based multiple object tracking for facial images using hybrid approach towards countering the problem of partial occlusion in face recognition scenario. The partial occlusion can be caused by various objects such as scarfs, sunglasses etc., and its effects are confounding in the performances of the recognition rates. The advantage that the adopted pre-processing algorithm poses before face recognition steps is to eliminate the distortions due to the variance in light illumination field at the given instance when the facial image is recorded or captured. The framework tends to mathematically model the curvature and other essential features of the face such as micro-expression and the curves of the facial regions.
Design &simulation of solar-powered Automatic Street lighting for Adigrat University[Full-Text ] Yared BrhaneThe main purpose of this project is the design and simulation of a solar-powered generation system of automatic Street lighting for Adigrat University campus which means that switch ON/OFF street lights without manual operation. By using this system energy consumption is reduced. The work was begun by investigating solar power generators from different sources and analyzing it using a software tool.
A New Iterative Algorithm for Optimal Solution of Linear Programming Problems[Full-Text ] Sadam Ali, Asif Shaikh, Sania QureshiThis article deals with the minimization and maximization problem of LPP. The simplex method is the most popular and successful method for solving linear programs. The objective function of linear programming problem (LPP) involves in the minimization and maximization problem with the set of linear equalities and inequalities constraints. There are different method to solve LPP, such as simplex method, dual simplex method, Big-M method, Graphical method, Integer simplex method and two phase method.
Acquired Scientific Research on the Treatment or Valorization of Olive Oil Waste[Full-Text ] Rachid Mahmoud, Zineb Majbar, Kenza Lahlou, Mohamed Benabbou, Mounia Elhaji, Mustapha Taleb, Zakia RaisOlive growing is an area that continues to improve. In 2019, the ministry of agriculture has recorded the production of 2 million tonnes, an increase of 28% compared to the year 2018. However, this industrial sector generates each year millions of tons of tow kind of wastes: liquid pollutants called olive oil wastewater (OWW), and solid waste named pomace. The liquid pollutant, for most olive crushing plants, is discharged directly into watercourses without prior treatment; which creates serious ecological problems. While the pomace is used, for some industries such as fuel, soap
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HEALTH SECTOR[Full-Text ] Aryan Chaudhary , Saikat MukhopadhyayIn Today’s World Artificial intelligence is growing in every sector of the industry. Artificial Intelligence is the ability to perform cognitive functions such as perceiving, learning, reasoning, and solve problems. At its core, AI is about getting computers to do things that require human intelligence. All over the world, there are more than 20 industrial departments where the use of Artificial Intelligence is used like-banking, consumer products, health care, life sciences, media and entertainment, oil and gas, power and utilities, the public sector, real estate, retail, technology, and travel, hospitality, etc .
GH-AODV ROUTING TECHNIQUES TO DETECT AND PREVENT GRAY HOLE ATTACK IN MANET[Full-Text ] M.Indhumathi, Dr.T.RanganayakiOne of the most critical problems in MANETs is the security vulnerabilities of the routing protocols. A set of nodes may be compromised in such a way that it may not be possible to detect their malicious behavior easily. Such nodes can generate new routing messages to advertise non- existent links, provide incorrect link state information, and flood other nodes with routing traffic, thus inflicting Byzantine failure in the network.
Electricity Generation from Waste Water Flow[Full-Text ] Dhruv AgarwalElectricity is the most versatile and easily controlled form of energy. We need it every day to do all kinds of work. Generation of electricity can be done by so many ways but here we are introducing hydropower to generate this energy. The goal of this project is to understand hydropower. How waste water of high rise buildings can be used to generate electricity. We need to convert the energy of falling water to mechanical energy to rotate turbine
Study and Analysis of Renewable Energy Technologies Status in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ajimah N. E, Ezukwoke N, Dialoke I.C, Odaba A, Uwakwe I.S, Ezea M.O, Ezea S.NThe objective of this paper is to elucidate the status of renewable energy deployment in Nigeria. Energy is a vital commodity and is closely intertwined with development. Energy is also required to sustain and expand economic processes like agriculture, electricity production, industries, services and transport. It is commonly suggested that access to energy is closely linked with development and economic well-being.
Evolution and Needs of Technology regarding IoT[Full-Text ] SYED HUSSNAIN TAHIR SHERAZI, BILAL AHMED, MUHAMMAD HAMZA NASEERWith the evolution of technology, the number of IOT sensors, the amount of data shared and needed for real life operations has increased drastically. New improved efficient ways are required in order to increase operational efficiency, improve the performance, automating all the business processes. We are now having compute intensive applications, it is now visible that with the emergence of 5g and with the vision of IOT technologies, we are going to have unprecedented increase in traffic and volume of data.
An Image Segmentation Comparison Approach for Extracting Mango Region from an Image[Full-Text ] Anitha Raghavendra, Mahesh K RaoMango assessment is a very important task during export level, industry level and also at consumer’s choice. Sorting and grading of man-goes can be done based on their features such as color, texture, shape, size and defects. In order to make this task easier, segmentation can be considered as one of the important steps in image processing.
Investigate the Synergism of Acetic Acid and Ethylene-Glycol on Pipeline Steel Corrosion in CO2 Saturated Environment[Full-Text ] Ikeh, L and Dune, K.KScale and Wax depositions are one of the major causes of corrosion problems in the oil and gas industry. They can lead to production and/or operational shutdown as well as revenue loss. Corrosion/scale depositions can occur in production equipment and surface facilities especially in flow line casing.
Forbush Decrease correlated to Geomagnetic storm and Interplanetary magnetic field[Full-Text ] Chandrasekhar Bhoj, Lalan PrasadIn this present study, we find a correlation between cosmic ray intensity (CRI) and geomagnetic activity i.e. geomagnetic storm (GSs) Dst=-50 nT and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) for three consecutive solar cycles (SC) from (1986-2016). We found that the variation between CRI and GSs for most of the year showed similar behavior. The peak depression for CRI found on occurrence day of GSs. We have additionally found that CRI depends reciprocally on IMF as a result of the IMF applies force on the charged particle that comes with Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and drives the CRI.
COMPUTATIONAL FLUID ANALYSIS OVER A SIX BLADE HYDRODYNAMIC PROPELLER[Full-Text ] CH.RAGHA LEENA, D. ANITHA, & M. MARY THRAZAPropeller is used to for thrust generation in this work the hydraulic propeller design and analysis will be carried. It is a known fact that hydro propeller gives the required thrust for a boat to navigate. The present work concentrates on the CFD simulation of a six bladed hydro propeller. A six bladed hydro propeller is designed using CATIA V5 and fluid dynamic simulation is run to capture the flow phenomena during the working.
Impact of emotional labour on burnout among university females teacher: work- family conflict as a mediator in the public sector of Azad Kashmir [Full-Text ] Asif Mehmood Mirza, Palwasha Farooq , Saleha Javed, Sheza Raiz Organizationally desired display of emotions is the need of today’s organization both in private and public sectors. However, display of emotions or emotional labor and its impact on burnout with work family conflict as Mediator have been an understudied area in public sector. Therefore, this research examines the impact of emotional labor on burnout and with work family conflict as Mediator. The findings of our study suggest that emotional labor has a significant positive impact on burnout and with work family conflict consistent with the earlier research. In a sample of 476 married, female universities teachers, with at least one child living at home, results showed that was positively associated with emotional burnout and depersonalization. The results also showed that work–family conflict mediated the relationship between emotional labor and burnout. However, no moderation effect of work–family on the burnout relationship was found. The results are discussed with respect to the general literature on the stress–strain relation and work–family conflict. We have used affective event theory and conservation of resource theory to build our model. Practical and managerial implication of the study are also discussed.
SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERISATION OF NOVEL PYRAZOLINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY[Full-Text ] Narsinh.K.Desai3-phenoxy benzaldehyde reacted with 1-(substituted pheny) ethan-1-one with 10%KOH reflux in alcohol solvent then formed in 2(E)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(3-phenoxyphenyl) prop-2-en-1-one 2(E)-1-(substituted phenyl)-3-(3-phenoxyphenyl) prop-2-en-1-one reacted pyridine-4-carbohydrazide in DMF solvent and formed 4-[3-(substituted phenyl) -5-(3-phenoxyphenyl) -4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole- 1-carbonyl] pyridine(pyrazoline derivatives).synthesized pyrazoline derivatives have been found to possess considerable biological activities, which stimulated the reseach activity in this field. They have several prominent and such as antimicrobial, antifungal.
The haematological presentations and mechanisms of thrombosis, the role of anti-coagulation prophylaxis, the management of coagulopathy as well as management of patients with COVID-19 disease and pre-existing bleeding disorders[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros Bitsue, Dr. Martha Fekadu RahmethoSevere COVID-19 infection obviously manifests hypercoagulability in its early stages and later could transform to hemorrhage. The DIC form in COVID-19 has unique features including frequent normal platelet counts, low anti-thrombin levels and hyperfibrinogenemia with progression to hyperfibrinolysis. A severe inflammatory response, originating in the alveoli, triggers a dysfunctional cascade of inflammatory thrombosis in the pulmonary vasculature, leading to a state of local coagulopathy. Numerous ongoing studies investigating the pathophysiology of the COVID-19 associated coagulopathy may provide mechanistic insights that can direct appropriate interventional strategies. Neutrophil /lymphocyte ratio and peak platelet/lymphocyte ratio may also have prognostic value in determining severe cases.
Career Plateau Phase and Intention to Quit Behaviour of Employees – A view point[Full-Text ] Dr. Dhanashree TharkudeThe purpose of this study investigates if employee is in Career Plateau phase, it focuses on identifying which type of Career Plateau an employee is undergoing. It also investigates the relationship between Career Plateau and intention to quit behaviour of an employee working in various organizations. Data were collected from 34 employees working in wide variety of organizations across India through a structured questionnaire and Non-Probability, Convenience Sampling was used. Results of this study showed that Career Plateau have a great impact towards employees as well the organization.
Psychoanalysis of Hind Swaraj[Full-Text ] Shreya M. GhoshIn Hind Swaraj Gandhi does not have a systematic social study that could objectively draw its political conclusions from. His was a spiritual answer to the horrors of modern society which he regarded as the biggest omen of 20th century- slavery. A fresh look at Hind Swaraj can then frustrate a pure theoretical approach that either seeks to reveal the foundation of Gandhian philosophy as a way of reducing Gandhi to a formulae or to sharpen one's understanding of the processes which in their present form have produced or sustained modern civilization.
Useful Application of Noise: a Novel Approach to Content-Based Image Retrieval System[Full-Text ] Abdul Rasak ZubairNoise is an unwanted signal which tends to corrupt a desired signal. Image noise is caused by the imperfections in the systems used for image acquisition, processing, storage and transmission. Image de-noising is therefore an essential image pre-processing task. Can noise be useful? Yes, noise can be useful. Useful application of noise for the development of a Novel Content-based Image Retrieval System (Novel CBIRS) is presented.
Numerical Analysis of Critical Parameters of the “U” Tube Exchanger at Different Baffle Cut and Spacing[Full-Text ] Satish Pawar“U” tube heat exchanger are perceived as an integral part of the refinery process. Therefore, a numerical analysis of critical parameters of exchanger at different baffle cut and spacing is needed to select the correct order to improve the overall efficiency and reduce the cost of manufacturing of feed heater. So, this paper primarily focus on the comparative analysis of heat transfer, flow velocity and flow stream and recommended the correct type of baffle cut and spacing for the exchanger to improving the exchanger’s performance.
Facial Emotion Detection Using Neural Network[Full-Text ] Md. Forhad Ali, Mehenag Khatun, Nakib Aman Turzo Human emotions are mental states of feelings that come off spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and are accompanied by physiological changes in facial muscles which imply expressions on the face. Non-verbal communication methods such as facial expressions, eye movement, and gestures are used in many applications of human-computer interaction, which among them facial emotion is widely used because it conveys the emotional states and feelings of persons. Emotion recognition is not an easy task because there is no blueprint distinction between the emotions on the face and also there is a lot of complexity and variability.
Development of IoT based Monitoring of Biogas Plant[Full-Text ] Rushikesh Ravindra Pansari, Dr. S.R. Patil, Dr. M.S. KhanDevelopment of IoT based Monitoring of Biogas Plant is successive in the project everyone know that management of one biogas plant is done perfectly but when they are several biogas plants then management of these biogas plants are critical.
Prevalence of Postural Musculoskeletal Disorders and Associated Risks among School Going Children[Full-Text ] Dr. Aisha Amin, Dr.Arbab Shafaqat, Dr. Rabia Rasham, Dr.Bakhtawer Rafiq, Dr. Ayesha Ejaz, Dr.Ghazia AsmatThe Postural problems like forward head posture and rounded shoulders, whereas musculoskeletal disorders such as neck ache, backache and shoulder pains are common in school going children. This is a leading cause of absenteeism in school arena effecting quality of education and can also be a reason of adult MSD.
Synthesis, Analysis of 1-{3-[2-Amino-5-(5-hydroxy-5H-imidazol-4-ylmethanesulfonyl)-benzyloxy]-4H-pyrazol-4-yl}-ethanone Metal Complex[Full-Text ] Vijendra Yadav, Jinendra Singh Chauhan, Brijesh SinghIn the present investigation synthesized new noble ligand (organic compound) 1 - {3-[2-Amino-5-(5-hydroxy-5H-imidazol-4-ylmethanesulfonyl)-benzyloxy]-4H-pyrazol-4-yl}-ethanone derived from hydrazine and acceto-acetic ester . The 1 -{3-[2-Amino-5-(5-hydroxy-5H-imidazol-4-ylmethanesulfonyl)-benzyloxy]-4H-pyrazol-4-yl}-ethanone consist pyrazole and imidazole nitrogen derivatives, the „N? atom and the oxygen atom of „S? bonded with the metal Fe(III),Cu(II) and Re(II) to form complex .
Pattern Matching Based Malware Identification[Full-Text ] Bewar Neamat Taha, Cihan VarolThe evolution of computing technology over the past decade has created threats for its users, especially in the form of malware. This is because most cybersecurity threats are now malware applications. In addition, new malware is being introduced every day. However, most malware is not created from scratch. As such, this research discusses methods of matching strings to identify families of malware.
COVID19 Lockdown has become a stairway of heaven for nature A case study of Delhi using geospatial technique[Full-Text ] Sunaina Singh, Saumya Srivastava, Anish Ahmed, Chitralekha DasUrbanization is the result of anthropogenic activities that is responsible for the changes in nature. Environment is a very important factor for the life of human and other living beings. Rapid growth of urbanization, industrialization and transportation are disturbing the original nature of the specific area. Delhi is well known for one of the most pollutes cities on the global level. The study is focused on the adverse effect of human induced activities in the environment. PM10 and NDBI analysis based maps are generated to understand the fluctuation of the values within a year.
EXERGETIC ANALYSIS OF AN AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM USING R-22 AND R-600a REFRIGERANTS[Full-Text ] Ajetunmobi David Tunmise and Ayanrinde Ayanniyi WoleExergy analysis has been applied to two air conditioning systems which made use of R-22 and R-600a refrigerants in an effort to characterise exergy consumption and to identify areas requiring greater improvements in the systems. The study was conducted by taking temperature and pressure data to perform mass and exergy analysis of the refrigeration system which comprises of the compressor, the condenser, a throttle valve and an evaporator.