Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020
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Determination and comparisons of Heavy Metals in Moringa Stenopetala Leaf, Seed and Root: using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy[Full-Text ] Tsegaye Bojago, Adisu Dola, Dr. Getachew WorkuThis study is aimed to determine and compare the concentration level of heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Pb and Cr) using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) of samples of fresh leaf, seed and root of Moringa stenopetala from Arbaminch area and Konso districts .
Biology and Anxiety[Full-Text ] Yugum Chaudhary, Sejal MalikAnxiety is one of the major issues in the 21st century. It has no fixed pattern or source and can happen to anybody at any age. When it comes to biology, numerous evidences can be seen till date which links biology to anxiety. The boundaries between biology and behavior are arbitrary and changing.
Embedding a Watermark in Multimedia Archives[Full-Text ] Apostolos C. Klonis It is usual to come across types of images on the Internet that have characteristics which correspond to their nature as a medium. So the most common formats are Tagged Image File Format TIFF (TIF), Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG or JPG) and Portable Network Graphics (PNG). This article will explore the ways in which an image in a compressed or uncompressed form can be shared in a collaborative, online artwork. Obviously, sharing must be done with the aim of protecting the data from malicious attacks and at the same time ensuring the quality of the work.
Internet of Things based Pet Feeder Automation using Raspberry Pi[Full-Text ] Adetokunbo A. Adenowo , Jonathan C. Anyi, James A. AkobadaHousehold pets need special treatment and care. They need to be attended to as at when due with food, drinks, and medication. Due to busy life style of most owners, this task may not be as simple as expected. Lack of adequate attention to pets’ needs might have great consequential effects, such as starvation, ill health, among others. In view of the foregoing, this work proposes an Internet of Things based automated feeder system that uses Raspberry pi to drive its remote control, scheduling and intelligence. Its design and subsequent implementation is expected to, at least, take care of the nutritional aspects of pets by providing as either scheduled or intelligently the food, drinks and medication of pets as at when due in the absence of the owner.
STUDY OF THE BEHAVIOUR OF OPEN ENDED STEEL PILES USING PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL MODELLING[Full-Text ] Alaa A. Yassin, Ayman L. Fayed, Tamer M. Sorour, Ahmed S. RashedOpen-ended steel pipe piles are widely used in marine construction, coastal engineering, port, and offshore structures. The behavior of open-ended piles is complex because its response is generally intermediate between that of non-displacement and displacement piles. Meanwhile, when an open-ended pile is driven into the soil, a soil column (or soil plug) is formed inside the pile. This soil plug affects the ultimate pile capacity and end-bearing resistance.
Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intentions Of Soft Drinks: Case Study Of Spar Brands In Botswana[Full-Text ] Bame Onalethata KgwatalalaToday’s business environment is said to be highly competitive with high rapid change in consumer purchase trends and preference. There is a high needful study for continuous observation and monitoring of consumer purchase intention. The main purpose of this study is to identify and assesses the key factors which influence consumer purchase intentions of Soft drinks. The study identifies and assesses factors such as product packaging, Brand image, Price fairness, Perceived Quality and Taste which are considered as independent variables whereas the dependent variable is consumer purchase intention.
Does Aerosol Science Support Contact Tracing for COVID–19 Spread Detection?[Full-Text ] B. G. Shiva Prasad Ebola’ and ‘COVID-19’ have become dreaded diseases and captured the attention of the human race including researchers. Fluids (liquid/gas) pervade the universe and hence understanding the fluid/aero dynamic pathway of the virus needs utmost attention due to the frequent outbursts of Ebola and the present spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Until recently, the conventional understanding of the COVID-19 pathway presumed direct contact with the body fluid and neglected air borne transport.
Gut content analysis and Feeding Habits of the Indian Mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) at Ratnagiri[Full-Text ] Madhura MukadamIn the current research, some feeding habits and diet composition of Indian Mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta were investigated by regular monthly collection over the period of 13 months from April 2014 to April 2015. A total of 350 specimens of Rastrelliger kanagurta were evaluated. The highest and lowest fork length and body weight were 25cm -16.7 cm and 141.23 g - 60.94 g respectively.
Natural Language Processing and its Role in COVID-19[Full-Text ] Vikas Sharma, Rohan Khanna, Dr. Sonia Duggal Normal language preparation (NLP) is a sort of Man-made thinking (AI). This research helps to find out about the NLP and its Role in Covid-19. The aim of composing this paper is to spread awareness of AI technologies like NLP. Presently pandemic occurs in all directions due to COVID-19. It is difficult to track the patients of COVID-19 without testing which is not an easy task in India. It helps to get information about the roles of NLP in COVID-19 that the NLP helps humanity in this pandemic. It is conducted by various sources like newspapers and the internet.
Expériences et compétences pour une meilleure performance des entreprises algériennes[Full-Text ] Mustapha GUENAOUDepuis les débuts de la pandémie du Covid19 , les entreprises algériennes traversent une période de fluctuation, engendrée par la crise mondiale du coronavirus. Comme toutes les entreprises au niveau international, elles sont confrontées à un triple problème d’ordre économique, financier et socio-sanitaire.
THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON AGRICULTURAL CROPS IN BALE ZONE, SOUTH EASTERN ETHIOPIA[Full-Text ] Begna Duressa, Demeke Datiko, Mr. Yoseph KanaaThe study examined the extent of the economic impact of climate change on crop production in Bale zone (Sinana, Ginir, Goro and Gololcha) as a result of marginal effects of temperature and rainfall, as well as investigated the degree of observed climate change downscaled future projection. It also assessed the perception of the local community on climate change and adaptations mechanisms employed by farmers in response to climate change in the study area.
Artificial Intelligence Model to Assess Project Baseline Plan[Full-Text ] Ahmed H. Elyamany, Haytham H. Elmousalami, Eman F. Abdul Salam, Hossam El-din HosniPlanning is one of the most important stages in managing construction projects. Most researches focus on developing and improving scheduled techniques. Yet, surveying the literature reveal insufficiency in the area of project planning assessment researches. This research aims at bridging this gap and introduce a model to assess Project Baseline Plan (PBP). The development of the PBP model is achieved in four steps. First, collecting factors affecting the Project Baseline Plan from literature. Second, identifying the most important factor using Delphi technique. Third, assigning relative weights to each factor using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Combustion and Heat Transfer in a Spark Ignition Engine Running On Ethanol-Petrol Blends[Full-Text ] Nwaji, G.N., Eze, D., Nwufo, O., Onwachu, C.C. and Ofong, I.The mathematical model of combustion and heat transfer processes in a spark ignited internal combustion engine has been developed from first principle. The combustion process is based on a two-dimensional thermal theory of combustion such that the prediction of combustion temperature distribution and heat flux within the charged mixture contained in the cylinder during the combustion phase of the engine operation from -30° before top dead centre to +30o after top dead centre crank angles can be predicted.
AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF COUNSELING PRACTICES IN THE UNIVERSITIES OF PAKISTAN AND DEVELOPING A MODEL STRATEGY FOR FUTURE[Full-Text ] Kiran Joseph, Dr. Shaqufta Akhtar, Lt.Col. (r) Dr. Manzoor H. ArifThe aim of present study was to analyze the existing counseling practices available in the universities of Pakistan, on the basis of opinions of such stakeholders as heads of university departments, teachers and students so as to suggest a model counseling strategy for the future. The objectives of the study were: (a) to examine the views of students and teachers of the universities for assessment of counseling needs and their utilization in these institutions of higher learning (b) to investigate the opinions of heads of departments in the universities about counseling needs and its utilization for students’ counseling in their departments(c) to analyze the counseling practices in universities of Pakistan (d) to develop a model counseling strategy to be used in the universities of Pakistan in future.
Assessment of Metro-Bus Service Lahore[Full-Text ] Ahmad OsamaThis study is conducted for the analysis of utilization. The government has cut off in the subsidy. After the decrease in the subsidy, the fares became high but there is no study available for the analysis of utilization after the end of subsidy. This is an empirical study which explores the user’s utilization and identifies the factors that are important for the increase in the ratio of utilization.
Walkability and Connectivity of Delhi Metro stations at Peri-Urban areas[Full-Text ] Anita MandalWalkability has an essential role in creating a pollution-free city. If a public transport facility is accessible and connected very well to the origins and destinations of the people, the use of public transport will tend to increase. This will result in the reduction of pollution. So, it is important to study how well public transport is connected and accessible to pedestrians. This research study is representing an analysis of the pedestrian facilities at surrounding areas within 1 km radius of metro stations (MS) located in central and peripheral Delhi.
Hybrid approach for twitter sentiment analysis using supervised machine learning algorithms[Full-Text ] Miss.Nikita Pagar, Prof.B.S.SatputeSocial Media sites like twitter have billions of people share their opinions day by day as tweets. As tweet is characteristic short and basic way of human emotions. So in this paper we focused on sentiment analysis of Twitter data. Most of Twitter’s existing sentiment analysis solutions basically consider only the textual information of Twitter messages and strives to work well in the face of short and ambiguous Twitter messages. Recent studies show that patterns of spreading feelings on Twitter have close relationships with the polarities of Twitter messages.
ASSESSMENT OF SELECTED METALS IN SOIL FROM AUTOMOBILE WORKSHOP IN EKITI-NORTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT, EKITI STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] AJAYI O. OMOYEMI, OLADEJI M. SAMSON, OYEWUMI O. TOLULOPE, OLONIMOYO A. ESTHER, AKANDE S. OLAYINKAAnthropogenic actions have often been reported as the causes of increasing background concentration of heavy metal in soil. With the measurement of soil parameters, we can specifically judge the geo-accumulation and transmission tendencies of these metals into the human food chain. Investigating Soil sample collected from automechanic workshops in Ekiti North Senatorial District of Nigeria; the concentration of heavy metal in the soil as well estimating degree of contamination (DOC), pollution load index (PLI) and geo-accumulation index (Igeo) were determined.
Maturity analysis of Cretaceous source rock using 1D basin modeling approach in the Platform area of Middle Indus Basin, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Shamshad Akhtar, Muhammad Saqib, Samiullah Khan Zimri, Adnan Naseer, Javed Iqbal AwanThe present paper aimed to conduct multi 1D numerical modeling of Punjab Platform, Middle Indus Basin of Pakistan to evaluate the maturation, hydrocarbon generation, and expulsion history of Cretaceous source rock. The study is based on lab analysis and vitrinite reflectance calculations on core samples and drill cuttings to evaluate the hydrocarbon generation from Cretaceous source rock Chichali/ Sembar Formation in the Middle Indus Basin of Pakistan.
Categorization of Conditioning Variables for Pluvial Flood Risk Assessment[Full-Text ] Oladapo Kayode A., Idowu, Sunday A., Adekunle, Y.A, Ayankoya, F.AFlooding has been a recurring decimal in different continents and it accounts for about one-third of all natural disasters in terms of number and economic losses. Specifically, pluvial flood has contributed immensely to flooding globally. Several conditioning variables have been identified from literature for flood detection and prediction but there has been scant research in the selection of condition variables for flood prediction.
The activity of ascorbate peroxidase in seedlings of durum and soft wheat varieties under the influence of trivalent ferric oxides nanoparticles[Full-Text ] G.H. MammadliAs, it is known, the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plant cells increases under stressful influences, therefore, the intensity of free radical oxidative processes also increases. In response to an increase of ROS, as a rule, activation of the components of the, antioxidant plant protection system (AOS) occurs. In this regard, the article considers the change in the activity of one of the high molecular weight components of the, antioxidant plant protection system – ascorbate peroxidase (APO), in two-week seedlings of durum and soft wheat varieties under the influence of trivalent ferric oxides nanoparticles (NP).
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System with Non-Linear Regression Model for Online Learning Framework[Full-Text ] Abdul Joseph Fofanah, Ibrahim Kalokoh, Korjo Tesyon Hwase and Alex Peter NamagonyaIn this paper, we present a combined hybrid of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with an adaptive online learning model (ANFIS-AOLM) using a non-linear regression machine learning technique to construct the Neural Network. We proposed ANFIS-AOLM for learning by modeling and controlling imprecise defined, uncertainty system with a significant role of the neuro-fuzzy method.
Isolation and Identification of Petroleum Degrading Bacteria[Full-Text ] Chhanda Rani Roy, Tasnia Ahmed, Md. Zehadul IslamPetroleum oils are being used drastically advanced world and at the same time cause pollution by getting entry into soil and water through spillage and other ways. Natural auto bioremediation by native bacterial population is the most effective way to get rid from such pollution. From petroleum contaminated soil some bacteria were isolated with petroleum (diesel, petrol, kerosene) as sole carbon source to detect petroleum utilizing bacteria. After biochemical identification of these bacteria Bushnell Haas agar medium was incorporated with 1%, 3%, 5% and 7% petroleum oil was used to determine the tolerance of them.
Enabling Secure and Effective Cloud Based Spatial Request[Full-Text ] G Abhinav Rishi, Dr. Sreedhar BhukyaA cloud is a virtualized pool of assets, from crude process capacity to application usefulness, accessible on request. At the point when clients acquire cloud benefits, the supplier satisfies those solicitations utilizing propelled mechanization as opposed to manual provisioning. The key bit of leeway is nimbleness: the capacity to apply preoccupied process, stockpiling, and system assets to outstanding tasks at hand varying and tap into a plenitude of prebuilt administrations.
ELECTRIC ENERGY LOSSES IN TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK: AN OVERVIEW[Full-Text ] OKOEKHIAN JOSHUA, OMOSIGHO OSAWARU EMMANUELThis paper presents an overview of a typical electric energy transport system network. It examines the losses experienced in the transmission and distribution network and suggest practical measures to be taken by stakeholders (Government and Utility owners) to minimize these losses.
The Importance of Project Management Office (PMO) Implementation in Governmental Organizations[Full-Text ] Osama A. TumiThis paper explores the importance of improving and implementation of a Project Management Office (PMO) in governmental organizations. The Project Management Office (PMO) is an evolving organizational structure that contributes to the development of both project and organizational performances, and project management maturity. Like worldwide, the PMO implementation represents a serious challenge for governmental organizations because of several factors.
PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF BOOST CONVERTER FOR VARIOUS TEMPERATURES[Full-Text ] G.B. Ezhiljenekkha, Dr. M. MarsalineBenoSolar energy is one of the fast developing renewable energy source in Indian electricity nowadays. Energy from solar can be converted by two categories as solar thermal and solar electric. Worldwide growth of photovoltaic is strongly varies by country .Solar electric can be commonly known as photo voltaic. Photo voltaic systems uses solar panel and the solar thermal uses the thermal energy for energy conversion. In solar electric conversion the sunlight is directly converted in to electricity.
Synthesis & Photophysical Characteristics of Novel Self-Assembly [ICT] Functional & Related Cyanines[Full-Text ] Ahmed Ibrahim Koraiem & Mahmoud Hussein YosrySome self-assembly [ICT] functional & their cyanines incorporating Pyrazolo [4',3':5,6]pyrido[3,4-a]indolizine & pyrazolo [4'',3'':5',6']pyrido [3',4':3,4] pyrrolo [1,2-a]quinolin-12-ium -10-ium-zero-11(13)[4]methine cyanine dye (3a-d), pyrazolo[4',3':5,6]pyrido[3,4-a]indolizine&pyrazolo[4'',3'':5',6']pyrido[3',4':3,4] pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinolin-10(12)-ium-zero-11(13)[4]methine(4a-d), pyrazolo [4',3': 5,6]pyrido[3,4-a]indolizin-10-ium-iodide-zero-11[4]substituted-di-4[2(4)]
Fused Five Membered Heterocyclic Amino Acids As An alternative Precursors in Phytopigment Cyanine like Synthesis[Full-Text ] A.I.M.Koraiem, M.M.Gommaa & M.H.Yosry4-Acetyl-3-methyl-1-phenyl pyrazolin-5-imine (1b) undergoes multi step processes (selective quaternization & hydration) with chloroacetic acid in saturated sodium bicarbonate solution to achieve 1-Chloroacetyl-3, 4-dimethyl-1-phenyl-pyrrolo [2, 3-b] pyrazolo-2-carboxylic acid-2, 5-dicarboxy methylene chlorides (18). Such compound under acidic conditions afforded N-acetyl-3, 4-dimethyl-1-phenyl-pyrrolo [2, 3-b] pyrazolo-2-carboxylic acid-2, 5-dicarboxymethylene chlorides (19). Piperidine catalyzed of the later (19) achieved 1[H] -3, 4-dimethyl-pyrrolo [2, 3-c] pyrazolium-2-carboxylic acid-2-carboxymethylene hydroxide salt (20) which on interaction with N-methyl
SMART TROLLEY[Full-Text ] Anagha S. Jagtap, Manaswee Adwant, Gautami PatilTraditional way of shopping has been changed and people prefer shopping in malls or markets as they get discounts and attractive coupons etc. This is increasing the crowd at malls and the working manpower is not sufficient for it resulting in long queues and time consuming billing process. To overcome this situation we have designed a smart trolley. It consist of a device which will be placed on every trolley.