Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2019.
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Systemic Review on the potentials of Enzymes in the Bioremediation of crude oil polluted soils[Full-Text ] Dianabasi Ime Uko,Zainab Hassan Sulaiman,Aishatu Saidu ,Alhassan Mohammed ,Adesuyi Temitope OjoPetroleum is the major source of energy for various industries and daily life. Releasing petroleum into the environment whether accidentally or due to human activities is a main cause of soil pollution. Soil contaminated with petroleum has a serious hazard to human health and causes environmental problems as well. Petroleum pollutants, mainly hydrocarbon, are classified as priority pollutants.
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SAND-CAST AND DIE-CAST ALUMINIUM FOR ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS[Full-Text ] K. A. OLAIYA, M. O. Adeoti, I. A. Adigun, R. O. Saheed, U. Eboreime and L. O. JimohIn this study, the mechanical properties of scraped and recycled Aluminium pot were examined to assess their suitability for Engineering applications. The scraps collected from dump sides and other places were melted and cast in specimen rod using sand casting and die casting methods. Cast component were then machined into standard dimensions to suit available machines for testing.
Production and Characterization of Coffee Husk and Sawdust Briquettes with Potato Peel, Waste Paper and Molasses as a Binding Material[Full-Text ] Abera Tesfaye EsheteEthiopia produces considerable amount of biomass each year which has been utilized for domestic energy purpose, mainly by direct combustion. Ethiopia still relies heavily on traditional sources of energy for cooking and heating. The main aim of this research paper was to produce and characterize coffee husk and sawdust briquette with different type and ratio of binding material for modern utilization of biomass wastes. The problem of briquette utilization was its varying properties with different raw material and binding material type and ratio. In this study coffee husk and sawdust fuel briquettes, comprising varying ratios of potato peel, waste paper and molasses as a binder, were molded and characterized.
Semi-Supervised Ensemble Clustering[Full-Text ] Ruchi Jain, Prof. L.A.DeshpandeSemi-Supervised cluster has restricted supervising with in the kind of labeled instances to help unattended cluster and considerably improves the performance of cluster. Despite the amount of knowledgeable data on this, existing work isn’t designed for handling huge higher dimensional knowledge. There are varied limitations in ancient cluster approach. Victimization of solely previous data provided by supervisor. Good performance in high dimensional datasets.
Keyword Extraction Using A Graph-Based Approach[Full-Text ] Tarique Khan, Danish Kumar, Kamlesh Kumar SootharDue to the increasing rate of text over the Internet, it is very difficult to retrieve the relevant information regarding the user. To overwhelm with these types of problems more research work has been done in information retrieval and text analytics so far and it is one of the most trending topics for research regarding the keyword extraction. There are many types of data regarding the observations and analysis such as graphical data and others. Data can also be generated by the user, by considering social media, Wikipedia or any other resources.
Classification of Abnormalities in Medical Images Based on Feature Transformation- A Review[Full-Text ] Suja K.V, Rajkumar K.KComputer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) has become one of the major research areas in the field of medical imaging. Interpretation and analysis of medical image data is the most challenging and advanced application area of pattern recognition and computer vision. The development of medical imaging technology led to the increase in the number of parameters evolved to describe the human physiological condition, forming high-dimensional clinical datasets. Processing such a high-dimensional dataset causes high computing cost and storage that reduces the performance of the system.
Feasibility Study and Economic Analysis of a Hybrid PV/diesel Energy System for Remote Rural Healthcare Center[Full-Text ] Jamiu Omotayo OladigboluThis paper investigated the optimal design and economic viability of renewable-based hybrid power supply system for application in the basic health center (BHC) at an off-grid rural area in Nigeria. The BHC has average energy consumption per day of 14.6kWh and a peak load demand of 2.73kW. HOMER Pro evaluation software has been engaged for the simulation and techno-economic analysis. At 2.25 SAR/L diesel fuel price and 5.51 kWh/m2/day solar annual average radiation, PV/diesel/battery hybrid power system was adjudged the most preferred configuration technically and economically for powering basic health center in the selected area. The outcome of the optimal simulation reveals that the cost of energy (COE) ranges between 1.51 SAR/kWh and 1.62 SAR/kWh for varying global solar radiation. As regard to the fuel consumption and CO2 emission, the conventional diesel system consumes 3431.6 L/yr. more than the optimal architecture to emit 9,041 kg/yr. CO2. Hence, the optimal best configuration performs better than the diesel-based architecture.
Optimum Hollowness of Normally Loaded Rings[Full-Text ] Subodh Subedi and Deje-Kossu ZahuiAdvancements in manufacturing and material technology has redefined the approach of design for machine components. Additive manufacturing processes have enabled designers to manufacture for design and functionality. With Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) approach, components can be manufactured with holes in them, including rolling contact components.
A Study on Synthesis and Applications of Vegetable De-oiled Cake Protein Based Crude Biosurfactant[Full-Text ] Nikita Wanjari, Rohini Shelar, Mohd Asif Siddiqui, Jyotsna WaghmareBiosurfactant synthesis by using underutilized by-product rapeseed cake and microorganisms such as Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa had excellent ability to lower surface tension, is biodegradable, efficient replacement of petrochemical base surfactant and cost effective.
AN ANTHROPOMETRIC STUDY OF CEPHALIC INDEX AMONG SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN’S IN TRIBAL BELT OF CHHATTISGARH, INDIA[Full-Text ] Rajni Thakur, Anjana TiwariBackground: All living beings undergo changes in varying degrees during their life and the features are variable in the individuals of the same species. No two persons are similar in their measurable character. Anthropometry evolved as a standard scientific technique for measuring human body dimensions. The cephalic index is calculated as the breadth of the skull multiplied by 100 divided by the length.
Using BlockChain technology in Smart Grids[Full-Text ] Parthit PatelSmart grids with information flow based on BlockChain would enable tracking the transfer of energy in a transparent and secure manner. Using BlockChain for energy grids would allow solving problems that plague the traditional system. In this paper we analyse what role BlockChain would play in facilitating the usage of Smart Grids along with its ability to enable a Peer to Peer (P2P) energy transfer platform.
A critical evaluation of the writing methods of selected scholars of African culture and traditional religion – E. B. Idowu; E. G. Parrinder and K. A. Opoku[Full-Text ] Offiong offiong asuquoEvery activity of man is often done in a certain way. This includes the study of religion. Scholars have generally adopted various methods in studying religion. Some of these methods have been classified as unacademic, while some are academic and scientific. It is accepted that the proper way to study religion academically is through the scientific method which is a systemic and objective analysis of religious phenomena (Kirkpatric ed. 1159). Some other methods identified include: the polymethodic approach, descriptive approach, speculative approach, culture area approach.
Utilization of Weather and Climate Information for Adaptation Decision-Making among Smallholder Farmers in Gulu, Uganda[Full-Text ] Peter B. Olanya; Julius T. Mwine & Rosemary NalwangaClimate change is a major driver of vulnerability among rural smallholder farmers. Vulnerability is exacerbated by a lack of reliable weather and climate information necessary to support farm-level adaptation decision-making. This study assessed utilization of weather and climate information for adoption of climate-smart crop production practices by smallholder farmers in Gulu District of northern Uganda. Specifically, the study determined how access, understanding, and application of weather and climate information influenced adoption of climate-smart crop production practices among the smallholder farmers.
Evaluating Highway Pavement Maintenance Man-agement Practices in Egypt[Full-Text ] Hany Abd Elshakour Mohamed, Suad Hosny Enany, Asmaa Kamal Eldin MohammedThe roads network is one of the most important assets in all countries. Nowadays, there is a big boom in roads construction in Egypt. Pavement conditions of roads during the operation phase play an important role in the economic, social, and environmental situations in any country. Roads conditions can be enhanced by the implementation of good pavement maintenance management practices (PMMP).
Energy Storage Enhancement in Solar Panel[Full-Text ] Md. Kamrul Hasan, Fazly Rabbi,Tuhin Shuvra Das, H.M.Asad-uz-zaman,and Md. Mostofa Nurannabi ShakilPeople are in deep concern regarding energy pro-duction due to limited natural coal, gas and oil reserve. With respect to this problem, solar energy system appear as the boon to the underdeveloped countries. Maximum use of solar for energy conversion is now a big challenge. Price of the solar panel is another important issue for the poor countries. Considering both issues, we have proposed a solution that use minimum number of solar panel to produce maximum level of energy moving the panel on the line of sight of the sun.
Library and Information Science Research: A Bibliometric Study of Library Philosophy and Practice, 1998 to 2005[Full-Text ] Muhammad Anwar, Dr.Tang ZhiweiBibliometrics is a set of mathematical and statistical methods used to analyze and measure the quantity and quality of books, articles, and other forms of publications. This study aims at analyzing the research performance output in library and information science research articles, published in an online journal, Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP).
Enhancing Chinese retail performance through digital transformation: The impact of employees analytics skills and data-based decision making[Full-Text ] Alida Magakam Tchamekwen, Zhao Xicang, Konan Kan Elvis KouakouThe present study analyses the potential of digital transformation to stand as a critical engine of competitiveness for traditional retail firms in China in the digital age. The research focuses on the relationship between two digital capabilities namely employees analytics and data-based decision making and two indicators of business performance in the digital world namely digital innovation dynamic and sales.
Discrimination and exclusion of differently able persons from social world (With special reference to Indore District)[Full-Text ] Dr. SudhaJainToday, there are millions of people living with one or multiple disabilities. In India, the population with disabilities is around 26.8 million, constituting 2.21% of India’s total population, if we refer the 2011 population census data. Disability rights activists and academicians working on disability issues, however, say that these numbers in the census are a very small percentage of the actual numbers.
Effect of Salicylic Acid and CaSO4 on Morphological Characters and Yield of Mungbean[Full-Text ] Mohammad Nurul Islam, Azizur Rahman, Md. Rasal-Monir, Sumya Fatima, Samar Biswas, Md. Ashabul HoqueThe experiment was conducted at the research plot of the department of Agricultural Botany of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka during the period from February 2017 to June 2017 to effect of salicylic acid and CaSO4 on morphophysiology growth and yield of mungbean.
Activated carbon adsorbent derived from Erythrina brucei stem powder on industrial waste water treatment[Full-Text ] Abdulfeta Muhdin, Biruktawit Tefaye, Abdulrazak Heiredin, Bedasa Abdisa Gonfa, Fedlu Kedir Sabir, Rajalakshmanan EswaramoorthyA wide range of adverse environmental toxic agents were adulterated in the Industrial waste-water. One of the major pollutant in Industrial effluent is dye materials, even a small amount of dye can alter the quality of water source, that can cause harmful impacts on living organism.
Awareness of Digital shade matching principles among dental practioners[Full-Text ] Kiran. K, Dr. Vinay sivaswamyThe demand for aesthetic has carried over to the field of dentistry since a ‘perfect smile’ is one of the primary constituents of an aesthetic appearance. There is a rising awareness among patients on the need for an aesthetic appearance and the aesthetic options available in dentistry the biggest challenge for dental clinicians is to provide an aesthetic outcome in every treatment they perform .
Awareness of Digital shade matching principles among dental practioners[Full-Text ] Baala Vignesh.A, Dr. Vinay sivaswamyThe demand for aesthetic has carried over to the field of dentistry since a ‘perfect smile’ is one of the primary constituents of an aesthetic appearance. There is a rising awareness among patients on the need for an aesthetic appearance and the aesthetic options available in dentistry the biggest challenge for dental clinicians is to provide an aesthetic outcome in every treatment they perform .
Performance of semi-transparent photovoltaic systems integrated with buildings on exergy basis: A review[Full-Text ] Neha GuptaIn this communication, a review has been done to understand the performance of semi-transparent photovoltaic system integrated with roof top of a building based on exergy analysis. Analytical expressions for calculating the thermal exergy based on both low and high operating temperatures, total exergy, output and input exergy and exergy efficiency have been written.
Feature Extraction and Classification of Green Mung Bean Using Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Teklehaymanot Girma, Sudhir Kumar Mohapatra, Befkadu BeleteDevelopment of a machine learning vision system aiming in the establishment of technological and innovative approaches towards sample green mung bean raw quality value classiï¬cation by extracting the relevant green mung bean features is the focal issue of this exploratory research. The major objective of the research spans extraction and selection of the important green mung bean morphological and color features that are useful for the purpose of classiï¬cation of the raw quality grade level of sample green mung beans by designing, analyzing and testing a digital image processing model.
Evaluation of Climate Change Impact on Stream Flow in Upper Awash River Basin, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Kiya Kefeni, Tamirat Dessalegn, Negese RobaStudies of climate change impact on water resources are very crucial for planning and management to alleviate poverty; and for sustainable development specially in developing countries. This study assessed the likely impacts of climate change on stream flow in the Upper Awash basin of Ethiopia using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT).
BRAND STRENGTH, SOCIAL INFLUENCE AND CONSUMERS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS GREEN PURCHASE INTENTION OF HOME APPLIANCES PRODUCTS[Full-Text ] Consumers has the expanding needs of healthier lifestyles by taking environmental concerns into their purchasing consideration (Tseng & Hung, 2013). The changes of consumption behavior by taking environment consideration in the buying decision process is called “Green Consumerism” (Moisander, 2007). Yazdanifard and Erdo (2011) further added that consumers who wants to identify themselves with Green Company and willing to buy this product at premium price is called Green Consumers.
Review on Recombinant Vaccines[Full-Text ] Dilbar Shahzad, Talha Mudassar, Muhammad YasirVaccines were initially developed on experimental basis, depending mostly on attenuation or inactivation of pathogens. Advances in immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genomics and proteomics have added new outlook to the vaccinology field. The targeting of immune responses focused against few protective antigens is now possible by the use of the recombinant proteins.
Data Localization in India – Pros and Cons[Full-Text ] Dinesh Agrawal In the era where “data is the new oil”, the data localization has taken center stage. Data localization is a measure adopted to give countries increased control over the data belonging to their citizens and residents. Due to the transient and pervasive nature of data on the internet, its security is constantly threatened and indeed been breached at several instances. Data localization is therefore conceived as means of enforcing data protection regime to secure data of the citizens and the critical interests of the nation state.
Deploying HandOff Mechanism with the Software Defined Network vs Mobile IP for 5G Network: A Feasibility Study[Full-Text ] Khaled Y AlghamdiIn recent times the Software Defined Network (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), and Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) have evolved as emerging technologies with high performance computing capabilities for the deployment of network functions such as mobile Evolved Packet Core (EPC), firewalls, local cache, virtual base station, etc. Also the of the abstractions provided by Software Networks technologies (essentially SDN and NFV) to support an abstracted model for any 5G network function, independent of its nature (network, computational, storage) and the implied resources (optical, wireless, satellite, cloud, etc).
Performance Benchmark for Handoff with the Software Defined Network in Cellular Networks: A Simulation Approach[Full-Text ] Khaled Y AlghamdIn recent times, performance during handoff has derived several optimizations techniques at the Core Network and Radio Access Network domain for Cellular Networks even as operators have moved to high performing LTE and LTE Advanced Networks. With Cloud Computing and ecosystem for Virtualization developed for the Core and Radio Networks SDN open flow seems to be a seamless solution for determining signal flow between mobiles. There have been lot of research going on for deploying SDN Open Flow with the 5G Cellular Network.The current paper perform benchmarks as a feasibility need for implementing SDN open flow for 5G Cellular Network. The Handoff mechanism impacts the scalability required for a cellular network and simulation results can be further used to be deployed the 5G Network v
Signal De-noising Based On Empirical Mode Decomposition and a Comparison between EMD and Wavelet Processing[Full-Text ] Md. Zahedul Islam, Shah Md. Tanzimul KabirDigital signal processing has become an important field of computer science and engineering from recent few decades. As the surrounding is always noisy and it is quite impossible to avoid them, it is very essential to implement a good way to de-noise the signal. Empirical mode decomposition is a very popular method of signal de-noising.
NEURAL SKETCHING[Full-Text ] C Vijaykumaran, Prakhar Dixit, and V R AbhinavHumans have used drawing to depict the ocular world since earliest times. Even on the present, sketching is possibly the only rendering technique readily available to all humans. Sketch-rnn, it is a special type of neural network known as the Recurrent Neural Network which is able to sketch stroke based pictures of day to day things. The model of this recurrent neural network is trained on a number of human drawn sketches which shows different classes of objects.
The Bogor Repeater Radio Frequency is an Infrastructure Facility that functions to overcome congestion in Jakarta and surrounding areas[Full-Text ] Sunaryo, Fahmi Shakir Rangkuti, Magribi, Adris. A. Putra, Endro SukotjoThe main objective of this study is that road users in the city of Jakarta and surrounding areas, can avoid congestion by using the Bogor Repeater Radio Frequency (RRF) communication network, can be accessed by drivers on the highway with Radio Frequency (RF) mobile communication, with an output frequency of 142,020 Mhz input 143,520 Mhz, with JZ10ZRD1 call sign. Or can be accessed using Android, with the Team Speak 3 application, can be downloaded on the App Play Store.
Bad Debt Ratio and Non-Performing Loan Analysis On BUKOPIN Consumer Credit Division In Jakarta[Full-Text ] Erwin Rasyid, Reza SurianshaThis study will conduct an analysis related to bad loans experienced by PT. Bank Bukopin, Jakarta's consumer credit division. Know the factors that influence the customers of the payment of credit obligations and to know Bank Bukopin's efforts in cracking down on customers in the payment process. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that two factors were causing Bad Debt Ratio and Non-Performing Loans. Another thing is how Bank Bukopin handles problem loans both through litigation and non-litigation.
Prevalence of Pressure Ulcer and Preventive Measures Practiced among Nurses in UCTH Medical Wards[Full-Text ] Mrs Pricillia Andrew-Bassey, Mrs Nene AntiaThis study is on the prevalence of pressure ulcer and preventive measures practiced among nurses in medical wards,UCTH.. A retrospective design involving 221 patients was used to obtained data on prevalence while a descriptive survey design involving 60 nurses working in medical wards was used to obtained data on preventive measures practiced via questionnaire.
MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE MONITORING MODEL USING KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY IN DATABASES (KDD)[Full-Text ] OKORONKWO, M.C; NGENE CHIGOZIE; OMANKWU OBINNAYA CHINECHEREM AND INYIAMA, H.C. The state of maternal health is an important indicator of a nation’s health care delivery system and the level of the society’s development. Previous efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on the reduction of maternal mortality in Nigeria have shown only marginal reductions in the last five years, making the MDGs targets by 2020 clearly unachievable using current strategies alone (Mid-Point Assessment Overview, MDGs Nigeria, 2008), hence this study.
Gully Erosion: A comparison of contributing factors in Njaba Watershed, Imo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Amangabara, G.T, Njoku, J.D and Egbuawa, O.IThis study compared the contribution of various soil erodibility factors in the formation of gully erosion channels in the study area. Gully cross sectional area were measured in the field. Soil samples were collected at the top, middle and gully floor and analyzed for various soil physical/geotechnical parameters. Field measurements as well as the laboratory results of the soil analyses were used as input data for the statistical analyses.
Knowledge of Endotracheal Suctioning Procedure Among Critical Care Practitioners’ in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH), Calabar[Full-Text ] Andrew-Bassey, P. I & Anarado, A.Endotracheal suctioning is a clinical procedure that helps to clear airways in the respiratory system by mechanically removing accumulated pulmonary secretions in patients with artificial airways (Sharma, Sarin & Bala, 2014). Critically ill patients with artificial airways require endotracheal suctioning to remove secretions and prevent airway obstruction, without which the patient may experience inadequate oxygenation and ventilation.