Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2019.
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Logistic Analysis of Accident Severity Models for Intercity Roads[Full-Text ] M. IBRAHIM, I. M. RAMADAN AND N. M. SALLEHThe main objective of this study is to model accident severity in Egypt. Accident severity models in Egypt as soon as many developing countries are limited and need more effort. Data collected from Egyptian desert roads for the period from 2012 until 2015. Three different desert roads are selected in this research (Alexandria, Ismailia, and Suez) for data collection.
A Review of Electromagnetic Geophysics[Full-Text ] Frijia MortuzaDifferent aspects of electromagnetic geophysics research are shortly reviewed. Since the discovery of electromagnetic geophysics in 19th century the main attention was the structure of the earth later It is known that it helps to explore ground exploration, dynamic internal struc-tures and surface expressions. As the field is now far advanced to express in a short review, thus here are some important notes are pre-sented.
Studying of the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Circular Water Jets Impinging Hot Plate[Full-Text ] Tarek Safwat Y.Ahmed, H. A. Abotaleb, M.M. Abo El-NasrQuenching is popularly used in the past decades in the steel industries to increase hardness like in southern India high material specifications called wootz is produced and it was bought all over the world also in the Islamic era they produced swards and shields with very high hardness and light weight. In our days quenching is widely studied to be the foundation of metallurgy science it depends on reducing the crystal grain size in the material.
DESCARTES’ ON SKEPTICISM[Full-Text ] Dr. B.ANANDA SAGARIn this paper I would like to explore Descartes’s take on Skepticism. Descartes is undoubtedly the father of modern philosophy. Modern philosophy is characterized by its revolt against Aristotle and the Aristotelian spirit that was hovering throughout the period of medieval philosophy. Opposition to Aristotle was Descartes’s major occupation. His Meditations attempted to introduce foundations of his own physics against those of Aristotle.
IDENTIFICATION OF SOME CAUSES AND FACTORS THAT ENCOURAGE CORRUPTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO AND THE IMPACT ON THE STABILITY OF THE COUNTRY[Full-Text ] Prof. Asoc. Dr. Bejtush GASHI, Adrianit IBRAHIMIThe purpose of this paper is to identify some of the root causes and factors from which corruption emanates in the Republic of Kosovo. So, the basic hypothesis that is attempted to prove through this research is related to a better understanding of the causes and factors that urge corruption in the Republic of Kosovo, a recognition that would make war against it much more successful in this country.
High Quality Factor Plasmonic Laser Based on Two Cavity Design[Full-Text ] Doaa S. MohammedPlasmonic nano cavities is type of nano-cavities that appeared in the last decades. Plasmonic cavities based on surface plasmon polariton that using metal to confine light below its diffraction limit. Diffraction limit is the most important problem in the semiconductor cavities.
Introducing the Kalman filter and application[Full-Text ] Oanh Pham-Thi-Ngoc, Dung Nguyen-ThanhKalman Filter (KF) is a conventional algorithm for estimation and prediction especially when data has a lot of noise. KF is used for linear transition functions where as under non-linear transition, Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is used. The EKF is also considered to be the de-facto standard.
Global Consumerism ! Award Goes to Africa ! History's First Globalization ![Full-Text ] Rojukurthi Sudhakar RaoAfrica is the second to none ancient civilization from Hunter-Gatherer to Tribe to Ethnicity to Modernity, gradually evolved into making Kinships and Social Organizations with Economics as Life’s Culturally Living System in the African Nations as well as the salient feature of the African Nationalism in the matters of attachment to the materialistic values or possessions fundamentally by the African people.
A Novel Approach on wireless controlled Drip Irrigation using Fuzzy Controller[Full-Text ] V. C. Eugin Martin Raj, S. Lese, V. Balaji, M. PremalathaThis paper focus on determining the humidity and temperature of the soil using Raspberry Pi controller. The project designed using MATLAB 10, fuzzy logic and Simulink tools books the temperature and soil moisture sensors are used for detect the water quantity present in agriculture and water level sensor used for detecting water level in tank the level gauge interfaced by electronic circuit worked as signal conditioner circuit the water from tanks controlled by solenoid valve which actuated by relay circuit open and close as the microcontroller output then the water transmitted to roots zone using pipes line for irrigation process .
Plant Fibers: The Next Generation of Environmentally Friendly Automobiles[Full-Text ] Nwaezeapu.O. AnitaAutomobile companies employed the use of biodegradable materials such as nonwoven hemp fibers in the manufacture of its cars. Nonwoven hemp fibers are renewable, cheap, light weight and thus can reduce fuel consumption in automobiles, thereby reducing the amount of CO2 emitted into the environment. At the end of its life cycle, car components manufactured from these nonwoven hemp fibers can be biodegraded
VARIATION OF EDAPHIC-SITE CHARACTERISTICS ON VEGETATIVE PARAMETERS, ALONG A CATENA IN ODUKPANI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Abua, M.A.; Atsa, J. W. U. and Nwaogu, C.Soil catena in the field with the aid of laboratory analysis of edaphic factors improves understanding of vegetative parameters relationships. Examining soil catena gives a representation of the influence of topography on soil edaphic factors. The study on the variation of edaphic-site characteristics on vegetative parameters, along a catena in Odukpani Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria was carried out. Soil samples were collected at a depth of 0-15cm at the upper, middle and bottom slopes along the toposequence. Thirty replicate of 20m x 20m were randomly collected using soil auger from topsoils across the slope facets.
SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ COMPLIANCE WITH MATHEMATICS QUESTION PAPER INSTRUCTIONS DURING EXAMINATION[Full-Text ] IKETAKU ROSELINE IFEOMA, FRANCIS OGBONNA IKETAKU, ONYIA GLORIA UCHENNA, ONYIA BERNADETTE NWAKAEGOThe study was on secondary school students’ compliance with mathematics question paper instructions during examination. The research design was survey. There was a of population 2388 JSS3 students in the ten (10) secondary schools in Enugu East LGA. Proportionate sampling Technique was used to sample 342 JSS 3 students for the study. Mathematics Achievement Test for JSS (MATJSS) was the instrument for data collection. This instrument had the primary aim of obtaining information on JSS 3 students’ complaince with instruction on mathematics question papers during examinations.
Microscopic visualization of Peronospora variabilis Gaum, the cause of quinoa downy mildew in plant tissues at different stages of plant growth[Full-Text ] Elhamy M. El-Assiuty, Gamal M. Fahmy, Eihab M. Taha, Zeinab M. Fahmy, Abou Serie M. Ismael, Walaa R. Ramadan and Doaa A. KhalilPeronospora variabilis, the cause of quinoa downy mildew (DM) was visualized into various plant organs by the aid of compound microscope. The fungal oospores could be detected very early after seed germination.
A Deterministic Dynamic Programming Approach with Periodic Review Model for Production Planning[Full-Text ] Swe Zin MyintThis paper presents an efficient formula for solving optimization problem in DPR model with the aid of D.D.P (Deterministic Dynamic Programming) approach. The proposed formula employs back ward recursion in which computations proceeds from last stage to first stage in a multistage decision problem. A generalized recursive equation which gives exact solution of an optimization problem is derived in this paper. The proposed method is demonstrated with a practical problem.
Local Scour Around Bridge Abutment[Full-Text ] Aya M. Elkhouly, Mohamed T. Shamaa Tharwat A. Sarhan, Riham M. EzzeldinA group of laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the maximum scour depth around various abutment shapes. In this research a comparison between different shapes of abutment were carried out as vertical abutment, semicircular ended abutment, abutment with vertical sloped face, and wing wall abutment. Also, the influence of pile existence to reduce the maximum scour depth was investigated.
EFFECT OF AFLATOXINS0NS ON HAEMATOLOGICAL PROFILE OF ALBINO RATS[Full-Text ] Rattus norvegicusAflatoxins are the most dangerous mycotoxin, and are known to be toxigenic carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic to man and different species of animals. This research is focused on understanding their effect,immediately after intake, using Albino rats as experimental animal.
Length- weight relationship and condition factor of different sexes of Clarias gariepinus and Oreochromis niloticus from Calabar River, South-Eastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Joseph Akaninyene Paul, Otong Bassey Esio, Asuquo, Peter EneLength-weight relationships and condition indices of the 2 fish species was studied. 50 Clarias gariepinus and 50 Oreochromis niloticus samples were used for the study. The sex ratio were 1:1 (C. gariepinus) and 1:2 (O. niloticus). Male, female and combined sex of C. gariepinus exhibited a positive allometric growth, with “b” values of 3.040 (male), 3.505 (female) and 3.474 (combined sex).
POLITIQUE, AMOUR ET NOSTALGIE DANS LA POESIE DE UNIMNA ANGREY : REFLEXIONS SUR SURSAUTS[Full-Text ] Bassey Oben, Anthony Ebebe EyangLa Poésie fait rêver. La poésie, selon Stéphane Mallarmé, n’est que pour les initiés. La vérité de ce constat mallarméen réside dans le fait que lors de ses rêveries, le poète organise ses pensées à l’aide des symboles statiques et les symboles dynamiques. Ces symboles deviennent la clé qui-nous offre la possibilité de deviner l’état d’âme d’un poète afin de déchiffrer ou dégager le sens de sa poésie.
The Preventive Function of Islamic Boarding School to Radicalism[Full-Text ] Haris KulleThe main problems discussed in this study are Islamic Boarding Schools as prevention of radicalism (Studies of Islamic Boarding Schools in Palopo City). The first sub discussion is; What is the definition radicalism? And second, what is the manifestation of the role of Islamic Boarding School as prevention of the Infiltration of radicalism to the city of Palopo?
The Impact of Schistosomal and Hepatitis C Virus Co-infection on Some Clinic-pathological Parameters[Full-Text ] Iman M. Abbas, Ahmed M. Ghoneim, Khaled Farid, Abdelaziz khidrBoth hepatitis C virus (HCV) and schistosomiasis are highly endemic in Egypt and co-infection is frequently encountered. The impact of such co-infection on hepatic fibrosis and necro-inflammatory grades is worthy of investigation. In this study, we compare the degree of hepatic fibrosis and necro-inflammatory activity in liver tissue samples in two groups of HCV patients: positive and negative to shcistosoma antibodies.
TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY OF RAIN-FED RICE PRODUCTION IN KEBBI STATE, NIGERIA: A STOCHASTIC FRONTIERPRODUCTION FUNCTION APPROACH[Full-Text ] Gona, A. and R. IshayaThis study examined the technical efficiency of Rain fed rice production in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Data were generated from a sample of 120 rain fed rice farmers between June and November 2018 using the multi-stage random sampling technique. Net Farm Income and the Tran slog stochastic frontier production function model were employed for the analysis. The results revealed that Rain fed rice production in the study was found to be profitable, realizing N41, 330.0 as net income per hectare.
Color Filter Array Pattern Recognition for Raw Images Generating[Full-Text ] OUSMAN BOUKAR, Gamraikreo DJAOWE, Alban NGATCHOU, Laurent BITJOKAThe main objective of this paper consist to identify firstly the CFA pattern recognition and secondly to generate CFA image in both from the same data raw. Our methodology have been developed using a fast algorithm of derawtisation, implemented using Dcraw resources, and incorporated under the Windows exploitation system.
Prevalence of Health Problems among Elderly People: A Study in Selected Areas of SPSR Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh[Full-Text ] Mrs.A.Mercy Rani, Prof.D.B.Krishna kumariOld age is a significant phase in a person’s life. Prevalence of chronic diseases and functional disabilities increase steadily with ageing. 100 elderly people were selected by simple random sampling technique. Interview schedule was used to collect the data and the data was analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
STABILITY ANALYSIS OF EARTH SLOPES USING QIMSTAR SOFTWARE[Full-Text ] Robert Zanutey, Advisor: Cao Yuchun, Supervisor: Hu JunjuanThis study helps us understand slope stability, it analysis and method through literature review and some work examples. In this study, you get to know some of the methods used and to calculate them. Methods like the Ordinary is also known as the Swedish circle method, Simplified Bishop method, Spencer's method, Morgenstern-Price method, and many others.
Transformation of Production: Africa Redefinitive[Full-Text ] Rojukrthi Sudhakar RaoThe transformation of production in Africa conveys the broadest scope of usage of Engineering and Technology Appliances & Implements (ETAI) available in the present state of global knowledge but not relates to the African mode of production as a general plan of the African Societies prevalent in the Continent.
Deformation monitoring of structural elements using terrestrial laser scanner[Full-Text ] Zaki M. Zeidan, Ashraf A. Beshr, Ashraf G. shehataCivil infrastructure systems is important in terms of both safety and serviceability. So, large structure have been monitored using surveying techniques, while fine-scale monitoring of structural components has been done with geotechnical instrumentation. The advantages and disadvantages of using remote sensing methods, such as terrestrial laser scanning and digital close range photogrammetry, for the purposes of precise 3D reconstruction and the estimation of deflections in structural elements.
Armed Banditry and Internal Security in Zamfara State[Full-Text ] Mustapha Umar NadamaArmed banditry poses a serious threat not only to the Internal Security of Zamfara State, but to the National Security of Nigeria at large, in view of its impacts and implications. The level at which armed bandits were operating within Zamfara State needs to be given its rightful attention by both the Federal and the State governments.
Role of Land Use and Change Detection Techniques in Sustainability in Kafr El Sheikh Governorate at Northern of Egypt by using Remote Sensing Data[Full-Text ] Mahmoud El-Mewafi, Fawzi Hamid Fawzi Zarzoura and walaa metwaly kandilLand use/land cover (LULC) and their changes are utilized for the sustainable development policies. In this study, in Kafr El-Sheikh (KFS) governorate, northern Nile Delta, Egypt, the (LULC) changes were studied. In this research, the supervised classification and the change detection are used to discover the (LULC) changes by using the ERDAS IMAGINE software.
Virtual Collaboration in the Management of Construction Projects: A Review[Full-Text ] Kenneth Miebaka Oba, Ichebadu George AmadiThis article reviewed an overview of Virtual Collaboration as it applies to management of construction projects. It reviewed the project environment, the impact of the virtual team on the organisation, and the strategic decision-making process. It also looked at the impact of the Information Technology and Information System Strategies on the construction business throughout the project life cycle.
Removal of silent pauses and stuttered speech recognition by MFCC and K-means algorithm[Full-Text ] K V Rashmi, Dr. V UdayashankaraSpeech is the basic means of communication which humans use to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas. Fluency measures the effectiveness of speech in delivering information while communicating with another person. Stuttering is a speech disorder which affects the normal fluency of speech.
Market Expansion Strategy for Teleradiology Services into Resource-Poor Healthcare Set-ups[Full-Text ] Dr. Arti ThapliyalHealthcare sector is facing healthcare resource shortage globally and an acute doctor shortage in India is having a detrimental effect on healthcare outcomes. Resource-poor hospitals specifically struggle in this phenomenon on account of 4 reasons: not being able to hire enough doctors, poor infrastructure, cost of care and finally the compromised quality. Radiology is one such specialty which is very vital, scarce and is facing all above-mentioned challenges. Developing countries being resource-poor, specifically India which is the 2nd largest populated country in the world, is constantly struggling to provide quality care at low cost and improve healthcare outcomes.
QUALITY OF LIFE VALIDITATION IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS BEFORE AND AFTER THERAPEUTIC PHYSICAL TREATMENT[Full-Text ] Samir Bojicic, Bakir Katana, Eldad Kaljic, Muris Pecar, Adnan Sehic, Amra Macak Hadziomerovic, Hadzan Konjo, Amila Jaganjac, Edisa MujicINTRODUCTION: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory, non-communicable, progressive multifocal demyelinating autoimmune disease of central nervous system (CMS) which can be noticed by various neurological symptoms. The objective of our study is to find out the influence of physical therapy in patients with multiple sclerosis and importance of physical therapy for quality of life in the persons with multiple sclerosis. METHODS: In the research were included 60 data subjects who satisfied the criteria for inclusion in the research.