Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2019.
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A STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF SELECTED DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF STUDENTS USING MULTIPLE LOGISTIC REGRESSION[Full-Text ] ODIOR, K. A and EKERIKEVWE, K. IIn this communication an attempt was to empirically examine and investigate the influence of selected salient demographic characteristics on academic performance of student using the multiple logistic regression modelling. A multiple logistic regression model was fitted with cumulative grade point average (CGPA) as response variable while selected demographic characteristics as the explanatory variables.
Response Variable Transformation for Quantile Regression Model[Full-Text ] Nwakuya Maureen T, Nwabueze Joy. C, Onyegbuchulem, Besta.Okey Imoh, Johndamascene CAn alternative to ordinary least squares (OLS) regression model based on analytical solution is found to be quantile regression (QR) model. The procedure is well presented in this paper. Data Transformation and Square Root Transformation Simulation by Monte Carlo was carried out. Quantreg package in R software was used to illustrate the various model fitness for quantile regression model.
Review on Anticancer Activity of Nanoparticles[Full-Text ] Abdullah Ikram,Arifa Khan,Imran HussainNumerous investigations have shown that both tumoral cells and tumoral tissues can be controlled the entrapment of anticancer drug into the submicronic systems known as nanoparticles .The purpose of this sort of treatment is to increase the anticancer efficacy while reducing the side effects that are common in the treatment of cancer.Nanoparticles are of much importance while treating cancer because they are the nanoscale drug carriers.And this review will provides all the detail about the importance of nanaparticles in the treatment of cancer.
An Efficient Indexing Technique for Big Data Analytics using Ranking Information[Full-Text ] Bassey, Aniefiok Tom, Bennett, E. O., Emmah, V. T.The exponential growth of semi structured and unstructured data in the world today which is known as Big Da-ta requires an efficient indexing technique for fast and easy retrieval of information. Individuals and organiza-tions that utilize this data find it difficult to extract these information(s) at a low latency and this results in inef-ficiency of the system. In this research, two major techniques are combined to achieve the research objective.
Design of Synchronous Generator[Full-Text ] Than Than SweThis paper is to design of synchronous generator for hydrogenerating system.The synchronous generator is the most important of the electromechanical power conversion device,playing a key role both in the production of electricity and in certain special drive applications.Synchronous generator is driven by means of undershot water wheel.The position of generator is vertical because of direct coupling with the water wheel.In this paper, 2 kVA,salient pole,synchronous generator is designed for hydropower project.
PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF THE ROOTS AND STEM BARK of Mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) and Anogeissus leiocarpusS[Full-Text ] Yusuf H., Bello K.S., Ebu B., Ijebor F.D.The roots and steam barks of Khaya senegalensis was prepared by extracting 100g of the crude sample using the hot soxhlet extraction with n-hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone, methanol and water sequentially in order of their polarity index. The extracts were tested against some clinical isolates of Eschericia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. The results showed that the water stem bark extracts of Khaya senegalensis W(S) B showed the highest activity with 20.00ug/ml, while the Acetone roots of Anogeissus leiocarpus extracts.
Achieving State Wide Open Defecation Free (ODF) Status in Cross River State: The Role of Transitory Truckers in Calabar and Environs[Full-Text ] Dr. Benjamin A. Ambe, Dr. Fidelis A. Unimna, Dr. Usang N. OnnoghenThe Purpose of this paper was to survey the role of transitory truckers in the Cross River State government plan to achieve open defecation free (ODF) status by 2023. The survey research design was adopted for the study while one hundred and twenty long haul truckers were purposely sampled from the four main trailer parks in Calabar metropolis. A simple “yes” and “no” checklist was developed and used to obtain data from the truckers, data obtained were subjected to descriptive statistics of simple percentages.
A Nelson Mandela Genetic Research: An Aristotelian Approach[Full-Text ] Rojukurthi Sudhakar RaoFans are not only admirers but also worshippers of the cults of political leadership offered by Nations on this Globe. At times, it becomes an obligation on the part of Fans to permanently hold high in esteem their politically ideal and internationally world-class personalities as a treasure linked to the local, global and general awareness’s popular academic and scientific philosophies. One such instance forms the edifice of this effortful research insight and stands transformed into current read-worthy research leaf.
Simulink as Multidisciplinary approach in Teaching Engineering Mathematics[Full-Text ] Osama Agami RashwanIt is better to get rid of the classical method of teaching (The Board) from time to time and go to a teamwork plan in a problem solving or understanding the mathematical concepts. The most attractive way is, STEM, which is an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Using Simulink that is a visual programming interface designed to make modelling systems intuitive.
Towards a Practical Real-Time Applications of Face verification[Full-Text ] Mohamed E. Elhamahmy, Mohamed.M.A. Elgazzar, Abdel-Hamid M. EmaraIn the last few years, the deep learning of face recognition has achieved good and satisfied results. Deep learning techniques used a deep convolution neural network (CNN) for face recognition is extremely complex because of the dataset size and the requirement of a high performance computing power for training as well as testing the data set. However, the learning outcomes transferred between different parties facilitated to have a large scale training dataset. Once learning outcomes transferred many applications may be implemented based on the pre-trained weights of the deep learning model.
MEAN, VARIANCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION TO THE EMPIRICAL CONTINUOUS DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION ON DEPARTURES[Full-Text ] This paper proposes the Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation for density function
SEVERAL WORKS ON DISTRIBUTION OF DEPARTURES [Full-Text ] The curves of density function inspire to take many extensions of it. This paper is the extension work of the empirical truncated probability distribution on departures. From the attracting characteristics of the distribution we made some theoretical properties of the distribution by using graph of the density function.
AN ENERGY EFFICIENT LINEAR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK (WSN) ROUTING ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] NNEBE Scholastica U, Nwankwo V. I, Ohaneme C. OMany new algorithms have been proposed for the problem of routing data in sensor networks due to challenging nature of routing in sensor networks. This paper presents the development and implementation of an energy efficient linear WSN routing algorithm. A testbed comprising 200 TelosB sensor nodes was set up in River bird environment. The network comprises of the sensor nodes, cluster heads and the sink linearly placed at 10meters apart from each other.
Productivity Analysis and Efficiency of Transportation Clay Raw Materials in Small Brick Industries using Grandong Based on Appropriate Technology[Full-Text ] Sunaryo, Andi Bahrun, Magribi, Endro SukotjoThe main objective of this research is to analyze productivity and efficiency, in transporting clay raw materials, in small brick industries, using Grandong a conveyance made by researchers and the community, based on Appropriate Technology in the Onembute Village of Konawe Regency.
Comparative Study on Radiological Impact of Quarry Industries: a case study of Johnson Quarry, Ondo State and Irepodun Quarry, Osun State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Akinloye M. K., Isola G. A., and Ayanlola P. S.The radiological impact of quarry activities on workers and local residents due to the presence of naturally occurring radionuclides have been investigated for two quarry industries. The study employed an in-situ measurement using a portable gamma-ray scintillometer.
Unfaltering boon of Nanotechnology on Plant Growth[Full-Text ] Garima Tripathi, Soumyadeep Basu, Shrestha Dutta, Shweta TripathiIn the current paradigm of science, nanotechnology has acquired a remarkable threshold in diversifying its effect on technology. Several approaches have been made towards the frontier of plant growth and enhancement. Nanotechnology proves to be the prime substantial and effective edge in the era of advancing domain.
HEAVY METALS CONTENT OF COMMERCIALLY SOLD FERMENTED MILK PRODUCTS IN AKURE MARKETS, SOUTH-WEST, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Onibon V.O; Tomori W.B, Efunwoye O.OThe study investigated the quantitative presence of heavy metals in samples of yoghurt (fermented milk) commercially available in Akure market, South-west Nigeria. Fifteen random samples plain, sweetened, and flavoured yoghurt of different variants were analyzed. The heavy metals Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Cadmium, Lead and Iron were analysed for using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The study revealed that Cd value in the samples was below 0.0004mg/l, lowered than the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) and World Health Organization (WHO) maximum permitted level 0.003mg/l.
ASSESSMENT OF HEAVY METAL CONTENTS OF READY TO EAT FLOUR MEALS ON SALE IN ONDO METROPOLIS, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Onibon V.O; Tomori, W.B, Oluwole O.RHeavy metal is the fourth often notified hazard category in the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) from 1980–2016. Accumulation of these metals in humans had resulted in diseases; there had been few cases of general population poisoning as a result of long term exposure to Cadmium in contaminated foods and water. This study therefore investigated the heavy metal concentrations of fifteen ready to eat flour meal samples on sales in Ondo State, Nigeria. Each flour meal sample was purchased from different retailers in an open market in Ondo State capital.
A ONE STEP NUMERICAL METHOD FOR THE SOLUTION OF INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS[Full-Text ] Ogunrinde, R.B. Bamisile O.OIn this paper we develop a one-step numerical method based on logarithm, exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic (LETH) basis functions which is used for the solution of initial value problems. The method is used to solve some selected initial value problems numerically, the results obtained shows that the method is reliable computationally.
Granite Stone Quarrying: Determinants of Employee Income in Edo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Olaoluwa B. Ogunyemi, Rasaq A. AdeyemiEngagement in the various granite stone production activities in quarries has made life more enjoyable to the people since they derived means of livelihood – income from it. To this extent, investigation into determinants of employee income from granite stone quarrying is needful. This study specifically aims at examining the socio-economic characteristics of granite stone quarry workers, examine workers’ income pattern and identify the socio-economic determinants of household income from granite stone quarry jobs.
Evaluation of trends, cycles and effects of extreme rainfall events on hydraulic design over Nigeria[Full-Text ] OWOSENI Oluwatosin John, OGUNTUNDE Philip Gbenro, YUSUF Habeeb AjibolaGlobal warming effects have continued to drive considerable temporal and spatial shifts in variability and change of extreme events in Nigeria as related disasters are getting more frequent and severe. In this study, spatial and temporal variability of the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events in Nigeria (1975 – 2015) were examined using daily rainfall data set for 14 stations.
A Single Stroke Cylinder Rapid Compression Machine for Chemical Kinetic Study at Elevated Pressure and Temperatures[Full-Text ] Oku Nyong, Celestine Ebieto, Robert Woolley, Simon BlakeyThe fabrication of a rapid compression machine (RCM) is in its early phase of design. The machine is designed to enhance the study of ignition delay and validation of detailed kinetics models of fuels. The machine compresses fuel/air mixtures isentropically within 25 to 52 ms with a varying stroke. The combustion chamber design is not fixed and can be adjusted through the threaded shaft lock and within chamber slots. The originality of the facility is the inclusion of a pneumatic piston release mechanism (PPRM), which is pneumatically operated.
The Generation Rate and Composition of Municipal Solid Waste in Slums[Full-Text ] Diah Octaviani Pratiwi, Heni Fitriani, Febrian HadinataThe problem of MSW is closely related to slums, where houses in slums are stilt house and near the river, and making area under the house as the place of the garbage disposal place which is relatively difficult to clean. The slums that exist today are in leave from accumulation of waste everywhere. As long as people continue to do activities, waste will continue to be produced and will continue to increase because the volume of waste will be directly proportional to the population.
The Black Hole with A Finite-Size Nucleus Based on The Energy Conservation, Coulomb’s Interaction, and Strong Interaction[Full-Text ] Ting-Hang PeiFrom analysis of the light geodesic along the radial direction, an infinite time for light passing through the event horizon of the black hole seems to be an unreasonable physical solution. The same situation is also for the massive particle. To compress all particles to a singularity also causes another energy conservation problem because the black hole is evolutional from a star which has finite mass or energy.
GEO-SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF THE OCCURRENCE OF WATER BORNE DISEASES ACROSS YAKURR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Ebin Okah Inah, Efiong Joel, Odunsi Regina EneIn Nigeria, about 80 percent of the rural inhabitants lack access to potable water supply. This study aimed at examining the geo-spatial analysis of water borne diseases in yakurr Local Government Area of Cross River State Nigeria. The ANOVA was used to test the hypothesis. The result further revealed that there was a significant varieties in the occurrence of water borne diseases across the political wards. F(12,286)=8.864, p<0.05.
USE OF PEROXIDASE EXTRACTS OF Ipomoea palmate Forssk FOR SUSTAINABLE REDUCTION OF SOLID FABRIC WASTE[Full-Text ] A.A.P.H.Abeysinghe, M.MunasingheSolid fabric wastes represent the highest percentage of wastes produced in the Apparel Industry. As it takes much longer time to degrade, the impact towards the environment is high. The current study was carried out to determine the concentration and the time needed to decolorize synthetic solid fabric waste using peroxidase extracts of Ipomoea palmate Forssk.
IMPLEMENTATION OF BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT CONTROL IN CALABAR RIVER, NIGERIAN PORT AUTHORITY, CROSS RIVER STATE – NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Ebin Okah Inah and Abua M. AThis paper aimed at examining the implementation of ballast water treatment control policies in Calabar Port, Cross River State, Nigeria. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey and descriptive statistics was used to analyzed the data and the results revealed in table 1 that out of ten (10) options of the regulation policies, six (6) where not implemented and three were implemented meaning that there is a significant difference.
MULTICAST DATA COMMUNICATION IN WSN USING DIFFIE-HELLMAN ALGORITHM FOR SECURE DATA TRANSFER[Full-Text ] Ms.C.Suganya, Dr.K.NandhiniA Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) contains large number of Sensor nodes. These sensors have the ability to communicate among each other. To exchanging the information, network should give higher correspondence strategy among WSN and will give detecting the node between the networks. In WSN, detecting the node might be a pivotal issue to exchange the information among the nodes while communicating it faces the security issues. Privacy of the user may loss because of unauthorized access of third party. For this issue this paper proposes a Diffie-Hellman Algorithm of public key encryption method to provide more security to the data also here included the multicast method of communication with dynamic node discovery technique to solve the security issues.
Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of Ibuprofen (IBUP) Chromium(III) Complex by Periodate[Full-Text ] Hammed M. Abou Elnader, Hamada E. Ali, Essam A.Gomaa, A.A. El.BindaryThe kinetics of oxidation of binary complex [CrIII(IBUP)(H2O)4]+2 to Cr(VI) by periodate has been investigated spectrophotometrically at 356nm under pseudo first order reaction conditions in aqueous medium over (20- 40)oC range, pH (1.2-2.4) ,and I=0.4 moldm-3 , first order reaction depend on [IO4-] and Cr(III), reaction rate increased by pH increasing and it undergoes with the following rate law:
FLOW IN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Okafor, Cecilia Igbonakalum, Ajah, I.A. Personnel Information Management System (PIMS) has help organizations’ operation to be tactical, strategic, more efficient and effective. However on review of existing Personnel Information Management System, it was evident that in as much as it was able to solve personnel management problems like, recruitment, training, promotion, attendance etc, it still have some flaws like lacking the features to check full-time double employment, truancy, and ghost workers.
A REVIEW OF MOTHER CHILD MORTALITY RATE USING DATA MINNING TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] UGWA, CHIOMA, Ifeyinwa AjahMother–child Mortality rate is high mostly in Sub Saharan Africa. In Nigeria several intervention schemes have been developed to reduce mother child mortality rate. The intervention includes improving access to skilled health professionals during pregnancy and at the time of birth, life saving intervention such as immunization, breastfeeding, and inexpensive medicine and so on. There are also records of mobile application to address mother child mortality rate. While these interventions have contributed to reducing mother child mortality rate. The rate at which mother child mortality deaths occur is still high. There is no technology based intervention scheme that analyzes and classify data for real time dissemination to stakeholders for intelligent decision making in Nigeria.
Problem-solving using interactive simulations on learners’ conceptual understanding of dynamics in physics: a case of St. Marcellin’s secondary school[Full-Text ] Chinyama Vincent, Jumbe jackThis study combined problem-solving and interactive simulations to address issues of learners’ conceptual learning and perception of physics. The results revealed statistically significant gains in conceptual understanding and performance in dynamics by the experimental group in comparison to the control group at alpha level of .05. Qualitative findings that emerged inductively revealed that the visual features of PhET and Algodoo simulations changed learners’ individual perceptions about dynamics in physics.
DIOXYGENASES AND BIOSURFACTANTS CARRIED OUT IN CRUDE OIL EXERTED BY DEGRADING SOIL BACTERIA WITH WATER TREATMENT AND ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION[Full-Text ] Er.A.Ruban, Er.M.Prabakaran, Er.S.Saranraj, Mr.C.RajeshkumarCrude oil demand in day by day .This study focused on the isolation and characterization of bacterial strains with superior oil degrading potential from crude-oil contaminated soil. The specific activity of catechol 1,2 dioxygenase (C12O) and catechol 2,3dioxygenase (C23O) was determined in these three strains wherein the activity of C12Owas more than that of C23O. Oil spills incidence all over the world is also occasionally occurring.
Better Results in Automatic Arabic Text Summarization System Using Deep Learning based RBM than by Using Clustering Algorithm based LSA[Full-Text ] Marwa Elgamal, Prof. Dr Salwa Hamada, Prof. Dr Reda Aboelezz and Dr Mohamed Abou-KreishaThe fast growing amount of Arabic interactive books and electronic texts makes the research in automatic Arabic documents summarization and clustering an important field in the area of natural language processing (NLP), text mining and Deep Neural Networks (DNN). In this Paper we investigate extractive text summarization that give the most accurate and robust results in Au-tomatic Arabic text Summarization using different approaches.
EVALUATION OF THE POTENTIAL ECONOMIC VALUE OF PET BOTTLED WATER SCRAPS IN ENUGU URBAN[Full-Text ] Ijeoma-Harriet Onyejekwe, Okechukwu Agukoronye, Arthur EssaghahThis paper assessed the potential economic value of PET Bottled Water Scraps (PBWS) that constitute a large proportion of municipal solid waste in Enugu Urban, Nigeria. It investigated the volume and typology of PET Bottled Water (PBW) produced and placed in the market in Enugu Urban and estimated the scale of potential economic value of the Scraps. Field Survey and key informant interviews were utilized to collect primary data on the typology, volume and cost of PBWS. Data collected was analyzed using simple descriptive statistics.
Sodium reduced bread as a delivery vehicle for dietary prebiotics to enhance food functionality[Full-Text ] Dida Iserliyska, Todorka Petrova, Milena RuskovaInulin, obtained from chicory, was added at different concentrations (from 2 to 10% on flour basis) to enhance the food functionality of wheat bread. Flour samples were analysed regarding: gluten content (%); protein content (%); gluten deformation (mm); ash content (% d.w.) and rheological behaviour. It was found that the physico-chemical properties of the enriched flour remained similar to those of the control.
Prefabrication and Modular Construction Dwellings in Albania[Full-Text ] Anisa AbazajMore than half of the buildings in Albania, today, have been built over the years from 1945 to 1990 and present significant problems, especially in relation to energy performance and wellness conditions of their inhabitants. In this framework, the research in order to understand the heritage in its complexity is focused on the cognitive investigation of the dwellings composed of precast concrete panels, given the particularity of the subject and being the type that reports more problems in relation to energy performance.
REVIEW OF A MEDICAL PREDICTIVE SYSTEM FOR MEDICAL ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Ezeaku Ezeme Chizoba and Ituma, CHealth has a strong impact upon all activities and human experts must have the ability to decide, in any circumstances, what is the illness level of a patient, which is the adequate treatment and which will be the evolution of the patient during the treatment. But medical decision making may be a very difficult activity. There are a lot of applications in artificial intelligence domain that try to help human experts offering solutions for a problem.
Lecturers’ and Students’ Attitude Towards ICT and its Use in ATBU Bauchi, Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis[Full-Text ] B. B. Halilu, B. Yushau & S.M. YalamsThis study investigated the attitude of lecturers and students towards ICT and their attitude toward the use of ICT in teaching and learning. A survey design was adopted. A total of 349 lecturers (311males and 38 females) and 1128 students (750 males and 378 females) participated in the study. Two questionnaires were used for data collection. The reliabilities of the questionnaires were 0.92 and 0.83 for lecturers and students respectively. Descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and One Way Analysis of Variance were used for data analysis.
Technology Of Vulnerability To Food Insecurity By Rural Farming Households In Western Nigeria; A Case Of Ekiti State[Full-Text ] Ojo Idowu OladejiDetermining vulnerability to food insecurity is instrumental to addressing food insecurity challenges in developing countries. Nigeria’s population growth rate is increasing faster than her food production rate per annum. Against this backdrop, this study examined the determinants of vulnerability to food insecurity in Ekiti state, Nigeria by applying statistical and econometric tools. Understanding the causes, determinants and level of food insecurity would help policy makers to design and implement more effective policies and programmes for the poor and thereby helps to pave way to improve food security.