Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2019.
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Parking lot reservation service based on multi-agent systems[Full-Text ] Sofia Belkhala, Siham Benhadou, Hicham MedromiIn most of today's major cities, the search for parking spaces is an increasingly frequent problem. It has been shown that the average time required to find an on-street parking space is eight minutes. In addition, traffic problems in the city are generally caused by cars that travel to park. The concept of the smart city implies the use of technology for the collection, processing and transmission of information. In this paper we will pre-sent an indoor parking system based on the Internet of Things and multi-agent systems that will allow drivers to book their parking spacesand benefit from other services easily.
Prevalence of Pressure Ulcer and Preventive Measures Practiced Among Nurses in UCTH Medical Wards[Full-Text ] Mrs. Priscilla Andrew-Bassey, Mrs. Nene AntiaThis study is on the prevalence of pressure ulcer and preventive measures practiced among nurses in medical wards,UCTH.. A retrospective design involving 221 patients was used to obtained data on prevalence while a descriptive survey design involving 60 nurses working in medical wards was used to obtained data on preventive measures practiced via questionnaire. Two research questions and one hypothesis were used to guide the study. Instruments for data collection were records on patients and questionnaire on preventive measures practiced by nurses. Frequency distribution and percentages and bar chats were used to analyze the collected data. Results showed pressure ulcer occurrence was higher in adult females than adult males and children and also a high knowledge of preventive measures practiced in relation to highest educational qualification of nurses involved in the study.
A Credit card fraud detection using Naive Bayes and Adaboost[Full-Text ] Sushma, Dr Mary Cherian Credit card fraud is a major issue in financial services. Billions of dollars are lost because of MasterCard misrepresentation consistently. There is a lack of research on analyzing real-world MasterCard information owning to privacy issues. In this paper, AI calculations are utilized to detect MasterCard misrepresentation. Standard models are first utilized. At that point, hybrid techniques which use AdaBoost and majority voting methods are connected.
Affect on forecasting reliability safety diesel power generators in the medical institutions[Full-Text ] Dr Goran Jovanov, M.Sc.Dejan M. Spasic, M.Sc Nemanja Jovanov, Dr Zivoslav AdamovicMany fundamentally important devices used in health care facilities require significant and uninterrupted supply of electricity. If a power outage occurs, significant generator to life support machines and all other necessary medical appliances that work in order to sustain human life, continue to operate unhindered. Unlike aggregates that people use in their homes, aggregates used in health care are of a different type, even unlike typical emergency power unit, the system aggregates spare you use the hospital must enter into operation al-most immediately with full force. Hospitals are complex and sophisticated systems designed to provide current power supply.
Mind Mapping as a Tool to Enhance English Literature Comprehension[Full-Text ] Vimalah a/p Velayutham & Melor Md. YunusLiterature was infused within the English curriculum as a significant transformation in the English Teaching (ELT) and to boost students’ language proficiency. The ineffectual teaching approaches implied by teachers in the classroom and students’ inability to comprehend the stories are the main obstacle for them to show interest in learning literature. This paper examines the usefulness of using mind mapping method in teaching literature short stories.
Forecasting Daily Temperature in The City of Bandung, Indonesia by Means Bayesian Structural Time Series[Full-Text ] I Gede Nyoman Mindra Jaya, Velya Novianty PutriForecasting climate data is still become a crucial issue. The forecast reliability and accuracy is dependent on several factors such as data availability. In the era of big data, researchers tend to formulate algorithms that work well on a big data such as boosting methods.
Recording the growth of bean sprouts exposed to a cell phone’s electromagnetic energy[Full-Text ] Chia-Yu Tsao, Jwo-Shiun Sun, Guan-Yu ChenThis study aimed to measure and record the harm on the human body associated with cell phone usage over a long period of time. This study analysed growth measurements recorded from red beans, green beans, black beans and soy beans exposed to persistent screen light from a 3C product (computers, communications and consumer electronics), in this case a cell phone.
Simulation and Analysis Effect of Distribution Transformer Energizing on Electrical Power Quality[Full-Text ] Suad Ibrahim ShahlPower transformers are critical components of the electricity networks. The energizing of large power transformers has long been consid-ered a critical event in the operation of an electric power system. When a transformer is energized by the utility, a typical inrush current could be as high as ten times its rated current. This could cause many problems from mechanical stress on transformer windings to har-monics injection, and system protection malfunction.
The SQL vs NoSQL Differences and Similarities[Full-Text ] Twana Asaad TAHA The conventional SQL database is portrayed in the conventional DBMS, which guarantees the respectability of information and consistent connections. For some product development, these are the standards of an appropriate DBMS. However, over the most recent couple of years, seeing the speed of information development and the absence of assistance from conventional databases for this problem, the Not Only SQL (NOSQL) databases were created.
Design and Construction of Biker Safety and Bike Security System[Full-Text ] Khin Zaw Oo, Nu Nu YeThis thesis is a proposed concept for the complete safety of the biker and the security of the bike. This system makes it compulsory for the bikers to wear the helmet and not to use the bike when the biker is in drunken condition. Anti-theft measures are also implemented in the bike to ensure the safety of the bike. Biker safety and bike security system consists of two units: helmet unit and bike unit. In helmet unit, the system checks whether the biker wears the helmet and has non-alcoholic breath while driving.
Prevalence of Pressure Ulcer and Preventive Measures Practiced among Nurses in UCTH Medical Wards[Full-Text ] Mrs Precillia Andrew-Bassey, Mrs Nene AntiaThis study is on the prevalence of pressure ulcer and preventive measures practiced among nurses in medical wards,UCTH.. A retrospective design involving 221 patients was used to obtained data on prevalence while a descriptive survey design involving 60 nurses working in medical wards was used to obtained data on preventive measures practiced via questionnaire. Two research questions and one hypothesis were used to guide the study. Instruments for data collection were records on patients and questionnaire on preventive measures practiced by nurses.
GEOTECHNICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF LATERITIC SOILS OF PARTS OF ANAMBRA STATE SOUTHEAST, NIGERIA AS BASE MATERIALS[Full-Text ] Ogechukwu Ben-Owope, Elizabeth Okoyeh, Eunice Okeke, Florence IlechukwuTwelve samples were collected from different locations in Anambra State for evaluation as base material for road construction. The samples were tested for specific gravity, particle size distribution, atteberg limit, linear shrinkage, compaction and california bearing capacity. The result of the specific gravity test ranges from 2.35Mg/m3 - 2.63Mg/m3 while the values of the particle size distribution test ranges from 13% and 36% making only sample S8 unsuitable for use as base material.
Pagan aspect of Easter celebration, the case of Rusalim ritual[Full-Text ] Jonida SelaCalendric Rituals in Albania are very common and they have pagan roots. Monotheist religions have tried to present them as religious ritu-als, but most of them continue to maintain their pagan aspects. One of these rituals is called “Rusalim”. This special ritual is common in Polena village, Korça surroundings, South East of Albania.
Wave transformation behind permeable breakwater[Full-Text ] May R. ElKotby, Osami S. Rageh, Tharwat A. Sarhan, Reham M. Ezz-eldinThis research is designed to find out w ave transmission coefficient Kt for three different models of pile breakw aters in coastal area. The selected breakw ater models are: pile breakw ater, horizontal rectangle strips fixed to piles, and horizontal c-channel strips fixed to piles. Experimental tests w ere conducted under perpendicular regular w aves w ith various w ave characteristics and pile breakw aters geometry.
Executive disorders are symptoms of being coerced[Full-Text ] Johan NygrenExecutive disorders diagnosed by psychiatry are caused by the agency of a person being overruled by an external agency, using monopoly on violence. The attenuation of executive function is a result of coercion through external legal forces and physical violence (including threat of violence. ) Physical removal of the coercive entity leads to increased executive control, alleviating all symptoms, curing the executive disorder.
21ST CENTURY INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACH IN TEACHING OF LITERATURE[Full-Text ] M.Thaneshiny, Melor Md YunusIn fulfilling the demand of 21st century learning especially in English language classroom, conventional methods in teaching and learning became questionable on its effectiveness. The fact that today’s students belong to Net-generation and are not technophobia is evident enough on the importance of integration of technology in teaching and learning. In this case, teaching and learning literature is one of the greatest challenge in language classroom as it involves the comprehension of literary texts beyond what is presented.
Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Analysis of Sachets and Bottled Water Samples in Katsina Metropolis, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Jonathan Sylvanus DajalSachet and bottled water has been introduced and widely accepted to provide safe and affordable drinking water in many rural and urban settlements of Nigeria. In spite of the varying levels of contamination widely reported, sachet and bottled water are still well accepted. This study therefore collected Seventeen (17) brands of sachet water labelled A-Q and three (3) brands of bottled water labelled X-Z commonly found in the market for human consumption in Katsina Metropolis, Nigeria, during dry season of the year 2017.
ON THE JOB TRAINING OF PARK RANGERS: A MACHINERY FOR SUSTAINABLE ECO-TOURISM IN NIGERIA EMPIRICS OF CROSS RIVER NATIONAL PARK[Full-Text ] Oba Demitrus O; Prince-Charles O; Eteng Edet E & Eyo Bassey BA park ranger is saddled with the responsibility of protecting and preserving protected parklands, so that in the process of time, the natural ecosystem is protected from natural disasters that occasionally threaten human existing. Therefore, the study aim is to evaluate on-the-job training of park rangers as a machinery for sustainable eco-tourism development in Cross River National Park. The geographic scope is the Oban Hill and Okwanwo Divisions of the Cross River National Park. Data for the study was sourced from both primary and secondary means, while interviews, questionnaire administration and Focus Group Division (FGD) were instrument for data collection.
Influences of Transactional Leadership Style and Work Commitment on Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction[Full-Text ] Harmin, Dedy Takdir Syaifuddin, Nofal NurThis research aims to describe and test empirically the influences of transactional leadership style and work commitment on employee performance through job satisfactionin Library and Archive Office Wakatobi Regency, both directly and indirectly. Sampling technique in this research was census; the number of samples was 30 respondents which all populations were used as the samples. Data analysis method was PLS (Partial Least Square) analysis.
CONTRIBUTION OF BALI CATTLE BUSINESS OF INTEGRATED BUSINESS PATTERN WITH CROP AND PLANTATION FARMING BUSINESS IN PUBLIC LIVESTOCK IN SOUTH KONAWE REGENCY, INDONESIA[Full-Text ] La Ode Arsad Sani,Usman Rianse, Harapin Hafid,dan BahariIntegrated business pattern Bali cattle husbandry business along with crop and plantation farming business tend to give great opportunities in improving food security and public income of farmers. In order to respond to the argument, it is conducted a research in South Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia taking 10 sub districts out of 25 sub districts as the samples by stratified random sampling based on the number of cow farming population with low, medium and high levels.
Fraud Management System For UID Aadhaar[Full-Text ] Pragati Mynampati, Dr Girijamma H AUID Aadhar is a 12-digit unique identity number assigned to individual residents of India based on their biometric and demographic data submitted at the citizens enrollment centers, India. The current Aadhaar system issues the UID number after verifying the de-duplication of demographic and biometric data of the citizens in the system.
Children education today and how will affect the society of tomorrow. Albanian case study[Full-Text ] PhD Dolantina Hyka, PhD Vebina ResuliIn the 1990s, the system of education ceased to meet modern requirements and needed serious changes. Nowadays, we have public and private sector occupies a rather prominent place in the system of higher education, and, apparently, will retain its role in the future. State universities need to diversify the choice of offered specialties and provide more opportunities for additional education.
Modelling the kinetics of biogas degradability rate: The effect of algae in co-digestion with cow dung and POME[Full-Text ] Abraham-Igwemoh Joy.E, Etebu O.M.O, Eki M. UfuomaThe effect of algae on the fraction of readily available degradable substrate in co-digestion with cow dung and POME was examined at an ambient temperature range of 28oC-32oC for a 40-day period. The experimental set-up comprised samples of POME, cow dung and algae with percentage composition of 100% POME and 100% cow dung designated as S1 and S2 respectively; 50% POME and 50% cow dung as S3; 40% POME, 40% cow dung and 20% algae as S4.
The Emergence of Abuja, and the negative impact on the urban poor: a failed metropolitan link[Full-Text ] Obiadi Bons N., Ezezue, A. M. and Uduak Peter Umo.The establishment of Abuja, the new capital of Nigeria was for a model city, without the problems of Lagos, the former capital of Nigeria (congestion, no room for expansion, ungovernable, regional rather than a national center). The Abuja Master Plan was established for the proper development of the city and the territory, but was abused, followed by policy inconsistencies, relocation of government workers from Lagos to Abuja without adequate housing and infrastructure.
GOUVERNANCE BANCAIRE ET GESTION DU RISQUE DE CREDIT : CAS DES BANQUES TUNISIENNES[Full-Text ] Wiem DERBEL, Younes BOUJELBENELes mécanismes internes de gouvernance, en l’occurrence la structure de propriété et le conseil d’administration, ont une importance cruciale dans la gouvernance des banques et la minimisation de leur risque en jouant un rôle actif dans l’alignement des intérêts des dirigeants et ceux des actionnaires des banques. Dans ce cadre, nous nous proposons d’identifier l’impact des mécanismes internes de gouvernance sur la gestion du risque de crédit à l’aide de l’analyse en composantes principales puis l’analyse discriminante.
Application of Micro-controllers for Stepper Motors Position and Speed Control: A review[Full-Text ] H. M. N. Fiyad, H. M. B. Metwally, M. A. El-HameedThis paper presents an overview on stepper motors including their history, advantages, disadvantages, types, mode of excitation, drive systems, control techniques (conventional and modern control) and their application in different fields. Open loop control techniques are explained including benefits and problems. Closed loop control techniques are also analyzed and explained to show the validity of using such control algorithms. Different controllers (based on conventional or modern feedback control techniques) are also explained; such as PID controller, Fuzzy PID controller and self-tuning regulator. Different control methodologies such as filed orientated control, direct torque control that used in controlling stepper motors are briefly reviewed. The integration of controller algorithms with stepper motors in position and speed control are also included.
Customer satisfaction variable analysis for broadband services in Malaysia: The impact of Pricing, quality, branding and customer relationship management[Full-Text ] ZHANG WEIThe increase in penetration of broadband services around the country has brought significant changes to the infrastructure as well as the ability of consumers to interact with various businesses in Malaysia. The government has been pushing increase penetration as a way of making some of the social developmental metrics which are needed for developed country.
INVESTIGATION OF FLOOD VULNERABILITY IN PARTS OF RIVERS STATE USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS[Full-Text ] Ajie, Ukeame Emmanuel and Frank Bikume Mokie SamThe reoccurring flooding in some parts of Rivers State had been a major research concern. Seasonally, coastal communities in the State are flooded to the extent that damages are caused to human lives and properties, especially during heavy falls. In 2018 some communities along the Orashi region were seriously affected by flooding. As recorded by Vanguard Newspapers dated 19th October, 2018, about 9,250 people were displaced, properties worth millions of Naira were destroyed, and farmlands spanning hundreds of hectares were submerged and left impoverished after two days of heavy down pour.
Woman-laborer Reforms in African Societies[Full-Text ] Rojukurthi Sudhakar RaoThere are two applied contexts relied upon by me as a student-researcher for exploration of the women-laborer Reforms in African Societies. The first context is that the slave trade decimated & destroyed African's Family, Society and Social System while the African women have successfully emerged into Freedom from Colonialism, Apartheidism, Slavery, Human-trade , Domestication and last but not least important hidden serial African Dictatorships.
UTILIZATION OF INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE BY PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS IN ENUGU NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATION AUTHORITY OF ENUGU STATE[Full-Text ] ROSELINE IFEOMA IKETAKU, FRANCIS OGBONNA IKETAKU, CASMIR N. CHIMELanguage remains an instrument of communication playing crucial roles in teaching and learning. This study was on the utilization of indigenous language by primary school teachers in the teaching of mathematics in Enugu North Local Government Education Authourity of Enugu state. Considering the fact that mathematics has been identified as an important subject required by every individual in this technological age, it needs to be taught in such a way that pupils will not only pass the subject but develop interest in reading it. This therefore calls for the use of indigenous language in the teaching of the subject in line with the provisions of the National Policy in Education.
Optimum Impacts of Renewable Energy Generation on Voltage Dip and Voltage Profile in a Distribution Network[Full-Text ] Ayodeji S. AkinyemiGrowth in electrical energy demanded is not the sole reason to consider for an alternative energy supply options, aside from the fact that initial capital of a conventional power generation methods is higher, most of the conventional methods of electrical energy generation using coal, fossil fuels etc, are producing carbon dioxide when burned to generate energy. Human-induced climate change is already being blamed for the higher-than-usual incidence of extremely damaging weather experiences such as global warming, etc. Renewable energy generation (REG) are sustainable energy supply options and environmentally friendly that can significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels, carbon dioxide induction and environmental risk caused by the conventional energy generation.
Bored Pile Behaviour under Lateral Load Testing in Stiff Clay Instrumented with Inclinometer[Full-Text ] Aksan Kawanda, Paulus P. RahardjoPile under lateral load test is a soil-structure interaction where the deflection will depends on soil response. The purpose of this study is to see the behaviour of bored pile displacement and bending moment with 1% reinforcement. The study is car-ried out in a stiff clay soil. The bored pile with 30-cm diameter and 12-m length was cast underwater using tremie method. Pile was reinforced under 1% reinforcement area to the pile area using 4 bars of D 16 mm rebar. Pile is instrumented using inclinometer to the bottom of the pile.
Experimental & Analytical Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymers Bars[Full-Text ] Abeer M. Erfan, Yasser A. Algash, Taha A. El-SayedThis research offers an experimental and analytical investigation the behavior of RC beams under bending reinforced with BFRP bars. BFRP bars has a fewer stiffness than reinforced steel, that would be considered for the cases of ultimate and serviceability. A ten RC beams of 150mm wide, 250mm height and 2100mm length, were tested to failure under bending. A non-linear analysis (NLA) using ANSYS V. 14.5 was created to represent the tested beams performance.
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Subsidy Policy for Rural Electrification in Nepal[Full-Text ] Madhusudhan Adhikari, Bharat Raj Paharia, Rajendra Shrestha This paper attempts to analyze the Renewable Energy Subsidy Policy of Nepal in light of its development and effectiveness to increase access to electricity by easing financing barriers for rural electrification. Based on the selected parameters, the paper discusses the changes in subsidy policies and major outcomes of the policy interventions towards increasing access to electricity in rural areas. Major developments of off-grid electrification in the country have occurred after the formulation of the Renewable Energy Subsidy Policy in 2000 and its subsequent revisions.
Analysis of stakeholders perception towards Corporate social responsibility Case: BGI Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Mesay AyeleThe concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) began in the 1920s; however, due to the Great Depression and World War II, it failed to become a serious topic amongst business leaders until the 1950s. CSR found itself in the spotlight in 1951; when Frank Abrams, chairman of the board for Standard Oil of New Jersey.
Design and Implementation of PID Controller for Motor Position Control[Full-Text ] Nu Nu Ye ,Khin Zaw OoThis research describes the design, simulation and implementation of PID controller for a DC motor position control on FPGA. Recently “Field Programmable Gate Array” has become an alternative solution for the realization of Digital PID controllers. DC motor is controlled by the PID controller. The main duty of PID controller is to obtain a desired response using the characteristics of Proportional (P), Integral (I) and Derivative (D) control. Each control has its own specifications.