Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018.
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Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Antibiotics use among the Public in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Yusra AnwarObjective: The aim and objective of the study was to identify the antibiotics use among the public. Methods and Materials: Hundred pre-designed questionnaires were filled by the people. The questionnaire contained the content to determine the public knowledge, attitude and practice towards antibiotics use. Then the Performa’s were evaluated based on percentages and then results were displayed in graphical form.
Diabetic finger ulcer cured by autologous platelet gel[Full-Text ] Wei Wang, Min Xu, Hong Qiao, Xiaona Zhang, Ying ChengDiabetic finger tip ulcer associated with osteomyelitis is common in clinic. Traditional dressing therapy is difficult to heal. We use autologous platelet gel to seal wounds at one time. The method is simple and effective for treating wound.
Classification of Breast Thermography using Machine Learning for Early Detection of Malignancy[Full-Text ] Krithika Sureshkumar, K.Suriya, Karthika.R, Priyadharshini.SUncontrolled growth of cells in the breast tissue causes Breast Cancer and it has been the major cause of fatality in the developing countries. Although the existing methods of detection have been efficient, they largely focus on women above the age of 40. Early detection in a stage 1 mutation would be helpful in better diagnosis and treatment protocol thus ensuring longer lifespans. Therefore the thermography method proposes to take thermal images of the breast, highlighting the areas with extra growth. A pattern recognition technique that has been most effective in classifying tumours as benign or malignant – Fast support vector machine (FSVM) is used on the Thermo-gram. It is a three-step approach. In the first step, thermal image pre-processing and segmentation is done. The second step focuses on Textural Features Extraction using Curvelet transform. The percentage of area occupied by pixels with the higher temperatures of the image is calculated. The third step is used to extract classification of the tumour and highlight a boundary with the affected cells. Using this screening technique will pave way for a non-invasive, highly efficient, early detection method for women of all age groups.
Multi-Agent System (MAS) that learns to advise students[Full-Text ] Omankwu, Obinnaya Chinecherem, Nwagu, Chikezie KennethThe Internet and the World Wide Web advancement has led to an explosion in the amount of available information. This staggering amount of information has made it extremely difficult for users to locate and retrieve information that is actually relevant to their task at hand. Dealing with this problem of ‘‘information overload’’ will need tools to customize the information space. In this paper we present a multi-agent system that learns to advise students by mining the Web and discuss important problems in relationship to information customization systems and smooth the way for possible solutions. The main idea is to approach information customization using a multi-agent paradigm in combination with a number of aspects from the domains of machine learning, user modeling, and Web mining.
A CRITICAL REVIEW COURSE RECOMMENDATION INTELLIGENT SYSTEM (CRIS)[Full-Text ] Omankwu, Obinnaya Chinecherem, Nwagu, Chikezie KennethSince academic advising for taking courses is mostly by advisors to assist students to achieve educational, career, and personal goals, which made it important in the higher education system. To enhance the counseling effectiveness for advisors to assist students in fitting their professional field and improve their learning experience, In this study we will critically review a proposed application system, called CRIS (course recommendation intelligent system). The CRIS consists of six functions: academic profile review, academic interest analysis, career and curriculum matchmaking, recommend courses analysis, department recommend analysis and record assessment. This work provides the solution in three layers, data layer, processing layer and solution layer, via four steps: (1) database design and data transfer, (2) student profile analysis, (3) customized academic advising generation and (4) solution analysis. A comparison of academic score and the combination of individual students' interest in learning and academic achievement satisfaction survey are conducted to test the effectiveness. The experiment result shows that the participating college students considered that the CRIS helpful in their adjustment to the university and it increased their success at the university.
A CRITICAL REVIEW OF A Multi-Agent System for ACademic ADvising; (MASACAD)[Full-Text ] Omankwu, Obinnaya Chinecherem, and Nwagu, Chikezie KennethIn this paper we present Multi Agent System Academic Adviser (MASACAD), a multi-agent system that learns to advise students in selecting their courses. The main idea is to approach information customization using a multi-agent paradigm in combination with a number of aspects. The growth and advancement in the Internet and the World Wide Web has led to an explosion in the amount of available information. This staggering amount of information has made it extremely difficult for users to locate and retrieve information that is actually relevant to their task at hand. Dealing with this problem of ‘‘information overload’’ will need tools to customize the information space.
Societal Behavior towards HIV, Infected People: Case Study of Jalal Pur Jattan, (Gujrat, Pakistan)[Full-Text ] Afzaal Afzal, Adila KokabThis research work conduct to explore the experience of HIV infected people living in Jalal pur Jattan, District Gujrat in Pakistan. In this study conduct qualitative type of research. Universe of the study was Jalal pur Jattan, target population was HIV infected patients and sampling technique was non-probability sampling and with in non-probability researcher used purposive sampling. Technique of data collection was case studies and tool of data collection was in-depth interviews.
STUDY OF ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF HOUSEHOLD SPICES[Full-Text ] Shailesh Budhathoki, Anup BasnetSpices are plants with intensive and distinctive flavors and aromas which has been used in both fresh and dry form. Many of the spices used daily has been reported to have antimicrobial as well as medicinal value. E.g. Garlic and Cinnamon have been used in their raw form for the treatment of wounds, injuries and joint pains etc.
Knowledge and Practice towards Vaccination: a Cross-Sectional Study among the Parents in Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia[Full-Text ] SOHAIL AZIZ, ZUBAIR AHMAD, SITI MAISHARAH SHEIKH GHADZI, YASIR FARAZ ABBASIParents’ perceptions and hesitancy towards vaccination act as a barrier towards the proper provision of scheduled vaccination. The study aimed to evaluate parent’s knowledge and practice towards childhood vaccination and to explore the factors associated with non-adherence of parents to the mandatory vaccination schedule by the provision of a validated questionnaire. Out of 396 parents, a high percentage of females (42.8%) were having good knowledge with a mean rank score of 7.00 ±2.04 in comparison to male respondents (36.2%).
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using RTAB-Map[Full-Text ] Sagarnil DasThis paper implements Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) technique to construct a map of a given environment. A Real Time Appearance Based Mapping (RTAB-Map) approach was taken for accomplishing this task. Initially, a 2d occupancy grid and 3d octomap was created from a provided simulated environment. Next, a personal simulated environment was created for mapping as well. In this appearance based method, a process called Loop Closure is used to determine whether a robot has seen a location before or not. In this paper, it is seen that RTAB-Map is optimized for large scale and long term SLAM by using multiple strategies to allow for loop closure to be done in real time and the results depict that it can be an excellent solution for SLAM to develop robots that can map an environment in both 2d and 3d.
Chinatown and the American Dream: Representation of Chinatown in Flower Drum Song and The Year of the Dragon[Full-Text ] Ji Young KimChinese-American literature has become prevalent throughout especially Western culture, as many Asian communities migrated to America and expanded its culture. Amongst many produced works, David Hwang’s Flower Drum Song and Frank Chin’s The Year of the Dragon have gained much popularity in 19th century literature as both successfully depicted Chinatown in their own colors through the use of different plots and characters.
Leadership style prefrences of successful male and female entrepreneurs[Full-Text ] Farwah Ahmad,Kamna Anum, Abdullah AhmadDespite the fact that large number of studies have been done on leadership, leadership in Micro and SMEs has hardly ever emphasis in research on leadership. As micro and small enterprises are playing very important role in strengthening economy, questions arise about leadership role and practices in these enterprises. In this regard an important factor that is “Gender” cannot be neglected. This factor has a major impact on leadership style. Thus, this paper assesses the leadership style preferences of successful male and female entrepreneurs.
Construction of Magnetic Levitating Devices and their Future Prospects[Full-Text ] Sanjeet Ray, Sourish Datta, N. ArunThe following paper deals with the construction of magnetic levitation devices and their behaviour in different conditions. It explores the principle behind anti-gravity systems and also addresses as to how they can be brought to life.. Further it encompasses the future prospects of such technology when combined with other upcoming technologies in different areas of life. The paper then explains how they can be used and why it can bring a difference in our basic technology. It also seeks on the option of anti-gravity devices based on the earth’s magnetic field.
EVALUATE THE PREFERENCE OF PUPAL PARASITOID, DIRHINUS GIFFARDII AGAINST HOST PUPAE OF BACTROCERA CUCURBITAE[Full-Text ] SAJAD AHMEDB. cucurbitae is a serious pest of many cucurbits and is considered the foremost fruit fly pest of India. It is the only species that is uniformly widespread, attacking a large array of cucurbit fruits in India. It has been observed to withstand all kinds of adverse climatic conditions from the plains to the hilly tracts. It is easily recognized while at rest by its predominant orange brown color, postsutural yellow stripes, facial spots, and a characteristic wing pattern.
Evaluating structural problems of Ministry of Finance, Afghanistan[Full-Text ] Redwanullah Abdi, Dr. Kuldeep Mumar, Dr. Farid Ahmad MonibIn this paper, we expand the financial ministry structural problems. Foremost, we begin with basic concept, vision of organization as well as development trend of organization and subsequently, the objectives of research, result discussion and conclusion with some recommendation supported by this study.
RESEARCH ON VITRIFICATION OF COW DUNG[Full-Text ] ADEBAMBO EMMANUEL ADETAYOOne of the problems faced by our modern society is the increasing amount of animal waste. For these reasons, it is important to investigate possible ways of improving the environment by utilizing wastes from cattle i.e cattle dung. The research work was aimed at investigating the possibility of producing glass from cow dung, and the mixture of cow dung with clay. Different mixtures of dung and clay were prepared in the ratio 1:0, 1:1, 7:3, 2.5:7.5 and classified respectively into samples 1, 2, 3 and 4. Vitrification method which involves melting at high temperature and quick cooling was carried out on the different samples.
Exploring 21st-Century Skills and Competencies of Information Technology On-the-Job Trainees: Basis for Program Enhancement[Full-Text ] Billy S. JavierOn-the-Job Training is a course designed to put into real-life environment the skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom and are further enhanced in the training workplace. The study looked at the 21st-century skills and competencies of the 112 senior On-the-Job Trainees for the SY 2016-2017, their OJT performances as well as issues concerning OJT. Descriptive-survey method with focus group discussion and casual interviews were utilized. The questionnaire was adopted from CHED CMO 53 s2006 and in related literatures.
Framework for a Fault Tolerant National Wireless Border Security System (NWBSS)[Full-Text ] Yaknan J. Gambo, John A. Odey, and Charles I. SaiduIssues of security have always been the primary focus of every society and the demand for a good and efficient security system can never be overemphasized in our contemporary times. Developing countries like Nigeria are faced with security issues like never before in their existence due to many issues bordering around negligence and lack of technological sophistication that gave rise to the status quo. One of these issues of great concern is border management and control. In this research we exploit the potentials of LoRa and mesh network topology to design a framework for a wireless sensor border security system. Our objective is to provide a robust framework for an efficient and computerized National Wireless Border Security System that will aid in securing our national borders effectively.
Analytical Modeling and FEM Simulation of Superplastic Forming[Full-Text ] S. Saravanan, Prem Narayan PAbsence of a well-defined predictive model for superplastic forming (SPF) process makes manufacturers to think twice for implementing it. This also stands as the reason why the manufacturing process has still not entered the world of bulk manufacturing. This document reviews few works done during past decade to find the importance and need for an analytical model for the process. An attempt is also made to generate a predictive mathematical model to define pressure time path for the process. The validating process is taken down by comparing with the results of simulation using Finite element modeling method.
A SOLAR POWERED, BIOMETRIC BASED ATM FOR THE RURAL MASSES OF INDIA: ‘BIO-SOLAR ATM’[Full-Text ] Prof (Dr.) SP Gonchaudhuri, Richik GhoshThakur, Avijeet DuttaRural Populace, who constitute the major part of India’s Population, have always been the sufferers on the advent of new technology in the field of banking which makes it easier for most of the urban populace but worsens it for the rural people. They are helpless as most of them are basically unlettered and withdraw money from banks using their thumb signatures.
Influencing factors of occupational safety and health in Readymade Garments Industry - a systematic literature review[Full-Text ] Reshma BegumObjectives: This systematic literature review contributes with the occupational safety and health (OSH) issues in Bangladesh especially in Ready Made Garments (RMG) industry. The objectives of this systematic literature review is to investigate the present status of OSH available in practical and according to policy.
Physicochemical composition and antioxidant activity of Maize (Zea mays) based comple-mentary food formulation using mixture design[Full-Text ] Marlyse Solange Leng, Pascal Tobit, Adelaide Mawamba Demasse, Kristine Wolf, Inocent Gouado, Robert Ndjouenkeu, Harshadrai M. Rawel and Florian J. SchweigertChildhood malnutrition is a public health problem in developing countries. An attempt was made to produce maize based complementary flour from maize, soybean, germinated maize, carrot, egg shell flours, groundnut paste and table sugar using mixture design. Four independent variables were used to construct extreme vertices designs.
An Empirical Assessment of Hadoop Cluster Performance Enhancement on Replica Management[Full-Text ] Sujit Roy, Md. Atikur Rahman, Md. Rasel MiaA Hadoop cluster is a different type of arithmetic cluster designed specifically for storing, managing and analyzing vast amounts of formless data on a circulated computing system. HDFS and Map Reduce are designed for data loading and data processing. The HDFS layer delivers a virtual file system towards client application.
Claiming the Theory of Chemical Origin of Life Suggested by Oparin and Haldane[Full-Text ] Tushar MathurWhen I Observed the latest Theories related to origin of life that is the Theory of Chemical Origin Of Life I got a concept that there are numerous contradictions the theory suggested by Oparin and Haldane0 in the Theory Of Chemical Origin Of Life
A STUDY ON PAKISTAN’S CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY AND THE CHALLENGES IT WILL IN FUTURE RAPID CLIMATE CHANGE[Full-Text ] Dr. Ijaz Ahmad Chaudhary, Muhammed AbrarThere is growing global consensus that climate change is the greatest upcoming global threat to humankind in modern times and is likely to have serious consequences for socio-economic sectors such as health, food production, energy consumption, security and natural resource management in near future. Pakistan is a developing country that has been severely hit by climate change affects in some last year’s Although Pakistan contribute very little to global greenhouse gas emissions. To face a potential impacts of climate change in near future, a strong policy and institutional setup should be Developed. So This research aims to study the possible knowledge that policy makers and the government officials should focus on so that they can prepare themselves in the near future.
Diagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniais: Review approach on development of different techniques from invasive to noninvasive nature after more than three decades of research[Full-Text ] Medhavi Sudarshan and Sumit SharanFor the efficient management of infectious disease, in the present scenario, rapid, sensitive, specific and confirmatory identification of the pathogen is very important. Accurate diagnostic test plays a key role in clinician trust and patient management. Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is a neglected tropical infectious disease. Poor access to diagnosis stymies control of VL. In light of the study published regarding the rapid development of Leishmania detection technology and their application in VL diagnosis, In this review, the author discusses critical issues in the development of diagnostic method as well as promises and challenges for validation & transition of new innovations.
Chemical Composition of Essential Oil Extracted from Urtica pilulifera and Evaluation Its Biological Activity[Full-Text ] Shaza Sitrallah, Joumaa MerzaThe essential oil has been extracted from the aerial parts of Urtica pilulifera from Urticacea family collected in south west of Hama in Syria by hydro-distillation using Clavenger type apparatus. The composition, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the essential oil was achieved and characterized by means of GC-MS and comparing with the references in the literature. A total of 45 compounds of the essential oil were characterized.
A Graph Based Contig Analysis for Big DNA Sequence[Full-Text ] Munmun Biswas DNA assembly is one of the most principle and troublesome issue in bioinformatics. The read are produced by next genera-tion sequencing faces difficulties due to large and complex repeat of human genome.
Urban Design Inclusive: A Comprehensive Notion on Indian Cities[Full-Text ] Ar. Vikas Chand Sharma2018 is the year in which we see widespread and large-scale investments in future city technology infrastructures that enable sustainable, equitably distributed economic and social growth. The truth is that we are still in the very early stages of that process. The concept of Smart Cities is currently gaining high popularity among academicians, researchers of various disciplines. City authorities around the world, attracting leading companies to collaborate with government bodies as it is now moving from pilot projects and towards creating high business value. There are already several attempts to develop a Smart City Model, which cam ensures the optimum utilization of existing resources in cities of all size.
Modified Ratio Estimators Using Two Auxiliary Information for Estimating Population Variance in Two-Phase Sampling[Full-Text ] Chandni Kumari, Shashi Bhushan and Ratan Kumar ThakurA class of estimators are suggested for estimating the population variance using two auxiliary information in the form of variable and attribute under double sampling. It’s bias and mean squared error are found to the ï¬rst order of approximation. Further, an efficiency comparison and numerical study is also given.
Estimation of Variance of Finite Population Using Double Sampling Scheme[Full-Text ] Shashi Bhushan and Chandni KumariIn this paper, a class of double sampling log type estimators are proposed for estimating the population variance. The expressions for bias and mean squared error are obtained up to the first order of approximation. It has been found that the proposed estimator is most efficient than the estimators available in literature. A numerical study is also given in support of the work done.
Servicing Multiple Clients in Relationship World[Full-Text ] Anuraag KalitaThe paper reviews the current scenario in relationship world as well as puts forward what can be a better way for Relationship Management while servicing Clients.
Evaluation of Flexible Road Pavement Condition Index and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Pavement Maintenance: A Case Study in Kabul Afghanistan[Full-Text ] Rustam Hafizyar, Mohammad Ali Mosaberpanah The pavement condition index (PCI) is an easy path, suitable and cheap way to evaluate the status of pavement surface distress because of maintenance and rehabilitation as well to predict the maintenance budget is sufficient or not. In this research paper evaluate the current condition of flexible pavement distresses existing in Kabul Afghanistan furthermore, to identify practically solution of road distress, and finally cost analyses of pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. The survey was conducted through Hammed Karzi Airport road to intercontinental Hotel road. Can be inspected and found diversity distress, consequently the values of PCI (45-67) was in a good condition and eventually compared with all road networks.
The Application of Geophysical Methods in Determining the Causes of Borehole Failure: A Case Study of Dextol Hostel, Abeokuta, South Western Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adeolu Aderoju O., Hansen-Ayoola A.O., Olanrewaju OlajuwonBoreholes adjudged successful or high yielding after drilling have been known to fail - a term used to describe the deteriorating condition of a borehole in terms of quantity and quality. The Four (4) boreholes within the study area were determined to be failed as a result of low or non-yield.
Mechanical Defect Detection of Indonesian Local Citrus Using Fluorescence Image and Discriminant Analysis[Full-Text ] Tika Hafzara Siregar, Sutrisno, Usman Ahmad, Akhiruddin MadduThe sound and defected citrus should be separated as soon as possible to prevent rotting from occuring early on in the sound citrus. Mechanical defects such as a slit and bruise spread essential oil in citrus peel that glows under UV excitation. The aforementioned defects can be detected using a fluorescence image by digital image analysis based on color and texture features. The aim of this study is to detect the mechanical defects in citrus by classifying the citrus into 3 groups (sound, slit and bruise) using discriminant analysis. Color and texture features were selected as input variables to develop discriminant function.
Determination of lycopene from water melon (Citrullus lanatus)[Full-Text ] S.I Okonkwo and N.M OfodumWater melon was peeled and the reddish flesh ground and oven-dried to make a paste. Ethyl acetate was used to extract the lycopene and the crude product was recovered by simple distillation. The lycopene crystals were obtain through crystallization of crude product by adding a mixture of methanol and benzene. Thin-layer chromatography using silica gel as adsorbent was carried out in order to purify the crystals. This was followed by recrystallization using a mixture of benzene and methanol. Identification was done using UV spectroscopy and the primary chemical test for lycopene was carried out. The quantity of extracted lycopene was measured and found to be 1.62mg per 50g water melon paste. Lycopene from water melon can be produced in commercial quantity and consumed as food supplement in order to reduce high death rate and enhance life span.
Color String Based CBIR for Image Retrieval[Full-Text ] Neha Ghosh, Dr. Shikha Agrawal, Dr. Mahesh MotwaniContent-based image retrieval (CBIR) system used in many fields of research nowadays, such as the medical field, the research field, internet and any media of communication. A method which is used to retrieved similar images depending upon a query from datasets containing many images called CBIR. A very basic issue to form a content based image retrieval system is to select the appropriate feature from the image. In our proposed method color string coding is evaluated to extract the color feature of the image and we have used this feature in an appropriate manner to find the similar images.
REVIEW ON EFFECT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON INDIAN MANGROVE[Full-Text ] Sagnik BoseMangroves are one among the important coastal habitats which are highly loaded with immense nutrient and always share it with adjoining coastal habitats. Interestingly this system supports number of endemic and endangered species throughout the tropical coast. India has more than 7500 km coastal line within this, it supports 4, 87,100 ha of mangroves and harbours 3985 species of flora and fauna. During late 80s India lost considerable areas of its mangrove cover due to several anthropogenic pressures.
ENGINEERING STUDENTS’ CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING OF FORCE AND MOTION AND PERSONAL BELIEFS[Full-Text ] Nicolas O. Boco, Jr., Esteban A. Malindog, Jr.This study investigated the influence of personal beliefs on conceptual understanding of force and motion of second year engineering students. In this regard, the study employed descriptive-correlational research design. A random sample of 200 civil and electrical engineering students from three universities were involved in the study. Data were collected using a twenty-item five-point Likert-scale type questionnaire for personal beliefs along belief towards learning, physics and superstitious beliefs and Force Concept Inventory for conceptual understanding of force and motion, respectively.
HVDC its Scope and Future Trends[Full-Text ] Muhammad Muzaffar Iqbal, Dr. Salman Amin, Dr. Intisar Ali Sajjad, Dr. Sh. Saaqib Haroon, Muhammad Athar ShahIn early days when electricity was introduced in form of low voltage DC there was no significant development in the field of converters. Due to this fact low voltage DC systems were not able to sustain themselves for a significant period and were replaced with high voltage AC systems. During last 62 years high voltage AC systems remained dominant in power transmission and distribution networks.
ASSESSMENT OF GROUNDWATER PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS NEAR WASTE DUMPSITES IN THE WESTERN NIGER DELTA, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Irunkwor, T. C, Abam, T. K. S and Amechi, B. UThe effect of waste dumpsite on physico-chemical parameters was here evaluated for water samples in order to determine the effect of waste leachate on the water quality in the area. Ten water samples were randomly collected using sterile plain bottles and 1-litre plastic bottles. The depth to water table in the area ranged between 8.3m and 12.3m.
Design and Fabrication of a Small-scale CNC Milling Machine[Full-Text ] Phyo Wai LinThis paper reports the design and fabrication of small-scale CNC milling machine which is capable of 3-axis simultaneous interpolated operation. The idea behind this work is to design low cost and easy portable machine which is achieved by incorporating the features of a standard PC interface with ATMEGA 328 micro controller based CNC system in an Arduino. The system also features an offline G-Code parser and then interpreted on the micro-controller from a USB. The main objective of this work is the development of a model of CNC machine on educational purposes. The design CNC machine with workspace of 150mm ï‚´150mm using a precision stepper motors that combined with lead screws in moving the axis smoothly on linear bearings that increases a more precisely results obtained.