Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018.
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Iterative Approximation of Fixed Points for a New Class of Generalized Suzuki-Type Nonexpansive Mappings[Full-Text ] B. G. Akuchu, Nwigbo K. T. and Asanya C. MWe introduce a new class of generalized Suzuki-type nonexpansive mappings and prove strong convergence results to xed points of the mappings. Our results generalize many important results in the literature.
Weak and Strong Convergence Results for Asymptotically Hemicontractive Mappings in Hilbert Spaces[Full-Text ] B. G. Akuchu, Nwigbo K. T., A. O. Okoro and P.C. ChukwuyereWe extend the results of Ra q (A. Ra q, On Mann Iteration in Hilbert Spaces, Nonlinear Analysis 66 (2007) 2230-2236) concerning the convergence theorems of hemicontractive mappings in Hilbert spaces to the more general class of asymptotically hemicontractive mappings.
Modification and designing a solar car for educational purposes[Full-Text ] Ekram hadi saleh alaskareeOur research was based on basic calculations of solar cells, and the amount of power generated by including the appropriate wattage and this ability with the engines operating within the limits of solar cells And resolutely enough to move the vehicle promptly where the weight of the cells with the weight of the vehicle which is the main obstacle in design and require practical experience as well as scientific expertise on energy produced from solar cells with calculations of vehicle dynamics and other things so search gearbox torque adapter to secure sufficient torque to special drawing powers the vehicle also took into account the continuous walking accounts how panels work in various weather conditions necessitated that the power adapter is designed for the purpose of Converting energy from the panels to the unit.
ANALYSIS OF BUTON ASPHALT UTILIZATION IN SOUTHEAST SULAWESI[Full-Text ] Buhardiman, Sahta Ginting, Magribi, NasrulThe research question of this studywas how is the analysis of Buton Asphalt utilization in Southeast Sulawesi? The purpose of the study was to analyze Buton Asphalt utilization in Southeast Sulawesi. This study was a qualitative research with data analysis techniques using SWOT analysis. Data collection was carried out by using documentation studies and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) technique which conducted on service providers, government and academics totaling 14 people. FGD participants were determined by purposive sampling.
Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells - A promising population of adult stem cells for regenerative therapy[Full-Text ] Balu Venugopal and T V KumaryThe field of regenerative medicine and its applications in medical care has now been well accepted and novel improvisations have been implemented towards developing innovative therapies. This concept makes use of a combination of stem cells, biomaterial scaffolds and growth factors for developing next generation medical care. Stem cells being an inevitable part of tissue engineering strategy, focus on identifying autologous adult stem cell sources have always been of immense significance.
A Real estate sector CSR initiative: to develop independent bungalows into apartment buildings[Full-Text ] APR SrinivasAll government and private housing schemes utilize agricultural land for real estate purpose. This leads to increased food inflation. To control food inflation and other issues related to civic amenities, the policy aims to develop independent bungalows into apartment buildings.
Highly Precise Optoelectronic Properties of GaSe/p-Si Thin Films Deposited Solar Cells[Full-Text ] Ihab H. Naeim and A. A. El-AminIn this paper, light-sensitive materials have been used to produce a solar cell that is suitable for practical applications. A gallium selenide thin film (GaSe/p-Si) was deposited on a glass substrate by chemical bath evaporation (CBD) at room temperature. The Ga and Se sources were GaSO4 and Na2SeSO3. NaOH was used as the finishing agent. The deposited samples were annealed in ovens at temperatures of 200 °C, 300 °C, 400 °C, and 500 °C.
LAN BASED SECURED E-VOTING USING BIOMETRICS TECHNIQUES[Full-Text ] Ms. Darshana Hansraj MandawadeThe objective of this work is to develop E-Voting using Biometric technique. Democracy is based on elections, but it is not possible for citizens every time to go to polling stations to vote during election days. Option is to provide e-voting via the Internet where voter can vote from own computer or mobile device, but it is susceptible to common attacks, which affects the election results. The user can access cast his vote from home PC, internet cafe, office PC. We proposed to use the PC with the voting server via Local Area Network (LAN). The user has to log on to the voting server via his PC. He will be asked for the authentication of identity. The user can then authenticate his id using either Voice recognition or Fingerprint recognition or both. The voter is enabled to vote without actually going there. Moreover to stop forged voting, voter is given identification hardware which will prevent any hacker from giving false votes.
The Role of Social Media on Crisis Preparedness and Responses[Full-Text ] Mansoor Khalfan Almansoori, Nasser HabtoorThis study proposed a framework to enhance organizational uses of social media in crisis management particularly in preparedness and responses to crisis. The study discussed four major ways in which social media can be used in the crisis preparedness and response including information dissemination, planning and training, problem solving and decision- making and information gathering.
Entomocidal activity of four leaves powders against: Sitophilus zeamais (L.) on stored maize and Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) on stored cowpea[Full-Text ] Dieudonné A. KPOVIESSI, Aimé H. BOKONON-GANTA, Daniel C. CHOUGOUROUThe major problem of food security in rural area is to reduce significantly the post-harvest losses essentially due to the insects’ pests. At the sight of treatments costs and especially the various damages of synthetics insecticides, news inexpensive tools quite safe repellents and antifeedants for insects, and available for small-scale farmers must be found. In this study, entomocidal activity of four leaves powders was tested against Sitophilus zeamais and Callosobruchus maculatus on stored products.
Parental Involvement in Academic and Non-Academic Programs of Public Elementary Schools in Pili District[Full-Text ] Jenelyn Cabañero CortezThe study was conducted to determine the parental involvement in the academic and non-academic programs of public elementary schools in Pili District, School Year 2012-2013. It focused on determining the a) academic and non-academic programs implemented for parental involvement, b) level of parental involvement in the school programs, c) significant differences in the level of parental involvement by location, d) factors affecting parental involvement, and e) problems encountered by the school in implementing the school programs.
Labor Skills Shortage in the Construction Market: An In-Depth Study of the Lebanese Local Market[Full-Text ] Anthony D. Azar, Constantin Militaru, Claudia P. Mattar It has ever been a challenge to find and hire labors with adequate right skills and experience for available positions in the construction trade in Lebanon. The mismatch of the big demand of labors’ skills by employer from one hand and those available in the construction industry for hire on the second, ends with skills shortages that impact the construction project itself with poor workmanship, low efficiency, reduced effectiveness, time over-run, defects, reworks, material wastage, extra-costs, delayed completion of projects, etc…
ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF MICROFINANCE BANKS ON SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES IN NIGERIA (1992 -2015)[Full-Text ] UMANHONLEN Ogbeiyulu Felix, Dr. E. U. Okoro-Okoro, UMANHONLEN Imade RebeccaThis paper assesses the impact of microfinance bank on small and medium scale enterprise in Nigeria. The study admits that microfinance banks products are the sources of SMEs growth in Nigeria despite of its attendance shift and shortcomings in the realisation of the schemes objectives.
Effects of Deposition Medium on the Solid State Characteristics of Pb-Doped CdS Thin Films Fabricated in Chemical Bath Technique[Full-Text ] A.I. OnyiaCdS thin films doped with small quantity lead were synthesized on plane glass substrate using chemical bath deposition technique. The fabrication was within the pores of a polymer (polyvinyl alcohol) medium at 28 ℃. In order to study the effect of polymer capping on the growth and properties of films, similar deposition was therefore carried out using water as a deposition medium that could not present any capping pores.
A REVIEW ON MICRO ARRAY MULTI CLASS CLASSIFICATION USING SVM[Full-Text ] Swetapadma RathThe fundamental power of microarrays lies in the ability to conduct parallel surveys of gene expression patterns for tens of thousands of genes across a wide range of cellular responses, phenotypes and conditions. Thus microarray data contain an overwhelming number of genes relative to the number of samples, presenting challenges for meaningful pattern discovery. This paper provides a comparative study of gene selection methods for multi-class classification of microarray data. We compare several feature ranking techniques, including new variants of correlation coefficients, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) method based on Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE). The results show that feature selection methods improve SVM classification accuracy in different kernel settings. The performance of feature selection techniques is problem-dependent. SVM-RFE shows an excellent performance in general, but often gives lower accuracy than correlation coefficients in low dimensions.
INVESTIGATING THE LEVEL OF AWARENESS OF FISH FARMING IN DELTA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Lilian Onyinyechi ElekwachiStudies have shown that aquaculture activities is currently the major growth in fish production in Nigeria, and the need arose due to the decrease in wild fish supply that is caused by over fishing, habitat destructions and pollutions. Aquaculture is the rational rearing of species of animals (fishes, crustaceans, molluscs, algae) and aquatic plants, which is normally achieved in an enclosed system and involves deliberate human intervention for provision of foods, and other factors that are essentials to the growth and development of the specie unlike capture fisheries.
Post Colonial Cameroon: Rationale for the Anglophone Struggle for Self-determination[Full-Text ] Nkumbe Enongene RexThe preparation of Trust territories for self-government was a duty Britain and France had in the Cameroons. While France fulfilled its duty, the British claimed that the Cameroons lacked financial resources to sustain an independent state. Thus, following the February 1961 Plebiscite, former British Cameroon reunited with French Cameroun on 1st October 1961 to create the Federal Republic of Cameroon. Modalities of reunification were discussed at the July 1961 Foumban Constitutional conference which produced the Federal Constitution. With the emergence of the United Republic of Cameroon in 1972, Cameroon became a unitary state.
Osteoporosis Behavior Survey Among College Students[Full-Text ] Dr.Qurratullain Arif, Dr.Muhammad Asif, Mr. Noman Ahmed, Dr.Erum Tanveer, Dr. Vinod Kumar, Dr. Muhammad Riaz Baig ChughtaiThe purpose of this cross-sectional survey was to find out osteoporosis behavior among college female studentsof karachi city.150 female students were the participants of this study .114 students thought that exercises not only work on strength of the body but also work on body shape.75 participants also agree with the point that exercises were quit enjoyable and relaxing for mind.41% participants change its exercise habbits.but others are not interested to change (33%).50 participants out of 150 put efforts to do exrcise ,while others are not intersted to do effort.
Knowledge on arsenicosis among primary school children[Full-Text ] Dr TARIQUL ISLAMA thesis- Knowledge on arsenicosis among primary school children was done in 2007 on the occasion to complete the MPH course at the University of New Castle, USA.
Gender Difference in Decision Making and Workload Analysis Regarding Agriculture Operations in Chitwan District of Nepal[Full-Text ] S. Sapkota, M. Jaishi, B. Gairhe & P. AdhikariA study was carried out to examine the gender difference in decision making and workload analysis regarding agriculture operations in Chitwan district of Nepal. Random sampling technique was used to select the household and interview with the structured questionnaire was carried out. Descriptive statistics were employed to analyze the data collected and results were obtained.
Physicochemical and pasting properties of flour from Dioscorea schimperiana dried slices sold on local market[Full-Text ] Marlyse Solange Leng, William Assongni Djeukeu, Inocent Gouado and Robert Ndjouenkeu This study was carried out to investigate the physiochemical and pasting properties of D schimperiana flour in order to find out potential diversity of end uses. Dried slices were randomly purchase from many sellers in Baham, Bamendjou and Bangangté markets in the Western region of Cameroon.
Optimal Algorithm for Solving Vertex Cover Problem in Polynomial Time[Full-Text ] Sharad Singh, Gaurav Singh, Neeraj KushwahGiven an undirected, unweighted graph G = (V, E), the minimum vertex cover problem is a subset of whose cardinality is minimum subject to the premise that the selected vertices cover all edges in the graph. There are various other algorithms that follows heuristic based approaches, but using those approaches we are not able to find optimal solution always in the same manner Greedy algorithms solves the same problems but some problems have no efficient result, but up to a certain extend the Greedy algorithm may provide a solution that is near to optimal. In this paper we propose an Advance vertex cover algorithm to find optimal solution to the minimum vertex cover problem.
A Review Article on Social Phobia[Full-Text ] Nouf K. HammadBackground: Social phobia also known as social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common anxiety disorders which are characterized by marked and persistent fear of social situations in which embarrassment may occur.
INTENSIVE CARE PHYSIOTHERAPY- MEDICAL STAFF PERCEPTIONS AMONG DIFFERENT ICU’S[Full-Text ] Dr. Kiran Iqbal, Dr. Abdul Rashad, Dr. Saman Habib, M. Faizan Hassan, Dr. Mehwish Khan, Dr. Sehar PashaBackground and Purpose: The aim of this survey was to examine the perceptions of medical staff about physiotherapy in the critical care team.
Accuracy of Image Transforms in Feature Extraction for Multimodal Biometric Systems[Full-Text ] Sanyamee Patel, Aarvi A Thadeshwar, Dhruvi Patel, Ratnesh ChaturvediWith an increased need for security in organisations around the world, it becomes necessary to have in place a system that is mostly foolproof, in order to prevent duping and unauthorised access to sensitive information. Each individual can be distinguished from another with biometric attributes, like the face, fingerprint and iris scan. There exist two kinds of systems that employ varying numbers of these traits for verification and recognition-unimodal and multimodal. Unimodal systems employ one trait, hence allowing easy misuse and duping.
Risk-Based Assessment on Failure Rates of Mechanical Equipment of Public Water Treat-ment Plants[Full-Text ] Omisore Rasaq Olakunle, Koya Olufemi Adebola, Ogunnigbo Charles OlawaleThere is an increasing trend towards using the concept of risk assessment as an important tool in the Industry. Focus is placed on eliminating the unexpected failures which cause unnecessary costs and the production losses failure rates. Reliability and risk level of the mechanical equipment were computed in order to establish the equipment criticality and estimate the associated risk level of the critical equipment
Enhancing product development in bag industry by using SPC analysis: A case study done in Kenan Canta Bag Company[Full-Text ] M.Sc.Zejnelabedin Aziri, Prof. Dr. Sc. Elizabeta Hristovska, Assis. Prof. Dr. Sc. Ivo KuzmanovThe focus of this study is the implementation of the SPC analysis in a bag production company during new product development. In this study the subject of analysis is the Kenan Canta Company from Turkey. In 2015 the Company decides to develop a messenger bag as its own new product. For this purpose it decided to implement the SPC analysis which is used in the new product development. By conducting SPC analysis, there is a better view of the difficulties that the bag production company faces during the transition from file bag to messenger bag production and solutions can be derived in order to solve these problems. In this paper the SPC analysis implementation process in the Company is explained. Consequently the results and the benefits that SPC analysis process had on the Kenan Canta Company are discussed.
Effects of Intern Factors on Return on Asset (A Study on Banking Industry in Indonesian Stock Exchange)[Full-Text ] La UtuThis research aims to determine and review the effects of intern factors including CAR,NII/TA, NPL, NIE/TA andSIZEonReturn On Asset of banking industry in Indonesian Stock Exchange. This research used secondary data in the forms of financial reports that were published in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period of 2003 – 2010 as well as other relevant publication that are sourced from Indonesian Bank, Bappepam. Analysis method ispartial least square. Results of the research find out that intern factors are able to increase banking Return On Asset that are registered in Indonesian Stock Exchange. It means that more conducive banking intern factors will lead to higher banking Return On Asset. The strongest intern factor indicator isCapital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). This means that banking in Indonesia will achieve good performance when there is adequate amount of capital.
PHARMACOKINETIC STUDIES OF CEPHALOSPORINS [CEFDINIR ]MICROSPHERES[Full-Text ] V.Mallikarjun, V.Rajesh babu, P.Raja sridhar,S.Raju, T.ChandrashekarThe prepared microspheres were evaluated for pharmacokinetic release study of sustained release microspheres preparations of cefdinir, using copolymers synthesized from acrylic and meth acrylic acid esters (Eudragit RS 100 and RL 100) as the retardant material.Solvent evaporation method was used by using acetone as solvent, magnesium state as droplet stabilizer and n-hexane was added as cross linking agent for hardening the microspheres.
The Anatomy of Credit Risk in Lesotho: Empirical Perspectives on Measurement and Determinants[Full-Text ] Tiisetso Mokete , Sephooko MotelleIt has been observed in Lesotho that there is a significant increase in general credit expansion by the commercial banks since 2011 to present (2017) and this boosts economic growth in different dimensions. Eventually, however, every credit-induced economic boom comes to an end when one or more important sectors of the economy default on their debt obligations. Even though this poses significant risks, the existing credit risk measurement techniques in the commercial banks in Lesotho, as with other developing and developed countries, still measure credit risk on a relative scale. That is, they use the traditional balance sheet models to estimate credit risk. The key shortcoming of these methodologies is the failure to account for the inherent dynamism in risk. As a result, this study uses the volatility measures, the GARCH (1,1), BL-GARCH (1,1,1) and the TBL-GARCH (1,1,1) to estimate credit risk. The TBL-GARCH (1,1,1) model proved superior to both the GARCH (1,1) and the BL-GARCH (1,1,1) implying that the threshold effects have an important impact on credit risk measurement.
Generating Effective Test Suite for Multiparameter Software using ACTS Tool and its Verification using Code Coverage Tools[Full-Text ] Abhinandan H. Patil, Krishnan RangrajanCombinatorial testing is a practical method to test software with multiple input parameters. National Institute of Standards and Technology has developed tools which aid combinatorial testing. ACTS is one such tool which is freely available to users. In spite of this, very few software being developed are being tested systematically. In this paper we explore the effectiveness and suitability of ACTS tool to test software which has a multiparameter input. We chose a Java based software, College Time Table, a software which involves multiparameter input, as system under test. We could achieve 90% coverage of instructions, line, method and 100% class coverage with practical time and effort with ACTS tool. The process involved in getting above mentioned results is documented in this paper. Empirical data generated with the code coverage confirms the effectiveness of ACTS generated test suite for a simple project.
Investigating The Application of Nano Particles for Enhanced Oil Recovery[Full-Text ] Shady G. Mohamed, Mohamed M.Souliman , Hamid M.khatab, Mahmoud A.TantawyThrough this century, exponential increase of consumption of oil and gas worldwide is very clear trend and the world will need more energy under all scenarios. To meet the energy demand for the next decades, methods for extracting residual hydrocarbon trapped in reservoir need to be developed economically. The major challenge is to increase recovery simultaneously at all scales; increase microscopic pore scale recovery and macroscopic field scale sweep and vertical efficiencies. The goal of enhanced oil recovery is to manipulate the fluid-fluid properties (interfacial tension, viscosity), and fluid-rock properties (contact angle, relative permeability) to improve pore scale recovery efficiency.
Residents’ willingness to participate in neighbor-hood development and upkeep initiatives[Full-Text ] Malakshah Mamdouh Hassaan, Manal Abou El-Ela, Yasser Mahmoud MoustafaOver the past decade, the World Bank has assigned nearly $85 billion to participatory development initiatives. Underlying this enormous funding is the idea that involving beneficiaries in any development initiative phases would be a progress towards sustainable urban development.
Allergies and Their Effects on medical Students of Basra University[Full-Text ] Maysaloon A. AL-Sadoon,Zaid S. Muhbes,Ahmed H. Abdul-Mohsin, Mustafa A.AdnanThis research was undertaken among undergraduate students at Basra University , Iraq. A self-administered questionnaire served as the , primary research instrument for collection of data. SPSS version 19 was used to collect and analyze demographics and allergy attributes. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were applied to the data.
Strategies for Navigating Entrepreneurial ideas Into Successful Business Investment[Full-Text ] Dr. Babandi Ibrahim GumelEntrepreneurs are faced with enormous risk when investing in an entrepreneurial idea. A creative entrepreneur converts a recognized idea otherwise known as opportunity into a new venture or improve on existing venture otherwise called innovation. An invention that will add value to customers is usually referred to as innovation, and entrepreneurs creatively innovate ideas into a product that will add value to customers. A product must pass through a business model that will satisfy the stakeholders involved in the entrepreneurial journey.
Green Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using Tropical Plants and Their Characterizations[Full-Text ] Myint Myint Khaing, Myat Kyaw Thu, Thida Kyaw, Thida Tin, Thida LwinGreen synthesis is one of the most popular methods in nanotechnologies. Different tropical plants have a characteristic feature of medicinal effects that are associated with metallic nanoparticles present in the plants. Nanoparticles are used immensely due to its small size, orientation, physical properties, which are reportedly shown to change the performance of any other material which is in contact with these tiny particles.
Performance Evaluation of KNN and SVM Algorithm in Object Recognition Enhancing Intelligent[Full-Text ] Md. Manirul Islam, Md. Ashiqul Alam KhanIn this era of science and technology the need of intelligent system to perform human like task is ever increasing. To perform these tasks there are various tools, techniques and methods available. K-nearest neighbor or k-NN algorithm is a method used for classification and regression.