Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018.
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DEVELOPMENT OF T-Z CURVES FOR BORED PILES EMBEDDED IN CEMENTED SAND FROM DYNAMIC LOAD TEST[Full-Text ] Stefanus Diaz Alvi, Paulus P. RahardjoSoil response due to axial compression loading is represented by a relationship curve between pile shaft resistance and pile movement (z) or “T-Z Curve”. The curve can be obtained by several methods, such as analytics formula, Direct Shear Test, and Instrumented Static Load Test. Instrumented Static Load Test give the best result because the resistance and the movement are measured in site. However, the test is very expensive. Hence, another method which can establish T-Z Curve is still needed. In Indonesia, PDA Test is the most common dynamic load test. The t-z curve has not been established from the test yet. This paper presents the findings that the t-z curve can be developed by PDA test by carried it out in different energy. The curve from dynamic load test will be compared with instrumented static load test to verify the reliability of the result. The test is carried out in bored piles embedded in cemented sand. This research presents that PDA Test can establish T-Z Curve as good as the instrumented static load test.
Comparative efficacy of certain chemicals against Maize stem borer (Chilo partellus) in Allahabad Region[Full-Text ] Devanapalli Vamsi krishna and Dr. Ashwani KumarA field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2017-18 at Central Research Feild, Department of Entomology, SHUATS, Allahabad, (U.P) to study the “Efficacy of certain chemicals against Maize stem borer (Chilo partellus) in Allahabad Region”. All the seven treatments Spinosad (4.14%), followed by Chlorpyriphos 50% EC+ Cypermethrin5 %EC (7.14%), Deltamethrin 2.8 EC (8.83%), Cypermethrin 25 EC (9.52%), Imidacloprid 200 SL (10.71%), Dichlorvos 76 EC (12.90%) and then the treatment Dimethoate 30EC (13.09%) was least effective reduced the infestation as compared to the untreated control. Among the treatments studied, the best and most economical treatment was T5 Spinosad (1:1.59) followed by T1 Chlorpyrifos 50%EC+ Cypermethrin 5%EC (1:1.52), T7 Deltamethrin 2.8EC (1:1.41) and T2 Cypermethrin 25%EC (1:1.36), T3 Imidacloprid 17.8SL (1:1.17), T6 Dichlorvos 76EC (1:1.11), T4 Dimethoate 30EC (1:1.07) as compared to T8 Control(1:1.04).
A study to assess the Attitude of the Staff Nurses working in ICU and PCU towards euthanasia in selected Hospital[Full-Text ] Sr. Anoja AntonyEuthanasia is one of the most debated topics in the world. Euthanasia literally means good death but in this contest it means mercy killing. The debate regarding the legalization of Euthanasia. The debate about euthanasia value debate among people weigh values differently and who also see the nature of the world and the place of humans in that world differently. Attitude toward the ethics and legality of physician assisted death, especially voluntary euthanasia (V E), have gradually been changing over the past decade .The science of miracles taking place. The technological advancement taking place all around the globe we could have cure for disease like AIDS, Cancer etc.
A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on Knowledge Regarding Importance of Domestic Waste Management among Women in Rural, Bagalur at Bangalore[Full-Text ] Sr. Doly M JEnvironmental hygiene is the one of the leading problem of our Country. Due to this many communicable diseases are increasing day by day. Bangalore is one of the most populated districts. People are settled mostly in rural than urban area. It makes worse the situation, by educating women of a family will help in transmitting this knowledge to her family as well as other people in the locality so enriching the whole Country . This present study is targeted to improve the knowledge related to various aspects of domestic waste management. Hence the investigator had taken up the study entitled “A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on Knowledge Regarding Impotence of Domestic Waste Management among Women in Rural, Bagalur at Bangalore”.
EXPLORING THE BINDING BETWEEN AVIAN INFLUENZA H5N1 VIRUS 3F5T &TRANSMEMBRANE RECEPTOR PROTEIN(4KDO)[Full-Text ] Soham DawnThe H5N1 influenza A virus that is currently circulating in Asia, Africa and Europe has resulted in persistent outbreaks in poultry with sporadic transmission to humans. Thus far, it is believed that H5N1 does not possess sufficient ability for human-to-human transmission and subsequent pandemic infection.
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding the prevention and complications of heatstroke among middle age men in selected village of Pedatadepalli[Full-Text ] Sr. Monica K. CThe present research project is “A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding the prevention and complications of heatstroke among middle age men in selected village of pedatadepalli”. Heat exhaustion is where the persons become very hot and start to lose water or salt from the body which leads to the symptoms of heatstroke and generally feeling unwell. Heat exhaustion and heatstroke can often be prevented by taking sensible precautions when it is very hot.
Assess the effectiveness of self instructional module (SIM) on knowledge on the ill effects of mass media among the nursing students[Full-Text ] Sr. Silvi K. TMass media is the process in which a person, group of people or organization send message through channel of communication to large group of anonymous and heterogeneous people as either general public or judgment of the general public. Hence the investigator felt the need to conduct the study to “Assess the effectiveness of self instructional module (SIM) on knowledge on the ill effects of mass media among the nursing students”.
AI based Work Item Triaging[Full-Text ] Sourav Dutta, Prasun BiswasSmart institutions are looking to integrate and automate their systems for cost-effective growth without impacting client satisfaction. In order to drive client satisfaction, organizations are aligning their solutions in such a way that it caters to client needs. That even means if clients need to raise service requests, they just enter what they want and rest all is taken care by an Artificial Intelligence based engine on a real time basis.
Mathematical Modeling and Thermodynamic Properties of Drying of Dekoko Seed[Full-Text ] Tamirat Redae Gebreselassie, Nedumaran BalasubramanianInvestigating mathematical model and drying kinetics of dekoko (Pisum sativum var. Abyssinicum) seeds is the crucial factor in modeling and design of various heat and mass transfer process application of heating and cooling systems. Whereas, thermodynamic properties used to estimate the conduction, convection and mass transfer energy requirement during drying process of the product. Drying characteristics of dekoko seed abtained based on two design parameters such as temperature and air flow rate. Drying experiment carried out with temperature at 45, 55 and 65oC and air flow rate at 1.5 and 2.5 ms-1.
Fuzzy Enhancement for Mammogram Images[Full-Text ] Dr.T.A.Sangeetha, Dr.B.SarojiniOne of the most significant causes of increased women death rate in the world is due to Breast cancer. Mammography is the most effective method for early detection of breast diseases. The main aim of mammography is to detect tiny, non-palpable cancers during its premature stage. Conversely, mammograms are extremely complex to deduce being the fact that the pathological transformations of the breast are slight and their visibility is very poor with low contrast and noise.
Genotypic Characteristics of Red Tilapia & their Relationship with Other Oreochromis Spp[Full-Text ] Elsie J. CachoRed tilapia is found in some provinces in the country but there is few genetic information about them. There is little information on the genetic characteristics of red tilapia cultured in the Philippines. Genotypic characteristics is necessary to determine their genetic background to be able to form a founder population with enhanced genetic traits like fast grower, bright coloration, high survival and high fecundity rate that are necessary for commercialization.
Banking: Definition and Evolution[Full-Text ] Prabhavathi K, Dr.Dinesh G PBanking plays a very important role in the country’s economy. The purpose of this paper is to know various definitions of the word ‘Bank’, its evolution and its changes. The data has been gathered through secondary sources including the report of RBI, other articles written by eminent authors. This paper concludes that there is a drastic change in the role of banking since its existence to till today, playing a vital role in economic and social development of Indian society.
Unmasking Certainties: A Deconstructive Analysis of Mohsin Hamid’s How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia[Full-Text ] Rubab Laila, Iqra RasheedIt has been established many years ago that a literary work can be interpreted in many ways, thus having no certain meaning. The present study aims at deconstructing the dominant theme of individuals’ struggle in the novel “How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia” by Mohsin Hamid.
CAPABILITIES OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITY (PWD) IN VIGAN CITY, ILOCOS SUR[Full-Text ] Ofelia R. EspirituThe study determined the capabilities of persons with disability in the municipality of Vigan, CY2016. It looked into the significant relationship between the respondents’ level of capability and their personal-related factors, the category and cause of disability. Descriptive research, utilizing adopted questionnaire- checklist in gathering data of the 126 PWDs, frequency, percentage and simple linear correlation analysis was used to treat data. The respondents were the young adult, males, single, elementary undergraduate, no job, living with immediate family members, subsequently a primary support system.
AN EFFICIENT METHOD TO DETECT LEUKEMIA USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE[Full-Text ] Nikita Sharma, Shivali SharmaLeukemia is the blood cancer that initiates in the bone marrow and resulted in abnormal cells generation. Leukemia is broadly classified into ALL (Acute lymphoblastic Leukemia), AML (Acute myeloid Leukemia), CLL (chronic lymphocytic Leukemia) and CML (Chronic myeloid Leukemia). This research has make an effort for draw a methodology for the classification and detection of leukemia. Work done by number of authors has been analyzed and presented in this research. For the classification, fuzzy logic has been used and for the optimization, genetic algorithm has been used. Parameters, like FAR, FRR and accuracy has been used for the calculation of the performance.
Kanamycin spray as an effective method of screening transgenic cotton in field[Full-Text ] Poornima KNTransgenic technology has become the most favoured technology in cotton for the development of biotic and abiotic stress resistant varieties. Npt-II is the most commonly used selectable marker gene in transgenics that expresses gene product resistant to Kanamycin. Since the regeneration capability of cotton is very minimal and there are very few plants regenerated from callus, selection for Kanamycin resistance needs to be very precise. Kanamycin selection is one of the methods that can be effectively used to screen true positives, false-positives and true negative plants. The present study reports the systemic effects of kanamycin on seedlings of cotton and also a simple low cost method for screening transgenics.
Prevention of Air Pollution at the very Generation & its Purification: A Review[Full-Text ] Anshul MaheshwariAir pollution being the major concern of consideration rising from a long before comes suddenly into limelight as the country breaks its own records every year and getting degraded with a blot of being having most polluted cities in the world. It is now should be taken as the prime need of country to curb pollution and emission standards.
Marriage Values: Unifying the Bond[Full-Text ] Dr. Neha PandeyMarriage and family have existed in all human societies. It has been a universal social institution. Basically marriage involves a regulation of the family society and reproduction of children. The structure of this institution rearranging the relationships, they are more responsive towards marriages like companionate marriage. “At the core of a companionate marriage are friendship and trust and the belief that both partners have equal responsibility in all domains of the marriage.
Social Cohesion in Cairo and the Nature of Boundary Areas between Socio- culturally Distinct Districts: The Case of El-Maadi - Dar El-Salam Boundary[Full-Text ] Salma Ghanem, Yasser Moustafa, Manal Abou El-ElaLike most large cities around the world, society in Cairo is composed of very diverse cultural, social, and economic groups. The aim of the study presented in this article is to investigate if boundary areas between socio-culturally distinct districts in the city are areas of contact and interaction between these groups and can thus promote social cohesion between them. The case-study focuses on the boundary area between very different adjoining districts, El-Maadi and Dar El-Salam
An Automated Scheduling System for University Lectures and Examinations[Full-Text ] Iwara ARIKPO, Abigail OKOKONScheduling has been a real-life combinatorial problem over the years. University timetabling, which is part of time scheduling, represents a difficult optimization problem, which most universities are grappling with; hence, developing software systems that automate timetabling has also been a challenging task. The aim of this study was to develop an automated system that can simplify the lecture and examination timetabling in the University. The system was designed with an object-oriented analysis and design approach using the unified modelling language.
Drag reduction by hydrophobic nano - particles adsorption process[Full-Text ] Poondla Vishnu VikasThis paper proposes a mechanism for Identifying hydro phobic capability of nano particles. Distinguishing the affinity capability of these particles and then coming to a conclusion on best hydrophobic nano particles. Creating a 2-D or 3-D model of a reference body on which the coating is done . Induce suitable conditions such as heavy water flow over the surface of the body after coating, the hnp. Measuring drag by calculating drag force, viscosity, density and reference area.
How to Reduce Production Cost of Sizing[Full-Text ] Faisal Bin Alam, Fahim HasanSizing is an essential step for warp yarn preparation in the weaving process of textile supply chain. It is carried out to impart additional protection to warp yarns in order to withstand the abrasive forces during weaving. Although sizing is an inevitable process and offers substantial benefits during weaving, there are several problems associated with sizing. Cost is always a prime management concern and this paper approaches to explore more efficient sizing recipe in terms of selecting size chemicals compared to the traditional recipe.
USING PARAMETRIC AND NON-PARAMETRIC METHODS FOR ESTIMATING SCHOOL TO WORK TRANSITION[Full-Text ] Ana Gorenca, Esmeralda ShehajThis paper investigates the effect of socio-economic factors on the unemployment duration of fresh graduates using parametric and non-parametric approaches. The 2012 Living Standards Measurement Survey of Albania is used to estimate the effects. We restrict the sample to only those aged from 19 to 35 years old to reduce the heterogeneity among unemployed graduates. The determinants of the school to work transition are derived from the job-search theory.
Why is it impossible to pull any object from the tip?[Full-Text ] Abhishek ChakravarttyTHIS paper describes why there are no true pulls in nature. So every pull is a push in disguise.
Diagnostic accuracy of combined Glypican-3 and Alpha-Fetoprotein in regenerated, dysplastic and hepatocellular carcinoma nodules[Full-Text ] Ayman Z. Elsamanoudy, Hatem El-Alfy, Salwa M. Abo El-khair, Asem Shalaby, Mahmoud A. Attia, Ashraf A. El-BindaryHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is lethal common malignancy worldwide. Diagnostic procedures for HCC are serum tumour markers, different imaging techniques and histopathological examination. The present work evaluates Glypican-3 as a useful diagnostic biomarker for HCC. HCC rat model was carried out. Histopathological, biochemical and molecular evaluation of AFP and Glypican-3 was performed using immunohistochemical, ELISA and RT-PCR techniques.
Effect of Seed Size on The Mechanical Properties of Gmelina Seed[Full-Text ] Oderhowho Nyorere, Hilary UguruThe knowledge of mechanical properties of agricultural products under compressive loading is a vital factor in the design and development of their harvesting, handling and processing machines. In this research, the following mechanical parameters; bio-yield force, bio-yield energy, bio-yield strain, rupture force, rupture energy and maximum compressive force of the gmelina seed was determined under quasi compression loading in longitudinal position, in respect to two seed sizes (small and large).
Enhancement of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Nucleate Pool Boiling by Addition of Nano-Metal Particles to The Refrigerant 134a[Full-Text ] Eldesouki I. Eid, Reda A. Khalaf-Allah., Mohamed TolanExperimental study investigated the effect of addition cooper oxide CuO on the refrigerant R-134a, in nucleate pool boiling heat transfer coefficient, (HTC). The experiments were carried out a flat heating surface with mirror surface roughness (Ra), 0.042µm. CuO particles concentrations were used 0.005, 0.01, 0.03 and 0.05 % by volume. The applied heat flux, arranged from 15 to150 kw/m2 and different operating boiling pressure. The results showed that, the heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing CuO particles concentrations from 0.005 to 0.03 %.
The effectiveness of spinal bracing and different types of bracing on Idiopathic Scoliosis (Mini simple clinical review)[Full-Text ] Yazan Mawloud Al-ayfan, Fatimah Al-Zaher, Amin Mohammed Sammour, Sarah Al-ThuwaiqebSpinal bracing is effective in all age group patients and it is almost indicated to every patient who has a degree of curving depending on the severity and time the patient diagnosed during his/her growth. Bracing is paramount in improving the patient condition, it ameliorate the pain and it decreases the speed of disease progression.
Optimizing the capacity of UMTS network using dynamic tilting of the sector antenna[Full-Text ] Maryam qutaiba abdul-razak, Dr.Rajaa Aldeen abd-kaildAntenna tilting is one of the optimization parameters that affect the performance of the cellular networks by reducing the same and other cell interference and hence increasing the network capacity. In this paper the capacity of wide code division multiple access (WCDMA) system has been optimized using genetic algorithm (GA) by dynamically changing the shape and size of the sectors by changing the tilt of the antenna depending on the load of the users in each sector. The result of the optimization shows that the capacity of a network can be improved by dynamically changing the shape of each sector.
Safety and efficiency of a topical corticosteroid in psoriasis[Full-Text ] Bahni Mohammed Ali AsiriThe aim of this study was to perform a literature review to prepare for evidence-based recommendations on the efficacy of topical corticosteroids in psoriasis including treatment modalities to induce remission and prevent recurrence. We conducted an electronic search through online databases such; Medline, and Embase, for studies concerning efficacy of topical corticosteroids in psoriasis. Topical CS are an essential component of the psoriasis therapeutic apparatus.
War on terror: Socio, Political Impacts on Pakistan: Suggestions and Future Recommendations[Full-Text ] Abdullah Tariq, Dr. Ghulam MustafaWar on terror is an ancient Phenomena as human himself is. After the September 11 terror attacks in the United States world has faced several side effects in multiple shapes like pain, violence, and fear anxiety and other. With reference to Pakistan who faced 85% positive consequences as a result of this war on terror in terms of socio, Political impacts on the society of Pakistan especially the whole tribal belt. This study is carried to discover and observe the effects of this war on terror on the society of Pakistan. And to what policies Pakistan has adopted to contain the threat of terrorism at regional and at the international levels. More over the study also explores Pak-US relations during the war on terror with the reference of the present era. The study will further observe the issue which Pakistan has faced at the global levels like the relations with Afghanistan and will focus on the upcoming challenges ahead in near future.
DETERMINATION OF MINERALS OF RARE EARTH ORES IN MONGOLIA AND THEIR PROCESSING[Full-Text ] Khaumdas AshimSynchisite is one of the main economic minerals of rare earth ores deposit on the territory in Mongolia. Research data on the opening and dressing processes of Synchisite was poor. The Synchisite mineral contains Rare earth elements (REE) of cerium group. Taking into account the existing rare publication and research materials on production technology that uses current mineral at the REE production, the Lugiin Gol rare earth elements deposit of our country may be considered without analogue world-wide.
Review of HEXACOPTER Drone[Full-Text ] Ghazi. CH. Hameed ,B M Albakier,Alaa H. Muttar, Ali J.Askir , Ammar A. Mhawish, Yasser W. Abdljalil,Mohamed G. Abbass, MA Alsaedi and mohammed H. Hafiz A hexacopter with a camera for maps construction is developed. The developed hexacopter is based on APM controller. An external GPS is connected to the controller to provide real-time position information in altitude, longitude, and latitude coordinate system. The apparatus consists of six controlled brushless DC motors, each have a propeller attached to it.
Risk factors of cholecystitis among high altitude (Taif City) population[Full-Text ]
Alwaleed Aljabir,Abdualrahman Alzahrani, Mohammed Algarni, Talal Alzahrani To study the risk factors of gallstones diseases in high altitude in (Taif City) population, Saudi Arabia .A cross sectional community based was made of 863 people from Taif city. Questionnaire was distributed on website as electronic questionnaires.
Long term fertilization effects on root parameters of maize (Zea Mays) crop in an acid Alfisol[Full-Text ] Vandana Tatra, S.P. SharmaField studies were conducted in a 29 year long-term fertilizer experiment on silty clay loam soil to study the effect of long-term fertilizer application and amendments on root development and cation exchange capacity of maize roots during 2001-02 at CSKHPKV, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India in an acid alfisol of western Himalayas. Integrated use of inorganics and organics resulted in marked increase in root mass density, root volume and rooting length after harvest and root cation exchange capacity at various crop growth stage of maize crop. The highest CEC was observed at Knee high stages of maize crop.
THE IMPACTS OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION ON SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN CAMBODIA[Full-Text ] MAK VANNCambodia is one of the countries in the Mekong sub-Region in Southeast Asia that has been using international labor migration as a short-term coping strategy when households are heavily burdened with shocks as a consequence of insufficient income from on-farm employment. However, many Cambodians migrate to other countries for longer period of time with different purposes of not just only coping with shocks but likewise of ameliorating the socio-economic status of their families, future savings, and better living standard.
Enhancing Competitive Advantage in Hydro Power Station by adopting Risk Management Process in Renovation, Modernization, Upgradation and Life Extension Projects in India[Full-Text ] Ajay Kumar Singh, Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Dr. A.C. Joshi, Dr. A. Lakshmana Rao, BCK MishraHydro Power is one of the benign sources of energy. Considering the benefits associated with the Hydro Power Projects, continuous operation and sustenance of the existing hydro power plants in India is the requirement of the hour. This will not only lead to infuse new life to the existing Hydro Power Projects but also help in sustainable development of the energy sector.