Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018.
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Contribution of Time Management in developing a sense of wellbeing among nursing students of a public hospital[Full-Text ] Attiya Sana,Summaira Nasir,Muhammand.Afzal, Prof.Dr.Syed Amir GilaniIntroduction Wellbeing refers to authorities of optimistic outcomes that help to realize one’s physical, mental, social, spiritual, and emotional potentials in a society (Awartani, Whitman, &Gordon, 2007). Students who perceived time control reported better performance, better work, and a satisfied life with less problems, less workload (Beiter et al., 2015). The development of a sense of improving time management and coping with these stressors can assist the nursing students to be in a state of well-being
Understanding the criterion of sampling technique and selection of dispersant in attaining better results during wet method development for particle size analysis[Full-Text ] Kanuri Sreenivasa RajaThis article deliberates on the measurement of crystal growth rates using laser diffraction technique. The paper discussed how the method was developed and experiments carried out in a fluidized bed apparatus, a specifically designed measuring chamber typical in solid and liquid crystallization dealing with both spherical and non-spherically shaped particles. The particles were exposed to high suspension densities. The outcome indicated that particle size distributions are subject to the volume concentration. The experimental results used both different volume concentrations and constant particle sizes. Timely detection and correction of errors in the volume concentration helped to obtain reproducible and understandable particle size distribution. The experiment led to the introduction of an essential correlation function for the particle size measurements at great suspension densities.
CLINICAL STUDY ON TUBERCULOUS CERVICAL LYMPHADENOPATHY[Full-Text ] Dr. G. Prammaraj70 cases of cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis are studied, subjected to FANC/excision biopsy, analysed in detail and the following conclusions are drawn.
STUDY ON ETIOLOGY OF INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION[Full-Text ] Dr. A Muthuvinayagam, MSThis study attempts to evaluate the common causes of intestinal obstruction in patients presenting to Thanjavur Medical College Hospital. The results were: Among the causes of Acute Intestinal obstruction, 64.88% is contributed by Small bowel obstruction and 35.11% by Large bowel obstruction. The major cause of acute intestinal obstruction is still External hernia (30.53%) here. Among this, inguinal hernia alone accounts for 35.29% of small bowel obstruction.
Application of Analytical Solutions to Typical Power Distribution Electromagnetic Field Incidents[Full-Text ] Paul I. Audu It has been observed that majority of analytical solutions on the subject of electromagnetic field effect on humans and environment with regards to electric power system has been largely restricted to high-voltage transmission systems. Very few write-ups have been released on medium voltage distribution networks on this subject, yet a great number of fatalities recorded on this subject of electromagnetic field has occurred more on the medium voltage networks
Epidemiological study of Pediatric Visceral in Mid-Euphrates Area, Iraq[Full-Text ] Rasha Amer Noori Al- Tufaili, Rand Muhammed Abdul-Hussein Al-Husseini, Raed Ali Hussein ShabaaThis study was carried out during the period from January 2012 to March 2013. Five hundred and eighty seven children aged 1- 60 months were admitted to paediatric ward of Pediatric and Maternal Hospitals of Al- Najaf, Babil, Karbala, and Al-Qadisiyyah provinces with confirmed or clinically suspected visceral leishmaniasis were included; most of them had clinical manifestation of fever, hepatosplenomegaly, weight loss, Leukopenia, and anemia. The diagnosis was under the supervision of paediatrician from each hospital.
Diagnosis of Pediatric Visceral Leishmaniasis by Immunochromatographic strip test (ICT) in Mid-Euphrates Area, Iraq[Full-Text ] RashaAmer Noori Al- Tufaili, Rand Muhammed Abdul-Hussain Al-Hussaini, Raed Ali Hussein ShabaaVisceral leishmaniasis (VL) . It is a disease caused by species of Leishmania donovani . Leishmaniasis is still one of the world’s most neglected diseases, affecting largely the developing countries. VL is widely spread in different parts of Iraq, which is regarded as an endemic place, especially in the middle and south parts, the main reasons are due to adaptation of the vector sand fly in these areas.
Experimental studies on azo derivatives as new inhibitors for corrosion of carbon steel in acidic media[Full-Text ] F. Sh. Mohamed, H. M. Abu Elnader, H. S. Samra, A. A. El-BindaryThe corrosion inhibition effect of some azo derivatives, namely: (E)-2-(5-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-4-(phenyldiazenyl)phenol (L1), (E)-4-((4-methylphenyl)diazenyl) -2-(5-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)phenol (L2) and (E)-4-((4-bromophenyl)diazenyl)-2-(5-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)phenol (L3) on carbon steel(CS) in 1 M HCl solution was studied by using mass loss (ML) technique, potentiodynamic polarization (PP) measurements, electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
Religious-Based on Education Management Process at Junior High School "YIMI" Gresik and Muhammadiyah 12 Gresik[Full-Text ] Budi Winasis, Murtadlo, MudjitoEducation management in schools needs to apply the development of the character of learners through various activities and school management. One of which can be done through the mechanism of building management education in religious based schools.
Kinetic & Kinematic Evaluation of the Use of Stiff Form-Fitted Industrial Back Belts Using 3-D Motion Capturing System[Full-Text ] Tamer ElAttar, Shihab Asfour, Mohamed FahmyThe objective of this study is to examine the effect of using a new stiff form-fitted industrial back belt on musculoskeletal stresses and movement restriction during manual material handling (MMH). The use of back belts to prevent musculoskeletal injuries has been controversial. Back-A-Line (BAL) introduced new stiff form-fitted industrial back belts that were proven to modify reaching postures during tasks requiring enhanced stability and that design was yet to be tested during tasked that required enhanced movement. A 3-D motion capturing system was used to capture trajectories and calculate dynamic properties of body joints and relative angles between body segments of participants lifting a 9kg box from floor to table.
Principal Leadership, School Counselors Roles and School Organization Effectiveness to The Quality Of State High School Students in Madiun City[Full-Text ] Hery Bagus Anggoro Wicaksono, Bambang Suratman, Murtadlo This research is to capture the relationship between Principal Leadership, School Counselors Roles and School Organization Effectiveness to The Student Quality Of State High School Students in Madiun City Through Stuctural Equation Modeling Analysis. This research uses a quantitative approach, through the analysis of Stuctural Equation Modeling with the help of software Lisrel 8.8 for windows.
Determination of the Possibility of Ground Water in the Holy Governorate of Karbala using the Thermal Classification of Satellite Images Using Remote Sensing[Full-Text ] Muthana M. Abd, Fouad K. Mashee Al Ramahi, Fadhil M. Al- MohammedThe study of groundwater quality and quantitative characteristics is very important for all countries at the present time due to lack of water resources and increasing population, this illustrates by the global conflict over water resources. As for Iraq currently there is a shortage of water in the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in addition to the shortage in the amount of rain water.
Effect of Joint Configuration and Solder Thickness on the Load Bearing Capacity of Soldered Joints[Full-Text ] Ikpeseni, Sunday Chukwuyem and Odu, Godwin OghenewiroroAn investigation of the impact of joint configuration and solder thickness on the strength of joints made using locally produced solder was conducted in this work. This is with a view to ascertaining the strength and reliability of joints made from local solder.
EVALUATION DE LA CROISSANCE ET DU RENDEMENT DE QUELQUES VARIÉTES DE MAÏS EN INTRODUCTION DANS L’ECOLOGIE DE MULUNGU[Full-Text ] Elois CINYABUGUMA Lwahamire, MENDJE MUKUNDA, Gisel ABE M, Ruphine BATUMIKE, Xavier BADERHEKUGUMA, KASHOSI N, MUSOMBWA TSHAMOBA, KASHEMA BALOLA, MUSIMWA KASHAMUKAThis study was conducted in an agronomic research station in order to evaluate the performance of some maize varieties in the introduction. It was found that the varieties studied were characterized by a normal cycle, and medium and large individuals. The SC303 and SC301 varieties had the best vegetative characteristics. While the best yields were obtained from varieties SC301, 10C2738. On the other hand, the lowest yields were registered with local varieties and used as controls, particularly Ecavel and Bamboo. But also most of these new varieties have been more diseases compared to local varieties.
A NEW BUNKERING TECHNIQUE IN GAS PIPELINE IN NIGERIA: A NOVEL LEAK DETECTION APPROACH[Full-Text ] Polycarp OdoOil and gas pipeline theft popularly called “bunkering” has drastically affected Nigeria economy which is solely dependent on oil. People usually break the pipeline and siphon huge quantities of crude and sell it in the black market at a much lower price.
A SIMPLE PV MODULE CHARACTERIZATION AND PREDICTION USING INCREMENTAL RESISTANCE TECHNIQUE[Full-Text ] P.O ODO, S.A UGWU, UDOKA OPATAThe data sheet provided on pv panels is most often exaggerated by manufacturers in other to lure unsuspecting buyers to patronize their products. For an ordinary pv users, this pose no problem at all as long as current is being generated using the panels. However, for research purpose, this gives inaccurate information thereby rendering the research result null and void. The information provided on the data sheet includes; the open circuit voltage, the short circuit current and the experimental maximum power.
A NOVEL LEAK DETECTION IN OIL PIPELINE USING MODIFIED DARCY-WEISBACH EQUATION[Full-Text ] P.O ODO, S.A UGWU, UDOKA OPATAThe safety of oil and gas pipelines is of utmost importance to pipeline operators. This is due to the importance of the product, the financial loss and damages associated with ruptures of oil and gas pipeline. People usually break the pipeline and siphon huge quantities of crude and sell it in the black market at a much lower price. Though, a lot of techniques has been developed to detect and localize leakages in pipeline on time to prevent theft and spillage, a new technique is now being used in Nigeria to siphon oil from pipeline without being easily detected. This research follows a similar study conducted on gas pipeline using modified panhandle B equation.
Kinetic & Kinematic Evaluation of the Use of Stiff Form-Fitted Industrial Back Belts Using 3-D Motion Capturing System[Full-Text ] Tamer ElAttar, Shihab Asfour, Mohamed FahmyThe objective of this study is to examine the effect of using a new stiff form-fitted industrial back belt on musculoskeletal stresses and movement restriction during manual material handling (MMH). The use of back belts to prevent musculoskeletal injuries has been controversial. Back-A-Line (BAL) introduced new stiff form-fitted industrial back belts that were proven to modify reaching postures during tasks requiring enhanced stability and that design was yet to be tested during tasked that required enhanced movement. A 3-D motion capturing system was used to capture trajectories and calculate dynamic properties of body joints and relative angles between body segments of participants lifting a 9kg box from floor to table.
Combining of Chaetomium globosum (Sordariales: Chaetomiaceae) and botanical insecticide, neem to control Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotype B on cucumber[Full-Text ] Noor R. K. Alsalhi; Akram A. Mohammed and Jamal H. KadhimThe potential for using the entomopathogenic fungi and neem to control Bemisia tabaci has been previously evaluated under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. However, no study has been conducted on the efficacy of Chaetomium globosum alone or in combination with neem against B. tabaci. This study, therefore, was aimed to determie the virulence of C. globosum against second instar nymphs of B. tabaci biotype B and it is interaction with neem to control B. tabaci in the laboratory conditions. Three concentrations of C. globosum (1×107, 1×106 or 1×105 conidia ml-1) and three concentrations of neem were tested.
Survey on Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval[Full-Text ] Kehinde Kayode Agbele, Eniafe Festus Ayetiran, Kehinde Daniel ArulebaThe rise in unmatched multilingual resources afforded by the exponential WWW growth demands the advancement of technologies to eradicate the communication barriers among languages. Relevant information in collections and the Web is not limited to the native language of the user, but today, the need to retrieve documents in other languages is growing so that the content, which can be translated, satisfies the information needs of the user. Information retrieval (IR) can be classified into different categories such as monolingual information retrieval, Cross lingual information retrieval (CLIR) and Multi lingual information retrieval (MLIR). In the present day scenario, the diversity of information and language barriers are the serious challenges for communication and cultural interchange across the globe.
Estimation of Solar Potential for Low-Energy Applications in a Tropical Location[Full-Text ] Ayodeji Gabriel AshidiIn order to meet the growing demand for energy consumption in the face of depleting global oil reserves, there is need to leverage on the clean, free, available and renewable properties of solar energy within a tropical region as Nigeria.
FISH CULTURE PRACTICES IN RELATION TO TYPE OF FISH FEED USE BY FARMERS IN EDO STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Lilian Onyinyechi ElekwachiFish farming involves raising fish in tanks or enclosures, usually for food or commercial purposes. However, in Nigeria it is currently becoming a very lucrative business and it’s mainly boosted by the continuous rise in the demand for the African catfish. This trend therefore makes monoculture of catfish the most popular form of fish farming in Nigeria with Clarias gariepinus, Heteroclarias spp. and Heterobranchus spp.
Impact of Media on Health Awareness and Changing Opinion for Women Empowerment[Full-Text ] Sharmila KayalA remarkable feature of the career of the concept of development is its broadening and deepening concerns. The concept of development which until recently signified economic growth has taken on new connotations that are indicative of its enlarging concerns. The direction in which the concept of development is extending is from merely economic to increasingly human concerns. The present study aims at the impact of media education increasing health awareness and how it acts like a change agent in the process of changing opinion for women empowerment especially through television.
EMPOWERMENT OF LEARNER NURSES WARD MANAGEMENT BY NURSE MANAGERS IN TEACHING HOSPITALS OF LAHORE, PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Ayesh Siddiqua, Summaira Nasir, Muhammad Afzal, Prof.Dr. Syed Amir GilaniINTRODUCTION: Empowerment is giving the freedom to a person to make decisions according to his own judgments. In nursing profession the empowerment is allowing a nurse to do whatever is best according to situation without taking prior permissions from senior management. Nursing students are the learners who are going to face tough real life situations in near future so it is recommended for nursing students that they start active participation in ward management. Especially for the third year students it is necessary to provide they ground while they are learning leadership and management.
Talent Acquisition and Management in the Middle East : A look into new Policies and Prac-tices in PSUs[Full-Text ] Mahesh Ramakrishna Pillai, Astha BhandariIn the rising world economy, the contribution made by the public sector institutions to this relentless growth has been phenomenal. The administrative vision, organizational goals and leadership practices, establishment and effective management differentiates the public sector undertakings in the Middle East from the rest of the world. In the global scenario of competition, the industries in the public and private sector give emphasis on acquiring the right talent, developing the HR practices, and in maintaining innovative and creative techniques in talent identification and management.
Awareness about Tuberculosis of T.B patients at Gulab Devi Hospital Lahore[Full-Text ] Farhan Mukhtar, Meshal Margrate, Shaier Khan, Surriya ShahnazTuberculosis (TB) is still a major public health concern of the developing and poor nations including Pakistan. In developing countries factors like poverty, illiteracy and the poor health care services increases the magnitude of problem. Although it is treatable but unluckily, lack of awareness among people is wide-reaching problem. Thus, this study was undertaken with an Objective: To assess the level of awareness (LoA) regarding TB among TB patients in Lahore, Pakistan
An experimental study on effectiveness of laughter therapy on stress reduction among the first year nursing students in selected College Tadepalligudem[Full-Text ] Sr. DaisyLaughter – is surely the best medicine! We probably realize the importance of laughter only when we grow out of our childhood days. With work stress on the rise, laughter therapy sessions are gaining attention worldwide. The benefits of laughter are many! However one may not really get into the nitty-gritty of issues at a young age. The importance of laughter therapy is realized only when one loses the reason to laugh about the simplest of .
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on home remedies for the selected diseases among the nursing students at selected school Tadepalligudem[Full-Text ] Sr. Claret AntonyHome remedies have great advantages that they help the body mechanism to fight diseases. Unlike modern medicines which without waiting for the body defense, take the problem directly and in the progress greatly weaken the system. This study help the nursing students regarding the home care and more information will improve the life style among the students in their family. This method can be used without fear of side effects. And can be treated at home itself. The student can treat with simple technique and knowledge. The present study asses the level of knowledge among the nursing students regarding the home remedies for certain diseases, it finds the effectiveness of a structured teaching programme and reveals the association between the knowledge and demographic variables. The study showed positive outcome after the structured teaching programme.
Determination of Antibiotic Susceptibility of Hospital Escherichia coli Isolates[Full-Text ] Sanwal Aslam, Uzama Fazail, Aamish Rafique and Safdar AliThis research was conducted in 2015, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) to check the antibiotic susceptibility testing of hospital Escherichia coli isolates. Urine samples were collected from DHQ hospital of kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. E. coli are isolated by using MacConkey agar as a selective media. The antibiotics which were used Amikim, Cipiroxin, Cefradin, Ceftriaxon, Ofloxacin, Sulphmethoxazole, Norfloxacin, Augment, Gentamycin and Meropenem (MRP). Maximum susceptibility (100%) was toward MRP, Ciproxin, Gentamycin and Amikim. Susceptible of about 88% was found in case of Oflloxacin and Ceftriaxon. Maximum resistance (50%) was shown toward the Cefradin.
COMPARISON OF VARIOUS SENTIMENT ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES – A STUDY[Full-Text ] Gurshobit Singh Brar and Ankit SharmaIn Today’s World, A huge amount of user data such as reviews, comments, surveys and opinion polls are collected via many resources like social websites, e-commerce websites and blogs. All of the data is used by private industries, government and individuals for analysis of their products, events and advertising campaigns etc. It is very difficult to analyze this huge amount of data that is why we need a solution. We need to develop an artificial intelligent system which can automatically classify data into different categories on the basis of polarity positive, negative or neutral. Sentiment analysis is an automated solution for classifying and mining of user reviews, opinions and emotions gathered from various resources such as text surveys and database containing user opinions using natural language processing (NLP). The objective of this paper is to understand concept of sentiment analysis and compare various type of sentiment analysis techniques.
FIBER OPTICS SMART STRUCTURES FOR NON-DESTRUCTIVE APPLICATIONS[Full-Text ] Md. Nadimul IslamOptical fiber sensors are becoming increasingly famous and are well accepted for structural sensing and monitoring in variety of fields at the same time they are developing fast. For non-destructive testing applications optical fiber sensors are best devices because of their unique properties like small size, light weight and importantly dielectric glass construction that render them immune to electrical noise and EM interference which you cannot find in conventional electronic sensing system that use electronic components.
Buried bumper syndrome – a rare complication of PEG tube placement[Full-Text ] Dr. Vijayakumary B., Dr. Ramachandran C., Dr. Chandramohan K., Dr. Bharath V.M.Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy is a relatively safe and widely accepted method of providing long standing enteral nutrition. A rare complication associated with PEG tube placement is migration of the internal retention balloon / ring out of the gastric lumen, referred to as buried bumper syndrome.
Quantum -Chemical and Experimental Study of Synthesis a new imine ligand[Full-Text ] Tamara Shaherlee, M.Moudar Al-Khuder, Adnan KodlaaA novel imine ligand TBTM [N,N'-(2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-1,4-phenylene)bis (1-(thiophen-2-yl)methanimine)] which has not been described in the literature Previously was synthesized by the condensation reaction of 2,3,5,6-tetramethylbenzene-1,4-diamine(TMBA)with thiophene-2-carbaldehyde (ThCA) then it was investigated using the density functional theory (DFT/B3LYP(6-311++ G(2d)) by finding the optimal structures for reacting and resulting compounds and also the calculation of cohesion and reaction energies in addition to the thermodynamic properties of these compounds .
REDUCTION OF CONVERTER TRANSFORMER FAILURES IN HVDC TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS USING ACTIVE FILTERS[Full-Text ] H.M. Bierk, M A Alsaedi, B M Albakier, A S Ali, Mudafr, A H, Abrahim, N I, M N Husien, AA Moosa, Zkh Taha, RR Sadi,SH Abood,AA Noori, MA Ahmed Ahmed Risan Abdul Algazi and zafer iqbalAn HVDC transmission system has a converter transformer as one of its main components. The failure of the converter transformer is one of the major concerns for electric power utilities all over the world. Invariably, the top portions of the secondary windings of the converter transformers fail whereas the primaries are left unaffected. In this work, an effort has been made to analyze the causes for these failures by means of modeling a practical HVDC system existing in India which ties up Talcher and Kolar and has a length of 1368 km.
Conceptual Design and Analysis of Flying Wing Drone[Full-Text ] Sai Vinay Sandapeta, Sai Kiran Parre, Venkata Naga Charan Nath MittaIntegrating innovative solutions in the designing of the UAVs is one of the best research trends in the field having direct influence on the performance of unmanned airborne systems. The aerodynamic concepts applied to the UAV disregard the human component – the overload factor limit, but are still dependent on performance as well as on the breaking boundaries of the UAV structures. The design and analyze the flying wing using XFLR5 V6 which is an open-source software. The Analyzing the airfoil graphs with the existing airfoil graph results are described. The Aerodynamic & static stability analysis using XFLR5 and obtaining Cl vs. Alpha & Cm vs. Alpha graph plotting from results are discussed in the present work.
An integrated platform to evaluate graph embedding[Full-Text ] Mr. Janvier RULINDA, Mr. Jean de Dieu TUGIRIMANA, Mr. Antoine NZARAMBA, Mr. Felix Oduor Aila, Mr. Gilbert Kipkirui LangatGraphs, such as social networks, word co-occurrence networks, and communication networks, occur naturally in various real-world applications. Analyzing these networks yields insight into the structure of society, language, and different patterns of communications. Many approaches have been proposed to perform the analysis. Recently, many researchers are interested on methods which use the representation of graph nodes in vector. In this research, we provide a comprehensive and structured analysis of an integrated platform to evaluate graph embedding techniques.
REPLACEMENT OF WHITE CEMENT WITH ORDINARY PORTLAND CEMENT IN CONCRETE SPECIMENS[Full-Text ] Rahul Ranjit PulparambathThe project investigates the strength of concrete using the blends of Ordinary Portland Cement and White Cement under varying mix proportions. The concrete specimens casted with White Cement and Ordinary Portland Cement in different ratios are tested for mechanical properties. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is partially replaced by White Cement in quantities of 0%, 10%, 25%, 50 % and 75% of the weight of OPC. The tests on concrete specimens using blends of OPC and White Cement are carried out as per British EN standards. Tests are performed to compare compressive and tensile strengths of the blends and finding an optimum value at which use of the combination is economically viable. Study was done to also compare concrete strengths when aggregates are dry crushed against saturated surface dry.