Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018.
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Implementation of Six Sigma Methodologies in Automotive Wiring Harnesses Manufacturing Companies. “ABC” Plant Case Study[Full-Text ] Kamal Elshawadfy Kamal, Ahmed Mahdi Hossian, Mohamed Aly Mohamed, Walid Kamal AhmedThe Six Sigma’s problem solving methodology DMAIC is one of several techniques used to improve product quality. This paper demonstrates the empirical application of DMAIC methodology to reduce product defects though investigation of root causes of major defects and provide a solution to reduce/eliminate these defects. The analysis from employing Six Sigma indicated that variation in contact crimp height represents 86% of total defects in cable cutting and crimping process. In particular, affinity and cause and effect diagrams have been used to identify potential variation sources.
Queueing Models of Call Center[Full-Text ] Yash MittalTelephone call centers are fundamental parts of numerous organizations, and their financial part is critical and developing. They are additionally interesting socio-specialized frameworks in which the conduct of clients and representatives is nearly entwined with physical execution measures. In these situations customary operational models are of incredible esteem – and in the meantime on a very basic level restricted – in their capacity to characterized system performance.
Power Generation through Hybrid Renewable Energy Resources Wind and Solar in Jhimpir[Full-Text ] Dr. Ijaz Ahmad Chaudhary, Arslan Ali KhanPower generation is basic to the monetary development and social improvement of any nation. This prompted to a lift in innovative work and additionally interest in renewable electricity generation looking for approaches to take care of electricity, vitality(energy) demand and to lessen reliance on fossil powers. This theory concentrates on an incorporated cross breed renewable electricity generation framework comprising of wind and sun powered vitality.
Experimental Investigation of Parabolic Trough Solar Collector using Receiver with Two-Gate Helical Screw-Tape[Full-Text ] R. F. Ahmed, W. M. El-Awady, E. B. Zeidan, M. M. Awad, G. I. SultanA parabolic trough solar collector (PTC), with two-gat helical screw-tape inserted into an evacuated tube (ET) receiver, is designed and manufactured. The novel helps to increase the heat transfer rate by using the two-pass fluid flow and also by generating a swirl flow. The experiments are performed at flow rates of 10, 12, 16, 20, and 25 L/h. Results showed that the maximum daily efficiency is 69% at water flow rate of 20 L/h while the minimum daily efficiency is 59.5% at water flow rate of 16 L/h. The heat removal factor and the overall heat loss coefficient of the system are 0.843 and 9.64 W/m² °C, respectively. It is also found that the helical screw core enhances the solar collector performance during cloudy periods by compensating the effect of the large instantaneous variation of the incident solar radiation where it works as a thermal storage element.
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SOLAR WATER DISTILLATORY USING NOZZLE IMPINGEMENT[Full-Text ] Eldesouki I Eid, Reda A Khalaf-Allah, Sara A Abo-elnagaIn the present work, an experimental work had carried out on saline desalination using nozzle impingement with hot air stream. This work was done in Suez city, Egypt, 29.97 ° North 32.53 ° East 11 meters above sea level, from June to July 2016. Four horizontal nozzles were used with different nozzle diameters. Each nozzle has three holes that were drilled at an angle of 120° apart. Two condensers were used; an inclined surface with an angle of 5° to horizontal and the later one is a serpentine with a downward cold saline spray. A wire mesh was used in the humidification side to increase the saline evaporation rate.
Impact of Water Resource Auditing - Intergrated Development Approch - to Mitigate Water Related Disasters in the Vavuniya Divisional Secretariat’s Division in Northern Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Thileepan, K., Sivakumar, S.S.Sri Lanka is a tropical nation, is highly vulnerable to impacts of climate change. As a small in the Indian Ocean, the coastal region of the Sri Lanka is susceptible to change in sea level. The impact of climate change are widespread and they are likely to create negative socio economic outcomes on many sectors in Srilanka. Traditionally Srilanka has been generalized into three climate zones, namely wet zone, dry zone and intermediate zone.
Fabrication of Collapsible Chair Cum Bed Model- An Engineering Approach[Full-Text ] Sandeep Kumar, Gautam Sahni, Gaurav Kaintura, Alok Thapliyal, Nirmal Bisht, Vikas Bijalwan, Gurpreet SinghThe need for wheelchair is especially present in case of immovable people (people with persistent vegetative state, paraplegia, stroke and spinal cord injuries), where the care requires a lot of time and labour. This model can be used in hospitals and in emergency cases and for the patients suffering from Paralysis, Back problems and in emergency cases. The processes used in this project are welding, cutting, grinding, centring, drilling, punching etc. Mostly the material used is mild steel and hollow pipes of stainless steel. The teamwork, planning, execution, guidance and support leads to the efficient completion of this project. At last it can be concluded that this basic model can be used in emergency cases too. It can be a boon for patients, working staff and hospitality management. The cost of our model was very low (approximately 50%) as compared to the same product available in the market. Our work will be very useful for students of Engineering.
Application of the Requirements and Design of the Iterative Model in the Upgrade and Enhancement of Nigeria’s National Budget Production System[Full-Text ] Onyekwere Eucharia and Ogwueleka Francisca NonyelumThe development and economic stability of any nation among other factors is predominantly determined by a good budgetary system that is well articulated, with clear definition of Projects, location of the project and allocated capital costs. Enhancement and upgrade of such a system can well be achieved with the iterative model of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). This model uses a structured and incremental process that commences with the implementation of the earlier version of the software requirement and enhancing it repeatedly with new features.
Solar Water heater: An employment generation perspective to reduce carbon footprint[Full-Text ] APR SrinivasIn the present world of global warming, a lot of action has been done to control temperatures around the world. The best way to control global warming is to reduce emissions rather than carbon capture. One such initiative is described in this article. Solar water heaters across the urban local bodies of India contribute to reduced carbon emissions.
Optimal Helical Spring Design for a P-Pod Using Chaotic Backtrack Search Algorithm[Full-Text ] Soyinka Olukunle Kolawole, Hakeem Adewale, Osueke ChristianA critical component of the ejection mechanism in a P-Pod is the helical compression spring. The helical spring ensures safe ejection at moderate velocities and also prevent jamming of the satellite within the P-Pod. To perform this function, the helical spring requires adequate stored energy during the ejection process. In this paper the design of the helical spring considered the mean coil diameter D, the wire diameter d and the spring index C. as variables to be optimized within specified constraints. The optimization problem entails the maximization of the stored strain energy in the helical compression spring. Optimal solutions are found using the Chaotic Backtrack Search Algorithm (CBSA).
Solvationofpostlife theoryby theory of transformationofenergy[Full-Text ] Ms. Chandrima Chatterjee“In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant, it is said to be conserved over time. This law means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, rather it can only transform from one form to another.”
Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Broken Ceramic Tiles in Concrete Production[Full-Text ] Yiosese A. O., Ayoola A. R., Ugonna M. C., Adewale A. K.The study reports on experimental investigation on the suitability of the use of broken tiles as partial replacement for crushed granite in concrete production. Control mixing ratio of 1:2:4 batched by weight with water – cement ratio of 0.55 was used. The percentage replacement varied from 0% to 40% at intervals of 5%. The slump test was used to assess the workability of the fresh concrete. The compressive strengths and densities of cured concrete cubes of sizes 150mm x 150mm x 150mm were evaluated at 7days, 21days and 28days.
On the Wireless Sensor Network for Medical Instruments Monitoring System[Full-Text ] Farrukh ArslanInfusion is very useful in the field of health one of which is to increase fluid in patients, especially in patients who cannot consume meals directly. Therefore, the intravenous infusion into the patient cannot be delayed because the delay of intravenous infusion is very fatal for the patient being treated.
Service Oriented Biometric Model Suitable for Securing ATM System[Full-Text ] Omogbhemhe Izah MikeThere have been a lot of increased transaction frauds on Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) in the globe in general and Nigeria in particular. This is due to the fact that the traditional security mechanism currently used by these systems (ATM), can be compromised. As a result, many bank customers have lost a lot of money to financial frauds perpetuated by fraudsters. These have posed serious challenges to the smooth operations of banks and their service delivery in Nigeria.
Service Oriented Model for Implementing Computer Based Examination(CBE) Software[Full-Text ] Omogbhemhe Izah MikeMost examination conducted in the world today; use the CBE in carrying out the exercise. In Nigeria, some universities have started adopting this system of examination in most of their general courses. CBE is the system of examination that is conducted and administered through the use of computer and its related tools.
Road traffic sign detection and classification using Capsule Network[Full-Text ] Mr. Jean de Dieu TUGIRIMANA, Mr. Janvier RULINDA, Mr Antoine NZARAMBA, Mr Kotonko L. TresorMany years ago detecting and recognizing road traffic sign was done by the convolutional neural network (CNN). CNN has played an import role in the field of computer vision and a variant of CNN has proven to be successful in classification tasks across different domains; nevertheless, there are two disadvantages to CNN: one their failure to take into the consideration of important spatial hierarchies between features, and their lack of rotational invariance [1].
Influence Model Of Learning And Achievement Motivation Of Natural Sciences Learning Outcomes In Class Iv Sdn Telajung 04 West District Cikarang Bekasi[Full-Text ] Ina Isparina, Mohamad Syarif Sumantri, Ucu CahyanaThis study aims to determine the effect of learning model CLIS (Children Learning in Science) and inquiry learning model is structured in terms of student achievement motivation on learning outcomes in science subjects. The research was conducted in the fourth-grade SDN 04 Telajung district. Cikarang Barat District. Bekasi using Factorial Experiment design Treatment by level 2X2. The sample in this study was 60 students are selected using a simple random sampling technique. The data obtained and tested first with test data analysis requirements that Liliefors test normality test and homogeneity of variance with Bartlett test at the 0.05 significance level. Furthermore, the data is processed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) two paths through the F test followed by Tukey test. Results research obtained are: (1) There are differences in learning outcomes IPA student by using model CLIS and by using the inquiry model is structured, (2) There is the influence of interactions between the use of models of learning and achievement motivation on learning outcomes IPA, (3) There are differences in the results learn science with high achievement motivation CLIS model and using a structured inquiry model, (4) There are differences in learning outcomes IPA with low achievement motivation by using models CLIS and using structured inquiry model.
Influence Model of Learning And Learning Interest In CTL Towards Learning Outcomes Social Science Grade Iv Elementary School Rawajati 05 Pancoran In South Jakarta[Full-Text ] Siti Nurika Handayani, Erry Utomo, SakardiThis study aimed to determine the effect of the application of Contextual Teaching and Learning model and interest to learn on the learning outcomes of Social of Grade IV Primary School students in South Jakarta. This research is a experiment by using sample random sampling technique wa done to 54 students. The data is collected by test and analyzed by using analysis variant (ANAVA) two way design with treatment by level 2x2. Based on the results and discussion, it concluded that: (1) the learning outcomes of students taught by using Problem Posing are higher than students taught by using Problem Based Learning, (2) there is interaction effect between the application of Contextual Teaching learning model and interest to learn towards learning outcomes of social, (3) the learning outcomes of students taught by using Problem Posing are higher than students taught by using Problem Based Learning on group of the students who have high interest to learn, and (4) the learning outcomes of students taught by using by using Problem Based Learning are higher than students taught by using Problem Posing on group of the students who have low interest to learn. The result of this research indicates that Problem Posing with interest to learn able to improve learning outcomes of social
Effect of Literacy Learning Model and Understanding of Narrative Writing Skills[Full-Text ] Herlina Yuniarti, Zulela MS, Mohamad Syarif SumantriThis study aims to determine the effect of model of learning and reading comprehension of the narrative writing skills, held at SDN 05 Wanajaya Cibitung Bekasi District with a sample of 28 students of class V were obtained using the technique simple random sampling, The method used in this research is the experimental design of treatment by the level of 2 x 2. Before ANOVA two lanes are used first tested the data analysis requirements that Liliefors test normality test and homogeneity of variance with Bartlett test at the 0.05 significance level. RESULTS: (1) narrative writing skills students are taught by the teaching model of quantum higher than direct learning model of instruction, the magnitude of Fcount = 5.016> Ftable = 4.20; (2) There is interaction between the model of learning and reading comprehension of the narrative writing skills, the magnitude of Fcount 61.452> Ftable = 4.20; (3) In the high reading comprehension, narrative writing skills of students by learning model of quantum is higher as compared to the group given instruction direct learning model, with Tukey test Qcount = 10.08> Qtable = 4.04; (4) In the lower reading comprehension,narrative writing skills of students by direct learning model instruction higher than in the group given quantum teaching-learning models, by Tukey's test Qcount = 5.60> Qtable = 4.04.
Mathematical Belief Relationship And Spatial Capability With Understanding Of Geometry Concepts[Full-Text ] Fathinatul Hasanah, Wardhani Rahayu, Fahrurrozi This research is motivated by students' difficulties in understanding the concept of geometry. The thing that is thought to be related to the understanding of the concept of geometry is spatial ability and mathematical belief. The purpose of this study is to look at the correlation between mathematics and spatial ability with the understanding of geometrical concepts. This research uses survey method. The survey was conducted on 99 students. The results of the study show that mathematical belif correlates with the understanding of geometrical concepts. Likewise spatial ability correlates with understanding geometrical concepts. Even the correlation test together with mathematical belief and spatial ability with the understanding of geometrical concepts has a high correlation with the magnitude of 0.911.
AUTOMATED TRICYCLE FOR HANDICAPPED: A REVIEW (New Approach)[Full-Text ] Saurabh Mitra, Dr. Jayati Chatterjee MitraIn a customer based nation like India, where individuals are brimming with exercises there are a few people who are abandoned unaided. Out of the aggregate World populace, 15% individuals are physically crippled. As need is the mother of creations, in addition with a want to help the physically impaired individuals, we headed towards building up a multipurpose double power working tricycle.
Seed borne fungi of Bambara groundnut in Benue state, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Isadeha, A, Time, I.A field survey was conducted in 2015 to determine the seed borne fungi of Bambara groundnut in five local government areas (Kwande, Vandeikya, Gwer, Buruku and Makurdi) of Benue State, Nigeria. The agar plate method was used in the identification of the isolated fungi. The results obtained showed that a total of seven spp of fungi were isolated from Bambara groundnut in the five local government areas The isolated fungi are Aspergillus flavus, A. acuelatus, A.niger, A.fumigatus, A.candidus, Penicillium and Rhizopus spp. The genera Aspergillus were the most dominant. Some of the identified fungi are noted for the production of mycotoxins, Mycotoxins exert toxic effects on animals and humans, known as mycotoxicosis. Therefore, strict control of food quality, is necessary to avoid outbreak of mycotoxicoses.
A Study of eHealth: Challenges and Opportunities[Full-Text ] Anuja Keerthi KondaeHealth is one of the means or processes to provide and/or seek healthcare information. This concept has been receiving wide acceptance in both the healthcare field and among healthcare consumers and stakeholders. Many businesses have been leveraging e-based (electronic based) tools/applications across many fields, and eHealth, in particular, has recently been gaining popularity. With its distinct advantage of easy access, synchronous and asynchronous nature, eHealth has been easy to use, cost-effective, and efficient solution for providing several health care related services independent of location and time. Along with the many benefits of eHealth, there are several challenges that need to be solved to make eHealth a better means to seek and/or provide healthcare. This paper presents the background, literature review, current usage, challenges, and opportunities of eHealth. The research findings from paper will be useful for both healthcare providers and healthcare consumers to improve and optimize their usage of eHealth. To understand the current usage of eHealth, National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data from years 2015, 2016, and 2017 are studied in this research.
Overview of Andropause: risk factors, effects and management[Full-Text ] Ghadir BadrBackground: The andropause is a complex of symptoms in ageing men who have low testosterone levels. There is a scarcity of data about the symptoms of the andropause. Ongoing research has resulted in the development of ideas about this complaint, from the clinical syndrome to diagnoses with the aid of disease-targeted questionnaires.
ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS OF RURAL AND URBAN POVERTY IN BANGLADESH[Full-Text ] Monira Parvin Kona , Tahmina Khatun , Nazrul Islam , Abdulla-All- Mijan , Al-NomanBangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world with an estimated population of 164.4 million living in an area of only 1, 47,570 square kilometers. Since her independence, the country has been pursuing the agenda of poverty reduction as an overriding priority. In doing so, there has been many studies on the nature, causes and remedies of poverty in Bangladesh that were mostly focused either on the context of rural poverty or urban poverty separately.
Role of Micro-credit Program on Socio-economic Development of Slum Women: A Study in Dhaka City[Full-Text ] Mohammad Didar Hossain , Tahmina Khatun , Nazrul Islam , Monira Parvin Kona , Abdulla-All- Mijan Government and NGOs are operating different kinds of programs to improve socio-economic condition of slum women basically who are under privileged and placing at the bottom of the society. Micro credit is the most significant program that is greatly contributing for women empowerment.
Vitamin D status during pregnancy, risk factors and outcomes: a review[Full-Text ] Munima Haque, Saika ShaheedConsuming less than required amount of vitamin D during pregnancy have been associated with numerous health consequences in the children. Maternal and infant cord 25(OH)D levels are greatly interrelated. Vitamind D synthesis, metabolism, risk factors, and vitamin D pregnancy outcomes are discussed. The existing findings for these harmful outcomes on health are reviewed here. Majority of the indication has ascended from observable epidemiological findings, however randomized measured tests are currently ongoing. The proof up to now aids that women ought to be supervised and remedied for vitamin D deficit throughout pregnancy for the welfare of the pregnant women as well as the neonate.
Free Convection Flow and Heat Transfer of a Nano Fluid over a Porous Plate in a Darcy-Forccheimer Flow[Full-Text ] Ramonu O.J, Alerechi L.W, Akinyemi T.OA free convection flow and heat transfer of nanofluid over a porous plate in a Darcy-Forccheimer flow has been investigated. The governing partial differential equations are transformed into a system of ordinary differential equations using similarity transformation method and solved numerically using the Runge-Kutta fourth order alongside shooting technique. The influences of solutal Grashof number Gm, thermal Grashof number Gr, Brownian motion Nb, Lewis number Le and Thermophoresis Nt on the temperature, velocity and concentration distribution are investigated and the results are illustrated graphically. The reduced local Nusselt number and the reduced local Sherwood numbers are presented and compared with existing related studies; the comparisons are in excellent agreement.
Development of an Android-Based Freshers’ Guide for a University Campus[Full-Text ] Iwara ARIKPO, Godfrey LEBOMobile information technology has become so pervasive today, that every human activity tries have to have an aspect of it available on mobile. The purpose of this study was to develop an Android-based mobile application that navigationally guides University Freshers and manages their time on campus. The system design methodology was based on object-oriented analysis and design using the unified modelling language. The system was implemented using the Android Studio SDK, while the classes and methods that implement the systems logic were written in the Java programming language. The system was successfully used to guide people around using a Map of the University of Calabar campus displayed on their mobiles, as well as manage their time on campus using timetables and reminders.
Quantum Management - Quantum Quality Model, Postscript[Full-Text ] Rakesh kumariThis paper is about the elaboration of the results of Quantum Management – Quantum Quality Model (Q2M). Quantum Management, Q2M is a quality advancement tool/technique through which the Particles acquires Quantum Self-ness, Quantum Preciseness & Coherence and Quantum Constancy.
IMPACT OF WATER CONCEPT ON AGRICULTURE IN JHALAWAR DISTRICT, RAJASTHAN[Full-Text ] Dr. P. Sudha Rani,Nalla NareshThe present case study was carried on water concept implemented at Jhalawar District, Rajasthan. The main objective of the study was to access the impact of the MJSA project on rain fed agriculture. Detailed study of water harvesting structures constructed in the area and survey conducted on farmers revealed that , Ground water level has been improved in the village, besides that, total Irrigated area has been increased from198.88 hectares to 323.99 hectares. Irrigation has also been increased indirectly under Irrigation facility through Dug wells. Total number of Tube wells irrigated area has been increased and a shift from low productivity to high productivity was observed . The MJSA project also helped to increase the overall percentage of crop productivity in farmers of all categories.
Case study Accuracy assessment of SRTM 1,3 – arcsec by using topographic DEM over limited area of Egypt territory [Full-Text ] Moamen A. Gad, Oleg R. Odalović, Khaled M. ZakyDigital Elevation Model (DEM) is imperative to the creation of slope maps, the substructure planning, gravity field modeling and many other applications. Thus, there is a great need for accurate and low cost DEMs. In this case study, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 30m, SRTM 90m have been used with Topographic DEM generated from ground topographic maps with scale 1:50,000 as a reference elevation to check the accuracy of those models by evaluation process at 625 CGPs.
Score Prediction and Player Classification Model in the Game of Cricket Using Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Sonu Kumar, Sneha RoyScore prediction is something we always try in our sports life. An early prediction is always helpful for the team management to work on their plans quickly. Generally, prediction is always biased but this model attempts to predict the innings total in ODI after the first 5 over of the match.Player’s selection is one of the most important tasks for any sports and thus cricket is not any exception. The performance of the player depends on various factors such as current form, record against the opposition, nature of the pitch, format of the game, venue etc. The team management and captain select 11 players out of 15-16 squad members.
Nurses’ Perception on Patient Safety in Hospital Setting[Full-Text ] Md. Mahmud Hossain, Mahmuda Sultana Sheuli, Meherun Nesa, Tae Wha LeePatient Safety is a priority for health services in all countries. Patient Safety refers to reduce the error, prevent the patient fall, developing the knowledge about error that means prevention of harm by nursing care. Nurses’ are the heart of the medical services to improve patient safety through prevention of nursing errors.
HLA-DR as a critical player in Vitamin-D associated Multiple sclerosis pathogenesis[Full-Text ] Abida Zulfiqar, Dr. Musarrat Zahra, Sidra Rahmat ullah Khan, Taskeen RazaMultiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammation resulting in demyelination and progressional loss of brain cells. So far vitamin D has been known as the regulator of calcium homeostasis, but through the course of recent years, it has emerged as a potential immune modulator, especially in autoimmune disorders like MS. Vitamin D acts on Class II MHC region HLA-DRB1, the allelic variants of which serve as strong genetic risk for MS. Hence it can be hypothesized that MS can be the result of interaction between certain genetic and environmental factors. This study includes the effect of these two factors on MS in consideration with MS model.
Impact of Infomercial Advertisements on the Product Purchase Intention of the Consumers of Lahore, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Arsha Saleem Meer, Jahangir Khan, Anis Ftaima Infomercial is a type of advertisement which is intended to educate the consumers about a product or a series of products via television in the shape of a program. By keeping infomercials in mind researcher held a research study on the impact of infomercial advertisements in the buying behavior of consumers of Lahore, Pakistan through survey and using focus group as a tool of data collection.
Self Sustanenace of Senior citizens of India: A CSR INITIATIVE[Full-Text ] APR SrinivasWith less income or little income, old age has become a great deal to worry in bigger cities of India. Even though, government supports the senior citizens with old age pensions, it only helps to cover basic living expenses. Instead of increasing the load on government, let these senior citizens relocate to villages and let government build old age homes in these villages with civic amenities. This will not only improve the living standards of senior citizens of india but also enable them to lend soft loans.