Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017.
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Passivity Based Control Of Stewart Platform For Trajectory Tracking[Full-Text ] Mr Tariku SinshawPassivity based control, as one of the tools available to design robust controllers, is introduced for trajectory tracking of the Stewart platform. Since Passivity is a fundamental property of many physical systems which may be roughly defined in terms of energy dissipation and transformation, its inherent input output property quantifies and qualifies the energy balance of a system when simulated by external inputs to generate some outputs. PD+ controller is designed based on passivation principle so that the closed loop system becomes globally uniform and asymptotically stable.
SERIAL INTERFACE INDUSTRIAL SCADA SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Mr Tariku Sinshaw and Mr. Heruye MulugetaLife track on earth has been changing since the innovation and expansion of digital computing system. Our day to day activates without the help of this devices is unthinkable. Every field is conducted with the help of these devices such as communication, trade transaction, power generation, transportation, industries and manufacturing etc.
Utility Service Provision from Planning Perspective (The case of Debre Birhan Town, ANRS, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Dagne Amdetsion, UrgessaLike in any other developing countries, urban centers in our country are growing rapidly and residing a lot of people. Consequently, alleviation of urban problems has already become one of the prime agenda and attracts the attention of decision makers at all levels (Federal, Regional and City Governments).