Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017.
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Chemical Constituent and Determination of Antimi-crobial and Antifungal Activities of Ulva Lactuca Species Obtained from Iranian Gheshm Island[Full-Text ] Nooredin Goudarzian, Zahra Sadeghi, Seyyed Mojtaba Mousavi, Seyyed Alireza Hashemi, Nastaran BanaeiIn this study, the total flavonoid and invitro antioxidant activity of two seaweeds including Ulva Lactuca (UL) and Sargassum Wightii (SW) were evaluated. The genus UL is a marine group of bacteria belonging to the class Gammaproteo which has attracted attention due to its applications in various fields including natural products and microbial ecology science. Pigmented species of the genus can produce an array of low and high molecular weight compounds with antimicrobial, anti-fouling, algicidal and various pharmaceutically-relevant activities. Moreover, obtained data showed that an essential oil associated with UL species, which was obtained from Gheshm island, presenting fantastic antibacterial and antifungal activities. Besides, examination of the extracted oil containing UL species revealed that this essential oil contains a variety of compounds including hexahydrofarnesyl acetone (20.46 %), hephtane (19.30 %), 3-methyl pentanol (11.30 %), limonene (10.98 %), 8-heptadecene (7.09 %). What is more, further examination via HPLC analysis showed eight more compounds, which carvacerol (0.1736 %) was the predominant constituent. Furthermore, both phenolic extract and the essential oil containing lowest amount of phenolic content, while UL showed the highest antimicrobial activity ranging from 0.390 to 12.5 mL/mL against bacterial activity and all of fungal strains.
A Note on Involution Pseudoknot-bordered Words[Full-Text ] Cheng-Chih HuangThis paper continues the exploration of properties concerning involution pseudoknot- (un)bordered words for a morphic involution or an antimorphic involution. Involution pseudoknot-(un)bordered words are a generalization of the classical notions of bordered and unbordered words. There are some results obtained in this paper. Let be an antimorphic involution.
ON NONABELIAN p-GROUPS OF A GIVEN ORDER[Full-Text ] ADEBISI, S.AIn every nonabelian p-group G, possessing two cyclic subgroups Xi and Xj , the quotient group of G by Xi is isomorphic to the cyclic group Xj for i; j ∈ {1; 2}, i ̸= j.
DELIVERY OF MATERNAL, NEONATAL AND CHILD HEALTH CARE SERVICES AMONG PUBLIC HEALTH WORKERS IN ILOCOS SUR[Full-Text ] FE R. RODILLAS, MAN Ed.DThis study was to determine the delivery health care services. It looked into the relationship between the delivery of health care services and personal, work, facility-related profile of the respondents.
COMPARING THE PERFORMANCE OF DIFFERENT COUNT REGRESSION MODELS[Full-Text ] OKAFOR JOSEPH IWEANANDU,NWAGBENU DONMINIC C, KERRY C.C, KONWE C.S, OJINKEONYE, EBUKA JOACHINIn this research, we have considered several regression models to fit the count data encounter in the field of health care provider visit data. We have fitted Poisson (PO), Negative Binomial (NB), Geometric (GEO), Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP), Zero-inflated Negative Binomial (ZINB), and Poisson hurdle (PH), Negative Binomial Hurdle (NBH) and Geometric Hurdle (GH) regression models to health care provider visit data. To compare the performance of these models, we analyzed data with moderate percentage of zero counts. Because the variance was less than the mean, we discovered that both GEO and NB models performed better than PO. Also, PH and GH tend to be more superior to PO, ZIP, and ZINB models for the zero inflated and under dispersed count data.
Magnetic moment of the pentaquark state[Full-Text ] A. R. HaghpeimaAlthough the has been listed as a three star resonance in the 2004 PDG, its existence is still not completely established, Whether the exist or not, but it is still of interest to see what QCD has to say on the subject. The baryon magnetic moment is a fundamental observable as its mass which encodes information of the underlying quark gluon structure and dynamics. Assuming a conventional correlated perturbative chiral quark model (CPXQM) we suggest that the baryon is a bound state of two vector diquarks and a single antiquark, the spatially wave function of these diquarks has a P- wave and a S-wave in angular momentum in the first and second version of our model respectively, as the result of these considerations we construct the orbital color - flavor - spin symmetry of contribution of quarks. Then we calculate the magnetic moment in our model.
CONFINEMENT[Full-Text ] A. R. HaghpeimaIn this paper i review briefly the confinement property of quarks in QCD.
Diquark Approach to Calculating the Mass and Stability of Hcc-Dibaryon[Full-Text ] A.R. HaghpeimaDiquarks may play an important role in hadronic physics particularly near the phase transitions ( chiral , deconfinement points ), current lattice QCD determinations of baryon charge distributions do not support the concept of substantial u - d scalar diquark clustering as an appropriate description of the internal structure of nucleon. Thus vector diquarks are more favorable. By using of vector diquark ideas in the chiral limit diquark correlations in the relativistic region and imposing HF interactionsbetween quarks in a vector diquark we calculated the mass of Hccdibaryon, also by using of tunneling method we simultaneously calculated its decaywidth.
Review of Non- Orthogonal Multiple Access-Multiple Input Multiple Output (NOMA-MIMO) Model[Full-Text ] Kenechukwu Anolue, SabinusIhedoroIn recent times, we have seen a great need for mobile internet. This need increases as technology tries to make life better and solve world problems especially now there has been great push for internet of things. This raises the need for enhanced spectral efficiency to accommodate all internet needs, and most especially increase efficiency. The combination of Non-orthogonal multiple access with Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output will go a long way in solving this. NOMA has been proved to be the need technology for better Spectral efficiency, as it saves resources, and uses power efficiently in decoding information which is a sharp difference from the normal Orthogonal Multiple access we are used to, when coupled with MIMO, it shows a great throughput rate, which is very essential in mobile internet. Developing 5G is not left out, as it has been proved to show positive impact on it. We discuss the characteristics of NOMA, its model, mathematical analysis using a single antenna for downlink (as it covers both FTP download, and HTTP) transmission, and went on to prove its increased throughput in MIMO technology. This paper also shows the application on 5G technology, as other forms of NOMA are highlighted too.
Computational Analysis of Large-Scale Unsteady Flow Past a Circular Cylinder in a Confined Open Vertical Channel[Full-Text ] Noor Mohsin JasimThis paper focuses on the on the analysis of two- dimensional dynamic characteristics of the velocity and pressure fields of transient incompressible laminar wakes behind a circular cylinder in a large scale confined vertical channel with upward flow. Three test cases are selected to be investigated and compared physically and numerically. The laminar flow in a large scale for low Reynolds number Re = 20,40 and 100 are simulated. The flow equations are written in terms of Naiver-Stokes formulation are solved using two-dimensional finite volume method (FVM). The benefit of using unsteady flow condition is to evaluated the vortex behind the circular body (cylinder) in a lrage computational domain. The capabilities of these equations are to compute drag and lift coefficients in real large confined open channel. Due to the shortage in experimental data the obtained results are validated by the reasonable capturing prediction procedure.
Data Mining for Financial Time Series[Full-Text ] Odeta ShkreliFinancial data analysis is a complicated process and has attracted many researches proposing numerous methods and techniques that can be applied and implemented by the mean of information technology. Data mining techniques can be considered as the most advanced techniques, the application of which in the financial sector has given positive results and has proved their worthiness and the need for further research and development. Data mining is the heart of knowledge discovery process that is used to extract useful knowledge from data. This research studies the data mining process and the methods and techniques that can be applied in financial time series data, with the purpose of performing different kind of financial analysis. By analyzing the data, we can understand the volatility, seasonal effects, trends, liquidity etc., make predictions and take appropriate decisions. These kind of analysis are useful to better understand the financial environment, improve financial management and control and support decision making.
Hybrid Terrestrial and Aerial Quadrotor (HYTAQ) with Obstacle Detection and Surveillance System[Full-Text ] Dr. Muhammad Asif Siddiqui, Syed Muhammad Mohsin Shahid, Danial Abid, Sibtain AliHybrid Terrestrial and Aerial Quadrotor (HYTAQ) robot with Obstacle detection and Surveillance is a unique addition to the field of locomotion robots that has dual capabilities, i.e. it can both drive and fly. Its original design was put forward by Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). Starting with the original concept of the robot, we have not only reconstructed the robot, but we have also added new features like Obstacle detection to it. HYTAQ is engineered with a quadcopter enclosed within a protective, cylindrical cage. The cage is what provides this robot the ability to translate on ground.
A Review of Over-The-Counter (OTC) Drug Therapy and Toxic Potential[Full-Text ] Dr. Dilip Kumar Gupta, Dr. B.K. Razdan, Dr. Meenakshi BajpaiThe purchase of over-the-counter (OTC) or nonprescription medicines from pharmacies, supermarkets and other retail stores as well as online without a prescription can help consumers’ self-manage symptoms. However, some OTC medicines may be abused, with addiction and harms being increasingly recognized. OTC medicines have played a significant role in expanded access to safe and effective treatments in developing regions of the world. Many people in these regions do not have access to health services and rely heavily on self-care and self-medication, and OTC medications provide valuable resources to address health conditions. Several sources express concern about the inaccessibility of accurate OTC drug information to the consumer. Indeed, even the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has occasional difficulty obtaining reliable facts on both the numbers and formulae of such products. Several studies indicate that consumers acquire information about their home remedies through advertising, friends and relatives, physicians, pharmacists, and product labels. Testing of the safety and efficacy of non-prescription remedies has proved to be controversial, especially when considering the ramifications of the placebo effect. Different surveys report widespread misuse of OTCs by consumers through overuse, taking several drugs concurrently, and using home remedies to treat potentially serious diseases. In India, the import, manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs and cosmetics are regulated by the Drugs and Cosmetics Act (DCA) and its subordinate legislation, the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules (DCR). This review describes the current knowledge and understanding of OTC medicine abuse.
DEVELOPMENT OF ADUINO BASED SOFTWARE FOR WATER PUMPING IRRIGATION SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Hyginus Udoka Eze, Melvina Obiageli Onyia, Jonathan Ikechukwu Odo, Samuel Anezichukwu UgwuThis research paper undertakes the development of water pumping system that was capable of automatically managing water budgets from a reservoir through a microcontroller (Arduino Uno Microcontroller) subsystem. A user-friendly and efficient water management system that has the capability to irrigate farms based on automated algorithm, logic and electronic circuitry was developed.
THERMAL PROPERTIES OF CHARRED BAMBOO AS A SOURCE OF FUEL[Full-Text ] Otoo Nenyi Obed, Commeh Kweku MichaelThis paper deals with the thermal properties of charred bamboo fuel made from rawbamboo with a moisture content of 19.8%. The charring was done in aretort charring unit (kiln) usingtwo different years of the raw bamboo growth (aged three years and four years) as samples to conduct the study. In the analysis nine readings were obtained to determine its average moisture content on adry basis for both ages of charred bamboo. The average moisture content for the three year old bamboo sample on wet basis and dry basis was approximately 25.6 and 19.6%respectively.
Status of Health and Sanitation in Rural Communities: Situation Analysis for India[Full-Text ] S.K. Singh, Rohan Pandey, Shailvy KaushikRural Sanitation in India is a subject of primal concern and among the top agendas of GOI (Government of India) for the development of the nation. This report focuses on the importance of sanitation and its current status in India. Various aspects of development are intertwined with sanitation which includes the economic losses due to the lack of sanitation, health aspects, aesthetic appearance for tourism etc. Every year the Union Budget allocates more than one lakh crore rupees for rural development and around fifty thousand crore rupees for the development in health sector (as per fiscal year’18), these enormous figures suggest that government of India analyzes this area as a critical parameter for the development of the nation. The inter-relationship between health and drinking water sources are discussed referring to the Arsenic and Lead poisoning found in various regions in India. Data analysis have been harnessed to fullest extent for extensive and elaborative view of the sanitation scenario in the rural and urban Indian households. The health and sanitation schemes that were/are employed by the GoI and their status have been discussed thoroughly with the use of graphs, maps, tables and charts.
CFD Analysis of Automobile Rear Dynamic Spoiler[Full-Text ] Sivanesh Prabhu.M, Arulvel.S,Mayakkannan.SOver past few decades automotive industry focuses on aerodynamic characteristics of spoiler. Through this they succeeded running life of all the parts which has been integrated with the automobiles. On this we had designed a rear spoiler in a car that reduces the running distance after applying the break. Keeping in this mind, the present investigation is focused on the study of angular orientation of spoiler in order to reduce the stopping distance using Computer aided Engineering approach. The modeling software CATIA V5.0 is used to model the spoiler for different orientations and ANSYS 12.0 was for dynamic analysis in this current investigation.
Various Levels of Mycotoxins Detected from Different Deteriorated Vegetable Oils (Garlic oil, Olive oil, and Soya bean oils) Sold in Bauchi Metropolis of Bauchi State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Rabiu Ibrahim, Magnus Ezihe, Hauwa M. MagajiA study was carried out to isolate and identify the various species of fungi associated with deteriorated vegetable oils ( Garlic oil, Olive oil and Soya bean oil) sold in Bauchi metropolis, Bauchi state, Nigeria, at the Department of Plant Science and Technology Laboratory. Samples of deteriorated vegetable oils were collected using random sampling techniques from three open market in Bauchi metropolis. Five samples each of garlic, olive and soya bean oils were collected from each of the three markets. The deteriorated oils were screened for the presence of aflatoxins, ochratoxins and zearalenone.
Improved Algorithm for Sorting via Heap Data Structure[Full-Text ] Ravi Prakash Rathore, Rohan Verma, Antriksha Somani, Sunny BaggaSoftware engineering dependably looks for better approaches for enhancing the execution and proficient usage of equipment. This is accomplished fundamentally by actualizing different sort of plans and information structures to the projects for making them fill in as proposed with less complexity. The planners dependably attempt to limit the equipment use however much as could be expected by composing the proficient calculations that suit both the equipment and in additional programming. In the initial segment of this paper, we have created a make-pivot algorithm which makes use of heap data structure to produce a PARTIALLY-SORTED LIST and in the second part we have made some changes that take the efficiency a step further with the help of insertion sort algorithm and after all this we combined both of them to produce New sorting technique. In the later part, we see different graphs that show various cases in which our sorting technique just outperforms native heap-sort by doing better CPU utilization.
Proposed Design for Automated Agro-Quadcopter “Agro-ropter”[Full-Text ] Redhawan Raziur Rouf, Shajaratul Isla, Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Shuvrodeb BarmanSince 1930s automation has always been a dream in every sector and in every field. The biggest benefit of automation is that - it saves labour, energy, materials and also improves efficiency with better accuracy and precision. The purpose of this research paper is to introduce the design of a low cost “agro-quadcopter” module - that will be able to send feedback and receive command, reacting spontaneously to administer various control systems while operating in real-time. It will be able to perform the analysis on daily weather, record daily temperature, find infected crops, keep pests away, aid in artificial pollination, spraying and seeding; hence reducing farmer’s workload and increasing the productivity of a farmer. The set up depends upon an interface between android, Arduino and MATLAB. The module developed can run through a computer. The quad-copter is mounted with an android smart-phone having sensors along with an Arduino. The module receives real-time data from the quad-copter and analyses, then send feedback or command to the quad-copter in real time. This module can further be developed for usage on an aircraft, allowing us to sway an aircraft from ground – initiating a new era of completely automated civil flight.
ON KUMARASWAMY INVERTED WEIBULL DISTRIBUTION AND ITS APPLICATION[Full-Text ] Aladesuyi Alademomi, Ajayi BamideleIn this paper, a new three-parameter generalized version of the inverted Weibull distribution called Kumaraswamy inverted Weibull (KIW) distribution. The new distribution is quite flexible and can have a decreasing, increasing, and bathtub-shaped failure rate function depending on its parameters making it effective in modeling survival data and reliability problems. The maximum likelihood function of the new distribution was derived. Some comprehensive properties of the new distribution, such as closed-form expressions for the density, cumulative distribution, hazard rate function, the ith order statistics were provided. At the end, in order to show the capability of KIWdistribution over its sub models, an application to a real dataset illustrates its potentiality.
On the Beta-Inverted Weibull Distribution and it Application[Full-Text ] Ogunde Adebisi Ade, Fatoki Olayode, Awosemo Raphael SThis study focused on combining the inverted Weibull (IW) distribution and beta distribution with a view to obtain a distribution that is better than each of them individually in terms of the estimate of their characteristics and parsimonious in their parameters using a logit of beta (link function of the Beta generalized distribution by jones (2004)). The resulting model called Beta-inverted Weibull (BIW) distribution is better in terms of flexibility and shape. The statistical properties of the proposed distribution such as shape moments, moment generating function, asymptotic behaviorand hazard function were investigated. We carried out a practical application of BIW distribution on real life data and we discovered that the Beta inverted Weibull distribution has a better data representation than the inverted Weibull distribution.
A New Perspective for Modeling Traffic Accidents Considering Unrecorded Data[Full-Text ] Amr M. WahaballaThere are many factors that expected to affect traffic accidentsare not recorded such as driver reaction time and fatigue. If the effect of these factors on accident rates cannot be considered, any accident model based on these predictions may be inappropriate. However, while observing all accident causes is difficult, the alternate is employing advanced methodologies to extract the effects of unrecorded data from the observed one. The goal of this paper is to model accident rates considering the unrecorded data affecting themusing a model that can be handled for use in real-world practice. For this purpose, the suggested method employed the stochastic frontier model that allow estimating two different effects. The effect of the observed factors is related to the frontier and the effect of the unrecorded factors is estimated as the inefficiency of the frontier. The method is applied to a real traffic accidents data as a proof of concept. The cost frontier function is used to represent the relationship between the accident rate as an output and the pavement width, the percent of trucks and the number of access points per kilometer as inputs. Model parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method. P-values show that all estimated parameters are statistically significant and the estimation proves a quick convergence. Comparing the accident rate values estimated by the proposed model versus the actual accident rate values shows a goodness-of-fit determination coefficient of more than 95%. The findings reveal that the inefficiency term (which represents the effect of unrecorded factors) has markedly affect accident rate values. This result reflects the usefulness of the proposed model and the importance of considering the data that may be unrecorded.
COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE AND ANALYSIS OF SOME IMPROVED ROUND ROBIN CPU SCHEDULING[Full-Text ] K. I Musa, K. E Lasisi, J.A GokirSome researchers in recent times still compare their proposed algorithms with the famous algorithm such as FCFS, SJF RR when there are already modified in the research domain. Thus, the paper seeks to find whether any latest improvement implies improvement on the improved, assuming that all immediate preceding (improved) algorithms have been studied, therefore a need to establish a research ladder in the field of Round Robin improvement to come out with the most optimal of all improved algorithms for implementation in time sharing and real time operating system with time.
An adaptive and Scalable Scheme for Intrusion Detection[Full-Text ] Anurag Jain, Bhupendra Verma, and J. L. RanaAny anomalous activity could be indicative of intrusion. Previous researchers have been developed several techniques and algorithms based on this (anomaly detection) approach to detect intrusion. Now, anomaly based intrusion detection systems are widely used for intrusion detection. True positive and false positive parameters have been used to compare performance of all algorithms. However, depending upon the application a wrong true positive or wrong false positive may have severe detrimental effects. This necessitates inclusion of cost sensitive parameters in the performance.
Performance Evaluation of Reactive Power Compensation of TCSC and SVC on Voltage Profile Enhancement andPower System Loss Minimization Using Firefly Algorithm[Full-Text ] Olakunle Elijah Olabode, Oluwasegun Dayo Ayantunji, Victor Uchenna NwagbaraFACTS devices are alternative means of controlling active and reactive power loss with a view to lower system loss, enhanced system voltage profile, increased transfer capability and improvedsteady state and dynamic performance of power system. The optimal placement, locations and sizes of these devices influence its performance on the grid. This paper presentsperformance evaluation of reactive power compensation of TCSC and SVC on voltage profile enhancement and power system loss minimization using Firefly Algorithm. The results of the analysis showed that with the system reinforced with TCSC, the total system loss reduced from 13.3674MW to 13.2890MW which is about 0.586% reduction. Also the reduction in active power loss with the optimal location of SVCs is 13.2400MW which amount to 0.95 % reduction. An appreciable voltage enhancement occurred at bus 4, 5, 10 and 14 as a result of system reinforcement with TCSCs and SVCs. In all SVC gives better result than TCSC in term of active power reduction and voltage profile enhancement.
Low Cost Planar Array Antenna for 60 GHz Millimeter Wave Band Applications[Full-Text ] Mrs. Mahadik Shamala Rajaram, Dr. Uttam Laxman BombaleNow a day, new emerging technology operates at millimeter wave frequencies for higher data rates of multiple gigabits per second. This paper presents a novel, planar 12-elements array antenna for 60 GHz application band. The antenna is designed on a thin substrate having substrate height is 0.3mm and dielectric constant of Ær = 4.4. This planar antenna array provides larger gain by connecting more number of antenna elements.
Domains and Methodologies for Big Data Project in Software Engineering[Full-Text ] Dr. Sanjeev Punia, Mr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Kuldeep MalikNowadays big data became the new buzzword in the field of information and communication technology. Presently, researchers are looking to extract the maximum value of big data applications from available big data. However, developing, maintaining and scaling the big data application is still a distant milestone. We build better big data application projects by using existing software development life cycle (SDLC) phase in software engineering. The result of research helped in identifying big data application potential projects that utilize big data successfully. The proposed paper helps in exploring software development life cycle (SDLC) phases in big data applications and perform phase gap analysis to find the detailed efforts in research.
Nutrient Content of Cassava Dregs and Rice Bran Fermented with Aspergillus niger[Full-Text ] Sundari, Bayu Kanetro, Fivien Fidiyanti and TriyatunThe aim of the present study was to investigate the nutrient content and the potential application as feed from cassava dregs and rice bran fermented with Aspergillus niger. The research used a One-Way Completely Randomized Design on two substrate treatments including cassava dregs and rice bran fermented with Aspergillus niger, each with 3 replicates. The obtained data between control and substrate fermented with Aspergillus niger were analyzed using t-test. Both cassava dregs and ricebran substrates were suitable for Aspergillus niger fermentation, but crude protein increase was higher in ricebran (8.44%) while crude fiber decrease was higher in cassava dregs (20.93%) followed by increasing 19.53% nitrogen free extract (NFE). It was concluded that ricebran fermented with Aspergillus niger is a potential protein feed with 31.54% crude protein, while cassava dregs fermented with Aspergillus niger is a potential energy feed with 67,37% NFE.
Decoding Taj Mahal[Full-Text ] Sanjay SuryaTaj Mahal was completed almost 350 years back by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to house the remains of his cherished wife. It is one of the world’s wonders and depicts India’s rich history.
Analytic Representation of Envelope Surfaces Generated by Motion of Surfaces of Revolution[Full-Text ] Ivana LinkeovaA modified DG/K (Differential Geometry/Kinematics) approach to analytical solution of envelope surfaces generated by continuous motion of a generating surface – general surface of revolution – is presented in this paper. This approach is based on graphical representation of an envelope surface in parametric space of a solid generated by continuous motion of the generating surface. Based on graphical analysis, it is possible to decide whether the envelope surface exists and recognize the expected form of unknown analytical representation of the envelope surface. The obtained results can be used in application of envelope surfaces in mechanical engineering, especially in 3-axis and 5-axis point and flank milling of freeform surfaces.
The difference between predicted and actual time in the operation theatre[Full-Text ] Salman Alanazi, Ahmed Alakeel, Khalid Alsugair, Mohammed AldokhealMost of the surgeons in the operating room underestimate the time they are going to take on a procedure because they believe that the operation will go smoothly. The difference between the predicted time and the actual time for the surgery are caused by poor preoperative management of the patient and the lack of proper caseload assignment to the surgeons. The data was collected from King Salman Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from a sample size of 97. The specialties selected for inclusion were ENT, General surgery, Ob/Gyne, Ophthalmology, Orthopedic, Pedia Surgery, Spinal, and Urology. The data was then analyzed with the use of SPSS. The orthopedic department showed a variation of 4943.72 minutes that is a variation of 179.24% between the predicted time and the actual time. General surgery follows close with a difference in the variation as 2152.36 minutes, which gives a variation of 128% and spinal having the highest relative difference of 204% in variation between the predicted and actual time.
An Integrated Coupled Inductor and Switched-Capacitor Based High Gain DC/DC Converter for Closed Loop Control of DC Motor[Full-Text ] D.Madhu, D.Krishna Chaitanya, S.M.ShariffThe voltage gain of Conventional boost converter is limited due to the high current ripple, high voltage stress across active switch and diode, and low efficiency associated with large duty ratio operation. High voltage gain is required in applications, such as the renewable energy power systems with low input voltage. A high step-up voltage gain active-network converter with switched capacitor technique is proposed in this project. The proposed converter can achieve high voltage gain without extremely high duty ratio. In addition, the voltage stress of the active switches and output diodes is low. Therefore, low voltage components can be adopted to reduce the conduction loss and cost. The operating principle and steady-state analysis are discussed in detail. Based on the concept of switched-inductor and switched- capacitor, this project proposes a novel switched-capacitor-based active-network converter (SC-ANC) for high step-up con- version, which has the following advantages: high voltage- conversion ratio, low voltage stress across switches and diodes, and self-voltage balancing across the output capacitors. The operating principle and steady-state analysis are discussed in detail. The simulation results are given to verify the analysis and advantages of the proposed converter.
Use, Overuse and Abuse of Digital Display Devices: A Critical Counterpoise[Full-Text ] Aryender SinghThe use of electronic devices in the society is on rise and is expected to follow the same trend in the time to come. The digital display devices are being used for work, business as well as for leisure activities by all age groups of the population. Their use seems indispensible. Although these devices offer great advantages, however, these are not free from ill effects especially if not used judiciously. This paper comprehensively reviews the adverse effects of digital display terminals and precautions to avoid them.
The Impact of Obesity on Pulmonary Functions Among Healthy Non-Smoking Adult Females[Full-Text ] Zainab Mohammed Al Eid, Ghayah Ahmed Al Mulhim, Shaima’a Al Majed, Latifah Ibrahim Al MulhimBackground: Obesity has increasingly become a cause for various chronic disorders such as cardiac problems, hepatobiliary diseases, and some cancers. Furthermore, obesity has an impact on respiratory systems which worsening lung functions and developing of respiratory symptoms.