Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017.
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Introducing Ownership Types to Specification Design[Full-Text ] Jagadeeswaran T, Senthilkumaran UIn an object oriented program, Ownership helps to control aliasing and assists in structuring object relationships in a program. By using this ownership representation, an owner object can access the reference objects for verification purpose. Ownership types help the programmer track information about object aliasing. This paper aims to introduce ownership types information to UML/OCL for specification design. This helps the implementations easier to develop and less prone to error.
Evaluation of Anti-Cervical Cancer Potential of Polypeptides from Blue-Green Algae[Full-Text ] J. Swapna, G. Rajesh Kanna, Preethy P Raj, S. Ashok Kumar S. Elumalai and T.Sangeetha The polypeptides are short chain amino acid derivatives (secondary metabolites) with 5 or fewer amino acid residues. These polypeptides are not directly synthesized by ribosomes, instead they are synthesized by a specialized enzymes called Non-ribosomal polypeptide synthase. These non-ribosomal polypeptides can be synthesized in all the organismsfromprimitive prokaryotes to advanced eukaryotes. In this present study, we have extracted different polypeptides from three different cyanobacteria Phormidiumpapyraceum, Nostocoryzae and Lyngbyawolleiisolated from fresh water lakes in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Water Saving from Improved On-Farm Irrigation Projects in Egypt[Full-Text ] Hany G. RadwanEgypt has reached a level where the quantity of water available is imposing constraints on its national economic development. Egypt has passed already the threshold for water scarcity problems (1000 m3/capita/year) in nineties. Population explosion will bring Egypt down at 2025 to the threshold of absolute scarcity (500 m3/ capita/year). One of the main strategies for the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) in Egypt to face this problem was to increase water use efficiency and decrease water losses. One of the selected projects by the ministry to achieve this goal was the improved on-farm irrigation projects by replacing the existing earth cross sections of mesqas and marwas at on- farm level by either lined sections, or elevated concrete sections, or buried pipelines sections. One of the main advantages of the improved on-farm system is water saving, improve the quality of the irrigation water in addition to other benefits. Through this paper the expected water saving from the evaporation and seepage losses are calculated in case of using each alternative for the improvement of mesqas/marwas (lined, elevated concrete, pipeline) compared to the existing earth cross sections. Sensitivity analysis of different design parameters on the calculated evaporation and seepage losses were discussed. Guideline equations that can be used to calculate the expected water losses due to evaporation and seepage from on-farm irrigation system in Egypt were developed. Finally the paper concluded that the expected minimum, maximum, and average annual water saving from improved on-farm irrigation projects in Egypt are about 2.6, 6.72, and 4.67BCM,respectively.
Energy Access for Remote Areas in Ghana: Thinking outside the box a deconstructive approach[Full-Text ] Commeh M., K., Mohammed, JAn attempt to mitigate climate change through energy savings of biomass efficient stoves involves an multi-disciplinary approach. However energy assess through wide distribution of efficient clean stoves seems to be a herculean task as the road network in Ghana and developing world is non-existing. To approach this, an innovative out of box approach is needed to stimulate and trigger a revolution that will create the assess to energy in rural areas to wealth, but, a starting point for mitigating climate change. Mitigating climate change will save the planet in general and Africa in particular from biodiversity degradationwhilst improving health through clean cookstove promotion from the smart carbon credit concept.
Design Space Exploration Using Cycle Accurate Simulator[Full-Text ] Nimrah Saeed,MisbahIrum, ShazadiArfa ArshadTo improve system’s speed modern 16-bit and 32bit processors contain cache memory for advance performance. Design space exploration is used for performance analysis of system and helps to find the best alternative. In this paper energy models for multilevel cache are evaluated. The benchmarks used for this purpose are BARNES, FMM, WATER-N and WATER-S. Furthermore, these benchmarks are explored to get a point where least energy is used to execute an instruction.
Analysis of coupled Vivaldi antenna elements for millimeter wave communication[Full-Text ] Ismail Alaoui Abdallaoui, Laurent Leyssenne, Sidina Wane, Philippe Descamps, Hassan Kabbaj, Dominique Lesénéchal, Than Vinh DinhIn this paper, modeling and experimental characterization of coupled Vivaldi antenna elements printed on laminate substrate are proposed for Millimeter-Wave communication and Energy Harvesting. Both Time-Domain and Frequency domain electromagnetic simulations are conducted and compared to broadband measurement accounting for parasitic feeding effects (SMA connectors, wiring connections) also, evaluation of gain and radiation efficiencies. Perspectives for Co-integration of proposed Vivaldi antenna elements with power generation circuit blocks (VCO, Power Amplifier).
Essential of Project Management in Smart city Development[Full-Text ] K. Nabeen KumarInfrastructure is the backbone of any nation. India is still treated as a developing economy because of the low-infra development and resultant poor standards of living. Railways, roadways, airports, energy, power, ports, communications & urban infrastructure facilities play a vital role in attracting and determining the investments by foreign countries. Infrastructure is, therefore, the key driver of growth for establishing India at global level. With this context, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision “Digital India,” has set an ambitious plan to build 100 smart cities across the country. It is in this backdrop that his clarion call of `Make in India', `Digital India', or `Smart Cities', requires the entire ecosystem to move from vision to mission mode. This requires a long term vision to re-define the infra needs of India to a ground level, creating responsible groups and delegating the development at root level. A project/program management approach is the best solution to avoid higher costs, delays and to complete each development project with the expected standards. With shrinking project outcomes, shifting global trends and an uncertain economy, this paper summarizes the reason & innovative management process that organizations and governments must shift their thinking and embrace project management as a strategic competency that can reduce risk, cut costs and improve success rates.
Organizational Commitment of Administrator and Faculty of State Universities in Region III[Full-Text ] Katherine B. Parangat, Domingo C. EdanoThe study focused on the investigation of the extent of organizational commitment among administrators and faculty members in selected State Universities (SUs) in Region III. Descriptive research design was utilized by the researcher in the analysis and interpretation of data. The questionnaire was the main instrument in gathering data and were adapted from the works of Meyer & Parfyonova (2010) Three Component Model of Organizational Commitment. Govindasamy (2009) Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment. They have done in depth study on the subject matters. Major findings reveal that administrator and faculty-respondents agreed that Continuance Commitment and Normative Commitment exist in State Universities in Region III while moderately agreed on the existence of Affective Commitment. Both the administrator and faculty-respondents agreed that Leadership Traits, Employee Relations, Knowledge Sharing, Task Orientation, Compensation and Incentives, Performance Management and Promotion; and Opportunities of Training and Development are factors affecting the extent of organizational commitment in State Universities in Region III. A significant difference determined in the assessment of extent of organizational commitment between administrators and faculty respondents in terms of normative commitment; leadership traits, employee relations, knowledge sharing and performance management and promotion. In light of the findings of the study, it is recommended that the management’s human resource policies can find new creative ways to support, motivate, provide more flexibility to employees’ work and ideas are received thus making them really significant members of the workforce and commit further in the institution. The university management confer extra workload and task (e.g. designation and assignment) to employees provided they are well compensated and are satisfied, confirm to employees their many obligations but with freedom and the empowerment in completing their assigned tasks as long as this is not abused and in-line with the organization’s policies. Assure employees that university plans (e.g., faculty development) manifest equality and equity. Guarantee the active promotion of exchange of knowledge to build sufficient cooperation in various colleges and departments and to benefit from work experience with each other. Give the employees the liberty to take part on decision making that can help or contribute to attainment of goals.
Human Identification Protocol using Finger Vein Images[Full-Text ] Sukhjeet Kaur,Sandeep SinghFinger Vein recognition is advanced form of biometric technique that is used to identify a person from finger image. An image of a finger captured under infrared light contains not only the vein pattern but also irregular shadows produced by the various thicknesses of the finger bones and muscles. The captured image of a finger have different vein patterns, also have various widths and brightnesses that changes depending on amount of blood temperature, physical conditions, etc. To robustly extract the precise details of the depicted veins, we have combined Repeated line tracking and a method of calculating local maximum curvatures in cross-sectional profiles of a vein image known as maximum curvature with segmentation. This method can extract veins in small segments without being affected by the fluctuations in vein width, temperature and brightness, so its pattern matching is highly accurate. The proposed method extracts the finger-vein pattern from the unclear image by using Repeated line tracking and Maximum curvature with segmentation. Finally the finger vein is searched and matched with previously saved finger vein image database on the basis of different parameters like MSE, PSNR and average accuracy. By the use of this technique the value of accuracy up to 99.500 %.
Land Use/Land Cover Change (LULCC) in China, Review of Studies[Full-Text ] Terefe Hanchiso Sodango, Jinming Sha and Xiaomei LiChina has undergone through unprecedented and dynamic land use/land cover changes (LULCC) since the past many centuries due to the significant transformations caused by natural and human factors. To understand these changes, many studies have been conducted however; there is still considerable uncertainty with regard to LULCC extent, trend and pattern in China. This is mainly due to the complex nature of LULCC processes itself and the spatiotemporal dynamism, data heterogeneities and uncertainties particularly, for pre-satellite era. In this study, more than 72 research articles were evaluated to understand the state of LULCC. The studies used various approaches to investigate LULCC, but the most commonly used approaches were: reconstructing from long-term land surveying historical data, using satellite data, and the combination of both approaches. Among the reviewed research articles, some of them were done in wider spatial and temporal scale and demonstrated deep analysis of LULCC in the country and emerged with sound and holistic findings, whereas some of them tended to focus on specific locality and short time.
Assessment of Control Strategies for Conventional and Multi-Functional Inverter Interfacing Power Grid with Renewable Energy Sources (RES)[Full-Text ] A.M.AttiyaSoliman, S.K.EL-Sayed, M.A.MehannaRecently, Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are increasingly integrated in the distribution systems based on using of power electronic converter. In this paper, a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system is integrated to a three phase three wire distribution system including nonlinear loads which lead to deterioration of power quality for power grid. A control strategy for renewable interfacing inverter based on Sinusoidal Source Current Control method which depend on instantaneous power theory (P-Q) theory is introduces for voltage source inverter (VSI) which utilized as a multi-functional interfacing inverter (MFI) and acts with features of a Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) like mitigation power quality problems and injection of the energy generated by renewable energy source through (VSI), also this control theory is implemented to a conventional interfacing inverter connected in parallel with a SAPF. Beside of control strategy, a maximum power point tracking algorithm (MPPT) is applied to the inverter to extract the available power from the photovoltaic array. The proposed system compensate the load disturbances and contributes to power quality improvement at the point of common coupling (PCC) and lead to provide the power factor correction, harmonic elimination, , and simultaneously inject the maximum power available from the photovoltaic array to the load and/or grid. The multifunctional features of the proposed control algorithm are demonstrated using simulation results where the performances of proposed PV-APF systems are carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
Ultrasonic Studies of Valine in Aqueous Paracetamol Solutions at Different Temperatures[Full-Text ] Rajagopal. K, Roy Richi Renold. G*, Mohamed Roshan. MThe derived parameters of ultrasonic velocity such as isentropic compressibility (βS), the change in isentropic compressibility (∆βS), the relative change in isentropic compressibility (∆βS/βS0), the apparent molal compressibility (kÏ•), the limiting apparent molal compressibility (k ), the transfer limiting apparent molal compressibility ( ), the hydration number (nH), and the pair and triplet interaction parameters (kAP, kAPP) are computed from the experimentally measured ultrasonic velocity and density data of valine in 0.025 M, 0.05 M, 0.075 M and 0.1 M aqueous paracetamol solutions at 298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15 and 318.15 K. These thermodynamic parameters are used to elucidate the solute–solute and solute–solvent interactions of valine in aqueous paracetamol solutions.
Antidiabetic and Cytotoxic effects of Cystoseira trinodis and Microcystis aeruginosa extracts[Full-Text ] Mohamed A. I. Deyab, Ahmed K. A. El- Sayed, Ayman Hyder, Mamdouh Abdel-Mogib and Seham E. A. Abu AhmedThe present study aimed to determine the hypoglycemic, cytotoxic effects and phytochemical constituents of Cystoseira trinodis and Microcystis aeruginosa extracts. The GC-MS and 1H NMR analysis of C. trinodis and M. aeruginosa extracts revealed the presence of fatty acids, steroids, terpenoids and vitamins which may play an antidiabetic role. The cytotoxic effects of those extracts were tested on the tumor cell lines (HepG2) and the hypoglycemic effects were investigated in alloxan-induced hyperglycemic mice. Fasting blood glucose level showed significant decreased on days 1, 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 groups treated with C. trinodis extract, compared to diabetic groups. The cytotoxic effect of C. trinodis petroleum ether extract displayed LD50 value of 112 mg/ml, while chloroform extract displayed LD50 value of 77 mg/ml. The two fractions of Microcystis aeruginosa had no cytotoxic effect on HepG2 cells.
Effects of Future Impacts of Asteroids on Earth with Various Case Studies of Relevant Parameters[Full-Text ] Anjana Kharb, Dr. Ugur GUVENOne of the most dangerous and fascinating thing of our world are the Asteroids because it is very difficult to gain the complete knowledge about Asteroids and they can spotted anywhere with a too short notice to stop them. So it is very necessary for us to study the asteroids deeply from every aspect. In this paper we are doing a case study on the impacts of Asteroids on Earth and by using some stimulation software we are going to do a complete research on Effects of future impacts of Asteroids on our planet. By changing many parameters like Size, Velocity, Angle of impact, Density of Asteroids what are the impacts on Crater’s Depth and Width, Break-up Altitude, Wind Velocity, Sound Pulse Amplitude on impact site, is the motive of this Research Paper.
Wifi Remote Land Mine Detection Using Raspberry Pi[Full-Text ] Majd Ghareeb, Ali Bazzi, Mohamad Raad, Samih AbdulNabi, Ali Ghassani, M-Mahdi AkananMillions of landmines are buried beneath the soil in tens of countries, waiting to harm innocent humans. That’s why hundreds of organizations around the globe engage in demining process. Traditional demining is a very dangerous and risky operation, where identifying the position of buried mines is the most dangerous of all remaining steps. For this, several researches were done in order to reduce this risk, and several technologies exist. We aim here to introduce a system that eliminates the need for humans in the mine field by replacing them with a remotely controlled detection vehicle. This vehicle will be connected wirelessly to a base station located at a safe distance from the danger zone. Doing so, this system will help in saving lives, reducing costs and enhance productivity in the mine detection process.
A Rule Based Expert System for Vehicle Fault Diagnosis[Full-Text ] Ayegbusi, O.A., Ilori, A.O., Gbadamosi, O.A and Ajanaku, O.Vehicle usage in these modern times can no longer be considered as a luxury but a necessity. Vehicles, like any other mechanical devices, can develop fault during usage and in some circumstances it is very difficult in getting the services of an auto mechanic based on the location at which the vehicle developed fault. This work is aimed at the design and implementation of a rule-based expert system for vehicle fault diagnosis. The work is motivated by the need to guide car owners and inexperienced auto mechanics in making informed decisions when trying to provide solutions to various mechanical faults applicable to their vehicle. Essential part of this work is knowledge-based aspect of expert system consisting of production rules derived from facts and knowledge obtained from expert auto-mechanics and specialized car websites. Java development kit, NetBeans IDE and MySQL were used in the development of this work due to their easy syntax and features for developing Graphical User Interface applications. The result of the work displays interactive pages thereby making it easier for the user to interact with the software.
SOME COMMON FIXED POINT THEOREMS IN INTUTIONISTIC FUZZY 2-METRIC SPACES UNDER STRICT CONTRACTIVE CONDITIONS[Full-Text ] Akhilesh Jain, R.S. Chandel, Hasan Abbas, Uday DolasThe aim of this paper is to prove the existence and uniqueness of common fixed point theorem in intuitionistic fuzzy2 metric space under the contractive condition .In this paper we modify and extend the results of Sharma and Bamboria [23].
Factors affecting the implementation of Harmonised Customs Union in the East African Community - A case study of Kenya[Full-Text ] Joyce Wanjiru MuneneThe purpose of the study was to examine factors affecting the implementation of harmonized East African Community (EAC) Customs Union in Kenya. The study sought to assess the effects of Common External Tariff (CET) on goods outside EAC region on the achievement of harmonized Customs Union (CU), examine whether intra-trade border custom procedures had an effect on realization of harmonized CU, determine the implications of multiple memberships on regional blocks among EAC members on implementation of CU, and establish whether application of uniform rules of origin on EAC produced products had an effect on the implementation of harmonized CU. The implementation processes however, had experienced both successes and challenges since the inception of CU in 2005. Among the successes that were cited by the respondents were complete harmonization of the tariff codes; simplification and harmonization of trade documents and procedures; development of the rules of origin; and sharing of information among partner states. The respondents indicated that implementation of CU would increase intra-EAC trade, volume of trade and investment, and employment. It also emergedthatimplementation would have insignificant effect on Kenya’s tariff revenue base, as the revenue arising from such trade was currently low in relative terms. To mitigate loss of revenue associated with harmonized CU the respondents felt that the EAC countries needed to adopt a CET on all sensitive products, hasten the integration process, and reduce membership in multiple regionalgroupings.
Technical Challenges of Cloud Forensics and Suggested Solutions[Full-Text ] Md. Yasir Arafat, Bipasha Mondal, Sreeti RaniToday one of the most effective headway in information technology (IT) is cloud computing. It presents many hopeful technological and economic benefits in the recent world. There is no doubt that the new cloud computing concepts allow an amenable worship to numerous users. Many cloud customers remain unwilling to move their own business to the cloud and the main attention of cloud customer is cloud security and the threat of the unknown. Cloud platform add to the challenges of physical location, identification, analysis, preservation of digital evidence. Digital forensic in cloud computing fetches new technical and legal challenges to provide digital computing and solutions. There are a lot of challenges in the field of forensics investigation that is faced by the investigator which may complicate in the extraction of evidences. Forensic scientists analyze digital evidence; provide expert testimony and training in the recognition, collection and preservation of digital evidence. In cloud computing the issues are explained using the phases of digital forensics as the root. In this paper, we mention different phases; each phase includes digital challenges, suggested solutions and comments. In our paper we methodically measure the forensic challenges in cloud environment and discuss new methodologies solutions and developments to perform investigations.
Assessment of Energy Consumption due to Cluster Redevelopment[Full-Text ] Ar.Insiya Kapasi, Prof.Roshni Udyavar YehudaCluster Redevelopment is a new concept in the city of Mumbai and its regulations were laid down by the government in 2009. It involves redeveloping a group of buildings defined by a certain boundary as specified by the laws of the respective city, state, province or country which may be dilapidated or approved for redevelopment. How would this development affect energy consumption? This review attempts to review the methods and parameters to assess change in energy consumption due to Cluster Redevelopment.
Parenting Style, Self-Esteem and academic Performance among Taibah university students in Saudi Arabia kingdom[Full-Text ] InasEbeid, Roqayah Kurdi, AlaaKurdi, JehanBakhsh, AsrarAlhejaili, Mai AlharbiAdolescent's ability to go through life can be influenced by the parenting style and parent-child relationship (Kazemi et al., 2012). Parenting styles are defined as parenting behaviors and attitudes that set the emotional climate in regard to parent-child interactions (Siegler, 2011). The classifications of parenting styles are vary. To Rosenthal(2009), there are four types of parenting style authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved.
Minimum ATI Single Sampling Plan with Maximum Allowable Proportion of Defectives[Full-Text ] Ramkumar Thandiakkal Balan, Erick Nganzi This paper designs a sampling plan showing efficiency of acceptance at higher quality with lower inspection cost .The logic of MAPD as a measure is compared with Dodge Romig Plan. It brings a mathematical model for evaluating the parameters instead of Graph. The simplicity, accuracy and convenience of the model were given by examples and results.
Design of Membrane Bio Reactor for Sewage Treatment Plant[Full-Text ] Hilal Massoud Al-Sharji, Nedumaran BalasubramanianWastewater is the water that are contaminated from source, hotel, restaurant, hospital and industry. Since the available potable water is limited, it is necessary to clean the wastewater for reuse. There are various way of cleaning the wastewater. Using of filter bioreactor is one possible technology. The sewage plants that operate on the filter bioreactor do not need a large space of area like other conventional plants. Since the simple type of the stations do not need of settling tank and they do not need dryer ponds, which need large areas for drying sludge. In addition to that, the membrane bioreactor (MBR) can install in small area unlike with normal filter system which require large area. Complete procedure for design of MBR system filter is discussed. The membrane bioreactor plant is dependent fully upon the ability of the filter, to get good quality of water. The ability of this type of filter in filtration using membrane unit 0.2-0.05 μm pore size range would give high quality water. The design of membrane depends upon the two main things analysis and the use purpose of water after treatment. The results decide the capacity of the membrane and which media can be used. Membrane bioreactor is friendly to the environment, because it does not take large, area and the quantity of sludge removed is very less comparing with regular plant. This study covers, the design of full membrane bioreactor (MBR) plant of capacity 200 m3/day, including all the parameters requirements to design the plant such as the population of a residential area in order to determine the capacity of the plant, mathematical computations for designing.
Contact lenses in Saudi Arabia: prevalence and characteristics of wear and care[Full-Text ] Nuha S. AI-Salameh, Mohammad Abahussin, Abdulrahman E. Al-Garni, Moayed A. Althagafi, Muteb AlanaziPurpose: To assess the prevalence and trends in contact lens (CL) wear in Saudi Arabia. Method: An online self-administered survey was distributed to Saudi Arabian citizens. The questionnaire was constructed to gather information regarding CL wearer demographics, education level, current job, purpose of wear, wearing habits during the day, sharing of CLs with friends, wearing hygiene, lens case replacement, and attitudes toward aftercare visits.
Performance Evaluation of Cooperative and Non-cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme in Cognitive Radio Network Based on Decision Fusion Strategies [Full-Text ] Lailatun Nahar, Shakila Zaman, Risala Tasin KhanCognitive Radio (CR) has become a realistic solution of the spectrum scarcity problem for wireless communication. CR is the key technology to use the unused spectrum of primary users (PU) more efficiently via opportunistic spectrum usage. This paper focuses on cooperative spectrum sensing and detecting signal in CR network by implementing hard decision combining in data fusion center (FC). To observe the presence of primary user (PU) energy detector is used in CR network. This paper compares three techniques (AND rule, OR rule and MAJORITY rule) of hard decision fusion scheme to estimate their performance. The OR-rule is appeared to be the highest detection performance in CR network. Those results are further compared to non-cooperative spectrum sensing for evaluating performance. . It has been showed that cooperative spectrum sensing has better performance by providing efficient spectrum’s utilization than non-cooperative.
Classical Pattern of the Cerebral Arterial Circle of Willis in a Nigerian Population Using Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography Scan[Full-Text ] Anozeng Oyono Igiri, Samson Omini Paulinus, Nneoyi Onen Egbe & Charles Chibunna AniStudies have highlighted the significance of patterns of the circle of Willis (major arterial supply to the brain) observed from different parts of the globe. This research was carried out to identify and document the patterns of the cerebral arterial circle of Willis, which are lacking in the Nigerian population. A total of 512 normal brain CT images of Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography (CECT) scans from the CT scanner in the Radiology Department of Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) were obtained and reviewed using proportionate random sampling probability technique with their ages graded from <1 year to >91 years between January 2013 to July 2015. Data collected out of the 512 brains examined showed that the commonest pattern was 39.84%, which conforms to the classical, standard or complete circle of Willis with all the vessels intact as those in the text books of Anatomy while the rest (60.16%) were observed to be morphologically incomplete circle of Willis. The CECT scan method has established for the first time the occurrence of forms of the circle of Willis in a Nigerian sampled population with the classical pattern (39.84%) as the most common. This finding agrees with reports from studies with cadaveric Gross Dissection (GD), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and the injection techniques.
Effect of the Included Angle of V-Shaped Blade on the Performance of a Simplified Pico-Hydro System[Full-Text ] Alex Okibe Edeoja, Joy Acheyini Edeoja, Margaret Enuwa OgbojiThe effect of the included blade angle on a simplified Pico hydro system currently undergoing development was investigated. Five turbine runners having 6 v-shaped blades with included angles of 30o, 60o, 90o, 120o and 150o were fabricated and tested on system. The alternator shaft speed, water level in the reservoirs and the voltage generated were measured for each blade angle. The results obtained indicated that the speed and hence the voltage decrease as the blade included angle of increases. A maximum speed of 1810 rpm and a corresponding voltage of 224 V were obtained with 30o included angle which decreased progressively to 1750 rpm and 218 V for 150o. These results suggest that for optimum performance of the Pico hydro turbine, smaller included blade angles for the configuration used translating to deeper blades are necessary. Further reduction of the included angle beyond this range will require much smaller water jets however. This observation is useful in the further development of this system for use in buildings and small workstations in isolated locations as long as water for the reservoir is available. This system can potentially reduce dependence on petroleum operated systems and contribute towards mitigating the epileptic power supply of the national grid while curbing the problem of environmental pollution, restiveness and the threat of terrorism with the attendant high rates of sabotage and vandalization.
HEALTH SEEKING BEHAVIOR OF WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE IN THE SECOND DISTRICT OF ILOCOS SUR[Full-Text ] DR. JOUSSIE B. BERMIOThe study focused on the health seeking behavior of women of reproductive age who are pregnant and had delivered within a year in the second district of Ilocos Sur particularly at the municipalities of Santa, Narvacan, and Sta. Maria for the period, June- July 2016. It also looked into the relationship between the health seeking behavior and the socio-demographic and obstetrical –related factors of the respondents. The study discovered that the respondents are 25-29 years old, married, college graduates, with no job, resides in the barangay, and Roman Catholics; and got pregnant three times with two living children. They attend to prenatal check-up every week during their 7-9 months, thrice during their 4-6 months and 1-3 months respectively. There is a “Fair” level of health seeking behavior regarding consultation, and “Very Good” level regarding the facility. A significant relationship exists between age and health facility, and occupation and prenatal check-up, while no significant relationship occurs between the level of health seeking behavior of the respondents and their obstetrical profile. It is recommended therefore that: (1) Health workers must give more emphasis to their clients the importance and the advantages derived from of regular prenatal check-up; (2) The health care providers should conduct lectures on laboratory procedures, nutritional supplementation, and tetanus toxoid immunization to improve their fair level of health seeking behavior; (3) Pregnant women should be encouraged to avail the health services of district hospitals and Municipal Health Offices; and (4) to adhere to healthy practices during pregnancy.
Manufacture of Automotive Brake Pads from Sawdust Composites[Full-Text ] Z.U. Elakhame, Y.O. Abiodun, N.A. Alausa,O.J. Omowunmi, A.O. Komolafe, Y.J. ObeDevelopment of asbestos-free brake pad using sawdust was study with a view to replace the use of asbestos whose dust is carcinogenic. The sawdust was sieve into sieve grades of 100,280,355μm and 1mm. The sieve sawdust was used in production of brake pad in ratio of 20% resin, 10% graphite, 15% steel, 35-55% sawdust and 0-20% SiC using compression moulding. The properties examined are microstructure analysis, hardness, compressive strength, density, flame resistance, water absorption. The microstructure reveals uniform distribution of resin in sawdust. The results obtained showed that the finer the sieve size the better the properties. The results obtained in this work were compared with that of commercial brake pad (asbestos based and optimum formulation laboratory brake pad sawdust based; the results are in close agreement. Hence sawdust can be used in production of asbestos-free brake pad.
Isolated Right Fallopian Tube Torsion with Haematosalpinx and Left Dermoid Cyst in a 10 Years Old Monarchial Girl: A Case Report[Full-Text ] Hamada Abdoun, Sami M Siddig , Seham M. Alanazi 10 years old girl, presented with severe lower abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. During examination, she was found to be afebrile, she has pain in both adnexal areas. An u/s was showed huge adnexal mass with query torsion. A CT abdomen and pelvis revealed left adnexal teratoma. Laparotomy was done and the diagnosis confirmed, Isolated right fallopian tube torsion with haematosalpinx. It was then untwisted and regained its color and salpingostomy was done. The left ovary had 2 cysts one of which was a simple cyst And the other was teratoma as confirmed by histology.
A NUMERICAL SEARCH FOR POLYCYCLIC AND LOCALLY NILPOTENT PERMUTATION GROUPS[Full-Text ] M. Bello, Mustapha Danjuma, N.Abdulganiyyi, Abubakar Umar Terrang and Y.AtomsaThis paper involves the numerical search for polycyclic and locally nilpotent permutation groups whose order is of the form rp^r for some prime p and integer r ≥2 . The group of this form can be any group generated by wreath products of two permutation groups depending on the value of r and p. The concept of wreath products of two permutation groups has been applied to explore the groups of interest and later investigation has been carried out to test them for the above stated status. Group Algorithm and Programming (GAP) has been used in enhancing and validation of the result.
The Possibility of Moving to The Tree games[Full-Text ] SalahElDinS. Hussien, EssamEl-Seidy,Awad T.AlabdalaThis research presents the Domineering games and study the possibility of moving from it to the tree games, with the help of several mathematical notions.
Study of the vibratory behavior of the laminate structure A4, under the effect of different parameters reinforcing[Full-Text ] Abdelmalek Abdelmalek,lairedj AbdelazizThis study consists of the free vibratory behavior analysis of composite plates laminated; vibration in displacement of all structures rests primarily on the research of the frequencies and the clean modes, the main axis of this contribution is the enhancement and the discussion of the reinforcement fibers orientation, the effects various geometry of plate and the ratio orthotropic of the material on the oscillation frequencies. The application of the model paper size A4 that says we have taken into consideration in the simulation, meets the objective of our study and the results are then validated by available literature results.
Prevalence of Dermatophyte Infections Among Public Primary School Children in Bauchi Metropolis, of Bauchi State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ezihe, M.I., Sanusi Magaji., Mohammed Bala., Rabiu IbrahimDermatophyte infections have been known to impact negatively on health and well-being of children. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence, clinical types as well as the etiologic organisms of dermatophyte infections among primary school children aged 5-16 years in Bauchi metropolis. Out of 323 primary school children screened, 85 children had lesions suspected to be dermatophytosis. Samples collected from the suspected children were treated with potassium hydroxide (KOH) and examined under the microscope. A portion of each sample was inoculated into sabouraud dextrose agar supplemented with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide and incubated at room temperature for about 3 weeks. A total of 31 primary school children (9.6%) proved positive for dermatophytes. The species of dermatophytes isolated were: M. audounii 12 isolates, T. rubrum 9 isolates, M. canis 3 isolates, T. mentagrophytes 4 isolates and T. tonsurans 3 isolates. The prevalence of dermatophytosis 9.6% is high in school children covered in this study. Tinea capitis was the most predominant infection and M. audounii was the commonest etiologic agent, while T. rubrum was predominantly isolated from sites other than the scalp. Statistical analysis of the result of this study revealed a significant difference in the age distribution of the infection (P<0.05), while none exists between the sexes (P>0.05). We therefore recommend that control efforts should target this vulnerable group to reduce its prevalence.