Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016.
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Privacy and Data Mining[Full-Text ] Shilpa M.S, Shalini.LPrivacy preserving data mining deals with hiding an individual’s sensitive identity without sacrificing the usability of data. It has become a very important area of concern but still this branch of research is in its infancy .People today have become well aware of the privacy intrusions of their sensitive data and are very reluctant to share their information. The major area of concern is that non-sensitive data even may deliver sensitive information, including personal information, facts or patterns. The basic idea of privacy preserving data mining is to ensure that data mining algorithms are implemented effectively without compromising the security of sensitive information contained in the data. In addition a brief discussion about certain privacy preserving techniques are also presented.
I DISCOVERED THE ORIGIN OF UNIVERSE[Full-Text ] Satyanarayana TaamtanraagjauBefore origin of universe, the particles are irregularly moved from one place to another place with light velocity. So that the particles are have wave nature also some particles are having positive charge, some particles are negative and some of the particles are neutral charge. The distance of these particles are very more. After some years the particles are changed as electrons, protons & neutrons and formed atoms (elements).
Tertiary Stratigraphic Map, Correlation and Cross Section of the Daryanah Al Abyar[Full-Text ] Area, Al Jabal Al akhdar, NE Libya, Saad El Sakran & Belkasim khameiss & FARAJ, Faraj HStratigraphic correlation between sixteen valleys in the Daryanah Al Abyar area. These valleys are located in the northwestern part of Jabal AL Akhdar, northeast Libya and this study area covers 192.5 km2. These valleys expose marine rocks within seven rock units. From the oldest to youngest these are the Apollonia, and Dranah Formations (Eocene), the Al Baydah Formation, the Algal Limestone, and Shhate Marl member (Oligocene), the Al Faydiah Formation (Oligo-Miocene), and the Al Rajmah Group comprising the Benghazi and Wadi Al Qattarah Formations (Miocene).
Reservoir Characteristics and Facies Analysis of the Lower Member of the Silurian Acacus Sandstones, Concession NC2, Ghadames Basin, Northwest Libya[Full-Text ] Ahmed Benkhayal, Adel Farag, Ibrahim Mohamed and Belkasim KhameissThe petrophysical characteristics of a sedimentary unit are changeable with time. Since the permeability value in this area of the study is more than 0.01md, the irreducible water won’t exceed with time (Byrnes 1996 Reservoir Characteristics). The low permeability, which is 3md in the Lower Acacus reservoir has undergone three diagenetic facies (quartz-cemented facies, carbonate-cemented facies, and clay-cemented facies). Furthermore, with permeability 3md and porosity values around 15%, the secondary porosity is probably well connected and contributing to flow.
Assessment of ISO 9001:2008 implementation at Engineering company[Full-Text ] Gizaw Bezabih AgonafirEngineering company plc Get ISO certification from BSI eight years ago to meet the objectives of achieving institutional ownership and to participate on MEGA tender of Government which demand ISO certificate. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of ISO 9001 by MIE against ISO requirements and to identify the critical factors that hinder the proper implementation. To do this research both qualitative and quantitative research methods was applied by respondents selected based on judgmental sampling related to subject matter. Accordingly the primary data collected from MIE plc of total 32 management and senior staffs by developing the questionnaires into four parts practice related to process and principles, benefits and challenges related to QMS implementation and analyzed and concluded as follows, The quality management practices are weak and benefits attained by manufacturing sectors are low due to the following main challenges like:-Lack of awareness, knowledge and Lack of ownership to QMS system in general, and Lack of accountability of process owners and Lack of top management commitment and support. And finally the researcher recommends that MIE management should change the current weak practice of QMS implementation to exist and continue as business firm on the today’s strong global competition.
THE ROTATION[Full-Text ] It is believed that the earth rotate about it’s axis and according to our findings we discover that for any body to rotate there is a major factor behind it which is state in our law below
Novel anodic oxidation of 1-amino-9-fluorenone and its electrochemical behavior[Full-Text ] F. A. AsswadiElectrochemical polymerization of 1-amino-9-fluorenone, AFO, was studied in CH2Cl2 solution with tetrabutylammonium perchlorate, TBAClO4, as the electrolyte, via continuous cyclic voltammetry. The anodic oxidation of 1-amino-9-fluorenone was performed in organic solvents with the aim to prepare new conducting polymer materials. 1-amino-9-fluorenone anodic oxidation led to formation on gold electrodes of electroactive polymer films that were characterized by cyclic voltammetry. FT- IR spectra, FT- IR spectra of AFO by computational chemistry in density functional theory (B3LYP/3-21 G*), and UV-Vis indicates that films are mainly constituted of short chain oligomers also show that polymer present coupling on carbonyl group.
Historical buildings - Modern use Rehabilitation is a sustainable concept over time and Space[Full-Text ] Dr. Daliah Shebl Said Rehabilitation the historical buildings become a necessary concept not option in our life, it is considered a sustainable concept all over the world to conserve the historical buildings with new ideas respect their special pattern and historical characters, with growing demand in many parts of the world for new buildings, we find millions of buildings already exist but are not being used to their full potential, despite their historic character and environmental features.
ESTUDO CAP SOBRE USO PRÉVIO DE MÉTODOS CONTRACEPTIVOS EM ADOLESCENTES GRÃVIDAS ATENDIDAS NAS CONSULTAS PRÉ-NATAIS NO CENTRO DE SAÚDE DA TERRA NOVA DE 10 A 14 DE AGOSTO DE 2015.[Full-Text ] GRAVIDEZ NA ADOLESCÊNCIAObjectivo: Estudar os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas em relação ao uso prévio de métodos contraceptivos em adolescentes grávidas. Métodologia: foi realizado um estudo Descritivo Tranversal com uma amostra não probalistica por conveniencia de 22 Adolescentes grávivas dos 10 aos 19 anos atravez de um formulário de estrevistas contendo perguntas sobre o tema.
Experimental Investigation of a Two Stroke SI Engine Operated with LPG Induction, Gasoline Manifold Injection and Carburetion[Full-Text ] V. Gopalakrishnan, M.LoganathanIn this experimental work the single cylinder two stroke air cooled SI engine was used for investigation. The intake manifold was modified for LPG induction and gasoline injection. The engine is operated at 3000 rpm on various throttle posi-tions. The LPG kit is used to supply the gas to the engine. The flow control valve is used to vary the LPG flow. The engine was operated for 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% throttle condition. At each throttle position the best brake thermal efficiency value was selected. This LPG manifold induction results were compared with gasoline manifold injection and carburetion. It was found that LPG induction the engine operate relatively lean air fuel mixtures compared to other modes. The brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and the engine exhaust emissions are reduced. The brake thermal efficiency was higher than gasoline manifold injection and carburetion. The HC and CO emissions are reduced in LPG induction mode. But the exhaust gas tem-perature and NOx found higher with LPG induction. The maximum power output for LPG was lesser than that with of gasoline.