Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 .
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Green House Environment Monitoring and Control System[Full-Text ] Anuradha A. Pandit and Avinash V. MancharkarGreenhouse Environment, used to grow plants under controlled climatic conditions for efficient production, forms an important part of the agriculture and horticulture sector .To create an optimal environment the main parameters such as temperature, humidity, light intensity ,ground water ,etc. needs to be controlled. The main objective of this project work is to design an automated greenhouse which is purely sensor based system .The system inputs from various sensors and displays output .The developed system is simple, cost efficient and easily installable. The results show that the system could be more efficient in man power saving and raising the economic value of products.
CO2 storage assessment and effective capacity of deep saline aquifers in South-West of Algeria[Full-Text ] Abdelouahab.AKTOUF, Abdelhakim BENTELLISThe CO2 Capture and Storage techniques, improved energy efficiency, an increasein use of renewable resources (solar energy …) and more rational use of fossil fuels, can be a key instrument for reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Deep saline aquifers offer the greatest storage potential for all geological storage options and are widely distributed deep in the Earth. The Western region of the Saharan platform in Algeria includes several sedimentary basins characterized by a large production of dry gas with CO2 rates sometimes exceeding 9%. In order to reduce CO2 emissions; these basins are analyzed with the aim of determining those offering the largest potential for the geological sequestration of CO2 (GSC). The evaluation methodology of the basin potential uses qualitative criteria that are both geological and practical to which we have assigned normalized numerical values in order to perform an objective and quantitative comparison between the basins. An estimate of the CO2 storage capacity of some structures in the sedimentary basin of Ahnet-Gourara which has the greatest potential for GSC varies from 1Gt to over 5Gt Based on very cautious estimations, these structures would be able to contain the entire volume of the emitted CO2 for at least the next three decades.
WOMEN EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN: IS THE LEVEL ENOUGH FOR EMPOWERMENT?[Full-Text ] Sadaf Mustafa, M. Sadiq Ali Khan, Kiran JameelThe women considered to have an important role in building the society. This role of women can be further bettered by educating them so that they can differentiate between the right and wrong and pass only the right thing to their generations. In Pakistan, the population of women was higher than men but as the country was still in the developing phase so the literacy rate of the population was very low which is lower in women of the country. The literature focused on analyzing the situation of women education in Pakistan. The government should allocate more quotas for women in governmental organizations and should try to ensure that all the private sector organizations also work on equal employment opportunities. The girls should be educated to build a better nation.
A Novel Method for Adsorption using Human Hair as a Natural Oil Spill Sorbent[Full-Text ] Peter Rowland Ukotije-Ikwut, Akpevwe Kelvin Idogun, Christopher Tubuyai Iriakuma, Abiye Aseminaso and Tamunotonjo ObomanuOil exploration has enormous economic benefits; however, these benefits are associated with environmental issues arising from oil spills. Numerous methods exist for cleaning up oil spills along with their after-effect as well as huge financial burden. Hence, the shift to methods that are environmentally friendly and cost effective is imperative. This paper investigates the efficiency and mechanics of using human hair to clean up crude oil contaminated water using various parameters such as contact time, recovery and reuse, adsorbent dosage, temperature, modification. Human hair has proven to be an efficient material in removing oil from water with a maximum adsorption capacity of 7470mg/g for crude oil as well as its recovery and reusability. Investigation reveals that African hair came first, followed by Asian hair and finally, European hair with an adsorption capacity of 7470, 6176 and 5246mg/g for crude oil respectively. The result obtained for the kinetics of adsorption revealed a good fit in pseudo-second order model, indicating that the mode of adsorption is exothermic which is controlled by a chemisorption process. The isotherm studies also revealed that the experimental data is better described with Freundlich isotherm model. A comparative analysis conducted using the maximum adsorption capacity of different adsorbents revealed that human hair performed better than organoclay, rice husks, reed bed canary grass, treated sludge, modified oil palm leaves, peat moss and activated carbon, but less than exfoliated graphytes, kapot and recycled wool based non-woven material. Hence, human hair can be modified into boom to clean-up oil spills. This is a promising area that researchers need to focus more on inorder to explore the huge benefits it presents.
MISCIBILITY STUDIES, CHARACTERIZATION AND PROPERTIES EVALUATION OF PVC/PMMA BLENDS[Full-Text ] Chandramohan, B.Rajam, V.V.Basava RaoPoly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) and Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA) blends are prepared by injection moulding method over an entire composition range of 0/100, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 and 100/0 by weight. The miscibility of the blends was characterized by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis. The effect of polymer-polymer interactions on the miscibility of PVC/PMMA blends were studied using the method. The effect of blending poly (methyl methacrylate) in various proportions with suitably stabilized and plasticized poly (vinyl chloride) was studied with reference to their physical, mechanical, and thermal properties. Distribution of the phases in the blends will be studied through scanning electron microscopy. These properties of PVC/PMMA blends are correlated with spectroscopic investigation.
Determination of molecular interactions of Nimesulide and Aceclofenac in different solvent by using ultrasonic interferometer[Full-Text ] P. S. There, S. S. Aswale, S. D. Zade and S. R. AswaleNimesulide and Aceclofenac drugs were selected for study looking at their medicinal importance in treatment. Ultrasonic interferometer was used for measurement of ultrasonic velocity of 0.01M solution of these drugs in Acetone and a binary mixture i.e. (Water: Acetone 1:1) as a solvent at 303.15 K at 2 MHz, 4 MHz and 6 MHz frequency. This experimental data is used to explore the acoustic properties like adiabatic compressibility, specific acoustic impedance and intermolecular free length. From these thermodynamic and acoustic properties, the molecular interactions like solute-solute and solute-solvent interaction occurring in solution have been interpreted with respect to change in solvent at different frequencies.
Study the Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Low Carbon Steel in 0.1M of Sulfuric Acid Solution Using U-Bend Test[Full-Text ] Kamal Hameed, Dr. Harith I. Ja’afer, Dr. Abdul-Kareem M. AliThe commercial low carbon steel was used for studying stress corrosion cracking phenomena. The aim of this work is to investigate this. To study SCC susceptibility, U-bend testing method was carried out on the U-shape specimens of Low Carbon Steel. A guided bend test jig that uses a male and female former was used to prepare specimens. The applied stress effect was obtained by using bolts and suitable nuts through the two holes and plastic insulator in the two legs of specimen. The sulfuric acid solution with 0.1M concentration was prepared to use it as an environment solution.
Performance of Waste Coconut Shell as Partial Replacement of Natural Coarse Aggregate in concrete[Full-Text ] Abdullah Anwar, Sabih Ahmad, Syed Aqeel AhmedDepletion of natural resources is a common phenomenon in developing nations like India due to rapid urbanization and Industrialization involving construction of Infrastructure and other conveniences. In prospect of this, people have begun researching for suitable other viable alternative materials for concrete so that the existing natural resources could be preserved to the possible extent, for the future generation. Lately, on the environmental issues, restrictions on local & natural access or sources and dispose of waste material are gaining great importance. Aggregate is a major ingredient for making concrete, occupy almost 70-80% part of concrete. The roles of structural grade lightweight concrete reduce considerably the self-load of a structure and permit larger precast units to be managed. Coconut Shell is a waste from the agrarian sector and is used in large quantities in the tropical areas. The waste coconut shell may be utilized to replace natural coarse aggregate. In this study, M 20 grade of concrete was produced by replacing natural coarse aggregates at 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% by weight with waste coconut shell. In all total Sixty Three (63) cubes were casted and their compressive strength was evaluated at 7, 14 and 28 days. The compressive strength of concrete was reduced as the percentage replacement increased. Concrete mixtures were tested and compared in terms of compressive strength of the conventional concrete at 28 days. The results showed that Coconut Shell Concrete (CSC) can be used in light weight concrete construction. Utilization of Coconut Shell will not only be cost effective and Eco friendly, but also resolve the issues related to shortage of conventional material and problem of disposal of waste material.
Framework for Secure and Dynamic Auditing for Regenerating Code Based Data Storage in Cloud Platform[Full-Text ] Dr.V.Goutham, J.Rachana, M.NikhilaTo defend outsthiscing data in cloud storage in contradiction of venalities, adding fault tolerance to cloud storage organized with data integrity testing and let-down reparation befits precarious. Restoring codes have extended popularity due to their lower repair bandwidth while providing fault tolerance. Current remote checking methods are presented for regenerating-coded data only provide private auditing, requiring data owners to always stay online and handle auditing. A public auditing system for the regenerating-code-based cloud storage is projected to elucidate the regeneration problem of unsuccessful authenticators in the absence of data owners. A unique public verifiable authenticator, which is produced by a couple of keys and can be regenerated using partial keys so that it can totally release data owners from online bur-den. This scheme is highly proficient and can be practicably combined into the regenerating-code-based cloud storage
Effect of the site of background region of interest on renogram results[Full-Text ] H.I.Abdelkader, H.M.Gad, Sahr.Mansour, Eman.A.ElkandouzIn studying kidneys uptake, perfusion and excretion of tracer following intravenous injection during the imaging process by gamma camera, a frame is recorded each 15sec. for 19 minutes (76 frames) which form the renogram. In the renogram, kidneys, bladder and appropriate blood background area can be defined as regions of interest to derive the time-activity curves. Time activity curves are normalized to correct the number of pixels in kidney and background areas of interest. The contribution from uptake in tissues over and underlying the kidney form unwanted background that should be removed prior to accurate estimation of relative renal uptake. Each kidney’s normalized background time activity curve is then subtracted from the corresponding normalized kidney time activity curve. This procedure has been applied to the renograms of 100 cases who examined in urology and nephrology center (80 patients suffering from renal disorders, and 20 donors for renal transplantation) to study the effect of changing the site of background region of interest on renogram results. The 80 patients suffering from renal disorders are divided into two groups. In the first 40 patients group, the background was drawn manually and automatically. By comparing the two techniques, it is found that the values of physical parameters (T1/2, contribution% and GFR) in manual method are better than in the automatic method. The 20 donors are divided into two groups.The same steps have been applied to first 10 donors group which also showed that the manual method is better than auto-matic method.In the second 40 patients group, the background was manually drawn near and far from ROI. By comparing the two sites, it is found that the far sites (areas of less activity) is better than the near sites. The same steps have been applied to the second 10 donors which also showed that the far sites is better than the near sites. In conclusion, the manual method is better than the automatic method. The best site for background ROI is perirenal far site.
Development of a Monitoring System for Off-Grid Wind Power Generation[Full-Text ] Monir Göethel Borba, Moisés de Mattos Dias, Patrice Monteiro de Aquim, Ricardo Martins de Martins, Cintia Ourique Monticelli, Ewerton Artur Cappelatti, José Carlos Krause de Verney, LÃrio SchaefferThis paper aims the development of a real-time data acquisition system for performance monitoring and evaluation of small wind turbines. The system consists of equipment capable of measuring voltage, current, power, power factor, efficiency and waveforms being produced by the wind turbine electric generator. The real-time monitoring system is connected to an off-grid wind turbine mounted on a tower and performs the data acquisition and storage continuously. Thus, from this system can determine the small wind turbine performance, is setting standards of three-phase electric generator device and the continuous monitoring of the energy generated.
Data Partition Based Big Data Analytics Solution For Market Prediction And Manipulation Identification[Full-Text ] Dr.M.B. Mukesh Krishnan, T.Balachander, P.RajasekarThe High Frequency Trading a type of algorithm trading is a trading mechanism which attracts the traders. The increase in high frequency trading through the real time computing with the increase in number of trading markets, which brings in more data of type either structured or unstructured increase the complexity of market prediction. The need for big data supervised analysis is need to increase the success of prediction. The analysis mechanism should concentrate not only on high frequency trading but also on market manipulations. This paper proposes a mechanism based on big data partitioning techniques which predicts the market as well as concentrates on market manipulation. The proposed mechanism uses three data partitioning mechanisms. Locality based data partition mechanism splits data from same node into same split such that remote read process slow down and spoil time can be given rid off. Skew based partition is exercised so that based on the histogram value data with same median value is put into same cluster so that data skew, computation skew, record skew can be eradicated. The third approach is round robin based partition in which partition is engaged in the manner that instead of instead of dumping all data into a particular node split it randomly where ever there is a space so that load balancing can be achieved uniform distribution of data work is done on wide dispersion again so that work can get done faster. Same approach has been entertained on the reduce side. These methodologies are proposed to improve the data partition mechanism intern reduce the complexity in market prediction and easy to identify the market manipulation. The predicted data is compared with the real time data ensure the accuracy of the mechanism and result shows the proposed model holds the success rate of 79% in market prediction and 91% in identifying the market manipulations. On loop the manipulation with market prediction the success rate of market prediction increased to 94% with this the results proved that the proposed mechanism will increase the rate of market prediction and identifies the market manipulations.
Networked control system for electrohydraulic flow control positioner using Neural Controller and Collaborative Network[Full-Text ] Audu Eliazar Elisha, Dr. Lalit GargElectrohydraulic flow control valve is an essential element of an automated process industry where fluid control is applicable. The use of conventional controllers overan IP-communication network for controlling electrohydraulic flow control positioner to regulate mainline pressure and flow rate in pipeline transportation of petroleum products between two stations where downstream pressure of the pumping station fluctuates significantlyposes a problem of instability on the flowrate and the mainline pressure of the pipeline. Additionally, the effect of network induced, time-varying delay between the controller and the electrohydraulic flow control valves induces a problem of poor quality of control and inefficient system performance of the control loop. In this paper, we presented an application of neural network in processflow control using an electrohydraulic valve positionerand proposed a concept of collaborative network for networked control systems over IP-based networks.
Modern Approach of OODBMS Comparison of OODBMS with RDBMSE[Full-Text ] Muhammad Zeeshan, Saadia Anayat, Rabia and Nabila RehmanIn the 21st century after a long journey of application development at least reached at Object oriented programming approach. This new technique of programming and application development is widely used in the front end application. But in back end database usually RDBMS work with front end application there is a difference between front and back end. The mapping between front and back end needs extra effort in this scenario because front end application completely depended on back end for data manipulation. Although this mapping is not easy job, it creates many problems like wastage of processing power and data storage efficiency. To reduce the mapping problem new approaches of OODBMS is rising that is completely different form previous and have compatible with front end application of object oriented programming approach. Many computer programmers are thinking to adopt this approach and start work on it. In this paper we throw light on the silent feature of OODBMS and compared new dimension of OODBMS with old and traditional approach of RDBMS.
Processing Power of Quantum Computer[Full-Text ] Muhammad Zeeshan, Saadia Anayat, Rabia and Nabila RehmanThe history of computer start from analytical engine and now a day it is converted into a very fast, more powerful and smaller computer. These traditional computers are based on small IC, logic gats and microprocessors. Development in every field of life like Education, Business and Ecommerce Due to Traditional computers, although traditional computers were more powerful, faster and power saver but their growth has stopped. Now scientists are working to develop a new kind of computers that based on Quantum physics rules which will be totally different from traditional computer. The Quantum computes are more powerful than traditional computers. The Quantum computer will solve those problems which are not solvable by traditional computers. It takes a very short time to compute a transection which traditional computer takes many years to compute. The era of research, development and progress totally changed due to this grate invention. It is accepted that in upcoming years these Quantum computer will take place of traditional computers.
Security Issue and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey and Attacks[Full-Text ] Mosiur Rahaman, Abdul AzizWireless Sensor Network processing sensitive data this are facing the risk of data manipulation, data fraud and sensor distribution or replacement, this concern application such as the gathering of data on environmental pollution around industrial installation or sensor system, replacing traditional video monitoring, large scale deployment in practice is condition by solving this kind of security problem and reducing the risk due to limited physical protection of the device and openness of wireless communication chances, while modern cryptography and computer .Confidentiality, integrity and Authentication are the most important data security treat. Security offer many ways of solving this problem, they are focused on solution of high performance devices, and not for computationally weak sensor with limited communication.
Detection and Extraction of Tumor Region from Brain MRI using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Seeded Region Growth[Full-Text ] Harsimranjot Kaur, Dr. Reecha SharmaThe detection of brain tumor is one of the most challenging tasks in the field of medical image processing, since brain images are very complicated and tumors can be analyzed efficiently only by the expert radiologists. Therefore, there is a significant need to automate this process. In this paper, a method for the automatic detection of the tumor from the brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images has been proposed. For this, the region-based segmentation of the input MRI image is done. The wavelet-based decomposition of the input image is done and the input image is reconstructed on the basis of soft thresholding for the enhancement of the image. After that, fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) followed by seeded region growing is applied to detect and segment the tumor from the brain MRI image and finally comparison with Sobel operator is done on the basis of accuracy, and sensitivity values for performance analysis. The results for the proposed technique are better than the results obtained by using Sobel operator.
Analytical Comparison of Manual and Automatic Software Testing Using Markov Chain Model[Full-Text ] Raj Kumari, Dr. Roshan Lal Hiranwal, Dr. Ashish ShahModel based testing is the application of model base design and optionally also executing artifact to perform Software testing. Model can be used to represent the desired behavior of a system under test (SUT) or represent testing strategies and a test environment. A model describing SUT is usually an abstract, partial presentation of the system under test desired behavior. Test cases derived from such a model are functional test on the same level of abstraction as the model. The test cases are collectively known as abstract test suite. A Markov chain (discrete-time Markov chain or DTMC), named after Andrey Markov, a Russian mathematician is a random process that undergoes transitions from one state to another on a state space. It must possess a property that is usually characterized as "memorylessness". The probability distribution of the next state depends only on the current state and not on the sequence of events that preceded it. This specific kind of "memorylessness" is called the Markov property.
Traditional knowledge of therapeutic use of animals by Rongmei Tribe, Manipur, India[Full-Text ] G Ngaomei and E J SinghRongmei is relying on animals and its body parts for curing various diseases like the other tribal communities. Trust of traditional knowledge, distance from modern healthcare, slow recovery and expensive modern healthcare, Rongmeis are largely depending on the traditional way of diseases treatment. Questionnaires were prepared to ask the medicine practitioners and various informants of Tamenglong District to collect the therapeutic use of animals and its parts for treatment of diseases such as stomachache, stone case, skin diseases, sexual dysfunction, diabetes, bone joining, rheumatism etc. The Rongmei tribe used 26 species of domesticated and wild animals in treatment of various diseases. Some of the treatments have been reported to provide miraculous healings in various kinds of ailments. A specific survey was conducted to facilitate health care and to preserve useful animals and its body parts.
Quality of Service and Performance Analysis of A GSM Network In Eagle Square, Abu-ja and Its Environs, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Lawal B. Y., Ukhurebor K. E., Adekoya M. A., Aigbe E.EQuality of Service (QoS) and Quality of end-user Experience (QoE) are the two major techniques used for judging the performance of GSM services. While the former is adjudged by service providers, the latter is determined by reactions from end-users (subscribers). Assessment of GSM services from service providers’ perspective is usually based on some Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This paper utilize the five major KPIs (CCSF, TCH-CR, CSSR, DCR, HOSR) to assess the GSM QoS provided by MTN, Nigeria to cover Eagle Square Abuja before, during and after PDP presidential primary election. The results show that the KPIs deviate from the recommended values both during the event and non-event period thus the QoS requires an uncompromising improvements inorder to curtail further degradation in the services derived by the rapidly increasing subscribers’ rate.
Application of System Analysis and Information System Development of a Pilot Project GISColza[Full-Text ] M.L. Naas, F. Annabi, M. Belhadj, M.N. Lakhoua, M. AnnabiWithin the framework of the reasoned diversification of cultures, the pilot project of relaunching of the Rape's sector (Relance de la Filière du Colza: RFC) has been defined. This innovative and partnership project adopted a quality approach encompassing in particular the definition of an information system. A cultural referential was adopted and a ministerial decree was published. A systemic methodological approach was adopted and a monitoring system for various activities of the project stakeholders was implemented. A structured analysis of these identified activities adopted a hierarchical approach using an informational logic. An innovative Research Action was retained by the IRESA and funding was granted. The results of both experienced Campaigns are summarily presented. Perspectives are finally suggested in the objective of ensuring the sustainability of the RFC project and be able to adapt to other cultures as well as farm management system.
Effect of boron content on the estimated fracture toughness of FeCo-based bulk metallic glass alloys[Full-Text ] S. Zameer Abbas, F. Ahmad Khalid, H. ZaighamFeCo-based bulk metallic glass alloy materials with the compositions (Fe0.5Co0.5)69-xNb6B25+x (x = 0, 2, 4) were produced by using electric arc melting furnace and suction casting technique. The samples were studied and analyzed in as-cast, and sub-Tg annealed conditions. Fracture toughness of the bulk metallic glass alloys was estimated using the size of the plastically deformed zone that was produced through the bonded interface technique. The estimated values of fracture toughness obtained were comparable to tough bulk metallic glass materials. A maximum value of 93 MPa√m was obtained for the alloy with lowest boron content indicating a composition range with high fracture toughness.
Dust detection and removal from identified source camera using masking with Itti Koch method[Full-Text ] Manpreet Kaur, Reecha SharmaThe image processing is the technique to process various type of information regarding images. This work is mainly focused on various information regarding camera. Also the source camera identification techniques are explained which will analyze various features of the image and on the basis of these features camera type and other information is related. The features of the image are analyzed and on the basis of image feature the whole work of identifying the camera type and dust detection from the image using masking is done. Also bilateral filtering is done to increase the quality of the image.
Comparative Analysis of classification Algorithms using WEKA tool[Full-Text ] Shivangi Gupta, Neeta VermaTo group the similar objects together and separate the dissimilar ones are done by using the data mining techniques.. Clustering is one of the unsupervised technique of Data Mining. Each object in the data set is assigned a class label in the clustering process using a distance measure. This paper explains the analysis of classification and clustering using some terms like Kappa Statistics ,Mean Absolute Error , Confusion Matrix ,Classification Accuracy correctly classified, incorrectly classified ,root mean square error for different algorithms of classification and clustering. This paper considers the most extensively used tools ,WEKA tool for this analysis purpose. The training and testing is performed for this analysis .There exist several validation indexes for training testing the performance and accuracy which have also been discussed here.
Development of Ca-deficient Apatite Cement for Bone Substitution[Full-Text ] E. Gourri, A. Elouahli, M. Ezzahmouly, N. Monsif, M. Jamil, Z. HatimThe objective of the present study is the development of new formulation of ca-deficient apatite cement formed by mixing both calcium phosphate solid and liquid phases with atomic ratio Ca/P equal to 1.63. The solid phase was composed of tetracalcium phosphate powder (Ca4(PO4)2O, TTCP), the liquid phase was an aqueous solution comprising phosphoric acid (H3PO4), and calcium chloride (CaCl2, 2H2O). The mixture of the obtained paste with some additives has been immersed in deionized water at 37°C in order to be characterized by various techniques in different time intervals. The result showed that after mixing, the components turn into a malleable paste that sets in approximately 5-22 min and hardens without disintegration in deionized water. The setting of cement is due to the formation of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (CaHPO4), 2H2O: DCPD) crystallized as entangled platelets. After setting, the paste’s physico-chemical and morphological change leads to the hardened cement composed of rich-HPO42- ion apatite, poorly crystallized as needle-like entangled. The in vivo resorbability of prepared cement can be theoretically predicted to be more interesting comparing to the conventional cement: hydroxyapatite-cement and dicalcium phosphate dihydrate-cement.
Design and Thermodynamics performance evaluation of a new Stirling engine prototype[Full-Text ] M. Oulhazzan, M. Nachtane, D. Saifaoui, D. Winninger, Y. AroussyIn this study we will make a Thermodynamics analysis of a Stirling engine to evaluate the performance based on thermodynamic balance, looking for a motor cycle high performance, multi-source energy and less pollution resulted in the revision of the Stirling cycle. Many prototype engines were designed, but their performance remains relatively small compared with other kinds of combustion engines. In order to enhance their performance and analyze their operations, a numerical simulation model taking into account the heat losses has been developed and used in this document. To optimize engine performance, a model for predicting of energy was created for an innovative solar concentrator system connected to Stirling engine. The performance forecasting models have been implemented in the EES Software taking into account the location and long-term performance of such system.
Combined Term Weighting Scheme using FFNN, GA, MR, Sum, & Average for Text Classification[Full-Text ] Mohamed Abdel Fattah, Mohammad Golam SohrabThis work presents empirical studies on building a combinational process from different term weighting approaches to address a new Combined-Term-Weighting-Scheme (CTWS) in information access system, especially on automatic text classification (ATC). The CTWS including, TFCC, TFMI, TFOR, TFPB, TFRF, TFIDF, TFICF, TFICSδF, TFIDFICF, and TFIDFICSδF are used to generate the CTWS approach. Moreover, we introduce five different models to create global weight from a certain weighting scheme to assist the proposed approach. In this study, besides summation and average approaches, well-known mathematical regression (MR), genetic algorithm (GA), and Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) are incorporated for creating global weights from a certain weighting scheme. Experiment results show that the proposed combined term weighting schemes including, CTWS-Sum, CTWS-Avg., CTWS-FFNN, CTWS-GA, and CTWS-MR are very effective on the Reuter-21578, 20Newsgroups, and RCV1-v2/LYRL2004 datasets over the Centroid, Naive Bayes (NB) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers to enhance classification task.
HIGH-CONVERSION-RATIO BIDIRECTIONAL DC-DC CONVERTER WITH COUPLED INDUCTOR[Full-Text ] K.SRINIVAS, A.RANA SREEIn this paper, a high-conversion-ratio bidirectional dc–dc converter with coupled inductor is proposed. In the boost mode, two capacitors are parallel charged and series discharged by the coupled inductor. Thus, high step-up voltage gain can be achieved with an appropriate duty ratio. The voltage stress on the main switch is reduced by a passive clamp circuit. Therefore, the low resistance RDS (ON) of the main switch can be adopted to reduce conduction loss. In the buck mode, two capacitors are series charged and parallel discharged by the coupled inductor. The bidirectional converter can have high step-down gain. Aside from that, all of the switches achieve zero voltage-switching turn-on, and the switching loss can be improved. Due to two active clamp circuits, the energy of the leakage inductor of the coupled inductor is recycled. The efficiency can be further improved. The operating principle and the steady-state analyses of the voltage gain are discussed.
A STUDY ON MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION IN FEMALE-RISK FACTOR ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Dr. Afsana RahmanCardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality and CVD in women will continue to be a public health priority as significant numbers of aging women are at increased risk. The lifetime risk for persons at age 50 years, on average, estimated to be 52% for men and 39% for women, with a wide variation depending on risk factor burden. Differences in the epidemiology of CAD between men and women show that women are generally at a lower risk than their male counterparts. The risk in mortality from CAD around the age of menopause has lead to speculation that endogenous estrogen in premenopausal women has a protective effect. Although risk of CHD does not abruptly increase at the moment of natural menopause, rates of heart disease rise sharply during the period of the climacteric. A woman found to have coronary calcification or increased carotid intimal thickness may be at low risk for CAD based on the Framingham risk score, but she may be actually at intermediate or high risk for a future event. Maternal placental syndromes in combination with traditional risk factors such as prepregnancy,hypertension,DM,obesity,dyslipidemia&metabolic syndrome, may be additive in defining CAD risk in women.
Finding the Centre of Infinite Lie Algebra[Full-Text ] Dr. Ameer Abdulmageed alkhawagah L reductive lie algebra M is called standard lie algebra , if it is ideal for some Parabolic of subalgebra , this case when M is complete linear algebra are studied by G.B. Gurevich [1, 2]
General conformal mapping and some Torsion Problems in the complex plane[Full-Text ] R. T . MatoogIn this paper, we obtain the complex torsion functions for the cross section bounded by closed contour ï‡ in z- plane.
IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF FLOOD DISASTER ON LIVELIHOODS OF FARMERS IN SELECTED FARMING COMMUNITIES IN OKE-OGUN REGION OF OYO STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Sunday Opeyemi OKELEYE, Felix B. OLORUNFEMI, Jean Mianikpo SOGBEDJI, Mawuli AZIADEKEYOke-Ogun Area of Oyo State, which is widely known as the food basket of South-Western Nigeria, is a flood prone area exacerbated by climate variability. Therefore, this study was carried out mainly to assess the impact of flood disasters on the livelihoods of farmers in Oke-Ogun Region of Oyo state, Nigeria. The data collected through in-depth interview, structured questionnaires, Focused Group Discussions and portable GPS were subjected to analysis, using descriptive and inferential statistics.
PRODUCTION AND QUALITY EVALUTION OF RASOGOLLA PREPARED FROM MILK WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF FAT[Full-Text ] G.Madanmohan reddy, Er.Puneet aroraThe aim of study to prepare rasogolla from milk sample having four different levels milk fat percentage with an aim for lowering the cost of production. And study the chemical and sensory characteristics of Rasogolla. Before making chhana, milk samples were analyzed in the laboratory to know their fat content by using Gerber method. It was found that milk contains 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0% fat respectively.
Evaluation of impacts of soil and water conservation on Watershed hydrology of Kulfo River Using Hydrologic SWAT Models, SNNPR[Full-Text ] Ayalkibet Mekonnen Seka, Abdella Kemal MohammedLand degradation due to soil erosion and nutrient depletion is one of the main problems constraining the development of the agricultural sector in Ethiopia. For this problem Ethiopian governments have attempted to implement different soil and water conservation activities. The main objectives of this work was to assess the impact of implemented SWC Practices in the watershed, to reduce land degradation and to realize the results so far achieved, using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model.
Evaluating Facilities Layout Designs using Fuzzy - MCDM method[Full-Text ] G.Shashikumar, Bijan Sarkar, S.K.SanyalThe relationships among the industrial facilities, space available for those facilities and cost involved are the important factors in determining the proper selection of a Facility Layout Design (FLD). Generally, a FLD problem is taken to be an unstructured decision making problem. The real-world fuzziness associated with various factors determining the FLDs pose real difficulties in developing and using ready made models for layout design. Crisp data is always not fully useful but sometimes becomes a hindrance in correctly assessing an industrial scenario. Hence, it is always better to make the situation as structured as possible.
VARIABILITY, CORRELATION AND PATH COEFFICIENT ANALYSIS OF RICE (Oryza sativa L.)[Full-Text ] BINOD PRASAD BHATT, NIRANJAN ARYAL , SAUGAT SHARMA NEUPANE, SURENDRA POUDELRice (Oryza sativa L.), is widely grown in tropical and subtropical regions (Ezuka and Kaku, 2000). All the varieties of rice found in Asia, America and Europe belongs to Oryza sativa and varieties found in West Africa belong to Oryza glaberrima. Oryza sativa is a diploid species having 24 chromosomes. The sativa rice species are commonly grouped in to three subspecies namely, Indica,, Japonica and Javanica.