Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 .
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Etude Epidémiologique et Clinique des cas du cancer du col de l’utérus soignés à l’Hôpital Provincial Général de Référence de Kinshasa (HPGRK) sur une période de 9 ans[Full-Text ] PONGI .M. Jackson, NGUMA .M .ALOIS, MBUTUKULa présente étude rétrospective a été consacrée à l’analyse épidémiologique et Clinique des cas du cancer du col de l’utérus soignés à l’HPGRK sur une période de 9 ans. Il ressort de cette étude que: Sur 19000 consultations, 305 cancers ont été diagnostiqués dont 263 cas pour le cancer du col de l’utérus (86, 2%) et 42 pour les autres cancers (13,8%) *Cette pathologie existe activement dans notre milieu et occupe une place de choix dans les pathologies gynécologiques.*Cette tumeur souvent de découverte tardive frappe par prédilection les patientes de vie modeste provenant des communes populaires, âgées de 36-59 ans et grandes multipares.*La métrorragie, l’hypogastralgie et la leucorrhée constituent le symptôme dominant de ces maladies *La prise en charge correcte des maladies est entravée d’une part par l’arrivée tardive de celles-ci, et, d’autre part par le manque des moyens adéquats pour la prise en charge de ces stades avancés.
Study The Effect Of The Shape And Length Of The Baffle On The Hydrodynamic Structure In A Tank Agitated By A Rushton Turbine[Full-Text ] Mohammed Foukrach, Mohamed BouzitIn this study, the shape of four square teeth of the baffle was tested with effect of the baffle length L on power consumption for an agitated vessel equipped by a Rushton turbine with six blades. The CFX code was employed for a numerical simulation of the turbulent flows in agited tanks with MRF technique, the Navier-Stokes equations were discretized by the finite volumes method, with a standard k-ε model. Numerical predictions have been compared with literature data and a satisfactory agreement has been found.
Screening Methods for Cervical Cancer in China and DR Congo (Africa)[Full-Text ] PongiMpaka Jackson, RutahoileWillfrediusMugishagwe, Yu ShaominThis study is a comparison between the People’s Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Congo with regard to the different methods of screening the cervix cancer in the following cases: High-risk HPV test, Cytology (Pap testing, TSB system), VIA/VILI ,Colposcopy.
Patient Centric Health Model using Attribute Based Encryption[Full-Text ] Mr. A.Arokiaraj Jovith, Ms. P. V Sai VaishnaviThe terms Internet and Cloud play a major role in this era of innovations. They provide a new way of optimizing resources and cost. Due to its ‘pay as you use’ policy most of the industries are moving towards this cloud based model, with this the Health care industry also drifted towards the cloud model. In cloud model the data is out sourced to a third party for maintenance. Even though the adoption of cloud model is a futuristic move, there are lot of concerns with privacy and confidentiality being the major one. This paper discusses about a health care model that can provide security to data stored at a third party site. This model is basically a web based application that provides access to health information. The control of access is completely owned by the patient. Attribute Based Encryption is used for encrypting the medical records and to a large extent provides fine grained level of access control.
Humanity Bounces Back The Disasters Impacts[Full-Text ] Syed Sajjad Nasir KazmiRisk avoidance is the hall mark of Disaster Management discipline which continuously coerces with the pre-disaster mitigation and preparation as well as emergency management during the disaster and post disaster response and recovery activities in such a way to expedite not only the re-connectivity of human life but also a full fledge Re-Development of the societies. This process is incessant and perpetual initiated by the individual human beings, societies, communities and the nations with an aim to revolutionize the disaster impacts annihilated by the hazards and the risks associated with them.
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE SAND CONTROL METHODS USED IN THE OIL INDUSTRY (CASE STUDY OF THE NIGER DELTA)[Full-Text ] Omohimoria Charles, Udeagbara Stephen, Eme OnyekaziSand production which is the production of formation sand alongside formation fluids (oil, gas and water) due to the unconsolidated nature of the formation is one of the oldest problems plaguing the oil industry because of its safety, economic and/or environmental impact on production. Every reservoir has a threshold pressure which is the pressure at which a well will produce sand free but the threshold pressure is below economic production rate so, the threshold pressure is usually ignored so as to produce at a maximum rate from a sand stone reservoir thus, the occurrence of sand production. There is therefore need for sand control methods. The main sand control methods used in the oil industry in Nigeria are internal gravel packing (IGP) and sand control using chemicals (SCON). In other to properly optimize production and monitor sand controlled wells, it is imperative to evaluate the performance of the well, sand control effectiveness and durability of the sand control methods in other to achieve the main aim of hydrocarbon production. This project work is aimed at comparing the two basic sand control methods with respect to their performance, durability and sand control effectiveness. This aim was achieved by collecting production data from ten wells in the Niger-Delta area where IGP and SCON have been used. The well inflow quality indicator (WIQI) which is the ratio of actual to ideal productivity index and indicates better performance when WIQI is closer to or equal to 1 was used to determine the performance of the sand control methods. Histograms were plotted for volume of sand produced against sand control methods and also for duration (years) against the wells to determine the effectiveness and durability of the sand control methods respectively and the results show that IGP is more effective and more durable than SCON. Based on the result of this project work, IGP is therefore recommended for sand control in the Niger-Delta area of Nigeria.
An investigation into Nokia- Microsoft Strategic Alliance: Joining forces in the global Smartphone Industry[Full-Text ] Dulal Chandra PattakSmartphone industry is one of the rival industries in the world because the contemporary issues bear the testimony to this. The recent strategic alliance between two big giants Nokia and Microsoft proves that there is extremely high competition in the industry because Nokia being the market leader once has become bound to make this deal with Microsoft to sustain in the market. This study aims to critically analyze the strategic alliance of Nokia and Microsoft. So, a critical evaluation of the nature of competition facing Nokia from new operating systems entering the market has been analyzed. Besides, the impact of global Smartphone industry competition on Nokia’s Smartphone market share and income has been discussed. Moreover, a critical assessment of strategic alliances and merger and acquisition in the context of Nokia and Microsoft to achieve sustainable competitive advantage has been carried out. It also aims to analyze how the strategic alliance helped Nokia to stop the decline of market share in the global market. In addition, this study covers how this deal can be beneficial to the employees. Side by side, the role of the CEO and senior management to make current and future strategic alliances to work more successfully has been evaluated. Different strategic model like SWOT, Five forces, PESTEL and other model have been used to critically analyze the issue. The study finds that Nokia basically faced severe competition after 2007 when Apple along with Samsung came with touch screen Smartphone. Nokia failed to read the emotion of consumers on Smartphone and was late to introduce this. It introduced Windows mobile and new OS to compete in the market. But this strategy did not work much better. Finally, some recommendations have been given so that they can do better taking lessons from this strategic alliances because the competition will be extremely high due to the frequent changes and innovation in the technology.
A Study On Various Staff Level Attrition In An Automobile Industry Using Datamining Techniques[Full-Text ] Vijayakumar R, Dr.N.R.AnanthanarayananAttrition is an issue and high in the industry these days. It’s the major problem which highlights in all the organizations. So, the organization loses key skills, knowledge and business relationships. Advance managers and administrators are reallyfascinated in reducing Attrition in the organization, in this way that it will contribute to the high effectiveness, big growth, and continues progress of the organization.
A new Simplified Security Proposal for VAS-SMS Services, between TV, Radio Stations and 3G Mobile Phone Networks[Full-Text ] Saad Abdalratha Makki, Hasan Kadhim AlsuwaiediValue Added Services VAS in Mobile-Phone-Networks, found its way to TV & Radio stations through the benefits from the huge audience or followers they got. Also the traditional media decides to get advantages of VAS services and consider it as a new revenue source. The traditional TV & Radio stations and the mobile phone network based on 3G technologies and beyond, both get dramatic changes by the new information technologies. So the partnership between the mobile-phone-networks and the traditional-media was unavoidable. The contribution of the third party which called MVAS (mobile value added service providers) companies that works between the mobile-phone-networks and the traditional media as a linkage ring station, for both main partners. The previous three parties try to get there share from the revenue of the VAS-SMS service. This paper suggest a new proposal based on excluding the role of MVAS companies by designing and implementing a New-SMS-Signature System, as a new Message Authentication Code MAC mechanism, that guaranties the Authentication & the Integrity criteria concerned with SMS flows between the traditional TV & Radio stations and the mobile phone network company. The target is to overcoming the security threats between the main two partners, without the need for a third part as MVAS companies, taking the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) as a case study.
Design and Optimization of Perimetric Disc Brake Rotor[Full-Text ] Tanuj Joshi, Sharang KaulIn today’s era, brake designers of the greatest automotive companies are being pushed to their limits in search of an innovative design that leads to better safety of passengers, increased driver comfort and an ergonomically designed quick response system. Important parameters which decide the braking performance of a vehicle are deceleration, stopping distance, stopping time. The aim of this research is to propose a new automotive brake rotor for a sport bike which will increase the maximum deceleration of the vehicle thus reducing stopping distance and time. Also its performance is compared with conventional automotive disc rotor. Static structural and Thermal stress analysis have been carried out on the conventional disc rotor and proposed perimetric rotor design to evaluate and compare the stress and deformation pattern of the rotors under extreme loads. Finite element analysis is employed for both static structural and thermal stress analysis. Temperature load was applied on the rotors and the temperature distribution was analysed considering cooling parameters (convection). An attempt is also made to suggest a best combination of material and thickness used for disc brake rotor, which yields a low temperature variation across the rotor, less deformation, and minimum von mises stress.
Simulation and Control of Pv-Wind-HydroHybrid Renewable Energy System and Possibility in Nepal[Full-Text ] Er.Sujan AcharyaThis paper presents a hybrid renewable energy system consisting of solar photovoltaic, wind energy system and micro hydro system that supplies electricity to isolated locations or remote areas that are far from the grid supply. The solar photovoltaic system is simulated with a power converter, the first one being a DC-DC converter with maximum power point tracking. The Wind power system is designed using Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG). The wind energy system has two power converters, AC-DC and DC-DC converters to obtain smooth and constant DC output to form a DC bus with the photovoltaic system output. The dc output from PV/Wind hybrid system is converted to ac via an inverter.
HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN INDIA (HEI)[Full-Text ] Rekha N, Dr. Easwaran IyerHigher Education in India can be traced from the time when students use to attain the gurukul or madarasa (the islamic learning community) to gain knowledge. The system took major change after independnce and today, higher education in India starts after the higher secondary or 12th standard. While it takes 3 years for completing a degree and pass in the programme or to have B.A., B.Sc or B.Com pass or honors degree from a college in India, pursuing an engineering course would take four years and five years with six months of additional compulsory internship) for completing a degree in medicine or law. Postgraduate courses generally are of two years duration. But there are some courses like Master of Computer Application (MCA) which are of three years duration. For those who cannot afford to attend regular classes for various preoccupations can pursue correspondence courses from various Open Universities and distance learning institutes in India
Homology modeling and docking studies of 3 oxoacyl synthase II protein of Neisseria meningitidis[Full-Text ] Vaibhav B. Sabale, Arun G. IngaleMeningitis disease is the inflammation of protective membrane covering the brain and spinal cord known collectively as the meninges. The bacterial meningitis disease has repeatedly causes outbreak worldwide. Neisseria meningitidis (NM) is major causative agent of bacterial meningitis. The 3 oxoacyl (acyl carrier protein) synthase II enzyme which involved in fatty acid biosynthesis of Neisseria meningitidis. This enzyme is involved in fatty acid synthesis and target to discovery of novel antibacterial agent. In this study insilico analysis was done. Modeller was used to generate three dimensional (3D) structure modeling of 3 oxoacyl synthase II using wild type E. coli fabF (KASII) (PDB ID- 2GFW) protein 3D structure. The validation of modeled structure protein was using structural analysis and verification server (SAVES) tools. Ligands selection was performed using Drugbank and PubChem databases used for the molecular docking of protein and ligands compounds. Present investigation may show good interaction energy values of protein and ligand to understand functional aspect to development of novel drug against Meningitis disease using insilico approach.
Hadith About War Among Muslims In Research Simultaneously[Full-Text ] Dr. DamanhuriThe researched Hadith about war among muslims was a narrated hadith of Abu Hurayrah booked by al-Bukhari. In hadith above, there were some narrators such as Umar bin Hafs, Hafs bin Ghiyas, Al-A’mash, Shaqiq and Abd Allah Ibn Mas’ud. In a partial analysis then obtained results that: 1. All the narrators in the sanad of hadith existing, are fully qualified: thiqah. 2. All the narrators respectively meet with the transmitters as his teacher, except Shaqiq narration of Abd Allah Ibn Mas'ud that is not contiguous. Thus concluded that the chains hadith is disconnected. 3. Matan of Hadith was not shadh, meaning that it is not contrary to the argument of naqli, either al-Qur’an and hadith with higher sanad quality. 4. Matan of Hadith does not also exposed to illat, meaning that it is not contrary to the argument of aqli, both with a healthy mind, senses, history, and science . Thus it is concluded that the hadith is da’if al-hadith.
Numerical Analysis of Concrete Pile on expansive soil slope[Full-Text ] Abdo Ali Mohamed, Yuan Jun-Ping, Bashir H.Osman, Mohammed MokhtarThis paper presents a numerical model that can be used to analyze the effect of lateral pressure due to swelling deformation action through simulations. An example problems were analyzed involving the behavior of a swelling soil for slope without pile. An equation proposed by Zhang (2010) is introduced in ABAQUS considering the swelling as surface force. The tendency for increase water content in homogenous expansive slope stabilized with pile has been proved by the result obtained from the analysis. The comparison between different pressures acting on the pile under different water content shows that the maximum pressure of 450 kPa is achieved when the water content was 20% at the pile active zone. Furthermore, the result shows that the pressure acting on the pile in the passive zone is a bit greater than that acting on the pile active zone. The pile horizontal displacement is affected by water content change by about 39.13%. The developed FE models can serve as a numerical platform for performance predictions of concrete pile on expansive soil with different slope and water content.
Wireless Robot for Personal Mine Detection and Extraction Equipped with a Wide Range Metal Detector Sensor[Full-Text ] W.M.M. Seada, E. Kamal and M. A. KoutbThis paper deals with design and implementation of a novel low cost- four wheels mine detection and extraction robot. The powering, driving and controlling circuits are illustrated. It is multitasks cooperative controlled robot for personal land-mine detection and extraction of the mines from the ground as a solution for the landmine detection and extraction problem. It is capable of operating very long time using a new mechanism for the mine detection and extraction. An efficient design of electromagnetic induction metal detector sensor is achieved. A distributed sensors fusion system that identifies the robot environment and operation is developed. The robot extracts the mine by drilling the soil, catching the mine and extracting it from the ground while enabling the operator to control the robot wirelessly from a safe distance. The robot Path planning and scanning process is carried out based upon a defined routine. The overall system has controlled using PICs 18F452 microcontroller circuits. A prototype is presented showing the illustrated design.
AN OBJECT ORIENTED APPROACH TO ELECTRONIC MEDICAL REPORTING[Full-Text ] Dr. Onu Fergus U, ObianyoObianuju . RDue to the growing demand for effective quality medical care, there is need to transform the paper based record to digital form. This will enhance accuracy, efficiency and better patient tracking as well as increasing the production of services. The research paper work explores the use of an object oriented approach to an electronic medical reporting. The aim of this paper is to streamline patient information and make it accessible at any point in time for proper and quality medical treatment. It was designed using object oriented programming (OOP) which makes it is very simple, easy to develop and maintain the system. It is strongly believe that this research paper work will help to streamline patient’s information and its accessibility which helps to improve the efficiency, quality as well as standardization of medical care in Nigeria.
Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of a Double-action Melon Seed Shelling Machine[Full-Text ] Terhemba Iorpev, Rita O. Onah, Samuel B. ObettaMelon seeds contain high level of protein and oil which is relatively higher than the values in some oil-bearing seeds (cotton and groundnut). Its importance in daily meals and vegetable oil industry cannot be over emphasized. But the drudgery and poor rate of shelling associated with the manual shelling method is discouraging the industrial production of vegetable oil from melon seeds. So, a double-action shelling machine was designed, developed and tested in response to the challenge. The machine consists of a hopper, shelling unit, delivery chute, electric motor and a frame. The shelling of the seeds was effected by the sequential double-action of impact and shear forces generated by a rotating component at two separate regions. A performance evaluation of the machine was done at 750, 950 rpm and 18, 20, 22, 25% moisture content (db) in three replicates. Maximum shelling efficiency percentage of 85.29% and seed breakage percentage of 0.026% was obtained at 20% moisture content (db) and 950rpm operational speed. The seed breakage percentage was the lowest among the works cited. The capacity of the machine was 48.58 kg per hour at 950rpm operational speed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) at P≤0.05 significance level showed that both the speed and moisture content levels have significant effect on the shelling efficiency while moisture content alone has significant effect on the seed breakage percentage. The machine is suitable and recommended for domestic and industrial use.
Structural Cost Optimization using Interval FEM[Full-Text ] Simi Rose GeorgeIn the conventional (deterministic) FEM, the possibility of failure is reduced to acceptably small levels by factors of safety based on judgment-derived from past successful and unsuccessful performances. By contrast, the interval FEM can be applied in situations where it is not possible to get reliable probabilistic characteristics of the structure. This is important in concrete structures, wood structures, composite structures, biomechanics and in many other areas. The goal of the Interval Finite Element Method is to find upper and lower bounds of different characteristics of the model (e.g. stress, displacements, yield surface etc.) and use these results in the design process. Deflection, bending moment & shear forces of structure are computed using MATLAB coding. And designed a structure using modified IS code equations. The cost of structure is calculated and compared with the cost from conventional design.
Computer-based Medical Group Decision Support for Stroke Patients[Full-Text ] Retantyo Wardoyo, Widyastuti AndriyaniA patient having a certain disease will have a medical record for disease to support the doctors. For stroke disease, a patient will get treatment referring to the governance according to the disease record for supporting proper action for the patient. This disease needs a extra high careful in handling since it has connection with neuron structure which is vulnerable on every part of human organs. In this research, a model for governance medicalto support group decision on stroke was developed. System model used for this system is the governance for neurologist disease, lung disease, heart disease, neuro disease, internal disease, and endocrine disease. This system is designed for specialist doctors and p for paramedics involved in this Group Decision Support System (GDSS). The database for the system is centralised so that if an involving doctor is not available, the system will provide a solution for the existing.
ASIC Implementation for the Hardware Architecture Used in Cyclostationary Detector[Full-Text ] D.Damodaram, T.VenkateswarluMost of the spectrum is found unutilized in wireless communications. The cognitive radio (CR) is one technique has come into existence for the sake of utilizing the unused spectrum effectively with less interference. In this radio system the key concept is identifying the holes (spaces) in the designated frequency spectrum allotted and utilizing the bandwidth efficiently. Among all the methods available for spectrum sensing, cyclostationary detection is found to be more effective and efficient. This cyclostationary feature mainly emphases on the presence of primary user. By using cyclic cross-periodogram matrix, the calculation of threshold of a signal is carried out to find the existence of noise or signal. The difficulty in evaluating the targeted threshold can be overcome by means of training an artificial neural network and extract cyclostationary feature by FFT accumulation method. This paper is proposes a hardware architecture for cyclostationary feature detection using FFT accumulation method and artificial neural network. This architecture is implemented using TSMC180 nm cadence RTL compiler library. From the Cadence synthesis report it is found that the maximum frequency of operation is 154 MHz and this frequency of operation is twice that of the one used for FPGA implementation.
Performance Evaluation of Maximum-Likelihood Algorithm afterApplying PCA on LISS 3 Image using Python Platform[Full-Text ] MayuriChatse, Vikas Gore, RasikaKalyane, Dr. K. V. KaleThis paper presents a system for multispectral image processing of LISS3 image using python programming language. The system starts with preprocessing technique i.e. by applying PCA on LISS3 image.PCA reduces image dimensionality by processing new, uncorrelated bands consisting of the principal components (PCs) of the given bands. Thus, this method transforms the original data set into a new dataset, which captures essential information.Further classification is done through maximum-likelihood algorithm. It is tested and evaluated on selected area i.e. region of interest. Accuracy is evaluated by confusion matrix and kappa statics.Satellite imagery tool using python shows better result in terms of overall accuracy and kappa coefficient than ENVI tool’s for maximum-likelihood algorithm.
A DELAY EFFICIENT PROTOCOL DESIGN FOR DATA COMMUNICATION[Full-Text ] Safia K Muhammed, Sangeetha Jose, Remesh BabuSecurity and delay are the major issues in distributed system while storing or transferring of confidential data. Confidential or sensitive data can only accessed by authorized person. The users need to store their confidential data more securely within limited time. This paper propose a delay efficient protocol design for data communication with a novel algorithm implementation for protecting sensitive data stored in distributed system. The proposed algorithm is based on data masking techniques in which original data is masked with this algorithm and then encrypted with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. Here it uses two keys for data masking and encryption to provide high security. This paper also conducted a comparative study of three symmetric key encryption techniques which are AES, Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Triple DES (TDES).
THE IMPACT OF DIABETES IN PROGRESS OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE[Full-Text ] D0c.Dr. Dorentina Bexheti, Prof. Dr. Sci. Med. Lutfi ZYLBEARI, Prof.Dr. Sadi Bexheti, Mr. Dr. Gazmend Zylbeari, Mr. Dr.Zamira BexhetiDiabetes is the most common cause of kidney failure, accounting for nearly 44 percent of new cases. Even when diabetes is controlled, the disease can lead to CKD and kidney failure. Most people with diabetes do not develop CKD that is severe enough to progress to kidney failure. Nearly 24 million people in the United States have diabetes, and nearly 180,000 people are living with kidney failure as a result of diabetes.1year in the United States, more than 100,000 people are diagnosed with kidney failure, a serious condition in which the kidneys fail to rid the body of wastes.1 Kidney failure is the final stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD).People with kidney failure undergo either dialysis, an artificial blood-cleaning process, or transplantation to receive a healthy kidney from a donor. Most U.S. citizens who develop kidney failure are eligible for federally funded care. In 2005, care for patients with kidney failure cost the United States nearly $32 billion.
Visual pollution caused by banners and signage installed on buildings facades Case study: Alexandria versus Moscow city[Full-Text ] Mona M. NaguibVisual pollution represents a kind of sensual pollution that is sometimes less sharply defined as chemical pollution, but it harms and degrades urban environment with a similar -if not bigger- magnitude.Visual pollution caused by buildings sector has became recently a main source of visual pollution in congested cities. It has harmful impact on the human psychology and their quality of life. Overcrowding, absence of aesthetics morals, excessive advertising on building facades and fails of the government to control building laws and regulations are all causes of buildings visual pollution.This type of pollution can be controlled through a serious implementation of laws. Many cities worldwide have taken various measures to minimize this undesirable pollution. In this paper, the aspect of visual pollution is selected and analyzed. It also focuses on the high density of banners and signages installed on building facades as a major contributor of visual pollution especially at the city center. A comparison will be done in this paper between the efforts made by Egyptian and Russian governmentsin order to eliminate thie prevalence of visual pollution for urban unison.
Shear Strength Parameters of Fly Ash-Lime-Metakaolin Mix[Full-Text ] Ann Mary Mathew, Pavan Kumar COver the years, due to rapid industrialisation and urbanisation, the demand of electricity has increased that leads to creation of more number of thermal power plants in the country.One of the important byproduct formed from thermal power plant is fly ash that causes disposal problems. As a part of development, India has taken initiative in developing infrastructure such as express highways, power projects and industrial structures etc., to meet the requirements of globalisation. All these developments require large quantities of material for its construction. This study is conducted to analyse the shear strength behaviour of fly ash added with lime and metakaolin so that it can be effectively used in construction field.The materials used in this study are fly ash, lime and metakaolin. Metakaolin is a dehydrated form of the Kaolinite clay mineral which accelerates the hydration of OPC. In this study, the shear strength parameters are analysed by conducting unconsolidated undrained (UU) triaxial tests. It is found that because of the formation of new pozzolanic products cohesion increases and angle of internal friction decreases with the increase in curing period.
The Effects of Big Data on Health Awareness in Morocco[Full-Text ] SAIDALI Jihad, Abdellatif MEDOURI, TABAA YassineNowadays Big Data is crucial and necessary in order to make better quality decisions. For that reason, a shift towards the computerization process is obligatory. Meanwhile, all organizations look for data collection that allows evolution, development and improvement of their business processes. This is why we aim to set up a logical guidance based on data quality so that it can raise citizens' awareness vis-Ã -vis the contagious and infectious diseases. This enables the design of an adaptive awareness information system that meets the needs of users and leads to deep changes on private and public organizations and on society in general.
RFID Technology for IoT Based Personal Healthcare in Smart Spaces[Full-Text ] Shivangi PandeyThe current evolution of the traditional medical model toward the participatory medicine can be boosted by the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm involving sensors (environmental, wearable, and implanted) spread inside domestic environments with the purpose to monitor the user’s health and activate remote assistance. RF identification (RFID) technology is now mature to provide part of the IoT physical layer for the personal healthcare in smart environments through low-cost, energy-autonomous, and disposable sensors. It is here presented a survey on the state-of-the-art of RFID for application to body centric systems and for gathering information (temperature, humidity, and other gases) about the user’s living environment. Many available options are described up to the application level with some examples of RFID systems able to collect and process multichannel data about the human behavior in compliance with the power exposure and sanitary regulations. Open challenges and possible new research trends are finally discussed.
2-Chloro-2'-hydroxy-4'-chloro-5'-methoxychalcone Oxime [CHCMCO] as an Analytical Reagent: Studies on Co (II) Chelate[Full-Text ] Jayshree B Rana, Nilesh G. LimbachiyaThe ligand 2-Chloro- 2'-hydroxy-4'-chloro-5’methylchalcone oxime (CHCMCO) was developed as a new analytical reagent for the gravimetric and Spectrophotometric analysis of Co (II) ion. In the pH range of 8.0 to 8.5, this reagent gives brown colored complex with Co (II). Job's method of continuous variation and Yoe and Jone's mole ratio method revealed the stoichiometry of the complex to be 1:2 [M: L]. The obeyance of Beer's law was studied and the molar absorptivity was found to be 1.25 x 102 lit.mol-1cm-1. The reagent and its complex have been characterized by elemental analysis and IR spectra. The magnetic susceptibility measurement of the chelate has been calculated at 4 ampere and 298o K. The complex is paramagnetic in nature which indicates the presence of one unpaired electron in d-orbitals and confirms the removal of two electrons, one from 3d orbital and one from 4s orbital. Thus 3d and 4s orbitals are involved in the formation of the chelate.
The impact of the Durres Port performance in a sustainable intermodal transport chain across the Adriatic Sea[Full-Text ] Eli Vyshka, Osman MetallaIntermodality has been a hot topic in the logistics sector for several decades, but expected business diffusion is still limited. The key to increasing intermodal stands on intermodal terminals. Ports as a link between different types of transport modes in global logistics chains are vital to the efficiency of the entire chain. In addition to its leading role in global trade network, the intensification worldwide competition of ports, states that the efficiency of container ports and terminals is a key issue for terminal operators.
Microstructural Development in Fly Ash-Lime-Metakaolin Mix[Full-Text ] Ann Mary Mathew, Pavan Kumar CMicrostructural developments of fly ash stabilized with lime and modified with small percentages of metakaolin were studied through X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy tests.Specimens were cured using jute bag method for 7, 14 and 28 days. X-ray diffraction test results showed the appearance of new peaks, some of which are not so important.The graphs revealed that extension of curing period leads to an increase in intensity peaks of ettringite and CSH which leads to enhancement of strength of mix. The addition of metakaolin enhances the early strength of mix that promotes the pozzolanic reaction leading to early formation of calcium silicate hydrate. The scanning electron micrographs of the mix provide the conformation of the formation of calcium silicate hydrate (CSH). The micrographs reveal the fact that as the curing period increases the bond between the particles increases, which is developed by the formation of CSH due to pozzolanic activity.
A comparison of selected enzyme activities by marine fungal and mangrove actinomycete isolates[Full-Text ] Ayona Jayadev, Pooja Niju, Athira S. A. and Lekshmi M.Marine and Mangrove ecosystems are two of the most unique ecosystems on the earth. In the current study, the production and optimization of one enzyme, Cellulose was studied from two different categories of microbes from two environments: marine fungi and mangrove actinomycetes. A total of three fungal strains were isolated from the selected marine sample (VF1, VF2, VF3) from Veli, coas and 4 strains were isolated from the Veli Mangrove samples (M1, M2, M3 and M4). For the activity of enzyme studied, the marine fungi showed the following results: neutral pH was found to be better for the production at 37°C and activity of the enzymes (VF2 and VF3) and 12th day showed the maximum production. One of the isolates (VF1) showed highest production. In case of mangrove actinomycetes, a total of Of the three strains of actinomycete isolates from mangrove ecosystem (M1, M2 and M4), showed Cellulase activity. M1 showed maximum activity at pH4, 50°C and 9th day of incubation. Strain M3 and M4 showed maximum production at 4 pH, 37°C and 3rd day of incubation.
Job Stress And Poor Mental Health as a predictor of somatization among workers[Full-Text ] Syeda Ayat-e-Zainab Ali, Tamkeen Saleem, Rabab Mahwish Khan, Huda MunawarFor centuries Job Stress and poor mental health is a common evil phenomenon that has been a part of human history. The current study was conducted to determine the impact of job stress, poor mental health on somatization among workers. Universe of the study comprised of three hundred workers selected from different departments of occupational sector of wah cantt and Haripur, Pakistan. Data was collected using structured questionaire such as occupational Role Questionaire, MHI-38 and Bradford Somatic inventory. Statistical Package for social sciences used to test the hypothesis. Results of multiple regression analysis reveal that two predictors significantly predicted somatization; job stress predicted somatization as did poor mental health. The results have been discussed in the light of cultural perspective and implications for future research.
EFFECT of SOME GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS on the MAXIMUM FORCE, ENERGY and THICKNESS STRAIN DISTRIBUTION in the DEEP DRAWING PROCESS[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. Zaid, Fadhil A. HashimThe geometrical parameters play an important role in the deep drawing process. In this paper, the effects of radial clearance percentage, punch profile radius, and die profile radius on the force, energy requirements and the quality of the deep drawing of steel cylindrical cups are investigated. The quality is assessed by the reduction in thinning and the encountered defects.The maximum drawing force and the consumed work are also determined. The obtained results are presented and discussed.
Optimization of strength properties for Self-Compacting Concrete byTaguchi Method[Full-Text ] Kheti Huseni, PanaskarSourabhVilasrao, Tashi DorjiTamang, Abdul Rahim. ASelf-compacting concrete (SCC) was developed to address the problem of structural elements having highly congested reinforcement. This investigation was carried out to optimize experimentation process using design of experiments (DoE). Taguchi a standard L9 (34) orthogonal array (OA) of four factors with three material parameters levels to rise a total of 9 trail mixes were employed. The factors considered in this study were water power ratiocementitious material content, steel fibre content and super-plasticizer content. The responses of material parameters were analyzed in order to maximize the compressive and tensile strength of concrete. The result indicated that the specific proportions (levels) of the different constituent material helped to give better compressive strength and split tensile strength. The role of super plasticizer dosage was observed to be relatively high marked on the fresh concrete properties of SCC. The steel fibres and fly ash content played a vital role to enhance the compressive and split tensile strength.