Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 .
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Characterization and Hydrocarbon Identification of Liquid Fuel from Mixed Waste Plastics at Different Heating Time Intervals[Full-Text ] Kigozi Moses, John Wasswa, Muhammad Ntale, and Peter Nkedi-KizzaMixed waste plastics which included High Density Polyethylene ((HDPE), Low Density Polyethyline (LDPE),Polystyrene (PS), Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) were investigated for production, characterization and hydrocarbon identification of fuel obtained from the plastics by catalytic pyrolysis. Silica-alumina was used as the catalyst. The mixed waste plastics were heatedfor one hour and two hours of contact time. The operation temperatures ranged between 250oC to 370oC giving a yellowish liquid after condensing the vapors with a chiller at 5oC. The reactor was connected to a fractionating column of one meter long and then to the condenser. The production ranged between 58 to 73% liquid, 18 to 34% cake and the rest was estimated as gas. The samples were investigated with different parameters based on diesel standards due to the wide range of hydrocarbon content. The parameters showed acceptable average ranges; cloud point 4oC, flash point 79.4 oC, kinematic viscosity 2.18 mm2/s, sulfated ash 4.7x10-5%, copper strip corrosion 1a, cetane number 63, acid number 72.9 µg and densities of 0.785 g/cm3. The identification of the hydrocarbons showed that the fuel falls into four classes of fuel which include diesel, aviation, naphtha and oil due to the range of hydrocarbons from C8 to C28 when analyzed with GC/MS and named from GC library
Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis and Toxicological Effects of Aqueous Stem Bark Extract of Albizia Chevalieri on Experimental Animals (Albino Rats)[Full-Text ] Bello Aminu Bello, JalaluddinAwllia Khan, Muhammad, Iqbal, C, Ibrahim, K. A and Muhammad Inuwa HassanAlbizia chevalierihas been reported to be used in treatment of wide range of aliments. The effect of oral administration of aqueous stem bark extract was studied on some organ body ratio, hematological, biochemical and histopathological parameters in male albino rats. A total of thirty (30) male albino rats were grouped into five (six rats each) based on their weight as: Group I (receive 25mg/kg), Group II (receive 50mg/kg), Group III (receive 100mg/kg), Group IV (receive 200mg/kg) and Group V (receive 1 ml of saline) respectively.
A survey of Detection and Mitigation Techniques of Primary User Emulation Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks[Full-Text ] Md. Al-Amin, Md. Ibrahim Abdullah, Md. Jahangir Alam, Sheikh DobirHossain, NazmulHossainCognitive Radio is promising technologies, which can be used to solve the spectrum shortage problems. The success of cognitive approach depends on detection of licensed or primary users. If a malicious user transmit signal similar to licensed user, cognitive users do not find spectrum holes and cannot communicate with other unlicensed user. This behavior launched the primary user emulation attacks. In this paper we survey the detection and mitigation techniques of primary user emulation attacks. In our survey it is found that primary user emulation attack detection depends on prior knowledge of primary user location, signal transmission, radio environment mapping etc.
An Improved DSI-PTS for PAPR Reduction of OFDM System[Full-Text ] Chhavi Sharma, A.K.Gupta, S.K TomarPeak-to- average power ratio (PAPR) is one of the major problems of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). The larger PAPR signal may cause high out-of-band radiation, when the OFDM signal is passed through a radio frequency power amplifier. In literatures, many researchers proposed various methods to reduce PAPR. Among those, Dummy sequence Insertion (DSI) and partial transmit sequence (PTS) are well-known PAPR reduction techniques for OFDM signals,however, it results a huge amount of computation complexity.This paper proposes an improved DSI-PTS scheme that is able to carry out improved PAPR performance with lesser system complexity than the conventional methods. In addition to that, this scheme requires no side information.
Performance Evaluation of MIMO LTE Downlink OFDM Using FDADFE[Full-Text ] Sirajum Munira, Najnin SultanaThe 3GPP standard LTE uses OFDMA in downlink, which experiences severe inter-symbol interference (ISI) in highly frequency selective fading channels. The conventional MMSE or ZF equalizer is not effective enough for these channels to deal with ISI. In this paper, a frequency domain adaptive decision feedback equalizer (FDADFE) is introduced which has both the feed-forward and feedback filters operating in the frequency domain. The equalizer uses RLS and LMS algorithms to adapt the filter coefficients making the system more convergent with less execution time.
Construction Projects are generally highly complex and usually present a difficult series of challenges to those who manage them[Full-Text ] Saikat MaitiThis paper examined the key challenges that are being encountered by the construction industry and the construction project managers. In addition, the key skills that are necessary for the contemporary construction project managers have been highlighted in the paper as well. Construction projects are known for being complex and unique in nature. In order to be able to manage the uncertainty and risks involved in the projects, effective project management skills are required. The paper concluded that the leadership, communication, team work, problem solving skills are especially important for effective management of the project and to become an effective construction project manager.
Harmonic Optimization of Multilevel Inverter using a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm[Full-Text ] Tikeshwar Gajpal, Nivedita HedauMultilevel Inverters have several benefits consisting of low price, right performance and some application that embody PV panels and gas cells. Cascaded H-bridge MLI is one of these MLIs. In contrast to the normal electrical inverter, the MLI's output voltage incorporates a reduced ThD with higher harmonic profile. Mathematical techniques for harmonic elimination square measure offered in a number of the literatures but resolution a non-linear transcendental equation set describing the SHE downside exploitation these strategies aren't appropriate for multi level inverters. A hybrid optimization set of rules to find the foremost reliable change angles in a very structure electrical converter (MLI) is planned during this paper. The change angles square measure optimized to measure low frequency harmonics. Further a hybrid algorithm that combines Particle swarm optimization (PSO), a global search method with gradient search (GS), a local search method, is proposed in this paper to enhance the performance. Simulation is presented to validate the approach.
Multi agent system for classification task[Full-Text ] Mohammed A. Mohammed, Ban N. DhannoonMulti-agent technology took a significant role in the field of decision-making and machine learning for solving the complex problems in the real world, they simulate human ability to decision-making where behave intelligently, autonomously, cooperatively, and socially to solve problems or to support human users. In this paper, an efficient classification system using multi agent's technology based on Neural Network is introduced, where each agent implements as a neural network (trained using back propagation learning algorithm). The system classifies a collection of datasets effectively with high degree of generalization, it reduces the time and effort to 1/n, where n is the number of classification agents. The developed system was tested using different standard datasets obtained from the UCI Machine Learning Repository for the empirical analysis of machine learning algorithms.
Implementation of Digital Modulation Technique and Calculate the Bit Error Rate Performance using Matlab[Full-Text ] Ali Kamal TaqiWith the increasing demand in communication, it has become necessary to give better and efficient service to users by using better technique. This project demonstrates different modulation technique including Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Phase Shift Keying (PSK) and analyze the Bit Error Rate (BER) for different modulation schemes such as Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), Octal Phase Shift Keying (8PSK), and Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM). By Choosing a reliable modulation scheme and better coding technique the enhancement of the performance can be obtained in transmitter and receiver of the system. Simulated result is shown to analyze and compare the performance of these systems by using additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGN). Finally, the different modulation schemes are compared on the basis of BER and best modulation scheme is determined. From analysis of modulation techniques, the system could use more appropriate modulation technique to suit the channel quality, thus we can deliver the optimum and efficient system parameters. Both Matlab Code and Simulink have been used for simulation.
Development of a High-Energy Mill for Powder Metallurgy[Full-Text ] Monir Göethel Borba, Moisés de Mattos Dias, André Carvalho Tavares, Diego Pacheco Wermuth, Felipe Guimarães Ramos, VinÃcius Martins, Ramon Fernando Hans, Eduardo LuÃs Schneider, LÃrio SchaefferThis paper aims the development of high-energy milling equipment for use in powder metallurgy. This kind of mill is used to obtain prealloyed powders and/or reduction size of powder particles. After the steps of project and the construction, a preliminary test was performed using sand in a percentage of 2:1 with stainless steel balls. The result of test show that the average diameter distribution of sand particles has reduced approximately 50%.
A DFT study of synthetic drug topiroxostat: MEP, HOMO, LUMO[Full-Text ] Emmanuel Silva Marinho, Márcia Machado MarinhoDisorders metabolic with hyperuricemia, blood state in which is uric acid above the normal plasma levels are becoming a public health problem worldwide because uric acid levels show be an important marker of other risk factors cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinemia and sedentary lifestyle. Topiroxostat is an, non-purine, selective xanthine oxidase inhibitor, orally-administered developed for the treatment of hyperuricemia .This study utilized the density functional theory (DFT-B3LYP/6-31G) to characterize the electronic and structurally Topiroxostat drug, getting SCF (-22529.63117 eV), Potential Energy (-44946.54945 eV), Kinetic Energy (22416.91828 eV), Dipole moment (8.07717 Debye) e identifying its electrophilic (H20,N3) and nucleophilic sites(N1, N2, N4, N5 and N6), and calculating descriptors that assist in the compression of the possible reaction mechanisms will this drug, these being fundamental data for future studies of molecular coupling, to elucidate the reaction mechanism of this drug, targeting a further increase of its pharmacological action.
PYROLYSIS TECHNIQUES AS TOOL FOR DETERMINING THERMAL HISTORY OF CABLE INSTALLATION POLYMERS[Full-Text ] Armaya’u usman, ZakariyyaUba Zango, Wada Nuraddeen and Nasiru Musa MalanA thermal history of polymer used as cable insulations was studied using a system equipped with thermogravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infra-red and finally pyrolysis-gas-chromatographic analysis. Polymers used as insulation materials were obtained; one set was pre-treated at different temperature rates, while the other set was not pre-heated. Both sets were first run under FTIR spectroscopy to detect and analysed the compounds present, TG technique was used to characterise and evaluate their thermal history, Pyrolysis-gas-chromatography was performed to determine their thermal history and the two were compared. Findings indicated that FTIR spectra of the pre-heated samples produced very similar and reproduced spectral peaks different from the non-pre-heated samples. The TG curves obtained provides a clear characteristics decomposition profiles of each pre-heated samples different from the non-pre-heated samples, the thermograms of all the three different heating rates indicate good similarities between the samples as well as their different thermal treatment. The results on the Py-GC showed that it can be relied upon and can be used to determine the thermal history of polymers used as electrical insulations andit was found that the optimal Py-GC conditions is at high temperatures above 400 0C and 600 0C to 700 0C would give an optimum needed results.
A Study on the Strategies for Developing Circular Economy in Taoyuan City, Taiwan[Full-Text ] An-Pi Chang, Jyh-Dong LinThe “Circular Economy”, as a result, would become a competitive advantage for economic development in recent years. In this study, information collection and SWOT analysis have been conducted, focusing on the resource utilization and waste management by the manufacturing, agriculture, animal husbandry, aquaculture, water resources and energy industries within the industrial zones in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. Expert opinions from the industries, government and academic circles have been integrated to plan for and provide short, mid and long-term recommendations for the policy makers. It is hoped that these efforts would help improve the structure of resource cycling and reutilization in the industries, achieve vertical integration of the whole supply chain and establish a communication platform horizontally to synergize relevant resources. The purpose is to minimize industrial waste and optimize the value of recycled waste, thereby reducing raw materials exploitation. In the R&D process, it is also important to take into account the life cycle of the products and to improve the waste re-utilization rate throughout the manufacturing process. The ultimate purpose is to reduce the environmental burden caused by economic development, facilitate the transformation from a linear economy to a circular economy and, eventually, fulfill the objective of “Zero Waste” and sustainable development.
Prosthetic Rehabilitation of an Ocular Defect- A Case Report[Full-Text ] Ahmed Amin Moselhy and Nasser AlyA prosthesis is an artificial substitute that is implanted into, or integrated onto a human body part to replace the missing natural organ, for the purpose of restoring a specific function or a group of related functions. Enucleation of the eye is often indicated after ocular injury or for the treatment of intraocular tumors, severe ocular infections, and painful blind eyes. Loss of eye has a crippling effect on the psychology of the patient and severely damages not only the function of vision, but also self-confidence The aim of all ocular prosthetic procedure is to enable rehabilitationof the patient in the society with a normal appearance and self esteem. This article describes a clinical report of rehabilitating post evisceration patient due to glaucoma of right eye with custom made artificial prosthesis. Treatment of such cases includes implants and acrylic eye prosthesis. Due to economic factors, it may not be advisable in all patients. A custom-made ocular prosthesis is a good alternative. A case of a custom-made ocular acrylic prosthesis is presented here, which had acceptable fit, retention and esthetics.
Precambrian Crystalline Basement rocks of Eritrea (N.E. Africa) Interpreted by Remote Sensing Technique[Full-Text ] Rizwan Ahmad, Wolde Gabriel Genzebu, Tewolde WoldekidanThe geological set up of Eritrea is made up of Precambrian basement rocks that are overlain un-conformably by predominantly Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and Tertiary to Quaternary volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The basement rocks are not well studied in the region despite their high mineral potential. In the present study broad geological maps cover the western part of the country (Geology of Gash River Area) and the southern part of the country (Geology of Mai Dima/Kohain Area). Compilation of geologic maps at 1:250,000 scale has recently been completed for four map sheets. Based largely on satellite image interpretation TM data aided by limited ground controls, suggest that the rocks can be subdivided into four tectonic blocks or segments, separated by tectonic boundaries. Three of these blocks, the western, central and eastern segments, underlie northern and central Eritrea, whilst the fourth, the Danakil segment, occurs in the southeastern part of the country.
First data on the benthic macrofaunainthe SidiBouali source (Middle Atlas, Morocco)[Full-Text ] Imane Nechad,Mouhcine Fadil& Fatima FadilThe objective of this work is to investigate the State Limnological source SidiBouali, one of the major outbreaks of the basin of Sebou (Middle Atlas, Morocco), to make an inventory of the macroinvetebres that there are specific, to analyze their distribution and define the interactions between the different taxa and abiotic environmental factors. Sampling of macrobenthos is made using the Surber NET, with a width of mesh 400µm at a monthly frequency in the year 2013. Samples of water, for the physicochemical and bacteriological analysis has been also made in station synchronously with those of benthic macrofauna.
Vegetative Propagation Potential of Moss (Brownlowia elata Roxb) by Stem Cutting from Young Stock Plant[Full-Text ] Morgubatul Jannat and Mohammed Kamal HossainThe experiment was conducted to find out suitable vegetative propagation techniques for Moss (Brownlowia elata Roxb) a native threatened tree species of Bangladesh. Juvenile shoots of Moss were collected from hedgerows established from seeds of phenotypically superior trees. One year old stock plants growing in hedgerows were topped leaving 50-60 cm stump above the ground.
Design of Spent Metalworking Fluids Treatment Plant for Ibadan Municipal[Full-Text ] R.A. Kazeem, D.A. Fadare, N.C EhumaduMetalworking fluids (MWFs) are substances required in several industrial applications for lubrication of metallic parts and engines. Considering the large amount of these fluids consumed and disposed irresponsibly without prior treatment in Ibadan, Nigeria. Therefore, there is the need to design a spent metalworking fluid treatment plant for the city. With this view, a treatment plant with a retaining capacity of 0.1 million gallons influent per day was designed. The design was carried out using engineering principles with due consideration to cost, ease of operation, serviceability and durability. The plant consists of primary clarifier, aeration tank, sedimentation tank, chemical treatment tank, oxygen cylinders, sludge digester and the control panel. The proposed design aimed at ensuring a safe re-use of treated waste and recovered sludge for agricultural purposes. The characteristics of the influent and the expected effluent parameters are outlined.
Design of Spent Cutting Fluids Treatment Plant for Ibadan Municipal[Full-Text ] R.A. Kazeem, D.A. Fadare, N.C EhumaduCutting fluids are substances required in several industrial applications for lubrication of metallic parts and engines. Considering the large amount of cutting fluids consumed and disposed irresponsibly without prior treatment in Ibadan, Nigeria, we have detected the need to design a spent cutting fluid treatment plant for the city. With this view, a treatment plant with a retaining capacity of 0.1 million gallons influent per day was designed. The design was carried out using engineering principles with due consideration to cost, ease of operation, serviceability and durability. The plant consists of primary clarifier, aeration tank, sedimentation tank, chemical treatment tank, oxygen cylinders, sludgedigester and the control panel. The proposed design aimed at ensuring a safe re-use of treated waste and recovered sludge for agricultural purposes. The characteristics of the influent and the expected effluent parameters are outlined in the Design for Reactor Parameters.
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A FISH FEED EXTRUDER[Full-Text ] I.F. Odesola, 2R.A. Kazeem, N.C. EhumaduIn fish farming, the consumption of feeds in pellet form aids the total consumption of the ingredientsby fishes. Nevertheless, some local farmers in Nigeria are using pelletized feeds in their various farms because of the reduced cost. However, some readily identifiable disadvantages of such pelletized feeds exist. As such extruded feeds have recently become appealing to local famers and those who use the extruded feeds rely heavily on importation. The aim of this project is to design and fabricate a fish feed extruder with improved qualities and affordable cost using locally sourced materials to aid the production of extruded feeds by local small scale farmers.The design was carried out using engineering principles with due consideration to cost, ease of operation, serviceability, durability and performance. Based on these, an extruder using 5HP, 3- phase electric motor with a production capacity of 300kg/hr was designed and fabricated using locally sourced mild steel materials. It consists of hopper, screw, barrel, die, drive system and heater.An element of 1000W was attached to the barrel surface so as to ensure cooking of resin pellet. The cylindrical pellets size produced was in the range 3– 5mm diameter suitable for fish and poultry. Based on this evaluation, there was a drastic improvement in the quality of locally processed pellets. The designed and fabricated extruder performed smoothly as a fish feed extruder.
Nomenclature of Opinion Miningand Related Benchmarking Tools[Full-Text ] Monelli AyyavaraiahSentiment analysis or opinion mining is the information retrieval strategy that delivers the vision of the relevant users such as customers about entities such as services or products, individuals such as service providers or sellers, functional issues involved, events and their attributes. As an example service provision or product selling with monitorial or other interests, intended to morph according to target users vision. In other dimension intended users seeks the opinion of the existing users, which is in order to select productive service provider among the multiple providers available. Hence the opinion mining or sentimental analysis is critical factor and challenging.In the era of social web that includes social networks, forums and blogs, the opinion mining in order to notice the public opinion is critical in decision making activities by an individual or an organization. The phenomenal growth in the data quantity of social web, the manually analyzing the opinion is almost impractical. Hence the machine based opinion mining or opinion mining is desired.In this context the automated opinion miningon domains such as social-web become critical research objective that grabbed researcher’s attention over a decade. This article addressedthenomenclature of the automated opinion miningand available benchmarking tools.
Crisis Intervention as A Theory and A Model in Social Work: A Panacea Against Militancy in The Niger Delta of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Chukwu Ngozi, Ebue Malachy, Obikeguna Christy, Okala Uche, Okafor Agnes, Agwu PrinceThe practice of social work is one that is inextricably linked to a sound theoretical base, owing to the wide range of systematic procedures it follows in problem solving. Social work can’t be separated from science because of its emphasis on empiricism and scientific methodologies in case treatment. Therefore, sets of ideas and constructs well captured in theories and models become germane to the explanation, description and eventual antidotes to social work cases. It is in this context that model and theory would be made to fit into jurisdictions different from each other. This would be buttressed with the crisis intervention, utilized repeatedly in social work to deal with cases that occasion disequilibrium at micro, mezzo and macro levels of social work practice and engagement. In order to achieve this, militancy in the Niger Delta which have necessitated political, social and economic crisis for the citizens, Nigerian state and the government, would serve as a point of reference. The Crisis Intervention and its relationship to militancy in the Niger Delta region, would be further established in the light of explaining, describing and remedying the phenomenon.
A Preliminary Study on Phenol Degrading Bacteria from Effluent Treatment Plant of Paper Industry, Kerala, India[Full-Text ] Aswathy R., Rajani V. and Sowparnika S.Phenol is used to make pharmaceuticals, synthetic resin, dyes, pesticides, synthetic tanning agents, lubricating oils and solvents. In the manufacture of industrial and agricultural products, phenols are used as common starting materials and often it is produced as waste products. The increasing presence of phenols represents a significant environmental toxicity hazard. Isolation of microbial strain capable of degrading chemical compounds can be achieved from polluted sources, such as soil and water. The increasing phenol and phenol wastes necessitates the screening of bacteria that are able to degrade phenol.
Smart Materials an Overview and Their Applications[Full-Text ] Harith M. S. Hamed“Smart Materials” are materials that change their shape, color, or size in response to an externally applied stimulus. While smart materials have already made a tremendous impact on our lives through their applications in liquid crystal displays, headphones, fuel injection systems, flexible cell phone antennas, and many other commercial products, they also have the potential to help many pediatric patients. Now in this research focuosed on the application of smart materials in several branch and using this material in many imaportant applicatios.
Electrodeposited Heterojunction CIS Semiconductor Alloys for Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dyes[Full-Text ] N. Karthikeyan, T. Sivaranjani, A. StephenNanocrystalline Copper Indium Selenide (CIS) semiconductor photocatalysts establishing heterojunction with modified band gap energies were synthesized by pulsed electrodeposition method, and successfully employed in the degradation of two representative textile dyes, methylene blue and methyl orange, under visible light irradiation. Prepared photocatalysts were characterized by XRD, SEM, EDX, AFM, CL and UV-Vis DRS. The degradations of the dyes were estimated by UV-Vis spectrometry. Suitably positioned bandgap edges and formation of heterojunction enhance photo generation of electron-hole pairs, reduce their recombination by acting as sink for photo-generated charge carriers, and thus enhances the redox reactions which effectively enhance the degradation of the textile dyes.
Future Aspects of Mechanical& Electronics[Full-Text ] Udit KumarApredefinedpath followed by the robot in place of a human being not only reduces cost but completely establishes a whole new range of applications. So with the combination of mechanical as well as electronics we can produce a multi-utility device .point the real motive behind this was to combine and fuse different equipment and come up with a device which can solve many problems.
Systemic mucormycosis revealed by a renal location: case report[Full-Text ] Ahlem Trifi, Sami Abdellatif, Salah Ben LakhalSystemic mucormycosis (SM) is a rare opportunistic infection caused by Mucorales. It is a fatal infection if not treated early. Its beginning by a renal location is exceptional. We report a real case of a diabetic woman with a SM revealed by an acute pyonephrosis. The evolution was marked by the dissemination of infection to the brain. The management was based on amphotericin B and surgical debridement with a fatal issue. We conclude that the SM may initiate by an atypical form and its later detection and treatment were the main factor of unfavourable outcome.
Concurrent Changes of Biochemical Parameters with Various Laying Stages of Japanese Quail[Full-Text ] Md. Abdullah-Al-Mahmud, Md. Abdul Awal, Shonkor Kumar DasQuail has great prospects for sustainable development of the economy of poultry industries in Bangladesh as well as a standard model of laboratory bird. Biocemical componants of blood have intimate relationship with reproduction and normal health condition of birds. As a model laboratory birds, it is crucially important to know the biochemical paramenters for the researchers to identify the healthy quail. The current research was designed to investigate the biochemical profile of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) at pre-laying (35 days), laying (65 days) and post-laying (270 days) stages which was carried out at the Department of Anatomy and Histology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. The collected experimental quails were apparently good health and devoid of any external deformities. The quails were divided into three (3) categories: pre-laying, laying and post-laying stage having 10 quails in each group. The blood was collected for biochemical studies. Then biochemical tests such as, blood glucose (mg/dl), cholesterol (mg/dl), total protein (mg/dl) and calcium level (mg/dl) were estimated for further study. The UV-visible Spectrophotometer was used to determine the biochemical profile. The laboratory findings revealed that the serum glucose level was higher in young pre-laying stage (p<0.01) which was gradually decreased at increased age. The increased serum calcium level was found at laying stage. The calcium level was lower in pre-laying stage than post-laying stage. The serum cholesterol and total protein were significantly (p<0.05) higher at post-laying stage. The present research indicates that the biochemical parameters have direct relationship with the different stages of production in Japanese quail as well as the information also will be a asset for the researchers in this realm.
Person Identification using Rotation Invariant SIFT Algorithm on IRIS Images[Full-Text ] Shashwati Mishra, Mrutyunjaya PandaScale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is one of the popular feature extraction algorithm in computer vision which is used to detect and describe local features. One of the important characteristic of this algorithm which makes it popular is that SIFT is invariant to change in image scale, illumination, rotation etc. In this paper we have used SIFT algorithm for the identification of iris image and also proved that SIFT is invariant to rotation. Our experimental observations concludes that SIFT algorithm can be used for identifying a person from the iris images of the eye.
An experimental study for integrity auditing and data de-duplicating in cloud storage[Full-Text ] Sonal Purohit, Rohit singh thakurDevelopment of cloud computing technology and use of cloud service for data storage is increasing rapidly from last few years. Cloud services make use of increasing computing power and manage a huge amount of data. It takes heavy efforts in management of data stored over cloud server. As the data is stored on cloud server, security in cloud environment is an important issue for any customer. It becomes a challenge to achieve data de-duplication with integrity auditing in cloud servers. To solve these issues two secure systems are proposed in this paper that are S-Cloud and P-Cloud. Integrity auditing and maintenance of a Map Reduce cloud achieved by using S-Cloud, by which clients can generate data tags before uploading and audit the integrity of data having been stored in cloud. In proposed work, S-Cloud reduces the computation while file uploading and auditing phases. Clients of cloud service always worry about data security and integrity, of its data so that it needs to encrypt the data before the data is reached to the cloud server and only a single copy of data is maintained over there to achieve data de- duplication which can be achieved by the use of P-Cloud.
Proposed Computer-Aided Design Algorithms for nth Order Chebyshev Active Filter[Full-Text ] Haider Fakher Radhi Al-SaidyThis paper describes new algorithms for constructing the transfer function of the nth order Chebyshev active LPF by using the Cascade combination of second order and first order active filters. Using Computer-Aided with new algorithms for cascading s-domain transfer function of (conjugate poles and single real pole) can be achieved. Linear programming for performing the constructing of cascade combination is used by C++ program. The algorithms are very fast, flexible , and exact. Users of program can achieve the design of different components selection, cut-off frequency, magnitude of pass band ripple, and order of Chebyshev active LPF with very high flexibility.