Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 .
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THE EFFECT OF GEOTECHNICAL PROPERTIES ON CIVIL ENGINEERING STRUCTURES IN CROSS RIVER STATE, SOUTH-SOUTH REGION OF NIGERIA[Full-Text ] E.E.EKENG, E.S.BEJOR, I.E.IBIANGStatistics of structures such as roads, buildings, dams and bridges have increased throughout Nigeria in particular Cross River State in the South-South region.Foundation failures is becoming a menance hence these studies becomes a necessity,Virtually all construction by civil engineers are placed on foundation within the soil. The soil may be in-situ or brought in as fill material. Soil samples were obtained from forty locations, ten each for the four coordinated points of Akpabuyo and Bakassi local government areas of the state. However major geotechnical properties were obtained through sieve analysis, consistent test, moisture content, shear strength, consolidation and compaction tests, Analysis of test results shows a wide variation between the four coordinates : Point1-Ikot Effio-Anang;Point2-Ifhang King Duke;Point3-Ekpri Ikot Eyo Edem and Point4- Ikot Oyom,Point1 and Point3 shows relatively safe bearing capacities of 159KN/M2 and 207,27KN/M2 compared to Point2 and Point4 with 68.83KN/M2and 65.8KN/M2 considered being unsuitable for shallow foundations.
Probabilistic Approach in Determining Near-Realistic Time Cycle of Critical Activity[Full-Text ] Shubhayu DuttaMost construction projects uses Critical Path Method extensively for activity planning. Information on past data of similar activities, previous time cycle analyses and availability of fit for construction drawing ensures proper calculation and estimation of time duration for each activity. However, in recent past due to encounter extraordinary geological conditions aka Seri Nallah Zone (SNZ) at Rohtang Tunnel Project has made the conventional methods of estimating time for activities inaccurate and unreliable for further detailed planning. Thus a probabilistic approach was necessary to evaluate and estimate time.
Wastewater treatment with UV after chemical Treatment[Full-Text ] Ass. Pro. Seroor Atalah Khaleefa AliPreminerly treatments were done using chemical additives ( Chlorine, Hydrogen Peroxide, Dish cleaning liquid , Zahi and Dettol) with different concentration to wastewater then were tested. The best results of the treated wastewater had been chosen then treated by UV.
YOUTH TO YOUTH: A STUDY OF THE HIV/AIDS COMMUNICATION STRATEGY OF PEMA/ACT IN CÔTE D’IVOIRE[Full-Text ] Stella Chika OkoronkwoAfter two decades of work in HIV/AIDS, actors have come to the realization that there has been a missing link in the whole process. Many theories and communication strategies have been used or proposed but more people continue to be infected every day.
Limnic and hydrochemical study Source AinRegrag (Middle Atlas, Morocco)[Full-Text ] Imane Nechad, MyriamSlimani; Mouhcine Fadil &Fatima FadilThe plain of Saïs-Middle Atlas perimeter is home to a considerable number of water resources which still remain and which stands of the macro invertebrates unexplored real stethoscope of the health of streams and rivers are still poorly known. This study has for main objective the determination of the overall composition and monitoring of the epigeous benthic macro dynamics subservient to the source AinRegrag (Middle Atlas) in relation to the main abiotic factors of the environment. To do so, we opted for monthly sampling over a period of a year (2013).Overall crops fauna, a total of 7253 individuals belonging to 40 species have been collected, these taxa are divided into 8 classes 23 families and 29 genera. Arthropods are the most numerous with 26 species. They represent 52% of the total population,Gammarusmarocanus represents the more abundant species (16.81%). Other statistical analyses by PCR showed many positive correlations between certain species creating benthic associations, so another vision of the multi-species food chain.
Bleach boosting ability of endoxylanase from Bacillus pumilus[Full-Text ] C. Asha PoornaA thermo tolerant alkalophilic and cellulase-poor endoxylanase (E.C. from Bacillus pumilus was evaluated for prebleaching of Kraft pulp. Enzyme was produced by solid-state cultivation using wheat bran as carbon source. Experimentation demonstrates the combination of enzyme pretreatment before chlorine and peroxide treatment resulted in complete utilization of bleaching chemical thereby reducing elemental chlorine in the effluent. The UV absorption spectrum of the compounds released by enzyme treatment of Kraft pulp exhibited characteristic peak at 280 and 465 nm indicating the presence of lignin in the released colouring matter. Enzymatic prebleaching of Kraft pulp showed reduction in kappa number of the pulp and complete utilization of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) resulting in high final brightness. The cost of enzymes production is far below than that of elemental chlorine and ClO2, because the crude enzyme can be directly utilized for treatment without purification, so this technology may be less expensive and ecofriendly for paper manufacturers than traditional industrial processes.
Geologic Mapping of Abeokuta Metropolis, Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Akinse, A.G, Gbadebo, A.MA study was carried out in parts of Abeokuta metropolis to determine the lithologic features present in the study area. This study investigated the nature of occurrence, identify the various rock types in order to produce a geological map. These involved geological mapping, petrography of the rocks that underlie the area. The lithologies mapped in the study areas include Gneiss, Biotite- Granite and Porphyritic Granite with structures found on the outcrops such as joints and fractures. Rock samples were collected from seventeen locations and properly labelled to avoid mix up. The samples were cut and prepared into thin section slides. The thin slides were viewed under a petrographic microscope and displayed as microphotographs of each slide. The study area falls within the basement complex of Nigeria.
Investigation of the potentials of poultry and piggery wastes for electricity generation using two configurations of microbial fuel cells[Full-Text ] B.B. Uzoejinwa, A.O. Ani, U.C. Abada, A.O. Ezeama, J.E. AlekeThe potentials of poultry and piggery wastes for electricity production in terms of current, voltage and power generation using two different configurations of double-chambered microbial fuel cells (MFCs) under anaerobic and aerobic conditions of the anode chambers has been investigated. The two configurations of MFCs were designed, fabricated and investigated for electricity generation using the two different substrates under two different conditions of the anode chambers. In the first type, a double-chambered MFC of 5 litres capacity was constructed with the cathode and anode made of carbon electrodes. In the second type, multiple anodes attached in a circuit, were used in developing a multi-anode double-chambered MFC of the same capacity but with a common cathode made of carbon electrode.
Ant Based Distributed Information Centric Network for Effective Management of Resources[Full-Text ] Monika Pawar, Aishwarya MishraDue to access use of Internet and t the same time, the evolution of mobile communications and devices allows to get the capability of sensing the world, store information and exchange it between us in an opportunistic way. However, the Internet end-to-end communication model based upon the location of devices is not in line with users' solely interest in information and not on its location. Information-Centric Networking (ICN), a novel networking paradigm that integrates content delivery as a native network feature, promises to overcome most of the described limitations. The design of simple and effective resource management mechanisms is another fundamental technical challenge for ICN.
Performance of DSSC with Cu Doped TiO2 Electrode Prepared by Dip Coating Technique[Full-Text ] L. B. Patle, A. L. ChaudhariDye Sensitized Solar Cells were fabricated using pure and Cu doped TiO2 electrodes with 1, 2 & 3 wt % of Cu contents. The electrodes were prepared by spin coated TiO2 blocking layer followed by co-precipitation dip coated porous TiO2 layer. The structural analysis was carried out by XRD (Bruker D8 Cu-Kα1) and confirmed the crystalline anatase tetragonal structure. The UV-Vis Spectroscopy analysis was carried out and found that incorporation of Cu2+ into titanium affects the band gap of TiO2. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopic (FE-SEM) analysis indicating the Cu content is affecting the porosity of film and hence conversion efficiency of DSSC. The performance of Dye Sensitized Solar cells (DSSCs) were investigated with chemically absorbed Ruthenium N719 dye electrode under light illumination with standard solar simulator (AM 1.5G, 100mW/cm2). The short circuit current density (Jsc) reduces by increasing Cu concentration while open circuit voltage (Voc) shows variations.
Rasberry Pi Based Remote Lab Implementation[Full-Text ] Ms. Darshana D. Magdum, Mr Ramling D. Patane This paper presents a new design of remote laboratory multiuser based embedded web server that is used for the lab microcontroller sys-tem. Architecture of Remote Lab System consists of a computer server, two experiment module microcontroller system and two embedded web server for controlling lab modules. The computer server is used as a web server remote lab that serves as a homepage and user management. Embedded web server serves as the user interface to control the lab module microcontroller via the internet. The propose of the system is the remote laboratory architecture is multi user, so that at the same time can be used by more than one user. The hex files or c codes generated with the help of various client machine IDE’s (Integrated Development Environment) can be transferred to the server through the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) which in turn programs the microcontroller attached to Raspberrypi with help of various software tools like avrdude.
RotordynamicBehavior Analysis of a Short Lahyrinth Gas Seal Using CFD Tool[Full-Text ] Mohamed KAMOUNILabyrinth seals are mechanical element commonly used toreduce leakage in interfaces between rotating and stationary parts of turbomachines. However, these elementsmay modify the shaft line dynamics. Thus, accurate predictions and efficient controlsof leakage and seal influence on the rotordynamic stability area very important task to improve efficiency and performance of rotating machines using this kind of seals. The main purpose of this paper is to build a full 3D eccentric CFD model providing accurate leakage and rotordynamic coefficients for a short straight labyrinth seal.The seal has four teeth fixed on the rotor and the work fluid is air. The model accuracy has beenvalidated on experimental measurements of the pressure distribution along and around the seal. Moreover, a parametric study has been conducted to show the effects of pressure ratio along with three mean radial clearances on leakage flow and rotor dynamic characteristics of the seal and obtained results are presented.
Velocity of Light is variable and depends on the Intensity of its source[Full-Text ] Anil Jayram DixitMichelson-Morley experiment conclusively proves that Ether, the hypothetical medium does not exist. Light photons are not waves but they create waves in the medium through which they travel. It is experimentally observed that the depth to which light penetrates into a water medium varies with the intensity of its source. If light be assumed to be ballistic photons or quanta, they must then be emitted with different velocities according to the intensity of the radiation. Theoretical and mathematical analysis also proves that velocity of light is variable.
Forth Factor Authentication: Who Am I[Full-Text ] Mohammed Ali Shaik, V. SudharaniThe process of authentication for a user is considered to be most vital and important in the field of computing systems, most of the conventional authentication process depends on one or all the three factors such as a password or a fingerprint and sometimes even through SMS or Voice. In this paper, we try to implement and explore the fourth factor authentication system which is based on the social networks which now a day’s considered to be part of living for every user.
Closed Form Solution for vibration of Timoshenko beams with single discontinuity[Full-Text ] Chao Zhang, Leina WuVibration functions of a Timoshenko beam with arbitrary discontinuities are derived. Heaviside’s function is employed here to account for the discontinuity points in the beam so that the modal displacement and rotation can be described by a single function. Consequently the solution of vibration is significantly simplified. The application of present model to smart structure lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) actuatorand damage detection are presented.
Different Perspectives about using medical marijuana[Full-Text ] Tahiyat AbdulazizIf you had severe pain, would you choose smoking marijuana or taking Analgesic? Some people would use anything to calm the pain, even if it’s harmful in the long run. On the other hand, others are very picky when it comes to their health and would not use anything unless it’s approved and has minimal side effects. Since the 1970s, marijuana has not been legal in the United States. After many years of people protesting and studies recommending it for medical use, it was first legalized in California in 1996. A few states have since endorsed laws that approve marijuana prescriptions for patients. However, the possession of cannabis still violates federal laws that have penalties ranging from fines, forfeiture of property, and imprisonment (Pacula et al., 2002). Although some studies show the benefits of using marijuana, it has many side effects, and people might feign health conditions to obtain medical marijuana prescriptions. Consequently, the benefits of its use should be restricted to severe chronic diseases only. It is useful to understand the opinions and reasons of both sides, whether they approve or disapprove of the use of medical marijuana. Moreover, being aware of different available options allows patients to deal with pain in several healthy ways with less debatable methods.
Modelling of Export, Import, Gross Domestik Product (GDP) of Indonesia and Exchange Rate In 2005-2015[Full-Text ] Wisnu Saputra, I Made Sumertajaya, Kusman SadikThe limitation of capability and variation of sources in a country requires the exchange of goods across countries namely interna-tional trade, including export and import. In practice, exchange rate of a country will affect the export and import magnitude that also influences the magnitude of GDP. This research aims to identify the best model explaining the correlation between export, import and GDP with covariate of exchange rate of rupiah. Data employed was quarterly data 2005-2015 from Bank of Indonesia. Based on testable result of ADF, it is proven that there was cointegration between variables thus the modelling used the method of vector error correction model with exogenous variable (VECM-X). The best modelling result was VECM-X (10). Based on that model, result depicted that an increase of rupiah exchange rate led to an increase (decrease) in export and import (GDP). The most impactful endogenous variable on export magnitude was the change of import and GDP of three previous quarters. The most impactful endogenous variable on change of import was the magnitude of export of one previous quarter. The most impactful variables on change of GDP were change in export value, change in import value, and change in GDP on nine previous quarters.
ANEMIA IN PATIENTS WITH END STAGE RENALE DISEASE[Full-Text ] M-r.Dr. Gazmend Zylbeari, M-r.Dr. Zamira Bexheti, Prof. Dr. Lutfi ZylbeariBy definition, anemia refers to an absolute reduction of the total number of circulating red blood cells (RBCs). For practical purposes, anemia is considered when one or more of the following are decreased: hemoglobin, hematocrit, or red blood cell (RBC) count. This condition is a laboratory finding that signifies the presence of illness or disease; anemia should not be considered a diagnosis. Anemia usually is grouped into three etiologic categories: decreased RBC production, increased RBC destruction, and blood loss. Anemia of chronic illness and anemia of chronic kidney disease(CKD) both fall under the category of decreased RBC production.
Fuzzy Data Mining and Multi-Criteria Forecastingin the Process of Targeting[Full-Text ] Jurij JurtelaThe object of the research is the process of targeting where we are able to successfully manage the decision-making process by applying a combination of data mining and multi-criteria analysis. These methods are useful in military decision-making processes, where they are already used in the technique of managing different military systems, the acquisition of specialized military assets and the rating of performance. One of the unexplored military topics remains forecasting in the process of targeting. Data processing is based on flexible and uncertain data of different sensors. The task is to classify these data with respect to tactics. Predicting on the basis of classified data is a particular challenge, especially in terms of group decision-making. The objective of the paper is the realization of a model for an easier, faster and more successful prediction of the process, based on data mining and multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. The model represents an interdisciplinary solution that can be applied in many areas, such as industry, economy, logistics and various management processes.
Spectrum scheduling in cognitive radio network between licensed and unlicensed user[Full-Text ] Faisal Ayyaz, Abaid Ur Rehman and M. Shoaib HanifCognitive radio systems are emerging as a new paradigm for more efficient use of radio network resources Governing bodies in many countries found that most of the radio frequency spectrum was inadequately utilized. One of the big problem in open spectrum usage is the spectrum sharing which refers to spectrum scheduling. This research will improve spectrum development using fuzzy logic in advance software engineering and implement it. We have analyze the different scheduling methods for the secondary user and has evaluate the results of maximum throughput and best resource consumption based on assessment results of different scheduling methods introduced at current time for cognitive radio networks, the number of extra artifacts which produced throughout the project can be reduced. Formulated the scheduling problem such that the average system performance needs to be maximized, with the constraint that the minimum performance requirement of each user must be met.
Disaster Risk Reduction against Flood Destruction[Full-Text ] Mamoona SaherEvery year floods come in Pakistan and made great loss of life and livelihoods. To reduce bad effects it should cover the crisis management before, during and after the flood event. Organizational schemes with a clear allocation of responsibilities and authorities on each level of floods. Preparation and provision of information for the crisis management of large-scale and local disasters sources and access to real-time information on situation development should manage for potential risks. To avoid such destruction there must be proper planning for disaster risk reduction. Evacuation plan play an important part to reduce the destruction of life and livelihoods. Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Web Service will minimize the Loss and danger.
A COMPARATIVE STUDY ONMULTI PERSON TRACKING AND DETECTION[Full-Text ] S.SATHYANARAYANAN, Dr. ANNASARO VIJENDRANNowadays intelligent environment are most often mentioned as a purpose for doing work on visual person-tracking, quite making an intelligent atmosphere exposes many actual world problems in visual tracking that must be solved to make the technology useful. In the context of tracking in intelligent environments, previous researchers offered a person-tracking system that solves most of the real-world issues. With advances in technology, surveillance systems can become more automatic than manual systems whereperson tracking is although critical, is highly challenging. Tracking and recognizing objects and person movement from surveillance video motion, followed with the automatic summarization of its content has become a hot topic of study. Many researchers have contributed to the field of automatic video surveillance via detection and tracking algorithms. Previous research work is inadequate for comprehensive analysis of person tracking. The context of a surveillance domain could also be recognizedwith introduction of semantics. Such semantics may extend surveillance methods to participate in person tracking analysis principal to the area. This paper grants a survey on person tracking analysis is done with the aim of analyzing the capabilities of the state-of-art methodologies with specified focus on semantically enhanced evaluation.
Comparison of Post stack Seismic Inversion Methods:A case study from Blackfoot Field, Canada[Full-Text ] S.P. Maurya and P. SarkarSeismic Inversion methods have been routinely used for estimating attributes like P-impedance, S-impedance, density, ratio of P-wave and S-wave velocity and elastic impedances from seismic and well log data. These attributes help to understand lithology and fluid contents in the subsurface. The objective of this research is to use several standard seismic post-stack inversion methods for reservoir characterization and compare their results. Model-based (MBI), Colored (CI), Sparse-spike (SSI), and Band-limited (BLI) inversions are applied to the post-stack seismic data from the Blackfoot field, Alberta, Canada. In each case the data is inverted into P-impedance and density volume. The final stacked section shows high-resolution images within the time-depth ranges of 300 to 1300ms. All inversions show mutually consistent results with low-impedances within the target hydrocarbon sand within the channel. All post-stack inversion methods produces accurate and reliable results and unequivocally confirm the presence of reservoir in the channel area at 1060-1065ms time. Model based inversion methods shows higher correlation coefficient (0.99) and least RMS Error (778 m/s*g/cc) and hence better for Blackfoot seismic data.
Challenges faced by Multinational Companies: The Case of Castel Winery Company in Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Mekoyet GashuMultinational Corporations (MNCs) play a pivotal role in the development on many emerging market, and have consequently received due attention by scholarly research in economics and by policy analysts. However, these enterprises are facing challenges while operating in these markets. The purpose of this study is to assess the challenges of Multinational Corporations, the case of Castel Winery Company in Ethiopia. An institution based explanatory study is conducted from March to July, 2016 in across section survey. The researcher used pre tested and well structured open ended self administered questionnaires in the data collection. The finding of the study shows that unavailability of skilled man power, shortage of foreign currency, cultural differences with the host country, regulatory challenges, and challenges from the weather condition are among the major challenges of the company while operating in Ethiopia. Based on these findings the corporations, policy developers and other stakeholders have to take some remedial actions or corrective measures on the problems identified.
DEMAND FORECASTING OF A FRUIT JUICE MANUFACTURING COMPANY[Full-Text ] R.A. Kazeem, E.S.Orsarh, N.C. Ehumadu, S.IgbinobaThe aim of most fruits juice companies is to develop an effective and efficient model that will provide forecast for optimum production quantity for the selected company. Fruits are highly perishable products; therefore it is highly important that they are well preserved to avoid losing its freshness. Due to this condition, it is a problem for the producers to know exactly the necessary quantity of fruits to order from the primary source of supply, not knowing the exact amount of fresh fruits to order makes it uneasy to meet up with demand for the company’s product and also to create an opportunity for heavy losses due to the perish ability of the fruits ordered from the market. This study focuses on selecting the best forecasting model for a leading fruit juice company based on the sales record using an operational period data set of 48 weeks each obtained from a leading fruit juice company based in Ibadan, Nigeria. The four forecasting techniques used includes moving average model, exponential smoothing model, weighted moving average and linear regression model and the data obtained were analyzed accordingly. After applying the four forecasting models to analyze the weekly sales data of the chosen company, the results obtained were compared. The model with the best performance rating (i.e. the one with minimum mean absolute percentage error) was moving average model. It was considered as the most excellent forecasting model to minimize forecasting error. Since this particular industry’s products are seasonal, any forecasting techniques applied must be analyzed up to the seasonal trending level for essential analysis and justification of its application.
Structural, Optical, Morphological, and Dielectric Properties of CdSe Nanoparticles by Hydrothermal Method[Full-Text ] P.Sanjay, K.Deepa, M. Victor Antony Raj, and J. Madhavan, S.SenthilNano crystalline samples of cadmium Selenide were prepared by hydrothermal method. The morphological, structural, and optical properties of prepared samples were characterized by TEM and High-resolution transmission electron microscopy [HRTEM], X-ray diffraction [XRD], and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy studies. The low resolution TEM images confirm the formation of the CdSe nanorods and also the agglomeration of Nanoparticles. The crystalline size of the synthesized CdSe Nanoparticles was calculated from XRD pattern and it was also confirmed through HRTEM. The broadened XRD peaks revealed that the formation of nanorods with Wurtzite structure. From the photoluminescence studies, enhanced near-band-edge blue shift confirms. The dielectric properties of CdSe nanoparticles were studied at room temperature.
IMPACT OF THE ACICULAR FERRITE ON THE CHARPY V-NOTCH TOUGHNESS OF SUBMERGED ARC WELD METAL DEPOSITS[Full-Text ] Prof.Dr. Rrahim MAKSUTISubmerged-arc welding (SAW) is a complex process and may be considered as a miniature casting, but because the heating temperature is higher and cooling very quickly, the final microstructure of a weld and a casting are both dendritic, but the differences are much greater than the similarities. The quality of a weld is a function of interaction of significant number of variables together with microstructural changes attendant upon welding. The microstructure produced in a weld deposits is very complex and consist of several phases and hence has pronounced effect on the strength and toughness.
Geophysical and Hydro-Physicochemical Analysis of Groundwater Quality at Gbede Mining Site, Ogbomoso, South West Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ayobami IsmailaOjoawo, AdeniranGbadeboSeunA research on the assessment of groundwater quality was conducted around old mining site at Gbede area, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria using electrical resistivity (vertical electrical sounding) and hydro-physicochemical approach. This study was carried out to investigate the water quality and the situation of various wells situated in the study area. A total of ten VES were carried out, campus tiger terrameter was used to carried out the geophysical survey. A total of nine samples of water were taken for hydro-physicochemical analysis at the peak of wet season. The result obtained from the interpreted VES data revealed low value of resistivity at some layers, which indicate the presence of iron mineral. The outcome of hydro-physicochemical result revealed the hazardously high value of some minerals especially Fe^(2-) to further support the findings from the VES survey.
Production & Quality Evaluation of Raso-golla Prepared from Milk with Different Le-vels of Fat[Full-Text ] G. Madan Mohan Reddy, Er. Puneet AroraThe aim of study to prepare Rasogolla from milk sample having four different levels milk fat percentage with an aim for lowering the cost of production. And study the chemical and sensory characteristics of Rasogolla. Before making chhana, milk samples were analyzed in the laboratory to know their fat content by using Gerber method. It was found that milk contains 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0 % fat respectively. Rasogolla was prepared from four milk samples. The T2 sample having 2% milk fat had desirable results having the physicochemical test while T2 & T4 samples were as per in the organoleptic test. The production cost of Rasogolla prepared from the fat content of 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3% and cow milk was also estimated and estimated production cost differences showed that 1772.5, 1475, 928.71 and 714.30. Hence when compared with production cost differences of other Rasogolla, the Rasogolla prepared from 1.5% and 2% fat contained milk showed the less cost of production when compare with the control (cow milk). So that it was concluded that the Rasogolla prepared from the milk contained fat content of 2.0% showed good acceptance by means of chemical, sensory and cost of production.
Effectivness of waste polythene bags modified bitumen mixes and their comparative Economical Analysis[Full-Text ] Ahmad jan, Aaqib junaidIn Pakistan Bituminous Concrete (BC) is mostly used in construction projects like road surfacing, airports, parking lots etc. It consists of asphalt or bitumen (used as a binder) and mineral aggregate which are mixed together & laid down in layers then compacted. The continuous increase in road traffic couple with an insufficient degree of maintenance due to shortage of funds has caused an accelerated and continuous deterioration of the road network in Pakistan. To alleviate this process, several types of measures are reported to be effective, for instance, securing funds for maintenance, improved roadway design, use of better quality of materials and the use of more effective construction methods. Improving the quality of materials used in road construction had been shown to improve road service performance in the wake of the increase usage. Practical experience over the last four decades have shown that the modification of the bituminous binder with polymer additives offers several benefits in asphalt concrete and has been tested in a number of countries around the World. Considering the environmental approach, due to excessive use of Polythenes in day to day business, the pollution to the environment is enormous. Since the Polythenes are not bio degradable, the need of the current hour is to use the waste polythene in some beneficial purposes. This Thesis presents a research conducted to study the behavior of BC mix modified with waste polythene.
An Adaptive Interactive Approach Based on Decision Neural Network[Full-Text ] Alia Youssef GebreelThe primary aim of this paper is to integrate neural network with genetic algorithm to solve the interactive multi- objective optimiza-tion problems. This work uses the preference information during the optimization process to find one preferred efficient solution. Neural network is used to transform the multi- objective problem into single objective problem based on the initial point. Genetic algorithm starts with the output of the neural network, and applies its operators such as selection, crossover and mutation to generate future solution. If the required solution cannot be produced, the output of genetic algorithm again restarts for providing the preferred solution based on the required value or level of objectives. This approach achieves a great success in terms of both the effectiveness and accuracy for optimization process, but it needs more time with additional objectives and decision variables.