Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 .
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Thermal Instability of Radiative Thermally Conducting Viscous Plasma with FLR Corrections for Star formation[Full-Text ] Sachin KaothekarThe effect of radiative heat-loss function and finite ion Larmor radius (FLR) corrections on thermal instability of infinite homogeneous viscous plasma has been investigated incorporating the effects of thermal conductivity, finite electrical resistivity for star formation in interstellar medium (ISM). A general dispersion relation is derived using the normal mode analysis method with the help of relevant linearized perturbation equations of the problem. The wave propagation along and perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field has been discussed. Stability of the medium is discussed by applying Routh Hurwitz’s criterion. We find that the presence of FLR corrections, radiative heat-loss function and thermal conductivity modifies the fundamental criterion of thermal instability. Numerical calculations have been performed to show the effect of various parameters on the growth rate of the thermal instability. From the curves we find that heat-loss function and FLR corrections have stabilizing effect on the growth rate of thermal instability. Our results are applicable in understanding the star formation in galaxies.
SOLAR CELLS ON THE NEW CONTACT STRUCTURE BASIS[Full-Text ] T. A. DjalalovIn the work presented a theory of absolutely new type of solar cell. In view of certain technological factors of their creation, they are becoming cheap, durable and stable. Similar advantages (especially their cheapness) arise due to the use the homogenized technical silicon as a solar cell substrate.
Performance Measurement Systems in Developing Countries: Ethiopian Manufacturing Organizations focused Study[Full-Text ] Goshu Yitagesu Yima, Kitaw Daniel The Propose of this article is to investigate manufacturing companies’ performance measures and measurement systems in developing countries. The review research followed a systematic reviewing strategy and process, which has been used for performance measurement researches. The performance measures and measurement systems are evaluated using a performance measurement system design framework. The literature review research has asserted that regardless of its increased advancement and enormous advantages, manufacturing companies in developing countries are not benefitting from the field of performance measurement system. Still, traditional financial and productivity performance measures are dominant. It has also been asserted that the number of company performance related researches is limited in developing countries, which has been identified as one reason for poor knowledge dissemination and poor implementation of PM systems. For information-starved regions, this review research is believed to have greater value and can provide additional information about company performance related researchers and practitioners.
RADIATION PATTERN OF A UNIFORM LINEAR ARRAY OF WIRE ANTENNAS[Full-Text ] Ifeoma B. Asianuba, Anthony N. NzeakoWireless communication process which include; point-to-point, broadcast, satellite communication etc. are prone to fading, interference and attenuation due to very long distances involved in the communication process. In other words, highly directional antennas are required to meet these challenges for efficient communication process. In this work the relationship between a uniform linear array antenna and its equivalent radiation pattern is presented. An efficient technique based on the Method of Moments (MoM) formulation is used in the analysis of the wire antenna. The Hallen’s differential equation describes the analysis using piecewise constant function for determining the current distribution of the antenna. Applying the pattern multiplication principle, the radiation pattern of the array is achieved showing the impact of the inter-element spacing and number of array element on the overall radiation pattern
The tribological behavior of TiO2, CeO2 and ZrO2 nano particles as a lubricant additive in rice bran oil[Full-Text ] Rani SThe present work is to understand a comparative effect of tribological and thermal properties of three different nanoparticles in bio lubricant formulation based on rice bran oil. The nanoparticles included in our study are Cerium dioxide, Titanium dioxide and Zirconium dioxide nanoparticles. Each particle were separately dispersed at 0.1 to 2% by weight of the rice bran oil using an ultra sonicator for 5 hours. The tribological properties were obtained by a four ball tester. The surfaces were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry after the wear test. The thermal properties were analyzed by thermo gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimeter. All nanoparticle suspensions show a reduction in tribological properties among which titanium dioxide at 0.3% by weight shows very good wear and friction reduction. The SEM and energy dispersive spectrometry shows that a tribolayer of nanoparticles are formed. The layering capability is good for titanium dioxide nanoparticles. The mechanism can be explained in terms of rolling and sintering of nanoparticles. These nanoparticles can be used as anti-wear and anti friction additive for biolubricant formulation.
Interplay of Theology in Environmental Sustainability towards Disaster Risk Reduction[Full-Text ] Syed Sajjad Nasir Kazmi, Dr. Arshad AliThe environmental predicament is now encompassing the entire universe at fast pace and nearing the total destruction. Bizarrely enough, destruction of the already scanty quality of nature by modern humanbeings is further subjugated in the perspective of secularism, yet huge population of the human species, is considered to play havoc upon the natural environment, directly or indirectly. That’s why the role of religion needs to be studied in the context of the existing environmental crisis between man and the nature. Besides this, any dialogue on the religions and the orders of nature, which is now engrossed in curing the wounds of our planet and also ameliorating the existing environmental crisis, may become ardent on a global scale because each country and nation paves the way for self-interest. Unfortunately, we feel proud to have the weapons of mass destruction (WMD) but not the green syrup for the survivability of our motherland upon which we feed and live.
MM Double Exponential Distribution[Full-Text ] Zahida Perveen,Mubbasher MunirThe exponential distribution is one of the most significant and widely used distributions in statistical practices. In this paper, we introduce MM Double Exponential Distribution (MMDED) and find some properties with application to real life data. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) has been used to estimate the parameters of MMDED. Finally, we provide results of entropies and compareMMDED with other distributions for best fitted.
Data Analysis and Visualization using NCARG NCL[Full-Text ] Gurbrinder KaurThe NCAR Command Language is a product of the Computational & Information Systems Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and sponsored by the National Science Foundation. It is a free interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data processing and visualization. The NCAR Command Language (NCL) is a data analysis and visualization environment developed primarily at CISL in deep collaboration with a number of core scientific groups. NCL enables scientists to effectively read, analyze, and visualize their geoscientific data on platforms ranging from personal laptops to high performance computers.
Comparison of MSMIA and Moment Algorithm Using Streaming Dataset of Barclays[Full-Text ] P.Logeshwari, Dr.AntonySelvadossThanamaniMain Stream Data Multiple Imputation is one of the main models for Missing Data Imputation in data stream mining, in which a fixed length of recently arrived data is considered. In a Main Stream Data Multiple Imputation over a transactional data stream, by the arrival of a new transaction, the oldest transaction is removed from the Data Stream and the new transaction is inserted into the Data Stream. The MSMIA algorithm compared with the Moment, a state-of-the-art incremental mining algorithm. Real-world dataset of Barclays Bank has been used and now fix the data stream size to 10K transactions
Development of Desalination system using Reverse Osmosis[Full-Text ] M.G.Mousa, Kamal El-Nahhas and Layla K. HaythoorThe present work are a theoretical and an experimental investigation based on the influence of the main operation parameters on the performance of the RO elements. The theoretical work is experiment is performed in order to measure the total dissolved salts, PH and conductivity of the permeate water when different temperatures and concentrations values for the Feed water. Combined between RO desalination system and heater system would improve the performance of the system as the results which is clarified under the temperature limits to prevent scaling and fouling deposition. Temperature of the feed water is the most noticeable environmental condition affecting the performance of RO systems. The general rule of thumb is to estimate productivity change at 3% per degree Celsius, °C change from the standard of 25 °C. There are equations to provide a more exact estimate of productivity. Pressure is approximated by direct proportionality to productivity. Temperature correction is an exponential function related to the membrane material.
Jeans instability of molecular cloud under the influence of electron inertia and fine Dust particles[Full-Text ] R.K. Pensia, A. Kumar and D.L. SutarThe problem of Jeans instability of gaseous molecular cloud in the presence fine dust particles electron inertia and the influence of thermal conductivity. The mathematical form of the problem is performed and a general dispersion relation is obtained using the normal mode analysis with the help of relevant linearized perturbation equations. Furthermore, the wave propagation along parallel and perpendicular to the direction of existing magnetic field has been discussed.
Energy Efficient QAM Modulation/Demodulation Architecture using Reversible Logic Gates[Full-Text ] Naveen K B, M N Sree RangarajuModulation scheme is one of the digital communication frameworks and most broadly utilized basic structures part including vast measure of complex calculations. It chooses the execution and power utilization of the digital communication framework. Hence forth in this paper defines novel low power architectures for Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) schemes are accomplish in view of the reversible logic gates because of its low power utilization as a result of balanced correspondence between the info and yields. Significance of the gate level advancements will be represented to lessen the force utilization of the QAM adjustment frameworks. Datapath architectural advancements for reversible logic gates are executed to accomplishing insignificant power utilization. Diverse low power reversible datapath segments such as adder and multiplier are intended to diminish the power utilization of the for QAM modulator frameworks. The qam modulators were digitally demonstrated in verilog HDL coding and combined utilizing rhythm RTL compiler with 65nm mechanical library hub. A correlation between cutting edge existing reversible logic and proposed reversible logic architectures has been made. The proposed low power reversible datapath architectures have decreased power utilization of the QAM regulation frameworks when contrasted with existing reversible logic frameworks.
Characterization of Tricalcium Phosphate Powder Prepared by Rapid Reaction Between Ca(OH)2 and H3PO4[Full-Text ] A. Elouahli, E. Gourri, B. El ouatli, R. Chourak, M. Ezzahmouly, M. Jamil, H. Khallok, Z. HatimThe present study concerns the characterization of the apatitic tricalcium phosphate (Ca9(HPO4)(PO4)5(OH) : TCPa) prepared by rapid reaction between Ca(OH)2 and H3PO4 at room temperature without pH adjustment. The formation of pure β-Ca3(PO4)2 without impurity phase such as pyrophosphate (Ca2P2O7) or hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 ) was confirmed by heat treatment of TCPa at 1000°C for 15h. The Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction analysis show the change of OH-, HPO42- and PO43- functional groups depending on the calcination temperature. The change of lattice parameters, were refined using FULL PROF program and compared to the standard values and to values found in the literature. The reactivity and β-TCP’s purity were confirmed by rapid dissolution in acid solution.
Genetic Algorithm Based Image Integration for Multiband Satellite Image Classification[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohammed Sahib Mahdi AltaeiThe motivation of this paper is to establish an accurate method for multiband satellite image classification. Different imagery bands with predefined training areas are considered to test the proposed classification method. The genetic algorithm (GA) is first employed to evolutes newly integrated image with more information and best contrast. The information of the used image bands are transferred across generations to be concentrated in one integral image. Then, the integrated image is segmented into variable blocks size using hybrid segmentation (HS) method to make spectrally homogenous image blocks. The fractal features are estimated for each block to determine the image classes that stored as comparable models in dataset dictionary. Then, the integral image is classified pixel by pixel in comparison to the information given in the dataset. The classification results are found identifying the actual training data, which ensure the success of the proposed method and the effective performance of the classification.
An investigation into Nokia- Microsoft Strategic Alliance: Joining forces in the global Smartphone Industry[Full-Text ] Dulal Chandra PattakSmartphone industry is one of the rival industries in the world because the contemporary issues bear the testimony to this. The recent strategic alliance between two big giants Nokia and Microsoft proves that there is extremely high competition in the industry because Nokia being the market leader once has become bound to make this deal with Microsoft to sustain in the market. This study aims to critically analyze the strategic alliance of Nokia and Microsoft. So, a critical evaluation of the nature of competition facing Nokia from new operating systems entering the market has been analyzed. Besides, the impact of global Smartphone industry competition on Nokia’s Smartphone market share and income has been discussed. Moreover, a critical assessment of strategic alliances and merger and acquisition in the context of Nokia and Microsoft to achieve sustainable competitive advantage has been carried out. It also aims to analyze how the strategic alliance helped Nokia to stop the decline of market share in the global market. In addition, this study covers how this deal can be beneficial to the employees. Side by side, the role of the CEO and senior management to make current and future strategic alliances to work more successfully has been evaluated. Different strategic model like SWOT, Five forces, PESTEL and other model have been used to critically analyze the issue. The study finds that Nokia basically faced severe competition after 2007 when Apple along with Samsung came with touch screen Smartphone. Nokia failed to read the emotion of consumers on Smartphone and was late to introduce this. It introduced Windows mobile and new OS to compete in the market. But this strategy did not work much better. Finally, some recommendations have been given so that they can do better taking lesions from this strategic alliances because the competition will be extremely high due to the frequent changes and innovation in the technology.
The Higher Education System in India and its Impact on the Economy[Full-Text ] SONY KURIANThis paper mainly highlighted the problems and prospects of Indian Higher Education in the era of globalization. The study found that the Higher Education sector has witnessed a tremendous increase in its institutional capacity since independence. The study revealed the fact that low college enrolment, employability crisis of unskilled liability and lack of flexibility of the education sector are the major hindrance for the higher education. Suitable policy suggestions are for India’s 30% GER objective achievement by 2030.
Is it moral to kill an innocent person? The moral dilemma of abortion[Full-Text ] Hayder H. AL-HadrawiAbortion is one of the most difficult moral issues in health care. The decision of abortion is very controversial, because it involves two people: the one who threatens the life and the one without any fault whose life is threatened. The moral issue that has been raised with abortion is the rightness or the wrongness of abortion, and the debate between proponents and pro-life focuses on the personhood of the fetus and the right of the mother. Different moral perspectives will be presented in this paper, representing those who regard themselves as pro-choice and those who see themselves as pro-life. The main purpose of this paper is to give a comparative analysis and not to convince people to accept one view and reject another, as well as, the moral responsibilities of nurses toward abortion.
Smart Growth of Capitals in Arabian Cities[Full-Text ] Dr. Daliah Shebl SaidAlong the different times and across the history, the capitals and the big cities have attracted people from everywhere especially the poor and low income people. Those cities suffered from many problems and over population which reflect on the quality of life and make many disturbing in urban, traffic, Roads, housing and infrastructure…etc., These problems will form a major challenge for any capitals or big cities to develop. Which almost need to growth and increase their areas to encounter the dense urban fabric.
Optimal experimental hyperspectral image acquisition conditions of biomedical structures[Full-Text ] Rubaiya HussainIn recent decades there has been a great interest in using hyperspectral imaging (HSI) for biomedical applications. HSI provides a three dimensional dataset from which one can obtain both the spatial and spectral information of biological samples being imaged. From the acquired hyperspectral images, it is possible to extract diagnostic information about tissue constituents and morphology. This paper focuses on determining the experimental conditions for an optimal hyperspectral acquisition of biological samples.
On PS-Compact Spaces[Full-Text ] Baravan A. Asaad, Alias B. KhalafIn this paper, we introduce a new class of spaces namely PS-compact. This class of compactness lies strictly between the classes of strongly compact and nearly compact spaces, but it is not comparable with compact space.
K-Means Based SVD for Multiband Satellite Image Classification[Full-Text ] Assad H. Thary Al-Ghrairi, Dr. Mohammed S. Mahdi Al-TaeiThe motivation we address in this paper is to classify satellite image using the singular value decomposition (SVD) technique, the proposed method is consisted of two phases; the enrollment and classification. The enrollment phase aims to extract the image classes to be stored in dataset as a training data. Since the SVD method is supervised method, it cannot enroll the intended dataset, instead, the moment based K-means was used to build the dataset. The enrollment phase showed that the image contains five distinct classes, they are; water, vegetation, residential without vegetation, residential with vegetation, and open land. The classification phase consisted of multi stages; image composition, image transform, image partitioning, feature extraction, and then image classification. The classification method used the dataset to estimate the classification feature SVD and compute the similarity measure for each block in the image. The results assessment was carried out by comparing the results with a reference classified image achieved by Iraqi Geological Surveying Corporation (GSC). The comparison process is done pixel by pixel for whole the considered image and computing some evaluation measurements. It was found that the classification method was high quality performed and the results showed acceptable classification scores of about 70.64%, and it is possible to be approaches 81.833% when considering both classes: residential without vegetation and residential with vegetation as one class for SVD method.
SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION[Full-Text ] Abd. KadirOne’s capacity is determined by the knowledge and experience gained from the various aspects from sensing, reasoning, and spiritual in which is collide in him. Enlightenment in spiritual aspects intuitively used to understand the essence of the meaning and validity of something that is revealed through the light of God, allowing a person to understand the interconnections between empirical, rational, and spiritual domains. Learning to acquire a religious spiritual experience is more likely based on the knowledge and experience of other aspects for each sensing, reasoning, and spiritual vision play another role in relation to all aspects of the per-sonality. Perfection of one's knowledge and experience is achieved when it is supported by a wide range of do-mains and education on physical and psychological aspects is also important to support the development of spi-ritual education. The result can be a point of orientation of a person to live their lives. Education becomes a ne-cessity and duty to create conditions conducive to the fulfillment of physical, psychological, and spiritual for the sake of comprehensive development of his personality.
Artificial Intelligence Based Online Vehicles Troubleshooting System[Full-Text ] Yekini N. Asafe, Oghene Adebola, Aigbokhan Edwin E, Akinwole A. KikelomoMaintenance and repair of millennium car (a car manufactured from year 2000 upward), is most times is the grand challenge for most people that have them because of their embedded and electronics system in them. Maintenances of vehicles start from ability to understand the cause of some minor problems and procedures to fix it up. To prolong the life of the vehicles, there is need for the vehicle users to understand some simple preventive and corrective maintenance even if he/she would need the service of a conventional mechanics. In this case vehicle owners must be able to diagnose some minor mechanical and other related faults in their vehicle. This research study proposed a conceptual model for development of an Artificial Intelligence based online system to assist in diagnosing mechanical and other related problems in the millennium cars. This system if developed and implemented it would reduce the congestion in a mechanical workshop, also save money on maintenances since the system could render solution and some of the offers solution could be carried out by non-conventional mechanics.
Comparative proximate and some Micronutrients content of five local varieties of mango pulp (Mangiferaindica) commonly consumed in Wudiltown Kano State[Full-Text ] Bello, B.A.,Jalaluddin, A.Khan.,Rilwan, A., Adam, A.A., Sani,M.M., Ibrahim, S.I.,Abdullahi, F.S. and Magaji, A. S.Comparative nutrient composition was carried out on five local varieties of mango pulp commonly consumed in Wudil town Kano state. The moisture content of the pulp range from 79% for Peter mango (Binta sugar)to 84% for Golden nugget(Kayan rago), ash range from 0.05% for Sheri mango (Yar-kamaru)to 0.49% for Julie mango (Mai-simunti); proteins range from 0.3 1% to 1.25% for Normal mango (Tawarri)and Peter mango (Binta sugar).The fat contentof the pulp range from 0.6% for Golden nugget mango (Kayan rago) and Peter mango (Binta sugar)to 1.0% for Normal mango (Tawarri),while carbohydrate content was found to range from 14.06% to 18.74% for Golden nugget mango (kayan rago)and Peter mango(Binta sugar)respectively.
Comparison Between Different Photon- and Electron-Treatment Techniques Used for Left Breast Cancer Boost Dose Delivery[Full-Text ] H.I, Abdelkader, Ehab A. Hegazy, Mohamed E. Abdraboh, Aly M. Elhadidy An additional boost dose of 10 to 16 Gy delivered to the tumor bed has shown an additional gain in decreasing local recurrence in patients. In this study a comparison between three different techniques by which the boost dose was delivered to the tumor bed was carried out, aiming to present the best technique of treatment for left breast cancer patients. Ten left sided breast cancer computed tomography (CT) scans were selected for ten early left breast cancer patients. More precautions should be taken to minimize the side effect on heart because the left breast is nearer to the heart than the right breast.
Performance of Combined Vertical Axis Wind Turbine blade between airfoil NACA 0018 with Curve Blade with and without Guide vane[Full-Text ] Indra Herlamba Siregar, Aris AnsoriThis article proposes a model design of vertical axis wind turbine with blades hybrid is a combination of NACA 0018 airfoil profile blades and curve C with and without a guide vane tested with subsonic wind tunnel for four Reynolds number. Results of the study describes the addition of guide vane in the wind turbine model is able to improve the performance of wind turbine models significantly. The increase in performance compared to using the guide vane wind turbine model without a guide vane on the maximum condition reached 150%, besides the addition of guide vane is able to improve self-starting wind turbine model.
Study of temperature profiles by optimized characteristic secondary air injec-tion in the biomass fluidized bed[Full-Text ] Prof.S.N.Topannavar, Dr.P.B.GangavatiThe agriculture wastes are attracted to produce required form environmental friendly energy and efficient burning of these required optimized characteristic temperature contours in the fluidized bed. To study the effect of the different characteristic behavior of the fluidized bed combustor (FBC) with the temperature profile to maximize the heat release rate of the unburned hydrocarbons of the biomass particles (UBP) in the free board region, set up an experiment with the 2.5 m height and 0.1 m diameter laboratory FBC model with 8 axial strategic point thermocouples (T1-T8). The FBC was configured with 4 sets of angular fixtures (90o,60o,45o and 30o) for pressurized secondary air radial and tangential injection. By the experimental observation for Sawdust, Baggase and Ricehusk burning, the 30o angle tangential secondary air injection with any pressure between 1.2 and 3.5 bar created optimized vorticity effect to release more heat as compared radial air injection (90o) in the free board region of the FBC. The 3.5 bar secondary air injection operations were created favorable characterized vorticity and turbulence effects for efficient burning of UBP and more heat transfer between bed material and biomass particles in the free board region. Sawdust burning has more benefit at 3.5 bar vorticity effect in the free board region.
Effect of Mo Addition on the Effect of Mo Addition to ZA22 Alloy Grain Refined by Ti on its Metallurgical and Mechanical Characteristics[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. ZaidSince the production of zinc alloys with higher aluminum contents, they were getting increasingly in demand in industrial and engineering applications of these newly developed alloys have high strength and hardness, improved creep and wear resistances and lower density. However, they have the disadvantage in solidifying in dendritic structure with large grain size which adversely affects their mechanical strength, toughness and surface quality. Hence, it is of prime importance to grain refine their structure to avoid these discrepancies. Grain refinement of metals and alloys by some rare earth elements has engaged the materials researchers for the last seven decades and is now well established. In this paper the effect of molybdenum addition to zinc 22% wt. aluminum grain refined by Ti was carried out. The effect of the addition on the metallurgical and mechanical characteristics of the alloy was investigated and the obtained results are presented and discussed.
Design and Evaluation of Immersed Wideband Non-polarizing Beam Splitter Using ZEMAX Pro-gram and Needle/ Tunneling Method[Full-Text ] Ail H. Al-Hamdani, Hayfa G. Rashid, Hussein T. HashimHerein a wideband non-polarizing cube beams splitters (NPBSs) for the telecommunication C-band. We engage analy-sis/simulation and design/optimization methods, using an optical design software ZEMAX-EE and Needle/Tunneling synthesis method to find optimal beam splitter parameters. Similar design parameters of minimum layers with ternary dielectric materials were introduced. The results show that ZEMAX software has the ability to design thin film non-polarizing beam splitters and in comparison to needle/tunneling method has reasonable result. Moreover, NPBSs are provided exhibiting ~ 50/50 beam ratio with reasonably tolerant deviations in angle of incidence.
Predictors of 1-Year Mortality inpatients withNon-invasive HomeMechanicalVentilation[Full-Text ] Hani H O Alharbi, Sprooten S Roy, Otte A Astird Background: Home mechanical ventilation (HMV) is broadly and increasingly accepted as a treatment option for chronic respiratory failure, which most often occurs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), restrictive lung diseases, obesity-hypoventilation syndrome and neuromuscular disorders such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Duchenne, etc. Thus, this project is aimed to measure the one-year mortality of patients using home mechanical ventilation according to their diagnosis. Objectives-All-cause one-year mortality rate of patients with noninvasive mechanical home ventilation (HMV) and predictors of mortality.
Numerical Investigation for Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Nanofluids Over Ribbed Confined One-End Closed Flat-Plate[Full-Text ] Mohamed M. Hassan, Mohamed A. Teamah, Wael M. El-MaghlanyJet impingement is one of various methods of cooling with the ability to achieve high heat transfer rates and improve average surface’s Nusselt number. This method has vast industrial applications including: integrated use in solar collectors, gas turbine cooling, refrigeration, air conditioning and electronics cooling. A numerical study is conducted to study the effect of using nanofluids on impinging slot jet over a flat plate with a ribbed surface. The main objective of the study is to investigate the possibility of improving the overall heat transfer rate by focusing on the improvements in the local and average surface Nusselt number values. Several parameters effects are studied including, Solid Volume Fraction, Richardson number, Reynolds number.