Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2016 .
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Designing fractional orderPID for car suspension systems using PSO Algorithm[Full-Text ] Saeed ZeraatiThe suspension system of the car has a crucial effect on the comfort of traveling andcontrolling the vehicle because the body of the car is assembled on it and transfer the forces by the road to the body. In this study the implementation of FOPID controller based on PSO algorithm on the 1/4 active suspension system was investigated through the non-linear hydraulic actuator. The working principle of hydraulic suspension system that sometimes is called hydropenomatic is based on the compressibility principles of gases and non-compressibility of liquids. Investigation of the given acceleration to the pssengers and deviation of suspension shows that the suggested controlling structure has made more ease for the aboard. The results of simulation of the system regarding a non-flat road as the entrance, proves the ideal operation of closed ring system.
QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE EVALUATIONS OF RESIDUAL CLAY DEPOSIT ALONG IKERE –IGBARA ODO ROAD IKERE-EKITI, SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Y. C. Ajisafe, G. O. Adeyemi, L. O Afolagboye and A. O. TalabiQuantitative and qualitative evaluations of residual clay deposit along Ikere –Igbara Odo Road, Ikere-Ekiti were executed with a view to determining its possible utilities. Geophysical study involving electrical resistivity survey was carried out in order to estimate its reserves. Particle size distribution analysis and consistency limits tests were employed for qualitative evaluation. The results of geophysical survey revealed fairly thick layer (about 1.7m -5.6m) of lateritic clay with depth to the bedrock of about 18m. The amounts of the fine fraction (about 58 – 65 %), clay sized fraction (about 8 -18%) and permeability coefficient (about 3.6 x 10-6 cm/s to 8.0 x 10-6 cm/s) show that the clay possesses properties of good liner for landfills. The fairly high amount of sand sized fraction (about 31 to 36%) show that the clay can be used for the production of building bricks if appropriately stabilised with lateritic soil.
Professional vocabulary learning strategies in content courses taught in English[Full-Text ] Amantina Pervizaj, Vehebi Sofiu, Bujar Kelmendi Being young European country, Kosovo, takes place among countries with special interest in foreign language acquisition especially English. Therefore many colleges included English teaching in content courses, but the difficulties they are having inspired us to have a concrete research in facilitating this challenge.
Hydrogen Usage in I.C. Engines[Full-Text ] Chaganti Sri Krishna SharmaFast depletion of fossil fuels is urgently demanding a carry out work for research to find out the viable alternative fuels for meeting sustaina-ble energy demand with minimum environmental impact. In the future, our energy systems will need to be renewable and sustainable, efficient and cost-effective, convenient and safe. Hydrogen provides a pathway for energy diversity. It can store the energy from diverse domestic resources (including clean coal, nuclear, and intermittently available renewable sources) for use in mobile applications and more. Hydrogen is expected to be one of the most important fuels in the near future to meet the stringent emission norms. The use of the hydrogen as fuel in the internal combustion engine represents an alternative use to replace the hydrocarbons fuels, which produce polluting gases such as carbon monoxide (C.O.), hydro carbon (H.C.) during combustion. In this paper contemporary research on the hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine can be given.
Augmenting SADT with Respect to Timing Constraints, Formalization and Dependability Evaluation[Full-Text ] Lakhoua M.N., Ben Salem J., El Amraoui L.After a presentation of the Structured Analysis Design Technique (SADT) method used in designing computer integrated manufacturing systems, we present a review on this method and its applicability in the industrial and pedagogical fields. Thus, some applications of the SADT method that have been presented in various researches are presented. Previous researches showed that any kind of system can be modeled using SADT. So, this method is a confirmed way to model any kind of domain. Then, we present some researches to augment the SADT method with respect to timing constraints and formalization in one hand and to take into account the dependability evaluation, in other hand. Finally, we present how SADT augments software development methods.
An Overview of Space Debris and Its Related Aspects[Full-Text ] Jaisal ChauhanThis paper aims to delve into the present situation regarding the various aspects of space debris. It considers the current statistics concerning space junk concentration and the diverse sources of space junk. The sources considered in the paper include anti satellites weapons, derelict crafts and spent rocket stages etc. The paper further discusses the threats posed by space junk on future and current space missions along with the threats posed to humans on Earth (including explosions and radiation exposure). Also discussed are the various methodologies employed to track space junk for reasons such as maintaining updated information to be used while charting safe paths for ISS etc. Finally, an account of the current measures adopted to grapple with space junk are mentioned along with an account of projects under development, their status and the future of spacefare with respect to space debris.
Treatment and management of “open angle glaucoma” among patients from various hospitals of Lahore[Full-Text ] Saleha Sadeeqa, Muneeba Gohar, Isma khanGlaucoma is an eye disease in which the optic nerve is damaged in a characteristic pattern. This can permanently damage vision in the affected eye and lead to blindness if left untreated. The study aimed to observe patient compliance with prescribed drug regimen in open angle glaucoma and its management. A descriptive study was conducted using a structured questionnaire on a sample of 100 patients using convenient sampling technique.It was concluded that open angle glaucoma is an irreversible disease; it can be treated to prevent further vision loss by using different medications but can not be treated completely to get normal vision.
Analysis of Electrical Resistivity of Iron-Resign Composite Materials from Powder Metallurgy[Full-Text ] Monir Göethel Borba, Moisés de Mattos Dias, Ricardo Martins de Martins, Patrice Monteiro de Aquim, Halston José Mozetic, Renato Mazzini Callegaro, José Lesina César, LÃrio SchaefferThis paper aims to study the physical properties of composite iron-resin able to be used in cores of rotating electrical machines. A tooling for coupling is designed in a press to execute a hot die pressing. Compression tests were carried out to obtain parts from pure iron powder and thermoplastic acrylic resin, where the resin was varied percentage and subsequent verification density, electrical resistivity and analysis of hardness. Thus, there was a significant increase in electrical resistivity of the specimens, as well as reduced density.
Effect of Serum and Seminal Plasma of Anti-sperm Antibodies, IL6 and IL8 on semen parameters in a sample of Iraqi Males with infertility[Full-Text ] Ahmed Khaleel Ibrahim; Thuraya Jaafer Mezal; Hazem R. AkalThis study aimed to investigate the effects of serum and seminal plasma of antisperm antibodiess (ASAs) and cytokines (IL6, IL8) on the seminogram of male with infertility.
SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF HIV/AIDS MODEL WITH VERTICAL TRANSMISSION, TREATMENT AND PROGRESSION RATE[Full-Text ] J.O. Akanni and F.O. AkinpeluIn this study a nonlinear mathematical model of HIV/AIDS with treatment, vertical transmission and progression rate was considered. The next generation matrix was used to evaluate the basic reproduction number (R0) and the comparison approach was used to examine the global stability. The disease – free and the endemic equilibrium of the model were determined. The sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the parameter that has high impact on the spread of the disease and the maple software was used for numerical simulation of the model. The disease free and endemic equilibrium were obtained and there stabilities studied . The model showed that the disease free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable by using Routh Hurwitz criteria but globally of the disease free equilibrium is not stable by comparism approach. The numerical simulation shows that by using treatment measures and by controlling the rate of vertical transmission with time, the spread of the disease can reduced significantly and that providing treatment at the pre-AIDs stage reduces the infection much faster than starting treatment after progression into AIDs.
A Study of Recruitment Source and Selection Process in the Public and Private Universities in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Safayet Ahammad BhuyanUniversities that don't have an appropriate human resource strategy or framework bear expanded dangers to operational performance. For that reason in this study we inspect the way toward selecting staff and analyze diverse methodologies as far as viability and expense. In this paper the author exhibit and discuss about the significant contrasts amongst internal and external recruiting wellspring of public and private universities of Bangladesh and examine the significance of recruitment and selection process and attempt to discover the acts of recruitment and selection process .The outcome show that there is general yearning of the responded to practice reasonable and create recruitment and selection prepare yet at some point the encompassing environment is not bolster them. Confirmation was additionally bolstered that the universities had profundity comprehension of the procedure.
Analysing the suitability of storing Medical Images in NoSQL Databases[Full-Text ] D.Revina Rebecca, Dr.I.Elizabeth ShanthiThe need for storing semi-structured and unstructured data has led to the rise of new kind of databases called NoSQL databases. This is due to the need of the storage needs of todays data which is schema less. NoSQL databases are very much suiting the needs of different aspects of storage and retrieval. The IT industry is going through a paradigm shift, where the entire scenario of storing and retrieval of information is moving towards NoSQL Databases. The medical industry has no exception, where the health care records mainly the medical images need a better data model for storage and retrieval. The need of the hour is to find a better suiting NoSQL `Database. This paper aims in studying the different NoSQL databases in the light of medical images.
BIODEGRADATION OF DISTILLERY MELANOIDINS BY A NOVEL FUNGUS IN OPTIMIZED MEDIUM[Full-Text ] Neethu S. Kumar and Thankamani VThe present study aims to explore the feasibility of using a highly potent novel fungus coded VT-NSK with GenBank Accession number JN570507 isolated from the effluent contaminated soil from Kerala, India for decolorization and degradation of the recalcitrant compound namely Melanoidin in distillery effluents from distillation and fermentation industries . An optimum medium both physical and nutritional was formulated for VT-NSK for maximum enzyme production (0.059U/ml) and colour reduction (92%) at 48 hrs. The colour removal efficiency of VT-NSK through the breaking down of substrates both distillery spent wash and synthetic melanoidin at various concentrations with respect to biomass, pH etc. were studied.
Detoxification of potassium dichromate (Cr6+) by nine isolated bacteria species as affected by incubation periods[Full-Text ] Abdulaziz Yahya Algamdi, Sulaiman Ali Alharbi, Milton Wainwright, Samir G. Al-SolaimaniNine dichromate resistant bacteria were isolated: Bacillus cereus, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis, Acinetobacter radioresistens, Acinetobacter venetianus, Ochrobacterum sp, Massilia niabensis, and Leucobacter chromiireducens. All of the 9 isolated bacteria species absorbed and reduced Potassium dichromate Cr6+ from the growth medium amended by dichromate Cr6+ at concentration of 100 ppm. The Potassium dichromate Cr6+ absorption from the growth medium by bacteria species increased with increase in incubation period from 0 to 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. The highest dichromate reduction was attained by Acinetobacter radioresistens, with 62% Acinteobacter ventianus, with 54% and Bacillus cereus with 50%. The remaining Potassium dichromate Cr6+ in the growth media for all species decreased gradually with time from zero to 24, 48, 72 and 96 h.
RS and GIS aided Demarcation of Groundwater Potential Zones in Bangalore Urban District, Karnataka[Full-Text ] S. S. Revathy, R.V.Raikar, S. Suresh BabuThe parameters of governing ground water resources and assessing to predict groundwater potential is essential for planning and developing in the metropolitan cities like Bangalore. This present research works depicts with the integrated approach of remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) to delineate groundwater potential zones of Bangalore urban district, Karnataka.The various thematic maps like geomorphology, geology, drainage density and lineament have been generated and analyzed in the study. All these themes and their individual features were obtained by overlaying all the thematic maps weighted in terms of overlay method using spatial analysis ARC GIS 10.1. Demarcation of the Groundwater potential zone in the study area is derived and it indicates that around 50 % of the area in Bangalore urban district falls under moderate ground water potential zones. Hence the study will be effective and economical method for groundwater potential mapping.
Performance of Kernels in Virtual Machines: An Introduction to KVM Hypervisor[Full-Text ] Maryam AurangzaibThe topic “performance of kernel in Virtual machine” explains the usage and importance of kernel in VMMs. How they are used and how they are helpful in the communication in between the hardware and software. The microkernels in regard to kernels continue the work of the kernel in a higher level with a specific server that is used to perform the task in a convenient way. Different kernel based virtual machines are very portable for the task completion. The KVM’s therefore describes an infrastructure that takes in both the kernels and virtual machine. This integrates the quality of the work and computability of the tasks performed. The whole research paper will focus on the KVM’s virtualization performance and the importance of the kernel in the KVM’s which will prolong to hypervisor. The whole circle will paper will circle around the Kernels, Virtual machines , performance of the KVM’s hypervisor.
An Efficient BigDataBench for the Analysis of Internet Services[Full-Text ] Pooja Singh, Asst. Prof. Angad SinghBig data is a growing field that pushes the limits of information collection and analysis. More and more entities are seeking ways to use big data. As the big data industry continues to grow and establish common needs and trends, meaningful benchmarks will be a way to compare different systems and allow engineers to design better solutions and consumers to make informed purchases. Here in this paper a new and efficient algorithm for Internet Things on BigData Bench dataset is proposed. The Algorithm implemented here is applied over various Datasets on different Workloads and the methodology provides higher instructions to be executed per second and generates high SpeedUp ratio as compared to the existing methodology for Internet on Things. The Proposed Methodology also provides Low Instruction Breakdown and the results can’t variates for files of less or higher sizes.
The Investigation of Callus Induction and Indirect Regeneration in Kurdistan Colony Strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.)[Full-Text ] Behzad Khatery, Ezzat Karami, Mino Taiefeh-Nory, Marzieh BabashpourIn order to investigate callus induction and indirect regeneration of Kurdistan colony strawberry in geographical regions of Sanandaj, Kamyaran, and Mariwan, a factorial experiment in a Completely Randomized Designs (CRD) with three-replication was conducted. Plant growth regulators reused in callus induction and direct regeneration were: [BAP (10mg/l) + NAA (0.01mg/l)], [TDZ (1mg/l) + 2,4- D (0.2mg/l), TDZ (2.65mg/l) + IBA (0.01mg/l)], and MS medium (as control). Also, for indirect regeneration, they include: [BAP (2mg/l) + NAA (0.1mg/l)] [BAP (2mg/l) + IBA (2mg/l)] and MS medium (as control). Young leaves as well as meristem of lateral buds of young stolons were used as explants.
Studies of Microstructures and Mechanical Properties on Al-Si Alloy(A390) using Grain refiners and/orModifier[Full-Text ] Satya Prema, Murali G.E, T.M ChandrashekharaiahAluminium Silicon metal has taken the major importance in industrial components development. Many investigations and experiments resulted in much more alloying elements to commercially available Aluminium Silicon alloy. This paper is an effort to contribute the additional concept to it. Here the experimentally selected commercially available Aluminium alloy A390 (hypereutectic, >13% Si) is grain refined and modified by master alloys. The indigenously developed Grain refiners (Al-5Ti-1B & Al-3B) and commercially available modifier (Al-10Sr master alloy) were used in the present study. The cast alloys, grain refiners and modifier were characterised by using SEM. These master alloys were individually added to A390 alloy during casting. These casted alloys were tested using computerised Universal testing machine (UTM) to asses percentage elongation, ultimate tensile strengths (UTS) and micro Vickers hardness test results were taken. Later it was observed for its microstructure through SEM, observations has revealed that coarse α – Al dendrites refined to coarse equiaxed dendrites and primary silicon present in the A390 alloy has reduced its shape and size. Due to this improvement in mechanical properties were observed.
ABO and Rh (D) Blood Groups' Distribution and Gene Frequencies in North Baghdad Population–Iraq[Full-Text ] Saad M. Saleh and Ahmed S. AboodBackground: It is firmly established that ABO and rhesus (Rh) genes and phenotypes remain the most significant blood factor in clinical applications, it also prove to be a valuable assets for determining human migration patterns and origins. The aim of this study was to provide explicative information on the genetic composition and variation of population in north Baghdad, with respect to ABO blood group and Rhesus factor contributing to the existing knowledge by calculating the genotypic allele frequencies and phenotypic distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups and to compare it with those of other populations. The gene frequencies for the ABO and Rh alleles in a sample of 1268 individuals aging between 12-70 years old randomly selected from population in north Baghdad during October-December 2012. The individuals typed for ABO and Rh blood groups. The genotypic and allelic frequencies determined and analyzed based on Hardy–Weinberg equations. Chi-square test statistic was used to compare observed and expected frequencies of the ABO and Rhesus blood groups. The results indicate that an overall trend of ABO blood group was in the order of O > A > B > AB in both males and females, and The most encountered phenotype was O Blood group while group AB was the least phenotype among the studied population. The distribution of ABO blood group differs significantly (p < 0.05) from those expected under the Hardy–Weinberg law. In consider to the Rh blood group, individuals with Rh positive (DD and Dd) were 0.44 and 0.45. Rh negative (dd) was 0.11. This also showed that Rh (D) positive was the most phenotype observed in this study. This distribution do not differ remarkably from those expected under the Hardy–Weinberg law. Our results demonstrate the existence of genetic variability and polymorphism as regards ABO and Rh blood groups among the population sampled. These findings would be of immense use to the biologists, geneticists, blood transfusion services policy maker and clinicians.
Validation of Satellite Based Observations of Ship Emissions -Coromandel Coast of INDIA[Full-Text ] D.Rajasekhar, Dr N Manoharan, Dr R Venkatesan In recent years, shipping significantlycontributes to the world's anthropogenic emissions of sulphur, nitrogen and particulate matter. These species affect the global radiative forcing as well as local acidification, multiplication and human health, with a large impact oncomposition and chemistry of the marine boundary layer.Studies show that 70% of the global ship emissions occur within 400km from land and it is estimated that about 60,000 premature deaths per year are related to these emissions. The tightening of the environmental regulations has generated a need for cost - effective ship emissions monitoring. By January 2020 a 0.50% m/m limit in the sulphur content of the fuel will be introduced in the sea areas. The actual values of the ship emission are measured using some of the instruments by placing it onboard. New methods are emerging to verify bottom-up emission inventories and to estimate the emission level of shipping activity with satellite observations. Measurements from the GOME 2 (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2) instrument onboard MetOp satellite have been analyzed for the shipping emissions along the coramandal coast of India. This route includes major port areas which has many main shipping lanes. The results here are to highlight the importance of ship emissions on the marine boundary layer and also to demonstrate the technology advancement of detecting emission using satellite data in an efficient way.
Taxonomic diversity of benthic stands of the Tataw source(ImouzerMarmoucha,Middle Atlas - Morocco)[Full-Text ] Imane Nechad& Fatima FadilThis work is a development of the knowledge of the fauna of invertebrates of aquatic ecosystems of the source Tataw (Middle Atlas, Morocco). It aims on the one hand, to identify and inventory the communities of its benthic macrofauna, lifting the originality of this fauna and on the other hand, to identify the main factors responsible for its distribution and dynamics.Samples were taken monthly year 2013 using a Surber NET with a width of mesh 400µm. the waters of the resurgence are weakly mineralized their temperature is established around an average of 11 ° C, heavily infested with bacteria of fecal origin.Results from a synthesis of faunal data are 7513 individuals identified at source scale. 29 species belonging to 21 families and 24 genera.This ecosystem is mostly dominated by the Amphipod genus Gammarus (84.85%), followed by the insect TrichopteraAgapitusincertilus (5.62%), Diptera genus Simulium (1.82%) and very minority the rest of taxa.the source is shocked by two important phenomena, floods and anthropogenic activity. Special attention must be given to this wetland that it hosts exclusive crustacean Amphipod GammarusmarmouchensisFadil 2006.
Enhancing Password Immunity Via Mixing Text With Biometric Information[Full-Text ] Munthir B. TuiebThe password is a technique uses in authentication which is one of security fields. It provides method to allow authorized users for using a system services and denied the services for others . So it plays an important role in computing security. This paper proposes an approach to enhance password security. The approach minimizes imposing strong policies on the user. It enhances the security of entered text password via mixing it with facial information. It captures an image of user face via live camera and it doesn’t deal with other ways that brings user image. Then it removes the noises of image and calculates a center point which serves for extracting binary features of image. This features mixes with text password via exclusive-or operation to enhance the immunity of password. The proposed approach minimizes required storage space and processing overhead, since it uses primitive operations and less amount of extracted information.
Prediction & Recognition of Fooled Images by Optimizing SVM using PSO[Full-Text ] Uttra Singh, Asst. Prof. Angad SinghHere in this paper an efficient technique for Recognition and classification of Fooled Images using Random Walker Segmentation is done. The Proposed methodology implemented here provides high accuracy rate of Recognizing Fooled Images as compared to the existing technique implemented. The Methodology implemented Support Vector machine is Optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization with Random Walker Segmentation for the Segmentation of Features extracted from the images. The Experimental results are performed on MNIST Datasets and it provides accuracy of 95.67%.
Energy Efficient QAM Modulation/Demodulation Architecture using Reversible Logic Gates[Full-Text ] Naveen K B, M N Sree RangarajuModulation scheme is one of the digital communication frameworks and most broadly utilized basic structures part including vast measure of complex calculations. It chooses the execution and power utilization of the digital communication framework. Hence forth in this paper defines novel low power architectures for Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) schemes are accomplish in view of the reversible logic gates because of its low power utilization as a result of balanced correspondence between the info and yields. Significance of the gate level advancements will be represented to lessen the force utilization of the QAM adjustment frameworks. Datapath architectural advancements for reversible logic gates are executed to accomplishing insignificant power utilization. Diverse low power reversible datapath segments such as adder and multiplier are intended to diminish the power utilization of the for QAM modulator frameworks. The qam modulators were digitally demonstrated in verilog HDL coding and combined utilizing rhythm RTL compiler with 65nm mechanical library hub. A correlation between cutting edge existing reversible logic and proposed reversible logic architectures has been made. The proposed low power reversible datapath architectures have decreased power utilization of the QAM regulation frameworks when contrasted with existing reversible logic frameworks.
Survey and Analysis of an Intelligent Information System for Tourism Development - The Case of the Moroccan Eastern Region[Full-Text ] S.Bourekkadi, S.Khoulji, K.Slimani, R.Messoussi and M.L.KerkebOur study seeks to draw on a strategic monitoring to develop the field of tourism in Morocco, with the goal of promoting its heritage through the creation of a computer application using humanitarian services. This application shows the concrete link between the cultural heritage and development, by seeking to answer an important question “How can programs of protection and promotion of tangible and intangible heritage have a positive impact on the economic and social development of communities?”
Study the levels of Hormones TSH, T3, Testosterone and the extent of its relationship with TG in women who have been taken corticosteroid as a treatment for asthma[Full-Text ] Noor Zuhair JasimThe present study aimed to assess a new knowledge of Thyroid-stimulating Hormone(TSH), Triiodothyronine hormone(T3) and Testosterone hormone concentrations in women who have been taken medicines of corticosteroid as a treatment for asthma and try to find out a relationship between these hormones and triglyceride(TG) concentration , since this study was conducted on (80 blood samples) of women.(50 blood sample) from women who have been taken medicines of corticosteroid as a treatment for asthma for a period 5-15 years and who have ages between (21-41) years and do not suffer of health problems as (hypertension disease, heart disease , diabetes) , as well as a control group consisting of (30 blood sample) from normal women who do not suffer from any health problems and their ages are between (21-41) years.The results of this study revealed the presence of a significant decrease (P<0.05) in the concentration of TSH and Testosterone hormone for a group of patients women who have been taken corticosteroids as a treatment for asthma in comparison to the control group. while the results exhibited that existence of a significant increase (P <0.05) in the concentration of T3 to a group of patients women compared to the control group.the study subjected a positive correlation between concentrations of TSH and TG for a group of patients women .
Framework for Data Communication in the Hospital using Li-Fi Technology[Full-Text ] Hyung Jae ChangIn the hospital, there are many medical equipment that are critical to monitor patients’ status. For this reason, using Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is limited (or completely prohibited) especially in intensive care units due to possible interference between Wi-Fi radio frequence and medical equipment operation. To overcome such restrictions, this paper proposes application level framework for data communication using Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) Technology in the hospital. Li-Fi is based on LED light bulb through which data can be transmitted. By using LED lights as a transmission medium, the indoor wireless communication is achived in much faster rate than the one Wi-Fi can provide. As the flickering rate is faster than the human eye can realize, people still can use LED light as a light source for each room. Meanwhile, it doesn’t interfere medical equipment operation since Li-Fi uses illumination for data communication.
Ergonomic Evaluation of Hospital Bed Design and Anthropometric Characterization of Adult Patients in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Fajobi M. O, Awoyemi E. A and Onawumi A. SThe use of beds and other similar furniture are not restricted only to hospitals, but also found enormous applications in other health care facilities and settings, such as assisted living facilities, nursing homes, outpatient clinics, as well as in home health care services.The design of hospital beddepends largely on users’ anthropometric characteristics to ensure comfort, safety and productivity of health care service. In this work the level of fitness of existing beds in hospitals in Nigeria to physical demands of patients’body measurements were studied with a stratified random sample size of 87 subjects (55 males and 32 females consisting of the caregivers and the caretakers) selected from subjects in the study area for analytic exploration and anthropometric characterization using the Participatory Ergonomic Intervention (PEI) approach. Structured questionnaire was administered to identify the level of ergonomic awareness and implementation with reference to existing intensive care unit (ICU) beds and medical/surgical bed designs. Following standard procedure, four anthropometric dimensions (Stature, Popliteal-Height, Vertical-Grip-Reach and Elbow Span) relevant to standard bed design were collected using calibrated anthropometric equipment. Existing workplaces were examined and analyzed under the combination of different anthropometric dimensions and design specifications. Independent test was used to determine the relationships between patient’s physical anthropometric characteristics and ergonomic factors while evaluation of the functional relationships was carried out between anthropometric factors responsible for the identified users’ capabilities through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the design specifications and standard values from the literatures, the analyses of the results misfits resulting fromsome deficiencies in the existing designs of the workstations which factors were found responsible for back pain, fatigue, poor blood circulation and other related musculoskeletal disorders among the users. A proposed design specifications weresuggested considering the application of the design for extremities. The result of the independent test on the proposed design shows that there are strong correlations between the subject’s anthropometric characteristics and ergonomic factors and that the most pertinent ergonomic factor is bed length. It is recommended that due consideration be given to users’ anthropometry in the design and manufacture hospital bed for local use.
Use of Design Structure Matric (DSM) in Engineering Change Analysis[Full-Text ] Rameshwor Bista, Dunbing TangThe design and development of complex engineering products require the efforts and collaboration of hundreds of participants from diverse backgrounds resulting in complex relationships among both people and tasks.Many new parts or products of advanced machine are developed through modifications of existing ones. The engineering changes required to modify such modifications may sometimes propagate, extend further changes to the design. This kind of propagation of change is therefore a huge influence on resource allocation when designing new parts or products. Many of the traditional project management tools (PERT, Gantt and CPM methods) do not address problems stemming from this complexity. While these tools allow the modeling of sequential and parallel processes, they fail to address interdependency (feedback and iteration), which is common in complex product development (PD) projects. So, we have introduced a matrix-based tool called the Design Structure Matrix (DSM) here.