Volume 6, Issue 8,August 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015.
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Evaluations of Bacillus species against Callosobruchus chinensis , Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) under laboratory and store conditions[Full-Text ] Sabbour Magda and Maysa E. Moharamive strains of the entopathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis were evaluated against two stored products insect pests, Callosobruchus chinensis , Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) . The LC50s of C. maculatus of different tested bactria which recorded that, 248, 269, 144, 88 and 110 Ug/ml after C. maculatus treated with different concentrations of B.T J, B.t 0900, Bt NRRL 2172, BT IP thurizide and Bt HD112.,under laboratory conditions ., respectively. The corresponding LC50s of C. chinensis, 233, 132, 145, 77 and 100 Ug/ml ., respectively .
ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING PLAN FOR TRUNCATED LIFE TESTS BASED ON GOMPERTZ DISTRIBUTION USING MEAN[Full-Text ] D.Malathi and Dr.S.MuthulakshmiThe design of acceptance sampling plan is proposed for the truncated life tests assuming that the lifetime of a product follows Gompertz distribution using mean. The minimum sample sizes of the zero-one double sampling plan and special double sampling plan are determined to ensure that the mean life is longer than the given life at the specified consumer’s confidence level. The operating characteristic values are analysed. The minimum mean ratios are obtained so as to meet the producer’s risk at the specified consumer’s confidence level. Numerical illustrations are provided to explain the use of constructed tables. Efficiency of the proposed plan is studied by comparing the single sampling plan.
STUDY ON RISK ANALYSIS IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECT[Full-Text ] M.NARMATHA.By adopting risk management, savings potentials can be realized in construction projects. For this reason, for project managers as well as real estate developers, a consideration of the risk management process is worthwhile. The risk management process comprises 6 process steps, which will be discussed in greater detail below. The integration of a risk management system in construction projects must be oriented to the progress of the project and permeate all areas, functions and processes of the project. In this, particular importance is attached to the risks in the personnel area, for, particularly for enterprises providing highly qualified services, specialized employees are essential for market success.
Attitude towards Distance Education among Graduate Students[Full-Text ] Dr. Eklak Ahamad, Dr. Zeba AqilDistance education is very vital for our country because of population and resources. Forma l education is not sufficient to cover all the people. The aim of this paper is to know the current attitude of graduate students about distance education. The other objective is to compare the attitude of engineering and B. Sc students towards distance education. Self made tool was used for this purpose on 200 graduate students of Lucknow district of Uttar Pradesh. Items of tool have both positive and negative type. This is five point summated rating scale. The result shows that there is no difference in male and female graduate students on attitude towards distance education. Same result id found in different branches of Engineering students. They have favouarable attitude towards distance education. Religion has no role on attitude because Muslim and Hindu students also show the positive attitude. It is very important to those students who have no time for regular class because of some problems. The scope is increasing day by day of distance education and open University play significant role in this regard.
Creativity and Achievement Motivation in adolescents as influenced by their Mother’s Professionalism[Full-Text ] Dr. Zeba Aqil, Dr. Eklak AhamadThere is one of the most important characteristics of life is creativity. It is influenced by many factors. Achievement motivation is other psychological aspects of students which are also affected by mother profession i.e. working and non-working. In this paper investigator tried to answer the above question. The objectives of the study are to study the creativity and achievement motivation in adolescents in relation to their mother profession. 200 students have taken as sample of IXth class from the school of Lucknow. In present study, Passi test of Creativity by Dr. B. K. Passi and Achievements Motivation Scale by Prof. Pratibha Dev and Dr. Asha Mohan were used for data collection. Appropriate statistical techniques used for data analysis. The results reveal that there is no significant difference between male and female students on creativity and achievement motivation. Same result is found in working and non-working women students on creativity and achievement motivation. It means that no role of mother profession on students creativity and academic motivation. Creativity is God gifted and academic motivation is related to hard working of students.
SELECTION OF SUITABLE STABILIZATION METHOD FOR PROBLEMATIC SOIL[Full-Text ] R.HARIHARAN, G.SABARINATHAN, B.PRABHAKARAN, R.SHANKARSoil is an unconsolidated material that has resulted from disintegration of rocks. The type and characteristics of soil depend largely on its origin transportation causes the sizes and shapes of particles to alter and sort into sizes. The engineering properties is permeability, consolidation and shear strength of a soil deposit are governed by the mode of formation stress history, ground water condition and physic chemical characteristics of the parent material.
The entomotoxicity of Destruxin and Nano-Destruxin against three olive pests under laboratory and field conditions[Full-Text ] Sabbour M.M and S.M. SingerThe toxin of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae , Destruxin and Nano- Destruxin was tested against the olive insect pests: Bactrocera oleae, Ceratitis capitata and Prays oleae under laboratory and field conditions. The half lif period, LC50 of the three serious olive pests under laboratory conditions after Destruxin treatments , which show that, B. oleae LC50 obtained 110 mg/L. the LC50 of C. capitate and B. oleae recorded 121 and 132mg/L respectively.
Impact of Renewable Resources Forecasting on Unit Commitment Solution of Egyptian Electric Grid[Full-Text ] S. S. Kaddah, K. M. Abo-Al-Ez, T.F. Megahed, M. G. OsmanTo ensure optimum operation with the stochastic nature sources, it is essential to develop an efficient forecasting model for wind and solar power generation. A hybrid Markov chain is used to forecast solar radiation as it is suitable for modelling discrete process. While, auto regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model is used to predict wind speed as a continuous process. Renewable forecasting methods which built in this paper was compared with the other forecasting models and found that the recommended model in this research more accurate, simpler and faster than other models. Wind speed and solar radiation are forecasted at local sites in Egypt. Based on the forecasting outcomes, it would be possible to perform unit commitment to ensure optimal operation with the presence of renewable energy. Unit committed objective for the Eastern Portion of the Egyptian electrical grid is obtained. Also, to overcome the variation and error of renewable forecasting in unit commitment, the reserve constraint is modified to develop two new reserves; up reserve and down reserve.
Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Their Nitrated Derivatives (NPAHs) at Nile River and Esmailia Canal in Egypt[Full-Text ] Hossam F. Nassar, Ning Tang, Akira Toriba, Fagr Kh. Abdel-Gawad and Kazuichi HayakawaFresh water samples at three sites in Nile River (NR1, NR2 and NR3) and two sites in Esmailia canal (E1 and E2) in Egypt were collected. Concentrations of soluble and particulate phases of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and nitrated derivatives (NPAHs) were determined by using HPLC with florescence detection and HPLC with chemilumnecence detection, respectively. The total average concentrations of the fifteen PAHs having two to six rings at NR1, NR2 and NR3 in summer and winter seasons were ranged from 2.47 × 103 to 3.20 × 103, 0.99 × 103 to 1.27 × 103 and 1.19 × 103 to 1.43 × 103 ng/L, respectively, while those at E1 and E2 were ranged from 6.17 × 103 to 7.55 × 103 and 1.27 × 104 to 1.73 × 104 ng/L, respectively. The concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) at Nile River and Esmailia canal sites were varied from 26.4 to 83.2 ng/L. The total average concentrations of eight NPAHs having three to five rings at the same sites in summer and winter seasons were varied from 7.5 to 11.2, 5.2 to 7.0 and 5.7 to 8.0 ng/L at NR1, NR2 and NR3 respectively, and varied from 7.6 to 11.8 and 16.0 to 20.0 ng/L at E1 and E2 respectively. The major sources of PAHs and NPAHs in water environment were discussed based on the most widely used diagnostic ratios of PAH pairs and mono-NPAHs to their parent PAHs, indicating a mixed contamination sources with the predominance of petrogenic source origin at Nile River sites, and pyrogenic source origin at Esmailia canal sites in both summer and winter seasons.
Physicochemical and Phytochemical Analysis of Bauhinia variegata Modern analytical HPTLC Fingerprinting[Full-Text ] Kalpana Pachouri , Sandeep YadavBauhinia variegata Linn. belonging to the family leguminosae is a medium sized, deciduous tree, found throughout India. In folk medicine, the plant is considered to be used to treat gastric and blood disorders and as liver tonic diabetic. In present study the detailed pharmacognostic study and screening for leaf and bark of is carried out to lay down the standards for its quality control purposes in future standardization studies. Its includes standardization parameters i.e organoleptic, physicochemical evaluation, preliminary phytochemical screening, HPTLC determination and total phenolic content. The data obtained can use for its quality control studies.
A Tool to Measure Parameters of Sustainable Behavior in Dengue Prevention and Control Activities. A cluster randomized controlled trial[Full-Text ] Dengue, dengue fever (DF) dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome DSS), is the fastest reemerging viral public health problem in the world.
EFFECT OF SHADE ON THE YIELD AND PRODUCTIVITY OF TWO COWPEA VARIETIES (VIGNA UNGUICULATA)[Full-Text ] Dauda Danlami, H. M. Ibrahim, Ibrahim A. Sabo, Tasiu Mahmud, Idris Z. SadiqThis experiment was conducted in order to determine the effect of different light intensity on growth, productivity and pod production on some selected varieties of cowpea. In order determine this, two varieties of cowpea which are IT90K-277-2 and IT89KD- 288 plants were evaluated to shade tolerance under four treatment 100% sun, 100% shade, 5 weeks in-out, and 5 weeks out-in. variety 288 showed higher pod weight and number of seeds under 5 weeks in-out of all the treatment; 100% shade induced reduced fodder and grain yield production in both of the varieties. These finding identified variety IT89KD-288 to be more tolerant to shade. These findings could go along way in boasting agricultural yield and productivity in the varieties.
Modelling the sustainability of low-cost hand drilling methods of shallow 1 groundwater abstraction: the case of the Upper Benue River, NE Nigeria[Full-Text ] Buba A. Ankidawa, Chris Bradley, Philip Collins and Suzanne A. G. LeroyThis paper: assesses whether current rates of groundwater abstraction from the alluvial aquifer of the River Benue, NE Nigeria, are sustainable; and examines the significance of fluctuations in summer river levels on the floodplain water table. A conceptual groundwater flow model for a floodplain cross-section is developed using MODFLOW with stratigraphic data obtained by hand augering.
THE IMPACT OF WATER SUPPLY ON DEVELOPMENTAL PROJECTS AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS: INSIGHTS AND EXPERIENCES OF ADO-EKITI, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] OYEBODE, O. J, ADEBAYO V. BWater is the most common substance on earth. It covers more than 70 per cent of the earth's surface. It fills the oceans, rivers, and lakes, and is in the ground and in the air we breathe. Water is everywhere. Regardless of language or culture, all humans share this basic need that is essential for survival. We drink water, cook with it, bathe in it, sprinkle our lawns with it, fill our backyard swimming pools with it - even create theme parks based on it. More than half of Africa's villages lack access to a clean water supply. In many of these villages, women and children must walk up to ten miles every day carrying heavy buckets and containers to fetch the day's supply of potable water for their households. Those hours could be spent on other more profitable ways.
Reel Therapy - Using Movie in Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Practice[Full-Text ] Arul Edward JosephThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the recommendation of movies in counselling and psychotherapy, as a modern trend. In Reel Therapy (Cinema Therapy), therapists choose and assign specific films to clients, on the basis of their interpretations of films having specific therapeutic value. Reel Therapy can be a powerful catalyst for healing and personal growth for anybody who is open to learning how movies affect us by watching them with conscious awareness. Watching movies with conscious awareness can be similar to a guided visualization. The therapeutic effect and the theoretical basis for both approaches are therefore closely related.
Ferro fluid squeeze film in infinitely long porous rough rectangular plates[Full-Text ] Ankit S. Acharya, R.M. Patel and G.M.DeheriThis article aims to analyse the behaviour of a magnetic fluid based squeeze film between infinitely long, porous and transversely rough rectangular plates by considering an unusual form of the magnitude of the magnetic field. The stochastic method of Christensen and Tonder has been employed to evaluate the effect of surface roughness. The concerned stochastically averaged Reynolds’ type equation is solved with appropriate boundary conditions. The results presented in graphical form establish that magnetization offers help to a limited extent in order to minimize the adverse effect of roughness. But, this investigation establishes that by considering a suitable form of magnitude of the magnetic field the situation can be made better.
A SECOND-ORDER SEMI-LAGRANGIAN INTEGRATION SCHEME FOR INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOWS[Full-Text ] NWOJO NNANNA AGWUIn this paper we present a scheme based on semi-Lagrangian integration (SLI) for approximating the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Exact solutions of these equations are generally difficult to find particularly when strict physical conditions are required to hold. However, in this paper we focus on the stability of an approximate solution. The solution presented is unconditionally stable and therefore allows for arbitrary time steps. It can be used for a stable and an efficient real-time simulation of fluid flow. Applications are found in computer graphics, weather forecasting and other areas that require real-time simulation of fluid flow.
Optimization of Dynamic Source Routing Protocol Considering the Mobility Effect of Nodes in Cache parameter using OPNET [Full-Text ] Lokesh Laddhani, Umesh Kumar SinghIn this paper we propose a method of improving the performance of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. In DSR, as well as other on-demand routing protocols, every established path is considered as temporary to reflect the mobility effect, therefore, once a path is established, it is associated with an expiration time. After the route expiration time the path is deleted from the route cache of the nodes. In practice the mobility of nodes are not equal all the time and we propose to treat paths differently according to their stationary, rather than deleting them after every route expiration time to improve performance. By simulation we show that this method improves the performance of DSR.
Effect of filler loading on the polymorphs of calcium carbonate crystallization of chitin reinforced polymer[Full-Text ] Michael Ikpi Ofem (PhD), Muneer Umar (PhD) , Musa Muhammed (M.Eng)Crystals were precipitated by evaporation casting method within a very short time of 5 minutes at 30°C. The crystals were grown in chitin whiskers (CHW), Poly (acrylic acid) (PAA) and CHW/PAA composites. The volume fraction for calcite, vaterite and aragonite were respectively 0.65, 0.25 and 0.10. The calcite and aragonite volume fractions decrease in favour of vaterite as PAA increases up to 11%cw. At 3%cw aragonite polymorph growth was favoured to the detriment of calcite. SEM images in the absence of PAA and CHW, showed rhombohedral calcites were observed while rod-like aragonite polymorphs were seen when only PAA was used as template. In the presence of only CHW, a morphological mixture of ellipsoidal and disc shape with traces of rhombohedral aggregate calcite dominated the features. In the presence of both PAA and CHW, the rhombohedral shape showed roughness with irregular faces while the vaterite polymorph continued to agglomerate with the observation of porosity at higher CHW content.