Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2015.
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Speech Recognition Techniques: A Review[Full-Text ] Praphulla A. Sawakare, Ratndeep R. Deshmukh, Pukhraj P. ShrishrimalSpeech is the natural and the fundamental way of communication for most humans. Human beings are developing systems which can understand, interpret and accept the command via speech signals. Speech recognition is the process of converting an acoustic waveform into the text similar to the information being conveyed by the speaker .This paper present the basic idea of speech recognition system for fundamental progress of speech recognition and also gives overview technique developed in each stage of speech recognition.
Location Tracking and Security in Information Technology[Full-Text ] Winfried Yao BonsiTechnological innovations in information technology have become very famous across the globe. Many of these technologies have great merits but they equally pose threats in security and privacy. One of such technologies is location tracking. The main objective of this technology is to ensure security and safety. This service uses information on the geographical position of a mobile device or uses Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID) or Closed Circuit TV cameras (CCTV) to track locations. It is used in areas such as health, indoor object search and personal security. It is used to identify the location of a person, which most American parents use to track the movement of their children. This service is also useful in tracking stolen items such as cars, mobile devices and laptops, store products and also very useful for the police in tracking criminals.
Use of Computer Aided Instruction in Enhancing English Grammar Performance of College Students[Full-Text ] Jesus Rafael B. JarataIntegrating technology in language teaching has recently earned much popularity due to its tremendous impact on language educa-tion. This paper examined the potential of the Computer Aided Instruction in helping Filipino learners of the language to learn English grammar more easily and correctly. Using the pretest-posttest control group experimental research design, it determined the English grammar performance of first year college students of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University- South La Union Campus in English 100 (Basic English) when exposed to counteractive lecture. Specifically, it sought to identify the level of performance of two groups of students in terms of their scores in a teacher-made grammar test, and the significant difference between the achievements of the two groups in the pretest mean scores and posttest mean scores. Thirty students were considered and divided into groups: (1) CG who will be taught with conventional teaching and (2) EG who will undergo counteractive lecture. Incidentally, the equal mean performances of the EG and CGs in the Pretest establish their homogeneity which is poised towards the bottom—showing that the teaching-learning process on this area is wanting of interventions to make learning more stimulating to students. Meanwhile, the evident rise on the performance of the EGs establishes the effectiveness of CAI as supplement to traditional mode of instruction. The significant difference in the performances of the EG and CGs in the Posttest corroborates with all the afore-mentioned findings to emphasize the effectiveness of CAI as supplement to traditional teaching for the systematic presentation of learning techniques to students.
A New Block Truncation Coding (NBTC) For Satellite Image Retrieval Using Dot-diffusion Technique[Full-Text ] Deepti Chavan, Kiran Ashok BhandariPresently there are issues related to retrieval of satellite images from huge database wherein the data goes on mushrooming day by day .The low bit rate configuration are causing problems such as noise, inherent artefact .Therefore to overcome these issues a new block truncation coding using dot diffusion technique is proposed in this paper. The dot diffusion technique has the characteristic of parallelism in order to enhance the processing efficiency. Here to retrieve the best quality image the class and diffused matrix is used of size 16 × 16 . On studying and comparing the results with Block truncation coding technique using error –diffusion and the proposed new block truncation coding using dot diffusion the results show that the proposed system gives excellent image quality ,high performance . It also satisfies one of the vital the processing efficiency attribute.
Some Engineering Properties Of Shea Kernel In Ghana[Full-Text ] Emmanuel Amomba. Seweh, Samuel Apuri, Isaac Gibberson. Dukuh, Osei Tutu IsaacData on engineering properties of agricultural produce are essential for designing of equipment for harvesting, processing, transportation, cleaning, sorting, separation, packaging and storage. In this research, some geometric, gravimetric and frictional properties of the shea kernel were investigated. The geometric properties investigated are the axial dimensions (Length, L, Width, W and Thickness, T), geometric mean diameter, arithmetic diameter, aspect ratio, sphericity, surface area and volume. While the gravimetric properties investigated included 1000-kernel mass, true density, bulk density and porosity. The frictional properties investigated were angle of repose and static co-efficient of friction; determined: on five structural surfaces, namely: glass plywood, Mild steel, Galvanized steel and Stainless steel. Moisture content was determined on dry basis. The results obtained indicated that the mean values for the length, Width, Thickness ,Geometric mean diameter, Arithmetic diameter, Aspect ratio, Sphericity, Surface area and Volume were 2.543±0.196cm, 1.803±0.142 cm, 1.576±0.107cm, 1.928±0.101cm, 1.974±0.098cm, 71.279±4.750%, 76.104±7.249%, 11.716±1.196cm2, 3.793±0.581cm3, and ranged between (2.137-2.973cm), (1.295-2.222cm), (1.145-665.966cm), (1.610-2.194cm), (1.651-2.272cm), (46.614-90.285%, 62.530-87.968%, (8.145-15.119cm2), 2.190-5.542cm3) respectively. Also1000-kernel mass, true density, bulk density, Porosity were 4117.833g, 1.093g/cm3, 0.682±0.013g/cm3, 38.347±0.612%, and ranged between (2600.000-6020.000g), (0.867-2.008g/cm3), (37.300-38.929g/cm3), (37.300-38.929%), respectively. Angle of repose and Coefficient of static friction on Glass, Plywood, Mild steel, Galvanised steel, Stainless steel were 34.818±3.9320 and 0.168±0.020, 0.461±0.013, 0.385±0.016, 0.238±0.016, 0.292±0.027and ranged between (27.245-40.325o) and (0.151-0.184), (0.436-0.483), (0.361-0.394), (0.220-0.256), (0.262-0.301) respectively. Plywood had the highest static co-efficient of friction while glass had the least co-efficient of friction. This is due to the degree of roughness or smoothness. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics (minimum and maximum values, mean and standard deviation). All experiments were conducted at a moisture content of 6.763± 0.440 % (d.b).
Anticorrosive Effect and Catalytic Activity of a Newly Synthesized Chalcone and its Copper Complex: Application Studies[Full-Text ] Ahmed M. El-desoky, Dina M. Abd El-Aziz, Marwa N. El-NahassThe inhibitory action of newly synthesized chalcone against the corrosion of copper in 1 M HNO3 solution was investigated using Tafel polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The inhibition efficiency increased with increasing inhibitor concentrations. Molecular modelling was used to gain some insight, about structural and electronic effects in relation to the inhibiting efficiencies. On the other hand, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have proved very effective in the treatment of the various hazardous organic pollutants in water. The synthesized complex was found to be quite active for the catalytic degradation of the Acid Blue 25 textile dye and could be a potential model for removal dyes from colored effluents. Catalytic degradation of the Acid Blue 25 textile dye was studied using H2O2 as oxidant and copper-chalcone complex as heterogenous catalyst using steady-state absorption and emission techniques. The mechanism of the degradation process involves an electron excitation and the generation of very active oxygenated species that attack the dye molecules. The percent of degradation obtained after the reaction between the acid blue 25 dye and both H2O2/catalyst was 86.7, while the corresponding one with catalyst only was 74.6. Finally, the reusability of the catalyst, copper-chalcone complex has been reported.
Mechanical properties of Dungeness crab based chitin[Full-Text ] Michael Ikpi Ofem, Musa Muhammed and Muneer UmarChitin from Dungeness crab was extracted by chemical processes. Chitin film prepared by a modified method was characterised for mechanical, thermal and structure related properties. Depending on the gauge length the stress at failure decreased from 63.9MPa at 5mm gauge length to 36.6MPa at 50mm gauge length. TGA based thermal characterisation shows a two stage weight losses, one due to water and the other related to saccharide rings degradation. In the DSC no glass transition was observed whereas the Raman spectrum indicated an α-chitin polymorph with the amide band splitting into two peaks at 1653 and 1621cm.-1 XRD spectrum showed four peaks at 2Θ = 9.48°, 21.05°, 22.98° and 25.96° with a crystalline index of 86%. SEM images showed rough surfaces with fibril like morphology without any trace of porosity.
Polyphase CIC Filter Structures For Digital Receivers[Full-Text ] R.Latha, Dr.P.T.VanathiThere are multiple ways to implement a decimator filter. In this paper, first approach addresses usage of Cascaded Integrator Comb (CIC) filter transfer function through the polynomial formula with zeros and poles. Second approach is to implement a conventional poly-phase comb filter and the third approach is based on modified poly-phase comb filter. A Power efficient poly-phase decomposition comb filter with a clock distribution algorithm for its memory elements is presented. The proposed algorithm results in a significant reduction in the dynamic power consumption, comparing with the conventional poly-phase decomposition comb filter that is widely used as a first stage of decimation process in sample rate conversion for multi-rate telecommunication receivers. A general form of the proposed clock distribution algorithm is presented with respect to the decimation factor of the poly-phase comb filter. It is shown that, using the proposed clock distribution algorithm reduces the dynamic power consumption of the memory elements for a second order poly-phase comb filter when compared with polynomial CIC filter. As well as, we can reduce the dynamic power consumption of the memory elements for a third order poly-phase comb filter. It is estimated such that power consumed in modified poly-phase comb decimation filter is less than the power consumed in conventional poly-phase comb decimation filter.
Analytical study on Collaborative Filtering techniques for Location-based Recommendation[Full-Text ] Poonam ChavanThe popularity of location-based social networks provides us with a new platform to understand users’ behavior and preferences based on their location histories. Social networking applications have become very important web services that provide Internet-based platforms for their users to interact with their friends. With the advances in the location-aware hardware and software technologies, location-based social networking applications have been pro-posed to provide services for their users, taking into account both the spatial and social aspects. Location as one of the most important components of user context implies extensive knowledge about an individual’s interests and behavior, thereby providing us with opportunities to better understand users in a social structure according to not only online user behavior but also the user mobility and activities in the physical world. Under many such circumstances, a location recommender system is a valuable but unique application in location-based social networking services, in terms of what a recommendation is and where a recommendation is to be made. Collaborative filtering (CF) technique for recommendation becomes one of the popular recommendation techniques for location recommendation. This analysis presents a comparative study on different collaborative filtering methods like Hypertext Induced Topic Search (HITS) based model, CF with Collaborative Location and Activity Recommendations (CLAR) and candidate selection method used for location recommendation.
Side Channel Attack on various Cryptographic Algorithms[Full-Text ] Shraddha More, Prof.Rajesh BansodeInformation security is the protection of information system against unconstitutional access to or amendment of information, whether in storage, processing or transit and against the denial of service to authorized users. In today’s environment, security has become an important threat. Good cryptography techniques can help to mitigate this security threat. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric key encryption standard widely used to secure data where data confidentiality is a critical issue. NIST exhausted several years to analyzing the Rijndael algorithm for vulnerabilities against all known breeds of attacks and finally declared it to be a secure algorithm. In 2005 Daniel J. Bernstein stated that the software implementation of AES is susceptible to side channel attacks. Cache timing attack is a type of side channel attack where the leaking timing information due to the cache performance of a cryptosystem is used by an attacker to break the system. Over the years many researchers have proposed a number of countermeasures against Cache Timing Attack but there is no substantiation to date of any investigation carried out to determine their effectiveness and efficiency. This paper focused on implementing timing attack on different cryptographic algorithms and investigating the countermeasures against the remote cache timing attack with positive outcomes, in which research work establish a secured environment for the cryptography.
Preparation and Characterization of Pure and Ti4+doped Li4Mn5O12 Spinels as Cathodes for Li-ion Batteries[Full-Text ] S.Sharmila, B.Janarthanan, J.ChandrasekaranAn attempt was made to synthesize Li4Mn5-xTixO12 (x=0.0, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 mole) via single step molten salt method. Structural, morphological and electrical studies were carried out to analyze its structure, shape, size and conductivity of the material. XRD pattern revealed the formation of spinel structure with fd3m space group. SEM analysis exhibited the formation of polyhedral shape with micron sized particles. Conductivity of the samples was improved by Ti4+ doping with three different concentrations and 0.3 moles were identified as optimum concentration with 1 x 10-5Scm-1 at 413 K.
Instant aircraft recovery during disaster using ADS-B technology[Full-Text ] Vivek Agarwal, Saket Thakare, Akshay JaiswalThe traditional methods of search and rescue operation in the event of an aircraft disaster has a number of limitations and is highly time consuming and cost inefficient. Dependence on RADAR technology has its own limitations and does not allow continuous aircraft tracking over vast regions of ocean bodies. In this paper, we analyze how ADS-B can prove to be a vital breakthrough as it continuously monitors aircraft’s geographical co-ordinates using a geosynchronous satellite with high accuracy and at any geographical location. Using this data, the search and rescue teams can find the aircraft in a matter of hours, and this increases the survival chances of the passengers if possible.
Preprocessing of Web Usage Data For Log Analysis[Full-Text ] Bhawesh Kumar Thakur, Syed Qmar Abbas, Mohd Rizwan Beg, Sheenu RizviFrequent interaction of users with the World Wide Web to access wide ranges of information and available services, it become necessary to handle web usage data in an efficient manner. Web usage mining incorporate data generated at both client side as well as server side. But generally web log preprocessing are meant for the data available at server that is actually generated by the clients when they made any request to the server. The knowledge retrieved from preprocessing can be used to make a comfortable environment to the frequently visiting customer. Preprocessing of web log data is one of the important activities that are required to make web log data in proper format and then can be used for further knowledge discovery process
Automatic Room Temperature Controlled Fan Speed Controller Using PT-100[Full-Text ] M. A. A. Mashud, Dilruba Yasmin, M. A. Razzaque and M. H. UddinNow-a-day’s technology is running with time, it completely occupied the life style of human beings. Even though there is such an importance for technology in our routine life there are even people whose life styles are very far to this well known term technology. So it is our responsibility to design few reliable systems which can be even efficiently used by them. Automatic Room Temperature Controlled Fan Speed Controller is one of them. The developed system provides an environment in which no user needed to control the fan speed. Automatically control the fan speed by sensing the room temperature. These fascinating efforts to create intelligent system are to provide human being a more convenient life. The circuit was designed using electronic components available in local market to keep the cost at low level.
Aetiology of neovascular glaucoma among patients attending a tertiary eye care centre in South India[Full-Text ] Dr Hari Ramakrishnan DO DNB FRCS(Glasg), Dr Suseela B Nair DO MSNeovascular glaucoma (NVG) is a highly intractable form of secondary glaucoma caused by the development of a fibrovascular tissue in the angle of the eye. Retinal hypoxia caused by a number of diseases is responsible for this condition. This study was undertaken to assess the various etiological factors for neovascular glaucoma. Among the 42 eyes studied the commonest cause encountered was Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR -19 eyes). Central Retinal Vein Occlusion was seen in 15 eyes. Other causes noted were retinal vasculitis (2 eyes), central retinal artery occlusion (1 eye), carotid artery disease (1 eye) combined arterial and venous occlusion (1 eye), Coat’s disease (1 eye), chronic uveitis (1eye) and undetermined (1 eye).
Performance analysis of D-STATCOM with Consideration of Power Factor Correction[Full-Text ] M.Bala krishna Naik, I.Murali krishna, Dr K.Satya NarayanaIn this paper proposes an intelligent approach (Fuzzy logic) for the design of PI controller for power. D-STATCOM for power factor and harmonic compensation. The proposed control strategy has been introduced in order to enhance some steady-state performances besides its functional elimination of power quality disturbances. Power factor and harmonic current of a controlled feeder section are two vital roles in steady-state power distribution system operation. Utilizing an already installed D-STATCOM to achieve these additional control objectives can help system operators maximize overall system performances.
Baseline Data Preparation of Revenue Land Record[Full-Text ] Rana Muhammad Sohail Aslam, Sajid Rashid Ahmed, Kashif AslamImportance of maps whether displaying spatial locations or geographical patterns remained significant in every age of mankind. Currently, different kind of maps are being prepared but human interest for land use mapping with focus on land ownership record and management is considerable at all times. In this regard, different land use mapping practices have had applied to observe, monitor and manage different man made activities at various scales. Cadastral mapping technique is one of these practices to maintain metes-and-bounds of a country at defined spatial units. Currently, traditional methods (i.e. paper maps) to update and maintain these maps are still in practice in most of the developing countries. In Pakistan, Board of Revenue (BOR), which is responsible to maintain the revenue land record at cadastral level (which locally called “Patwar System”), is mainly involved traditional revenue mapping methods. Each parcel of land in this Patwar system is called "Khasra" (i.e. a number assigned to a block of land). These khasra records are maintained through traditional cadastral mapping technique which needs to be switched with more efficient and convenient computer based methods such as geographical information systems (GIS). The purpose of this research is to propose a GIS based system that transform the traditional cadastral mapping method into a well-organized and handy mapping technique.
Design and Hardware Implementation of a Fast Responsive Handsfree Mouse Using Robust Object Tracking Algorithms[Full-Text ] KaziTauseef MohammadIn this paper an improved pen mouse is implemented on hardware to demonstrate a robust approach for controlling mouse movements and functions. Using an illuminated marker of specific shape, color and size; actions of a mouse cursor can be effectively performed. Existing approaches involve gesture recognition of hand and eye movement to control functionality of a computer mouse. Outcome of such approaches are severely affected by the presence of background objects and surrounding light conditions. This project takes a different course towards changing the hardware design in order to use the mouse freely in the air. This technology can greatly boost the Man-Machine Interaction and allow the user of computer ease and freedom while interfacing with their devices. Our method uses combination of computer vision technology and simple inexpensive hardware that together can efficiently perform the Graphical User Interface (GUI) tasks of current commercial mouse devices (such as left and right clicking, double-clicking, and scrolling).
Comparative study of T-beam bridge longitudinal girder design using IRC 112:2011 and IRC 21:2000[Full-Text ] R.Shreedhar and Shivanand TenagiT-beam Bridge is composite concrete structure which is composed of slab panel, longitudinal girder and cross girder. Present study is mainly focusses on design of longitudinal girder by IRC: 112-2011 and IRC: 21-2000. In India, till now girders are designed and constructed according to Indian road congress guidelines as per IRC: 21-2000 code in which working stress method is used. Recently Indian road congress has introduced another code IRC: 112-2011 for design of prestress and RCC bridges using limit state method. In regards to this, present study has been performed to know how design of IRC-112 differs from IRC-21 and an attempt is made to study undefined parameters of IRC: 112-2011 such as span to depth (L/d) ratio. Present study is performed on design of longitudinal girder using “working stress method” using IRC: 21-2000 and limit state method using IRC: 112-2011 code specifications. It is observed that L/d ratio of 10 in working stress method and L/d ratio of 14 in limit state method is most preferable. Quantity of materials required in limit state method is compared with quantity of material required in working stress method and it is found that concrete can be saved up to 25 to 30% using limit state method.